Serious Sickness. | True Family" Frieng, De. Slow, Limited. "My baby 'was very sick with rible 'cough. I gave her your Cg foote Expectorant" and 0 and a few doses cured hier 'monia two winters ago, an continued to trouble me a few days my lungs got 'strong, That one * bottle of 'Psychine more for me than doctors tions and all the remedies 1 ev Pars 3. Peyvchine cures permanently w SPELL IT SAY IT-- BIBBY CO. B iss 7 / Our Pant Sale is Now Going On, We want to close out all broken lines and set our Panis stock in good order, . Every pair of Pants In our stock goes into this sale--nothing re- v served. $1.50, $1.60, $1.75, $2 and I\Y way ta get alcorrect. idea ants, | Shirt Sale ve about 25 dozen Shirts, rice $1, stiff or soft front, have placed on our tables le. : Sale Price, 69c. of Neckwear ilk Bows and Derbys ; sale and 15c. Silk Derbys, Hookovers, ving Ends ; sale price, 25c. iloves, Sweaters, Hats, etc. 3IBBY CO. , Oak Hall, Kingston. * more points, making the final re 6 to 3. The teams were : arsity I1--Keith, goal: Crawlord nt; Nichols: cover; Laidlaw, rovir gue, centre; Kennedy and Morita £8. de ts--Goldie, goal; Harrington, Constantine, cover: Powell er; Gill, centre; Hade and Macklen, 5 al Charles Mills and me keepers, M. I et Perrin. Winnipegs Defeated. al to the Whig, nnipeg, Feb. 11.--In the hocke. * at Rat Portage, Ont.. last ts between the Winnipeg = rowing and home team, the Winnipegs Jonen to defeat by the amazing of 12 to 1, the game. hetween Witlpeg Vig s and Brandon teams, at the Au ium, the city lost by the score ol Bo -- You frown" all (Me time it is likely due to your eves than temper. Let Chown fit you with le iy "¢ you headaches ? If s6, have S examine your eves, it may he $ You require, Prices low. € more we think of it the less ink of it," is the estimate of 18 over the bonuses to city of N Keswick, near Barrie, Ont., May 925), 1904, a Lop. Oxomulsioy, : - I was al, sick myself with a bad attack of puey d my hing until jag 'March, when 1 tried Psychihe, a did prescrip. er tried 3 hile oj. 1 or remedies only give temporary rel. ~ PSYGHINF win Saies Ay! ARGAINS | ON JAMES M. MORGAN, 173 Tweaticth Street, Washington, D, Ix-Lieutenant U. 8. Navy, Ex- General to Australia, writes: Ohio: on S YS jv te" Peruana Is a Safeguard k Against the Ills Ineci- dent to Inclement Weather. 4d LEAT { t Confederate Navy, and Ex- Medicine Co., Columbus, nen :~--«The use of your as a remedy or cure for th by many of my friends who have been fited by the same, as well as my own ex- b¢ as to its efficacy and good tenic prop- its causes me to recommend it to all persons, You are at liberty to use this endorsement Rvill give any SUL GENERAL TO AUSTRALIA Ex-Lieutenant United > States Navy and Ex- . Lieutenant Confeder- ate Navy Uses and Rec- }: ommends Pe-ru-na. and my photograph ree to same. '---James M. Morgan. Catarrh of the Head Which Affected Hearing Cured by Pe-ru-na. Mr: Rmils Tatguay, No. 333 John St., Quebec, is Becretary of the Jacques Carling Club of Quebec, one of the lead- ing sporting clubs in the city. Its mem~ bers are composed of young men of the best families. He writes: "Last winter I caught a severe eold which developed into a severe case of catarrh of the head, affecting my hear ing especially. My eyes Tan, my sys- tom seemed to be generally clogged up. was advised by a club friend to try Pe- runa, and did so at once. To my delight I found n change sct in for the botter within three days, and in eight days I was entirely well."J, Emile Tanguay. Mr. Adolph Koehler, President of the 'orth £:¢o Turnerschaft, writes from % and Leland Ave, Chicago, 111.; "Tt i3 with pleasure that I endorse Poruna as a first-class medicine espaci- ally for rrhal affections of the throat 3. I have used it with much benefit and severe! of my friends have been cured of catarrh entirely where Peruna was used."-- Adolph Koehler, "Nothing Better Than Pe-ru-ma for Catarrhol Troubles," Says Gen- grcssman C. P. Dorr. C. P. Dorr, Hotel Johnson, Washing ton, D. C., Ex-Congressman from West Visginia, writes: "I can cheerfully recommend Peruna to ciiyone who wants a safe and perma nent curo for catarrh, For throat, lung 'and catarrhal tronble there is nothing better than Peruna."--C. P. Dorr. Colds Lead to Chronic Catarrh. A common cold is acuge catarrh, which quickly becomes chronic eatarrh if al- lowed to remain. Lvery cold snap leaves in its trail thousands of cases of catarrh, many of whom for want of an effective remedy, will suffer from this disease the ross of tkeir lives. 13 there anything that can be done to preventall this? 12 the first place, Peruna nsed at the proper time will provent taking cold. In the second placc, Peruna will cure a cold ia from two to five days. Again, Peruna will cure catarrh quick- 1y in the first stages, and finally Peruna wi'l algo cure chronic eatdrrh, if used properly end persistently. Peruana kept in the house and prop- erly used will therefore not only act as a safeguard against the allments which result from sudden cold waves, but' will also prove a sure remedy for this class of aliments. If you do not derive prompt and gatis- factor results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr, Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his walaable ad- vice gratis. Peruna can be purchased as any first class drug store for $1.00 per bottle, Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Colambas, O, ------ EE -- TE ------ Messen tere eBIe - ni season, -- POOR WORKING WOMEN ®t Cheap Board And Lodging On Floating Vessels, ! 0 the Whig. York, keh, 11.-A Sg 10 the comfort and happi O91 poor wo, Fated this yy I belonging to Jdobn Arbuckle, gar Magnate, toilers' jn the metropolis who afford ive Expe ham's Pills in ell, look well and a will learn to use To-Day and Monday., Adies' Black Coats, all new styles of this Garments worth $8.00, $9.00, $10.00 to $12.00. oF the dot viinono ni $5.00 adies' Separate Skirts, all new and well- tailored garments. Skirts worth $5.50 for $3 50. Skirts worth $6.50 for $4.00. Skirts worth $8.50 for $5.00. ANOTHER OFFERING OF omen's Coats & Skirts Your choice A ~ 000 TTL LTVLTVTTLVTLVLVTLTLLEBTVVIVB BD - Steacy & Steady ... TLIsssacsee - - -- novel plan rking women was in- eek, Om' Tuesday two were opened as Is for the accommodation to pay the usual price nse You will opportunity TLV VLVLVLVLVLLVRBOLVON buckle has three large vessels, w hich he is to operate gs' deep sea hotols, where women may get. board and lodging for or $2.50 a week. The floating hotel idea is no new one with Mr. Arbuckle; but when he learn ol a few weeks ago that wages were paid young women that were so low as to scarcely keen hody and soul gether, he determined reopen the one vessel he operated last summer, but to add sels. He advertised his scheme in the papers to discover i fos was popular, and immediately for one small room. Mr. Ar] hat a people were desirons em | scouring lodgings enough to fill the harbor, . Until July press Eugenie has written to King Leopold appealing to him to author. ize the marriage of his danghter, the Princess Clementine and Prigee Victor Napoleon. The empress also asks for an interview with the king for her self and Prince Louis Napoleon, forty cents a ted for trial at the Winnipeg assizes for the murder of George King, a negro porter arrot's is extravagant language & RQ Ist the vessels will moored to the pier at 31st street and chan' Pils ape oY having the North river day and right. After house that date they will be towed ont you first notice | #t night, giving the lodgers Shiloh"s Consumption] Cure Ibs 1 well close and fetid air liquor of any sort ic allowed on vessels, and any one use is not allowed " hams board. p ills E. Durnan has deposited the Globe to bind Tom Sullivan of England, for $1,000 In boxes 25 cents, ! tide on Toronto Bay this summer. TTL VTTTRTTLRLLCLRE BY ! ® Empress Eugenie A Mediator. Brussels, Feb, 11.~The former Fan- Several Galicians have Leen commit Talk may be cheap, but a first else Most; le think too lightly of a Cough. t is a serious matter and Seeds prompt attention. when the first sign of a cough or cold appears. It will cure you Silly and quickly then--later it will be harder to cure. diate it. and Visoountess d*Audigue, sister-in- |! wonted by Mrs. May. Tho child wes | christened Barbara forward at Rushton * Hall and will | soon take up his ahpde more or Jess | © permanently there. He" ic flat, 3 Down stéeet, which he ' Las | Sutherland Gonl ju taken for some 'time, having a per 1! feet horror of hotel life. * Miss Van her father still continue to disagree She lives in Maddox street and prob ably will not Ko to Rushton, gs they get on better apart. wick's brother, apd groom-in-waiting to the king, is the latest victim of | a his majesty's etiquette craze. Dining the other evening with the | Mis ng, Mr. Greville wore a white waist MacDougall, general wanager of the cfoat--an unpardonable faux Pag; soe | Quebec Dank, Colin Breakev, ing that the epurt i: in mourning. | of John Breakey, Montres] The king kept firing sarcastic remarks at Greville throughout the dinner snd was quite angry when . other guests, | Woctmount. 10 1 homas Harvey Baker, including Mra, Keppel, Lady Fssex, 1 and Lord Revelstroke. tricd to treat 1 the affair in a bantering «nirit quite al the offending waisteoat ax nich 8% Lap from Brockville this afternoon to possible. When playing bridge gr ; mast sat with his back to tireville to avoid continued sight of R the provocative garment. : ment, amd three days later command- ed a dinner party at Greville's rooms in St, guests. He was most gracious to his | lin's. A limit of 4 bs, to cach custom: host and to the waistcoat | er. This tea is good value at 30c, per THEY GAMBLE. wi Society Queens Throng The --r-- PLAY BRIDGE -- AND LOSE TARGE SUNS TO THE MEN. High Officials Involved; Police Are Afraid To Act--Metropolis Rings With Sg Philan- thropic Societies' Moved To In- terfere. London, Feb. 10.--~CGambling never reached such a pitch in London ciety as to-day, women being ovo more reckless than men. Almack's club, in King street, St. James'. started last autumn by the most oy clasive set, to enable men and women to play, is so full, 'morning, afternoon and night, that it has been found necessary to extend the premises, pro viving four additional spacious card rooms, 23 Stories "are in éirculation of larg, sums won and lost by women, married and single, who are heavily involv. and therefore under obligations 1, men, which is a Heel source of scan dal. Late at night, after theatres and private parties, they go to Abmack's, playing untit far into the morning The Atlantic club, in ver street, where young men gambled freely, came to grief, but has revived: Ly 4 South African multimillionaire, and bridge and baccarat are now in full swing, while so feverish is the demand for gambling facilities that another club has been established a few doors away to accommodate those who can not get into the Atlantic, the member days of its re-starting. The whole affair has become a «ty Lendous scandal, accounting in some measure for the practical interest evineed in the Torrey-Alexander wis sion by certain social Eid pwigs., The anti-betting league, originated 1, cl eck horse races wagering, is endeay oring to stir the authorities to attack these clubs as equally illegal The authorities "are reluctant to adopt any measure that would result in the appearance in the dock of a police court of 'a. horde of the best known men and women in society, and the court peers, members of parlia went and even of the government it liament at the first opportunity after its meeting. Princess Hatzdoldt, before finally cot. ting in Brock street for the senson, has announced her intention of giving a dance at Draycott Manor, and has issued invitations for' a large house party for the occasion. Mrs. Dudley Leigh has Just brought from Paris a. gow which is likely to make a sensation at the king's first court, It is of the richest moonlight blue satin, cut like o picture, with the full folds of the heavy skirt work- ed in designs of butterflies in ful) fight, sparkling with silver and dia monds, The effect at night is gorgeous, and is enhanced by a train of the palest sapphire blue panne, over which are 'ights of butterflies composed of bril lisnts and sapphires. With this she will wear her new necklace of large sapphires, with a slender pendant com posed of a large bluestone eocircled with diamands, Sapphire brooches and bracelets complete what Worth himself termed a masterpiece. Mrs. Frank Mackey is still far from strong. She underwent the rest cure at Molton Mowbray under special nurses, secing nobody exept Mrs, Chauncey, who has been with her all through, She is mow visiting Mrs. Chauncey in Hertiord street, where they have gay inners, followed by the inevitable bridge. The baptism of the infant daughter f Lady Bagot (formerly Lillian May) as a Catholic that the Bagot family insisted on the | child being brought up as a Protes tant. Before hix marriage, Lord | Bagot signed an under tanding that all children of the union should be reared in the Catholic faith, bv which he honorably abides, although Eng lish law, as laid down by the supreme ourt of appeals, is that such an up- derstanding is without leg if the father should « fi The ceremony at St. Mary's, Cado ran square, was performed by Father sponsors were Lord Edmund Talbot, brother of the Duke of Norfolk: the Hon. Mrs. Bernard Shaw, sister of Lord Bagot, law of Ladv Bagot, who was repre. | © J.°J. Van Alen ix hurrying things | F still "at his Alen is also in town, but she and | ( Svdoey Greville, the Farl of Wor It was ammuing to sie Mr. Greville, h @ndeavoring to hide ar P But the King never harbors resent. | © James" palace, with vas me | te Prices, 28¢., 80c., and $1.00. 311 referred incident laughingly, ardson then g making the score: favor, The winning gor Bernard Vaughan, and the oi MAY RETIRE. Chief Justice Fuller May ' Seek Needed Rest. CHIEF JUSTICE FULLYR. Special to the, Whig, Washington, D.C.. Feb, 11. Rumors regarding the possible retin ment of Chief Justice Fuller were set afloat to day, when it became known that this was the seventy-second birthday of the chief justice and the age at which he becomes eligible for retirement from the supreme bench and joy a salary of 10.500 a vear as long as he lives. Those who pretend to have inside in formation, declare that Justice Fuller will resign his office next month, or immediately after he has administered the oath of office to President Roose velt. Tt is reported by the same per sons to be the president's plan to offer the post of 'chief justice to Secretary Taft. President Roosevelt would have ap pointed Secretary Taft to the sup reme bench two years ago, but Mr, Taft, then civil governor of the Phil ippines, decided not to abandon his responsible work in the islands, Should he assume the chief justiceship, he would be eliminated from cor deration ! < as a possible presidential = candidate ship of which was filled within two ! four vears from now. Should Chief Justice Puller resign, as reported, he will establish a pre- cedent, as no chief justice of the sup reme, court has ever resigned before. All have died on the bench. The resig nation of Justice Fuller would like Wise remove a inost interosting figure from Washington official life, He is a native of Maine, but lived "out west" so long, that he is regarded as a ty pical westerner, He was born in An gusta, Maine, on February 11th 1830, was graduated at Bowdoin, and at tended a course of lectures in Harvard Law Sehool: He was admitted to the bar at Augusta in 1805, and wak as 8 ' n susie oditor of a: demote neal self. The subject. will be raised in par- 12° ate editor of a democratic ne spa per. The following vear he went to Chicago, and practised' there until IRRY, when he was appointed to the supreme bench' by President Cleveland, He has been a member of the linois constitutional convenyion, of the leg islature from 1863 to 1865, and a de legate to the democratic national con veutions of 1801, 1872, 1876 and 1880, Chief Justice Fuller. has athminister: ed the oath of office to four presidents Harrison, Cleveland and McKinley, twice, and next month will add a fifth to his record-breaking list, ------------ COBOURG BEAT QUEEN'S III. ---- By 4 To 3 In The First Of Junior O.H.A. Semi-Finals. Fhe championship = aspirations of Queen's junior 0, H, A, team took a decided drop this morning, when the Visiting Cobourg team took the locals into camp by the score of 1 to 3. The game was not a good exhibition of hockey, although the score was al ways close enough to keep the interest of the small crowd of spectators aroused, Neither team played cham pionship hockey, and they will both need to show a vast improvement be fore standing a chance in the finals, The Cobourg tegmn is fairly well bal anced, and at time showed good hut their playing wax desultory and not of the scoring kind, Smith at eo er, did some wicked shooting for the visitors, The local team led at dif | ferent stages of the game, but appar disposes of the report ently could not g g awav together Ihe half time score was a tie, 1 to 1, Roberts securing the first nl fon dueen's after fifteen minutes' play, and Robertson evened np in loss than a minute. In the second half, White broke the tie hy scoring for Cobourg, wt Ellis . Rich or Cobourg by: White making the fina! score 4 to 3. Referee 'Diony"" Burke had a comparatively asy time, as the game was free from , 'but his decisions were al weys fair, Cohoury Flesch, gon yoint; Smith, cover: | erison, row rv: White, centre; Doheny and Bulger, vi Mofiaty, Queen 11 Swift, goal Baker, int; McKenzie, cover; Ellis, rover: Roberts, centre; Carson and Richard on, wings Timekeeper MW. H. Lavell abd Eric ges, Harold larvke,~amd W, Bulger The return game will be plaved af obhourg, Monday night Some Announcements The enagement" is amounced of Miss Grace McCrae, Oxford street, {5 tobert Cooper, Ontario street, bath #f Toronto. The wedding has been rranged for Easter wool The engagement ix aunonneed of MacDougall, nie of Thomes von The marriage of Wiss Gladys Grier Godirey, daughter of H. H, Godfrey, oronto, will take place on February ath, at Westmount Curling Matches. The Eastern Hospital eure came lav a schedule game with Rockwood In a club curling match last right 8 . Bailey's rink defeated T, MeK, Rob tson's by 19 to 3 Two pounds black "or green Ceylon va for 2c., Saturday only 'at Mul his faculties, the ripe age of vighty, has been appointed captain of the big Bufislo steamer New York, Ned Fox and Miss Kate Fox, of New York, are in town, haviog been ealld here by the illness of their grandiather, H L. Fox, The new rectory of the 1 wl Inte Mra, Frederick Suffel, of Winches ter, was held to the Methodist church on Sunday, the sermon being proack od by Rev. Mr. Hughes, of Athens, an old friend and former pastor. of the deconsed Indy. Among those fropy a distance whe attended the funeral were : Mr, and Mrs. KE. J, Suffel, of Soperton; Mr. and Mrs. DD. Davison, and Mr. and My Delta: Mr. and Mre. J. H. Moulton, Wostport, and J. 8. Sexton, Inger very ill and not expected to recover, Frank Scott, of Manitoba, is visiting at 8. Pennock's. A number «of youn: | people took in the carnival at Philips. ville last night. George Cheeney ix slowly recovering from his recent ill. ness. Little Enid Howard is down with measles. William Pennock will hold a sale on the 21st. The roads are in bad condition here, Mr. and Mra. Sheldon, Lansdowne, spent Sun- day at W. Sheldon's. The many friends of Acher Morgan aro pleased to see him out again, William Hall day attended the funeral of his niece, Mrs, ¥. Suffel, Mr. and Mra, George Mustard are visiting friends at Al. monte. The birthday party given by Mri. Robert Mustapd, in honor of her daughter Mahe! 4 the little fol gan has returned from visiting New. boro friends. limited, cleared twenty per cont. last vear. ten per cent. of which was piven left for a sinking fund, The directors for the present year are: J. : Davis, Capt, John A. Carnegie. C.W, MeColiough, A. Fgbert Mallory; SeeretaryTroasuror Robert Poole, lvn, the contracting . parties being Miss Gertrude M., youngest danghter of David Thompson, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Aldermen, watch the cat in the bag every day ! The Yukon hockey team arrived here this afternoon, : For nervous headache, try Chown's hoadache powders. wm Gilbert Ostler and wife, of Plevna, are with his father, F. Ostler, Univer- sity avenue, "Varsity seniors were badly beaten at McGill, last nigh', by the score of fourteen to two, Chown's beef, iron and wine, §0c. bottle, Thomas Keilty, provincial inspector of factories and shops, is in the city visiting factories, The KR ingeton lady curlers, who com: peted in the Montreal bonspiel, ro turned this afternoon. : Three applications of Peck's Corn Salve will eure hard or soft corns. 15¢c.. at Wade's drug store, Brockville parties did not want sub- sidy to B. & W.RR. revoked, but re voted, Tt was to get this they wont to Ottawa. The ladies' honspiel will bo held in Montreal next yoar, Mrs, Garrett and Mrs. Hughes were Kingston's delegates at the annual meeting. Miss Ethel Armstrong, Milton street, Montreal, entertained informmlly at the tea hour on Wednesday, in honor of Miss Ethel Macnes, Kingston. See that vou attend the Musical Club's concert, Grant Hall," Tuesday night, It will be musically humorous and humorously musical. 3 The Sons of Scotland are arranging a concert and dance to be held in the Whig Halk, next Thursday night, in Whitby. Comneillor Smith mbved the resolu: tion in Pittsburg council which led to the rescinding of a. motion to pur: chase a nr crushor and outfits, George Franklin received 810, not $19, for serving notices. The Bay of Quinte railway company is asking parliament for authority to construct and operate a branch line from Bridgewater, in Hastings county, northerly to the actinolite miner, such line to commenced within two years and finished within five years of the date of the passage of the act. |. "Buy gripp tablets," cure. in one day, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. "1 favor the city officials being paid salaries and them to do all the work required without being bonused." This was the remark of a business man. 'When bonuses are given," he said, "the time will como when offi. cials will want a boous for drawing their salaries and their breath." The Glee avd Mandolin. Clubs have been practising faithfully for their concert next Tuesday night, Their usu. al standard of excellence has, if possi- blo, heen surpassed, They will bo as sisted by J. W, Bengough, of the Globe, and their concert has all the advantages of a comic opera and none of its disadvantages, CAPE VINCENT NEWS. Death Of Henry L. Fox, a Well known Hotel Man. Cape Vincent, N.Y 10, Honry L. Fox, a long dent of thiy village, died at bis residence here Wed: nesday evening, after a painful illness, The news of his death will be received with regret by his many friends on both sides of the St. Lawrence. For many years Mr. Fox conducted the old St. Lawrence hotel and later with his son the new St. Lawrence and Rathbun house, numbering among his guests people from all sections nnd it is waid in plewsant memory of him that vo one ever came to his hostelry in"need and was turned away hungry, He was a great lover of fine horde and in his time imported many. He was a great favorite among the chil: dren and his many litte friends will mourn" his less. His familiar figure will be missed both here and in Kings- ton, where he was well known, He renchad in perfect possession of al A wife and one son survive, Capt. J. Acton, an old Kingstonian, ere Catholic church is now complet Elgin Happenings. Elgin. Feb. 10. ~The funeral of the James Sexton, oll." Au jufant child of Mr, Scovill is whe mich enjoved hy Miss Mary McGuig. The Rockport Navigation company, A quiet wedding was performed atl, (384 Sonatas podnd. and Frank Latimer, . Spring Valley, a at honor of the organizer, Mr. Burns, of cium day afternoon, 'the result of paralysis, oe and had been a resident of Stratford We song and a daughter survive, iw Tuesday night in. Grant Hall, Plan at LFEGAINED, VITALITY, STRE until a complete restoration of th 3 Oun-organic forces Lo men of all ages, utider all conditions. A. succossiul pra tive of Spwards of twenty. yours by the > > vhelde foremont medical company in the world to the shareholders and the balance in thin field wives ubsolute assurance of honorable and go cure hase no . feptive schemes, or questionable meth- cl. Teonant and ody, but treat cach case on its own mer its, intelligently and conscientiously, and our cured and satisfied tients vented in every locality. vredf of the thoroughness; and effective. ness of our' treatment. Hook tells iy Wha $i For The : i gs £8 Ee £ g Hie & ze g i F £ i 3 | get any ofl Nowa aot ol " nat single grain : . tion than & table ? 23 le g i 2 g peiple of sulphur in o highly con- Neizelple effective form. Few people' are aware of the value : ol this form of sulphur in Restoring and maintaining bodily vigor health; sulphur dots directly on the 2 iver, and excrotory organs and puri- 2 Dés and the blood the » prompt elimination of waste material. Sur andmothurs knew this when they i orudity and impurity of ordinary flowers of sulphur were often worse Wan e- dinette, and cannot Sompate with the modern concentra otioos of sulphur, of which tuart's Calcium Wafors the best and most widely used. y are the natural antidote for liver and kidney troubles and cure SAN constipation and purily. the blood in a way that 'often surprises patient and Physician alike. LE ¥ Dr. x x Wilidne while sepériment. X ing with sulphur soon foun that the sulphur fram Caltium was - ior to any other form. He says: i iver, dey and blood tou: ed, especially wl resulting from constipation or malaria, [ have been surprised at the results obtained from Stuart's Calcium Wafers, In ta suffering from boils and pimples and even deep-seated © , I have repoatedly seen them dry up and dia: appear in four or five days, leaving : i the skin clear and smooth. Although i Stuart's © Wafers are. a . i le, and sold by and ig at reason taboood by many Phifsicians, yot I know of nothing so Se al ty Shttipution, i troubles 08) - ly In al forms of skin disoate ta this y At ate people who are tired of Poeun aid 'pu ors," 'w b 's & Walers, a far safer, more pala: ir inn " Soe . Se --------------. I will send free infor. 0 EN mation to any lady of a never-falling, harm- ss monthly remedy a simple homa treatment, MHS. M. RAMEY, 39 W. Perry street, Buffalo, N.Y -------- PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. The Toronto Globe | is closing ity London poor fund which hy to night will Jikely: reach $4,500 or $5,000, ' a The French oruises Sully, Fit a rock in Allong Bay, northwest of the Red River delta, Fonguin, glided off the rocks and sunk, Oliver Ingraham, a fifteen-year big school boy, of Inverness county, N.S. was brutally attacked hy four wilier school boys, of the sane age, one of whom stabbed him in the loft eye with a sharp piece of wire, destroying the sight. A buge rat, orazed with cold and % hngrie attacked the, four-year-old Hon i of A. W. Ridout, "manager. of the Walkerville. branch. of the Bank of Commerce, while sleeping. Phe Tittle fellow pluckily 'tried to; catch the rat and was badly Litfen in the face. William Mowgt, Stratford, . died Friis NE Deceased was aged seventy "five years for fifty years. He at one time owned be the Stratford Beacon and later con ¥ ak ducted a private hank. A widow, three : Better secure your seats for next ; AE Uglow LA MANHOOD methods, reliable treatment, hat remains permanent. We - Free Treatment" *C.0.D."" de pre ¢ indisputable Our valuable all, id 'free for the asking. and. secure in plain sealed envelope. oung farmer, of thet place, «= rie Hodical Go , Dept. 34, Bufflo, V.