of ! GOO ST tat tt ttt ttt R TTA VRAIS RTE TSS AN AVA RCC RVC NEESER BE. Ss eres assess POP JARGAINS to give SPECIAL 1. ER ! v or Gentile, Bank- fake or otherwise, Haberdashery. Real Bargains ! IBBY Co. Oak Hall, Kingston. csssescssacssasserensP@ [ CARE cost. We are having a Minter Clothin ad our sacrifice prices will hle quick. You know the 2, $14 and $15. We have e hroken . lots, odds and n saleat....$8 the Suit. large quantity of MEN'S for $12, $14 and $15, just ots, single coats, and some facturer at....$8.50 the get away {rom you, People's Clothier, ; and Crawford's Groceries. shed Stocktaking s which Prices! ng stock. Blucher Boot ; regular we wish lo clear y $3.75 NOW 2.90. r Boots, $3.50, NOW tly reduced. Shoe Store. toes, rape Fruit, Bananas, etc. TUMORS NQUERED pem's Wt in the Case of Mrs Fannie D. Fox. ne of the greatest triumphs of Lydia E ces Vegetdble Compound is She conquering woman's dread en- , Tumor, oi he growth of a tumor oe 3s 30313 that f ent}, presence isnot suspected eli it iot far advanced. So-called * wandering pains" come from its early stages, or the presence of danger may be made mani- may fest by profuse menstruation, aceom- panied by unusual ovaries down the groin and thighs If you have mysterious pains, i a are indications of inflammation or dis- placement, don't wait for time to con- firm your fears and go through the horrors of a hospital ration; secure Lydia BE. Pinkham's 'egetable Com- pound right away and begin its use. Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass, will give you her advice free of all e! if you will write her about yourself. Your letter will be seen by women only. r Mrs. Pinkbam:-- Det] take the liberty R.& 0.COMPANY --MARINE RAILWAY. Unwarranted Search Oi Montreal Maternity Hospital, Will Be Punished--Pratt Has Resigned «J: Burt Sutherland Is Dead. Special to the Whig. Montreal, Feb. @ Provincial Con: ty Constable Lambert, indignation in medical of rant, has resigned, The solicitor of to secure g speedy return of Lambert from Europe, where he is at present taking a Swiss prisoner, in order to have the matter pressed to a conclu Navigation company, was held to-day. re-elected. It was decided to petition the government respecting the con- struction of a marine railway at Sor- completed by the antumn of 1905, The death is announced, from pneu- monia, of J. Burt Sutherland. city. He was for years in the dry goods! business in London, Ont., firm being Laing, Sutherland &. Co. He retired some Vears ago, and was an extensive traveller, delivering many arrived at Halifax, at 3.15 p.m. terday. The Allan line RMS. Ionian, from St. John, , for 11 a.m. yesterday. yes- sailed To Be Discussed. have bad with your wosdaril al Matters vitally affecting the hiter- She Susoess your a iqertel ests of the agricultural societies of lies ste ory iter | tot ao badly thst the province will be discussed at the J submitted to a thorough examination by a ovsician and was told that I had a tumor annual convention of the Fairs' awd Il xhibition Association, which will ke on the, uterus and would have to undergo an | hold in Toronto, February 14th to portion 'after | read one of your advertise- | 0th. A great majority of the co ments and decided to give Lydia E. Pink- | Cicties have appointed delegates. The bam's V a trial. After most important subjects are: trying five bottles as the tumor is | 'Should Horticultural Soecietios Be entirely gone, rola ied examived by by & | Separate in The Agricultural and Art Juicu W Hea ve mg From: Agricultural Societies ?' lies around once more, and go entirel Should the Number of Agricultural well "Fannie D. Fox, 7 Chestout Street, Societies Be Reduced 2" "Huw Many Bradford, Pa. Fall Exhibitions Should Be Allowed - in Fach County *" "The Best -thod Discovery Of A New Metal. Special to the Whig, Rome 'eh. 6v--A new metal dis- covered by Signor Ugo Travaglini and christened 'Radioro," is attracting much interest in scientific .circles. It is said to be non-magnetic, of small ravity, hard and malleable, and discoverer claims for it a large com- of Reducing the Number of Fall Exhi- bitions."" "Should the Government Grant Be Withheld From Socioties That Permit Games of Chance?" "Should the Legislature Be Asked to Vote a Special Appropriation to Stamp Out Games of Chance at Ex- hibitions *"' mercial value, He has undertaken the Men Drew The Hearse convention in the Methodist church | then what co-operation by done, for ular $1 50 to $2. SALE range of sizes, task of coining medals and duplicates ' here on Monday evening and Tuesday, the Danish dairy herds, he first of PRICE $1. and $2. 50 SALE PRI E if ancient coir out of it for the King | (Columbia, S.C., Feb. 6~The unusu- | yoy '30th and 3ist. "| these co-operative testing associations i of le and will shortly exhibit at al spectacle of men drawing a cares The Y edocs were largely attended | Was formed in 1895, society is » s * We are cl Whee Bead es iat : hia . | containinh a corpse was witnessed nd | composed. of a dozen mers. who 2 : Mila specimens of machine fittings yl tare hy both lay a Slerical delegates ana wouy ners, who COME IN TO-DAY. ee Br eh. by a sleet storm which has prevailed ta power, a wbtedly the frequent "intervals during the whole Fraie. in ! . for twenty-four hours, making it al-} CCT Ltt sectations of the | milking period . by a competent man. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. 1 Wilton Rug in Wire Frame. STOCK MARKETS. most impossible for horses to keep : foll Fairly accurate records dare obtained, S------ their footing. After several futile at committee were realized. The a OW ing t only of ha prin ol milk ond hut op 3 Fancy Velours, Couches, at ere ap----- - - ot a r " sented : » 8.8. Re- | not ol ) eld -- ---- EE ~ -- <Telographes ed specially to the Whig by | tempts to draw the hearse with hors- or Ts Joc prssented he ¢. Hufi. | ter Tat, but of the amount, kind and only $5.50. Nornaa | inmore, Muvager gd es sixty negroes, members of a frater- ation te Eone, - ed h Hira nt. of A food Son dat: Advancement In Art 5 Com ation \ Coushes om Ne : : i the 4 bin Bed Stack xchat, ®is1 St. James Street, | nal order to which the dead man had ma SS." Mr. Heath: "The S.8, a |mation thus secured has proved re for Comfort and Ease, at Montreal belonged, procured ropes, which they Factor in the National Life," Rev. Mr, [markably effective in inducing the x a bargain, justoned lo the hearse, thus HVE | Jones; "Uses and Abuses of the 8.8. | Danes to adopt better methods of Is demanded of the plumber as | meee are specials--only Nemited BY YORE: STOG the body to the cemetery, a distance }3 " lev: *"T! / ; | breedin, feedin d enlling dairy NEW YORE STOCKS he ae Helps," J. N. Laidley; "The Value of | breeding, | ing an g dair) ; sumber. Feb. 6th of over two miles. Yor ation" F. J. Clarke; "Temper- | COWS, of all other artisans these days. . ot Ciba 12.80 n il Will Be Worth Seeing ance in the S.8." G. Chiatiton;. 2 on Tos he value by the Boon. That we keep pace with the tines | JAMES REID od oti 3 36} . cision Day,' Rev. E. Lawson e ) 0 lenmar was N - / - Ainerican Smelting. & Refining 864 Charley Grapewin and his lovely | Sunreme Purpose," Mrs. Hufiman ; 000, In 1801, when over three hund- 4s shown in our sanitary openworle ' American. Sugar JRefning in wile, Auba Chance, in he Avalon "TLisorder, Its Causes and Cure, Hine Sad ol Sn ociations the ax heal e y The Leading Undertaker, ed 041 ing of Mr. Pipp,"" are to be at e | A. Morris; "Givin Rev. W. , | tem over that country exports . t Hp rant 'ei Grand on Saturday. The Buffalo Smith: "The i, HE of the Les- amounted to $29,000,000, an increase bathroom and toilet fixtures. Row | Princess Street - Kingston, Pacific 1344 Times says: "Grapewin is cleverly con" A. E. Hardy, B.A., Toronto; | of over filly per cent in six years. . . } sake & Dhle 126: | natural, but never vulgar, and his The Bible, Its Inspiration and Pur The greater part of this wag due to well we are in line with modern | rel iy a7 audience fairly screamed at his = an- 82." Re E. Lawson: "Teacher | the testing associations in woeding : . ----------------------------------" 15 hen de | tic Anna Chance, as Mrs. Pip, is |Fraining," A. E. Hardy, BA. out poor cows. Not only was the av ImgrovemeHt gvary Say b Semon WwW d and Coal Pa Nashy Hie eis) clever and winning. Incidental to the And last but not least the presenta srage production of the milking cows trated Ly the samples we how 00 ashville a7 : : i " : strated Ek f 39% plot Anna Beaumont, a clever and | ion of the banner to the delegates of | largely increased, but so much addi- olitan Securitie a dainty miss, sings and dines. The Parham school, which had the largest | tional skill in feeding was adquired nd the. work we hava done Er Se Pau & S.8. 00 spporting company is excel lent anc percentage of attendance for the last | that the cost of feed necessary to pro- a t We ha band the diflerent Ve rk Central 1484 far above the average. vear. The officers selected for next |duce a pound of butter is less than | ® Ye on 0 lvania 139% year were : President, C. M. Huyek ; two-thirds of what it was. : ! varieties of Wood and Coal. : eo Steel wl Glass In Arm For Eight Years. {iecretary, Mrs. (Dr.) Kilborn; assist- | Canadian dairymen should consider | 1 or wie 35 Winsted, Conn., Feb. 6.--Mrs. George | ant secretary, Miss GG. 'McConnell; | these figures, The reports of the test: TH & CO . Pacific on Pulver, New Milford, had a pice of | treasurer, Miss M. Thompson, all of ing Jadities Spwel that The Sant of C , B . Jhilway 2 lass three-quarters of an inch lng | Sharbot Lake. The executive commit. | keeping these yearly records was from ' Poot of West St. Railways & Light 132 g caved yo her wrist vesterday. | tee to be composed of the officers and | forty to sixty cents pericow, while 69 a rd Brock St. Kingston. Phone 133. ! 14 The glass entored her arm eight years | resident pastors in the d strict. the increased returns per Cow, as a 4 gui ago, when an apple crashing through The next place of meeting will be Neault of ive Juans testing, were hom ---- -- | - 23 a window sent a splinter through thc | Sharbot Lake. Music was furnished by | 8i¥ {0 fifteen dollars per annum. e WwW d C 1 45% flesh. A hard swelling, appeared on | he Mountain Grove and jan choirs *xtrdotdivary fucrens Bi 2 snber CAN BE | 00 and 08a MONTRE Al. STOCKS her wrist last week, and when doctors | and talent from Sharbot Lake. ol societies in Denmark shows Ow { » Street Ry 101} opened it they found the glass highly this wari is srpeesiated. The CURE | It I Bh 1 re tie Talat OWL Boye, Tor Wilton Watts al, real ne D| |New Coal & Wood Yard ---- o rince Award IC ) r . } fy « rhie S i t " ow i > ' onto, granted $15 to be distributed as Wilton, Rob. C~~Archis J dover 1% 1 Danish farmers that (hey were not 0 WITH! UT Pat or Time From Work the { The very test Hard nd Sols Hood, NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS. ublic school pupils win- verv low with pneumonia. James Sim- dairying on business principles--that at home WITHO DIS: in Rapger. or Time FX: 10 Bi nt. | Cont, Slabs, Shingles, Tuy, Straw, ete, Open. Close. prise to, he Pe A Ta on mons has rented the Jag ksmith shop | they were allowing a lot 'of robber Mi. Jauxs Calg 162 Ridean f oot, Kingut ont | always on hand. Feb. 6th ning the hig 1% 1 from Alfred Babeoe Rev.: T. Gi }oow to at he ofits produced whose portrait m™, is cu 3 . xamination, and Jiso old 510 to Brown, Sydenham, a former pastor to "their il oh Pr ad they were / De 5 ns me i sae F. W H ITN E Y, HAYMARKET. the Royal True Blue Orp Sang Girt | here, will 'conduct the anniversary ser- | quick to adopt wore profitable meth- ers, who write at once. Dr. Tice will send FREE, his BOOK, "Can Rupture be | 'Phone 652. Transit Picton. Provident, Sow N. rar din vices" in the Methodist church next | qe eet Oud FILER TRIAL of his DISCOVERY. De not wai i vice-president, F. § cer; Second 1g : 3 i oy vies presi ig W. Core: ererarv. Ir. Simday morning. Sacrament will he The hundreds Bi coiope rave cheese tinois Central I . ! H. Wellbank observed at the same service; and on | factories and creamerics doing husi- BEST IN CANAD | Bouis "ith & Nashville A Jose; hob ad Shige op the following evening a platform ness throughout Canada prove eon oar PUNCAY SHAOL Workers he meeting will be held in the church. | cusively that we can work suecess- rare treat this week, in bearing the inn Soir Woy Her the beans iY that we y ork. ons A Modern and Progressive School I problems of Shia wor irc BY he Preshyterian church last Sunday even- Tt in only a short ste fom Sha Ror The old reliable Re eating ; Sunday schoo ing. The annual Sunday school "At],, 1 t to the 80 tive S onth brushes that won't wear | Home." will be held in the Preshyter- Frag dg Ye avery, dairy The last week in January we advertised in the WhiG | Ki n Business College *1ooth Ashes that ' church, Friday, February 17th. " A . out." gre wold 'at Gibson's Red Cross Miss Edith Hudgins, Selby, and Mr. Community. thare is a nae Be that all goods purchased from us for cash would be sold less | Limited. Head of Queen street, Kings \ ' Drug Store, a ; luted I" an : on i as, C lete Fi a Do not fail to hear our Canadian eed Miers, William: radatians man, Whe could induce Py this large and liberal discounts. Hundreds took advantage o pa igus Apartments, quplet e Favive Wheto oY ? ig ra Y ty to join hm § ividual tent anid Wheat - poet, Dr. Drummond, to-morrow night, | Ni "hokote; was visiting Harvey | enarprice wo omiast. an ting offer, and our place of business much resembled | Ji vidual iusirctios by comfort ond May a. Opera House, Ti Yast %K enterprise so profitable. e temp g } I radustes sought after 5 Commercial a er ; " iy T. Roskwith, prevident of the de. | Timmerman Jost: wes rb uaa I en i a bee-hive scene in summer. February, usually a dull month pachers" tn 'Comada "and the United orp funct Cit National Bank, Ober- and other officiol = > t utd vay oy itn a at. At Queen's Alma 4 Mater, Secioly the work of fhe experi mental Jarms for ready cash with merchants, we propose to make it lively. Sickel, Ho, pain 5 ter ut oki 2 y meeting, on aturday nig! ela agriculural colleges, v nn : ee | Second seasion of the mock parliament merous brivate investigations of dairy Peruse carefully the list of special offerings and come with| J. B. MeKAY. -- &..F METCRLER, wae held. E. A. Collins, leader of the Jarge proportion of our - { / hi / f h ME spoke and was su ated hard are. Xi 2% Re actnal Toss, An the crowd for a FEBRUARY BARGAIN : . X Rays - ve Polish 2 R Swanson. Cameron aw dducational egmpaipn that. will bring . we oma Collar Blankets, Tisdowns, Comforters, White : ure, Hea t u ' e res ing and A. G. Penman spoke from the op- | daitv farmers face 10 face with facts olomen's Fur, ont Ca OE ands, Carpets. Chenille' aud Tapestry position point of view. i #8 they exist on their own farms ic | Suite, Children 1 istors Kuits and Curtaing and Table Susan. Sd Seolch ot nas brighter and wears longer than | As a result of the disqualification of | urgently needed. The problem of weed. | Clotn Skirts, at 50, 4 18 and 25 per two-yurd-wide Cork Linolium, all reduc- ® at . the Port Hope juniors by the O.H.A. ling out fhe cows that cannot fue made | cent. reductio ed 25 and 20 per vent. off. Aluminum Polish for moves or phos, : a tie is caused between Belleville and | to yield milk at a profit is the most Winter Millinery reduced one-half in| Gold Bronze, in po . Cobourg juniors and bome and home | important, one that confronts our Me C Wombat, Diack Dog, 1 price, apd during February your choice | Oet prices for above a # decide i x ithe tv} Russian Fur Coats, Fur Colla of our new White Musiin and Cotton f games will be necessary to deci it. uirymen. to:day. The possibilities in | Hos olen Undergarments Underwear st a redaction of 20 per -- a he a> y The winners will play Queen's juniors | this 'eontection were well illustrated | 71), 3 1-3, 25 and 20 per cout off. cent, ve S we . here, on Friday might. bv Prof. Grisdale nt the recefit winter | . o The Ontario Gazette announces the | fair at Guelph. He told of a friend of |, . . cloth, Freize and Cloth Dress 7 ons, Pa rgd appointment of William Walter Brown | his who had increased the average | Goods and Suitings. White Bearskin and other lines not ected, a reduction of REAL ESTATE 8 he Queen 0 Zable Vaters' of Colborne, a registrar of Northwn- | production of his her irom $384n ome | Curly Cloth for Children's Jackets. al 10 per cent, of, to customers desiring the iseriand, in place of the late A. E. |year fo $15 the next, Michi the ]38 1-3, 25 and 20 per, cent Aga Have you Properties for on allory. price of cheese remained the scine. In : + It will cost you WE MAKE You may never have so good au ithe thin year. with checss consider: Purchase your Winter Wants or Spring Dress and you sale? i th ~ | opportunity of hearing the author of | ghly higher, the averace of his herd will be dollars and dollars ahead. 9 & % the Habitant, Dr. Drummond, at Opera | ~yme up to 880, and in the vear fol. : DO IT NOW ! YS SASH W House, to-morrow night. lowing to #70, This was secomplished : A \ Try Fellows' Bronchial Lanficts for {by more skiff] feeding, By weeding y A. F. B 0 ND 2 any throat or bronchial trouble, at {out improfitable wows, and fiw buving or Buildings, fo order. Meleod's Drug Store, from neighbors hetter produging rows INSURANCE & SL ESTATE, HE CANADA METAL co - - : Toronto.| "Bav Razor strops" at Gibson's FAN, 4 se : \ ; f SE RR #1 RE-ELECT ALL OFFICIALS stable Pratt, who with Deputy Coun- aroused much and hospital circles by an alleged arbiteary search the Montreal Maternity Hospital, for the purpose of executing a war: the hospital is not relaxing the effort sion. The annual meeting of the share- holders of the Richelieu and Ontario and the directors and officers were all el, which the company desires to have of this the : and his breach with Gen. Gripenberg retures Yh fe bilifes on hig Sravale 8." Protons seems to be unhealable. "This can be ifom Liverpool. for HR Toba NB 4inderstood if, as stated, the latter Liverpool, Not On Best Terms With His Subordinates. GEN. KUHOPATKIN. London, Feb. 6.--Gen. Kuropatkin's reported resignation and the relations of his subordinate commanders form the principal feature of the war for the moment. It is not helieved that Gen. Kuropatkin's offer to resign will be accepted at the present stage cf affairs, when a great battle may oc- cur at any moment, but there is no questioning the fact that he is wot on the hest terms with his subordinates, appealed to St. Petersburg over Gen. Kuropatkin's head. According to the Daily Mail's Tokio correspondent, Lieut.-tien. Tachimi, in command of the eighth Japancse divi. sion, bore the brunt of the fighting in the battle of Hotkoutai. He was con stantly opposed to superior forces, but continued fighting till the last, with a total loss of 162 officers and 5,500 men killed or wounded. Jap General Dead. Tokio, Feb. 6&.--Gen. Matsumura, who commanded the Japanese opera- tion at 203 Metre. Hill and who was appointed to the command of a divi ston in recognition of his services in that engageownt, has died at the front from congestion of the brain A RED LETTER DAY. A Fine Gathering At Mountain Grove. Mountain Grove, Feb. 3.--Another red letter day of this town has passed and what was all expectation now is only a memory of a realized fact, The intéer-denominational Sabbath School Association of North Addington and North Frontenac held their annual butter, MADE FE FELLOW] SECRETARY Y HODGETTS HON- _ORED. Frank Nonisso, Charged With At- tempted Murder; Out On Bail --Bertratn Thompson Resigns --~Got Money Under False Pretences. s 1 to the Whi Tovanto; Feb. % ~Frank Norrisso, the Italian, who is in jail, at Brace bridge, charged with attempting to murder Agoste Bole, will be rcleased on bail. The Mieged ad lv rela: tions between Bale Norrisg were of such a oe as Jn Juutify Justice Anglin in ing the order. Bertram "homer, jor thirtern years in the Ontario agricultural de partment, and for the | fie four secre tary to Se 4 pi oats ister, has re- signed, to in Hamil ton. Hope ; 8, the provin- ar) ies of healt] haa a Commutation on, Eng., announci been made a fellow ph Boo) Insitute of Publie Health, BE. Aadtrgn, - the Palmerson | son hank 'of Was manager of the Ander oy whi-h failod some time ago, . was charged in the police court, this ! bh with ob taining money under false protences, Tt was shown that he went into the store of J. A. Queens, on Yonge street, and in payment for a pair of shoes, tendered a deaft on the Ime perial bank for $15, receiving £12 in change, The draft was meturned by the hank with the endorsation "no funds," Anderson was rema Fire was discovered, this morning, in the private office of the Nusketonr hotel, Qugen strpet, and damage to the extght of 000 occurred. The loss isfvovered inmirance. Abqut 27,000 cigars wer destroyed. TESTING DAIRY HERDS. -- What Danes Have Done--Object Lesson For Canada. The litde kingdom of Renmark oe- cupies an - almost wmrivalled position as a producer of first-class bacon a op as Canadian exporters ful realize, Thin pre-eminence has been brought about chiefly by the general diffusion of agricultural information and the hearty co-operation of the farmers. There are iy directions in which Canadians might profitably imitate these energetic rivals, not they least important being in the improve- ment of dairy aim of intel ligent dairymen, in Canods as well as io Denmark, is to produce the largest amount of first class milk, butter or cheese at the least costs. Let us see, Red Cross Drug Store, of whose value the owners were ipmor- ant, a % i + Gt ---- your leisure time. [It and wh the c lothes. oe Lover Brothers Limited Sunlight Soap v reduces wash day odgety and nd incrensts cleansing 8 soap that makes your out the least Yinjury soft Bip will do and you don Buy Sunlight. . ur grocer is instructed to refund your if you are not satisfied. 1108 by some of our customers to;give them a chance | the elections at our intr or have to boil the saving power of Bargain tables Bals, sizes 2, 3,4. 5. Reg- Ceaseless Activity Is a characteristic feature of our successful Shoe Sale. But the greatest feature is the remarkable amount of | business we are doing, proving that the public appreciate 25 Per Cent. Discount are crowded with price appealing shoes. . The two following items will be skaters :-- : 54 Pp 16 pairs Boys' Hockey be of interest to airs Men's Black Box Calf and Electric Calf Hockey Bals, a good wort 'SALE So we have decided to Lcontinue our sale of $18, $20, $22 and. $25 at the red. ced price of $15.50 for 2 WEEKS LONGER COATS at the same price to clear them out, This will give the winners of money, Grits or Conserva- tives, a chance to sccure one of our Bargains. Satisfaction guaranteed in every order placed with us. Carroll & Co. 230 PRINCESS STREET, FASHIONABLE TAILORS. And will inctude all our 3 es 5K LIMES iE + ®