delicate position. They ure to hear ence "in support of accusativng if true, will expose conditions N ticipated the advances in butter and oveupy, it is pointed ont, ~{'made in Canada in behali of London's | promoting a judge from a junior oa +] pointment is a credit to the govern J ment. Judge Clute, of Toronto, has { couped them. The aot cost $7,000,000, qn 5 | world. ied by Mrs. Gray, who wa ath time, in an ex- tremely weak "and nervous condition, beahing the die aoe, i Lambert now, taki isoner { Europe i Sol have been y : h progress dd an investigation conduet which will a as he returns, his as Erp 5 if deal, but it pre and it marked his gave some evidence goes back to par encumbrance, and that. he will not o 'with the lead- aclean, et al, will 'and govern "them- § Had some local merchants only an- sugar they would have made a pile of money. Sugar at about #6 a bbl moro and farmers' butter oft of eight | The balance of trade in 1904 was largely in favour of England. = This cap hardly be taken as a proof of prosperity while collections are being ~Bome English* girly, who have act: ed as 'dispensing clerks in' Kagland, are anxious (0 become' drig clerks in | Canada. The law of the land debars thém' for the present, but laws can be changed, and the girls can wait. -------- The Witness rather likes the idea of senior position. The last judicial ap- earned the recognition which is his. Schwab, of ship trust fame, is al leged to have looked up all who lost bly on his t, be- in a few experience in the 'nancial Ottawa is getting uneasy again, and Id like this Washing "to bo regula hy and th, and it is an impossibility. It to be satisfied with its $60,000 Council. ! 's | mies' who - ToRpate Sy year v has only twenty: eight' Roa and ax things look now that will by fuite enough, 3 3 ! "Takes Water Now. Montieal Horwid.. » for him "that Wr. Whitoey might pay them a jg compliment by ocea- sionally "It with water, One Didn n't Turn. Clinton N py envy We of Zurich, aged nine- An-five voted . 'the fibetal caifigate on January , and is likely the old- est voter in the county. : They Won't Go. Journal. Waving formes' the Russian work- Jingmen, it remains for car to forgive the Japs if they will gd Grit' Consolation. kville , » Ww the lath Hoi. U,V 8, Fraser on one ockasion remiirkid, "For every of- fice Blled there id thade one friend who Very often forgets and a score' of ene- Forget." ' ih Son 11) | London, Feb. 9.--Hen, W. §. Field: ing was feted 1) night in the high temples oli: ish radicalism, David George, the leader of Y ales in' parliament, who, since fis visit to Canada a fow years , has taken a keen interest in Can affairs, collected a remarkable gathering to meet Mr. Fielding, includ- ing John Morley, Winston Churchill, Lord 'Tweedmouth, Hou. R. B. Hal. dane, a certain. member of the next liberal cabinet, and Mr. Griffith, sec- retary of the high commission, An Emergency Physician. You are sure to save needless suf- fering and you way save life hav- ro hand a bottle of Senith's White ment. It is of vital importance that pain or inj be treated y y. Here lady that te ves n in an almost m way, and ir ine bruises, laine backs, cle, quicker than ot! xe know of. In Be bottles - at o , " UE -------- A Parlor' Conference. Von Ogden V, t, of Boston, travel ling secretary o the Christian En. deavor Society, co a parlor conference this morning on young peo- ple's work, A ror present were: Rev. W, T, G. Brown, of Sy- denham street church; Rev. Dr. Me Tavish, of Descronto, convenor of the greta] assembly's conumittes, on [oung People's ioties, and others pr in young people's work. Help The Overworked Heart. Is the t engine which pumps life ri or om hard Prose, overtaxed, groaning under its load be cause disease has clogged it? Dr. Agnew's Cure for 'the Heart is na- ture's lubricator: and cleanser, and demonstrates to, iS Sufigvey sures it medical science . -- ved (of the parliament of 13981002. ance people voted | cabinet will be Major John Strath- f the artillery contingent at the Queen's the Waterloo county. He was educated at + (Galt. On September 7th, 1508, he: mar- ---- 5s Of Four Not Given Be- fore. « Rekth county. By profession he is farmer, He was unsuccessful at general elections of 1898, but was elected at a bye-election in the follow- ing February, by a majority of seven over Eugene Stock, his opponent. He is a ol the Episcopalian Dr. Willoughby. Willian® Armson Willoughby, M.D. member-elect for East Northumber. land, was born in the township of West Gwillimbury, York county, Feb. ruary Ist, 1844; was educated at the Bradford grammar school, and gradn- ated. from Vietoria College in 1867. 'He was first elected to the logis lature in 1886, and with the exception has been in the legislature ever since, serv- ing as whip during the whole of that dtime, He is the only conservative member-elect who was in the legisia- ture after the election of 1886. Dr. Willoughby is licutenant-surgeon of the 40th battalion and served for years as reeve, councillor and member of the school board of Colborne. In re- ligion he is an Anglican. Major Hendrie. Hamilton's representative in the new carn Hendrie, who is of Scotch par- entage, and was born August 15th, 1857, at Hamilton. He was educated at the Hamilton public school and Upper Canada College, Major Hendrie was returned to the legislature in the eral election of 1902. and was in at year and the year previous the | mayor of 'Hamilton. He is a railway the Bank of Hamilton, vice-president and manager of the Hawilton Bridge Works company, a director of Hendrie & Co., limited, and the Great West Assurance company. He joined the 4th Field Battery of Canadian Artillery in December, 1883, and was appointed major in June, 1899. 'He commanded Jubilee in London, 1897. He is a mem- the Presbyterian chorch. On April: 2nd; 1895, he martied Lena Maud Henderson of Kingston. Adam Beck; Without Portfolio. Adam Beck (London), is a 'son of J. Beck atl Charlotte Hespler. ' He was born on June 20th, 1857, at Baden, ried Lillian Ottaway. He is a manu: fatturer at London. He was mayor of London, in 1902-3. He was an unsse- cessful candidate for the legislature in 1898, but was returned in 1902. He was elected by an increased majority in 1903, : Acts Like Magic. Peck's Kidney Pills are simply a wonder, they act like magie in the a graduate of the latter. G kers. township councillor, deputy reeve, county councilor and warden of contractor and engineer, a director. of |. i § THE H. D. February BARGAINS | TRISC A filamented, whele-wheat wafer --tasty, wholesome, body-building, more nourishing than white flour, : We have just complet- Boys' Men S is ed stock-taking and find Suits vercox we are overstocked in . some sizes, which we Men's : have had -remarked at Boys' Sa s special prices for Feb- Ulsters . Dals ruary, prices that will sell them rapidly. Men's In Srder to have a Boys' complete range we have ercoats Trousers oh all our Suits, where we have just one of two . Men's of a size, and placed Boys' Reefers them on our tables for Reefers } this sale. February is generally t Men's a quiet business month, Boys but we are going to make Caps Raincoats it a Fh ah by selling at prices that will Hats be sure to create for usa Boys' z lot of new business, Gloves CAPS, SWEATERS, UNDERWEAR. 1 1] BIBBY CO. Bargains | BARGAINS | L$ ens THE H. D. BIBBY CO., Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall, Kingston. ' sseassssseseceeeP & cure' of kidney and bladder tr i For lumbago, pain in the back, and all urinary troubles they are unequal- led. cleanse the kidneys, and allow them to purify the blood, instil- lig mew life and vigor into the entire system. In boxes, 26c., at Wade's Drug, Store. Money back if not sat- islactory. Clearing The Tracks. This afternoon, the street railway company had; a snow plow, a sweep- er and thirty-five men at work clear- ing the tracks. It is expected that the belt line cars will be. running be- fore evening. Premier Whitney has stood pretty well by the old guard--the men who walked the wilderness with him. Had Eve heen up-to-date. what a fool she would have made of the ser- pent ! How much mogey is to be spent on cement sidewalks the coming season ? It is quite permissible to rob Peter to pay Pauli your name is Paul. Man is jodged by his work and wo man by her ability to work him. RHEUMATISM! Lives in the Blood. Consequently it requires an internal treatment, one that will restore the blood, and thereby relieve the cause of the pain. : After years: of experiment Dr. Ham- ton in producing a rcowd. that quickly cures rheumatism, gout, and uric acid disvrders. This marvellous cure has been given 16 the public as Dr. Hamilton's Man: drake and Butternut Pills; in eovery case they cure quickly. wr nL. Mrs. is She is uinety : ery today, at Osgoode Hall bas. re- served decision in a motion for change of venue from Kingston to Toronto of vs. Leadlev: Sas wiother of Dr. Angl heal body. The blood is restored to ol ) ha ip, ya healthy condition, 'ra Homestead com. old enemy. Here er a toning the kidneys and liver, Dr, Honiton Pills ensuré a clean od a vigor is imparted to © or- and thus the general health .is ng And be, Taum is left for rheu- to n. Eccles, oli i at hand Use Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and i soon shake hands for good is substantial proof : glad day for me, writes Brownfield, from Midland, my per- I have (- | that for some days x, | od with A Policy is like costs something We're taking stock this week. policy. All are new : nearly every size up to $15. y OUR POLICY! full of good LADIES "ard CHILDREN'S COATS that should have been told a month ago. Weight sell them to better advantage next season than right now, but that would be in opposition to our Our policy is 10 carry no goods over from ome season to another, and io consequence these Coats must be sold AT UNCE. Zibelines, Cheviots, Kersey, and fashionable mix ures, former p: ice While they last your pick at HALF PRICE a principle; it to stick to it. On the second floor found a rack in the let ; materials are Beavers, 1 SPENCE'S, The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store. Just arrived another lot A. J. REES, MANIA DRIVES TO MURDER, Father Becomes Religions Fanatic And Slays Family, Copenhagen, Feb. 9.-- A remote farm in the Swedish provinee of Norrland was last week the scene of a terrible tragedy, the discovery of which has only jusi been made, It has been noticed in the district no signs of life had been vidible about the farm which belonged "to a man named Sioeland, and finally the neighbors came and forced open the door: ¥ They found the dead body of the farmer's wife lying on the floor, her In another rooms, the walls and fir: niture of which were horribly spatter. ol re, a ot the remains of her Chocolates | head having been smashed in with 'an axe, -- of GANONG'S G. B. CANADIAN CHOCOLATES, theJfinest in thecity, only ........,. S0c. per pound. Princess St. daughter. She had been chopped 0 pieces, In another bed lay Sjorland® brother, also slain with the axe, ® fearfully mutilated. ; pio Finally, the body of Sjoelund but self was discovered in a well, ? throat cut in many places. ther The whole family had lived tog® hn very happily for years, But rer Sjoelund had come under the influs of a lay preather, whose nthdresst; oo kindled him to a most extraordin® pitch of religious fanaticism. In the neighborhood, heve mur: generally supposed that Sjoelont mn dered the family and then cous suicide, the story of the tragecy = created a feeling of the deepest ho . it ¥ A THE LIFE STRI The Workings of the Human Body Crip, DEATH TO MILLIONS. Kidney Disease Is Sapping the V of America's Manhood and Wor .. anhood--Warner's Safe Cure po 4 ~-' * 4 The Kidneys ave x riant organs OF Lbs Rusa body. Only Certain Kidney / » : virtually control all the other org ¥ Should they stop working for even a the bl oezed with urie acid "waste matter i ond break down in the 1 through the v 0 healt] 0 ht Os true some of us Fo kidneys, but it is ¢ "fo get a little wo! t comes instantly to ings to many, lood would become so thick i and other the most de werful } to for live for months: ust waiting for t ey never cure tl selves. nstantl ng over us Death is co Dangi og. ar ckache, headache, rheumatism, s Jessness, indigestion, etc., are certain affected kidneys, sig) Health, though, we can never know v order. the kidneys are out of. There is but one medicine that's fit tc for the kidneys--only one remedy that sitively purify, strengthen and cure Josie eithon injury to the delicats sues, It is Warner's over thirty years docto in hospitals throughout the world. 10 ho hon everything else fails, v ou have given up b The change for the the first few doses. Cure, discov ago and used ever sin¢ in their families and practice, ope and expect to better will come All druggists sell it or can get it for TRIAL BOTTLE FREE To convince every sufferer.from dis: of the kidneys, liver, bladder and bl ' that Warner's Safe Cure will cure the trial bottle will be sent.absolutel free, paid to any address. Also free or vice, and a medical booklet which tell about these diseases, with a prescriptio each, and contains many of the thous of testimonials received daily from gra patients who have been cured by Safe ( All you have to do is write Warner's Cure Co., 44 Lombard a Toranto, 3 and mention name of this paper. he Cs of this offer is guarentent by publisher, How to Make Mo Buy Stock In The AMERICAN TALKI SCALE GO. Capital, $1,000,000. * Pdr Value of Shares, $10 | Fhis Fompuny dow! had nearly § Scales in operation and a number { almost ready to put out. Karning: 4 ing the past year have run as hig a $10 Ao 815. per « Cases over $20 a week. . week, and in a The Intention is to put out at 5,000 Scales in the, United States ? ing the préseht year, 'which at the average of $2 a week would shov -earning capacity of $520,000 a yea: The Company Also Own + Patents of This Scale for G . Britain and the Continent. Large fortunes have been made slot machines in other countries this ix the first opportunity that ( dians have bad to purchase an int im such an enterprise. We have a limited number of for sale at par, viz 10 per share, Full particulars on application. PARKER & G0., 61 Victoria Street - lw ff 'or STOCK MARKETS. Telegraphed specially to the Whig Norman Binmore, Manager Harish Bogert & Hattells, Members New Stock Exchange, 151 St. James Si Montreal NEW YORK STOCER. on . imore & Ohio re anadiaft Pacific apoake & Ohio Mil. & St. Paul v Fuel & Iron .. .. roit United in 1st pref Louisville & Nashville Mackay, com. : Mackay, pref Si Metropolitan Securities | Mitropolitan Street Ry Missouri Pacific New York Central Pennsylvania a xk Island uthern Pacific Pacific aa ther US. Steet, tom *.. US. Steel, pref. Wahash Wabmsh; prof thern Railway 3 » Railways & Light Amalgamated Copper American Locomotive A an Smelting & Refining A an Sugar Relining Ive Rapid Transit eh 13.3 1 30 Sales to noon=520,400 shares. MONTREAL STOCKS. Richelien & Ontario Nav dgminion Coal, com Noa Scotia- Steel Co. .. NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS Feb. § C wy Atchison Amal Capper Baltimore & Ohio Brooklyn Rapid Transit Lanad dn Pacific rie Hlinois Central Louisville & N "tropotitan ishville | Missouri Pacific . |" New York Central Pennsylvania sland Reading St. Paul Sugar Twin City inton Pack 4 US Steal ie VS. Steel, pred. Wheat --