women's her per- rset. A ives the ntour is y form. sciel.ce of styles t Designs. Corsets, $2, $2.50, ew Models, $1, tandard' Models, Ss, -50C, 75C, $1, 1.25. | 21 Up to 36. Cvs 39C 6c. cial at 25¢. y 75€C- sthers en's and Babies' a great boon to materials much ed garment. from 1 year up. cotton and white ost Up-to- Jepart- ton. ecting the lines that | stocky: as our res k free from any aC* st enough differ. nt an odd line. The OF STORE Saturday's 3 Specials On Sale "All This Week Soc. and 75c. All Wool and Fleeced Underwear, 37%c. and $1.50 Fleeced Underwear, 65c. $1 $1.50, $2 and $2.50 Odd Shirts and Drawers, $1. We continue selling $18, $20 $9. Jenkins' Dissolution Sale OUR OFFER POR FEBRUARY Canadiaf) Box Calf Made- $5 to-Order Lace Boots - This work will be made in our usual excellent manner. We can recommend it very highly, Wear "Allen's" Military Beotmakers, 84 Brock St. SIGN OF GOLDEN BOOT. THERE 1S A CHANCE 1 have almost new stoves, in cooks and heaters, loft, which I wil} sell at big bar. gains, also furniture, as 1 want to get space for other stock in spring. SHOP, TURK'S ~ SECOND-HAND 398 Princess Street, WANTED, r-- re. A MAN TO LOOK AFTER FURNACE and do chores at the Iroquois hotel A GENERAL SERVANT, NO WASH- ing or irening. Apply at 55 George street. ee -- ---------------------------------------- NURSE GIRL OF 17 TO 20 YEARS Good wages. Apply - to 124 Bagot street west. MEDIUM SizEn SE $0 RENT, with ms i ints, Ly small family." "43; fice. A i ---------------------- CANVASSING AGENT IN KINGSTON for Hon. John Charlton's volume of speeches and addresses. Liberal com- mission. Apply throu Whig office GENTLEMEN, TO GET THEIR Spring Suits made up at Galloway's, 131 Brock street, next to Bibby's livery; style, fit and price guaranteed to please; pressing and repairing done promptly. teeter eesti, ALL INTELLIGENT, RELIABLE PEO- ple who are seeking an advantageous change, or those who are idle and want work will accomplish their burpose by writing Marshall & Co., tea importers, London, Ont.; Outfit furnished. PUPILS AT MME. ELDE making Parlors; 4 street. Evening ¢nstumes a special- ty. Instructions_in dressmaking giv- en day and evening until March 1st Cutting by measure, designing, otc., including system, $10 'S DRESS- Princess GooDp BUILDING Queen street, betwe Bagot IbE and street en. Montreal Apply 49 Colborne A BUSINESS CHANCE, SUITABLE FOR lady or gentleman annual profit $4.500 Apply at McCann's, al Broek street. Bl SINESS CHANCE FOR §1.000 With a net income of $4,500 owner's failing health cause of sale Apply at McCann's. 51 Brock street TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR the following Property t 20th, 1905 Nos. 204, streot and Nos. 109, 111 Wellington 8 heated by hot water: and Nos 2 » 234 Sydenham street, and 185 Clergy street. heated by hot air All these properties have all modern Mirovemonts; can be bought singly or otherwise, on easy terms. Also Jot north-west corner of Mack and A}- hert streets, opposite Victoria Park, and half Jot on Ordnance str . Op= vosite Frontenac Park. Address Box 41. Whig office, LOST. A SMALL DIAMOND RING ON EARL, Wellington, Reward for 0 February 206 Wiliam its return to Whig office A Young COLLIE DOG, DARK brown, answerin, the name of "Tin on Saturday night. Anyone Kiving information "at this office or returning | the dog to Miss Strau- benzie, Portsmouth, will he row arded. -- TOLET DWELLINGS, STORES, OFFICES, Factories and Storage at MeCann's Real Estate Office, 51 Brock street Left Nearly $100,000,000. Pittsburg, Pa', Feb, 3.~The will of Charles Lockhart, whose estate ix os timated ay between 875.000 000 and 2100.000,000, was probated - to-day. Mr. Lockhart bequeaths £360,000 for public benefits. (Of this sup, the {ni ted Preshyterian church is given £130, - 000. The YMCA. of Pittshurg, is given $30,000. s "I you bet" on the hockey match Just say a pound of Huyler's candies, Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, - At Peterbore, on Wednesday night, an interesting address was delivered by Xe. Webwan, o traveller, from Kings on, on great help Christian Science had been to hi and $22 Suits for Ciarence or Kine streots qegling into Ontario that IC 0 3 n DAILY MEMORANDA. -- Election Recount, 10 a.m. Saturday, This day in born 1809, The road full of ruts history : to failure is the oye that i Dyeing his man's vears Even the hour of adversity only con tains 60 minutes g The sun rises Saturday at 7.13 a.m and sets at 5.14 pn, Success always stands for itseli. Fail ure needs an explanation The woman who drives drink has no need of a whip. hair will a Iman to To make your table look pretty and show wr friends what good taste you have, get one of our $l SETS We are making o special price on this set. It will please you. ROBERTSON BROS.. POTATOES! We have received about 100 bags nice large white dry Potatoes, same quality as we advertised two weeks ago, and no ecom- plaints. We will deliver the above to-morrow (Saturday) to any part of the city, at 30c. a Bao. We have also a choice selection of FRESH AND COOKED MEATS at reasonable prices. Anderson Br 'Phone 438, Quality Counts | Quantity, Too! We Give You Both. Fancy 6-I. tins 8S. Starch, reg price 60C., special ' 15¢ Corn Starch, 4 packages 25¢ Cream Chocolates, 40c quality Aoc Dried Apricots and Peaches per hy, 15¢ Canned Peaches, Pie Peaches Pears, ete Oranges, 1 Essences hottles Pumpkin tins . Morton's Fresh Herring Aunt J. Pancake Flour. 2 McLaren's Jelly Powder Package Teas--Lipton's. Red Fk Salada, Blue Ribbon, ete Excellent values in Bulk 8c., 25¢., 30c., 35 Mons, etc usual values er tin yack Teas at and doc, F. W. VANLUVEN, 246 PRINCESS ST. "Phone 417, ACCIDENT INSURANCE Surely the 5 loss of 3 " to he INSTUR- in the ; i against such loss form of our famous BULL DOG TIE PIX HOLDER These are RELIABLE and not a bit of trouble. SMITH BROS. JEWELERS OPTICIANG 350 KING ST. TO STOP SMUGGLI NG. Special Officers To Be Put Along Frontier. Special to the Whig Windsor, Ont., Feb, 3 Drastic mea sures ate to be taken by the customs department to suppress increased is being ehrried on, since heavy jee formed, Special pflicers will be scattered along the frontier from Port Lambton on river St. Clair, to the mouth of the Detroit river, below Amherstburg. The goverment has received information that large quantities of all kinds of goods, implements and machinery are heing carried across the river on the ice at night. SHOT IN THE FOOT. Accidental Discharge Of a Re- volves. Special to the Whig Prince Albert, NWT, Poh, 3 "Tom" Marks, an actor, was ace dentally shot in the foot with a pp- volver by a mounted policeman, who, a short time previously, had tuken the weapon away from a man on a train. The policeman was taking the revolver out of his pocket when jt was accidentally discharged, -- Talk About Your Talk Abouts. But we can easily talk about the bread that we are turning out that everyone is tdlking about, W. J. Crothers, "Phone 141, mo, Bird soed, choice mixed, e- Puekages, Ge McLeod's Grog ard Man wants but little here below zero Sons Of Scotland Social gathering, 8 p.m Mendelssohn not lengthen a Jessie Millward. Vanderville Company Matinee Saturday, at 2 30 in Opera House a n Br JS, Ss Meeting With Consequence. Special to the Whig S that the czar had granting a constitut a semi-official stat port, bly based on stances : The council already announced, motion made by M, 1 should record its Of to the incidents of Ja recurrence of guch ground that it would ers in so doing, Here whose special opinion on the minutes of t mitted to the emperor cil of ministers held ary sitting on Janua cuss this memorandum tion of an enquiry was discussed, scheme of social leg with special reference of labor, The above s be seen, confirms, mation on which the respondent placed his pretation of a Magna has listened, at of prudence ed by certain of his n Monday's conciliator vague promises of refo of the czar, are not u popular response that The authorities were terday, principal cotton mil iron work last, sentative character of in of workmen voturned to plain that the men se 1" Selo were individu the authoriti by the workmen, who New Year's Day nese. Spkcial to the Whig New York, Feb. 3. of tom-toms and the eo works, ered in to-day by Cel the world. the colony in the have been preparing for days. may be interesting to Chinese New Year fa new moon after the su ius, which makes it ec January 20st, poy 19h. The vear is indice of the reigning emper year begun into English means * cession," for the emper with such merging of an ordinar ohne yea The Chinese might be nal Quakers, so far as their nomencla- | able hesitation, concluded to procesd ture for months and days is concern- | with the re wnt, which was coneludod oil, for they are really not designated | about midnight, The result of the by names, hut by numbers, so that } recount to add two to Dr. Cur New Year's dav is the first day of the | rie's majority which now stand at first month of the thirtieth vear of | nine, the wes being : Currie, 2 Kwang Sui." Norman, 2.261 ---- FAMILIES DRIVEN FROM HOME DYNAMITE EXPLOSION. In Night Clothes By Fire In| Made Savage Injuries On Several Bronx. ' Men. t Whi, Special to the Whig Special t Par 2 ka' of ew York, Fel. 3 Twenty families Rosthen cs Feb i "New Pr were driven from their homes in their 8 serious a Which i ou : I . -- night clothes, two firemen were over. | twenty mi "TS ; W os on come by smoke, and rescued with | Saturday lest. regel ed town to 4 great difficulty, and one girl ig | construction gang were ang a thought to have perished, in a fire | mite to bla t the feomen sarth. Four which destroyed. a five-storey apart. | men wer ng ie work, an nent house in day. har, to. ke -------------- piece of lyr sion which Likely To Be Dropped. the men. It Sherbrooke, Que, Peh, 3.--1¢ is stated that the election petitions in Montreal, Standstead, Compton and man wax Sherbrooke counties will be dropped. ground, but Nothing definite is known here, ac the | od. arrangements are being Ottawa, Winnipeg, Feb. penitentiary 1 convicts confined, A brick the convicts, MeLeod's Oil, a reliable remedy colds and general debil 76c. bottles, Meleod's W. RB. Findlay, in Northern Life Insurance 4 ---- "Cherry Cough Cure" at Chown's. th® city, on business, For Correspondents' Vision Of Constitution. CZAR AT LAST LISTENED TO COMMON SENSE COUNSEL OF MINISTERS. -- Vague Promises Of Reform Not pected--Deputation Teo Packed By Officials--Strikes In Petersburg, Feb, 3.--The to the London Telegraph, to the effect that the report is inaccurate, The re- the statement adds, the following circum- should adopt measures to prevent the which his majesty approved. The coun- and the fmance was empowered partially, the infor- stitution, and indicates that the czar and common by fresh strikes in two of the 8. Reason for strike was to make a protest against the %, and were not chosen HAVING SPORT. the Chinese New Year was ush- No other holiday is so im- portant in the estimation of the Chi- naman as New Year, and members of Mott street quarter To those astronomically inclined jt to-day is the vear of Kwang Sui, which is too sacred to be used in connection A Crowded Prison. 3.--Stony, in crowded, addition wae built last year hy with sixty-four cells and the foundations laid for another wing with accommodation for 150 more -------------------- Emuldion of Cod Liver Response Ex- Czar story signed an ukgse ion, has elicited ement, declaring was proba- of ministers, as had rejected a ke Witte that it sinion in regard nuary 22nd, and events, on the exceed its pow- pon M. De Witte was entered up- he council, sub- a 'memorandum, an extraordin- ry 3st, to dis + when the ques- into the events minister of to prepare a islative reform, to the question tatement, it will Telegraph's cor- utopian inter- Charta and con- to the counsels sense offer- Ministers, v attitude, and rms on the part meeting with the was expected, surprised, yes- ks, and a large unrepre- the so- de Tanhide, received by phe Re: czar. Yestorday's strikers, who had work on Monday, com- mt to the Tsar- ls selected hy repudiate them. Of The Chi- To the beating xplosion of fire- estials all over for the festival know that the lls on the first n enters Aqua me not before after February ated by the age or, so that the tea |. === BIG FANT The nL to tion last 20th, and Evanturel votes, merce rates by t mission. Matthew Winnipeg. ry the of Sweden. Randolph ach portfolio, troubles bh and their e A despat currently of Hon abolish the sion and appoint instead o hoard dir ectly partment at Ottawa, will not ie ceeded with this session, respor Ww. Dr. Curri Special to the Picton, in Prince vesterday thirtieth | Weight. translated | My. Hub, Hlustriods Sue Me. Widdilie 'Or's own name Dr. Currie count. Mi ¥ event as the | tion that a r into another, | thority alled the origi- completed in 3 Mountain With. there. hei al to the Whi fine new solid | "Hol" His Feb. 3A Nashville, Tenn, soacial says: The American fof coughs, argument M the Bronx early to. [ them, in-u lose bis evesight, the other was fright fully cut ahout the face, and the third Jockey club, recently organized by Edward Corrigan, and others. at Hot . Springs, has tracks, ing of the Corrigan forces is held, the names of Highland Park, Detroit, Fort ity, 40c. and drug store. spector of the company is in Frie, Ont., and Windso laced on the American Jockey club list of tracks. This gives Corrigan ten tracks with Jockey Senator home at San The quet in Lon General Elettric Peterboro. Holder wag tlocted chair C. the Hamilton board of educa t night York, cost about £100,000 H. H i has been phan tod a oO of Nova Scotia, "he Canadian will hold _its next annual meeting in Quebec of March 9h ong 10th, The Ontario Jockey glub's meeting will begin in Toronto o In Boston, Edward J. crook, was shot and killed man Barty as be ran to escape arrest. There will be a recount day, in Prescott, where Hon The New has been: appointed deputy commissioner, with headquarters It is rumored that the Princess Mar- garet of Camnaught ic likely to mar At Summerville, NJ. na train struck seven-year-old Flossie dead. The train did not stop. Paul Bosse, a thine alter Mligation, tained the Loo At Hartford, Conn., a seventeon-year-old P..Barry & Sons, on the street and robbed of $1,000, Poison bas been found in the stom- of Mrs, Wolker Hoch, wife of Johann Hoch, "Bluebeard," and the murder charge will be press. ed, In Indi is, Ind., enraged at Miss Carrie ¥, a school teacher, for thrashing son, Mrs, DD. J. Hawk- ing t The Prussian government is consid- ering the possibility the coal mines in view of the constant new sun spot, corded, is now visible, ed, is 80.000 miles will be visible for weven dave, be seen through smoked glass, EDWARD CORRIGAN Will Have Ten Tracks To Fight and OF THE NEws, -- Over The World. al is seriously ill at hi ian Society held a han on Thursday night. The Allan line SS. Hibernian, from Portland, arrived at Glasgow, Wednes- is nl Ja he re. blockade nearly WILL SEE ALL THE SUPPLIES closed 0 Shippiny| OM foundland js COMPLETELY EXHAUSTED, New York State's death rate, last Joes. was 18.2 pee thousand, the | Three Months' Stores Burnt At t ever recorded. \ wkede: The Tenth Century Ball, given hy Hao aang 4x4 n mliute James Hazen Hyde, at Sherry's, Now tles f alu And Anshan ickwire, M.P.P. for Hants member of the Forestry Association oontinue to June 3rd. Banwor, a by Police- next Mon- F.A BE was only defeated by four York Chamber of Com- the fixing of railway he interstate commerce com- Snow, Woolseley, Alberta, warchouse at 8on of the Crown Prince a Lackawan- and her mother. Both are an Albany bootblack, Pe a negro's boots, and the courts sus- Aootblack's action. Agnes L. Long, bookkeeper for was knocked down Chicago, other woman with a SC MPP Nr. Monel, in, the legisly- a8 a member Soverament, without of nationalizing elween mployees, be largest wver re It ix egg shap in diameter, and It may private operators h from. Ottawa save it is eported that the proposal Raymond Prefontaine to Montreal harbor commis sible. ta the marine te i pro- ENT UP TWO. e's Majority Was In. creased. Whig mt... Feb, 3.-The recount Edward took place here hefore Deputy Judge Duvernet, Toronto, and acted for Mr, Norman, an | and Mr, Addison for On the opening of the re Widdifield raisod the objec leputy judge had no au hold a recount. After Ir. Wright, with consider ng adarge red hot crow a fresh hole, struck a amite, causing an explo criowsly wounded three of in fenred one of then will thrown heavily to the was not seriously wound captured when three the next other meet r.+Ont., will be ! DAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1905. plant.of the Canadian Co, will be removed spring n May Ee ---------- Stares Manchurian Army In The Face. > APRIL OR MAY Outranked By Last Week's Vie- y tory. * | Special to the Whig. Tokio, Feb, 3.-~1he Russian casual- ties, last week, in the tighting on the Hun River were over 10,000, The Jap- aneso losses were 7,000. The Kokum- in, commenting upon the fact that the public does not seem to grasp the magnitude of the victory states that the Russians brought into the Held seven divisions of infantry, and one of cavalry. The total foress engaged, humbered 200,000, thus outranking the battles of the Yalu and Nanshan, The prisoners say that the Russian offic. ers expected that the cold would im- pair the fighting ability of the Japa: nese, Anxiety Over Supplies. London, Feb, 3.~The Paris corres: pondent of the Times says : Anxiety prevails in quarters responsible for the supplies for the Russian army in Manchurig, as to the provisioning of the troops in April and May. The fact is, the correspondent. declares, the whole of the resources of Manchuria will be exhausted. There will be no harvest this Year, and there ig none of Inst year's crop left, neither will there He any cattle, Three months stores were burnt at Liao Yang and Mukden, and half a million troops will be depended upon the supplies forwarded by the Manchurian railway, The army is already living from hand to mouth. Some apprehension is felt lest the temptation to ecross the River Liau, into the fertile region of made a wink posit; Ve tin Russian detachment, Afterward Japanese encountered u sian force, and were compel tire. The Japanése lost about 100 killed and many woundefl and the Russians fifteen killod and thirty-seven wounded, fa > eet fue: to re -------- DARING DASH FOR FREEDOM. Life Convicts Seize Locomotive And Escape--Recaptured. Houston, Texas, the engineer of a locomotive uncon scious with blows with scoop shovels two life prisoners, both murderers, Jumped into the cab, pulled wide the throttle and sped out of the yard of | 1 the Huntsville penitentiary Wednes day, amid a shower of bullets from the wardens. The convicts abandoned the engine after a wild dash of five miles and were caught hiding in a thicket. One of the wen was shot through the lungs, and his compan- ion would not desert him. The two convicts, Tippin and Wilson, were members of a stone breaking gang. The engine had been used in moving freight cars laden with rocks into the inclosure and in earrying away the broken product. Just when the loco- motive had been uncuppled Tippin and Wilson attacked John Mallory, the engineer Sheep Starved To Death. London, Feb, 3-The remarkable farmer living near Bridgeport, at the foot of Snowdon, is occupying the at local police, By some unknown agency 110 sheep grazing on the mountain side were driven int a fold and locked in. Many days, if not wecky, elapwd he fore the owner noticed that the sheep were not grazing as usual, Search was made, and the sheep were found in the starved to death, It was from thejr positions that the animale had died in terrible tention of the ( fe evident continued security of perty, The ministor of justice presented a gratifying report of the operation of the parole system, under which many men have been enabled to retrieve the mistakes J Inpse from the path of rectitude, In- Sideutally he administered a severe re: by: whose officiousness to respentability had been barred to their less fortunate lion] i pi nation, owing to health, of Hal Helord Bons the transporta- tion commission was announced by the premier, to a number of questions, Mr. Fits. patrick said the twine had not all isposed of, "A Ew China immediately on the other side, bein. ding wires hat hu Onder kd should prove irresistible to Gen. Kuro. rm he said. *"The oper way patkin'g army, wand be to sell it by Jutiisa auction," er David Henderson believed there wan Fight At Chenlialin, a Inck of Canadian sentiment which St. Petersburg, Fel, 8.-A dispatch | lod the farmers to iy American 'in- from the front reports a severe fight | stead of Ci twine, and for at. Chenlialin Pass. The Japanese ol 1 my twine I would be very glad. In the meantime I think he the sentiment in his tuency." (Hear, hear). Mr. Foster, at Kingston (hear, hear;--and Feb. 2. Knocking | be . wrong with the method of sale. was a. projudice everywhere = against prison-made gods, partly fostered by factory, and the sions be offered to to promote the sale of tiary. twine. Yo $484,950, committee reported progress, Known In The Quebec Special to the Whig -- in the known, but it is signation of Hons, Guerin, Weir, fate of a flock of sheep belonging to a |} net meeting to-morrow, It that 'orkill, will chervan is spoken of as future ber of the cabinet, his health, has cancelled his Special Train For Stittsville Nom- » -------- , British Embargo On Our Cattle Still Objectsd To, 3.~The wide range of the attention ration: of the aon Verse interests : of today. The removal of the om: w prevents the importation of Canadian cattle into Great Britain for feeding purposes, the proper opes- ation of machinery of r ernment for the Jiro Yahoo a ritory; the protect frontier lino stretohing from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Moun- taing; the security of life and" pro- perty and the maintenance of law and order throughout the vast terri tory stretching away into the eternal snow of the Arctic, and the uplifting and restoration of the submrged. elo- mots of social life, with numerous other problems in government, afford. od a bill of fare of sufficient diversity to interest every member of the house, a0 iy {hiner hd ugeivultwe gave an omphatio udiation to the su - ton by Me, Chaplin. that Canin are satisfied to have their © cattle Wa oop the thee ecuntey. Sir Willy urier ind that the gov. ernment are determined to maintain the id reputation which the Canadian west has learned for pro- servation of law and order, and that the immigrants who are flocking in Ly hundreds of thousands may rely upon life and pro: of youth or momentary to averaealous police officers, the road back ---- Kingston Binder Twine, A lengthy discussion took ace re. arding the binder twine made at the ingston penitentiary, and, in reply . i" replied », me how to that sentiment so as to should cultivate own consti- "Put ont yous travellers," suggested Richard Blain said the twine was madly of good quality if it could not all must be something sold there Mr. Fitspatrick observed that there rades unions, but this was a people's should be supported by people of the dominion. Dr. Sproule suggested that commis- salesmen in order the peniten- a The penitentiary items, amounting were all passed, and the -------- NOTHING DEFINITE Cabinet Crisis Yet. Quebec, Fob. 3, Nothing vet definite provincial cabinet crisis js stated that the re and urgeon. will be in the hands of Prime inister Parent before the next cabi- in stated treasurer, Me, Alexander Tan the provincial follow, mem Hon, Mr. Parent, who was to start r South America in the interest of trip, -------------- R. L. BORDEN AT OTTAWA. ------ Lengths from 134 Yours To-morrow at Ffternoon We have & T that will m them a delight. Packed amidst fragrant bushes on the hills of Sunny Ceylon, air-tight germ-proof packages. The only Tea 'that does not logy * strength in tramsportation. 'Queen Bee," 50c. and pound, James Redden & Co. Importers of Fine Groceries. PEEHISTOTIC CAVE. Prospectors Report Great Discor Reno, Nevada, Feb. 3.--Will KL 5 yards. SATURDAY, Feb. 4th Mains at 2.80 - Evenio, at 8.15.7 Headed by England's Eminent Actress, JESSIE MILLWARD LL) | And 10 bi ngiaia and » Pricen--M tinge, reserved seats, Chil» 96¢.,. Adults 506. na vening, 24c., ts iow on sale. N. vel Queen's Messenger", Vaudeville Acts, America's music hall b0¢., 76¢. Drummond, The Habitats Bea: 90¢. py ery In Nevada. yo nm Ane agony. Some had attempted to eat inations, dres and William Jones, two prosp their companions, aud had been sullo- Special to. the Whig. tors, report the discovery of ano! cated by wool Ottawa, Feb, 3-R, 1. Borden | $trange cave in the southwestern ------ reached the capital, at noon, and wag ion $f Nevada, She cave vy heen e : met at the Central Stati plo o of & +t Wholesale Desertions From Navy, thirty a a! the Co ows evidence of a, rehistorie New York, Feb, 3 Wholesale deser- ter a quiet greeting the lead went t, | Between the myriad stalactites tions from the North Atlantic squad- his rooms. at the Grand Union. Te hang from the walls hierog ron while it was in port during the morrow, at 10 a.m., a special train Have been found. Some stone Christmas holidays and dor three will leave for Stitteviile to attend | showing signs of use have been dise months previous were admitted at the the nominations at Rie : About 4 ered. Efforts are now being made navy vard in Brooklve vesterday, It : 1 was said that more than 00 gen on, experienced men, had failed to report for duty after getting shore leave, The conditions among the sailors og the battleships of the North Atlantic squadron are said to be alarming, The disafiection is such that there are few of the old men left and the ships now engaged in the manoenvres in south- ern waters are--manoed by green crews, y Ministers Have Resigned, Special to the Whi ' Fen, 3 stated Quebec, Que, It is that Hon, Messrs, Goin, ir and Turgeon have given their resigna- tions as members of the provincial ------------ "For coughs and colds," the old which he sustained a fracture of the Read our pie list fashioned horehound candy has no right leg above the knee. . Lemon, publ, apple, : equal, sold at Gibson's Red Cross W. G. Ferguson, for fifteen v and drug store, which to fight the Western club, forty members of the opposition will go. There in a drive of ten miles from Stitteville, ed, cial to the Whig Buchanan, who agent here for fifteen appointed superintendent of terminals and ferries, Windsor, agency at Windsor, when the line of the CPR. "was put through at this point in 1590, the same road Master Carlyle Potter, the nine year- cabinet, old boro, met with iit. Mdde A Superintendent indsor, Ont." Feb, has been the C.P.R, Years, has been with headquarters at Mr. Buchanan opened the the He was before that with &t Owen Sound, oh son of Rev. J, G. Potter, Peter: a painful accident, hy Chown's lor satisfactory eye glasses, ut member of the Peterhoro board Frcthern MP education, was elected its chairman, ' "Cherry explore the innermost. caverns of cave and startling results are oxi ------ Rathbuns Sell Branch, Lindsay, Fébx 3. The Rathbun any. has its 3.-- Samuel py jomt Stool con at $100,000, Jt is known gs the & Bryans, name from the two: chief stockhol who will also manage the com G. H, M. Rathbun ' teen years that it did business: Robert Bryans has for a lumber au The transfer includes the mills, w; house, towing outfit and' contributos timber limits, oa hE branch here. to mpany, capita Limited, and takes Baker was local i tgs le during the years ca) fuel ~ business |