i} A "ar: fur ple. i bane : A re at 'Look Forward Hopefully. writer in the Ha ling on the ent for Queen' th of the university culls for adv t EW Iw; W. Wight, secreta i Telos, att, So ai c, Ss -------- Are You A Negetasian ? : oft t, coulilowers, yn Banton Utee, ot hous Jot : #%, green onions, parsley anid Shives at Camoviky's. Pave a Jadies' fur-lined and fur trim madd Chie at : a -- 1 8, pls do a lot of talking, but we a can turn ont, Lo Crothe yA ahead with some y ator, for he --, "n- 's, soyn: The " with the best "Haye 160 nim BEET ie wore sleoted for the on: R. J. Craig, TP.TN; B Freeman Waugh, J. ry: treasur George Smith, Nine Dollars. Uborge Mills & Co's hig to exerute what we talk good material and work \ and always hers. "Phone 111, and. always serve you with oe all of you. Try doughnuts. They wilt Saturday. W. J. 1n lage , benan- and. A oranges 0 TP. [*tedite leading § tend simply 'William NM. Calder" So $i i a . and said I wanted one | cavalrymen story hrought here by | London, Feb. 17.--A despatch to Reuter's Telegraph company, from St. sonoiinving that an explosion oerur- red at the Kremlin, where the Grand Puke Sergine has heen residing, and that it is rumered that the grand duke was killed, The despatch adds im of Neos' Tt wrenesy oncitod As tarding to anot report, a bomb rown beneath Geahd Duke Ser. ns Was Assassinated. Towdon, Feb, 175A dispatch from Conrt of Justice, Wie carriave was hy another vihicle contain. wo men. A homb was thrown Blown to heen taken into. custody. hat no sonfiemation of the report has | has won for od pathy apes, men's inl grant lets, , actrnchan and 0 for MW per cont, George Mille gl y 8 #0 § a there was a violent explosion, the shattered and the grand Potershurg, says a telophone message | dike was killed. The assassins were | been unsatisfactory this winter on has been roceived there from Moseow, | arrested. C of them. wis wounded | account of the bad roads, The measles I. students He Was Hated. Moscow was tragedy in terrorist had wl fue, wm hedtherindaw ad well as un. carriage and the latter, with the | 51" oho halen. grand duke, was hlown to pieces, Heol o y att who i ary. ition Moscow states that Grand Duke Ser- | his manifos tation of the stud- "was gesdssinated when driving | ant hody, : his fare. mie r abons. the Kremlin and near the againdt him the most intense anti- fur coats, ladis' fur mn Inmb, Rudeian lamb, 4 mode of lile had heen forcibly remav- & Co. Pieces tT che, Feb. 17.<The news no great surprise, as it was known that already condemned the grand duke to death. Grand Duke Ser- | M. i the most heart: felt hatred at the czars court, His op: all movements for reform, all classes, This feeling was manifest in court circles as well as bogs [MAN DIES INTESTATE i it he was | Wilson, onet a "pir in sty. bi inerate his fortane of $1, the Guards and his Vorion J the Biapant phi fn wi his father's death, Wilson and the discovery so upset him that he resigned his commission in the Guards and left society forever. That was forty years ago, and since that time Wilson has been a recluse and a woman-hater, He lived for a time on his estath at Brentwood, secing no one hut an old man servant. The lord chancellor, hearing of his ed to the Brentwood asviom. hut Wil son's solicitor sooured hik release, Wil- son then moved to Polkestone, As Ogorge- Boreham he honght a number of houses there and moved from one to the other at night, Nobody ever saw him in daytime, He was a vegetgrian, and no doctor attended him for thirty vears, He gave away thousands of noimds in charity. Nobody in real distress appealed to him in vain, Long Point Cheese Meeting. Long (Point, Feb. 14.--~The mail ser vice not very good at any time, has have made their appearance in this neighborhood, W. J, Plunkett has Jute a bad attack of them: Miss E. 'Connor _is visiting friends in Delta, Mrs. B. Slack has returned from. a month's visit with hor daughter, Mrs. P. Yates, of Toledo, Mre, H. Plunkett is visiting friends and relatives here Slack and son, Daniel, visited in Delta, Athens and Charleston, for a few days, last week. Ch a Con: nor, suffering from a severe attack of pleurisy is able to be afound again. The annual milk meeting took place on Thursday evening, Feb. 3rd, in the school house, Officers appointed: Com- mitien, Messes, DD, Towndnd, T. Me Connéll and R. Singleton; salesman, BE. M. Bracken, Seeley's Bay: secretary Mrs. James Townsend, KE, MeReddy, many men as were able to retreat. on met a vimilar fate. . enant, a sub-lientonant and a succeeded in. making their ware 20,000 invalids in. Port oh January 30th, and an aver: age of twenty deaths ocenr daily, i Japanese warships guarding the to Viadivostok have captored thirty-seven vessels carrying contraband of war. The eonseription laws have hem ve vised in Japin, enabling the country to place 1,000,000 troops in the field, Japan To Save Fifty Vessels Vietoria, B.C. Feh. 17. The ation } ship Tremont, from J ports, brought news that fifty vessels would be to the Japanese naval at h as a result of the salvage oper now being 'onduetsd wt Port Arthur, barge silvago. erows are working to recover the vossols, some of which will be ired at Port Arthur doeks, which 1, workmen are putting in shape to rocsive the sunken vessels as soon an they 'are' raised. A rocont arrival in Japan from Port Arthur states that the captured guns, artillery, vehicles, locomotives, rail: roll cars aml other trophies - have been mass on the drill grounds ready for shipment, Considerable coal is being stored at Golden Hill, Caused Sensation, 84. Petershneg, Feb, 17.-The arrival at Bi. Pe rg of Gen. Grippen- berg, former commander of the 2nd Manchurian army; has caused a sensa- tion in 'military circles. The general frankly avows that he relinquished his command after the reeont attanpt of the Russians to flank Fiold Marshal Ogawa, because he claims. Gen, Kuro patkin refused to "lim help when vietory was in. Gen. Grippenberg's hams instead of ordering the latter to withdraw, ------------ A Max Of Principle. Washington Star. our 3 4 . one who would Bee tne re the o yt tod him for reelection, defen Calder. SWoll, Mr. Baker," said Mr. Calder, "one of the railroads had sent me a past, apd | returned it" "You did?" exclaiowd Baker, scir- ing hiv hand. "let we congratulate man who William "You. said Mr. Calder. "The pass made ont for 'William M. Calder, family, friends, neighbors, and Cf pests % William = Mercey, Aenprior, an old pensioner, attempted to commit sui eide, b¥ outing his throat, when crax- ou. I am glad to Gnd that my de: 1iont wakes no" ' ] among the revolutionary classes, proprietor, was pnt and at the beneath the grand duke's carriage, e "y close of the meeting treated the pat- S-------------- " tab ---- ods to sqme choice cigars." J. : : X Sykes has heen engsiged as cheesemak- futiinpeds hut aha kev the enemy at GOOD GATHERING. er for another year, which speaks well : Li ---- ert | Last Night's Meeting In Bethel One nope meengs hi evening, in Jn i brea the tion, | tof of mitk for the seasoh of 1901, | He and several others then commited Boba chase, (and th I So many | wis $14.80, Born to Wr, and Mi. §; harikar, Au | het re. iia people, will he over. The services, Tast | Cross, on February 9th, a daughter ; A fos pntient. Tn ois oh i faim ¢ evening, cond by Rev. Jobn Sal [to Mr. 'and Mis, H. H. Bevins, on FA Red Cross hand. was tied 0 his JOR and bis. ay Riou Siphon, | Fehraaty T1H, a son. the Russian arrested the sureson A ao Mrs a $ pi : thy int b . , Stephens, from A Restricted Essay. Noth Juia the fares of the God's dealings with Moses, drew many | py, puzzle department of London iliuetrations of His power and will to use the Hitle things in life po for His own glory came a time in Moses' life when he had to chose, hi Pharaoh's dgughtor, with all the worldly power and pleasire that weant, or east in with' the prople of God. He chose the latter gna God honored him and used him to do 8 mighty werk! There comes a time in the life of cach one of us when we most make a choice - weak and our good ing called the som of his lot between the world and Christ, Mr. Salmon: ix, 2, "Son he of good cheer gins be forgs cheer of "dealing"; it is in the same chapter where Josus "Daught:r, be of good the vi, 98, we find good the good cheer of testimony seh Quite A Problem. it theee: multi add the ity will show number Can you explain it? . -------------- Farmer Shot By A Cow. Fi Tra Crm AW " ; shall, while mins carried a loaded sho! Lock with Bgwor. Lamune or oranges, 2 dazen for Ae, Saturday, at Camnoveky's. x with a Wn reading on alien (1), There is the good cheer of "forgiveness"; Nai. thy hee: (2), The good very says, cheer thy faith hath made thee = whole" (3) In Mark cheer of "Christ's promise." (1),, In John xvi, 31, we have the good cheer of victory, and (5), in Acts xxiii, and Acts xxvii an faith. Look up these references in your Rible in the order given is good coon The Buffalo Courier offers this prob- Jone: "Take the number of your living hrothers; double this amount: add to the result by five; of living sisters ; | corals build np waotil King Tridaena multiple the result by ten: add num: | is sometimes found in a well-like hole of deaths of brothers and sisters; sub- | in the coral formation. tract 150 from the reenlt, The right ' hand figure will he the number of deaths; the middle figure will he the number of living sisters; the left figure of living brothers," Connty fap: shat near Mar atismpting to remove a cow and a calf from a hasture, Cum: toun, and the cow hecame wngee and chased Cumming. In so doing she canght her horns on the gun trigger. discharging owner who is so the wee of ardent spirits that he refuses to employ a tight rope walker, al 5 5 The man with a grievance is .\ griev: others. for his dbifity ds' cheese maker, as this will be his third seison 'in this factory, and his" cheese' has "Always heen A. No. I. The average price per Truth called for a competition in ac counts of a round of golf containing no letter "a' or "4." Were isa gond spetithon from the widny replies ro- ceived : "I know nothifig of polf, Some peo- ple do, or pretend to. However, 1 vi sit the links, for T like "to look on, Slow work, yet good for the liver, They hit some kind of sphere into hole on the presen, then seek for it. Some find it in them, some do net. Mén who win grin, Men who loge bless everybody, sotto voice, being too peo lite to do so before the people. Wo- men who lose despise the she winners. Their verdict iz, 'ill dressed ahjects,' 'wizened things." 'no chicken," Men do differently, for wheo finished they drink together in good fellowship, then mizzles-ta dine, not repine." The King Of Mollusks. The king of mollusks lives in the In dig and Solth Pacific océans. He wing to a weight of five 'wndrad oils, and the shell is of the' bivalve and the shape is about the same af thie, of our common fresh whiter mussel. The gigantic Tridatna & the largest mollusk known 'to have livéd ont 'the earth since the Silurian age It found' on the bottom 6f the shallow parts of the ocean, and the large individuals have ne longer the power to' move about, They He on one side, and all "about them the Where's The Difference. ; Representative Cooper, of Texas, tells: a story about Gea. Sam Hous- ton, of his state, and a practicing physician wha did not kke the old general, being strenuously opposed to him political de day after a heat od tical discussion, the physician said: "General, 1 like von welt enongh socially, but politically T woul not believe you on oath." "I would he- liove vou Hoctor.' was the nuiet re- of "the general, "Then, sir," vehement: I exclaimed the doctor, "you have a much better opinion of me than | have of ¥ou." "Not a betier opinion, doftor, Wit 1 «imply have a little more politeness than yon have" An Anecdote Of Kitchener. One who served with Lord Kitchen: er in Egypt tells the following anee 3 est _ fdote of him in The Liverpool Daily he Past : "During the progress of some Re construction work in upper Egypt the v'. vax did fyoung subaliern in charge had the ON: between misfortune to loge some native work: . "Blocked, North of [men through the accidental explosion : the trai are FRNA of some cases of dvnamite. He tele Vahiere. having been Bittle [ETaphed to Lord Kitchener, then sir Torn dar, "Regret to report killing of ten ea lahorers hy dynamite accident." In a There is a spocies of few hours came this laconic despatch: Po von weed upy more dynamite 2° treason in oarrving water on both shoulders iw prices to clear : 183 , Shr To-morrow for Now on the way out from England, we will offer the following WINTER GOODS at To-morrow! Best Quality Fleece-Lined and Drawers, all sizes, from No. 1 up to the largest size, at 25c. Each. $60 Men's Fleece-Lined Shirts and * Drawers, regular Soc. quality. Yours 35¢c. Each. them at. 250 Pairs Ladies' and Girls' and Boys' Double Wool Mitts. These Mitts have been considered the best 25¢. Mitt in Ringston this winter, but a large lot just received, has ar- rived too late and we cannot keep them over until next winter, so To-morrow we will sell 15c. pair. 29 Men's Fleece-Lined Nightgowns, made good and long enough to touch your toes, to-morrow while the lot lasts Black Yours Z5c. J ~The Tide Has dian Shoe manufacturer daring in Kingston only at a love afigir. So THE LOCKETT S hold of American made shoes. Slater Shoes ar Turned SLATER BOOTS (Made in Canada) To be Sold in the United States. An office has been opened at 162 Lincoln stnéh Boston, Mass. Hurrah for Canada! Hurrah for the Slater Shoe ! The only instance on record of a Ca¥ to invade the strong" sold HOE STORE # February Sales -- QF = PRNITUAE SWEEPERS, regular $3.5 CARPET Sn PPEKS: Cesnsaners $2.08 fos ix |i -- they are bargains, nly si . pa. «ig y ~ Mt HAT RACK with seat lightly ne only QIPEROARD rearular price $10, slight jy uscd, for. $5.0 BC ISSES orn an cami. MATTRESSES, shop wo an Sa | 86. $1.60° $3.50 for $1.8 damage i ROBT. J. REID, ing Undertaker, Tuelaading HO 922 Princess Street, '¢ doors above opers house, Telephone 577. Comfortable Eye-Glasses 1 of o jevoting & great deal of We Ar pectaclg and Fye-Glass Fittin he y yes, and sv C lly examine your eyes, We carci ANY STYLE 'mounti oe may wish, al prices you will i derate t mgt pally guarantee our work in fittir wes, and our lenses. Bur ns for glasses carefully fill SMITH BROS ELERS OPTICIANS JEWELER S50 Kame 8T. "There Are Other Shoes, But None Equal to Our $6 FRENCH GOL Made+-to-0Order Work. Wear "Allen's Military Beotmakers, 84 Brock St. SIGN OF GOLDEN BOOT. WANTED, 70 PURCHASE, SMALL |DOU} prick dwelling, in central local Hox 10, Whig office ----------_------ S14 TO 16 YEARS OLD. BO a 1. A. Gould & Coy iw . Flurors, King Street, -------------- te eee Ape AN EIGHT-ROOMED HOUSE, W modern conveniences, centerally cated, at once, ~ TT. Best, Princess Street, INSTALMENT COLLECTOR merchandise accounts Good and expenses Address, Manufact P.O. Box 1027, Philadelphia, Pa CANVASSING AGENT IN KINGS for Hon. John Charlton's volup speeches and addresses. Liberal mission. Apply throfigh Whig APPRENTICE TO DRESS-MAT and ladies' tailoring. Apply to Sullivan, 256 King Stree cently removed. from 409 1 Strect ARE YOU MAKING $2,150 A YF It is being done with our & Work is pleasant, respectable permanent G. Marshall & udon, Out, GENTLEMEN, T0 apr " Spring Suits made up at Gallo 14] Hrock street, mext to B livery: style, fit and price guar to please; pressing and repairin, promptly ae : WARM YE, AIR goad condition to | Cheap Mahood Bros S------ GOOD BUILDING LOT, SOUTH Queen street, between Montrea Bagot Apply 49 Colborne & BRICK HOUSES, SEVERAL central three wn Apply rms easy office the following property to 20th, 1905 Nos. 204, 2006 . 109, 111 We 1 by hot walter: a Sydenham stre y street, heated by | wee properties have all improvements, oan, be bough! or othérwise, on easy term lot north-west cogner of Mack bert streets, opposite Victori avi half lot on Ordnance str posite Frontenac Park. Adds 44, h office A 1) NTT ¥ thirt v-eight AN OF HEA weighs 200 pow appearances, band temperate, no had Wish to hear from nice lad means only, with view to ma Mate Tull particulars in firs HK. Mann, General Deliver Hion, Ont ei LADIES -WHEN IN NEED, S¥ free trap 3 our néverdailing Relief quick and sife, Pari cal Co', Milwaukee, Wis. FRIENDSHIP spondence CLUB FOR List members Hox 24, Cleveland, Ohio TO-LET, DWELLINGS, STORES, «© Factories und Stors t Real Estate Office, 81 Broe -- lttats Ofiice, SE Brod BUSINESS CHANCE SOUTH SEA ISLAND ENTE »& sure fortune-omker. Ad Bax Nan P| 2044 ueiso, . Never before were such vali . Kingston in blue and blac order as at Livingston's Fale now' going on Special" fron Il, for ol complexion, B56. and Hoe, Chown's, Several Outario branch ra are aut on . snow, 5 pletely _ blo