Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Feb 1905, p. 7

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: found out that it wag e leading firms in To. dies' Stocks and Fine irplus stock at the eng s of cost, and of course e among buyers fron this plum. After con- other firm in another d the lot and we wil] orning * Faney Silk Stocks and Collars ide since 1st of Jan- ntains some extreme- and range in value 35¢C., 45¢., 50c, each. tae makes will be ndows to-night, but Monday morning at ged a new me- his sale that will nore than their All will have --T O'clock Sharp. on this pat of the BOOTS SHOE STORE DS SALE still attract YEAR 72. : KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1905. Pristine Freshness i Fresh crackers are now a delightful reality, any time, anywhere. Tell the grocer. Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas ) packages to retain all their pristine freshness. Be good to yourself, and get Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas, These goods may be had from the following grocers : J. S. Hen- derson, E. W. Mullin and J. Me- Culla. DR. WEAVER'S TREATMENT. WEAVER"S SYRUP For Humors Salt Rheum Scrofulous Swellings, etc. WEAVER'S CERATE Cleanses the Skin Beautifies the Complexion. bined, these preparations act power- n the system, completely eradicat~ 2 he ty in the blood, Davis & Lawrence Co, fid., Montreal" Seven Sutherland Sisters' Hair Grower GREW THIS HAIR The Great Halr | Tonio isa Positive and Anti- a Miss Mary Brrrr. sophie 128 Bond Street, Toronto, After Thirteen Years Miss Britt's Hale Measures 9 Feet. Sutherland Sisters Respected L. t gives me great pleasurcto state for the benefit of the public, those who may be afflicted with diseased scalp or failing out of the hair, that I was afflicted with both. I used Seven Suther- land Sisters Hair Grower and air and Scalp Cleaner: carfully followed directions, and in thirteen years time | have a beautiful head of hair, nine fert in leagth, I cheerfully recommend the above Hair Grower and Hair and Scalp Cleaner as the best and most reliable remedies now in use remain yours with respect. M. A. BRITY. NOW at all druggists, two sires, 30¢. and $1.00 per bottle, SEVEN 'SUTHERLAND SISTERS SOLE PROPRIETORS Canadian Office, 258 Yonge St., Toronto o. H. Bailey, Forsign Menager 3 Recommended by Ceo. W. Mahood, druggist, corner of Bagot nd Princess streets. Discount Sale We will clear out all that are left of our Men's, Boys' and Youths' Hockey Boots Men's $1.60. Boys' $1.25 and $1. Youths' $1. ii. JENNINGS, King St, | GARDINER'S : Insurance sod Re al Estate, wht Pompanies at Lowest Rates. Toomey to Loan on Résl Estate, Conveyency, ete 151 Wellington Street. ¥ Thorough BROADGRIM'S Letter From Greater New York. IN OLD TIMES THE WAY THE SALVATION ARMY BEGAN ITS WORK. Has Modified His Views Of The Heralds Of Salvation--Charity Unable To Meet This Writer's Demands. (Special Correspondence, Letter 1,446.) New York, Feb, 10.--'By their fruits ye shall know them "The stone which the builders rejected has . he come the head of the corner." Nearly three decades have past, since walking up Broadway, I encounterpd a little crowd between thirty and forty people; two thirds of the body were women who were dressed substantial ly in plain blue batiste gray skirts and old-fashioned poke bonnets, whose flaring fronts were like the semi-circle of an 'old blue gingham umbrella, The women were youny, strong and healthy, and each one carried a tam bourine or a pair of cymbals and there were rather a disreputable looking set; and in the crowd there was any scale of voices from a penny whistle to a hassoon. Une of the women seemed to have a separate war ery, "Hallelujali Mary, and* Praise the Lord Janette," led the way in the comely song -of praise. They sang as if . they enjoyed the march, "Ash. Bareall Jim I mie' turning handsprings by the way; | 8! \ his portion of the worship wound up with a back somersanlt upon the pave ment, and with a broad grin he look ed upon the erowd for his merited ap plause, as much as to say, "How many angels could do that *" I was amazed; | had travelled in many h lands; IT had' attended camp meetings made up of whites and blacks, hali way from the equator to the Arctic or Antarctic pole: | had seen many manifestations' of worship to the sole representative of eternity and time, mt I had never seen anything like this before in all my life, "What is this?" I inquired tood near me; "Why, don't you know ?"" he answered, 'this is a dele: | gation of the Salvation Army; they have come to the United States © to convert the great American people, and instead of beginning up among the sainte they will commence their work down among the sinners. Their work will bo special among those whom the priest. has passed by. They are here to, work among those, apparently, hy God and man forsaken; they fear no contamination when a sinner touches the hem of their garments; they go down into the slums, wher tion stares poverty in the fa the name of Go starva where is only heard con- nected with horrid blasphemy, among a race where the hope of héaven 'and the fear of hell ave like the "'<ounding brass and the tinkling cymbal For a moment I was dazed, 1 asked myself this solemn question : "Is it possible that those who practice the antics of this unsavory crowd -can believe that such a form or wors hip will be grateful to the Almighty Many years have passed since then, I have grown older, I won't say wis er, but I have learned to modify my opinion of those rude gospel mes sengers who came as the herald of salvation with a faith of hope and charity The frozen spell which has raged over thousands of miles, comes to us crushed and weighted down with hocking tales of misery and suffer ing. too horrid to think of. During this Arctic wave our harbors have been tied wp, causing . more uffering then the terrible blizzard of 1888, which then represented the zero of misery: in this great city, with its three millions of inhabitants, we hav, many grand charitable institutions piloted alike by Jew and Gentile and many who belong to neither class, the foundation of whose belief is found in the "Brotherhood "of man and the Fatherhood. of God." but, with the hest endeavor of the great body of these charitable associations, they have found themselves unable to mest entirely and fully the demands upon their charity and capacity to give, In the most costly part of the (ity of New York, where each foot of land has to he eoverad with golden ingots if yon want. to buy. a tem ple has arisen; ore Fourteenth sqreet, right among the busiest marts = of trade and almost in the idst of those grand combination stores where the wealth of the world may be seen in dazzling splendour, i the ecntral home of the great Salvation Army Great, did I say ? Yes, doubly great, for the lives of the leaders are dedi cated to the beatitude which is the greatest of them all, charity, -a char ity which is ae boundless ag the CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the se of the disvdse, Cg tarrh is a blond or constitutional dis- case, and in order to cure it yon most take internal remedies Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally. and acts direct iy on the blood and' mucous surfaces Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack mied- Poltava was a bay pon, aml he has | 1 I A Broad Statement. This announcement is made without ' i mn gentleman who | og have : 3 impossible to cure an establish- were led step by step up to the been ay friends of humanity Where Is The Hurt ? oD 50d 1 things must indeed ave happened to the use of Smith's selon and tissues pT Fn vou onary tine FREE TRIAL BOTTLE. i-Pill Will Do--Your Name And Address On a Post Thousands Already, fined their perfection in re cognizing the right of man to govern nhardt's Anti Pill our eves to the fact that diseontont i . : » have been restored n a devoted lad, the terrorists and was arrested and red with the blood of her never acknowledged wraph brings news of nly" temporary relief, ice it ed by one of the | best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is ecom- posed of the hest tonics known, combined with the hest blood purifiers acting o rectiv on the mucous surfaces. The pe. | by Ruse fect combination of the two ingredients i their de i= what produces such wonderful result in curing Uatarrh: Send for testimonial free F. J. CHENEY & C0 Prope., Toledo, O Sold hy Druggists, price The | Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- | } tion. that Ruropatkia's plans for | + Japanese ines were Japanese commander {and temper normpgl, priest, Father John, of Cron like Father John, he seins. to possess hie left ten th ne and dle ad and thine Fi to answer for the crime of Port . FATHER GOPO A SKETCH OF THIS PENNI LESS PRIEST. : 4 I-- His Leadership Of The Russian Strikers -- A Brilliant And Forceful Man--A Friend Of Father John, Fr. George Gopon, leader of = the Russian strikers, now sid to be in hiding in Sweden, is neither police SPY, government agent, millionaire nor renegade Jew, according to Dmitri Roskaff, of New York. Roskoff 5 a Russian refugee, who claims to know Gopon closely, and says in an interview in the New York Herald : C1 am astonished that these is an idea that Gopon is a renegade Jow who merely pases as an ecelosinstic of the urthadox church, Such is not the fact. Goorgin Agafonof, to give him hiv correct name, was regularly admitted to the pricsthood and took the vows of one of the numerous monkish orders in. Russia. © He has made for himselt-& reputation in the church, und ii hoe had consistently taken the side of authority instead of ranging himsell against it he would surely have reached high office yours ago "Like most of Russia's really groat men, he cones frog the peasant class. Various statements made to the effect that his father was a professor at Tanimof are incorrect. His father and mother are still alive aad they live in the little thatehed hut. a few miles ffam Poltava, where ho was born, "A friend of mine 'who 2till lives in ood friend of Go I we that he was always a studious and thoughtful lad, His father, although: an anedurated peasant, had ambitions for the boy, Ho nearly starved himself to send the lad to school," "Gopon is a thoroughly sincere man, but he is also a very clever diploma FATHER QOPON, tist, He proved that in his youth by obtaining priestly ordees after many black marks had been piled wp against him on accomnt of his fiberal views He is now about thicty-two years old and his great intellectual powers and genius for handling own are at their ripest Fhrve years ago 1 pet hig in St Peter Fouirg He had not #0 much as wek in the world, for he had all hie had to a poor woman. | ed him money, but he refused it erfally, aying that he was going alk dis tance between the two cities and peasants would look after hix in n that way he ha travelled many thousand ol miles frome town to town, covering the ¢ er parts of European Russia done all this for the last en years or so, never holding a re gular pastorate. He is known every where; he has preached to vast eon gregations in the big cities; he has dined with princes and grand dokes in their country mansions, and he has hared the humble fare of the peas ants in their thatched huts, His dis es are among all elagees, His recent manifestos against the ar have nrprised Te Ferrible nake him turn so bitterly against is monarch. When 1 koew him he shared most thoroughly the character istic Russian reverence for the tear b 1 He firmly believed that Nicholas was muscular rheumatism, 1 he Lord's anointed, although he trong © objected to many of the manifestations of autocratic avd bur ancratic rule. At the outset, too, be wlioved in the war with Japan. At all ts, to my knowledge, he blessed and ikons of one regiment it left St. Peterdwmirg for Man "huria Gopon firmly believes he is chosen antl inspired by the Almighty Tor hi work, 1 think he likens himself to the | Hebrew prophets npon' whom was placed the duty of reproving kings and peoples. : Copon un brilliant and forceful writer, hut most of his pamphlets re mind one very strongly of Tolstoy Years ago, when he was less of a figure in tuswia, he used fo print them himself on a little hand press in rot. in Moscow, with. the help of vo afterwiirds joined confined in Schiusselburg prison "Unlike the average Russian priest, | Father Gopon is an extremely kind- hearted & { violenve of any kind, 1 heard him once | preach a sermon. against wile beating od gentle man. He asbhors common oliense in Russia and his passionate denunciations bfeame al | most hysterical "Gopon is a friend of that famons tad and, the power of hypnoti healing the faith care." 1 have heard many stories of marvellous cores hie has ofiected after the patients had been given up hy the doctors, but I was * Pruit- adives* fare fruit Juices in t : are the laxative, tonic and curative principles of fruit--com- bined into pleasant tasting pellets. They contain all the virtues of fruit--but by the secret process of making them, their action on the human system is many times intensified. What "Fruit-a-tives" are for | « Rruit-a-tives are the oy % tural and logical cure for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles. Their action is that of fresh fruit, only very much surer and more effective. Then too, they are free of fruit acids, sugar and woody fibre which often prevent fresh fruit being Try " Fruit-a-tives" and see how quickly they cure you of Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Bilious Headache, Loss of Appetite and Kidney In 50¢. bones. rower EE at, HLL i al fo in en Trent, and a. alot Newdto Jos EE nay Sh4y payments or 0 caeh, [ Description | aay Cro Fadi foot sentimen mes, hells, sacred wusie, Quartetise; SEE -- talking, wi ue i lat sa Ti Sour ue family; 5 TT toa It Noobs ih The young folks Feed at on or make or Niza of dine record ie ali os machine motor (not « [-------------------------- 191 Yoage Bt, Toronta, Gentlemen, Enclosed find one dollar as first arr Nelophose and Onutit, mouth for five eh a aif monty, nde rstood th hat 1 Loe return JOHNSTON & co, 191 Yonge Street TORONTO, CANADA CANADA'S LARGEST AND LEADING TALKING MACHINE DEALERS Are not always joyful when an overflow from When you have an o flow of this kind send a n quickly to the plumbers and will send a man at once, Plu ing Work is our Specialty and taining to 'the business, BE job we undertake is pushed finish, but ho details are och ed. Give us a chance to figure. 5 77 PRINCESS STREET. never able to investigate them. "I have no dotibt from my knowl edge of the man, that when he fue ed the leveled rifles felt that the Almighty was especially +, But as a matter of fact John H. Mil § THE LEADING AUCTIONEER. Russian Roles ould sooner "think of hooting himself then of shooting BREAKFAST BACON sliced as you Want H. J. Myers. 60

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