Mothers Condition Irritates n--How Thousands ved From Nervous g and Weil. hester Curry, Leader of the lymphony Orchestra, 42 Sarg. ast Boston, Mass. | writes : Pinkham :-- tht years I was troubled with ex- vousness and hysteria brought on arities. I could neither en joy life iights. I was very irritable, ner- lespondent E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound mended and proved to be the only at helped me. + I have daily im- health until I am now strong and 11 nervousness has disappeared." llowing letter is from Mrs, fann, 154 Gore Vale Ave, Ont. : Pinkham; -- ! ed a long time with ovarian trouble "lise pains in the back and abdomen ck headaches every month. I was ervous all the time and life looked y to me and I had no desire to live jan to take Lydia E. Pinkham's ompound and to get some relief, y was slow but it was sure and | regretted the money spent for the as it brought back my good should remember that Lydia um's Vegetable Compound is ine that holds the record for t number of actual cures of 5, and take no substitute, > Advice to Women, ikham, Lynn, Mass. invites men to write to her foradvice, ham's vast experience with yubles enables her to tellvou is best for you, and she wil u nothing for her advice, MOUPUIFIUNH Lea 12.03 IONTH ains en's Pants ers ' Knickers ats balance of our oats ER tile, Bankrupt Sales ise, to undersell us. h and poor. Every- ily One Price Cloth- ontreal. 1 shirtmakera as Tooke Bros. jest makers in Canada. ersible, Puffs, only 10e. 3BY CO, Oak Hall. 3, (To-morrow) 1 opportunity that xt year. We give discount Invictus and Rub- do this because we a quick clearance. ney e Store. FIBRE Superior to all o APPEARANCE, DURABILITY and CONVENIENCE For sale by dealers everywhere. LIKEWISE EDDY J. A. HENDRY, Agent, Kingston. covered. 1 Specificiu =, after a few the éyesb: requir, J mory, the ior brain how chren and addre: of Restorir 'g* Do r with s.cce Dr. KOKR MEDICINE CO.. Po. Drawtr Lk 2241, MONTREAL. p-- TR -- Dr, KOHR'S RESTORINE :~=3 1 of the New Century, --the most wonderful Medicine ever dis. cases cured in ome mouth im Paris. Medical Board has recommended this Remed in the Iisane Asylums w 1S i majority of the male inmates are victims of lost Vitalit u its most terrible form, erdorsed by all governments and is now used as a and Germany. Stons losses 80 that they rever return. Pails, WARE thers as regards 'S MATCHES. PATRIOTIC EDUCATION ---- HON. DR. MONTAGUE MAKES STRONG PLEA FOR STURDY CANADIANISM, Canadien Clube Foster Sireng Heme Sentl. ment---The Example of Japan<Our Na. tive-Bern Citizens Stirring Episodes In Our Mistery Chair of Canadian History in the Chief University Strongly Ad vecated. St. Catharine's Canadian Club re- cently listened to an address by Hon. Dr. Montague on the study of Cana- dian History, In part the doctor Said that what Canada has wanted through all its history is a str, ng Canadian sentiment, and me ofmot have Canadian clubs throughofit the The Remed; edical world. 10,000 t is astounding the medical The National for use , as is well known, & In Furope the remedy ir he great tanding armies of both France gt Faia seven to ten days Drains cotirely cease day's treatment. The skin becomes clean. ight. « antfenceretyras, step elastic howels ica"aches disappear. 'o more w mind Proms brit and active. A Food and Blood, A nt cure no matter ic the case. Just send us to-day your name =< p'ainly written and a 5 days treatment e wilbe sent FREE in plain sealed pack- ot hostafe a moment We will treat you ss aul wih honest confidence. Joh blend of hops. \ i n Labatt's PORTER Made from tested natural spring water, selected barley malt and a g Undoubtedly better fcr the Je Sick and convalescent medicine. JAS. MCPARLAND, ISA PRIME the choicest grewths of than any WE MAKE LEAD SASH WEIGHTS For Buildings, to order. THE CANADA METAL CO - - Agent. Taronto. See Our-Window Bisplay of « We are closing out :-- regular use. Sold by leading rug 3 : gists, Send 0c. in stamps for sample , Leather in Wire Frame, to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. 2 Imitation Leather in Wire | (; w Mahood, special agent Frame, 1 Wilton Rug in Wire Fraime. 3 Fancy Velours,- Couches, at only $5.50. 5 Combination Bed Coucavs for Comfort and Ease, at a bargain. These are specials--only liniited numter EE. JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker, Princess Street . Kingston. i . iniprovement every day is demon- pendent on any other mation sae dans in culverts and: runways, pov I 158 Lizzi Look Wain friends al y Y Say nd 0 r nder i i soot t © annual oyster supper ane sulting in damaging diver, nc 1 an an yi 4 the sun. It is our mission to per- reas | A agi of ge i dance held at the Island View Hone, | strated ty the samples we show petuate for ever on the American have had to be destroyed, under the auspices of the COCR. !? 2 continent the British institutions Red deer are also plentiful, the [On January 28h, proved a success and the work we have done. 8 which we love, and it is Just as well rangers encountering as many as 25 [ Bert. Tear wears a smile: it's a boy, JC to let our Americag, cousins know | 44 80 of them in a day's tramp. I Miss Neva Tharrett, Al xandria, iw -- RID this, so that they will make Ro mMis- | While Superintendent Bartlett way Visiting ber parents for a few weeks 8 EAU cANAL, take about ijt." t fro The lation of officers 'of C.0.( ) No TICE not able to say so from personal ob- [The installation ) rs SIniICE 10 CONTRACTORS. Dr ri ontague then spoke of the { servation" BY 22. Io that several | F. Council, No. I01, took place on C to Wri. PENDERS, ADDRESS similarity bet geen Canada and Aus- rangers had reported seeing Young | Thursdas evening last, when the fol 9 Tin iened, and 'endorsed ** 71 en- tralia. In the first place they are ec ili Purop. of were duly stalled i ds ° Re, apercailzie, a iropean game bird, | low ng officers were duly insta oon 'on Satur v. th Bee Soe? in | British, secondly they are in conted- | whieh war tee duced nto the | | heats deve: chat: oo John 69 and 71 Brock 8t Kingston. Temppbly E. ivery of British Co- | cretion. thirdly Shey oe English | park about eighteen months ago, Carnegie, vice chief, conncillor: Julie V TATE ia or) Fir Timber required speaking, and fourth; fy are in | and it is now hoped that the caper. Kahut, recorder; Maggie Kahut, as Ri P ] au vn Bille of Tender ca: their early dovelopment as we are. | cailzis will theres. Ontario, Eola Ii Root: treas ipe ineapp es, : Plaine at the office of the Superin- A chic litle dancing and tea party In Some Ways Australia » hos so ae ets no bad ares i sus Park | ror: (in Slate, prelate; Mrs, J Departmen SF of the Ridean Canal frock of white satin dotted ulle, | British as Canada, yet in other Ways | during the summer and fall, ® sup- | ¢ wie, marshal: Charles Andress, Ri I and altor Weapon ways Jind anal lS EE w ith ted ribbon ruchings and | he is more so than we are. Yet she erintendent has already received ware Ti Ware rd Willi ipe oma oes, : day, 1st February, 1005 . t X 4 . i 4 dor lowest of any tre will not | white lace yoke. The soft ribbon sash | has not had to suffer the loss of ter- | many inquiries from Americans ask-{ Root, sentry. Mrs, W. Jones. Alex arily be accepted is red and white plaid. White/or red | Fitory as has Canada. The Austra- ing for information as te facilities andria Bay, spent last. week with her . . By res TONES ribbon on the hair and whife hose | lian confederation is called not a { for making canos trips through the uncle, A. Hunt. A large number from ori a ancy rape ruit, I 2] Boeretary. Jand slippers. complete a {etching | Dominion but a Commonwealth, and | park next season. here attended the 1, 0, 0, F. "Ay "Ie Baitnayn ana iar: Jnl > Pi fo. tke tha sous. 1 was Tg TI---- wo LR aval Oranges, Bananas, etc "Wa. 15 February, 1905 called, suc ause in Australia jt , on J totes very eniovable N 1 0 8 B t so ------ --p---- was believed that we in Canada wers | *T got quife a ITprise on the ary Hid, and rurl a, very enjoyal) ' ' 4 TRANSFER OF TAVERN LICENSE Labor Leader On Trial. | Pot 80 free as the people of the Uni- | Street yesterday,' ssid a citizen to a |° E NOTICR ta Special to the Whig . | ted States. Australia got confeder- | Toronto exchanges the other morn ------ have arta ae ERED Y GIVEN THAT [ Hartford City, Ind., Feb. 3. Paul | ation too early. In Canada confeder. ing. "IT was walking along Bloor What He Reportad - i tavern Niconen Yanstor my business | gt "peter, of Pittsburg, president 'of | ation came as the result of a dead- | Street near Spadina when I saw two Referee Waghorne' report on . rincess = Beet the IohellI8. City, Bartenders. ad | the national organization of window | lock, which, being broken by com- | old ladies coming towards me, pick- 00" Frontenac game ; | . . tided so Linens Commissioners have de- | glass workers, was put on trial here | promise, resulted in a united whole. | ing their. steps very carefully and "The last. goal that Smith's Falls i EE -- tthe 170k gg oOnSider said transfor to-day on a charge of shooting Ollie | Tp Australia confederation was due to | @arnestly talking. They were FehIY | aimed the umpire decided was no . aa iliatio . x ora' ania tt Smctectlor's attice, are B05. He Walker with intent 1, kill. The fracas agitation. As an evidence of how | dressed, cosy old ladies, with beauti- ay and 1 was not in a position to | THEY CARRY REVOLVERS. Paty afilintie me the graltery' seem to fully yours, : occurred last fall and was the out | foreed must have been their confeder- | ful grey hair, As 1 met. them one state positively, as | had a doubt } re the a jon Xoo mitten ia Dated at Kingston ANAEL STALEY. | oowth of a fnptiona] fight among the | ation, as the capital of the country | had just concluded some narrative to in my mind, I understand MeDonnell, For Benefit Of The Man Who lt aka IE om it Berean -- E8ton. ISL February, 1905 window glass workers. The faction | they had named a place with one | the other and said: the Frontenas goalkeeper thought it Called Th G t POW erpe o bring before i fepresen ta - rm ) g Workes TNO ap . . \ tena g ' 4 alle em Grafters. tive Comerford and cause him to tes BREAK AST BA which Mr. St. Peter is the head has Saw mill, one hotel and one house Now, wouldn't that jar you! was a goal." Springfield: hi Fol 3A ; tif 1 hat he knows of the : CON engaged eminent counsel for+his de- | Ha could not remember the mame of "Whether | it would jar the other s pring he His jo alot Hp. he ri wh To A et rh i sliced a5 you want ijt. fence and the trial promises to be one | it old lady orinet IT do not know, hut Lo I ; heaval in the Ynnia gis ature nay n tee : 9 ale Joraption. ; Choicest, sweetest, and of intense interest. So far as her constitution is eon- | it certainly jarred mes to hear this Misa. Tessie Connell, formerly o be the outcome of an address made hy or the irs me in the history ol : J M ' cerned. Dr Montague was afraid that | slang expression coming from such a | Brockville, and graduate of St. Representative Frank RB. Comerford of | the legislature of Hlinois in many Myers 6o Brock St Children Like "Swiss Food." | Australia would have to recast it. | quarier Mary's training school for nurses, was Chicago to the students of the 1g -- - ildren » . - . Becher, for Years with the DSL thirty ! . « ing is bet | am J son's Bay com. | breakfast or tea and nothing is had has been appointed En ter for them. Je. packages. All nite ! a $y Pany, of the Toyal Trust com | Brovers. Beef. in : -- Chown', 4nd wine, 50, bottle. | The very, best price on spectacles. 3 with dandruff and within the last few 1 had left. clipped very recommended Newbro's hair is as thick as ever. and entirely cause, 1 One Of The Latest Styles Just sgithtion Tor | sustaining that sentiment. | to the | Systematic teaching of patriotism in | has not been sufficient ly developed in country without maintaining and Referring example of Japan, he said, her success to-day was due to her every department of her educational system. Canada has sadly lacked in this respect; the patriotic sentiment this country, Happily this is passing away. Canadians were beginning to Pay more attention to their country, Patriotism is growing in Canada. He liked the spirit that influenced that old patriot to say "My country may she always he right, but my country right or wrong." Of the Canadian population 87 per cant. are native born, That was a marvelous compliment to eur nation- al development, showing that the development of Canada has been practically accomplished by Cana- diane themselves. Providence was wise in allowing this for there are no persons like those to the manor born who can so well lay the foundation of a country. In the great North- west there are three Canadian born citizens to one foreigner to-day, which is a matter of congratulation, @5 it ensures the future of our great heritage. The speaker said he would like to see established either by the Government or by private subscrip- tion a chair for the study of Cana- dian history in our chief university. This he thought was necessary if patriotism was to be fostered, and made to grow in Canada. Some say there is littly of interest in the history of Canada, but he wished to argue against that view, Was there not Something stirring in the story of the sturdy pioneers who came here and hewed out homes in the wild country? Was there ne in- terest in the histery of the United Empire Loyalists who left their homes across the line and came to Canada because their loyalty to Bri- tain would not let them remain un- der a foreign flag? Then there was the story of Lasalle and his vovagers who forged their way westward, and the story of Canadian boys who fought and died . at Queenstown Heights or who gave up their lives in South Africa. Was there nothing in the story of our commercial and political development, which would A DOUBTING THOMAS. . Had His Falling "Hair Stopped, And Dandruff Cured, Without Faith. H. B. Fletcher, Butte, Mont. Oct 20th, 1899, "says : "Like many other people, 1 have been troubled for years months my hair came out so badly that I was compelled to have what 1 A friend Herpicide, 1 confess that T doubted his story; hut I gave Herpicide a trial: now close my from dandruff." re the you remove the effect : side is a delightful hair dressing for free "Destroy FASHION'S FORM. done to instil pride of our boys and girls.' Judice Scotland against Canada, and he Said ho was of the opinion that this Herpi- | until we thoroughly informed the old country people try's wonderful possibilities lieves in Canada himself and proud that he was a Canadian. Said he, "when he declared that last ' century was the century of the United States, prove an Shtéresting study to the boys and girls who hold the destiny of this grand Dominion in their hands? "'Surely,"" remarked the speaker, *'it would be a source of in- terest and wonder to our boys and girls to learn of the wonderful deve- lopment of their country. Yet if you visit our public school to-day you will find that very little is being country and pride of possession into the minds of Dr. Montague spoke of the pre- which exists in England and prejudice would gever be dissolved regarding our coun- He be- was "Sir Wilfrid Laurier was right,' but that this century was he seoentury of Canadianism. The reciprocity with Can- eda is growing across the line. They are beginning to find out over there the magnitude of the Canadian mark- et, VY an apostle of reciprocity was sent over to Toronto from across the line to impress upon Canadians the importance of commercial reci- procity between Canada and the United States. "And I have this to say with every emphasis, that no party in Canada should consider any policy that is not thoroughly and absolutely Canadian, or that is de- Children like "Swiss Food" for Chown's. THOS. HILTON 386 Princess Street, Two Doors Below Laturney's Carriage Sh Nothing old fashioned looking about, | ing Tranks and Te made and tied our rimless spectacles, Chown's, 4. Trunks an alise a * Basket Trunks re-willowed. Le end | Allan Derry, Renfrew, is home on 4 | od fon cures rheomatism" Wa-Hoo tunic Ie. Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Canada, on the other hand, looking back over the last thirty-seven yvoars if she had if over again would not change shy scarcely a line the splendid 'constitution constructed by the leaders of bath the political par- ties. Dr. Said that the "music hail Eng- ish: vha peoples Sydney. he was told, walk with: abort' stops, which may be significant in view of the fact that Australis was once a penal col. English. ony." They are A ¥ have their difficulties, = the speaker. They have' Yet they have no French, Bere 1 may say 8 the Letter for having its French, as England is bot. ter for its mixed race of Danes, Sax. ons and Normans. Australia has a race question! The cry there now ig for a whiter Australia. Tha Solomon Islanders are ng Jn, in such num- bers as to seriowsly influence the labor market. He believed that the country has a' Umit of population. Ten millions :is the limit in his opin- ion, whereas 100,000,000 of pepuls- tion is not a limit for Canada. 1" Canada has not 15,000,000 or 20,- 000,000 people within the next twen- ty vears he would be very much dis- appointed. The lack of Australia is the home fireside, because there are no long winter evenings as we have in Can- ada, where pur boys and gitls derive the advantage of home influence. There the children go to the parks every evening the year round. 'The development of the country will na- turally be limited, The question of water supply in g very serious one in Australia. Cities have to bring their water a distance of over 300 miles | The animals of Australis are different from the Canadian. He would tell ad « mnion. OUR WINTERS. : ---- Werld-Famous Manian Illestrates Weather Is Moderating. It i» well known to every citizen that Edward Hanlan, former cham- pion carsman of the world, is an in- teresting and sparkling conversation. « alist, but perhaps not many are |! aware that Mr. Manlan is in some || Sort a landmark of Toronto. He re. |" members incidents that should pot escapes the future annalist of the city, says The News. Hanlan is a)! firm believer in the theory that the | climate of Ontario is moderating. He gave his reasons for so thinking the ) other day," when describing old times on the Island. ' *"You know," said Hanlan to a knot of friends, "when I was a boy we lived on the Island, winter and summer, ° houses there then, -and it was antic play-ground for us boys, But the winters were pretty tough. The north wind used to come shrieking down so fiercely that tons of sand were whipped 'clean across the sand- bar. And the SRoWsLorms were worse than anything that ever happens now, | Our house was well built and weath- er proof, but many a merni I have wakened to find that the ne, dry | snow had fought its way inte the room and had covered hed and floor to the depth of 5 couple of feet."' \ t 80 deep. We had to Plough through two feet of it between the bed and | Y the the door. When it was deeper | ¢ than that we had to shovel & path, and cold work it was." "Shovel a path?" the dazed hearers, | a enquired one of P brought up right in those days." It took several minutes and other things to revive the audience, --------. The Beaver Are lasreasing, Mr. T. Southworth, Director of Colonization and Forestry, who has returned from a visit to Algonquin Park in the Nipissing district, ro A ports that all kind of game thers are n rapidly increasing. This is particy- iy larly true of beaver, which have . lately caused much v EE sot 'om, | I fr M ma blu Keys fitted, etc. visit, Ontario children work on Children's Aid which do their work addition good foster homes for girls during L800 childre Britain by home while Robert Duff ' Anglin were driving home from church away, when it lowing cvening W. horse in the church was in attendance pecting distance, hut he mot his faithful and beast coming back for was evidently over its first intention to clear home | burg, to | last week Manitoba in annoyance to! Wat? lag: railway and lumbermen by building ! atholie Ganapoque, at INTHE COURTS. -- Harry Haines Sent To Central Prison For BigamyWhat The Press . Association Did At Its Sessions, Special' to the Whig Toronto, Pob. 3.51 was announced, this morning, at Osgoode hall, that the attorney general had filed go writ on the relation of David Brown 1o restrain the Grand . Valley railway company from operating jis' ) : r is oars on Sunday. The company « lnims to have a dominion charter, The Tine runs out of Brantford. Col. Denison sentenced Harry haines to one year in the Central, Ing. for bigamy. His second wife was a Newmarket woman, the first longing to Whitechureh. At the moecting of ress Association, resolution advocating (he nationaliza- tion and government operation of telegraphs and telephone Systeme in this morn be- the Canadian this morning, a Canada was adopted and the Rove rament was urged to (ake steps in this direction. The twelfth annual report of superintendent. of shows a the neglected suceessful your's the part of (he thifty.six Societies in Ontario, branches of the department, voluntarily, in after a ume placed, found 380 hove nnd these children hese : to looking of children, already 1903. If what Max O'Rell said of Australia. | ¥°r¢ kept in public institutions the "Their birds are witheut song, their | "04 of their maintenance alone would flowers without odor and their wo. | tal betwoon 830.000 and £10,000 men without virtue." Me would not | *°8tly. Thero are now 2.80. such say the last himself, as he belioved children under supervision, who arn differently, but he could attest to the rogulrly visitod by two of the de others. In many other particulars | Pa&rtment's officials, as "woll as hy was Australia. the inferior of this De. | eMbers of the branches. Very fou rases of ill-treatment were recorded: nN were brought out from agencies during the Year. of whom 570 wore girls, This is an increase of 150. Not one home child is in any industrial institution ------ Intelligent Battersea Horse. Battersea, Fob, 2.- The condition of he roads and weather has somewhat mproved and considerable wood in Ow on the move, On Sunday night, and Mra. J, RK heir horse took freight and throwing he deep snow, ot break any horse proceoded, ran the occupants into which fortunately, did of their bones, 'Vhe but a short distance, tarned into R. Dixon's barn 'ard, where it was caught. The cut or was somewhat damaged. The fol Ormsbee tied hin shed whily he at the church hoard meeting. The horse managed to free itself and started ont to warm up, going in the direction of home. Its owner also struck out for home, ex. to have to walk the sntive greatly to his surprise, proceoded half a mile, intelligent him with the still intact It stricken with remorse before he had ig and everything aud leave its master to walk in the Several of the auditors Propped | 10. Won eoming to na smitable themselves against the wall. place by the way it had turned It may sound improbable, but | around and started back again, it's a tact, nevertheless,'" went on the Mrs. Neil Campbell, daughter of J. World's Famous. "Most of those | L. Sears, of this place, and who was mornings it was almost impossible to [ vee marriod at the home of hor get out of the room, the snow was | sister, Mri. (Rev.) Ebersole, of Thom Neil Campbell, of Linton ork county, with her husband, spent everal days with hee parents They also t Kingston, Toronto only here visited friend and other their way down Danivl on the spring. 0. Nears, Montreal, lately spent a few days at home ¢ ] Keelere and family, Hartney, Man., sre "Certainly; in those day? wa 41 visiting friends here George Suther | ways took the snowshovels te bed | land, whe moved with his family to | with us. Last thing at night Dad Lauder, Man., a year ago, is also or the Mother would call up to us down on a visit. W Loucks, who 'Boys, got your shovels im hed With | lutely sold his farm to Robert Boal, You?" And if we hadn't we'd have intends vomoving with his family to to climb out I Miss. Bea Arthur, Inverary, is siting at J, | Mis nglin is visiting at Kingston, A Rockport Wedding Sears' Lieziv Rockport, Jaw. 0 Quite 4 number om here attended the horse races at lexandrin Bay [ost week Fdward ter, Mallorvtown, and Miss Mary ahanna, Fseott, were united jn! this. morning in the Roman | church by Father Crawley, ' rried to Edward Clark, a wealthy ( estone dealer of Brooklyn, on Fel. ruary Ist, Miss Connell met Mr. Clark t when she and another purse were tak care of his sister, W. Thompson bas been appoint night watchman and constable of #450 4 year, d SUNDAY CARS, 9900e soosesese o9s00s® THE MATTER TO BE TESTED ' Free, to ve of seven ta erford's the Hlinois legislature is a great ply lic auction, where special privileges aro sold to the ® $ The First D Abernethy's. I'hrough our advertisments we have tried to prepare you for the many surprises to be met Yi of Some of the Surprises Ladies' English Street Shoes, high laced and button- - ed, high instep, very natty ; regular $4. Sale price $2.95, Misses' Shoes, laced and buttoned, Cordovan, medium heels ; regularly $1. Sale price 59¢c. Men's Finest Box Calf Boats, welt, oak-tanned soles. $4.50. Sale price $3. with during this remarkable clean-up. We : haven't used many high sounding, adjectives in describing this event. We prefer to let tke goods and prices proclaim their own praises. We believe this to be thc best way to gain and retain the patronage of particular people. ® . Boys' Boots pebble leather, heavy soles. ' $1.25 Sale price 98c. J Similar snaps throughout the entire stock. Abernethy's Shoe Store For Dependable Shoes. : A 99909 So0eesesees @® ecos@® OL) leather lined, Goodyear Sold everywhere at Regularly a A WISE PHYSICIAN If asked by a patient how best to avoid Febr- uary Coughs, Colds, Pains, Aches or bodily discomforts, wou'd in most cases. advise for out- door wear a good Fur Jacket, Coat, Storm Col- , Molar' Watt, Tm lar or Gauntlets. ymmamEGe Attend our BIG FUR SALE. Select a durable garment and have solid comfost for months to come, $2 to $5 reduction on collars, $5 10 $12 on Men's and $10 to $15 on Women's Fur Jackets. Customers presenting CASH CHECKS during ['ebruary to the amount of one dollar will be mailed, your address the NEW IDEA WOMEN'S MAGAZINE for one year All patterns r1cc. each or 11¢.-by mail, : CRUMLEY BROS. Kingston Agents for New Idea Paper Patterns. Advancement In Art Is demanded of the plumber as of all other artisans theso days. # That we keep pace with the tines is shown in our sanitary openwork bathroom and toilet fixtures, How well we are in line with modern years members of the general assem- bly are walking about armed, Threats have been made against Representative Comerford, who acknowledges that he has a revolver in his pocketto defeod himself in an emergency. ollege of law a few days ago. The ntral assembly appointed a commit investigate Mr. Cam. which allege "that charges, highest corporation bid- ers, and that without ---------- Special Dip Hip Corsets, 6Jc. New respect to | York Reform.