erlain's .emedy for Children ren never be afraid to buy Craven. or from it, and relief is always sure oughs, colds, croup and Whooping d for these diseases. It is not only 8 soon as the croupy cough appe ars, is not dangerous when this re medy or other harmful drugs, and may be t Skirts--$2.98 onable and serviceable ~the kind of skirt that is price any time. Of ize irl every pattern of ng them at this sweep- ind your size in the lot rait for all hands to get evan desuany D2 98, Skirts=$1.25 es that we're going to taple, all:the-year-round avy and Black ; neat- self-strapping and but. Sarvs iestine 323 he Leading Mi¥linery and Mantle Store. | ns, 5 O'clock Tea ups and Saucers, ter. Dishes, Bread e Plates. ery Description nfectionery. : hed _ Stocktaling to clear w € Fy =; 2 5 ng stock. Blucher Boot ; regular , $3.75, NOW 2.90. r Boots, $3.50,- NOW tly reduced. hoe Store. CANADIAN TE DAILY WHIG, TUESDA) is a ready-cooked, whole-wheat food, made light and porous without yeast, baling powder, fats or chemicals--A natural remedy for digestive troubles. Send for the ** Vital Question Cook Book," postpaid, SHREDDED 'WHEAT ©0., aba ady Niagara Falls, Ont. Toronto Office, 32 Church 8 Discount Sale V.e will clear out all that are left of our Men's, Boys' and Youths' Hockey Boots Men's $1.60. Boys $1.25 and $1. Youths' $1. H. JENNINGS, King St, FISH ! FRESH FROZEN---- Whitefish, 10c. and 124c. per 1b. Salmon Trout, 124c. Ib. Pickerel, 10¢. 1b. Pike, 8c. Ib. Atlantic Salmon, 80c. Ib. Chenook Salmon, 256¢. Ib. «Silver Side Salmon, 20c¢. Ib. Hteak Cod. 10c. 1b. Haddock, 8c. and 10c. Ib, Halibut, 20c. Ih. Bluefish, 1 Mackerel, 15¢. Ib. Striped Bass, 15¢. 1b. "Tom Cods, 8c. Ih Herrings, 15¢., 30c. SMOKEDP-- Smoked Ciscoes, 124c. 1b Boneless Haddics, 10c. Ib Yarmouth Blonters, 40c. dozen. Kippeted Herrings, 40c. doz. SALT-- Salt Trout, 10c. 1b. Salt Whitefish, 10c. 1b. Salt" Mackerel, 15c. 1b. Salt Labrador Salmon, 124ec. Salt Sea Trout, 10c. Ih. Salt. Cod, 8c, 10c., 15c. Ib. and '40¢. doz. . OYSTERS! 60c. and GUC. per ¢th DOMINION FISH CO. 63 Brock St. "Phone 520. For the Balance of This Month Great clearing sale of Scotch Twawl Suitings, Winter Overcoats and Trouser- ings (-- Regular $18 to $23 Scotch Tweed Suiting for hs. Regular $24 to $27 Scotch 'T'wecd Suilings for $18. Regular $28 to $32 Scotch Tweed Sutings for $20. 20 per cent. discount on all Winter Overcoats. Don't fail to 'see my Trouserings at $4-and $5. This is a boni fide sale, Waorkinanship guarantecd, trimmings. with fit and with first-class A new and up-to-date stock to from. AR. GC. WAGGONER, - 183 3 WELLINGTON SP, = 57. THE THE_GHOICEST And best assorted stock in the city. select Everything in Wines and Ales. Any brand of Scotch or Irish Whis- Ab. All the linws of metic Liquors. JAS. MSPARLAND 339 and 341 King St. Imported and Do- re casery : TYPEWRITERS ! All Makes, Hew and Second-haad J.P. C. DOBBS & (0., 2 171 Wellington $t., Kingston 2 89000000000000000000-@ THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISHED 1863.) The Right Hon. Sir R. 8 d. Cartwright. roan esr 2p Mortgages purchased Deposits received and interest allowed 8. ©. MeUILL, Mating Dirovior Otis, 97 Clare -- ane t Pain Across the Kidneys For Three Years. Suffered Great Agony. - Could Not Stoop or Bend. No disease is so quiet and stealthy in its approach as kidney disease. That is why it is so demgerous, It may become deep-seated before you realize the danger. It Cis. therefore great importance to recognize the early warnin, % symptoms, because in its early stage kidney disease is easily curable, Pain or dull ache in the back is one of the first signs. So are bladder pains, bearing-down pains, smart- ing sensation when urinating, frequent or suppressed urination, an 'gravel or sediment in the urine, etc. You cannot be well if your kiddeys are not perform- ing their functions aroperly. In all ordinary eases of any derangement of the kidneys, a few doses of DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS will put the patient right; in old or chronic cases, the treatment should be persisted in. Mr. Michael A. McInnis, Woodbine, Marion Bridge, N.S., tells of his ex- perience: or the inst three years I suffered great agony wit! in across my "kidneys, and was so bad that I could not stoop or bend. I consulted and had several doctors treat me, but I got none the better. On the advice of a friend I procured a box of that valuable life- giving remedy, Doan's Kidney Pills, and to my surprise and benefit I i ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario = What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Fair View Items. Fair View, Feb. 6. Mr. Gonu and sister, John Louck's,. Mr. Smith, Descronto, spent a: few days at John Bennett's. Mrs, Switzer is Yisiting on Vietoria street, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Snider entertained a num- ber of guests on Friday evening. Music was furnished by Mrs. Cassidy and Mrs. spent Sunday at and Mrs. Nathan 1 " y Pieree i maki Preparation for 2 Fouki OUR NE/GHBORS erecting a large and stanles. George TH ig Won. pnd United The yyoung rancher of Lacombe, Alberta, WHAT wn G Col CORZESPOND- Good For Meadows. to Miss Annitta Eaton, youngest Sharpton, Feb. 4.--0kl relents say daughter of Cyrus the winter so far is as hard as they Bay. The bride was given away by ever saw. Farmers are not preparing much meat, especially pork, for mar ket, owing to Hay is not high, bul present indica: tions point to nearly all the fodder in this section being necdad for consumption. Daitymen are at some what of & standstill as to the pros pects of cheese the coming seeson, Therefore the demand for milch cows | is not very brisk. J. Redden has the job of li shting the fires and doing the usual routine of work about" the school house, W. Walker has moved to P. Mohan's house, Mrs. KE. Vrooman has returned after visiting her daugh- tor, Mrs. Donaldson, North Bay. Miss Lena Hanly, with her grandmother, Te a Fo Plan of the city of St. Petersburg, ly became better. In my opinion Doan's Kidney Pills have no equal as a cure for any form of Kiduey disease, Price 50 cents per box, or 8 for $1.25. All dealers, or direct by mail. Tar Doan Kionev Pint Co., ToroNTO, ONT. HOT STOVE PULY POLISH AND METAL CLEANER COMBINED The Baik Patented Polish in the World. No o Dirt, NoSmoke, No Smell. Contains no benzine or other explosives, PULVO makes more polish and lasts longer than any other. | PRIGE 10c. AT ALL GROCERS CALLING CARDS ENGRAVED FROM COPPER PLATE hy e British A, fl ~ NO NEED TO SEND OUT OF @® TOWN FOR ENGRAVED CARDS WHIG WORK 5 GOOD WORK > Tree dbbb bbb bod db bdr WE ALSO DO I % STEEL DIE EMBOSSING : TE +d bdbtt In Plombing pt And Hot Water ==----g" Heating goto ® DAVID HALL, 66 Broek St. 'Phone 335. Bargains In Cutters! Paving a few Cutters left, in or der to clean out the stock, will sell at cost. Ii you are in need of a good cutter now is the time to buy and save money. JAMES LATURNEY, 380 PRINCESS STREET. GARDINER'; Inpuraheg and Ren] Estates ¥ Bight Companies at Lowest Hates. Money to Loan on Real Estate, Conveyency, ete 151 Wellingten Street. #] A the first Hess have secured situations at St. Catharines. John Bennett, who was ill is recovering, Drawing wood and logs is the order of the day. Willetsholme Items. Willetsholme, Feb, 4.--J. Scale is drawing stone from here for his new dwelling in Leeds. Mrs, N. Wenborp is around again after being dangerously il. Howarl Knox, the only child of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Knox, died last week. The funeral sermon was preach- ed ag the house by Rev. G. Wood, Miss Retta Millions of the city, and Mrs, Millions, of Pittsferry, are visit- ing' at George Millions. The trustees have partitioned the school for great- er convenience in heating. W. E, From School With Coughs And Colds, And Par- ents Are Proving The Wonder- ful Curative Power Of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed & Turpentine When grown people neglect their ail! ments and allow them to develop into sesious diseases, they have no. one to Blame but themselves. With children it is dificrent, because they do not realize the seriousness of a neglected cold nor the means of ob- taining cure, and many a child, as he grows older and finds himself 4 viotita of preumonia, consumption, bronchit- is, asthma, or throat trouble, cannot but sce that his parents were respon: sible for neglecting treatment when his ailment began in the form of a cold, Today the schools have many a va- cant seat on acrount of coughs and colds, and wany children who are there should be at home. What treat- ment are these children getting? Do their parents realize the seriousness of neglecting to cure a cold ? Have they proved, the merits of Dr. Chase's Sy. rup of Linseed amd Turpentine as g cyre for coughs and colds, bronchitis, croup, whooping congh, and all kind- red ills ? Very many have, for there is no pre- paration for throat and lung diseases that has anything like the sale of Dr, Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- tine, Be careful when you buy to see that the portrait and signature of Dr. Chase are on the wrapper, If you send the children to the store, warn them not to accept amy imitation or mf)- stitution. The children like to take Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpen- tine, and there is no remedy so prompt 'and effective, 25¢, a bottle ; family size, three times as much, 60c.; at all dealers, or Edmanzon, Bates & Co., Tor ler, Mpw . Bond, 20 Macdonald St, Barrie, ind SAYS : "Having tried your medicine my faith is very high in its powers of curing cough and croup. My little girl had been subject to the croup for a long time and | fond nothing to cure it until 1 gave Dr. Chase's Svrup of Linseed and Tor- pentine. 1 cannot speak too highly of it.' W. A. Wylie, 57 Seaton street, Tor- onto, states: "My little grandchild had suffers] with yw nasty, hacking cough for about eight weeks when we purchased a bottle of Dr, Chase's Sy- rup of Linseed and Turpentime. After dose she called it "honay,"" and was cager for medicine time to come around. | can simply state that part of one bottle cured 'her and. she A well and as bright as a erie 4." Kept Home FEBRUARY 7. She was attended by Miss Ethel Al- the high price wf grain, berts Ward; home is held in high esteem. Only the near Faton, Sceley's her cousin, Thomas Mills, Kingston: while William Reed, of Kingston, assisted the groom. The bride received many presents, as she est friends of the bride and groom were present at the reception, held at the home of the groom. Mr, and Mrs. Ward will start Lo their. home in the west in two w Budget From Elgin. Elgin, Feb. 6.--The funeral of the late Henry Smith was held to the Methodist cMureh on Tuesday, whim a large concourse of friends and neigh. bors met to show the last tribute of respect to the departéd. The pallbear- ers were six nephews. Fo loaves two' brothers, Robert and Charles, aml three sisters, Mee. D. Powell, use: w, Man; Mrs. J. Sherwood and Vellington Kerr, Elgin. The ps was sixty-six years of age and un- married. Dr. Sherman, the celebrated faith curist of Winnipeg, called on re- latives here, this. week and loft for his western howe this morning. The roads are in bad condition, with deep pitch holes very close together, and makes one long for spring and bare ground. This community was shocked to hear of the death at Winchester of Mrs. Sufiel (formerly Miss Ella Sex: ton), youngest daughter of Zeph. Sexton, of this village. The remains were brought home Saturday evening apd the funeral on Sunday was large- ly attended by sotrowing friends and sympathizing neighbors, Asher Mor- gan is gaining « slowly, There is a great amount of sickness and Drs. Coon and McGhie are kept hustling night and day. Measles are very valent; also whooping cough. With their year's supply of wood up = and the elections over, the farmers are begining to breathe more frecly and hope for a quiet spell before su making. , oun Won A Set Of Harness. Wolfe Island, Feb. 3. The Wolfe Te- land cheese factory held its annual meeting of the directors last Monday night at the residence of D. 1. Hink- ley. The business of the past yesr showing the location of the winter palace and the scenes of the recent disorders. sii i s on the organ and Mr. Cassidy on the | Mrs. Sleeth, Battersea, at . Hun: violin. William Fenwick and David |ley's, Parks Bros., at Nea There was a large dance al Mr. Campsell's Monday night last, F. Sharpe injured in a railway accident some time ago, is greatly improved. We do not, hear of much hay pressing this winter. It is noticeable how much decper snow is upon the roads where rail fonces skirt thew, as compared with wire. So far the winter has been good for wea. dows, voy Latimer Lispings. Latimer, Fob, wWood-cut is all' the rage' Tow. NE Bdwany is all smiles; it's a Nor The relatives of Mr! Ketcheson Were saddened by his death. Many from here atte nded his funeral. An "enjoyable evening was spent at C. Darling's on Tuesday evening. The Misses Shurmen are spending a few weeks at friends at Gananoque. C. Carling and Miss A. Smith have returned from their visit at Gananoque. Visitors: Wiss Lizzie Taylor, trained nutse frome New York, at N, C. Edwards'; Mr. and Mrs. Cc Darling and Mrs. "J. Shales at J. Shurman' s; Mr. and Mrs. A. Bedmond and Miss Murphy at W. G. Broce's. A Lively Club. Barriefeld, Feb. 8.~The liberal com mittee for Pittsburg wet on Friday evening at Nr. Byrnes' hotel, where a number of friends | were invited to share in an oyster supper. The chair man, Charles Bowman, spoke. The supper was fully enjoyed by all pre sent till 12 p.m. W. Milton is filling his ice house with fine blocks of ice from Navy Bay. Mr. McKegnry is still very ill with pneumonia. Many of the children are very jll with the same disease. Albert Tisdale is luid up with inflammatory rheamatism. The Barricficld Pedro Club is quite alive. Miss Kathleen Donnelly, At lantie City, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. Bowman. Clark Wright. New York has arrived home on a visit to his parents. William Duffy is improving in health Northbrook News. Northbrook, Feb. 8.--Peter Vannes purchased a valuable cow from Wil inm Both on Thursday. Miss Fdith Thompson is the guest of Mrs. Philip Peterson. The Misses Addis Presley and Martha Miller spent Saturday at Austin Williams'. Mr. and Mrs. Joby Williams are vis siting friends in King ston. James Parks 1s the proud pos sessor of a little girl. Mrs. Thomas Ruttan presented her husband with a fine baby boy. Miss Lizzie Abbott re turned home on Saturday after spend ing a few davs with friends at Kala dar. Grant Wheeler is spending n few days with friends in Tweed. Mrs. John Broadhead and daughter left on Monday to visit her father, Thoniss Tapping. Miss Alice Tapping spent a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Heary Lake, Quarterly service will be held at Northbrook, Sunday, at the usual hour. Death At Vannachar. Vennachar, Feb. 6.-~Daniel Jackson made a trip to Lanark recently. Rev. Mr. Brown has returned home with a fine colt, R. W. Conner and Mr. Brown went to Fiernley to hold quarterly meeting in the Free Methodist church. On Saturday morning, January 15th, alter a lingering illness, Alexander Gregg, passed peacefully away. He was born fifty-one yeass ago. Mr. Grogg leaves to mourn a wife snd ten children, the voungest being sixteen months" old; also his five brothers The funeral service was conducted at the house on 'Tnesday afternoon by Rev. Mr. Brown. The pall-bearers were his four brothers and two brothers-in- law, . George Flake and Alexander Jackson. Mrs. Giregg and family has the sympathy of the community in thie sad Joss. ' Married Recently. Cushendall, Feb. 4.--Cn Wednesday was taken up, and everything was found satisfactory. Their former wak- or, H. C. Hogan had met with the | best of success in the past year, and be was re-engaged for 'the coming season. There was a van load from here attended the Garden Island ball on the 25th. Thomas Rodgers' many friends are pleased to hear that he is recovering from a severe attack of neumonia. Mies Nettie Davis. las elt to visit her sister, Mrs, 8. Staley, Cleveland, N.Y. Quite a number from here attonded the Cape Vincent CM. B.A! ball on the 31st, where ners wan a hundred and twenty-eight evsiple. They. reported = an . extel Messrs, Weber and Briceland abe | throu here to-day one hundred and fifty ul of cattle that they Yad bought "in back tewnships * for sh ping to the Americon markets. TI sailors' ball that took place here last Wednesday night, was one of the greatest events of the season wo lar, It was well attended fromy the city and Howe Island. Prof. Crosby's string band was in attendance and furnished oxecellent music. The com: mittee certainly are deserving of great credit for the able manner in which they conducted the great affair; they also furnished an oxeellent ups per. We extend our sympathy to Mes. Philip Ryan and John Lavis in their great loss, the death of their father, whose funeral took place last Thursday morning" at Howe Island. He was one of the island's highly eatecmped farmers. Mrs, H. D. Mink ley has just returned from the Ameri can side, where she has spent a week i visiting her daughter, Niss Allie Lyons, Watertown, N.Y., is home on a visit, E. Weaver will shortly move to Rowiere, where, he will take charge of a farm. "Leopold Spoor, who had the flottmy on a set of single harness; held the drawing on Wednesday even- ing. James Bell was the lucky mau. Startling But True. People the world over were horrified on learning of the burning of a Chica- go theatre in which nearly six hun- dred people lost their lives, vet more than five times this number or over 3,000 people died from pneumonia in chicagé during the same year, with scarcely a passing notice, Every one of these cases of pneumonia resulted from a cold and could have been pre vented by the timely use of Chamber: lein's Cough Remedy. A great many who had every reason to fear pneu. monia have warded it off by the prompt use of this remedy. The fol- lowing is an instance of this sort; "Too munch cannot be said in favor of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and es- pecially for oclds and influenza. | know that it cured my dsughter, Laura, of a severe cold, and 1 believe saved her life when she was threatened with pneumonia." W. D. Wilcox, Lo- gan, New York. Sold by all drug gists. Mrs. Mary Gamble, one of Brock ville's oldest and highly respected ro sidents, celebrated her eightieth birth. dav on Monday, Mrs. Gamble is hale and hearty, She is the mother of R. H. and G. I'. Gamble, "It cures rhvumatisw," Wa-floo tonic, Ibe. Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Mrs. M. K. Evertts, wife of the well koown cheese manufacturer, is dead, aged seventy, She leaves a husband and two children, Mrs, Evertis was a convistent Methodist. CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. CUg- terrh in a blood or constitutional dis euse, and in order to cure iL you must take internal remedies Hall's Catarrh Cure in taken intersally, and acts direct- Iv. on the blood and mucous surfaces Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack med- icine. Jt was prescribed by png of the hest physicians in this country for vears and is a regular proscription. It is com- posed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers acting di- rectly on the mucous surfaces. The per- fect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wrnderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. Jd. CHENEY & CO. Props... Toledo, o Sold hy Dr 78¢c. A nk Help If there's Biliousness ar if tires Biiowness Sontipacion of ladiges \ right. Sick Headaches are cured as if by charm, ©"! SAVE EXPENSE and bo enabled to, enjoy many & pleasure made impossible. BEECHAM'S PILLS make life worth living in : ot win 2 nono Hy oh 7 BEL CHAN'S | PI Tee Con sod U, 5. Amora. 13 an pp lis ofall The Family » , A Man has no Excuse for being badly dressed. 1t costs no more to buy good clothes, fh 1 doss, In he end. {0 buy "cheap" clothes The difegnce is in the comfort and wear. "PROGRESS" Brand Clothing ts for the man who. must economize, as well 'as for those who needn't count ddilars and cents. It's the kind of clothing any man is proud to wedr. It gives the service and comfort--it holds its shapliness ard good looks-- in a way that makes it a practical economy to buy "Progress" Brand Clothing. Sold by Lead throughout Clothiere needa. WAAAY ESS BRAND CLOTHING. is sold in Kin by C. Liviegeton'} & Bro. agtlye i APPEARANCE, DURABILITY and CONVENIENGE § For sale by dealors everywhere. LIKEWISE EDDY"S MATCHES. J. A. HENDRY, Agent, Kingston. OVERFLOW MEETINGS Are not always joyful when Wa an overflow from the sink bath. When you have an over. flow of this kind send a quickly to the plumbers and ws : will send a man at once, : ing Work is our Specialty and 1 y are Skilled in all iuatists { taining to. the business. 1 job we undertake is pushed to: 5 finish, but no details are neglects ed. Give us a chance to figure om your work. .. ELLIOTT BROS .. 77 PRINCESS STREET. 'PHONE 36. Advancement In Art Is demanded of the plumber mW Vii That we keep pace with the times is shown in our sanitary openwork bathroom and toilet fixtures. How well we are in line with modern improvement every day is demon. strated Ly the samples we show and the work we have dona, McKELVEY & | BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock St., Kingston. WE MAKE LEAD SASH WEIGHT "For Buildings, to order. THE CANADA METAL CO. fw a evening, February Ist, at "Oskdens' ats, Take Hall's Family Gk for constips