Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Feb 1905, p. 7

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to the affected of quality and & Bowne | ngton Street, West ONTO, ONT. 1 Sardines \ly Off the shoes of Norway ther Kuropeas countries as Pag Jxcariaxcs. hI st . DE a Nor way, under id "Crossed Fieh™ | ve "ristug™ her ting. 80 Cus 0: with inary sad The a Shove Shimon o ines, as al} . well kpow. be you. are getting the : Eg g best "Grossed Fish" Brand | Ihe fish can be taken ont whole. J. 8. HENDERSON'S STORE, jents for Kingston. ciple; it ick to it. scond floor found a rack DATS that should have m to better advantage | be in opposition to our er from one season to be sold AT ONCE. , materials are Beavers, mix ures, former pice LF PRICE ! ading Millinery and Mantle Store. [I ell ing its ejbect. Black is to the black.tea Ln re and Gold Medal at St. Louis Exposition, 1904. 1f You Would Be W You Must Keep Your Kidneys Well. o CoP of all Japan "SA CEYLON N Sold only in ture the Taste ea drinkers is the aim, object and design « AD N TEA and it is fast accomplish- pan tea drinker what "SALADA" f A | Disgy-Looking Londen Heme of the King ATURAL GREE It is to the Ja his court. It is, however, when King Edward is in London or at Windsor that the court may be considered in By all grecers. full swing. given the Highest Award ma sosssesounounsOenueOesHty eALLING CARDS ENGRAVED FROM COPPER PLATE | | | British Whig ® ~ 1 id | i BEST IN CANADA ! A Modern and Progressive School DODOVO00D t, regular SBe., ool lined, The. 40¢. 10e Store NOES." PE IEECINIERC 08 -------------- jingers, Gingers, ncess St. RY ubbers! SeeEE The old reliable Kingston Business College Limited, Head of Queen street, Kings- ton, Ont; 'Phone 440. Spacious Apartments, ment, Excellent Results. individual instruction by competent and x teachers in ovegy department Graduates sought after as commercial teachers in Canada and States. Catalogue free. No vacation. any time. Day and evening clanses J.B. MeKAY, H. F. METCALVE, Fuel Hard Coal urate and Fgg for your furnace. Htave, *hestaut and Pen for yow Agves. doft Cowl Cannel for your grate. Select Lump for grates and enximve. Smithing Slack. Also Cut & Uncut Wood P. WALSH, BARRACK FISH! FRESH FROZEN-- Whitefish, 10c. and 12 b Sklmon Trout, 12 Pickerel, 10c. Ib, ¥e Pike. Be. Ib Atlantic Salmon, 30c. Ib. Chenook Salmon, 5c Silver Side Salmon, Steak" Cod. 10c. Ib. Haddock, 8c. and 10c Halibut, 20c. 1b. Bluefish, 15¢. 1h Mackerel, 15c. Ib. Striped Bass, 15¢c. 1b. Tom Cods, Re. 1h, - Herrings, 15c., 80c SMOKED Smoked Ciscoes, 124c Boneless Haddios the . Yarmouth Bloaters, 40c. dozen Ippered Herrings, 40c : SALT Salt Trout, 10c. It Salt Whitefish, 10c It Mackerel, 15¢ t Labrador Salmon, 1 Salt Sea Trout, 10c © out, x Salt Cod, 8c, 10ec., OYSTERS, 50x Great cle Suitings Wat Regular 313 to $23 Suiting for $16 Regular $24 10 $27 Sutings for $18 Regular 25 4, $32 Suitings for $20 Per cent Overcoats, Don't tai) - a to oe my Trouserings at This ttimm A Conenjt. succession, have been revived in all their old historic splendour, and with all their wonderful glamour. The al- | "The ternoon drawing-rooms of Queen Victoria--all too few and far between | parties at Buckingham Palace are | for London society--were formerly | equally brilliant and impressive, the great events of the season. But | and these, together with the others the memory of these pales into in- | already bed, comprise the more + significance before the crowning glor- | formal nies of King Edward's | Help them to work freely. Help ies of the evening courts now held by {| court. them to flush off all the body's waste and impurities. Doan's Kidney Pills Are for this purpose only. the cause of your trouble? If you have backache, swelling of the feet and ankles, nating, specks floating thirst, brick-dnst deposit in the urine, or anything wrong with the urinary organs, then "your sensation when uri NO NEED TO SEND OUT OF "TOWN FOR ENGRAVED | d ly not difficult to cure kidney trouble in its first stages. All you have to do is to give Doan's Kidney Pills a trial. They are the most effective medi- cine to be had for all ki Galley, Auburn, N.S., was cured by their use. over four months I was troubled with a lame back, and was unable to turn in I tried plasters and ds, but to no effect. At last T was induced by a friend to try Doan's Kidney Pills. two-thirds of a box my back was as strong and as well as ever." Doan's Kidney Pills are 50 cents. per box, or 8 for $1.25. All dealers, or sent direct by mail on receipt of price. TER Doan KipNey Pit Co., WHIG WORK 1S GOPD WORK 3 seb EE EERE IEEE RRR: © WE ALSO DO ; STEEL DIE EMBOSSING * Sett bHibEbbEby . PIODICOTOOOODS idney and urinary After I had used | one long tidal procession, revealing BEAUTIFUL RAIN IN THE WORLD Livi 00. SISTERS HAIR GROWER The Great Hair Tonle Is a Positive 9 and Thorough Antiseptie JESTY WITH HIETORIC GLAMOUR. King Bdward and his Consort at Buckingham Palace. and spacious lofty rooms are ablaze with light, and decorated with rare flowers and ferns. The furniture is simple but splendid in gold and red, put the rooms are cleared in. the centre, and before the assemblage ar- rives. present seemingly endless floors of polished wood. in which the beautiful candelabra are reflected as in a mirror. On one of these evenings a guard of honor is drawn up in the quad- rangle, and the stately old Yeoman of the Guard, in their rich Bliza- bethan costumes, are posted in the great hall and partly up the stair- ways, their lines being continued fur- ther up by the Honorable Corps of the Gentlemen-at-Arms, and on the first landing and in the ante-rooms by the Gold Sticks and the White Staves-in-waiting, and a little crowd of court officials in black velvet and gold. Outside the palace the streets are thronged with Londoners, who nev- er weary of waiting in the dark, in the cold, or in the rain, and watch- ing the steady stream of carriages which dash up to the palace gates in glimpses of women in wonderful white dresses and men in brilliant uniforms. Receiving Deb itantes, But even these watchers in the roadway may form no real impres- gion of the gorgeous color and rich pageant to be seen within the palace ag the guests to His Majesty's court make their way slowly up the grand staircase and take the positions on the right-hand side of the drawing- rooms. {All the great nobles of the land are here and the very cream of the society of three kingdoms, in mili- tary and naval uniforms glittering with stars and ribbons, with jewel- led collars and orders of every rank and honorable distinction, or in or- dinary court costume of black vel- vet coats and knee breeches, with silver braid and silver-mounted swords. And all the beautiful and stately women of the British aristo- cracy vie with each other in won- drous dresses and jewels of almost blinding brilliancy which are perhaps literally worth "a king's ransom," But the most beautiful sight in this beautiful scene is the crowd of debutantees, the young girls whé are to be presented for the first time, and in 'whose whole lifetime there will be only one day more memorable than this, and that their wedding day, which is generally not far dist- ant. Many have been the hours spent in consultation with a court dress- maker over the white gown to be worn to-night; great the excitement will quickly eradicate al! trace of sonlp bacterd which in tha canmn of hiair falling Anand ( 1 AN BE LTHY ¥ WIHTRESE DISEASE BLE Thay andermina the hair «xn hair fairly sparkle with new life Ts ir grow twice to three fas as it des normals, here show the mierone that Testimonials and Photog and 60c, DOMINION FISH C0. St. "Phone 520. For the Balance of This Month Mahood, druggist, and Bagot Streets, Kingeton. & sale of Scotch 'Twead ey Inter Overcoats and Broueor: discount om all Nearly all goods in thi present (ime are adulte Torkmanshiy on, fide sale. with fit and ings. araantecd, with first-class GILLETT'S is used by the best bakers aod caterers everywhere. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES, "5S Gone more than the inférior new ; and up-to-date stock to select A. C. Wace FOR REAL OR INSURANGE REFUSE SUBSTITUTES, E.W.GILLETT Jae ---- ETT Even the theatrical manager should | BREAKFAST BACON Pray's Rosaline nail enamel, emery Choicest, sweetest, and Drig| gf J. Myers, 60 Brock St. when it arrives in all its beauty of | soft white billows and long white train, a very dream-dress, gget not so beautiful by far as some of those sweet young faces with bright spark- ling eyes and complexions still fresh and fragrant as summer's first rose- | bud, who, stand trembling a little at the ordeal they are about to pass through. Then the Kipg comes, and the Queen. His Majesty wears the bril- liant uniform of a Field Marshal, with the order of the Garter. ' Her Majesty is in a handsome gown of black and silver, with a little dia- dem of diamonds, her long train held by little page boys in scarlet, coats They are preceded by the Lord Chamberlain, the Gold Sticks-in- Waiting and the White Staves, and followed by other officials of the household, and the little procession passes slowly * through the Gold Drawing-Room, the White Drawing- Room, the Blue Drawing-Room, and the State Drawing-Room, to the Ball Room, through lines of tall wo- men who sweep into low curtseys; past lines of men in uniform, who bow silent as Their Majesties pass | with gracious smiles and acknow- ledgments, occasionally stopping to give a special greeting to some old friend, or to some distinguished offi- cer returned from active service, a high favor to be chronicled for ever in the families to whom they be- long Then, taking their stand belore two gold chairs on a square of soft carpet, the King and Queen receive the debutantes, who advance one by one, as their names are announced by | the Lord Chamberlain, kissing hands with that wonderful curtsey which is one of the most graceful and diffi- cult things of a society woman's edu- cation, and retiring backwards amidst the murmur of admiration which their loveliness stirs evem in that decorous assembly. y pe The Piyot of Seclety. q toe Palace of St. James'. Generally sliced as you want it. the King comes from Windsor for - the occasion, and drives to St. James' in his us state eoach, q in 2 . ns h oon? with outriders roval livery, CEREMONIES REVIVED BY HIS MA- by a cavalcade of the escorted Household Cavalry. In the courtyard are mounted - guards of honor, and His Majesty is received by the great officers of \ State and comduticd 10 te Throne | and Queen Inside Is More Wenderful § Room. All lomatic corps are * ; here, the Ambassadors And attaches Than the Palace of &laddin-Recelving of every nation ateredited to Oreat Debutantes At His Majesty's Court-- | Britain, in the orders of their own The Pivet of Seclety King at Werk. country; the Cabinet Ministers of the § Government in power, military and Wherever the King is, there also is | ngval men of high ranks, and young officers who are to receive the honor { of a presentation to His Majesty. Generally there are many foreign visitors of distinction whom their | Most interesting from the public | Ambassadors are anxious to intro- | point of view are the great cere- | duce to the King. and these are al- monies which, since His Majesty's | ways received With that aflability | and courtesy Which has gained for the 'King the admirable title of | Peatemaker. The court balls and State dinner But the King is truly the pivot | upon which the whole of the British That London home of the King and | aristocratic society revolves, the Queen, so dingy-looking and unim- ! fountain-head of all honors, titles, posing from outside, is more won- | and distinctions, the final appeal in | derful than the Palace of Aladdin, | all matters of State business, and tho , to any one who has the high privi- | supreme head of the Government and ' lege of entree to one of those even- | of the Empire in its administration ing receptions. The noble staircases | and control. The people of reat Britain, proud of their representative Government, do not quite realize the power amd personal influence of the King. Queen Victoria allowed a great deal of this power to pass out of her hands, but King Edward is a man of high ideals, of practical kingship and statesmanship, great industry and veal and determination, and he {s 'a King in Tar more than names and show. { The King st Werk, Every day he rises at an early | hour, generally at six o'clock, and | study and despatch of State docu- ments which require his signature. Then there is his private correspon- | viston 'and instructions. the Ambassader of some powers with whom the nation is engaged in some new diplomatic agreement or treaty, one or two Kings-at-Arms or heralds, who are busy with the ar- mony, and any foreigner of high dis- he may honor with an invitation. The royal funcidon has come to be a function for conferring royal favor upon any subjects who have done: good things in the service of the Em- pire, and many a distinguished ventor is astonished dnd delighted to receive a morning or two Biter his arrival in London from foreign parts a '"'command" to Buckingham | Palace or Windsor Castle. \ In the afternoon, perhaps the King | presides at a meeting of his Privy Council, after which, consjdering the early hour at which he rises, he may be justly entitled to consider the business of the day at an lend, and spends the rest: of the afternoon in the Princess Louise and the Duke of Argyll at Kensington Palace, or the Duke and Duchess of Fife in Port- man Square, or the Duke and Duch- ess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz at Meck- lenburg House, or any other mem- of friends. Almost every evening the King and Queen are in London they go either to the opera or ome of the the- atres. To those who do not live in the heart of the social whirligig, It is impossible to realize what the court means to London, but in gaie- ty, in pageantry, in social influence, in commercial prosperity, in friend- liness between Great Britain and foreign powers, in patriotism and enthusiasm for the person of the King, it is not to much to say that King Edward's Court is of vast im- portance to the well-being and pros- perity of the British Empire. The Princess Victeris. Princess Victoria Alexandra Olga Mary, to give her full name, who has just been operated upon for ap- pendicitis, is the second daughter of the King, and the only one of the three who is unmarried. The eldest daugliter of His Majesty is the Prin- cess Louise, who married the Duke of Fife in 1889, and the Joungest is Princess Maud, better nown as Princess Charles, since her marriage to Prince Charles of Denmark in 1896. This was said to be a love match from the first. Prince Charles and his handsome Princess reside in England, the Prince bearing a com- mission in the Dritish navy. The British civil list makes a provision of £10,000 for the maintenance of the King's daughters, which gives each of them about $30,000 per an- num. Princess Victoria has not been st¥ong for several years, though this malady was, of course, as unexpect- ed as when it attacked ths King, just prior té his coronation. -- Kesults of Maltiplieation. In the matter of rooks and star- lings, says a writer in The Daily Graphic, it seems to be the unani- mous opinion of observers that changed habits have resulled from their multiplication in consequence of the growing sent ment in favor of protecting all bird life, Almost every game preserver and gamekeeper will tell you that, owing to their increas- ed numbers, the rooks have become almost worsa robbers of nests than even the carrion crow, while the hard things which the fruit growers say Hardly less brilliant, save that no | about the multiplied starling, usual- ladies are present, is one of the | Jy bracketed with the rook as one of morning levees held by the King at | the farmer's two best friends would fill large volumes. -------- Great snap at Prevost's, best make, full dress, white shirts for evening wear, worth $1.75, will be offered at 90¢. cach, or 2 for $1.75. This is a great bargain for this week Cough Cute, ou £- -- spends at least two hours in tho Miss Elise Mannering Keteltas dence to personal friends" at home Mre. James K. Hac and abroad, and the superintendence nering), which occurred in New York of his household, every detail of Shortly before Christmas, is interesting which is under his personal super. "0 those who follow closely the his tory of the stage, inasmuch as the In the morning he generally re- fact opers the path to conjecture as ceives one or two Cabinet Ministers, © he probate continuance of the Hae with whom he advises on matters of 1kett name in American theatrical an Imperial and national importance, nals. It is rather early to prophesy staje success or even choice for the lit anything it is safe to assume that the daughter of the houre of Hackett will follow in the footsteps of her par rangements for some State cere. 'ents. tinction on a visit to. London whom | Hackett name theatrical history for nearly | eighty years, James K, Hackett now in his early thirties- represents only the second generation of players in the family. His father, James Henry Hace kett, was born in 1500; was married young officer or colonial administra: iin 1819 to Catherine Laesugg, a noted tor, or attache, or sculptor, or in-!comedienng, of her time, and made his debut as a professional actor at the calling upon the Prince and Princess | of Wales at Marlborough House, or. bers of his family or private gese} DR, 8. J. READE. Bafe Cure is the one certain and unfaili nly casa, Diabetes, Rheumatism, Gout, Gall Inflammation of the Bladder, Liver a and used in hospitals, You can buy it at any drug stors or direct: $1.00 a bottle, SUBSTITUTES AND 1 worth geoerally dangerous. ellatile W Safe Cure recommended by INITATIONS are 30 petifes «ana y 3, , Sethe GER ' : WARNER'S SAFE PILLS MOVE THE BOWELS GENTLY AND AID A SPEEDY CURE, : : TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. To convinee every sufferer from diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder and blood, that Warner's Rafe Cure will enre them, a 1 Ato free doctor's adviee, snd a medical booklet which tells ail about these diseases, with a prescription for each, and contains many of tha thousnndn 60 1c thoonials reeived Mufly from gratell © Al yorr-have to do de ite Were Pe fate Crore Coy 44 Towband Bt, ort «One, and! trial bottle will he sent alwolutely free, postpaid to any sdiiress. patients who have been cured hy Bafa Cure, mention name of this paper, MAY ADD TO HISTORY Hackett. The birth of a danghter to Mr. and Rett (Mary Man le maid, but if heredity counts for It is a Stage fact that while the as been prominent in Every Hundred Refused on Account of Kidney T Dr. 5. 3, Reade, a Medical Insurance Etaminer of Wide Experience, x Are Refused Life Insurance oh Account of Kidney Troubles than for All Other Causes Combined. Secures Lifo Iasurance for Regend it a3 a Mest Wonderful Cure for Dr, Raado, in his interviey, went on tosays "In Lhe course of my life I have cxamined many life insurance, so that [ speak from Saperiencd when account of weak kidneys than for all othér diseases put t second has kiduey trouble, though ° y of those examination fail always asked how had refused roturned and - discover Lhe slightest trace of kidney disease in cured, ad nvarisl wr ment in moral painful periods, remedy. CHLORODYN (THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE). is admitted by the profession to h A 'the most wonderful and valuable rem edy ever discovered. ; Park theatre, New York, in 1826, Miss Leesugg, died in 1845, and tea years later thé elder Hackett married Clara Cynthia Morgan, who is the mother of James K. Hackett and who is still liv ing. James Henry Hackett died in 1871, and for twenty vears, until the debut of the present Hackett, the fa mily wes not represented on the stage The elder Hackett is best remember ed for his impersonation of Falstaff, in which character he excellel, He was, however, gucceessful in many other roles--inclucing one of the Dromios in "The Comedy of Errors," Richard 111., King Lear, Othello, Iago, and Rip Van Winkle. His was the first dra matic production of the Rip Van Winkle tale, and the first performance occurred on April 23nd, 1830 He made several visits to England, and wes there received with high favor, particularly in hi Shakespearean roles, By an odd coincidence the two Hac ketts, father and son, both addressed themselves to the study of law before entering upon theic dramatic carcers, James Henry Hackett was a law stu dent at Colombia college in 1817 James K. Hackett graduated from the vollege of the City of New York in 1591 and immediately entered the law ¢echool. Neither father nor son found the law congenial, Both of them, while students, took lively interest in private theatricals, with, the same re sult in both cases The little Miss Hackett, now the sole heir to the name and fame of the house, is named Elise Mannering Ke teltas Hackett----thus perpetuating fa mily names on both ides of the house The name Keteltag comes from Mr Hackett's great grandiather, Abraham Keteltes, a noted clergyman of revolu tionary times. The Hackett family has been represented in America since 1794. Back of that the ancestral lines are to be found in the nobility of fre lgnd and Holland, the founder of the Amsterddm Be Free From Rheumatism. Many people who have suffered more by the use of this remedy. preparation that cared Robert Uns store Hull Of Peary's Ship Ready. FE. Pearv will make another attempt to-day, to have the -machinéry in will be ready by the middle of April 1 will cost 100,000, For children--Chown's Cherry (ream at Chown's in the beat known for . + co aS TION : 0 D \ | acta itm A. charm in DIARRR An [ i | 0 R and DYSENTERY, J ostually outa short all attacks of [ | LD 4 0 b \ § PILEPRY, - HYSTERIA, PALPITA- TION and SPASNS, : in the anly palliative in NEURALGIA, CHLD i 0 0 Y § f itiante or CANCER, TOOTHACHE, MENINGITIS, etc. Always ask for "DR. J. COLLIS PROWNE'S CHLORODYNE," 'and of spurious compounds or imitations, The genuine beacs the words "DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" op the Government Stamp of each Sold in bottles at 1s. 1}4d., 25. od., and 4s. 6d. each. (Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies such botth., it Sole Manufacturers 1--J. T. DAVENPORT, Limited, LONDON. . Wholesale Agents, LYMAN BROS. & CO, Limited, Toronto. at Buffalo, * NV, ++ Lprescride ft in My Practice, and 1 state . Tesy fow even suspected its presence later on and wore acoapted, y Warner's [alo Cure in my practice ly tho noswer was, * success, and my professional friends uso it exclusively. * 1 believe it success, and my professional fries use i SCION; of Glsoomen 1471 Seneca Street. y Ses. ey rh yomfaolf A you hate backs Tach: hendacho,thoumate etre ness, loss of appetite, stomach roubles bad complexion aod skis | ro Fe LE Ue Pit Oh rig don sme winting and ober weal led female sickness. Ee GA TL TE Fo he mt Big Urinary seases. oh Organs. 13 is presoribed by doctors, FIBRE WARE Superior to all others as regards '8 APPEARANCE, DURABILITY and CONVENIENCE For sale by dealers everywhere. LIKEWISE EDDY'S MATCHES. J. A. HENDRY, Agent, Kingston. American branch having been heir to Cin Ge (p(B an Irish barony and having married a daughter of Baron de Messan of or less from this aflection for years, and who hava tried ordinary remedies without avail, are apt to drift into the idea that they can't be cured. As matter of fact many people who been crippled and almost helpless for years have been thoroughly and permanently cured with Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure. Don't ba content to suffer. You can be entirely freed from rheumatism and all its complications This is thet = Salad Bowls, Bon Bons, 5 O'clock Tea Sets, Muffin Bowls, Cups and Saucers, Vases, Jardiniers, Butter Dishes, Bread and Butter Plates, Cake Plates. Fancy Goods of Every Description Fruits and Confectionery. Headquarters for Wedding & Birthday Presents, (J. H ! SCO CK. worth, Sharbot Lake, and hundreds of others. In bottles 50c. at Wade's drug Due Portland, Me, Feb, 16.4The hull of the vessel in which Explorer Robert to reach the north pole, which was made nt Buckport, was delivered here, stalled. It ix expected that the ship OO OOOOUO For chapped hands the best thing you can vse i» Buttermilk and Almond Fin Eerie? i CONSISTING OF =e

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