i Sa i i Bat : jor imaged. The judge wus Sue ; i" smcthmen, fon, asosdly. 4 a und gh EE ot logy Be. aT. 5 Sone seiesal due | gots of wot. The sites ga ue RE 1 on det allowed doe [onuibed sols Sailnd mpodSs trom of dhe fe Sih x wionhe only G6]tws tive pondlied luilens at So 23 oo he dalint, sud xn be sighed, shweos Sew wna l LCL wiih: in sgn | bund Se Sait Sw prec, moma. a rae es ad gus. Meaty' 13 inp een provided. ; we a Bink uw ae , i ----r---- Se 24 Rites, Suh we piled be ISCIIENTS OF THE BAY. |," Tu, oo, of om the bis Dv | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Tp By ar fl, Welgopen, 129: © On Ther Bounds Bi wv te mull : i= : fr} EE will pot wll is will coe Lied it | i } i hat CHE frend P resuedy for dys troubles. They it, ahd thet Cmed verbo ] La i Al i i 5 i i i > * t i i it ! i p i i fg t i 1g : i! i : i | ; : ; oily Th 3 | if bby ii | { n rd fi | i ifs fie i il ph 1 it } I | 0a 1 el '1 $ | i i s t i : il dag i I fii § tly { 8 i : ! l I § 1] : ) k jb f f fs 4 § ! ; 3 fi i i; F li ks I [ ifr ! i r un Lt is BOS am at mn the wpe mms of [ie of the workmen i work. The snd for 1 workman for bw il Ij il iis li ii ol tH § fr 0 rip ly thet Hl E » 4 ow . Bare To Esp Boads In Bs And 3 Cities Is Iz The Hom 3 Dien. The woes of oll coals 3 vow Se i mas dhamr GeSece She Seo soul of & Swome in She Bete | ragiy comme The 20 geves aoe TOLL ROADS. MMDe ABOLITION IS THE OF The Tresteser Cosmty Comed ~The Frooefue Ts Be Takes ~The Tatious Townsisps Wall § in C. -- Plauiind Tan iy oe Hambel seadd & brew siwishing Se tee -- Setar -- rm Tork soad wil gets siwer Jessgcy wl sommes. Vilesd om eli je The sd is the sly sue Hund Bliss an 2 sds of io pure § dhe tomar coanel owns, amd ot dad Bet Sessa wt Nu 0 TF Ree opin to take suk action Sthont. ' jag en Sch b Byte amy selene So dhe pecgie Tite : . at pen ------ in the council of les veer simdtiod so Ye | gem mised selipetion. hg Sevangiania un of the Bodciph hosed be Te Ein Soe, Soper ar moa a : ; The to shelinh wills on the " Sy | wnt allies hom or cate Se STN, > " - Be 3 ti 9 md w--_-- ge he. -- sane} Subate Sead, ins. Se Sela mi Ge 1 BELL Raa: amd gs a wesut the pei statis we EES Degime The OOF Somnos of | esis. Commmgion ant az Busy Gow. ue > pe PE et | Bogstan Smt mot slelished Se wer | Frum § per sucege or sx Su newt mind ant + Failllnger £3 hes eile Soni, maby | Shen oh die Cinuts prsund co She Sule Sn Cem | wae the cnly munepeis | TSE) Tae Wend $0 wersow Bundall amd Collght. [oe | Se four So vote in Swver of "a | tut, Of Conte, > fad ¥ a - 3 Eb Sh Eo ee a [mL Dem (aR PY jo Swtr dented the 3 1 2 surly yoni Lot thems =8 : Reed Sn She Sooelwad Bot eTsmEnmIMe swgle Sod mE sat a -- | She oy marhet Sallis gee wiped 3 3 . dhe 2 sums in Proatense out | am ie ee eee | eS pm mn Yes. We Have Ht! mandy rompaes whe wl bos Se bo. ose ! : rongemsed. AE fhe seam os 1 DEVELOP POWER. am de® Se ube brews i Se matter what it is you Sms wwnsiugs atested, and F the iy 3 RC Eemmedy, Wiarton, hes warm sption om der Semose Lake of i a8 be behindband =m doisg their part Queen's hes always been remarkable for the capri de oorps which amTmates her slomad, and they will doubtless maistass their reputation om thes oc casion. | The Late Mss. Barton The death corfored ca Sander more mg. at ber lade Bowe, on Sydeshoss street, of Mrs. Alexander Barton, aged forty-six years. The deconsnd bad berm LO EOETON | IROIIENRG CTR. Night Trains Late. The snow fall wns to have been beavy in the enst asl west during the wight, as the CTR trail from both Boatreal aad Torowto were ra Sor de sholitionm of Solis, soins osuncl may geooeed 5 bur gun dhe compas smd make poe | purtammads merges wom he Sos | Bore diffrninaes are 3s io the Bows | Barrie monlid met be | Sie other Sowssiips. as thes i 3 Ty Wate ate ttle ar met ai of mtesssded A: fess week's season of the contr rou § ell, Cosmeilllcr Piller, of Kmgsion | Soma. atraduned dhe OE gees § thom, amd the reall was the sopoint- | ment of 2 TommEdles fo Pel DeesRaErY § | b | ! stork in peciec: condition and At the Right Price msfcemation spon the soll roads Bt -- = gate Hedy that belore the =| seni ccameid oomdedes ss esse «i {THE BEST DRUG STORE, power =m December, FE. the =u i 124 Princiss St. "Plose 59. tower of the =f gates wm Foontesar . sill be nan as cord | Ssccesser to the Taylor Drag Conpavy There sre 2 Sow i» Frosiesar con | fed, of cours, fo oa tows shag, whe sromply izsor the oo} fiom 'of toll patrs. They samy 80 jes § those whe travel par Bos the = fainwess aries when the people of ad | TE Joimieg toseships' of the sews comps, Hi weessntesstaanscwsesi baring free romde, are regmred Yo pay whens travelisg throsgh Kingstom toenshep, while the people of the Istier smmatipalty can sErwe over the = roads, ita comme baying them that Pitrshwry hes some of the best seasiy ss good as redid thorompidares the townships =m wach they wv sou have 20 kep the toads im me pax, but thes should mot be 3 hard ship. Nasy = beck township would pride snd delight in keeping wp budt made Give we seh f toll gates are ¢ first class repair It by an eviemsiof of the sysiens ar eomid ke dome statute labor better by the cosmsplets f 2% bee LOMAS IION © sounty wonld 40 away with the two toll gates on the York roed The ro guest, be says, was fockshly mefused Fromisnae, be says, would have been better of all along with po toll putes on that reed. Councillor Stones does not blame Kisgstom so much about retaming the marker tolls, 2s the fire: proposition came frome the city i v i Saad, would be to out, as its markets would be meregs- ed and far seore business dose here with the merchants by the farmers whe wos patrosie the village stores so freely. Abolish market tolls, sad far wore farmers would comer Bere crease in Rates" in the past ls blessed the candies wind in | late in reaching bere, She former or |. ™ az ¥ " derade has ben dight whe compared oar aml the - fining at mest' seven and the letter Swiss Food Business" Break with the incase in the price of 20 | round the sides of Need os at mime o'clock. The fall of mow in fasts. eral commodities and Im wages. Sen tock place. after which igh mass | the north sas not so heavy, and The hwsiness man finds "Swiss } A---------------- was oddebrated The ecoremony was fhoth K & P. and B. of Q raiinay | Food" the best breakinst cereal kt Sudden Desth At Joyoeville Ee trains were reported as very little in | makes his body strong and his mind i Th, one of comveniented clear. 15¢. packages ever oecurved J bet of Robert P| A Bano Da¥. Hon. Mr Foster May Come. "Better is the rad of things than ont of this 3 Ral was = buster oy a It is Jikely thet (Queen's Political | the' beginning thereoi," wrote Salo we straggl, into | ioral Salvation Army cireln. (8 0% | omer Club will invite Hon. George [mon This applies clearly 10 deftion : mgm sion ng the viet of Coamimion | 0 "pl Co public address in | recounts in Prince Edward and King by for "ooninhe, Toromte, one of the pio- tion Hall A a 1eton "lay, dep Jets af Salvation Army work ia } SouFocats a Bea onth wae earth. | Canada. Tomer, SECO preferential tari, in support Hon. cared | pusied by the chiet sevetagy, Kol. [Lg Chet ee thon A Prominent Organist a urner, & & i er Archibald, sreived in Be a aT Bour 1. RB. Beary. avpuitt Ghiuseh St. Ratarday A ame. Fs Lows was Wo iS night amd was at by i= Lows : : that it | the Barracks An widens of weloome The Best Physic. *" About three years ago, 1 bought an- tock | was delivered by wrting mayor When you want a physic that © other make of pase Men. . | mild and gestle, envy to take snd | A. Hutepn & Co. of this but since Wills, sertain to act, always use . 1 have examined and played om your was sung . for lain's Stomach sed Liver Tablets | Pianos I decided to change i for ede of bas soml, she For sale by all druggists. a Ee § from representatives J. A. decrnsnd was held. Major Hyde, a graduate of Bis a consisting of » the Royal tary College, bas been | The a a a mother, three seommandisy ofScer of the tas have the Roval Engineers at Sierra Leone the most exacting artists, and responds rommuntty. -------------- to the most delicate as well as powerinl " To Prevent The Grip. demande. : : business, for . os ""Ishall deem it a to recom- George H. Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world- you 1d Plessure taken over pportunity pr and I Some, of : comgratulate & your Sutneit a : the Canada. iJon H. Mills for $A. Comeillor Shamsom says | romds in (Ontario, its sade roads bag | mst mmimly trae ~ » '- 4 Wien the toll gates are sholished pO POOOPOLPIPOPPROPI OPN ahteswnse ladies will all be in our NEW Ths interestad |GOODS that are arriving ievery day. The latest creations for Spring in Dress Goods, Silks, Waistings, etc. Some swell designs in Silk Waists, Navy, Brown Cream, Black. Special at $3.95 Newman & Shaw. 200 TONS ! Swift's Scranton Coal $6 PER TON (PEA AND WUT) A mixture suitable for ranges and small PRPC RPDIGE VDL 0009% @ Second Class § jst fares Kingston to 0 'ov 0 - Seattle, Vittoria, Vancouyer, 4 is RE 3 Roslang, Nelson, Trail, Robson, oe Anaconda, Butte. Heleva, Salt Lake Aiuto gil $47 Colorado Springs, Defiver, Pueblo $4 San Francisco, Los Angeles ... $4¢ Tourist, Sleepng Cars leave Kings Tuecdays and Thu Ss at 2.26 a.m For the accommodation of passen, nolding First-.or' Setond Class Pic to Chicago abd Westithereof as far the Pacific - Cpist, nominal charge wade for berths, which may be reser in advance. For Comfort Travel by the Grand Trunk Rallway System, J. P. HANLEY, Agen Corner Johnston and Ontario stre re -------------------------------------------------------- KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANAD) PACIFIC RAILWAYS. Snirbent TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON 12:89 p.m.--Express, for Ottawa, NM treal, Quebec, St. John, N.B.: Hali Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, 1 frew, Sault Ste. Marie, Dhluth, Pau!, Wisnipeg, Vancouver, Seal Portland, and Sen Francisco. 5 pm.--Local for Sharbot L counecting with C.P.R. east and wes 8:10 &.m,~Mized, for Renfrew and termediate points. Passengers leaving Kingston at 1! p.m., arrive ia Ottawa at 5:00 p Feterboro, $12 p.m. Toronto, p.m.; Bosten, 7:80 am; St. J N.B., 11:66 a.m. Full particulars at K. & P. and F.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass Agt. BAY OF QUNTE RAILWA New short line for Tweed, Naps Descronto, and all local points. Ti leave City Hall Depot at 8:25 p.m, CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingsto ror, BERMUL F. A. FOLGER, JR. Gen. S Frost unknown, Jhalaria impos: From New York, 48 hours by ele pew twin screw steamship '* Bermudi Sailings every 10 aays during Jani Every five days. during February, M and April, 1905. FOR WINTER CRUISES GO T -- WEST INDIES 80 days trip. About 20 days in tro Special cruises to Bermuda, p Rico, Windward Islands and Cuba, PRETORIA, February 9th March 22nd, 1905. For further par lars apply to A. E, DUTERBRIDY 2 is a SS, Go. York'; ATCT AHERN, Secretary, Quebec, J. P. HANLEY, and to J. P. GILI SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Kingston Broan agi. LIVERPOOL ALLAN LINE LoNBoND! Royal Mail Steamers.' From St. John, From Hal Pretorian, Sat. Feb. 11; Moan. Fel Corinthian, Sat. ¥gb, 18; Mon. Feb. Parisian, Sat. Feb. 25; Mon. Feb Sicilian, Sat. Mar. 4; Mon. Ma RATES OF PASSAGE~First C $50 and upwards, according to ste and accommodation; Second Cabin, erpool and Londonderry, $37.50 MO: London $2.50 extra; °° 'lass, $37.50; superior accommoda dverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, on NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Laurentian Thurs First Cabin, $40 and u S $35--Third Class, $27.50 For further particulars apply to J. P. HANLBY, Ageat, U.T.K, . P. Glu in Passenger t. J , SILKEVE, Clarence Street. 4 ARCHITECTS. e-------------------- WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHATEOT, fice, second floor ever Mahood's store, corner Princess and F etrests. Entrance on Bagot ® Teleplrons 608, ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, fice sits of New Drill Hall, near ner of Queen and Montreal Stree POWER & SON ARCHITECT, ) chant's Bank Building, corner | and Wellington streets. 'Phone HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHIT ete M oe Anchor Building, Souare. 'Phone 245. 2% BEST in the Ei The new, up-to-date Business Tre School, Kingston, Ontario. In afliliation with the vel knowr CENTRAL BUSINESS COLL Of Toronto, Giving best courses in all Departs Everything new, clean and first Circulars free. Enter sow. DAY AND EVENING SESSION W. H. SHAW, 7T. N. STOCKDAL ' President. Priv Fuel Fu "Hard Coal Grate sud Bgg for-your furnace. Stove, Chestnut and Pea for Stoves. Soft Coal Cannel for your grate. Select b for grates ania Smithing i Also Cut & Uncut W st. P. WA ISH, prmack Nein