ver pill' habit. Give them the natural laxative that is gentle and cfective, | -pleasant to take; "Hever gripes, and CURES cop. stipation-- Abbeys Lee alt Wood's Fhosphodine, 5S ~~. £4 of Canada gel] recommend ag vant the only medicine its kind that cures, It promo? 3 Weals Before and After, gives universal satisfaction, permanently cures all forms of Nervou ness, Emiasions, 8 rrhea, I'mpoten: and all effects of abuse or excesses ; the ey use of Tobaoco, Opium or Stimulants, Menr.} 15 Brain Worry, all of which lead to Infirmity sanity, Cogrumption and an Early Grave, Price $1 per package or six for $. One wiease, six will cure. Mailed pi seipt of price. Kingston Dru Yos, We Have Ii! No matter what it is you. find yourself in need of--We have it ip stock in perfect condition and At the Right _Price If it is something so rarely, call. ed for that we do not keep it, we will quickly get it for you. THE BEST DRUG STORE, : 124 Princess St. 'Phone 59, Successor t) the Taylor Drug Company eset TO-LET, DWELLINGS, STORES, OFFICER, Factories and Storage at McCann's Real Estate Office, 51 Brock street. FEA I EYL A Flurry In DRESS GOODS We are showing a beautilul range of all the latest novelties in Dress Fabrics for Spring Costumes. New lines are arriving almost every day. Our assortment embraces every desirable make and weave. Plain Mohair Lustres in shades of Navy, Black, Brown, Green, special at 35c. and 40c. a yard. Newman & Shaw. s0e0 0000? 200 TONS - Swift's ¢ Scranton oal @ $6 PER TON $ (PEA AND RUT) : A mixture suitable for ranges and small stoves. o JAMES - SHIFT & 00. * Teteptome 135, : P00 0000000620000 9000000 ® | Don't let the children ! get the Calomel and Ii. SPORT REVIEW {NEWS OF VARIOUS KINDS OF SPORT. -- Lightweight Championship Battle ~The Latest Things In Hockey --Dawson . City Players On Their Feet Again. | President. Powers will fight the Am erican League, Frederick Tenney has been appoint- #d playing manager of the Boston Na- tional League Baseball Club. ! It was announced from Chicago thiat Jioggenburg, the erack New York bil- liardist, would play out his schedule in the amateur tournament. At a special meeting of the naval hoard of the Schuylkill Navy, the Ves- per Boat Club received - the unqualifi- sanction of the board for its entry to the Royal Henley regatia. priigs Bolle, Salt Rheum, Eczema sud Scrofula, WEAVER'S SYRUP Cures them permanently. mee, Co., Lid., Montreal. AA eat a - X Rays Stove Polish Shines brighter and wears longer than Po Polish for stoves or pipes. Cold Bronte, in powder and liquid. Get prices for above at .. STRAGHAN'S HARDWARE -- Horn me OINTMENT PRICE, 25 CENTS. WILL CURE Burns, Frozen Limba Cuts, Salt Rheum, Broken Breasts Children's Sore Heads, Boils Blood Pole on and Bealing Fingers. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. et GRAND UNION HOTEL . Ose GRAND CENTRAL Stanion BaceacE To AnD From Stmon_ Free. Rooms Fon 'le PER Day Up FASHION'S FORM. One Of The Latest Styles For - - A modish evening gown of Pompour silk, in tones of lavender. and white chiffon ever gled white silk. Heavy span- embroidery borders the front of the brocaded overskirt and white ribbon ruching edges $e bertha and sleeve ruffles. 2 A " Swiss Food ** Maxim. Furs warm yon outside and cost dol lars, "Swiss" Foad" warms vou in- side and costs cents. Therefore eat it. . L. J. Burpee, of 'the department. of Justice, is the new librarian of the Ot- tawa Public Library at a salary of 1,200 per annum. By bribing the nerves with opinm You may stop a cough, but the in- flammation goes from bad to worse. Allen's Lung Balsam, containing no obi, goes to the root of the trou- ble and cures deep seated affections of the throat and lungs. It is said that Hon, John Dryden is slated for JJ Join An insistent rumour, coupled with a visit of the manager of the Princeton team to Philadelphia, lends credence to the report that the Orange. and Black may play Penmsvivania. The McGill Boxing Club will hold its annual competition on the 22nd of this month, The entry list is now op- en, and it is expected that at least fifteen names will be received in the course of the next two weeks, An international lightweight cham- pionship battle to take place in San Francisco between Jimmv Britt, of California, the lightweight champion of America, and Jabez White, the En. glish lightweight champion, has been arranged. Tod "Sloan, who is in New York, says he will leave for New Orleans in a day or two to begin riding in the colors of Edward Corrigan at Pana: ma Park, where racing, contrary to the edict of the Western Jockey Club, will begin next Saturday. Young Corbett and Battling Nelson have agreed to fight on February 28th at Woodward's pavilion. San Francis- co, with the understanding that the winner will be allowed to fight Britt. Tom Jenking, Cleveland, long the wrestling' champion of America. is to make still another stand for the title be has lost to Frank Gotch. Rink Notes. The Dawson City hocker team have won their last five games, Harry Bright, the Brandon hockey- ist, who played with Portage la Prai- rie on Saturday, has now gone to i the Houghton professional team. The Marlboros are talking of ar ranging a return match with Queen's on Saturday night, but it is improb- able that the local collegians would accept, Belleville and Cobourg tied, 2 to 2, at Belleville, Monday night, in the first junior 0. H. A. game to decide the team which will meet Queen's IIT. Cobourg look like the goods, , Toronto will soon have another good hockey player from the east. Jack Marshall, of the Montreal Wanderers, is about to move there, and. it is said, will play with the Marlboros next year. The Toronto 'Varsity seven meets McGill's at the Victoria rink Friday evening, and - Gilmewr will also figure in that game. To play two games in as many days is a big undertaking, but Billy is equal to the task; A" Montreal despatch says: Billy Gilmour will play left wing for the Ottawas Saturday evening, when they try conclnsions with the Wanderers at the Arena, in the deciding match for the Federal League championship. The American skaters, who competed in the championship races at Mont- real, recently, charge that they were' unfairly treated by the Canadian com- petitors. The Canadian officials flatly deny the charges and ridicule the statements of Heyward and Taylor, two of the American skaters, The Smith's Falls Micmacs, winners of Group No. 1 in the Intermediate O. H.A., were defeated at Smith's Falls, Monday night by Peterboro, winners of Group No. 2, by a score of 5 to 3. "Chaucer" Elliott officiated as referee and gave entire satisfa¢tion all round the board. He kept them down to the game from start to finish, and as a result it was fast, clean and exceed- ingly interesting and exciting exhibi- tion. It is now practically certain that the International Hockey League will comprise 'more clubs next season than this vear. St. Paul and Duluth have made applications for membership, and in case the plans for the erection of large covered ice rinks in each of those cities result successfully, both will be represented by teams next winter. It is also 'likely thet Detroit, will have a team, although there is still some uncertainty about it. I a position in the deminion Fred, J, Robson, of Toronto com- "epartment of agriculture, peted in the Father Matthew Associa: -- oreo - is congested, you are Wake up your sleepy of bile. Take one of vegetable, sugar-coated. ATER" AYER'S SARS APASRIL" or Rats. the blood. there is nothing the mat- ter with your glasses, The, trouble is with you; you,- clearly, and you are all dut of sorts. for a few nights. These pills are liver pills, all liver, curing biliousness, constipation, dizziness. Malo by the 3. O. Ayer Oo. Lowsll, Mase. Yeu cannot wipe off the blur! And the reason is E Ve Cat elf." Your head dizzy, you cannot see liver! Get rid of a ot Ayer's Pills each night, They act directly on the ATE Cm rooms conch A ------------ ---------- . En -- i -------- tion sports, at St. John, NB, on Monday. Loghn, a St. John skater, in the 220 and quarter mile beat the Dn: Robson wan the half handily, and ould have captured the mile, but for being fouled by Logan. He protested the race, and a committees will give out a decision, Robson had to stand a lot of jockeying in all the races. ASKED TO MEET MONARCH. Kossuth Receives Overtures From Austrian .Emperor. FRANZ KOSSUTH, Vienna, Feb. 8--~In view of the re- cent victory of the Hungarian party Emperor Francis Joseph has extend od an invitation to Franz Kossuth, a son of the emperor's hitter enemy, to miet him either at Vienna of Buda pesth. Hungarians consider it the greatest possible concession to con stitutional principles. Kossuth, it is stated, has decided that he will only meet the emperor in the Hungarian capital. It is belicved here that there is a possibility that Kossuth will be appointed Hungarian migister of finance. PAINFUL RHEUMATISM. How It Is Caused By Bad Blood, And Why Cured By Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, Not many years ago doctors thought rheumatism ~ was only caused by cold or wet in ageing joints and muscles. Now they know that rheumatism is caused by the blood be- coming tainted - with uric acid from disordered liver and kidneys, This acid eats into the vital organs. It destroys their vitality, 'contracts the muscles, stifiens the joints 'and irritates the nérves. Then cold and wet make every bone groan with aching rheumatism. You blame the weather, but the real cause is acid in the blood. The stiff ness spreads and the pains grow worse each year until you 'are a helpless cripple, tortured day and night. Per haps the disease may spread to the heart--gnd that means sudden death. You must not 'neglect, rheumatism-- but yon can't cure it with liniments, plasters or hot cloths. They cannot possibly touch the blood. The only sure scientific cure is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, because they actually make new blood. They sweep out the painful acid, loosen the joints, and muscles, brace up the nerves, and strengthen' the liver and kidneys for their work in casting out impurities. This is 'proved by the thousands of suffering rheumaties who have heen made well and strong hy Dr. Wil liams® Pink Pills. I. H. Smith, of Caledonia, Ont., is one of gthese many witnesses. He says: "For J of years I was badly troubled with rheu- matism, and was so crippled up I could scarcely do any work. 1 tried a number of medicines, but they did not help me. I saw Dr, Williams' Pink Pills advertised as a cure for rheuma- tismi and decided to try them. Before the third box was gone I found my- elf much better. 1 continued to use the pills throughout the winter and they have completely cured me, | got g80 | could work on the coldest day without a coat and not feel a twinge of the trouble. 1 think every rheuma tie sufferer should promptly take Dr. Williams™ Pink Pills." Dr. Williams® Pink Pills and who are erippled with lumbago, rheumatism, sciatica, para- lysis and even locomotor ataxia, be cause they actually make new. rich red blood. This new blood sweeps the painful, poisonous' impurities eure men women out of the system and puts the whole body into a healthy state, Nothing but good rich blood can. do that--and nothing can give vou healing blood except Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I the blood is bad the nerves are bad, for the nerves feed on the blood. That iz the cause of sleeplessness, nervous- ness, hysteria, St. Vitus' dance, nen ralgia, and loss of vitality, in men and women. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills faithfully used cure these diseases and other blood disorders such ax anaemia, Filiousness, indigestion, heart troithles, backache, kidney trouble and decline, But you must get the gonnine pills. The "something else just as good" medicine which some dealers try to persuade their customers to take never enred anything nor anyone, See that the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," is 'on the wrapper around every hox. 'Hin doubt write diteet to the De. Wil Hams® Madicine Co., Brockville, Ont., and the pills will be mailed at Soe. a box or six boxes for 82.50, ----eg A Church Meeting. Cushendall, Feh. 7.-Roads are in fine condition, Edwin Redfern, who has been ill for two weeks, continues very low. Miss Jane Hyland, also is ill. Service in St. James' Sunday, evening was fairly attended. A meet- ing was held on Monday to arrange matters in connection with the church which the congregation intend erecting this year. No definite arrangement was made, and another meeting will be held soon. 6G. Ward and bride are vis. iting iriends in Seelev's Bay. Miss Mab! Suddard, Kingston, is visiting at E. Redfern' Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Willetsholme, spent Suns day at Mrs. Hyland's, a' local pain, The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Westport Tidings. Westport, Feb, Rh auen Mulville, i . i R. ford, is seriously ill. J. Whetloy is still confined to his house with matin. H. Lossee gave up the barber shop amd has gone into the livery business, There arc now threo liveries here. Mrs. Fred Char beanne is on the siek list. Thomas F. MeCann has purchased WW. Rird's fart on the mountain, for $1,200. NM. J. McCann is selling olit his stock of boots and will ont his Jlate Cour try reads are gooth mow. Wood is selling at $4.50 a cord for hard, and £3 jor soft. Vinee Mirkey, of the B. & W. RR. station, Elgin, is home, sick with the measles. Election Of Officers NSpow Road, Feb. 6.--The following officers of Cornucopia lodge, were in- stalled January 18th by Nr. Denni son, DD.GM., Kingston 1.0.0.F,: Junior P.G., John A. McDougall; N. G., Elisha Buffam; V.G,, David Fergu som; B.S, W. Ray Allan; PS. NMordy G. Storms; Treas, William Miller; War, 'Adrian Geddes; Con, Robert Ferguson; 0.G., John Trombley; 1.G., Samuel Bolton; RSN.G,, Hugh Mil ler; LSN.G., John Hughes; R.S.V.Gi., Joseph Wilson; LSN.G., Andrew Mc Phee; R.S.S., Duncan Ferguson; L.S.S J. H. Cannon. The sisters of Rebekkah had been invited and a very &mjovable evening was spent, not the least enjoyable part being the discussion of the good things provided for the refreshing of the inner man, Point Road Notes. Point Road, Feb. 7. The township council met on Monday and transact od a considerable amount of business. BE. Draper is hauling sand from KR, Fair's, Glenburnie, 'sand pit, in pre paration of a new nd rground barn. McLean is breaking in a hand: some pair of colis, CU, Kennedy and brother, Philip, are spending a few days in Plum Hollow, Mr. Ballis has the contract of pressing 71. Doyle's barn of hay which he purchased some time ago, E. C. Bareets leit on Tues day to attend the annual ball in Na- panve and renew old 'Bequaintances, A large number from hore attended the school concert in Glenburnie last Fri- day night. The Cushendall students attended in a hody and made it lively { hetwoen acts their glee songs and up-to-date hits, A Missionary Convention. Hartington, Feb. #.+-Quite a nam: ber from here attended quarterly ser- vices at Harrowsmit morning. A missionary. convention is announced for February 21st to be held in the church hers, Harry Camp- all, while working 1 an cugine, had his hand and had to eall in. Dr. Lockhart. to dress the wound. "Miss Mollie Clow, Inverary, has been renewing old) acquaintances bere. Miss Dillon, Brewer's Mills, is visiting her cousin, Mra. -Creig. Mies Gladys Knapp, Sydegham, at Mr Dowker's. Mr. and Mrs. Lapum, Wil ton, at M. Clow's, Anson hurston, ill with typhoid fever in Kingston hospital, is reported to be a little hotter. Charles Leonard, hurt while working in the woods, will soon be about again with the aid of a erutch, Mrs. M. Clow and daughter, Nildred, are visiting in Kingston, Mr.: and Mrs. Cloakey, wera visiting at Wilton last week, Charlie Moore sold ao horse last week. Snow, snow every where. The Indian Runner, Yarker, Feb. 6.--E. W. Benjamin had the misfortune to lose the end of two of his fingers. They were easing down a' new engine, recently purchased, to its place, when his fingers caught; they were cut clean off, the ends being picked up by one of men. Dances and entertainments ha not heen well patronized this winter, owing to the weather and bad condi tion of the roads. Revival servi heing held in Yarker. Cyras Fdear Camden East, has purchased the re sidence of M. Vanluven, late the resi dence of 8, 8. Guess. The ice hai | vested this winter is abot eighteen inches thick, Miss Fina Dupuis has | recovered from her sickness, The in fant child of M. Warner. is very ill Alpheus Vanluven, a resident here, says that in his opinion the Indian runner is the comi luck as an egy producer, and being a small fowl the cost of keeping is sinall as they are hight feeders. He had three in his possession Jast scason; they laid five hundred and twenty two eggs, an average of one hundred and seventy four each, and that number would weigh down two hundred hens' eggs. They can be kept in a vwich smaller space than hens, and with a lower fence. Miss Fmmons, Pelleville, is at Mrs. Burns'. Harrowsmith Happenings. Harrowsmith, Feb. 7.<~The Preshy terians have placed a new furnace in their chureh, which is now very com fortable, Quarterly communion scr vices were held in the Methodist and Preshyterian churches last Sabbath. St. Peters' church was well attended | last Sabbath evening. W. Campsall is placing the machinery in his saw mill and cheese box iactory. Bradiord is very ill at present. Charles Hagerman -is also ill. J. 8 Gallagher, M.P.I., and Ira. Ga'lugh er have returned froin a visit to Port land. E. Caverley has moved to a farm near Sydenham and has moved into the house vacated by E. Caverlay. Miss Wood and Miss Matthews have returned to Utica, N Yi, to resume their duties as nurses. Mr, Fram ju ill in the gemeral hos ital, Kingston. Pa P Li No. 38," Chosen t a meeting of Friends, those officers were elected : Past councillor, W. F. Sproule; chicf conncillor, Thomas Uradford: vice councillor, Mere, D Mre. M. J. Sprogile; treasurer, Mee. H Mra. EB Bradford; BE. Townsend, war: Trousdale; prelate, w , Thomas yesterday | were | the | Miss | E. Alton | Graves; recorder, | cate organism. Woman's the ch this is due to pound. | took it snd saved me much endure. Lydia E. Pinkham's : No such helpful Mass. Hunter; séntry, D. Buck; trastecs, 1, Husband, James Hoyer and John Cowdy; delegate to grand econncil, W. E. Sproule; alternate delegate Mex H. Trousdale, Portland Occurrences, Portland, Feb. 7-H. S. | saw mill is running full blast Tolley' Henry Howo and wife' spent Saturday and Sunday the guests of Mr, and Mrs. B, Jackson, Ridean Forry, Mes, Eliza Hartwell is very low at present, Mes, | Rufuz Byington intends moving th the village soon. She hax rentad her farm, as her son W. Byington intends leaving for theswest in Mr. and Mis, J. Har rowsmith, spent a few days in town the guests of Mr. and Mrs. AT Gal lagher, A. W. Murphy spent Sunday with friends in Westport, W. Norris is after attack of The Newhoro | hockey here last. Saturday and played a very oxeiting game, The score n few days. Gallagher, of convalesensnt pneumonia. team drove a severe was 5 to 4 in favor of Portland. Ther were about 200 spectators. J, Brown is able to he around again af ter a severe illne Mr. and Mrs. W, {| Kerfoot spent a few days with her "| parents, Mr. and Mes. A. Gallagher, A number from here attended a party, | last week, At J. Flynn New Bayne | Mr R. Cameron, who has been on the k list for the past few days, is | able to by it again, Leorge Foster, | of dewboro, has the work of putting new vats in the cheese factory. A number from here intend taking in the hockey mateh hetween Newhore and | Smith Fall It will be played in | 8mith Falls on the Sth A Sunday School Treat. Cataraqui, Feb, 7.-Quarterdy service was held here in the Methodist church on February Bth, and was well at tended, other parts of the cirenit he ing represented, Gardeners are order ing their seed and otherwise preparing { for the spring season, Mr. Kiel is now settled here, and the comanunity ap | procintes his presence, as the. rerviees fof a blacksmith were much needed, | The Methodist Sunday school held a | auceeniil "At Home' in their Sun: | day sohool room on January 27th, | Singing, recitations, and social inter jeourse filled np a most enjoyable even? ling, At the close the organist of the [ church, Mrs. W, G. Ely, wos presented | with a purse, in recognition of faith. | ful werviee, Refreshments were served, { bringing the programme to a close, Among those assisting were Mrs, Rob insorl, Miss Robinson, Miss Smith, Miss Suddard, and Mr. Vallean, be sides members of the school. Oliver Fairbank€ js moving some of his ef fects to his newly purchased farm on { the York Road. Mrs. Verey Ward has | recovered from her recent illness. Rev, | Mr. Rowlands and little danghter, | Winnifred, of Newboro, are visiting at |G. Bawden'ss Mrs, (Rev.) Craig is in } poor health, Mr. Valleau has been ap- | pointed assistant superintendent in {the Methodist Sunday school, and | Mre. Valleau, a teacher. Mr. Elliott, Gananoque, and Mise Nellie Brown of this place, were married recently, The {toll gate keepers are endeavoring to This perfectly natural change in a woman's life is too often ac- companied by painful, distressing. symptoms due to female troubles and slight irregularities in her deli- The woman- who passes this change without the development of tumors, cancers, or chronic invalid- ism enters a riew field of happiness and usefulness in the domestic cir- cle and in social activity. Her phy- sical system should receive the necessary assistance at this critical period. l fi E Pi I t 4 3 © Is exactly suited to woman's nec cures all derangements of the female organism, it overcomes the hot: | flashes and dizzy fainting spells, and all other distressing symptoms. Dear Mrs. Pinkham 1 owe my splendid health to Vegetable Compound. : ro of fe, and feel us young and strong ss | did twen rs, and had but littie trouble snd ae Mas, Jauxs K. Maxy, 806 Bathhurst Street, Toronto, Canada. The whole secret of safety at this' time of life is thorough prepara~ tion before the change begins. has carried thousands of women through this danger period. where as will be received free by addressing Lyia . Paka Vegcabic Compomd Cures Wire Otis Fall shall, BE. Husband; guard, Wi wo al | keep the roads in good shape, but it is a hard matter, ' j at this time. It strengthens and | oo Friend During Change of Life dia mast Xt. I am the mother of three children, ve r friend of svomen, Lydia E Piokham's V \ fore my children Sure bo = ro. and it » nature Sy ei el ok he Cr Fortify the system with a course of Vegetable Compound. © This wonderful medicine advice to women who. are sick can be had any- Mrs, Pinkham, Lynn, "1 am 13 years of and married. Whea yo life. Early i Aud Inter esess SE Ses A man a or (RITA ws y okilful and responsi cau be cured by reliable dectors.' a HA ATA Guoen once, . Rice will send K, his BOOK, "i 3 TRIAL of nis DISCOVERY. "1 not wall, " 13John Labatt's oi ISA PRIME POR Made from tested natural spring water, selected barley malt and a' = blend of the choicest growths of . hops. Undoubtedly better for the sick and convalescent than any" rod and J AS. MePARLAND, Agent. Chocolates ! Just arrived another lot of GANONG'S G. B. CANADIAN CHOCOLATES, the finest in the city, only ,.......... 50c. per pound. y A..J. REES, Princess St 9 &