Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Feb 1905, p. 1

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ms of three of tia we aré now showing ched, ssc., 63c., ~r wt © - I ched, 69c., 83c., 95c., ched, $1.25. inens, 49C, 35C., 45¢,, nens. 65¢c., 75¢, 9c r dozen, $1. 25, $1. b2.25, $2 49, $2.75. 2 99, $3.75, $4, $4.25. $4.75, $5. d 1cc. each, round and s from 63c. up to $2. Sy 39C., 49¢. OC , 4§¢.. 50¢,, 65¢, 75¢, gh medium and sheer ELS yy 12§C., 15C,, 18¢C., 20%. y 30C. oc, 12%c, 15¢C. hing to you until you are now offering. 8c, 12%¢., 15¢C. 8¢, 10¢C, 15¢C. ts - GAINS AT THE DE STORE NDS SALE narrow toe, hrohen - , medinm tor, al sir wi wid shapes but not > ots, heavy soles, nov Rr : &.W of, 82, for tion Boots, low | or 0 We loots, worth 81.25, a hig reductions 1 up nga'n CKET T YEAR 72. NO. THE DAILY : January & February FURNITURE Everything reduced. A great portunity to save from 15 to 20 per cent. on all lines of Furniture, Couches, velours or tapestry, $5.50, $6.50, $8.80 and up. Good line. \ Iron Bed special, "regular $7.50 for $6, others $3.50, $4.50, etc, Six Solid Oak Desks, fitted with British plate mirrors ,regular $7; to clear at $5.50. RRR ROBT. J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, 22 Princess Strect. 2 doors ahove opera house. Telephone 577. DANCING & DEPORTMENT D. ROY MACDONALD ' WHIC HALL - KINGSTON. Classes wilt be continued on TUES- DAY, 31st January, 4.30 and 8 p.m. Assembly Tuesday, February 17 Sead for Circular. Comfortable Eye=Glasses We are devoting a great deal of our ach tlass Fitting p! and sup ply vou with A mounting vou may wish, at prices you will find most moderate We fully gwirantee our work in fitting our frames, and our lenses Prescriptions for glasses carefully llled SMITH BROS. JEWELERS OPTICIANS 350 KING THERE 1S A CHANCE I have almost new stoves, in cooks ani heaters, loit, which I will sell at big bar- gains, also furmiture, as 1 want to get space for other stock, in spring. TURKS SECONP-RAND SHOP, 308 Princess WANTED, hm a A NUK AND HOUSEMALID APPLY Mrs. Van Straubenzie, Portsmouth -- TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS (OR ON} large). Address, stating terms, etc Box "GG. Whig office, A CARRIAGE WOODWORKER, ONI wood at repairing preferred James Laturney, 390 Princess street ---------------------------------------- BOY TO LEARN THE PRINTING business. Good opportunity for the right lad. Apply Whig office at once YOUNG WOMAN TO ASSIST IN CA} of Invalid Lady, one willing to make herse generally useful Apply, 189 Johnston Street -------------------------------------- A SMALL OR MEDIUM SIZED HOUSE by May 1st or sooner, in good lo cality, for a small family Apply box X., Whig office HELP WANT ED ADVERTISEMENTS of all Kinds abound in the London 'Free Press." Ii you want a posi- tion, write for sample -------------------------------------- CANVASSING AGENT IN KINGSTON for Hon. John ®harlton's volume of speeches and addresses. Liberal com- mission. Apply through Whig office GENTLEMEN, TO GET THEIR Spring Suits made up at Galloway's, 1341 Brock street, mext to Bibb livery: style, fit and price guaranteed Lo please; pressing and repairing done promptly. atiath--es----------------------------_------------ ALL INTELLIGENT, RELIABLE PEO. vie who are sceking an advantageous change, or those who are idle and want work will accomplish their Purpose hy writing Marshall & Co. tea importers. London, Ont.; Outfit furnished. PUPILS AT MME. ELDER'S DRESS- making Parlors, 51 Princess street. Evening ¢nstumes a special t Instructions in dressmaking giv- en day and evening until March 1st Cutting by meastire, designing, otc, cluding system, $10 FOR SALE. GOOD BUILDING LOT, SOU 'H SIDE Queen street, between Montreal and Bagot Apply 49 Colborne street BUSINESS CHAN lady or gentleman; annual profil $4.500 Apply at McCann's, 351 Broek street. ---------- al AR FENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED FoR the following property to February . 206 Wiliam street ey Nos. 100, 111 Wellington 20th, 190. Nos rant, heated by hot water: and Nos 185 Clergy street, heated by hot air All these properties have all modern improvements; can be bought singly or otherwise, on easy terms. Also Jot north-west corner of Mack and Ai hart streets, opposite Victoria Park, ad half lot on Ordnance street, op- posite Frontenac Park. Address Box hig o! LOST. inst. Finder will he likeraily: re warded hy taking them to-.the Whig office tte em io Seti ett \ BROWN LEATHER WRIST nA, Containing nioney and other papers, Saterday evening. on Princess Street the «3 to Whig Office Cigarette Habit ot Toronto Girls. Toronto, Feh "Rev. Pr. Sir told the Minicipal Reform Associa tion at a wecting that a barge dealer in » vigareties had informed hig that habit was taking hold not onle of 1 Young Cop, od io fh ge 5, SUITARLE FOR 232, 284 Sydenham street. and me ae meee FIVE 85 BILLS, ON MONDAY. 6TH between Sutherland's Shoe Store and MO Finder please return DAILY MEMORANDA. Annuil Mecting K. & P. Railway Com pany. Wednesday noon The sun rises : Wedhesday at 7.10 a m., and sets at 5.20 pan Sunday School Convention, First Con gregational Chureh, 8 p.m digd, 1878; Dickens born, 1812, annual meeting, 3 p.m., Wednesday blind man's buli. contract to lecturg. fessional prominence by and charging big fe DINER SETS have, get one of our $l SETS We oe waking o special price on this set will please you NOTICE. WE HAVE BOUGHT THE in trate of the ate Joseph Johuston street. By givin ALEXANDER JAMIESON JOHN JAMIESON, 287 "Phone There Are Other Shoes, But None Equal to Our Made-to-Ordor Work. Miltary Bootmakers, 84 Brock St. SIGN OF GOLDEN BOOT. KINGSTON COVERED RINK MARLBOROS vs. QUEENS alled rved seats, SOc. extra the senior group, No. 3 PIANO TUITION curd card and I will « ally ron the Sunday School MARINE ENGINEERS. lingwood. tug boats under the same a bill now before parliament, and L with the members, certificate being required Kingston, and Cronk, Windsor, aud ston, were guests, ENTERED ACTION + Father. Special to the Whig which had beer hy a Lake Erie engine. nia; Ont. RITIS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1905 : aS I NGSTON,; ! ONTARIO, [ANEW NOVE Overland Telegrams To Far East Stopped. THE RETREAT RUSSIANS MOVE NORTHWARD, DESTROYING LINES. TELL OF oances STUDIES, Dr. Doyen To > Publish Result Of Portsmouth council, 7.80 pan ye Dr. Drummond, Grand Opers House, 8 pam to publish an sceound researches for the las This day in historyi--Pope Pius 1X Rideau Lakes Navigation Company, who has but a few and whose vital orga ly 'are: destroyed, T be applied to patien resistance are stil When the office secks the man it is a good bit like a game of dld-fashioned Some women seem to think that a marviage license is equivalent to a life progress of the malady Many a young doctor has risen to pros simply looking tions of his serum tion, to prevent reinod Fution, | fifty per cent, of tie uh can be Abandon. Opera- tions In Xorea--Burned Pro- visions There--Startling Move Expected--Grand Ducal Party Now Favors Peace. tes ga ae rowits as follows Chaunchuantse to-day artillery repulsed them." To make vour table look pretty and show your friends what good taste vou Will Abandon Korea. army headquarters ax a result of the ROBERTSON BROS. new sehutor from California a native of Massachusetts STOCK thieson plumber and steam-fitter. and purpose to carry on the business as usual at 42 Destroy Telegraph Lines; in republican politics. CRAZY LOVER g our personal supervision to any work intrusted to us coupled with low prices, we hope "te re ceive a share of your patropage. Any plumbing or heating .work vou have to do. give us a chance, we will give vou satisfaction in workmanship and prjces Kills Sweetheart's Mother Wounds Her Father. Overland Telegrams Stopped. | ~AL Kssonnes, a quiet Russian government stopped over married couple, the Rohr hand of their daughter quiries concerning their steamers, he going on ami 36 FRENCH COLT r, and led to Rohr with drawing his consent to the 66 'e?? : Wear Allen " way Of Siberia and infel tred that some war movement is a attracted to the h Admiral Togo's Plans. Hockey Match GARIBALDI'S ASHES. Parliament To Carry Father's Wishes. THURSDAY, Feb. 9th 8 pan. Admission, 2 R The Murlhoros are "the champions in Italian final disposition of his Miloff In Command MISS MAY NEWMAN, 271 King St., West Children given special. care in primary work Advanced pupils thoroughly taught in theory 'and practice Terms moderate. Telephone 633 ob send postal vould have carried out SUNDAY SCHOOL CONFERENCE which agitated for The® meeting for this evening is to he in First Congregational Church at 7.30 o'clock Music to be given by the choir At 8 o'clock an addre: will be given by Rev. E. Crummy: and at 9 o'clock Marion Lawrence will give an address topic The Demand of the New Censure Does It F Peace ? repeat Des VOY. & sate SIR GILBERT PARKER ---------------------------------------------- Gripenberg's reverse, parent impossibility Annual Convention Held At Col- Collingwood, Ont. Feb, 6.- The Na tional Assosintionof Marine Engineers to has concluded its convention here, and recalled was made * that negotiations i will meet next February in Levis, Que. One of the most important mat ters which came up for discussion was that of the doing away with tempor ary - certilicates and bringin lations as other vessels, The association has . h ie he a goodwill of Great €i.y McCarthy, M.P., who has it in charge, was present and discussed it It is elaimed that in spite of alien | TO GET GALAPAGOS ISLANDS ? labar law, American engineers come here and get employment on tugs to the exclusion of Canadians. It will be news to most people that anvone can be hired to run a tughoat engine, no 'That United States Will MARRIED THE MAN" 4 x An atte od mi The new officers include F. X. Hen n. attempted mor ning, Toronto, grand president; Neil J. Morrison, St. John, N.B., erand secretary (re-elected); Charles Robert son, Owen Sound, conductar; Ther an, Levizsi© Que, doorkeeper: Gillie, a of n of a wellknown | serts that the union between the au tocratic monarch and his devoted nation is unshaken by recent events at Feunior of the question by: cn i a tentative un dorstanding with he United States. " i no great value on tore, At the banauet held on Thurs day evening Mr, McCarthy, J. 5S, Duff, M.P.P., and Captain Donnelly, King They have never been colonized by the For Killing Of a Husband And the fact that the original Spanish dis GERMANY WILL PROTEST. London, Ont, Feb. 7. The widow and children of Joseph Navin, ward master for the Grand Trunk, at this city, who was killed a day or sa be fore Christmas in the vards here, have jase a writ against the Lake FErie and Detroit River railway for $15 000 damages. Navin was killed by being rn over bv a couple of freight cars n violently shunted into have valud as a longer "ire land of arable ish civil lord of the England created = now a liberal paper, and Chancellor Von B W. H. Price, star witness in Gaowy ease, joins Mr, Hanna's frm in Sar to make a fos! of himsell unless he has good material. [TIS PLEAS Chinese Do Not Want 'A Big' War. RUSSIA QUIET AND CAN GIVE NO BACK TALK TO THEM. Or Invade Their Territory--Em. press Had Placards Scattered Broadcast, Picturing The Chi- nese Situation In Its Desire For Peace. Special to the Whie kin, Feb, 7.-The bloody events of St. Petershurg and Russia in general are filling the Chinese, the most unwarlike of people, with joy. Whatever happens Russia cannot now excente her threat to invade Chinese territory and punish the Chinese for alleged breaches of neutrality. soon us Russia published the note accusing the Chinese and threat ening hostilities, the empress caused to. be published hroadeast, by news. sapers and placards, the following PL which pictures the Chinese situation exactly : Nhen Brahma put the first men and women upon this earth they com plained bitterly when recognizing their own helplessness in comparison with the other animals. 'Why were we not given the eagle's wings, tho lion's and tiger's paws, the buffalo's horns and the elephant's tusks and trunk ?' they asked, Why are we smaller and woak- er than the bull; why without © soft furs like the bear ¥" "And the great Brahma answered : 'Iodidn't give you wings, because 1 don't want yon to leave this earth and die, flying toward the #n. 1 failed to furnish vou with talons, tusks and horas because 1 don't want vou to tear each other's bodies. You need not the strength of the tiger, the lion, the elephant to hold empire over for 1 made yon stronger than all the animals by giving you good sense. It's your brain that will make you King of beasts. True, compared with tho earth, vou are but like specks of dust, you will sway the earth, subjugate and rule it by working it, Hight way. wotherly love, to exchange the pro. stupidity than war." © EXPLODED AFTER DRINK. dc Frozen To Death--Blew Up When Thawed. St. Paul, Minn, Feb. 7.-Peter Eber hart, a farm hand, who Thursday drank a small } le of nitro-glycerine on ae wager, froze to death while waltking home and yveterday exploded when efforts were made to thaw him his Peter worked near Wheatley, Minn, and while. in the village got intoxiea ted, it is a ed, with the town mar morning was found hy the roadside He wak picked up and hauled to the home of Claude Armonvale, his om left in an outbuilding near a stove in which was a wring fire, the nitro Iveerine pl threatened suicide and had oft Czar Nicholar. Special to the Whig St, Petershurg, Feb, 7.-The nssem bly of the nobl of St, Petersburg, In | (o-day, adopted an address to Em peror Nichola congratulating the throne, and assuring him of the con fidencg--of the nation. The address as home and abroad, points out that of that | ficialse and statesmen cannot solve all questions, amd hege his majesty to permit of representatives of the whole people participating in the discus€ion at | and legislation on government meg vote of 158 to 50 Editor Sent To Jail. jard« hate the ground on which No 11 wa claimed gold watch, and $5 in woney, the earth. You need no brute power All its treasire the earth will lay at your feet if you but ask it in the ACO Use, Sone A ma Bihin {. ducts of this earth so each and all are satisfied. There' is no greater "The Chinese,"" saves the empress' placard, "believe in Brahma's toach ng They hate war and do every Ning to avoid it, nothing to further Ne shal, who showed him a bottle of nitro glyeerin aving it was taken from a bank robber. Peter bet that he could drink it and never feel in jurions effects, He drank it and tarted for hon He failed to get me, but in the frozen to death and much distorted. plover, where his late 'Doss' under took: to thaw him out, go that the body might he placed in a coffin and properly interred. While the body wag I. The building was npletely wrecked as was v trange character, NOBLES OF ST. PETERSBURG. shlems of that half Samums-- Have Adopted An Address To emperor on the birth of an heir to the sures. The address was adopted by a Berlin, Feb, 7.-The editor of a jonding paper was sent to jail for a month for printing a Madrid letter Annoyed By Warlike Speech Of | wetting forth that "patriotic Span whom they call a traitor, Nozaleda, i« the Spanish archhishop of Nanila who made friends with Dewey and favored the ypuering Americans too much, it is Frank Mozier, Brockville, has heen is reported | arrested for burglarizing the drug i of |store of Mr, Taylor, Lyn, stealing Lord yseveral pearl-handled jack knives, one ROSS MINISTRY QUT. Resignation Sent To Lieut.-Gov. Clarke Special to Whig. Toronto, 7.~The Ross govern: ment has resigned. Shortly alter one o'clock, this af tornoon, Hon, George W. Ross drove from his house, 1 Elmsley Place, where he ha spent the wmoming, to Government House, He was unatcom- panied. He remained eloseted with Lieut.-Gov. Mortimer Clark, for close on to an hour, Tt was the closing scone of liberal administration that has extended over thirty-two vears, Mr. Rosa handed in the resignation of himsell and his colleagues, handed over the great seal of the province, and advised his horior to eall upon J, P. Whitney to form a government. The premicrelect is not in Toronto this morning, but is expected to ar- rive from Morrisburg, this afternoon. It is probable that a few minutes af- ter he roaches here he will proceed to Government House, in response PH a message from the lieutenant -goverfor. It is also extremely likely that Mr. Whitney, already having ample time in which to collect his colleagues, will not require to ask for any delay in the naming of his cabinet but, immedi- ately, hand to his honor a list of the mon he desires to be sworn in as hold: ers of portiolios. The official swearing in of these gentlemen may take place this evening. : The Latest Slate, The latest rumor places the slate for the cabinet as follows : 5 Pisomict ant minister of education-- Whitney, Dundas. git -general--F, J. Foy, South Toronto, + Treasurer--Col, Matheson, South Lanark. Crown lands--W. J, Hanna, West Lambton. Agriewlture--Nelson Monteith, South Perth. Public works--Dr. Willoughby, East Northumberland. Provincial secretary-- I. B, Lucas, Centre Grey. Mines--J, P. Downey, South Wel. lington, Speaker--Dr. Pyne, East Toronto, Without portiolio-Dr. Reaume, North Essex. ' GAVE $500 FOR A KISS. -------- The city Of Cleveland Got This ERT RR Ae _ Snevial to the Whig. | Uleveland, Feb. 7-Five hundred dollars for one Kiss is the record in Cleveland, and it was paid Ly Honey Hoffman, a stranger, who came ta this city lust Friday. He was standing on a downtown corner when a pretty young woman pasked, He grasped her and planted. a kiss on her cheek, A patrohoan arrested Hoffman, but the girl would not prosecyte. A charge of disorderly conduct was placed against Hoffman, who put up 8500 for his appearar He failed to show up when the case was called, and the judge declared his bond for feited, The 3500 was turned over to the city. REJECTED PROPOSAL. tind To Cut Down the Licenses in Lon- don. Special to the Whig London, Feb. 7.-Two deputations confronted the city council, last wight, one representing the temperance people of London, asking for a ts of tavern licenses in the city from thi ty-six to twenty-six, and the other, license holders of the city, who oppos ed the temperance men's request, large crowd was present to hear how the council handled the question. After a long disehission the council rejected the proposal by seven to four, TO HOLD CAUCUSE St Both Sides Will Hold a Gather- ing. Special to the Whig Montreal, Feb. 7.-The latest devel opments in connection with the dis turbed political situation, in this pro vinee, is the calling of what might he called a counter caucus by the Gouin faction. It is understood that the idea is to make it offset the Parent caucus and has been called for practically the same hour. Both caucuses will be held at Quebee to-morrow, NO BASIS FOR IT That Peace Proposals Are Under Way. Special to the Whig. London, Feb. 7.-Thé Charge Af faire, of the Russian embassy, stated, this afternoon, there is no basis what ever for the renewed rumors of peace prospects, Many Subscriptions. Special to the Whig London, Ont., Feb. 7.-At a meeting of the congregation of St. Andrew's, last night, bet®een $7,000 and 85.000 was subscribed for a new Sunday school, John Aleshnder Maclaren, aged twenty-five, fourth son of David Maclaren, wellknown capitalist of Ottawa, was drowned near Vancouver on Saturday aftérsoon last. Cadet Keaneth Maclaren, of the Royal Mili- tary College. is a brother of the un fortunate Young man, A word to music buyers-- the Star edition of popular 10e. music is com posed of the latest and best vocal and instrumental successes. Sold only by McDermott Bros; half block above opera house; new premises. A woman in Lynn, Mass., 103 years old, attributes r longevity to ah- stinence frm Joetls. re there any century plants this. vicinity ? pecial Sale of Black Dress Goods Wednesday At This Store. Gbe Reason Why Stocks are too heavy and must be ightened up before arvival of mew goods for spring. There's one A 10 Cut the Price We've done it and done it well, Let everything else 9 and attend Seo special advertisement on five Tuesday night, The Mutluge ah a Charl ey Grapewin In The Big Laughing Musical Hit- "THE AWAKENING OF MR. PIPP" 18 Catchy Songs. 20 Pretty Girls. Too Many Laughs To Count, Seats now on sale. , Dr. Drummond, The Habitant. We Are Now Selling Royal & Cleveland's BAKING POWDER. At the following prices :-- 1 1b. tins 45¢. 1 1b. tins 25¢ 14 1b. tins 15¢. James Redden & Co. Importers of Fins Groveries. Investments JOHN MACKAY & co. Canadian Bank of Commerce Bulld« FINGERS THIEF'S UNDOING. Stirrup Cup Leads To Cap otldon, Feb, Ti Thére's 'a Suge. tion of oriental legerdemain in story of the captor of some burglars wha broke into a club in Bradiord and carried off nearly a hundred hotties different liquors and some hundred ci. The only thing the detectives, could find as likely to furnish a élue' were a couple of dirty glasses, out of i nrglars had taken a drink v. These were examined care- fully and the trace of a finger to correspond with the finger print of sromptly tracked down and confound his guilt and his share in the theft Next To Diamond In Hardness. . T.~Harder than any known substance, except the diamorsl name moissanite was bestowed wp ix si crystals found in tha residue from dissolving the iron mete. © ite from Canon Diablo, An newly discovered Henri fy of the many discoveries of carbides by means © of the electric furnace; and he Now Eloctro-Chemieal aocinty piv rio tos gether gave him the new honor,

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