Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Feb 1905, p. 6

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ATE EDWARDS. 1 Nadi 5 oil w. the woman, The department the WOTU, ix Ping to get mira action on the part of entire association to demned . the books, ef: ou Mutat Vive and ful they have I. save the con to the Bodrd of pardons, at Harris Lighting Plants, bury, he petition to have the sent taditors: The he the lowest ten- Che following, being ERT tion Mrd. Edwards In the meantime MW Ba for death w pe » linseed oil; flax, wick cotton and wick asbestos cotton; iron wash- Lippe and fittings. ter, Alma, in her cell. ency, ous that the governor has prepared a form of ly to all, in which he points sf out that by the provisions of the con- stitution he is debarred from pardon- ing a convict or commuting a sent ence unless so directed by the pardon board. ' Mrs. Kate Fdwards, to-day, confess: el that she alone committed the mur- Rr der. She entirely exonerated Greason. esis FROZEN TO DEATH. A Very Pathetic Story Comes « From North. Epanvillé Futerprize. A pathetic story comes from Low township of the accidental death of a well-to-do farmer, James McCarthy. Mr. McCarthy, last Thursday, aceom- ied by his fourteon-year-old son, went out to a small bush about four distant to cut wood for next winter. While engaged in this occupa: tion a la tree in falling became lodged in branches of another, Mr. McCarthy endeavored unenecesstolly to fell this tree and finally had reconrse to cutting the tree in which the fallen one 'had lodged, While engaged in this and without warning, the tree slipped and fell. He attempted to von clear'of the branches, but was struck and pin- ned to the ground. Hix left arm and three ribs were broken, and. he was rendered unconscious, His son. who was working 'a short distance awav chopping the branches off the fallen trees, ran to his father's assistance, but found that two lurge branches scoops, window . wire nails, cok paint, ground phanbago, sand paper, w orews, ele ohn boiler Corbett--Cast iron brackets. compound General Eleotric company lamp cord, locust pins. side covered wire, rubber, building Metal company~--Wire fuse, il companv--Cun grease, y oil neats, engine oil, vase. , C. Wilson & Son--~Horse irs, ' dc CA Disour~tiiam 'insulators, strain insulating t lamps, bo - © company Cylinder R. Tomlinson--Porcelain tubes, R. H. Fair--Sand. Phillips Electrical Works--Magnet pany-- On G. n x were across his body and that it oi City 0il company--Dynamo would mean if one were cut the whole 5 weight of the tree would settle upon Humition Rigi Packing company. | pity of fe tree would seitle upo some time to secure the tree so that it would not roll over while he cut off the branches, but without avail. He then hurried for assistance, hut the nearest houses was over three miles distant, Procuring the assistance of Arthur Fowler and his hired man, he hurried back to his fa- ~Garlock and rubber packing, w, 11,--The echoes of the ther, But over two hours had been ain, i \ the oh bok of 140 ge 3 rolieh consumed in endeavoring to release : ry-Treasurer--J; T. MoKim, and the veil which has fon Tob cover. | he injured man and going for assist. ance, and on their return it was found that Mr. McCarthy had frozen to death, mystery was partly drawn aside and a brief ray of t shed Spon the facts. The debate, which for bitterness which marked it has not been surpassed in recent years, arose t of tly harmless . plains regarding the delays me she sors An fnferesting Speaker. inition Timex has the follow Miss Wiggins, who # here on the 15th ot. i "Miss "address was listened to g interest, MADE A CAPTURE. The Japanese Secured An Import. . rave | gorvice to Edward Island. An ant Eminence. hor und digni- | jo ion by Mr, Foster, when Sir | Specia) to the Whig. eked no lack of IM was explaining, | Tokio, Fol, H.-- Dispatches from the iam u led to quick retort, and the auestion | front report desul before the was speedily Jost | Thursday, sight of in the discussion of the con duct of Mr. Foster betraying his lead- tory fight during which the buried two hundred Russian dead and Captured an important eminence to ! the soath of Chang Bhaitai. since Japanese + | or, During the discussion Hon. Hohn " t lifted the veil somewhat, and desired that the party was rundown for want of management and for waut J of a leader, and it was with the con- sent of Sir Mackenzie Bowell, as well of his colleagues, that Sir sked to form a Music. I you are intecested in the latest vocal, sacred or imstrunwntal niusic you will find a selected supply at Me: Dermott Bros' musie department. Your attention is called to a few of our leading lines. The Wood edition of New York, is composed of the ori- ginal and best. high class musie, and Toathes t! he est nt in artistic pa. i a beautiful tandord io, conta I Ge catoiuily spate the separated into the The Str. sition and pupils, Contains the lmtest, sells' 'at: 100. Pio lr instrumental Land: sacred mtisio, f 1 "hive: Goon Side fh ni Tore a nT ith t akes the Howe," ba 24 ee is on the 'person 'as kis til of pardobs, next week, petitions be presented asking for merey for of the woman. Attorney Lentz mailed ence of Mrs. Edwards commuted, Over {derers, have been a the con | 00 persons have sighed a petition cir. Rar the t plant supplies. culated by Rev. Hieber a onl o reh--Aci 2 | of Bok > i 'polish, emery cloth, fre cle, | of. Ebbrata, Pa, to whose congrega- formerly belonged. rs. Edwards is pre ith her prison-born i letters are so numer- RY charges the aniver a hall, with Meredith p appointments. It was decided counsél for Bat next. A number tigns will be sent to regist fest that tielay. proceedi wens purely preliminary rons flying PR, Feb. H.--Letters from -------------- " car | all parts of the country continue to MARRIED IN PITTSBURG. first amd me fou on Oliver Lents, attorney for . Details are | Mr te Edwards, smtenced to be § Miss MeLean Becomes Mrs. R. A. . A wreck- | banged Bers on February 16th, for Do. . scene the murder of her husband. 18 is esti-§ | maldsen. i Proery mated that at the meeting of the] On Wednesday evening, February th, "Glenmount," clean. Frie pleasing d to At eight o'clock the wedding march, Maud Hutton. cousin the pretty and vouthiul wedding. when to the strains played ty of the groom, took het place beside the gallant Young groowr, under an ceremony was performed by Rev, J. A. McDonald, "B.A., Morton, Ont., for- merly pastor of S¢. "John's church, Pittsburgh, in the presence of many ott Brow. --Sheet asbestos, water | Tha ernor is daily reeeiving | eintives. glasses, steam hose, lead pipe, oakum, many letters. asking for executive | . The bride wore a lovely dress of pick ev, 'wiping rags, sledge hau. i ream crepe de chine, trimmed with Ince and chiffon. The maid wes Miss Sadie McLean, in a becoming dress of fink crepe de chine, trimmed with ate. The groomsman was John A. tton. Little Ida McLean wade ao lovely little maid of honor. Her dress was of white muslin with pink, silk sash. After the couple had received con- gratulations, a sumptuous supper was ved, followed by pleasing speeches. Music and daneing brought a happy thering to a close. The presents fore handsome, numerous and useful. groom presented the bride with a fine piano, the bridesmaid with a fold link bracelet. and the maid of Honor with a gold pin. ¥ he many friends of the young Souple wish them a happy married ie, -------- KINGSTON RIRDS WIN. ---- In Main At Ottawa--Kingston Men Win Much Money. : A special to the Whig from Ottawa says : "There were many Kingstonians at the Big main held, last night, near Ottawa, which was one of the largest ever attended here. As usupl the King- ston men had at least from twenty to thirty Birds competing. tonian won heavily on the bets, and one limestone city sport, well known on football fields, is from 8100 to $1,000 the richer." ------------ Where The Deception Was. "Collection of taxes, $750." in the fihanée report passed at the last coun- cil meeting d not convey to the public, nor did it to aldermen, the fact that it was a bonus to four civic officials, whd may or who may not have been entitled to the nioney. The deception was in passing the bonus under such a subterfuge. The report was altered after the printed copies were issued, giving the details of the uge to which the $750 was put, but t8e changes were not announced to the council as they should have heen when the report was up for considera: tion, One Kings results and ------ Numbers Steadily Increasing. The young people of Kingston and tie surrounding country are showing their 'appreciation of the modern and technival courses given in the Fronte- née Business College, Corner 'Barrie and Clergy streets, by the increasing numbers who are registering cach week, both in the day 'and evening classes. Increase your earning capacit. by attending evening classes if you cannot attend during the day. Get special rates from JF. N, Stockdale, principal. Telephonf 680. ------------ A Garrison Dinner. With a view to fostering a spirit of camradeship among the officers of the Kingston garrison, it has been decided by the commanding officers of the vdriods corps to hold a mess dinner in the Randolph hotel on the night .of the 26th. The band of the 14th Regi ment is to be in attendance, ------------ Provinces Represented. At present there are 'students from foar different provinces of the Domin. ion in attendance at the old reliable Kingston Business College, head of 3 street. 3 - Bargains in corsets, eve deserip- tion. New York Dress Neform. ] A on rail caused an express train to leave the rails on the C.P.R, wy miles east of Medicine Hat, N. NT, Thursday. night. No person was injured. The t occurred only yards from a bridge. } or rich aloo, take Chown's spe ren would like to hear the finkNng of the mandolins, the pon. Jn of "the guithrs BA (he tri-la-la 2h at Seta all Bet Tries. Pla at glows, Fong Cooking butter, 15¢. per Ib,: cran: + wines meat, 4 vo 4 bins, coffee bérries, 10e. per g 2 Peas. Tos. 25¢.; pure Lv Be.; ta bisouit 3 orth dor Me. per Ib. at Mul Seidlits powders--our own ftesh and. reliable. Chowne 1a . B, ~The Perth Rifle Association has td for next season. Corsets, 65. Now ~The investigation the president of ol Dot. Maclennan Chancellor Mevodith 1icsid ing. The went over all the records ak the iver. with a view to: explaining the method of justi that both sides should iw heard aod the 'enquiry was adjourasd until of ques- rar Greb- her, who is in California, with a re: he answer them without ingy this morning the residence of D. v Wits the seene of a very, his eldest ter. Ella Amandn, was married obeet A. Donaiduon, Jouyeeville, of Miss bride, on her ther's arm, entered the room, and arch, from which hung the icky horseshoe, The Some weeks ago we found out that it was ronto, manufacturing Ladies' Stocks and Fine Neckwear to sell their surplus stock at the eng of each month, regardless of cost, and of course there has been a scramble among buyers from all over the Province for this plum. After con- siderable wire pulling andther firm in another city and ourselves secured the lot and we wil] have them ready for you on Monday Morning Fancy Silk Stocks and Collars 2,858 "* All new and made since 1st of Jan- uary. The lot contains some extreme- ly pretty designs and range in value from 25¢., 3oc., 35¢., 45¢., Soc. each, Your Choice Monday 10c. Each. Samples of a few of the makes will be shown in one of our windows to-night, but none will be sold before Monday morning at 10 o'clock. We have arranged a new me- thod of conducting this sale that will avoid some getting more than their share and others less. All will have an equal chance. Sale Opens at 10 O'clock Sharp. (ON LADANGS BURGLARS Know that the best Boots on this part of the earth are the And that they could only be had at N. B--UDDS AND ENDS SALE still attract ing numbers. the custom of one of the leading firms in To. ) LATER BOOTS THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE : 0) ] i YEAR 72. Pristine Freshness Fresh crackers are no delightful reality, any ft anywhere. Tell the gre Mooney's Perfection Cream Soda They'll be as crisp and viting as if hot from the ov They're made right to b Xi iY ) py pristine freshness. NJ 0 Be ¢ [ (o) yourself, and get Moon These goods may be hat the following grocers : J. § on, E. Mullin and w. DR. WEAVER'S TREATME? WEAVER"S SYRUI For Humors Salt Rheum Scrofulous Swellings, ¢ WEAVER'S CERA' Cleanses the Skin Beautifies the Comples these preparations act p &vetem, completely era n the blood, fug 3 Davis & Lawrence Co, Litd., Montre Seven Sutherland Sis Hair Growe Miss Mary Brrr. 128 Bond Street, Toronto, a After Thirteen Years Miss Britt Measures 9 Feet. Sutherland Sisters :-- Respected Ladies, --It gives me great | state for the benefit of the public, those w afflicted with diseased scalp or falling out | that I was afflicted with both. 1 used Sev land Sisters' Hair Grower and Hair and Sca carfully followed directions, and in thir time L have a beautiful head of hair, n leagth, 1 cheerfully recommend the al Grower and Hair and Scalp Cleaner as th most reliable remedies now in use remain yours with expect M. 4 NOW at all druggists, two sizes, 50¢. per bottle, SEVEN 'SUTHERLAND Si: SOLE PROPRIETORS Canadian Office, 256 Yonge St., Te o. H. Bailey, Forsign Menager Recommended by Geo. W. Mahood, druggist, co Bagot and Princess streets. Discou Sale We will clear or that are left of our A Boys' and Youths' Hocke Boot: Men's $1.60. Boys' $1.25 and $ : Youth i. JENNINGS, Kin GAR DINEF Insurance aad Real Kata Fight Companies at Lowest Money to Loan on Réel Es Conveyency, ete 151 Wellington S:

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