ost Card Free Sample of LLS Use a postal, tell N PILLS, the great gn your name and I, we will mail you cost to you. ave never tried this Disease, the sample s---------- ON SALE ense stock of SHADES, for 30 days Prices T0 LLIDAY. PARE as, 3s and es | clarion call to the OE SALE! take advantage of r SALE uary 21st. 3s Exchanged sale do so tec-day. wants. & Bro. gers, ingers, cess St. ------ all Tubing Toronto. Fruit is nature's we aagtive; Plenty of fruit will prevent Constipation, but wor' Because the laxative principl -uliar combination and are vi After years of labor, an Qua" physician accidently discovered the secret ot pps by which ru or Fruit Liver Tablets { He used fruit juices, but by combining them in a 'a peculiar way, their action' on the liver, kidneys, stomach and skin is increased many times. «FRUIT-A-TIVES" TABLETS con- fain all the medical properties of fruit--are a mild and gentle laxative--and the only permanent' cure for Constipation, Tarpid Liver, Sick Headaches; Bad Stomach and Kidney Troubles. it =" 11 druggists have them, nd 50 cents a box. BRUITATIVES, Limited, OTTAWA. es of fruit are held in ¥ For the Balance of This Month clearing sale. of Scotch = Winter Overconts ard Tron: ters Piicumonia To-morrow. dr RE The 'Soré Throat or Tickling Cough that, to the careless, seems but a temporary and trivial annoy- ance, may develop into Bron- Regulde $28 to 32 Port all to see my 'Trouserings at Every hour delayed in curing a cold is dangérous. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup This is a boui fide sale, with fit and workmanship gearantecd, A mew and up-to-date stock to select A. 6. WAGGONER, 188 WELLINGTON ST. virtiieg of the pine tree, and is a, sure curs Tor Coughs, Colds, nd all throat and lung troubles. Miss . Craig, Almont, Ont., says T-- Lise fall, a very bad cold, and ed several remedies, it seemed as if I was getting worse instead -of-better. While looking over the Burdock Blood Bitters ead about Dr. Wood's e Syrup, and decided When I had used about half a bottle, I found it was doing me good, so kept on until 1 had taken two bottles. cure for a cold I ever heard of." ; Price 25 cents per Bottle. THE TH#MILBURN: CO., LIMITED, : TORONTO, ONT. DAVID 'HALL, | A NEW INDUSTRY Started in Kingston MATTRESS FACTORY Cor. Colborne and Chatham Sts. 10 give ir@trial. Get the Doctor Repairing cheaply done. G. W. RICHARDSON, Proprietor. ocial Bulletin Nov. 30th, 1904. In spite of all statements to the contrary the OFFICIAL AWARD ol the St. Louis Exposition has just been announced to- -day, and the public will note that, as usu- al, the Oliver record has not been tqualled, and that time OLJVER TYPEWRITER has been awarded the GOLD MEDAL. 'When accidents happen in the home * Quickly get the bowtie o tract --the old family doctor, ~ always sure, at any time, ay A hottie on the medict; shelf 1s like baviog a doctor in ¢ Bouse. When pais racks the bods 1 " nd Limits weak, watery, or. Fond 0] [rn truce Is pure, powerful, {Bold only n er bot- X * Ges under buff wrapper. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. Sowe Lost Bets. arty panties. in France th rodent Bontdst of the thwnlier 'M. a small majority, went about betting wage? 'with fifteen of nation. will make hali a dozen critics a fo be A reprimanded, FER TWENTIETH CENTURY | VERSION HAS BIG SALE, -- Promoter is Samuel Lloyd--Bis- hop of Durham Approves-- Specimens of Some of the Changes Made, vow Awdions of the Scriplures ap- Pears fo be almost insatiable. At a time, whet one new version alose, "The Twimiicth Century," has attain- tod, fogs early publication on "both mids ( the Atlantic, Fhe title 'ol Gjthis pew. work, "The: Corrected ¥ing- | ish New Testament,' does not. convey the 'full extent of the tusk which. its editors have set themselves, They claim that the Soriptures now appear in the "King's English," for the first time. Bearing in mind that the Now Tes- tament writings have 10 religious writers a documentary as well as lit- etary aspect their aim has been to give throughout 4 close translation. ut they claim also to have taken greater pains than their predecessors working on similar lines to produce 'a work that shall" iw eskentially ¥Epge lish, and not only everywhere intel- Tigity lo 'and unequivocal in meaning, but also in its literary form as at traclive as possible to the mass of ri readers. The work is put forward! in all reverence for the spirit of the Au thorized version, of which it is a re Vision, bitt "regard for the letter has nowhere deterred the translators from correcting admitted defects of that I Yardion as a true representation of the GLireek original The promoter and general editor of the work is Samuel Lloyd, a life goverdor of the British and Foreign Bible Society. His association with the, promotion of Bible knowledge has been life-long. More than fifty years ugo he emulated George Barrows in maagyling Bibles into Spain, gecom- plished by enclosing copies in the hol fo balance weights' of some machin: ery 'his firm was consigning there. A Bishop Approves. The work has won the approval of fo high an authority as the Bishop of Durham, who has written a preface to it in which he says il appears to remedy in countless instances the seri- ous lack of English felicity of the re- vised version. work was prepared some time ago by Canon Gijrdleston, and circulated audi scholars, some twenty or thir- of whom have voluntarily contri de suggestions. In the fing} re vision Mr. Lloyd has had the assist- ance of the Rev. E, I. Cunningham wham gave out this statement: e nave not striven after purely litetary graces, and any literary merit will, of course, have to |} have sgudied cuphony, and while hav- ing alwayk" in mind the plain wan and woman we have endeavored never to be"mdignified. We hope we have produced a 'testament he most devout worshipper and wighout may he mystic without any unneces- sary mystilication. iin Policy Carried Out. "It is a curious fact that a great | pious feeling are instances of the in- accuracy of the authorized version. It has pained us to alter them, but say he was 'glmost persuaded' gnd did not 'tremble,' at all events phy sically. 'Again, it has been pleasant to show people that in talking of 'fall ing asleep in Jem' they are not quoting the actual words of the New Testament. Again, how many thou- sands of persons have heen mislead by the time-honored expression, 'the or der of Melchisedee 7 But scholars are how agreed that there was no 'order' of priests. in the modern sense "To give some idea of the revision the word 'Publican," which is mislead ing to the popular mind, becomes 'Teacher of the Law," and 'Penny' be comes 'Shilling," as' being nearer the real value. A further idea may he gained from the sentence in the an thorised version, 'The effectual fervent praver of a righteous man availeth much." The revised version makes this, 'The supplication of a righteous man availeth much in its working.' say, 'Mighty in its working is the prayer of a righteous man.' "A hoticeable feature will ba the al- most complete aghsence of italics, with their temptation of undesirable em- phasis. This has been affected largely words. After all, why should the resort 10 3 commentary continually when in most cases all that ie wanted is that the translator shonld give the right word and put it in the right place?' Sample Of Change. vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath. to come'Matt. I11., 7 Corrected version: Brood of viper, who warned you to flee from the wrath to come. Authorized: Whosoever shall say, thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. Matt. V., 22. Corrected: Who soever shall say, morehi, he will be in danger of the hell of fire. = Authorized: If thy right eve offend thee pluck it out. Matt. V., 29. Cor rected: 10 thy right rye ensnare thee, pluck it out, Authorized: The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, Matt. VII, 20. Corrected: The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have roosts. Authorized: Why eateth your mas- ter with publicans and sinners? Matt. master with collectors and outcasts. SAuthorized: And when they donld He wae, and when thev had Wroken it up they let down thé bed 'Wherein the sick of the palsy lay. Mark H., 4 Lorrected: As they could net, for the wrowd, bring him to Jesus, they Frore it away they hereon the palsied piece of new ol mont; also the new piece that filled it Corected: No seweth o patch of un: Pant | «Worse rent is London, Feb: 15.--The demand for | Swing of his ome VIL, 35. "corretted: bond of 'his £1 the tema sale of 200,000 dopiss, | he Lif vel another version hes been comple: Him. ba Rs aw Vit : o Authorized: Why belioldest thon the : mdfa that i in hy ives thot: a splinter whic rh ix and gave then to the host took out si Luke 1a Gorected ATE My at - IE i 5 bi BF row i thon bast Will' not erow GRE thou hast disown ihn kil Waialy a "pe akest no J desig oh Naar, King Jost the XIX Authorised: : And a he come; Yefin: tremblict eo coursed concerning x Amit p+ Mevippa. said unto wouldst ok me; a hestinn. Health Means Succesn. A tentative edition of the. present It's impossible fn ar oF Woman To them Jife sone e ths, Ses. from hi Ei Ee Ge BLOOD POSH CE: fe ) corti: J Written guaranted %o vuve you hy yl other Detrois potassiuin, and 8 not of penny n | CURE RERVOUS DEBILITY, VARI 8LO0D AND SKIN Di X RAY EXAMINATION, SY WRITE E Itt is tpossitie to call ping Bi a for Trealment known ' medien | geianoe ; } : exerted ind wonderful success in Consultation wspartation charges 1 curt Windsor, Unt, all duty and ura _ DR. GOLDBERG 208.9 'IS VERY POPULAR And Is A Lawyer Of Great Abili- ou R ty. A Policy is like a principle;- it costs something to' stick to it. We're taking stock this week, Ou the second floor found. a rack | full of good LADIES: and CHILDREN'S COATS that should have been told month ago. We might sell them to better advantage next season than right now, but that would be in opposition to our = policy. Our policy is to carry no goods over from one.season to another, and in donsequence these Conts must be sold AT ONCE, All are new ; nearly every sige in the lot ; materials ave Beavers, Zibelines, Cheviots, Kersey, and fashionable mixtures, former price up to $16, w wi Pilly give ey " th baci if tot. ntie? Mr. W..B. ( ut | and; B. Garbutt, the latter of péricng Rio" sulle : { from nervousness ahd dys) pepsin should | George Sut pera 4 , which | the United States senggle he the una- IR visi ner | nimous vote of the repiiblican mem luse Carter's Little Nerve' | are made irs 0 credited first to the original. But we | s. the Welsh rivals | pursues his Vigléridus creer. | me eting three ministers hich may he read in church without shocking the sending: hnyone to sleep--one which A girl in ot lo gs she gets {rapresentative i. thi hata dir? 8 'What Sulphi For The Human on In Health many of the texts expressing popular | truth is greater than sentiment. | y " Everybody id Agrippa did not | The mention 'of wulphur will recall {pub ican jn, the rgiglatus 1 : to many of us the ear our mothers and' us our daily dose of dulphur and mo lasses every spriug wad fall. universal "spring and fall "blood purifier," tonic aud cure and mind you, 'this' 'old fashioned remedy: was not wit The idea was good, but the remedy | courageous and patriotic woman is a unpalatable, and large quantity pl ng taken get any efieo bysy andmothers gave is , far more eed spoonful'of od ore 'Collector." 'Lawyer' is changed into : «J could ride and shoot, and at cigh phon for modin tained fram Saloit the name of Staak in a highly con In the corrected English version we hy the mere transposition of the reader of the Bible be compelled to were often worse , and cannot compare concepteated pre Towary of Julphug Stoart's Calcium (Walers is undoubt edly the best and They are the patural antidote liver 'and kidney troubles constipation and purify the blood in surprises patient most widely used. Authorized version: 0 generation of and physician alike. Dr. R. M. Wilkins while experiment- ing with sulphur remedied soon found that the sulphur superior to any rie & constipation or vii 1 fig irom surprised at the results obtained from Stuart's Calcium Wafers, suffering from boil and even deep-seated repeatedly scent them dry up and dis- While they last your pick at H ALF PRICE | MOI $ CHLAND, wi || SPENCE!S, ™ tds Min, { bers of the Utah legislatire, fo a'law ver of great ability, 'and one of the most popular men in "hiv hone state, Mr. Sutherland is a Gentilé, antl, nas Se til the division on party lines, was a member of the liberal (Ahti-Mormon) 2 party of Utah, Against Hid will he way foreed to 'decopt "hdmination for EE -------- ®w) OC MAGE. FANCY CH CONS THTING OF -- eres se' are ww rress in 1500 and' wad cle ted, He de 2 clined a renomination af the expis @* sii ging ID iad Salad Bowls, Bon Bons, 5 O'clock Tea | 1962 for the United States senate, He |g) | was defeated hy Hpk Smovie alter 153 Sets, Muffin Bowls, Cups and Saucers, | which he dotermined (0 try for the (®) place which Senator Kearns will re linguish next month, He was reward ed with the vote of every Gentile re {publican az well ps every Mormon re Vases, Jardiniers, Butter Dishes, Bread and Butter Plates, Cake Plates. New York Tribune Fancy Goods of Every Description. dey nen ty Bua 18 Eruits ands Confectionery. Yo ASAE A Woman Soldier. eee 2.8.2 viteh is a woman in disguise. Hey 9 [ real. name ix Helen. Smolks. This {2 : . rEg % Headquarters for Wedding & Birthday Presents. valuable member of the Russian army . he war born at Yladiy ostok, and | & learned Chinese a child from her 8) Fi r Chine Le ET po + H 1 S O KK TManehu nurse * From a child Mie Smolke has had ® C C ° | masenline taste aed military adrvies oe | i= nothing new to her At wight she OOO + orsrsiaisrsiafe BREEDS ARE teen she entered the service of the si b that ob- 3 Frontier Guar eneral staff as an | int rpreter he ring the war with i ¥ or | hing she wa wtached o the am p | bulanee corps. Put she craved more / ' pide oh | » lets aud contain the active mwdicinw principle of sulphur centratad, efidctive of Fow pedple are awhre of the value ol this form of sulphur 2 Jodily- vigor aris diretly on liver, excretory organs and puri- fies and enriches prompt elimination Our Shimane 3 they dosed us with sulphide lasses every spring and fall, iting ocenpation, and when the { present war broke out she secnred an Are not always joyful when | as intme m a : ih pre cad an overflow from the sink wus enrollsd nasa volunteer. without bath, When you have an overs o nder Gen. Retnenkampf, Sinee flow of this kind send a messenger. | the be ha | wait the Whiten of the quickly to the plumbers and Wo by a THAN Dar In eve will send a man at once. Plumb- Mie Smalke han Little difficulty ir ing Work is our Specialty and we disguising the fuet that whe 4 a are Skilled in all mathe pers 'as woman taining to the "bmsiness. el Red Hot Pincers job we undertake is pushed to People Wie pr from ciation neu finish, but no details are nhglects rulgia, and al ailments of a: rheuma ed, Give us a chance to figure on tie nature, say that if their mugcles your work, were being piled to pieces, with ved hot pincers, the sofiering could be no > greater, The nerves affected 'are in a he state of aente inflammation, due to ° S the presence of irritant poisons in the | ® 2 os blood. Dr. Hall's Rhenmatic Cure re 1 PR y y lieves these alfections pfomptly aml INCESS STREET. PHONE 35. cures them permanently because jt neutralizes and expels the paison from the system. 170s un certain cure aml relief is usually given by the first few doses. This is tha praparation that NNT TEE Weak, Nervous, Discased cursdd Willicm Tait, Brock atreet, and Numtaaal om and Middls Heo ars speunily sve hundreds of others. In boiler, ie ut | BY eee etel mite cflises aud lf tacts avis iid ev EA Wade's Drug Su You 3uy of the followl tuiaing os Hove lea Te ay No Anivit fons Memory Sma ous and Des; png Moras How They Are Perfumed, London Tit-it wen Alexandr 's laces, linens and fondant ing; Pimples on the ¥ yi eons a pra at hy fi rid epic Tan i} 4 i richest Sore 3 Hair Loowe; A b Er J yor Blattestios and Lact or Eatery and deren 7 andiated: £ Bcaimint oil wi build you up np menighise arte K wilks are perfumed bv a method which the skin clear and iGO, Although Stuart's C aloiym pro prietary article, "and 'Wold by druggist and for that reason tabooed by many phivsidiany, yet 1 kro of "Wothing ro | | ¢ for' ogomstipation, | 4 aver ol rose den { alternation. until the 21 YEARS iN DETHOIT. BANK SREURTY, | alist any woman can copy The rte Nama Used Without eaten ¢ drawers in which thevoare kept are NERV ® WRECK. PPY LIFE. 4 {lined with white . paper strewn: with T.P. eos hi nl Ar | rose petals, On thie je placed a layer IX, 11. Corrected: Why cateth your rd and kidoey 'troubles and especinl- not come nigh unts Him, for the|ly in all forms of shin: disease as this press, they uncovered the roof where , AL any rate peopleswho are tited of pills, catharties and do-cilled blood rifiers," will find in: Stuart's Cal cium Wafers, a far table and effective preparation safer, more pala i live on a farm. At school earned an habit, which od : lenied me all, 11; mentally, aid id an rola nia etal Sad na Congnr, h ih 3s f tor +" edited b Drs. Kennedy & Kergan tuto my 1 learned the frurh and conse. "abuge 3 visti, eal ow Moth Tr reatment and was cured, Ar think | was I lieir Now Method 4) reatment SAPPhes vi tr fatieats, 3 ER a Consultation Fra, Books Free, . Wik or Gusion ak for Ra rentaset, of the fabriex to be weented, over that eas amd wo oon In drawer 13 filled Over all« a sheet of timsue paper i4 spread. AL the end wof. twentvilour wire evervihing iw > ras wall pi a delicats Li Jens Drs. Kennedy & Kergan, ion Svinpathy is two bearts pulling at KEK K&AHK K&K Ka "ERY a [¥; done load. pa rh