Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Feb 1905, p. 7

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rranted to Cure --Constipation --Indigestion Vloney Refunded ey act like Exercise. aseless tivity of our successful Shoe Sale. the. remarkable amount of 1g that the public appreciate t. Discount vded with price appealing tems will be of interest to 54 pairs Men's Black Box Calf and. Electri¢ Calf Hockey ' Bals, a good range of sizes, worth 32 oy $2.50 SALE PRICE TO-DAY. land & Bro. TION SALE r immense stock of LIES, SHADES, e offer for 30 days e at e Prices TIME TO AIN | HALLIDAY, om ra-- ent In Art Is demanded of the plumber as of all other artisans these days. hat we keep pace with the tines shown in our sanitary openwork bathroom and toilet fixtures, How well we are in line with modern improvement every day is demon- strated ty the sambles we show and the wotk we have dons. & BIRCH, 4 St. Kingsto n. a 4 WEIGHTS 38, to order. Toronto, BREAKFAST BACON CER SEs Reduced Fares $46.30 to Pacific Coast March 1st to May 13th, 1905. Second Class Colonist fares from Kingston to seattle, Yictoria, Vancouver, POF : . $46.30 Nelson, "Frail, Robson, Roni ee oben. Yas . $43.80 Anaconda, Dutte, " Hela, Salt LAKE bine on $43.30 Colérado Springs, Denver, Pueblo $43.30 san Francisco, Los Angeles ... $18.05 Tourist Sleepng Cars leave Kingston Tuesduvs and Thursdays at 2.26 a:m. For the accommodation of passengers holding First or Second Class Tickets to Chicago and West thereof as far #s the Pacific Coast. nominal charge is made fer berths, which may be reserved in advance. For Comfort Travel by the Grand Trunk Rallway System, J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnston and Ouatario streets KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS. $46.30 re TO ee Vancouver, From March 1st to Victiria [pay 15th, 1905. Seattle Tacoma SECOND CLASS Portland FROM KINGSTON. Very Low Rates to many other Western Poin's Full particvlurs at K. & P. and C. T.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY. F. A. FOLGER, JR., Gen, Vass Agtl: Gen. Supt SAY OF QUATE RAILWAY New short line for Tweed, Napanee, Descropto, and all local points. Trains leave City Hall Depot at 3:25 p.m. F CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagston. FOR THE WIN- TE BERMUDA Frost unknown, malaria impossible. From New York, 48 hours by elegant rew twin screw steamship ** Bermudian," Sailings every lv aays during January Every five days during February, March and April, 1905. FOR WINTER CRUISES GO TO --WEST INDIES -- 30 days trip. About 20 days in tropics. Special cruises to Bermuda, Porto Rico, Windward Islands and Cuba, SS, PRETORIA, February Oth und March 22nd, 105, For further particu- lure apply to A. E. OUTE SRRIDGE & Jo. 9 COy, 'Agents, for Quebec SS Rr OpdvaY, New York ; ARTHUR AEN Secretary, P NLEY, and to J. Quoin GILDER- SLR Ticket Agents, Kingston." TON DONDERRY ALLAN LINE ""V** Royal Mail Steamers. From St. John. From tulitay, Pretorian, Sat. Feb. 11: Mon. Feb ( 'orinthian, Sat. Feb. 18; Mon. Feb. = Parisian, Sat. Feb. 25; Mon Feb. Sicilian Sat. Mar. RAT OF PASSAGE rst Cabin, $50 and upwards, according to steamer and accommodation; erpool Second Cabin, Liv- and Londonderry. $37.50 aud London $2.50 extra: Third Class, ) superior accommodation, Liver- Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, 'London. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW Laurentisn Cabin, Thurs, Mar. 2. 10 a.m. $40 and up--Second Cab- 5--Third Class $27.50 kor further no particulars ly to NLEY, Aguwat, G.I'R. City Lanseager Dapot. o ... GILDER- VEEEVE Olarence Street ARCHITECTS WM, NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, oF fice, second floor ever Mahood's drug store, corner Princess and Bagot stroots Entrance on Bagot street Telenbone 608. ARTHUR 'ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF. fica site of New Drill Fall, near cor wer of Quean and Montreal Streets. FOWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER chart's Bank Building, comer Brack and Wellington strests. "hone 213 HENRY Pp. SMITH, wte., Anchor "Paone aS BAY iia J%= BEST in the EAST The new, up-to-date Business School, Alster Kingston, Ontario. In affiliation with the well known CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Of Toronto, Giving best courses in all Departments B 'verything mew, clean and first-class Circulars free. Enter now. DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS. W. A. SHAW, T. N. STOCKDALR, President. Principal Fuel ARCHITECT Sine. Market Training Fuel Hard Coal rats a 3 Tau for your furnace. ney, A oven ut sad Pea Pr your Soft Coal Cannel for your grate. Select Lup for grates and engines. Smithing Slack. Also Cut & Uncut;Wood ------ P. WALSH, pamack sr. NEAR KING BS you want it. Choicest, sweetest, and HI Myers, So Broek 5 (a 1A QUINA DU PiROU) for heavy mental ~ and physical strain. J. Thompson, Agent, Kingston. Afflicted wits Erysipelas *. For Ten Years. Cured by Four Bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters. -- Mrs. N. Peister, of Brighton, Ont., was Cured Two Years Ago and Has Had No Return Of It Since. -- Read what she says :--*"It is now about two years since I was cured of a terrible attack of Erysipelas, with which I had been afflicted for about ten years. I had tried 'alinost everything, including medi- cine from several doctors, but could get no relief. I had given my case up as hopeless, but 1 pr d five bottles of Buzdock. Blood Bitters, and it completely cured me. In fact, the cure has been permanent. It is now two years since [ took Burdock Blood Bitters, and I have not had the slightest sign of the disease returning. I fully "believe that your wonderful remedy has taken it so com- pletely out of my system that I shall never be bothered again with it. I have the greatest of faith in Burdock Blood Bitters." oo ral ED CURE Bick Headache and relieveall the troubles inet. Gent to a billous state of the eysiem, such as Drowsiness, Distress after eating. Pain 1 the Bile, &o. While their most success has been shown in outing "SICK he, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills are Sealy Saab h Conatioation cin curing and pre- venting tuisannoying compiaint, whils they aiso ormectall disoriormol hectomacaumuilo tha Het 3 and regulate thebowels, Even if HEAD Ache hethes 9 'wonld bealmost priceless to those who from Lhis distressing complaint; but fortu i their goodness docs notond here,and those Shachoetsy them will find these little pills valu. 18 somany ways that they will pot AA wile $0 todo without thom. Dut alter allsick ACHE 1s 1he bane of uo 3igay lives that here is where 'we make our great boast. Our piilscureit while others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and very easy to take. Ona or two pills makes ed. They alo atriotly wagetshlo end do pot ged) thelr tleaction Ppleros he Th fide Scents ; fi tages SL Sold by ae np orsent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York, Small 2. Small Doss, Small Pres Wood =a Coal We Jhave on hand the different varieties of Wood and Coal. BOOTH & CO. "Phone 133. Foot of West St. Wood a Coal Y. W.C. A FANCY WORK CLASS Conducted hy Miss Sutherland, late of Starr & Sutciiffe's Free to members: fifteen cevits a lesson to Ti non-members. ¥ after- TALE OF EOF A TREE| KENTUCKY Cimiz CITIZEN SCARED BY MYSTERIOUS VOICE. Which Says There Is Treasure At The Roots Of The Tree--There Was a Man Killed Under It Years Ago--A Family Fright- ened Away. Paducah, Ky. Fel 8 --Out of the farm of Will Albert, near Heath, this county, the people are wrought up over the "talking tree" that has been there for some time. Enormous crowds continue to gather there al- most every Sunday to hear the strange noises that come from the free. The voice can be distinetly heard and says, "There are treasures buried at my roots." A party, comprising the most trust- worthy citizens of the county, visited 'and Mrs. Db. Rose, THE _parLy WHIG, | WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARE 5 Settles Boys' Dispute Over a Pair Of Skates. Westhrooke, Feb. 6.--Mr. and Nrs, Charles Rose entertained on Thursday at a six o'clock dinner. Dr. and Mrs, Mabee, Odessa, were among the in vited guests, Mr. and Mrs. W. Amey entertained on Tuesday evening a number of their Iriends. Born; on kFeb- ruary 20d, to . and Mrs, Darius Smith, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Amey, alter a two weeks' visit with friends bere, Bave returned to their home in Sydenham. Nr. and Mrs, Harry Peters attended a party on Fri day evening at Dr. Mavbeo's] Odessa, The Misses A. and L. Snider, were "At Home on Saturday evening to Mr, and Edwin Bell, Our school teacher, Miss Annie Brown, deserves great credit for the able man ner she settlod a dispute 'between three boys over a ir of skates. W. H. ¥rink has had the misiortone to lose Who was president of the St. Louis Wynne at the White trouble in electing your senator out in "Yes," replied Francis; practice and they don't. know now to over to us we'll show them how to de tho tree to make a thorough investi gation for themselves ax to the noises being heard. They listened patiently for several hours, when a sudden crash, which has been . given many times before the marvellous product- ion of the human voice, came. © The mystery vet remains unsolved. and so great has the number of people heen who have gone there in the last seve ral months that the tree is now dead, caused hy the continuous tramping on the earth surrounding it. The only theory that has been sng- gested is that a man was killed un- der the tree in 1862, and, while many do not believe in "spirits," the facts are so plain and the voice can be %)» distinctly heard that they cannot dis pute the fact. A family of people who lived there several y ago became so frightened at the voice that they sold their farm at a sacrifice, went west, and are now living in Texas Pittsburg Township Council. February" @.--All present. On mo- tion, Ruttan-Swmith, the minutes of last regular meeting reconsidered, and the resolution regarding the sale of rock crusher and outfits wes rescinded, Yeas Ruttan, McFarlane, Smith; nays--Spence, Hutton. On motion, Smith-MeFarlane, resolution regarding the councillors acting as road conunis sioners was rescinded. Communication from Georgian Pay and Seaboard Railway company. and from J. A. Hutton, ®or position of assessor, The petition of Thomas Anglin and others for dividic:ng Sth concession road sec tion, was granted, and W. G. McUor mick oppointed overseer for eastern portion; Arch. Cowan appointed over soer on side road between 12th and 13th concessions, with Messrs, Strat ton, Rea and Hitcheock, G, Franklin voted $19 for serving notices, On mo tion, Smith-Ruttan, as Fred. Scott is unable to perform the duties as a« geasor through illness, that John A. Hutton be appointed in his stead. The petition of Mrs, Salsbury left over, Accounts passed : PP. Goug th, broken stone, J1ORBG; T, ', Stark, bonus, $5.40: M. Barel ay, : H. Dov work, $7.50; H. Wetbron. do., 82.50: T. Turner, do., $2.50: R Bonnell, do., 2850. Resolved, Smith Spence, that tenders be received up to 17th inst., for crushing and spreading «tome on the roads, and for purchase of rock crusher and waggons. Moved, Spence-McFarlane, that as Mr. Davis has not accepted the office of auditor, that L. P. Shortall be appointed, In amendment, moved, Smith-Hutton, that G. V, Stuart be appointed. Am- endment carried. No action on the petition of J. F. Barrett re tax on dogs. Adjourned till the 18th inst. Camera Betrayed Him. Ottawa, Feb, 8. ~The passion of Al- vin Jones, aged eighteen, for snap shooting, led to his arrest here. He vas on his way to Montreal from Win- nipeg, but stepped off the train for a few minutes to take a snapshot of the station. Ax he did so the police nab- bed himy The description of the fugi- "tive went from Winnipeg was: "Jones is fair, wears fur overcoat aml carries camera with strap on his back," Mise Gertie Carruthers, "daffichter of W. T. Carruthers, Brockvillé, bas not missed a session of the First Preasy- terian church Sabbath school in nine puccessive years, McLeod's Emulsion of Cod Oil, a reliable remedy for coughs, House last week. DAVID R. FRANCIS, met Postmaster-General lot of Wynne. exposition, 1 "You seein to be having a Missouri," remarked Mr. 'you see, the republicans out there haven't had any go about it. If they'll turn the job o it with half the fuss." one of his best horses; Mr. Richards, Wooler, is spending the week with his danghier, cre. Tea Svider; Mr. and Mrs. Levi Snider, "spent Saturday and Sunday at Jawe¥ Boyee's, Bath. Mr, and Mis. Denis Lucas visited, last Tuesday, at Jacoby Bell's, Morven. Via. itors : Mr. and Mes. Benson, Snider, and daughter, Bertie, at Lowis Hart man's: F. Davisons Assiniboia; Korsh Storms, Wilton, at. D, Lucas'; Mr, and Mrs. Burke, Morven, at Lewis Clarke's; Ms. W. H. Frink and daughters, Vivian, and Vern, at DN, Amey's; Mrs. Charles Rose and Mrs. Angelia Peters at B. Rose's, Narrow chested, weak lunged people can't be cured by medicine. Plenty of fresh air, mild exertise and "The D. & L." Emulsion at the first sign of weakness or loss of weight is the best treatment, The pronounced fabricator rarely be lieves anything but what he says self. White Bloodedness Commonly Called Anaemia, Is Very Prevalent Among Young him- Women. -- It is alway associated with lan- gnor and nsitiveness to cold. All the waco urfaces, such as the gms, lips, and eyelids, are blanched and waxy looking, the skin ix pallid and colorless. The pulse becomes Fapid and feeble; there is also loss of appo- tite and enfeebled digestion, palpita- tion of the heart, breathlessness and tendency to faint, In extreme cases there is complete disappearance of the menstrual flow and drepsical swelling of the limbs, Treatment consists in restoring the red corpuscles of the blood and build ing up the ral health. Physicians know of ne nedy so prompt in re- sults as Ferrozone, whieh contains all the elements lacking in debilitated blood. Ferrozone not only improves the pre sent quality of the "blood, but actually forms more blood -the rich, red kind that nourishes and feeds the organs that require assistance. It is impossible for any person to suffer from White Bloodedness that uses Ferrozone. This is amply proved by the following statement : "About a year ago," writes Mrs. 8, G. Stanhope, "of Rothesay, "my daughter (omplained of feeling tired, She was very pale and listless, and kept losing strength till too weak to attend school. The doctor prescribed different \ medicines, but Elaine kept getting worse instead of better. "We read of a similar cave, that of Miss Descent, of Syirling, Ont., bein cured by Ferrorone, and this ind, us to get it for Elaine. Tt took three boxes of Ferrozone to make any de cided improvement; but when six box- ex were used my 'daughter was be ginning to be ber old sell again. It didn't take mmch lon to make =a complete cure, and am convinced that there is no betler blood-maker than Fercozone. It bas made a new girl of Flaive. She had gained ten pounds in weight and looks the pic ture of perfect health. She is strong: er and enjoys the best of spirits. The eredit of ber recovery is due entirely to Ferrozone." Every growing girl and young wo- man can make herself strong and healthy with Ferrozone, Complexion soon becomes rosy, nerves get new strength, tiredness vanishes. Ferto- colds and general debility, 40e, + 78c. bottles, McLeod's drug zone is sold/by all druggists, Price He. per box gels PUZZLES HIM SOME THINGS THAT ARE QUITE QUEER. Andrew Land In Difficulties About The Ghostly Appearances And Doings of Those Still in Flesh. That the phantasms of the living may "walk' just as ghosts do I take to be certain, and give examples. A fow weeks ago a lady of my kin, say, Miss FitzAllan, dressed very early for dinner (she was tastefully frocked in pink), and went into the dmwing room, where she sat writing letters. As she wrote she thought more than once. of going to visit a sick friend in an establishment about a humired yards distant, For an ordinary domestic reason she did not go." To her enter a lady, resident in the aforesaid establishment, who had been invited to dinner. The lady gap- ed on her in amazement. As she left the door of the place where she lived, she explained, she had seen in front of her Miss FitzAllan, dressed in gray, walking in the direction whith- er she was going. She was about to "Mary you will be late for din- , having only a back view of the appearance, she waited till they should come to the first corner, If the appearance in gray turned to the right at the corner she must be Miss FitzAllan, for that route led only to her front door. By the time they reached the corner the guest was within touch of the appearance, which did go round" the corner. Being thus certain that the appearance was in- deed Miss FitzAllan, the other lady put forth her hand to touch her on the shoulder. Personne! There was 80 body, no appearance, any more, The phantasm of Miss FitzAllan had been "'walking" like a ghost where she herself merely thought of going. I could add largely to these ance dotes of the living who "walk; ** in- deed, I have seen three of them, of whom only one was dying when I viewed him, a hundred miles away from his death bed. The two others (one of them was merely mormal) were not aware that they had been thinking of mo, or of the places ia which Few them, my garden, in one case; in the other, the hall of an ancient house. What does puzzle me is the question--How do these appear. ances open doors, as they certainly seem to do? Is the doer really shut, and is its opening part of the hallu- cination? A lady of my friends, who is much too familiar with appear. ances to trouble herself about them, tells me that, English country house, she saw "the funniest ghost I ever saw. [I was standing at my dressing table, and looked round. The ghost was an ugly little flappy ghost, crumpled loose in a chair beside the fire. Now, the funniest thing is that the chafr was a ghost, too, There was not any chair in that part of the room.'* Perhaps the opening door is "'m ghost, too," ori the openi for the door is there, all right, If we admit, then, that 'the spirits of the living'* can thus impress them- selves on us, as if they were the ac- tual people whom we know, may we not attribute similar impressions of the presence of the dead to the agency of the spirits of the dead? In speaking of "'spirits" I was flying in the face of science, of course, but I use the word because it is part of our language, and "without pre- judice.'" One cannot say that the "consciousness" of the liking is the agency which produces on us these false impressions of the actual pre- sence of the living, because the liv. ing are not, usually conscious that they are producing any such effects at all. They may think, or dream, of going to or having been at a place, where they did not go, and vou or 1 may suppose ourselves to see them there, but they are not con. scious of it. Sopgeuently, if you or T see, at a given place, a phantasm of a person unkmown and if it turns out from our description that the person did exist, but is dead it does not follow that the dead man"#con- scipusness is aware, any more than the living persons who appear are aware, usually, that their appear. ance have been ""walking," and hava been observed. This is rather a com. fort, I think. The dead man may he at case in his consciousness, though his phantasm is seen haunting some scene with which, in life, he was familiar. At most he may give the place a thought as Miss FitzAllan thought of going in the place where her appearance was seen. ---Androw Lang, in The Country Gentleman, Yold by » Finger Print. The Sydney, New South Wales, courts have just demonstrated the importance of the finger-print system as a means of identifying a criminal. A young man charged with burglary has been found guilty in a case where the Crown relied solely upon the evi- dence of finger-prints. The burglar, in gaining entry to the building broke the glass of a window and leit the fmpression of his hand in the dust. This was photographed and the ex- hibit was produced in court. The jury returned a verdict in a few minutes of guilty. This was the first case of the kind in the Commonwealth. Dut it was quickly followed by another. The ac- cused, who was charged with break- ing and entering, left the impression of his hand on a newly-painted door, This was photographed, and found to correspond with an impress of the hand of the prisoner. In this case al- so a verdict of guilty was quickly reached. Senior Sergeant Childs, the officer in charge of the fingerprint depart- ment at Sydney, says he considers the system almost infallible, 'The cases were watched with the great. est interest by the police, jail and justice department officials. ------------------------ Hinman Sserifices In India, A startling instance of human sac- rifice performed by Hindus is re ported from Dacca. The victims, who consisted of one man and thirteco women, Were killed with great cere- mony at one of the shrines to ap- pease their deity, who had stricken the place with great misfortune. The of a wealthy shrine in India have been murdered Ei 030 Loe Loonmiia lngieds when staying at an | lot of tea seldom remains on dead stock. weeks. "REASON WHY YOU SHOULD USE. Ci Because it Is always fresh and sweet. My teas are shipped to St. John direct from where they grow, instead of being imported from London, where teas often lie in warehouse for several months. The sales of Red Rose Tea are so large that any one fresh lots arrive by every steamer. | § Then, in the grocery store, Red Rose Tea is never Except where being first introduced, the demand is such that each shipment is sold in a very few From start to finish, Red Rose Tea is the consumer is sure to get it while it is fresh and sweet T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N. B. BRANCHES : TORONTO, WINNIPEG. The favorite presoription of a physician, famous fer hi successful treatment of all Blood and Skin Disen Rheumatism, Gouty tedency, ete, pt io Nell Burd more than a few weeks; - so that BRISTOLS SARSAPARILLA AND PI head. revive the spirits, set the Livor acting, Bite, and restore Appetite and Vigor, : Refuse Al Ask Your Drugeist for BRISTOL' large and liberal discounts. a bee-hive scenc in summer. Wonun's Fur Cloth Coats, Suitw, Cloth cent, Coats, Storm Collars, Ulsters, Capes, Novi-Modi Children' Ulsters, Nuits and Mkirts, at OU, 33 1-8 and 25 per ruduction. Mons Coon, Wombat, Ruision Calf Fur Coats, Fur Collars, end Men's Woolen Undergarments, Mitis Gloves, at 38 1-8, 25 and 20 per cent off, Black Dog, and Boaver Cloth, Freire and Cloth Goods and Sultings, Dress White Bearskin and Curly Cloth for Children's Jackets, ut 398 1-3, 25 and 20 per ceat. of. WE SAY for our Spring Shoes. All the tempting offer, and our place of business much reserubled February, usually a dull n for ready cash w.th merchants, we propose to make Peruse car. fully the list of special offerings and the crowd for a FEBRUARY BARGAIN : Purchase your Winter Wants or Spring Dress and will be dollars and dollars ahead, That we are still cleaning up all the odd lines MEN'S $5 SHOES, in order to provide more ro McDermott's St Hundreds took advantage ° Blankets, Tisdowns, orters Sorouds, Cnrpats, Chenille aad 1 t Table Covers, Soot a Cork Linoltva a all 3 and 20 per cent. off, Winter Millinery reduced price, and during Pubruary your of our new White Muslin dna" Underwase et a reduction of cont. Cottons, Sheetings, Prints, "Tickings, Pillow Co other lines not on acitiad, a roductl 16 per cent, mers same, DOUBLE CARH CHECKS. IT YET! styles, all leathers.

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