on; E: W. Mullin and J% MecCulla, PES oY: WARE others as regards ILITY and CONVENIENCE alers everywhere. Y'S MATCHES. , Agent, Kingston. (ROR BOY att's ISA PRIME DRTER ade from tested natural spring selected barley malt and a of the choicest Undoubtedly better for the nd convalescent' than any LAND, Agent. MAXIM'S MAXIM. = Modest Claims Often Carry More Conviction Than Loud Boasts placed his gun before a commit Judges, he stated to be considerably below what he sure the gun would accomplish of the trial was triumph of surprise instead of pointment as it he hud over-estimated Our claim regarding Newbro' If a living germ hair to fall 'out thing to kill that germ. Newbro's Herpicide does thi ly and efiectnally. Destroy ti you remove the effect. 10c. in stamps for i Mahood, speeial agent. ------------ It is surprising how litth , and the best kind of a lair Vigor makes the hair t feeds the hair and makes , keeps soft and smooth, nds, and never falls out. igor to your gray hair and ep, rich color of early life. Ayer Loyens, Mass. AGUE CURR For malaria YEAR 72. NO. 30. i THE DAI SS Genuine Dissolution Sale J Hundreds have taken advantage of it and gone away delighted. We still have quite a number of $18 and $20 Suits to sell for - - $9 Be one of the fortunate ones. " We are selling HATS ! Come and see our prices ; they will astonish you. Lots of UNDERWEAR at HALF PRICE, ¢ JENKINS ~e Comfortable Eye=Glasses We are devoting a great deal of our time Lo Spectacle and Ek Glass Fitting We carciully examine ves, and sup ply vou with ANY YLE mounting ou may wish, at prices you will find moderate ally gaarant® our work in fitting and our lense Prescriptions for glasses carefully filled SMITH BROS. JEWELERS OPTICIANS 350 KING ST. THERE IS A CHANCE 1 have almost néw stoves, in cooks and heaters, left, which I will sell at big bar- gains, also furniture, as I want to get space for other stock in spring. TURK'S SECOND-HAND SHOP, 398 Princess Street. WANTED, . TRVANT, NO WASH- A GENERAL ing or ironing: Apply at 55 George street y TTT WOOBWORK ER, ONE good at repaiving preferred. James Laturney; 390 Princess street. YOUNG WOMAN TO ASSIST IN CAME of Invalid Lady, one willing to make herself generally useful. Apply, 189 Johnston Street, A SMALL OR MEDIUM SIZED HOUSE y May 1st or sooner, in good lo- for "a small family Apply , Whig office HELP WANTED ADVERTISEMENTS of all kinds abound in the Loudon "* Free Press."" Ii you want a posi- tion, write for sample. . CANVASSING AGENT IN KINGSTON for Hen. John Charlton's volume speeches and addresses. Liberal eo § mission. Apply through Whig © GENTLEMEN, TO GET THEIR Spring Suits made up at Galloway" 131 Brock street, next to Bibk livery; style, fit and price guarante to please; pressing and repairing done nrowmptly. ALL INTELLIG T', RELTABLE PEO- ple who are seeking an advantageous change, or those who are idle and want work will accomplish their purpose hy writing Marshal & Co., tea importers. London, Ont.; Outfit furnished PUPILS AT MME. ELDE S DRESS- making Parlors, 251 Princ S58 strect Evening: enstumes a specilil- ty. Instructions in dressmaking giv- en day and evening until March 1st Cutting by measure, designing, ete. including system, $10. GOOD BUILDING LOT, SOUTH SIDE Queen street, between Montreal and Ragot Apply 49 Colborne street. ------ BUSINESS CHANCE, SUITABLE FOR lady or gentleman; annual profit $4.500 Apply at McCann 5 Brock street 3 TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED the following property to ruary 20th, 1905 Nos, 204, 2 Wiliam street and Nos. 109, 111 Wellington street, heated by hot water; and Nos.* 280, 282, 234 Sydenham street, anc 185 Clergy street, heated by hot air All theses properties have all modern improvemfints: can be bought singly or otherwise, on easy terms. Also lot north-west corner of Mack and Al- her streets, opposite Victoria Park, and half 16t on Ordnance street, op- posite Froftenac Park. Address Box 44, Whig office FOR pr -------- A GOLD BRACELET, SUNDAY MORn- ing © hetwednt 207 William st. and Rothel (Church, valuable as keepsake. Finder Kindly return to Whig Office EE --------------_--------------------------.. FOX TERHIER BITCH, TAN HEAD, black and tan ring on tail. Persons harboring this dog will he prosecuted according to law. C. W. Kenny a oct ts. esl A BROWN LEATHER WRIST BAG, Containing money and other papers Saturday eveming. on Princess Street letween Sutherland's Shoe Store and the VY. M.C.A. Finder please return 10 Whig Office. ------ DWELLINGS, STORE Factories and Storag: at Me Heal Estate Office, 51 Brock - Pearce's Big Majority. Special to the Whig. Belleville, Omt,, Feb. 0 The total ¥ote in North Hastings is Pearce, 2372 Cornell, TG. Majority for Mr, Pearre, 1576. : -------------- "Laxative Brame Quinine" for grip and colds sold at Gibson's Red veive DAILY MEMORANDA. A bk The sun and sets It is well to take time Tn thinking be atcusations A woman who fore making » book--the Civic Fire and Light Committee, 1 ., Tuesday. Tuesday 5.19 p.m. effect is a dangerous riva Bible study a clocks. Miss Little will speak School Convestion at Queon's Tuesday morning and afternoond This day- in troops raided Henry Irving born Marion Lawrenc Sunday tional, Chalmers Presbyterian, day sand Thursday To make. your show your OUR OFFER FOR FEBRUARY Canadian Box Calf Madec- to-Order Lace Boots This work will be made in our usnal Wa can recommend it excellent very highly Wear "Allen's" Military Bootmakers, 84 Brock St. SIGN OF GOLDEN BNOT. NOTICE. BOUGHT Joseph WE JIAVE of in trade rally, ate history : Brockville, 1838 in Ss: table mds what goed taste you have, gét one of out $!l SETS, We are making a special price' on this set. It will please You ROBERTSON BROS.. plumber and steam-fitter carry on Phone KINGSTON COVERED RINK HOCKEY MATCH FINALS) a Share thre husiness as usual at Johnston street Hy giving our personal sapervision to any work intrasted tous, voupled with low prices, we hope your patronage planing or heating work you have to do, give us a halt, ei e : satisfattion iw workmanship and prices. ALEXANDER MIE JOHN TAMIESON. 287. (JUNIOR OLA COBOURG vs. QUEEN'S IN WEDNESDAY, Feb. 8th Adniission Game Conducted by Starr & Suteiiffe's fifte Teacher in noon Lo maki The Jessie. Millward Company Drew Large Audiences. The Jessie Millward Vaudeville com- pany drew large and fashionabld gudi- ences to the Grand Opera house, Sat- urday afternoon and night. She came with i good reputation as an actress, that reputation although and had here before, tainment was to be principally vaude ville, 'everyone felt surround herseM with only was high class, and they were not disappointed The one-act drama, senger,"" was admirabl. Miss Millward, and Percy as a Russian of his valuable papers which she did. She finally softened and repented, over and caurageons words and restored to him his papers and helped The clover work of the pair was good enough to make his manly short. The rest of the programme was made up of high-class work by Bpilk, a Roman ring expert, John E. in character America's gre: Russell, the hrette, Miss Mabel Adams, character istic violin ? comedy ovelists, in Board walk," Drew, Miss Leah \ cents a lesson sustained and into her intriguer, solos, the 8 "A Night on the winding up with some first-class now moving pictures, including and Y. W.C. A. FANCY WORK GLASS Miss Sutherland, Free to next GRAND OPERA HOUSE. as the Herbert, bearing to get the recent antomobile races. Rainfall In California: Feb. 6 neing its gréatest he fall i not ° i avy, itself mn « i+ accompanied ning, an wu dandraf scalp. Large Drug Store, Drag Store Cal er fs he Los Angeles California is rainfall in year articular! ast with piwions seasons, It hy flashes of nusoal phenomenon in this North Pasadena the Me was struck hy and "tmrnedd to the ground. n Hat church hair stops Royal Hair Tonic. A perfect empty an use Y.W.C.A: hall look pretty and we will give you ents that mn "A Queen's Mes in the role of an English officer, and unravelled g clever plot by a designing lady of faseinat- ing manner reality Miss Millward. really veigle the English officer Messenger" address, meshes, drosaer, itching bottles, 20. Will Be Without Kuropat- kin's Services. HAS RESIGNED| GRIPPENBURG FEELS DIS- HONORED BY RETREAT, Ordered by Kouropatkin, and Asks For Removal From Man churia Command--Muth Skir- mishing in Progress--Russ- ians Report Success. Special to the Whig St. Petersburg, Feb. 6.--~According to Gen. Kuropatkin's latest reports which indicate the wounding 'of a third Russian, Gen. Dembowski, the operations at Sandiapu, and the fight- ing §t Shakhe have been momentarily SuspEnded. The Russians successfully repulsed the latest attack of the Ja- banpese, eastward, with heavy loss. Fhe cold is still intense, there being twenty-four degrpes of frost. There are indication that the Japanese are preparing 6 break their inactivity on their own accdunt as soon as the weather modefates., A despatch from Mokden, dated February 4th, says that during the night of February Ist, the Japanese artillery facing the Russian right, opengl a terrific fire on the Russian positions, south-east. of Sandipu in preparation for an attack. The Rus- sian artillery replied, and the eannon- ading lasted until after noon. Pur- ing the night of February Ind, the Japanese attacked the village of Schanatan, and adjoining Russian positions, hut by davlight of Febra- ary 3rd, they had been defeated along the entire front.' The Russians even advanced slightly. The Russian losses were about' 300, and those of the Japanese were heavy. Japanese pris- oners believe that an important move. mant is pending. Two hundred Japanese prisoners were brought in yesterday, They were ics The clad, and suffering from cold. apanese report thav 5,000 Rus sians were taken prisoners during the Sandipas operations is untrue; and the Japanese losses greatly eoxeeed "Tokio estimates of the Russian losses hocause in their advance over the frozen ground it was impossible for the Japanese fo entrench. The report that Gen. Knropatkin received orders Airom St. Peter to advafife on' account of the internal conditions in Russia also iz untrue. The fighting was inaugurated independently, and the operations could have assumed important dimensions only in ease of the success of the primary object, the capture of Sande - Number Of Skirmishes. Tokio, Feh. 3.-There were a num- ber of serious skirmishes along the Sha and Hun rivers on Friday night and Saturday. The Russians shelled portions of the Japanese lines on Fri day night, and emall bodies of Rus sians attacked Walko and Titi moun tain and places in those vicinities, Report received from Japan, Manchur ian headquarters say that all attacks were repulsed Kuropatkin Resigns. St. Petersburg, Feb, 6.- (Gen. Kuro- patkin has tendered to the czar his resignation of the command of the forces in the far cast. Gen. (iripen- berg has been removed from the tom mand of the second Manchurian army at his own request, having declared that he had been dishonored by Kuro patkin's orders to retreat at the battle of the Hun river. It is not believed that Kuropatkin's offer to resign will be accepted at the present stage of affairs, bnt there is no ques tioning the fact that he is not on the best terms with his subordinates Off For. St. Petersburg. Russian Headquarters, Huan Moun tain, F 5, (delayed in transmition). Lieut, 'Gen. Gripenberg leit here, to day, for St ol The Japanese are fortifyind ar east flank and cen- tre, evidently apprehending a Russian offensive movement. All Is Quiet, Tokio, Feb. 6.- Official announce- ment i2 made that everything is quiet in the Vicinity of Changtan with the exception that the Russians are strenuously en®enching. It is thought that the Russians intend to abandon all operations in North Eastern Korea. Regiment Of Amazons. Victoria, B.C., Feb, 6.-The Japan ose steamer Shinano brings news of the formation of an Amazon corps at Nikois to aid the Russian forces at the Shakhe. Russian women formed a regiment, armed like Cossacks, which has gone to the front. The wo men have cut their hair short and wear masculine attire, Brief Bulletins. The statement made in a despatch from London that Emperor William conviders this an opportune moment for Great: Pritain and Germany to unite in an effort fx jane in the far east is treated by the foreign office at Berlin as being merely a variation of an old phantasy, quite without sem- blancs of foundation. It ix believed in military epdles at Rt. Petersburg that the suclesion of Lieut. Gen. Mylofl to the command of the second army of Mancharia does not necessarily mean that the posi- tion of second in command in the far cast hax devplved on him, At Si. Pa & KINGSTON, ONTA THE FAR EAST RIKE SPREADS. ¢ The Entire Industrial big ~The Lokal Anseig- hy, and is affecting the region from Sresna- » on the Austrian fron- REwspapers estimate the BE of strikers at 100,000, s Warsaw corres Lode, yesterday, ral of fifteen victims of » military broke out, fatter being killed, and A { the government to bring and seven other Blicists to trial on politieal svernor-General oom t BE "The whole case is now TEEPE OIE lations not author- favorable report on FF o It was amended in ty will be report- tor Lodge, who ofore ' opposed it. nd fishing inter- treaty provides procity in products hited States and HAPEIN 4S EFF FFF HFS EFH FAVRE ERES 48444 of the nuanistry of juz conclusion of which the tral will decide whether iF be tried by a civil lisez says the strike i8 serious; there ts between the mili . Twenty of the lat killed and muny. strik- nded, pi Sn ty Still Out. Poland, Fob. 6.-A few factories. were enabled to resume work this mofning. The majority of No disturbances are reported to have Women In The Riot. Berlin, Feb. 8A telegram from St, Petershurg o repos women and police and Cossacks, a clash between women of the. place stormed the No men (0 quit work, Amazons with knouts the women were killed and many in Typewriters Under The Ban. ie Feb. 6.-The police Rommi, in the pro e of Poltava, have confiscated nll t in the place. which 15,000 inhabitants. son is assigned for the action, but as defence," equivalent tate of: siege, there first. introduction of Russia the anthorities he the mmchines with two ago a permit was needed typewritten copy ringent laws which regulate Well- Known Preacher WA. ELD, died suddenly ral hospital here day was taken to the ho an operation for 'stran gulated hernia was performed, as all indications pointed to that but later collapsed and died He Is The Right Man. ax the man who married her on dannary 2nd. Ind. Mrs. Hendricks said name of Jacob Schmidt and that af weeks dhe deserted her, when ghe had given him all her A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. Itching, blind, bleeding or ing piles. Your dtuggist will refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure} «xbirg army officers con- firny the report thai Gen. Gripenberg is in ill health and that he was sori ously ill a yvar before his appoiot- ! Catarrh" at Gib- son's Red Crom The Former Kingstonian in Village Speech. MR. LEE'S YARN THINK CIVIL. LORD SHOULD BE MUZZLED Says' Britain Looks With Anxiety Towards The North Sea--If War Should Be Declared Navy Is Ready To Deal With The Danger. London, Feb. 6.--A speech delivered in Hampshire village of Fast Lehigh on Thursday evening by Arthur Ham- ilton Lee, civil lord of the admiralty, has created a sensation, In dealing with the recent redistribution of Great Britain's naval forees, Mr, Lee frankly declared that Great Britain had not 80 much to keep her eyes on France, and the Mediterranean, but had to look with. anxiety, though not with fea¥, towards the North Sea; and the fleets had been so distributed as to enable them to deal with any danger in that direction, should it uhfortun- ately occur, If war unhappily should be declared, he continued, under exist- ing conditions, the British navy would get its blow in first, before the other' side had time to read the papers that war had been declared. He maintained That by recent naval reforms Great ritain's strength gs a naval ti power had been practically hie during the last few weeks, The #Peech, delivered at a railway dinner, in no wise political in charac ter, is commented upon in some of the London morning newspapers as ex- ceedingly indiscreet and likely to be greatly resented by Germany, at which it evidently pointed, The Daily Chro- nitle suggests that Premier Balfour muzzle his civil lord of the admiralty, Known In Kingston. Me, Loe is well-known in Canada, having been professor of strategy and tactics at the Kingston Military Cols lege from 1863 to 1898, when he was transferred (0; Washington as military attache to the British embassy. He was British military attache to the United States army during the Span- ish war and was elooterd dg the British House of Commans in 1909, "OFATAL --n------ Street Car in Detroit - Runs nto Children. Detroit, Feb, 6.-Fight children, hitching behind a sleigh on hand sleds, re struck hy a street car at the r of Sixth and Abbott streets, on Saturday. Four of © them were seriously hurt, one fatally, and the others escaped with minor bumps and injuries. Marion Donovan, aged seventeen, died later, and John Dono van is in a critical condition. The others were badly cut anfl bruised. Ww Bob Hits A Train. Battle Creek, Mich, Fob. 6. While a party of vight boys were coasting down Beach street bill here on Satur- day, their hobsled crashed into a rapidly moving Michigan Central train. George Lundy, aged twelve, was instantly killed, and Leo Shar key, aged ton, had his left leg severed hy a car wheel. The other six lads were not injured. Five of them fell or rolled off the whizzing bob. The sixth uninjured lad was thrown en the pilot of the engine when the sled struck it and managed to clutch the flagstaff, Ke clung to it desperately until the train was stopped, s TO ENTER PENITENTIARY Representative Comerford Says He Will Prove Charges. Chicago Feb. 6. Representative Frank D. Comerford, who made char- ges of who le corruption in the Hinois legislatore, has added to his sensational statement. "One man at lenst is going to the pepiteptiary as the result of the enguiryl'" he said I will make good 'my charges, I have the name of the mah who was offered the bribe as well as the briber t Two Million Co-Operators. Special to the Whig y London, Feb, 6. Some interesting particulars as to the growth of the co-operative movement in England in the past ten years have just been pub lished by the board of trade. Official returns relating to 2,027 societies are dealt with. They show that the growth of the distributive and productive so cietien of all classes has been con tinuous, The present total membership ie 2.055, 731, compared with 1,245,066 a decade ago, an iuerense of 67) per vent, The total stock, loan and reserve capital amounts to 3155. 316.550 and during WM they did a business amounting to $495,050,745, Hungarian Prelate. Special to the Whig New York, Feb, 6. The Cunard liner Pannonia due to reach New York this week from Fiame brings among her passengers a distinguished Roman Ca- tholic prelate in the person of Mgr. the Count Vay de Vaya. gb Hungary, He is accdmpanying 2,008 Hungarian laborers to this country. During his stay in the United States the monsig- nor, who hax been for a long time in the far east, will preach and do mis sionary work amang the Hungarian miners of Pennsylvania and other states, Willie Armour, Carleton Place, sev. erely scalded, has had the «kin of hig elaven-year-old. brother grafted this week, and is doing nicely at the Ota: wa hospital, » Sallow's furniture store, in the Cam hell block, this morning, and is st Special to the Wi the yachting committce of the Coun. clasd hoat, after the design of George Wilds. Mr. Wilds proposes not to charge one cent for the design if the Special to the Whig. Meafo Plunkett, of Meaford, for forty-two vears clerk .of the third division cour of Grey, died, County, seventy- yoars ; from there he removed to Owen nd; where in 1863, he received his int- ment as division court clerk. He is survived by a widow, four 'daughters and one son. a Has Gone The Way Of Al Flesh Special to the Wh John Duncanson, Sr., one of the best known lake pioneers is dead here, He had lived here for upwards of fifty years, coming from A land, to Amherstburg, son retired from active 'w year ago sons and Fell 'Under Wheels While 'Switch. Special to tha W Nigh, aged thirty, London, was killed yesterday, at Ebmstad, a fow miles east of here. Nigh, who was employed as a brakesman on the C.P.R., was switching cars at the time, and shi ped on the rail, falling beneath wheels, which almost severed his head from his body, Coroner Bell decided an inquest, was unnboessary. The body was taken to London last night, ; Charged With Defrauding Credi- Special to the Whig. Hill, the dry-goods merchant who re cently failed, and who is charged with disposing of goods with the in tention of defrauding his creditors, was remanded for one wesk by Police Magistrate Glonn at the opening' of the police court this morning, The accused in out on $4,000 bail, Special to the Whig. key Lengne game at Portage la Prai- rie, on Saturday night, between the Winnipeg Rowing Clit and the home team resulted in a tie, the score being four all. The game lasted until nearly midnight, many delays having taken place. The Rowing Club lost in the, first half owing to the team heing weakened hy many of their men being sent to the fence, At Rut Portage the locals won ensily from the Vies, of Winnipeg, by a score of twelve to four, Special to the Whig pected that Ernest Girardot, of this town, will receive the appointment, an one of the commissioners to take charge of the Canadian exhibit to Belgium. Mr, Girardot has been high- Iy recommended for the position, and it is almost assured that Premier Laurier will name lim as one of the officials, Mr. Girardot was a Canadian commissioner to the St. Louis fair, Hpecial to the Wh Hendrie, of the Highland Park Club, denies the story, sent out from Nash- ville, which stated that Highland Park in Windsor, and the Fort Erie tracks had joined the new Corrigan circuit. The thing is being considered but nothing definite has been decided, with the Sunday school conference, will be held Tuesday in First Congre- lof the Darvel Ba gational , Wednesday in Sydenham Street Mothodist, Thursday in Chal- mers Presbyterian, commencing at 7.90, speak at sessions in Convocation Hall com- mance at 3 .o'clock. All the sessions, both morning and will he, but it will not he less than forty or fifty thousand dollars. -------- DETROIT COUNTRY CLUB. -- Many Enter A Thirty-Foot Can, ada's Cup Defender. we ; Detroit, Mich, Fob, 6.--Memibiers of try Club, are discussing a proposition to build a thirty-foot Canada's cup boat does mot prove the fastest trial boat of the American fleet, It is : Lahle that the project may develop into a full-fledged scheme, and have Detroit represented 'in tho great con- test, A SUDDEN DEATH. He Was An Old Time Resident Of Meaford. ed, Ont, Feb, 6.~Thomas ly, at his resi. AN OLD CAPTAIN. ent Ambérsthurg, Out. Feb. 6.~Capt, Ishire, Scot 'apt. Duncan- sixteen « He was the father o ely ¢ wiant freighters, A BRAKESNMAN KILLED, ing Cars. bie, indsor, Ont., Fob, (l~Henry W, ------------ A DRY-GOODS MERCHANT tors Out On Bail. St. Thomas, "Ont., Feb. 6.-J. B. Hockey Games In The West. Winnipeg, Feb. 6-The Manitoba Hoe- To Be Given A Place. Sandwich, Opt, Feb, 6.-It is ex- i ---------------- No Decision Reached. ie. Detroit, Mich, Poly 6. President The evening meetings in connection Lawrence will, with others each meeting, The afternoon evening are free to in Bible study are in BRITTON-In Toronto, dud, Mary Bliza, beloved M. Rritton ; . + al d the late Hun. L. if. Holton, Funpral_ private to-day to © ton, &th, 1905." Frances | ham, beloved wife of Ale: rivate from her late denham street, on 10 a.m, HEANKY At Jayeeville, on Jun oh Robert P. Heanoy, yeard, second youngest son and Mrs. John Heaney, 29th, to St. Barsaby's Ch ors Mills, where o solemn J SATURDAY, Fel And Night We have a T that will m them a delight. i Packed amidst fragrant b on the hills of Sunny Ceyl air-tight germ-proof p The only Tea that does not strength in transportation. ran amuck with a knife in go Borneo, and before he was wholesale killing oeccarred is Lahad Dafa and is the hea tie Woman Physician D Smith, one of the most wid