ip He £ i i i 4 3 : 7 i 253 i Bh 3% 5 = fat ff F : £ i it 1it,2i3 il & = 1 as 'usual at Fe i I: Foraker, one of the fonr 1el]- tellers land and | Congeoss. Srpini fl Li 2 Foraker read at length the the vote of the State of . 'Following precedents observ- od on former oceasions, the tellers, having observed that the 'certificates were in due form, omitted reading the others in full. and, "taking : the states: in alphabetical order, announced the - fi RS AGO the largest retail stores the wholesale merchant, who 'the commission man, both fore the goods reached the store- three profits before the goods) : being Roosevelt and Fairbanks. The votes of all the othe movaky '«, fdr, are ) o'clock. clod) n critical Brock street, | 'Good bargains in ladies' dressing "William Johnston, Belleville, was in Sunday kehool convention. | The annual meeting of the K. & P. railway company 'was held this after noon. The directors were re-elected. The sls} he ; y Macdonald's dancing classes in the Bde takes plage néxt Monday evening, | Beef and groceries from conservative i. | business houses 'is now being sent to the asylum, This kiod of hasiness ix a new sen: to dealers. Rev. H 1. Horsey, Ottawa, has been grantell a month's leave to recu- -perate his health, He has been a hard worker for nine years past. -- Harold Corbett, mail clerk on the Bay of Quinte raibivay, and injured 1 by a run-off a week ago, will be able "One 'of the worst cases" of rheu- tonie, 3d. Gibson's Red Cross Drug tore, hes exhibited this after- re he attended snadian Ticket As. soviation exccutive, w decided to hold bo next convention in Port- + (Me, ¢ Marion Lawrence | proved himself, yesterday, in Convocation fall and last evening in First Congregational church, as not only "up-to-date, but also 'quite a humorous speaker, he will speak this evening in Sydenham Street church, . PORTSMOUTH GOUNCIL.™ Constable Instructed To Enforce Snow By-law. 4 A meeting of the: Portsmouth "eoun- cil was hold, last hight. Members Plosent Reve Fisher and Council- Jos Baiden, Groen and Kennedy. th for years; Seyeral people had Shite taxes struck off, . John Mills and John Seally were appointed assessors, 10 be paid $35 for their services. The constable was 'instructed to enforce the snow by-law, James Campbell was awarded the con- "tract for stipplics. his tender being the lowest, and Willianr Woods the con- tract for repairing sidewalks and A Pleasant Smoker. non-covhmissioned officers and men of the R.C.F.A., conducted a very enjoy- | able smoking = concert. Sergt. Tramp. the programme which consisted, = in part, of the following numbers : 'Phree round sparring contests between battery, 'and between Tr. Barrett and Songs also sung by Trump. Enos, "B" battery, Dr. Ramsay, "A" battery, Br. Lafortune and others. Sergt. Rousdeau also gave an exhibi- other forms of refreshment and ol speut, The Residents Objected. Complaints having been made by residents of © Sydénham ward regard. g the dumping of snow on the eric ket field, City Engineer Craig has given justructions that snow hercafter mow being put upon the ericket field 'were that it would prove detgimental to health on account of much of it containing dirt. Construction Of Walks. The hoard of works will shortly ad. sixty permmnent walks, rding | which it is taking the initiative condition, The ety engineer intends to have the walk consteaction hagam earlier this year than for some time Past, : ® nh. ties, for Te, at : left this afternoon for v Gibson's Red John Gaskin, in-Toronto, tone lodge, No. 91, AOU; hursday evening at vight Dr. Anthift il i on behalf of wis | bre on the Sha t Lake circuit next y. ; Valentines--new novelties, lace and comic, at McDegimoti Bros, 260 Prin ion Latinas" dion and Von Og Vogt, in Sydenhang Street crcl wr might 7.30 o onathan Tavior still continues in condition at his howe on combs at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, 1 the ety Zatday, taking in the 0 ing assembly of Professor D. 4 to resume his duties on Monday next.' matism cured by two hotiles Wa-Hoo By- as were passed . confirming the ap- nent of ) and of Dr. Bn poor In the city hall, last evening, the Me¢Kinnon, "A" battery, announced Sergt. Major MacOowan, 2nd Life Guards, bogland, and Br. Wolfe, "A" De. Taylor, of "B" battery; a fencing bout betwpen Seryt.-Majod MacGowan and i Henderson, "B" battery. Wer tion of weight lifting, Plenty of pipes aud tobacco were supplied as well as together a very enjoyable. evening was taken off the roads shall be drawn to the harbor. The objections made to vertise for the construction of about Many walks are at t in bad J.0%n life by choati Rimon Fike ne RUARY i 3 BY WHITNEY. What Various Citizens Had To Say To Whig Reporters About The Selections Made. The Whig's bulletin board was close- ly scanned this alternoon as 'it "con- tained the names of those chosen to fill portiolios in Whitney's cabinet for the province of Ontario. In interviews leading conservatives had these words to say : a Donald Mcintyre said: 1 think that the gentlemen selected by Mr. Whitney for the various portfolios will com- mand the confidence of the country. Nearly every one of them has had a lengthened experience in the legisla: ture, and has thus gained a familjar acquaintance with public business, Many of them, indeed, have special qualifications for the office to which they have been appointed. For in- stance, Dr, Pyne, who takes the port- folio of education has for years been secretary of the Ontario Medical Coun. ail, and has, in this way, acquired a ialist"s knowledge of our educa- al system. On the whole I think the people of Ontario will have no feeling of disappointment when scanning over Whitney s selections, Capt. Gaskin said he had no doubt but 'that the premior had selected the men who, he thought, were most chp- able to fill the cabinet positions. He knew only two or pheee of them. The most important positions were those of agriculture, crown lands and educa- tion, in his estimation, and required strong men. It would be hard for a new man to fill Hon. Mr. Dryden's place. Capt. Gaskin claimed that Mr, Gamey. was deserving of a cabinet po- sition, and was fully capable of filling the office of minister of mines, to be created. Gamey, he holds, is not the awful man that many people think, but is just as honest as the majority of his colleagues, Dr. Ryan was enthusiastic in his praise of the cabinet with niost of {he members of which he is personally ne- quainted.- Dr, Pyne, as minister of education, is a strong man and has always been in favor of government aid to Queen's University. T. J. Rigney was 'well pleased with the material "of the eabinet as a whole. The majority of the ministers are not what might be called pro- fessional politicians and although lacking in experience are highly ca- pable of filling the bill. ! Has Relatives Here. Hon, J. 8. Mendrie, taken into the hitney cabinet without portfolio, is a brother-in-law of John, James and Lawrence Henderson of this city. He married Miss Lena Henderson quite a few vears ago, Dr. J. 0. Reaume. Joseph 0. Reaume, M.D.CM., F.T. ALS, of North Essex, is the son of French-Canadian parents, Oliver Re- aume and Josette Dumont, his wife, and 'was {born at: Anderson. Ont.. Au. must 13th, 15q He was educated at troit Medical College, 'and Trinity Me- dical CoHege, Toronto. He married in 1887, Katherine Turner, Lockport, N. Y. He was first elected to the legisla. ture at the general elections of 1902. In religion he is a Roman Catholic, Claims Of All Creeds. In allotting the portfolios, Mr. Whitney recognized the claims of all creeds, nationalities, professions and localities. There will be five lawyers, three doctors, one manufacturer, one farmer and one contractor. Mr. Whit- ney and Col, Matheson come from, the eastern section of the province, Dr. Reaume and Mr. Hanna from the ex. treme west; Foy, Pyne, Hendrie and Beck from Toronto, Hamilton and London, Dr. Willou hby from Central Ontario, and Mr. Sonteith from the middle west. Two are Roman Ca- tholics, Foy and Reaume, and the ro- maining members are well divided ampng the leading Protestant church- es. In religion the cabinet consists of five Anglicans, two Presbyterians, two Roman Catholics and one Mothodist. The French population has a good re- Presentutive in Dr. Reaume, and the arge German element has a worthy representative in Adam Beck, who is a native of Waterloo county, OUR LADY CURLERS. Both Rinks Lost In Montreal This Morning. In the curling matehes at Montreal bonspiel, this morning, our players' luck went a little astray, as the rinks skipped by Mrs. Hooper and Miss Mabel Dalton, lost. The scores were: Mrs, Hooper's rink, 5; Heathers, 7; Miss Dalton's rink, 8; Montreal, 13. Regarding Tuesday's game the Mon- treal Herali says : The Utica ladies were in hard luck. One of their best curlers, Miss Bulger, was prevented, by illness, from coming to Montreal, and the other three .members of the rink were handicapped through her absence. They played three ladies to four and the first two curlers, Miss Brown and Miss Munson used three ites instead of the usual two. Utica curlers suffered too because their granites were lighter than those used by the Kingston ladies. Some of the latter curled with stones that wei forty pounds. As it was the visitors fromy Utiea were threo up when Jast end commenced but: the Kingstonians minde a garrison finish and scored five shots, giving thew a lead of two points on thé match, the Score being ten to wight. Police Court Cases. 'Four - cases weg dried before the police magistrate, is morning, A cab driver was fined $5 and cont for oliciting passengers on the G.1.R. latiorns contrary to by-law. Isaac emmon was fined $1 and costs for carting without a license and was or &d to a license. Two drunks, one, _ Robert Pook, Clinton. township, whose wife died on Monday, took his WELL PLEASED] OVER THE CABINET CHOSEN $1.75. Ssumption - College, Sandwich, De- |! . Direct from the looms of three of the best makers in I reland. The stock of Linens we are now showing is of unquestioned merit. : Table Linens, pure bleached, 55¢c., 63c., 7sc, Table Linens, pure bleached, 69c., 83c., osc. 9€- ; Table Linens, pure bleached, $1.25. ; Half Bleached Table Linens, l49c, 35¢., 45¢., 55¢. : Half Bleached Table Linens. 65¢c., 75¢., goc Table Napkins, $1 per dozen, $1.25, $1. Table Napkins; $1.90. $2.25, $2.49, $2.75. Table Napkins, $3.50, $2 99, $3.75, $4, $4.25. Table Napkins, $4.50, $4.75, $s. Fringed Doylies, gc. and 10c. each, round and £quare, special values. Five O'clock Tea Covers from 63c. up to $2. Embroidery Linens, 35¢., 39¢., 49¢. Drawn Work Linens, 4oc, 45c¢., 50¢., 65¢., 75¢, Waist Linens. Handkerchief Linens, both medium and sheer qualities. Huckaback Towels, 10c., 12}c., 15¢., 18c,, 20c. Huckaback Towels, 25¢., 3oc. Roller Towelling, 8c., 10c., 12%c., 15¢. These prices mean nothing to you until you examine the good values we are now offering. Glass Towelling, 10c., 8c., 1234¢., 15¢. Fea Towelling. sc., 7c., 8¢c-, 10¢., 15¢c. JORRELADLAWESHN 0DDS One Lot Ladies' Dongola Kid Late Boots, heat v soles, new stock. £1.50 Ong Lot Old Ladies' Dongola Gaiter Boots, worth' $1.25, all sizes All our Bargain Tables are now loaded F. G. LOC S-------- SOME OF THE BARGAINS AT THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE One Lot Ladies' Cotton Lined Rubbers; medium tor, all sizes ......05» One Lot Boys' Rubbers, sizes 1 to 5, good shapes but not quite per but a line that we are going out of, $2, for One Lot Old Ladie#' Dongola Kid Button Boots, Jow heels, worth - £1.00 $1.50, all sizes, for All Felt Goods on Bargain Tables, at big reductions, Pp again. One Lot Ladies' Wool Lined Rubbias, narrow toe, broken sizes 0% YEAR 72. January & Feb FURNIT Everything reduced. portunity to save from per cent. on all lines of Couches, velours or $5.50, $6.50, $8.50 and line, Iron Bed special, reg for $6, others' $3.50, $4. Six Solid Oak Desks, iwitish plate mirrors ,1 to clear at $5.50. I ROBT. J. R The Leading Undertaker, 222 Prince $doors above opera house, Te Comfortal Eye=Glass We are devoting a great time to Spectacle and lye-Gi We carofully examine your e) ply you with ANY STY]L you may wish, at prices, y most moderate: We fully guarantee our pur frames, and our les Prescriptions for glass SMITH BF JEWELERS OP! 350 KING ST. Notice of Cha Partnershi NOTICE IS HEREBY 1 the partnership heretofore s. tween us, the undersigned, tinsmiths and general hard ants, bas been dissolved hy went of the undersigned, W Claxton, from the said fir: wo the business will now ho gn the undersigned Jobn Lemmo Lawrenson, under the name | ermon & Lawrenson, to dents owing to thé partne: he paid and by whom all els the partnership will be settle MATTHEW 11. CJ JOHN LEMMON, ELMER LAWRIEN Kingston, February 7th, 1¢ THERE 'IS A CI I have almost new stoves, | heaters, left, which I will sell gains, also furniture, as 1 v space for other stock ig spri TURK'S ~~ SECORD-HAN 398 Princess Stree WANTED. A COOK AND HOU! Mrs. Van Straul Al enzie, Pe BOY FOR GROCERY ST able to figure and writ dress ALD." Whig office A CARRIAGE WOODWOR good at repairing prefer) Laturney, 390 Princess st BOY, T0 LEARN THE business. Good opportu right lad. Apply Whig of CANVASSING AGEN for Hon. John Ch speeches and address wission. Apply through "v A SMART. BOY AS JUNI fice of a manufacturing « having a knowledge of sh typewriting. Apply in ow © ing P.O, Box 07, cily GENTLEMEN, TO GRE Spring Suits made up at 181 Brock street, next livery: style, fit and price to please; pressing and re promptly, ------------------------------ ATEACHER TO TAKE SE lish work in the Kingsto Institute. Initial salary, My at once to John Mac retary-Treasurer, Board tion ALL INTELLIGENT, RELY ple who are seeking an. al change, or those who ar want work will accom purpose by writing Mars tea importers. London, ( furnished. PUPILS AT MME. ELDER making Parlors, 251 street. Evening c~stume ty. Instructions in dress en day and e¥ening until Cutting by m@asure, desi cluding system, $10 GOOD BUILDING LOT, Queen street, between Mo Bagot. Apply 49 Colbor cilhensmieesiuinnens BUSINESS ¢pAReE, sum lady or pentleman an £4.500 Apply at Me Brock street - amp o-- TENDERS WILL BIE REECE) the following property i 20th, 1905 : Nos. 204, Street. and Nos. 109, 111 Street, hented by hot wats 280, 239, 234 Sydenham 185 Clergy street, heated All these properties have improvements; can he be or othérwise, on easy | lot north-west corner of N bert streets, opposite Vic anid hall lot on Ordnance vosite Fronténne Park i 44, Whig office TO-LET DWELLINGS, STORES, Factories and Storage Real Ketats Office. 51 Br Two New States Washington, D.C., Fay. 9 ed Btates senate passed statehood bill, providing mission of the states of Ok) Indian Territory. and, New cording to the present houn Arizona eliminated. ---- i eri The many friends of Mra. Contre street, will he ol that she i recovering afte ous illness, i