Ww in Sardines caught recently off the shores of Nor rench and other p aropeas conttries Pos ExceLiexca. "Ty, brand is put np by Ste ger ing Co way. under the eh SCrossed Fish" bry The fish are ver small ang very or: they have heeg tly emoked hero, be. ved, whicl nat otly adds to their deli aey of flavor, bat Brevants he iudizestive ristug™ eating, so Customary with sardines They do not realize that the back is fours well know To - ing ot to a : cute w. 3 by aching a dis- pre you are getting 1 ami guy eas by aching kid- "Crossed Fish" Brang The fish can be taken ont whale, i week in J. 8. that the aches and pains will memati! the cause is removed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound for twenty years has been the one and only effective remedy in such cases. It speedily cures all, womb and kidney disorders and restores the fe- male organs to a healthy condition. Here is one cure among thousands: opener HENDERSON'S STOR, ale Agents for Kingston, month. fo looked very dreary to me and I had ovo until I began to aks Lidia BE Pinkham's Vi ble Compound to some relief. . My recovery was slow but was sure. and J 3 money spent for the Compound as it brought me back to health. back "It seems to be a medicine especially _ to the ills of our sex and I am glad cing, prying finger inion with a decidedly econonti saving on a Clothing pur Sens, a ; a word for. it.--Mprs, Al . sey oR Shat. we Ht Prive to my 5 Vale Ave., Toronto, Ont. IC 4 ge here, ne Mann, the socalled "dll" oF : No other person can give such help- ful advice to women who are sick as can Mrs. Pinkham. Her address is Lynu. Mass., and her advice free, here the inducenionts are BIBLE INSPIRATION. rousers It and make it quite I perfectly Study Must Reveal Still Deeper Truths. Dean Armitage Robinson, at the close of a series of lectures at West: minster Abbey on "The Inspiration of the Bible," reminded his hearers that the church had never attempted a for- reat mal definition of inspiration, and: it argains ould be as Pr Jr now as in anv > time in the past to make such at | tempt; but inspiration may be known while not confined within 'the limits of our definitions. It is beyond all we can venture to sav of it. but we can know it because spirit answers to spir- it, the human spirit to the Divine Spirit. Let any man who desires to assure himself further of the truth of inspiration read over in some quiet hour St. John xiv., 15; xvi and xvii., and asks . himself, Is there anything anywhere more convincingly divine ? Or let him read the plain and homely narrative of St, Mark, till the figure of Josus Christ seems to rise from the page, and then ask, "Was not this evangelist divinely guided to select and combine these simple stories so as to give us a transcript from the fe and enable the reader of to-day to take his stand by the peasant folk of Galilee and see what they saw of the 0 living Saviour?' Or. once more, let <6 50 him study the Epistle to the. Ephesi- L ans, and ask. how came St. Paul by the Spiritual vision of the ultimate destiny of the human race, of the re velation of God to all intelligent ex- tence through the church, and the glory to God which is vet 10 be ren- tered in the church and in Christ Jes- us? We are, he said, moving forward toward the growing light of a large) day, confident that the Bible will al- Way: prove its inherent power, will reveal it: that as the human ele mposition is more clear- its divine elenmignt wil ligently recognized, as' good as at $1.35, 81.50, x] vercoats ol en nd OVS Special on hand, which we d lot quickly we have d Coats mber of add Coats. W. own that its further study deeper truths, y ment in its cor ly astertsined be more inte 3IBBY CO, Oak Hall, Kingston. Manufacturine! Great cng » at Prevost's, best make > . full dress, white shirts for evening going to manufaciare onr om aor, worth $1.75, will he offered at , also making suits to order, ® We. each, or 2 for 31.75. This Is a rout our eatire stock of Rosdf EXACTLY HALF MARKE} great bargain for this week. On Thursday night two popular at \ndants employed at the Brockvill pitas, Mics Eliza McGee, and Wi) liam East nh we i i § ; 1 Te quietly married at that this sale will exceed all j# the home of the bride's parents, Mi | the city of Kingstsn, therefo and Mrs. Charles McGee. Lyn. RATE 1hE NEW YEAR. ¥ankees, And Their 4th Of July Not In It--Two Days of Noisy Merriment -- Knock:Out ~ For Medical Association. Vancouver, R.C., Feb. 7.- (To the Editor): A Happy New Year to you and the staff, 'and all Whig read- ers © We have just emerged from the joys of this festive season, and wy wish to extend the greeting to all Whig friends who are not so fortunate as to have enjoyed a Chihese New Year celebration. Mention was made in a previous letter of the fact that the Chinese celebrate two days, but 1 must apologize for the incompatabil- ity of that letter in comparing our Chinese New Year to the Fourth f July across the line, for in all trath and fairness the "Yanks" are not in it for a woment with such a celebra tion as that which we have just wit- nessed in this city. At exactly twelve o'clock on Thursday night, February 2nd, the inhabitants of our city, who had been here less than a year, and therciore bad not witnessed such an ovent, could not have arrived at any other conclusion than that the Japs had chased those Russian warships into our harbor, and bad turned a thousand rapid-firing guns on them, for at that moment the section of Vancouver, known as Chinatown, trembled to its foundations, as" bomb after bomb was exploded, the sound reverberating to all parts of the city. This was kept up almost constantly during the next two days, but when Saturday night came the whole city, round about Chinatown, was resplen dent with electric arches, and long be- fore the time for the beginning of the closing scenes, every point of vantage had been taken. By special invitation the expounder of this truth, accom- panied by his family, occupied the same with the family of one of the Chinese werchant privees, where we had a cominanding view of the scene from a third-storev window. As he was escorting us . to this vantage ground, we passed through a room which was piled almost to the ceiling with boxes, leaving only just pas room. | asked what he was go ng to do with all those fire cracke and he said, "burn em." and burn em they did. They had a long pole run out of each of the two windows in the room, and from the cad of this pole the firecracker was suspended. Each of the boxes piled up in the room con tained one long roll of firecrackers which resembled in size a large bologna sausage, and in length reach ed almost to the ground. These were lighted at the lower end, and as fast as one was burned up another hung out. Thi was was repeated from the windows of every merchant in Chinatown, and together with the rockets sent up from the streets. and the bombs which were exploded in quick succession, made it impossible to hear or be heard on the stredt. This upretr was kept up until twelve o'clock Saturday night, when quiet again reigned. There is one thing which I notice about these people, and that is the peculiarly happy look on' their faces throughout their festivities. They seem to cast off every care, and go right in for a good time, all working to this end, which they seem to ac complish to their entire satisfaction. was accompanied by a lady who says that she has celebrated the Fourth of July in the United States all the way from Washington down, and she has never seen anything to compare with the Chinese New Year in Vancouver. Lest there might be some ambiguity concerning this [will say that the Chinese are not a very large unit in the population of our ity, though there are several thou sands of themr here. Some of them ure very wealthy, and have crected magnificent brick blocks in their por tion of the city. There are many who have not wealth, and these are indispensable to the mills and various iy scone other industries, They are often em ployed as domestie nd in hotels, and arc generally satisfactory. It is a misconceived idea that the Chinese are a cheap class of labor, - for we find them receiving anywhere from X1.25 to 3 per day. They are faithful work ers. quick to understand, and easy to manage, and are often pore law ahid ing than our own people. Our courts have lately been occupied with a case which is rather unique in its nature. Two doctors. one telong ing to the city. abd the other to Kamloops, had their certificates can celled by the medical association for alleged unprofessional condyet. The Vancouver man, it would seem, had sinned by building up a sanitarium, and also a very large practice, and so they watched him until he had lost a patient, and notwithstanding the fact that he had taken several doctors get up to-date Men's and Be -- wat EXACTLY HALF MARK ie sale but 4 Genuine Cleariff ill convince, you. Do not mi call on us at once, It will be® The Action of the New Scale Williams iano is replete and full of casant surprises to the per ; $15 Buita for 87 50 ; $10 Sis 8 for $8; $14 Orvercoats fori} and son. Not Satisfscta: y. People's Clothier, nd Crawford's Groceries, em ne ----------------_-- -- as carrying an order t for his signature a mich a perquisition | g. It looks, therel ndent says, as thoug or administration is bes where Von :Plehve left off. rns and brillant "One of the finest Speak Up; Captain. to Globe el : tain Gaskin, a Kingst thinks Mr. Gamev L 'as; the majority 6." The captain shot i or he meant to complunait vor the "'colleag ---------------------- . nine" for § xative bromo quinine sof at Gibson's Red Cross Tm ---- passages with the The New Seale Williams is mechanically perfect and tone perfect and best we have ever seen "-- Williams Piano ag NEN NEEWE Ewe me ustrated booklets on ihe history and construction or Williams Plans Co. Ltd. Oshaws, Ont. leat Physical eseraon : 8 # EF RP. Roblin, Premier of Manitcbe. FROM THE WEST OW THE CniINESE CELEB- ---- ---------- to consultation in this particular case, nnd bad acted accordingly. he Was censured 'ag above stated, and his license taken from him? The other thought that he had. been squeczed pretty hatd in his cxamination, and: had mentioned - this fact to some one afterwards, and for this reason it was. decided that be was unfit to prac tise unless" hie would wake an apology to his examiner. The judge fook a different view of the matter, however, and decided that if the doctor was fit lo practise after making an OEY. he was fit to practise without anking any, and so he ordered both names ut back on the slate. Thus a high- anded picce of business is checked in the bud We thought that we had given On: tario a lesson by the way in which we acquitted ourselves in this' province in th: lust dominion election, but wiih all the warnings which whe has received from every side, she sesin to have back slidden. © afe sorry for Ontario; her younger sister pro vine made the same mistake, and she has regretted it ever since, and she will show Ontario at the counting election that she has traly repented, by doing herself as much honor in the provincial as she did in the dom inion elections. 1 am proud of King: ston, but ashamed of Ontario. The two little girls who were lost at Nanaimo, and who have been min: tioned in a previous letter, are still missing. The search has now been abandoned, and not the slightest clue has been found.--E. RH. NEWTON, ---- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. ---- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. For nervous headache, try Chown's headache powders, Brockville has over fifteen miles of granolithic walks. . "Buy Laxative Bromo Quirine" for gripp, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. See Livingston's advt. for special prices on blue and black suits to or: der. Mrs." Cushing, Montreal, mother of Mrs. (Prof) Ross, Alfred street, died on Saturday. Bert. Kevs left yestesday for Hamil ton, where he has accepted 5 position in the druy business. Edward Wilmot, Buffalo, N.Y, is in the city visiting relatives after an absence of twelve vears. In Cooke's church yesterday, Rev. Robert Avlesward, Parkhill, preached very fine sermons at both services. ie attendance at the cvening ser- vice af all city churches last night was extremely small owing to the storm, The highest snow bank in the city is on King street west near the malt house. "A street car is almost hihden in passing it. The people of Lower Bagot street will be completely snowed in if the street railway tracks down there have to be cleared much wore. The street railwlly main line and branches were to be clear by four o'dock this afternoon. 'Cars ran on tho belt line this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Alphus Turcott gave a birthday party in honor of their son \lphus on Friday evening. About thirty of his friends were present and a very enoyable time was spent. Re freshinents wéré served at an carly hour. The reserved Glee, seat plan for the Queen's Mandolin and Guitar Club concert to-morrow night has been rapidly filled up and several" ex tra blocks of seats will be taken into reserved portion. It is expectsd the entire down stairs seating tapacity of the large Grant hall will be filled. Sr -- i ------ London Freak Club. 'There are many queer clubs in Lon don, but probably the oddest dined the other night at the Whitehall rooms. 'Nobody's Friends" is a quaint title, hardly suggestive of ox- mein dois and distinction, yet it in- cludes among its members Arthur Bal- four, prime minister; the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, half a dozen bishops, besides various other notables. In the Eighteenth Century there flourished William Stevens, who st tained fortune as a hosier and fame as a theologian by an essay in de fense of those pillars of the English Church, the Thirty-Nine Articles. In 1B00 he issued a theological brochure signed "'Ain," which is Hebrew for "nobody," and "Nobody's Club' was founded to commemorate its versatile author. Except among antiquarians, Stevens and his works bave long been forgotten, and undoubtedly the club would have shared the same fate but for one of its articles of incorpora- tion, by which ita members pledged themselves to dine together thrice a year. That bond of union bas kept it alive for 104 years. In these days "Nobody's Club" is chiofly concerned with cementing the union between church and state, but nobody has ever heard of its doing anything be- yond eating its three dinners a year. Origin Of A Hymn. In March Delincator Allan Suther- land gives an account of the origin of "Just as 1 Am," Charlotte El ioti's famous hymn. The hymn was inspir- «d through a remark of Dr. Caesar Malan to the invalid compover, when she had told kim that she did not| Dunnville, Ont., Feb. 12. <The Alhro know how to find Christ. "Come to block was destroyed by. five, this Him 'inst as you are," vaid Dr. Ma- | morning. The fire originated, jt is lan. It first pearvd anonymous! $ thonght, from a defective fue. Losses: in The Yearly Remembrancer." Begin-| I. C. Albro, on building, 81,000, iy ning thus wnpretendingly, with its | sired for 3.000; W A. Fry, $2000, sweet counsel to troubled minds, it formd its way into scrapbooks, then into religious circles and chapel as- semblics, and finally into the hymn- als. That the hymn had a desp in- fluence for good upon humanity may be seen from the testimonies of a thousand letters found among Wiss Elliott's papers thanking her for (he great blessings which had come to the lives of the writers through the in- stromentality of "Just as I Am." An attempt was made to assassin ate Bishop Kaminski, of the Polish church in Buffaly, two shots boing fired at him by a stranger. "HM you frown" all Me time it is mare likely due to vour eyes than your temper, Let Chown fit you with svitable glasses. Black and party blue suits made to order. Special prices for two weeks TPF DAILY WMIG, M system, it had been found Special to the Whig Speutinl to the Whie Beil, wi pox, Bays that ov. precaution has th taken, the pationts are progress ing, and there ace no vial tomo pi pun 100 Gourkhat, has started afger wil} raids to obtain which to celebrate notable fnerals. tre, New York, while Lillian Russell's company was reheurving, oviously injured; the love was 830, a -~ % a - - . | C ASE-STATED. THE MATTER SETTLED BACK : ha TIN187S. by lid * 'ing Of The Act Of 1875. Ottawa, Fob. 1A pamphlet has been issued Ly Home R. W. Scott, we retary of state, BWing the govern: ment's defence of 1 position it wifl take in respect to the hill guarantee: ing rate to the North. West ritoriés * From the pamphlet the follo% eXtrmcts are taken : Ou March 12th, 1575, Hon. Mr. Mae kenzie, the dE, dntroduced o bill to amend and ef date + specting the territories. No reference was made to the subject of «ducgtion, and tho omission: wah made the «uly ject of comipent Bt of Inter stage. Hon, Edward Bla ein dismissing the bill, said: "We ld tell the people beforehand What 'hos rights were 10 be in the counhtey Sn which wo invited them to settle." Ee any ied it a vavontial that ar era principle should be a in the Lill with NDA ¢, FABRUARY 13. the laws re fi Sunlight Soa saves wear and tear on ¢ Next wash dey the Sunlight way and see ow much more leisure it gives you and how will be good. uch better it will be for you Bg or soft water, the rout ( No scrubbing. no boiling. P © SEALED ceived at the Try Sunlight. Your purchase money refunded if you not satisfied. Brothers 2 * ------ --r = oan Ee ce Eo - EE hE ee. -P J y \ respect to instruction, aml that the settlers. shoul ve conferred upon them the "and privileges in regard to religions instruction as those possessed "ty "the § le of Ontario. Mr. Mackenzie the question of public instruction did wot at first 41. tract his © attention) and he proposed to insert 5 clase when the bill was in committer. The clause provided that the minority of ratebayers, whether Protestant or Catholic, might cstyl- lish separate schools, The present Lord Strathcona glad fo find that the prime intend~d to int a brovision in committee dealing with the subject. ton, Uavid Maus sad that it would be better that the people who settle that territory sh know heforehand the terms and conditions under which they would become an organized part of the dominion, . The educational guse, qs introdaced in_committee, reads as follows : Whin aud so soon ax any system of taxation shall be adopted in any dis trict or portion of the North-West ter. fitorits, "the leutenant-governor, by and with the consent of the council or assembly, as the case may be, <hall poss all necessary ordinances jn py spect Lo education: but it «hall therein be always provided that a majority of the ratépayers of p district or por- tion of the' North-West territories, or any lesser * poftion "or sub-division thereof, by" whatéver name the same may be known, may establish . such schools therein as They may think fit, and make the igerssary assessment and collection of fates therefor; and, further, that the minority of the rate payers therein, whether Protestant or Roman Catholic, may establish spars ate schools therdin, 'and that, in such latter case; the ratepagers «tablishing such Protestant: or Roman Catholi: separate schools shall be table only to assessmints of 'such rates as they may imposss upon themselves in ro spect thereof, The bill passed through the Howe of Commons without: ADY Opposition, In the senate Hon. Mr. Aikens op posed the. provision. thought jt Was tnwise to introduce anyihing of this nature into the bill, and moved an amendment to strike out the pro vision, : Mr. Brown thought the safe way wa to allow vali provines to suit itself There would be no end to confusion if cach class bad to have its own pe culigr scligol system. It had be n said this clause was put in for the protec was minister tion of the Protestants against the Catholics, the Intter being the most nomerous. But he, speakin for the Protistepts, "Was in a position to say that the Protestants did not that protection. Mr. Scott said it was the reatest possible relief to (he people of Ontario that the question was settled for them and was not, as in some of the other Want provinces, a source of constant dis cord Hon. Mr. Miller opposed . the ymend- ment, as did also Hon. My, Letollior de St. Just and Hon. Mr. Ryan. Hon. Sir Alexander Campbell, leader of the opposition, said the object of the bill was to establish and perpetuate in the North-West territories the same uy tem as prevailed in Ontario and Qu hee, and which had worked so well in the interest of peace and harmony. Hou. Mr. Peuny said, though he was not an admirer of the suparate school necessary, in the 'nterest of Peare, to gdopt it for Queber and Ontario, and ax 4 vim- ilar agitation for it would naturglls arise in the North-West in the course of time, we might as well settle the matter at once In allowing the crea ticn of separate schools. Hon. Mr. Brown said the moment the act passed and the North-West 1 came part of the union, they cams. tnder the union act ant under the provisions with regard "ti Separate schools. * 09e© 200 20006 ® : : a ® ; Ssesesseorosecsones ecose eel EE --_-- Careful Buying Spells Economy Our business was built up and maintained by careful buying. What's good for us is good for you. During this unique sale every purchase you make is distinct economy. You cannot be extravagant, no matter how much' you spend here, and the weather demands) that you be well shod. Some Sale Quotations : Missess' Box Calf Shoes, laced or buttoned, regu- larly $1.75, now selling at $1.20. Boys' Cordovan Boots, heavy. soles, regularly $1 35, now $1. Boys Box Calf Dress Boots, regularly $1.75, now Abernethy's Dependable - Shoes; Advancement In Art Is demanded of the plumbe: as of all other artisans thess doys. That we keep pace with the tines is shown in our sanitary openwork well we are in line with modern improvement every day is demon. strated by the samvles we show and the work we have dons. Nv iwar) vag 69 and 71 Brock 8t., The vote on Mr. Aikens' was twenty-two for, against, ' amend ni twenty -forr ---- A DUNNVILLE FIRE Destroys Block Causing Monetary Loss Alone. insurer for 21.000; insured for 21,000 Dr. Moir, 22.000 The Smallpox Scare. vronto, Fel 1a 2 is in here there are so Inspector Dir, Hanner township, en cases of small new cases, For rich blood, take Chown's spe A itive "expeditic n composed of Kingston. We Have Just Finished Stocktaking And find we have a few lines which we wish to clear STRACHAN'S HARDWARE - out at Bargain Prices] So as to make room for spring stock. See our Ladies' Patent Colt Blucher Boot ; regular price, $4; NOW $3. Ladies' Fine Dongola Boots, $3.75, NOW 2.90, Gents' Patent Colt Blucher Boots, $3.50, NOW $2 50. Also several other lines greatly reduced. {The Sawyer Shoe Store. a tribe which -- has been making Pritish heads with A blaze arted in the Casino thea No ome was onlv. See Livingston's advt. "Buy Nestles food" at Gibson's Red] Chown's beel, iron and wine, 30c, Cross drug store. It's fresh there, bottle, 4 = Lok iy Block Tin Pipe & Small Tubin THE CANADA METAL CO. ws ee -- WE MAKE TO ORDER. 'of February, inst. for | ihdividual ex Toronto. H. bs wing 10a terial and services req 5 the Cor- poration of the City 4 Kimrcon on, Vic PINE PLANK, 150. i ML, ore or less, of" 3 Sach, 2 bob, and 14 wh : CEDAR SLEEPERS, 20,000 lincal po ENT ig oy ies ot 450 putin CEM vu, », wore or Iss, pure Portland Cement. HARDWARE, otc. SMITHWORK, ete. SAND. Si NFR hres. 18 inch, 15 a inch, 9 § 3 «Lions, , delivered hg vload hile, An on the streets of Kim ston when required. --viceita All the above material and be furnished according te the specifice- tors to be seen at of the uu dersigned, where all information way be obtained. No tender will Le received after the above mentioned tiwe and date; snd no tender Will be considered unless accom panied Vith a deposit ag per specifica ions The lowest sarily or a any tender not neces. accepted. B. BR. CRAIG, City Engineer, | Kingston, February ith, 1905. BEST IN CANADA ! A Modern and Progressive School The old reliable : Kingston Business College Limited, Head of 'Queen sheet, Kings p cious Apartments, Complete Equip 1% Excellont Results. Thorough and instruction y. competent and teachers in overy neat raduates sough depart " after as commercial {oachers in Cada "and "tie United Catalogue free. No vacation. Bnter at any time. evening cl s Runes. Fal, Euel Hard Coal wrate ani Egg for your furnace. Stove, Chestaut and Per Jor your Agves. Soft Coal Cassel for your Beledt Lump for Smithing Slack. Also Cut & UncutiWood a] arate. Rrates and efigines. P. WALSH, Mmcxyr, = ¢ The New Store ar the OI Stand, 271 and 273 Princess St. Anything you peed in UNDERWEAR, OUTERWEAR, FOOTWEAR you at the LOWEST POSSIBLY FIGURES." We don't run any "GIVE- AWAY SALES," wut every day in the year wa sell at the bottom bed-rock price of every article in the store. Got prices slsew here, then come to our store, and we will prove what we say by sell- ing at a lower price than any other store in town. If not as represented we will rolund your money: REAL ESTATE Have you Properties for . sale? It will cost you nothing to list it with us. DO IT NOW ! A. F. BOND. INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE, 68 CLARENCE ST., KINGSTON. bathroom and toilet fixtures. How Wood and Coal We have on hand the different varieties of Wood and Coal. BOOTH & CO. "Phone 133, Soot of West St. McKELVEY & BIRCH, Wood « Coal X Rays Stove Polish Shines brighter and wears looger than others, » Aluminum Polish for stoves or pipes. Gold Bronze, in powder and lguid. Get prices for above at DANCING & DEPORTMENT D. ROY MACDONALD WHIC HALL KINGSTON. Classes will be continued on TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS. LET ME HAVE YOUR SALE And I will guarantes you satis- factory results. We don't brag, but perform the work. Nothing sacrificed, but your best inter. wt studied, w. J. MURRAY, The Auctioneee. BREAKFAST BACON sliced as you want it. Choicest, sweetest, and J. Myers, 60 Brock St, SEE