* A recommend it to ts Le iiif it Hi i n f t 2 5 2 ! i ' FLEET = eri 1 fir i i gill ¢8° fate; concert was eonclud- somewhat late hour with the w Was " to Miss Etta J. ter. of Mr. and this city. 2 th, tim trimening, wore ue of brown chiffon velvet to . The. presents received were and beantiful. The couple left in afternoon for Montreal sud other eastern cities, and vill return lo Kingeten Lafare to Buffalo, Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world: th En cause, look for signature of E. W. Grove. Nine times in ten, headaches come from 'bad 'stomach or bad . liver, ti in left today for the Pacific coast in the interests of a local ward Wilmot, Bufialo, N.Y. Mit for Renfrew to visit his wis The K. & P. railway train was an hour and a half late Tuesday even ing, tut Wednesday, the trains on that line were reported on time, What's "bitter sweet 7' Alas I know, My love is Suir and Jouas, She han the sweetewt lips--but ob ! She has a bitter tongue, Men have been put at work to re duce the snow banks which enclose The genvine'" Bland i » ne" Blaud's iron tonic sold at Gibson's Red Cross 100 for 28e. Bay no other. . and Mrs. Stratton ar city, from Lindsay, on t. They will be with their rs. T. R. Carnovsky, for a §iF wg i "< g : ¥ : to--are running all right. Pero, zero, go away, Come, again, some other day We will treat you nice as pie, If you see Us next July The people who attended the con- in Grant. Hall last night, would mibre pleased had entrance through the arts' The was very inconvenient on ac of the Razor of military supplies in old Kingstonian, but of Montreal. Said the fat little girl of Lucerne, To the thin wee maiden from Berne, "I Swiss Food you took Much better you'd look, DIED IN NEW YORK. m--- Passes Away. Dr. Sideey E. y G. Tyner, of Picton, was with reaived here with sorrow, Thursday af J The ly afternoon tive in medica! coll when at lege society his of ens GRAND OPERA HOUSE. ---- Bijou Company Large A there University avenue en- Paste' makes hard Paste" oany, 16c. Gibwon's Red Cross fe auditor general of the Dominion hat issued an order to produce all relating to the payment of to T. J. Donoghue, for the City. Mr. Donoghue is an is now a resi And all other breakfast foods spurn." Dr. Sidney Tymer, Of Kingston, Tyner, second son of him he passed away. The news of the Young medical man's sudden death was at might have been an active medical gy place from his mother's yesidence young doctor was -) work Sean's and popular among Is Drawing Vex: udiences. y There May Be a Protest Agaiost The Christian Institution-- Knotty Lee And His Brant. ford Fans--General Sports. In the final game for the Beech trophy, played at Rockwood rink, last night, thei¥. M. C. A. team defeated the Young Rockwoods, in a close and | ing game by the score of ¥ 10 7. The teats were fsirly evenly matched ov to playing sbility, but the winners were, as a team, larg er than the bay boys, and won out on this advantage. The ¥. NM. C. A's. led from the start with their fast you opponents always. close acconds. The game was witnessed by many specta- tors, supporters of both" teams and the Portsmouth hockey mtiimiasts were much di inted' over the de feat of appointed The Y. 8. C. A team scored the first three goals, the Rockwoods then got two, and Y. M. C. A. added two were effective, and on the losing team Dennison, Potter and Macdonnell did brilliant work, Referee Russell Derry, J gave general satislaction, some of his rulings, however, being questioned hy both teams, ° There is a probabiity that the game will be protested on the ground that some of the Y. M. C. A. players are over-weight and over age, The teams were : YMCA. -- Gilbert, goal; Hunter, point; Metcalfe, cover; Latarney, rov- or; Lowe, centre; Horsey and Chown, Gananoque, and "Dinny" Burke, for- The Bay of Quinte railway line to | "0 a : A y of the Kingston Ponies will Kingston, has not yet fan, opened, likely play second base. ho train having come to the city for a | "wo deck Hockey Club has been whole week. The trains on the other suspended by O.H.A. executive com- to Tweed, Sydenham and mittee, fresh ovidence being found that three players, did not buy tickets from Cornwall to Toronto. in Septem- ber, as they said. The suspension will necessitate re-arranging the schedule. If Marlboros can't beat Queen's in Kingston, you |can make a rough guess. on their chances of beating Ot tawa in Ottawa. At that it's no sure thing that in their present over-train- ed condition they can win the cham- pionship from Smith's Falls, >Tele- BPI regari Ui the Seenlorn question about their title to plav, and -| the trustees are, therefore, certain accept the Manitoba challenge. down to Brockville to-day, to play schedule games with the town club for the and Two wins in the evening. district, and one win will put them in a fair way for the leading position. Charles Conklin, of Chicago, won the amateur billiard championship of the United States, defeating W, H. est struggle he ever The contest will bund Hall, Brooklyn, His mother and two brothers, Dr. W | March 10th, Pardello has agreed to G., Picton, and Dwight, clerk in the | throw Sharkey twice in an hour or local branch of the Standand bank {10% the side bet and a big percentage survive. Dr. R. H. Abbott, of this | ©f the gate receipts. City, is Kis uncle. The funeral will |. The usual influx of Stanley cup hoe kay challenges ix somuiencing. fees Sweetland and Ross have receiv- ed within 'the past fee days two chal: lenges for the cup, one from the Mani- toba Hockey League, and one from the Nova Scotia lockey League, of } which the Amherst tédm ' are cham- pions. The trustees, however, - after '| their experience with Yikon team and with some other that have wome from a distance to compete for the cup, sre not likely to accept 'the RHEU 8 Mies challenge however, the Manitoba teams have so often proved their ability to meet on even terms the best hockey that the east can provide, that there can be no to Two rinks of Rockwood curlers went the Brockville and Eastern Hospital clabs, They were to play the latter club this afternoon Rockwood curlers will win them the championship of the gave Champion Jim Jeffries the hard- had in the ring, and who has wrezued with Tom Jen- Kins, "Shad Link," Atherton and sev: bet of £500 has already been posted. be held in Saenger on Friday, Tras- TO KEEP PEACE. Young Man Bound Over By The Magistrate. In the police cowrt Frantis Lee and Thomas Cooper pleaded "not guilty" to the charge of sssanltiog and ill treating Thomas Hastings, on Fria: conn street, Sunday night. The assanit was alleged (0 have taken place be tween nine and ten o'clock and Hast ings, in his evidence, testified that both the defendants had struck him, knocking him dows and causing his nose to bleed. He escaped from them and ran over into the Windsor Hotel, by Lee, the latter bavaking a glass in the hotel door, and being af- terwards put out by Manager Frank MeCue, Hastings said that he has been repeatedly approached by differ ent young men who have threatened to liek him on acevunt of stories with which he has heen credited by two girls of his acquaintance. He claimed that he had told no such stories about any person, and was anxious to es cape police court notoriety. Manager MeCue also gave evidence, ecorrchorat- ing the fact that Hastings ran into his hotel on Sunday night, pursued bx lee, although he saw no blows < struck, a TASKING She } aif iene scores Both the plaintii\and defendants maintained their: lend, adding four | X°™ represented hy \counsel. T. J. more goals 10 their ponents' five. Rigney appearing for Hastings and Yor the win Ey fond Metcalfe | John Melntyre, for the defendants, The ease lasted over two hours, and the evidence prodaesd bv' the defence was of a somewhat bulky nature and went to show that Hastings hi been pestering some girls with his atten- tions, and the defendants had, bv special reguest, taken it upon them- selves to champion the cause of the weaker sex. The plaintifi, in his evi: dence, made some disclosures which were not altogether to the eredit of the girls implicated in the case. Police Constable Mullinger testified few weeks. wings as to Hastings complaining to him Clark, a well-known Canadian pnts | Rackwood-- Davidion. goal: Bwart, that he had been assaulted on Sun on the market the finest potted meats, | noint; Dowsley cover: Macdonnell, day night and also stated that Hast- corned beef, lunch tongue, pork and | rover: Dennison, centre: Davidson and | INE nose bad evidently heen bleed- beans, ele, ever known, - Potter, wings, me A change of venue from Kingston to John Melntyre appealed to the mag- Toronto has been ordered in the cases Sporti Notes istrate to have the court room clear- of Saskatchewan Land & Homestead | 5, ( a i b b ed, as he wished to bring out evidence Co. ve. Leadley, Saskatchewan Land | t a i onday Foie de . from the girl witnesses, which should & Homestead Co. ve. Moore. one Joa elented the roe vs 8 = not be retailed before the court andi- For two weeks only we will sell blue Bean is ia ha EI bases ence, no matter ow appreciative it and black suits, ¥ to from | Lol tea Be ty | vas The magistrate acceded to the finished and unfinished worsteds, chev-| "0 © mn ext SATE. one of the | TeaUest and the interested "courtiers" jots and vieunes, 820, $22 for 818, 823} °° Ww mARGger. ne o were forced to retire reluctantly from y ie . tehers will be Droh formerly of . ] and 825 for $20. Livingston's. pt w he Dhan, the court room. Two girls gave evi- dence, the main portion of which went to show that Hastings had ad- dressed them in an ungentlemanly wav on the streets on several occasions, last Saturday "aitermoon in particul- ar. Thev had resented his attentions and told him so and had also told lee and Cooper their troubles, The defendants had interested themselves in the matter and had undertaken to persuade Hastings to desist. Mr. Melntyre, for the defence, call- ed Couper and Lee, who both aware that they did not assault the plain- tiff, although Lee admitted that he chased Hastings, as he wantad to talk to him about the matter. Hastings wes recalled and gave his evidence in a clear, straightforward nianner. . He positively denied that he had insulted the girls, but merely ro OVE SE a leg self of stories they had told abont him. He also contradicted the state ments of the defendants in regard to the assault and maintained that they had both struck him Hastings' father also went into the hax, hy his own request, and testified to the good character of his son. 'The counsels on both gides presented their cases to the magistrate and his wor ship considered that the affair was a decidedly bad mix-up. The case was settled by the three men interested, being bound over, in the suf of $100, to keep the peace and to have more disputes. no Mrs. Willian, Tyner, Alfred street, died Sigourney, hailing from San A Trivial Affair. i_Now York on T AY evening of Franciséo, by. ihe sore of 2 ah At the police court this morning, pi meni ngitis, of which there is an « which Conk Gi h on ag 8: Donald Curtis was charged by Fer- Dr. in that eit, \ A fow weeks oro oi ou diff wn t nve 4 -- namlo Dawson with using grossly in- They Tyner left Kingston, having 10 be its ot nena h- sulting and abusive language. The 1 ntment as a' house sur |: lly tat Ps OPI | fime of the alleged offence was on in New York Orphopedic Ae a ot gO lo ihe nee. February 5th, and the place near dow tal. Last Friday, he was taken Rink in a 0 oh : 8 prize ad '¢ | Williamsville. Dawson and his wife, n with the disease which he was igheat run, ie ing Seventy-eight. according to their, evidence, were attending. His brother, Dy. William Pom Sharkey, the pugilist. who driving slowly into the city when Curtis drove up behind them and in stead of passing them az he had lots of room on the road to do, he drove up close behind their cutter and or- eral of the best known wrestlers in | jored Dawson to get out of the way. the country, 1s matched with Leo Par- An altercation followed, in which dello, the Italian champion. A side | Oris was alleged to have become abusive. The defendant, Curtis, had a lad named Ross Green, who was driv- ing with him, went into the box and told their version of the afiair. The whole thing was evidently of a trivial nature and the magistrate dismissed the case. Ald. Bell Slighted. The friends of Alderman Be new light plant committee by h litical associates of the city ec As an ex-mayor and derman, it would seewy that he should have place on the only committee. It is off because he did not entirely asking why he was even left off experienced been given Il are the is po- uncil, al- right a said that Alderman Bell was purposely left agree ASH i with some of t wen whe ow he ong hinge sudicncs greeted | pater challenge. They feel that it i | tha 'governownt leaders of (he. coun. Grand Opera House, last night. The desirable that any club which wishes | ij "Alderman King might inform worth of the troupe has been to' play for the cup should first have | the friends of Alderman Rell why nized and no doubt the com: will proved its calibre beyond all question | the latter, who has served in the > 3 h pony by its performance in first-class com- | council much longer than the former, of den harvent r Lyn YS {pany outside of its own Jeague, und | was ionored. wt the mi ed Ban t Lynne" ihe Amberst club will probably be duction which appeals 10 human arm written to (0 that fice. 60 Specialists On The Case thr The Sin Jud Sarees ot Lady Turkish Shampoo for Cleaning the In the ordinary run of medical prac- audieace, Her rendition of "You'll Re- | hair, 2c. McLeod's Drug Store, 38 a greiter wumther than this hove member Me," was ted ith oud "Freah Perung' for catarth" at treated cases of chronic dyspepsia and applause. Mr. Y gree "architish Gibson's Red Cross Ding Store. have failed to cure<but Dr. Von Corlysle:" and Hg held Archbishop Gauthier left, todyy., for | Stan's Pineapple Tablets (60 in a box the 3 X ethan Tweed to visit the . at 35 cents cost) have made the cure, nt bors, . pllomiy er giving relief in one day. These little "specialists" have proven their real merit. At Wade's Drug Store.--72, Westmount Pastor Ill. Rev. W. Goold Henderson, pastor of Westmount Methodist church, is in a very poor state of health, and it is expected that he will be compelled to take a prolonged rest. His physician insiste that he must at least for.some time give up pastoral work. : Swain, pian CITY POSITION AS REGARDS REVENUE SAME AS LAST YEAR. Extra School Grants And Snow Removal Will Wipe Out What Additional Revenue There Might Have Been. Ia a few weeks, the civic finance sommitter will present the budget to the council. Careful enquiry reveals the fact that the revenue this year will not be increased. There is only one possible way of its being increas ed, and that is 'to gel taxes upon some hitherto exempted properties whose torus of exemption expires. H the owners of these properties the necossary legislative action for ex tension of their exemption, there will be Bo more taxes The assessment rolls show that the assessable property in Kingston at presen' is $15,000 less than a year ago. This is accounted for principally by the fact that the K. & P. railway assessment has been considerably re duced. Hence, Kingston remains al most stationary so far as revenue is concerned Surprise may be expressed that such should be the case, in view of the fger that where there was a deficit of £1000 a year ago, this was reduced to 8600 in 19M But the extra amount which the council must grant the schools this vear will more than cover the difierence of $2,400. Then the large amount of interest saved by the earlier will more thap be snow cleaning 3 there will be a loss to the revenue hy the exempting of incomes up to $1. 000, the amount hitherto being '$700 So that the council of this year will have no more money to work with than the council of 1904. Eeonomy will have to be practised in all de partments. It will be impossible to raise the charitable grants, unless at the expense of the roads. The board of works will have to worry along as did its imsnediate predecessor. The striking of the budget will he awaited with interest. get taxes the A volleetion of used up by this winter ANNUAL MEETING. What Kingston Conservatives Want To See Done. The Conservative Association met in the City hall, last night, and selected its officers for the coming ycar. These are : President, Dr. Ryan; first vice presidest, H. W. Richardson; second vice-president, Dr. Bell; third vice president, J. Mallon; secretary, Henry Angrove and F. Webster; treasurer, W. B. Dalton. Dr. Bell, in the chair, was moved to congratulate the province oh being "relieved of the most corrupt government that ever existed in Can ada." There were resolutions of thanks and pledging = allegiance to Hone. Borden and Whitney, approving thie decision to protest the Kingston provincial election; the opportumity for secure mn government representative for the city was not going to be lot pass by. Profound satisfaction was expressed at the result of the late ele tions and D. M. Mclntyre. . eulogized Mr. Whitney's strong cabinet, and he still had cabinet timber 1. spare. A rebuke, he said, to those grits who claimed a decent government could not be secured from among conservatives The meeting also thanked conservative papers, local and provincial, for sup port in winning the late elections. It was moved Ly Capt. G , Seconded by Joseph Tait, and carried; "That a the investigation into the Gamey- Stratten-Ross transaction hay heen by no means thorough, and as nothing short of a therough investigation will satisfy the people of this province; this association trusts that an enquiry uy a padiamentary committee will be lat n-hed and prosecuted till the whole truth is made known." The captain remarked that he would like to "Cap" Sullivan and those associated with the machine in the iniquity of the last few vears placed where they be lenny. Mr. Gamey did a great deal to expose this iniquity, and, therefore, the government should at least move to prove his claim to immunity from wrong doing for personal henefit Moved by John Melntyre, seconded by D. A. Givens, "that the present at torney-general be requested to take such steps as will weure the punish ment of all those connected with the ballot-box frauds in Hastings an Frontenac, seeing that neither the former authorities at Toronto. nor those now at Ottawa have been. alive to the responsibilities of their office." Mr. Mcintyre referred to offorts made to prevent the Belleville investigation The motion was carried. Rev. E. Crummy's Class. The Tuesday evening Bible clase, in- augurated by the Y.W.C.A. and which will be in charge of Rev. Eber Crum- my, held its first meeting, last night, in the association's hall. Mr. Crummy gave an introductory talk on his ser- ws: "Men Who Walked With God." Numbers have signified their intention of attending these classes, which are open to all. A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. Itching, blind, bleeding or protrud- ing piles. Your druggist will refuna money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure you in six to fourteen days. SOc. Contract For An Engine. The Davis company has the contract to build a triple-expansion engine for the steamer Varuna, of Belleville, which will next sammer be the fastest boat on the Bay of Quinte, The Davis shipyard has enongh work to keep a large stafi of men busy until May next, 835% a POPPCLOPOIPOLPORIORODY to keep Baby's healthy is to use onl SOAP Pure, Dainty, Delicat This branch an impe We are fully prepared 10 eyes accurately FREE OF with latedt improved instru a GRADUATE OPTICIAN. L.T. BE 12} Princess St. All in its several departivents us or phone for particulars Line, © Day & Evening Sessions TN. LADIES' WHITEWEAR, WALKING SKIRTS smalluess, Swift' Coal We recommend stove size. dey and bright. able for furnaces mixed with egg. JAMES Telephone 135. 200000000 v The best and safest way" BABY'S OWN Beware of Imitations. Is gaining new students every day doing the cleanest und best work poss FOR SUMMER DRESS MATERIALS Scranton Particu'arly ® oi 3 SWIFT & C0. skin y e, 03s ALBERT TOILET SOAP CO., irs. MONTREAL. Optical Department wilant one toast CHARGI ments ST, Successor to the Taylor Drug Company THE NEW BROOM Is doing its work as far as Business Training goes in the Udllegiate Ruild- ing, next the Dairy School, where the new A all and Enter any STOCKDALE Principa Interesting 'Event This week is our display SPRING \] \, and SILK BLOUSE WAISTS 7 here are some extra swell 1 in the display and the prices are ticularly attractive becauss Newnan & Shaw. S our ae Suit- when : 000 RAILWAY (RAs 10 Pacific Coast fares from Colonist uver, Vancouver: ¢46.80 % "Trail, Rob $ip.80 alt en Ph 43.80 Denver, Pueblo § Los Angeles ... $48.05 leave Kingston 2.26 a.m. patie. Ficlena, Colorado "Springs. A8C0, gen Franc rs re accommodation, of Dass poiding first, or Second Glast Coes 0 i snd Welt thereo! as Jaros 3 nominal the [a Cone which may be reserved made : Sleepne v Sha Thursdays at 2 for ber i» g Travel by the Grand Trunk Raliway System. _ HANLEY, Agent, a and Ontario streets. IAN CINGSTONS PENBROKE & CANAD PACIFIC RAILWAYS. $46.30 From March 1st to May 15th,1905. Tacoma SECOND CLASS Portland / FROM KINGSTON. Very low Hates to many other, Western Points. : Full particvlars at K. & P. and C. FR. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F fi JER, JR., CONWAY, T.A. FOLG ? r Gen. Pass Agi: Gen. Supt BAY OF 'QUINTE RAILWAY |j New short line for Tweed, Napanee, pto, and all local points. Trains Jeave City Hall Depot at 3:25 pm. F. CONWAY, Agent B.Q. Ry., Kiagston. ee ------ maz. BERMUDA upknown, malaria impossible. From New York, 48 hours by elegant pew twin screw steamsbin ** Bermudian, Sailings every five days during Febru ary, March and April, 1905. FOR WINTER CRUISES GO TO WEST INDIES - 0 days trip. About 20 days in tropics al cruise to Bermuda, Porto Rico Windward Islands aud Cut, 5 Pretori; 220¢, 1905. For further parti BAND to A. E. OUTERBRIDGE ¢ Corner Job Vancouver Victoria Seattle Frost CO., Agents, for Quebec SS. Co.. 3! Dade, New = York ARTHUI AHERN, Secretary, Quebec, 0 J. P. HANLEY, and to J. P. GILDER SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Kingston. gb. = ALLAN LINE ""™*""(Gimomnricn Royal Mail Steamers. From St. John, From Halifa Corinthian, Sat. Feb. 18; Mon. Feb. 2 Parisian, Sat. Feb. 25; Mon. Feb. 2° Sicilian, Sat. Mar. 4; Mon. Mar. { Bavarian, Sat. Mar. 11; Mon. Mar. 1 RATES OF PASSAGE--First Cabi $50 and upwards, according to steam and accommodation; Second Cabin, Li srpool and Londonde: $37.50 ar $40, according to ste .ondon $2.0 extra; Third Class ; super accommodation, Liverpool, Derry, Be fast, Glasgow, London. NEW YORK TU GLASGOW. Laurentian ..... Thurs. Mar. 2, 10 a. First Cabin, $40 dud up--Setond Ca in, $35--Third Class, $27.50, For further particulars apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, «P.0t. Ci 'assenger nh. J. P. GILDE SLEEVE, Ularence Street. ARCHITECTS, - Sse WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, 0 » #econd floor ever Mahood's dr Rope carne Princess pois Bag A an agot st Telephone 608. iy = nee GC site of New Drill Hall, near c her of Queen and Montreal Streets. A ---------------------------- ---------------- aS ---- ARTHUR ELLIS. ARCHITECT, WER & SON ARCHITECT, ME chant's Bank Building, corner Br and Wellington streets. 'Phone 2 HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITE( Anchor Building, Mar 'Phone 345. MONEY AND BUSINESS. MVERPOOL, LONDON. AND GLO Fire Insurance Company. Availe -_a . $61,187,215. In addition Security the" omiimined Hath umlimi hai, Soctiniies. Fock and ny at lowest poss Tales. Before renewing old or giv Rew business get rates from Stra we, Agents. DUR POLICIES COVER MORE buildings and contents than any ¢ $ company effers. Examine then Gedwin's Insurance Emperium, Mi: " Square a -- THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY (ESTABLISHED 1863.) PRESIDENT The Right Hon. Sir B. J. Cartwri p Nmey loaned on City and. ¥ roperties, Municipal and Co tures. Mortgages purchs Deposits received and intorest allo 8. 3. MeuILL, Managin x Directo) Office. $7 Clarence street, Kings Wood and Co: We have on hand (he differ Varieties of Wood and Coal, BOOTH & Ci Phone 133. Soot of West St Wood and CO, eens ins «IANO TUITION bi NEWNAN, 271 King St, wort, an special eave in pri aleht they PURI thoro ithone 6a8