Lith 5 i f : £7 F § 1 pt. g F : £ is : : : i F gif Hes ih: 35: i - ling at Je, It was thought that ly that would be apt to advance, wel ¥ is it > to somo extent due to the receipts having offset i 1] if - DOROTHY RUSSELL BINSTEIN, ter of Lillian Russell, who is su- divorce. £F £ 23 § E £ SPORT REVIEW, Notes On Baseball, Lacrosse And Sports. Word comes from California that Ww getting on famously yesterday Carleton Place by I shot in a Lan- HE BE This stock is costing about 28e. to + fioby, country points, some pos- bringing 30c, to 3le., when the is known to be select. It will & great length of time now till of new laid will be a fea- Best cold storage around 20¢., some some more. Limed, sells at about 19¢. gud inferior eggs bring about 17c. to There ix but little choese market, Stock very light, but jm scom to think that thev misstated; otherwise it is \ account for their "janee of absolute adv, made them by exporters, £F [ture of the market. tock is selling ot . tle less turf champion. Tom Ogden ure in almost record time in a years, will receive ** Wagner, of Phyllis (2:15) i i luable his good old mare earned for Rankin, of Stratford, h ) i 7 A senior final match at the Mutual street ture boros a iT thelder "Bill" O'Hara and Pitcher Toronto, who played last in have been sold to the At Janta club of the southern league, im. % m. Norval Baptie, of Bathgate, N.D., who is now in St. America, a title of "Minneapolis, has years. The English kennel club held a show at the Crystal Palace; in London, two three voars ago, when 1.739 dogs were benched. Tn the New York show there are 1,752 dogs, beating the Cry stal Palace: show. by thirteen dogs. Teddy Murphy, Chicago. known the "boy manager," destinies of Battling Nelson for a long mold a new cham- pion. He has secured Tony Capon, the just as strong w posi- as importers and they ate not ny them, this occasions a deadlock, a sale is being report: only offering from 10jc it being probable tha not pay 10%¢. for the choicest in the market, Stocks will likely be pretty well eaten up before start will be made, tances, there iv overv promise of igh prices being paid again Flour.--Millers roport that local and is very satisfactory ittle or nothine d so that a good u Paul, claims the ch John Nilsen, ont-of-tobn trade hut that there is ) Prices | steady, Manitoba strong bakers being quoted at 85.50 and r barrel, in bags, straight rollers are quoted at $2.50 to $2.55 per bag, and $5 bbl., Prleule being 85. notive for this season of the the supply is liberal in almost g y ces, fob, Montreal, are as Apples, xxx, $2.7 to $3.75 bhl, as to variety and xx. $2.50 Oranges, Calafornia, £4.50 to 85 per chest and $3, 8. per case; A17s.. $4 ta $4.50; bitter alf box. Lemons, 822.95 to n box. Pineapples, 82.75 to 85 te. for ype bas; Jn thought that tore' wil Te a Inrge mount of cattle feeding this spring, and other feed, save bay, is > i rain. ~The scarcity of oats still continues and prices are a Jmirchants wate that they fool ou dis: tion in Ontario to offer more oats, Nay tion the contrary, they find them reer than over. At the same time, certainly light, the high The loval demand uite a little doing pments Lo outside polats, demand. for feed he bar will push him to the front. ' Rube Waddell calls bis new ball the "fullback" curve, a phrase he Rube says the ball has then a drop, He predicts "spit ball" will fade away when his famous curve is put on exhibition. A new half-mile race harness record for Canada was made on the Red river speedway, Winnipeg, in a match od race between W. H. a a . Gregory's Tom Ogden, for 81,000 u side. Royal L. won, mak. ing three heats better than 1:05, and first heat in 1:023. Potatoes Owing to the storms of he receipts have not been quite as free as previously. The sult has been ween in a slightly firm or tendency throughout Prices have atiffencd up a very little, Confe Mortgages ................ Real Estate, inclpding Company's Buildings at Toronto and Winnipeg. . Loans on Policles. .... re 1,148,177.56 Net Outstanding and Defer- red Premiums (Reserve included in Liabilities) BALANCE SHEET. Thirty-Third Annual Report vation Life FOR THE YEAR 1004. ; : HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. LIABILITIES. *Reserve on Policles and Annuities (Company's Standard : ee. ATA $9,519,733.00 Death Claims acerued, not adjusted ..... ....... Poliey-holders' declared profits, Cash and Temp. Baaviassirannssas *Cash Surplus above all Liabilities (Company's Standard $10,352,122.72 ee. ------ 'The Reserve, sonerding te the lens stringent Standard of the Govern ond the Cash Surplus, sscerding te the same Standard, over » ment of Canada, is $9,269,898.00, i Liabilities, Is $860,833.96. Less Re-Ass'ce Audited end found c orrect, R. PF. SPENCE, P.C.A. A.C. NSFP FCA. CASH STATEMENT. RECEIPTS. Premiums .... $1,234,208.06 Annuities... .. 33,759.22 $1,268,057.27 | DISBURSEMENTS. To Policy-holders. Endowments. .... 287,283.60 Annuities Dividends to Stockholders Bdlsnge .... ................ J. K. MACDONALD, Managing Director. SECURITY FOR POLICY-HOLDERS. Cash Surplus sbove all liabilities, Government Standard . $860,638,96 Capital Stock, Paid-up Capital Stock, Subseribed, Uncalled : . Total Surplus Security for Poliey-holders wiz? ig $1,860,633.06 . . . . . = -- $781,301.79 Expenses, Commissions, etc 831,402.28 OFFICERS: INSURANCE ACCOUNT. Applications Received, 1004 (Gain over 1903, § 004,863.00) New Insurance Written, 1904 (Gain INSURANCE IN FORCE Pull Reports of the Annual Meeting, on February 14, 1906, are-in the press W. H. BEATTY, Esa, Presipent. W. D. MATTHEWS, Ese. VICE-PRESIDENTS. W. 0. MACDONALD, ACTUARY. W. H. BEATTY, Eso. W. D. MATTHEWS, Eee FRED'K WYLD, Ese HON; 81% W. P. HOWLAND. FRED'K WYLD, Eso J. K. MACDONALD, MANAGING DIRECTOR DIRECTORS : HON. JAMES YOUNG. A. MCLEAN HOWARD, Eve. GEO. MITCHELL, Ese, MP.P. J. K. MACDONALD, Eso. $56.248,804.00 " § 880,015.00) . 5,017,088.00 " $2,660,464.00) . 39,347,847.00 Which was held at the Head Office, Toronto, and will shortly be issued. 8. NORDHEIMER, Ess E.B OSLER, Esa. MP WILLIAM WHYTE, Evo, D. R: WILKIE, Ese choicest stock having brought as high 68. per bag of 90 Ibe, on track, lots, the range being from 63c. A morning' newspaper of Manhattan recently openly charged C club, of New York, 8200 each before agreeing to meet the Ottawa Stanley cup holders, who have appear on February 17th and Sth. Luther L. Netlog. Jr, who was a golf club, which played an English team for internations! at New York, of . cerebro-meningitis, aged twenty six. He was the holder of Bc an thirty. Syn wou at golt r. Kel was uated from Yale in 1901 - Tram the New York school three vears later. Frank Goth, the champion catch: the champion cafch-as-catch-can wrest- ler of the United States, whose home is at Hamboldt, la. of his po dlowtiom, ith the exception of to a substantial bank account, a mag- nificent constitution, a clear title and and: the hockey with demanding #tore, in roken b , : wibly bringing a little stock, it ix claimed, is the has received here so far this season. As to the old stock which bas been on the hands of mer. chant, for some months, going out fairly well, and some are taining sowewhat higher it. quotations being Gk, he fontire of the local market isc the strength of live twenty-nine years old next April, is estimated to be worth from $30,000 to $40,000, which he bas made wrestling. owing to recent re likely to continue so for a time to come. But receipts of hogs were hore. battialarty af- v forves Select stock. old higaer Amen Corners Annual Feast. New York, Feb. Rn fifth an- : nual dinner of the "Amen Corner" at. in She only ane] fhe' Fifth Aveive otel," to-night, 3¢ gathering in the history of that fa- mous organization. Governor Higgins will be the guest of howor, but he will not be the only man of note pre- t He. to fe. for choice; 33 sont for the list of those wher Have : fe.) for goo: de. to je. for me dive 2c. for common and le. {9% for a cows sold each and ones, at 82 to names of senators, governors, justices al the United States su; wenie Fort and several members of the diploma: tic corps at Washington men who remmins away. Govs, La Follette, of Wisconsin; Johnson, of Minnesota: Douglas, of Massachusetts, those whose voices will be heard in this way for the first time. Bometimes an actor has to have push in ordet to draw. to be the most famous invitations include the ts will be presented to the din- a huge phonograph from reproducing the voices of the , of issouri. are among Po SR a -- thing New in Sardines inthe world have bern hit recently off the shores of Nor¥ar y been prorounced by French and other + aropeau counirice se Pa8 of flavor, bot prevents bt best ; "Crossed Fish" Brand tin has & patent ean; kay opener. The fish can be fiken onl who! rated all week in J. 5. HENDERSOY'S STORE BE YEAR 72. Last W OF Dissolui Sale Fifteen (dozen. suring sh $1 and $1.25 just came each. 10 doz, ties, worth 26¢, a Le. each. 12 dor. undershiris a orth £1, for 65e, 71 doz. undershirts anc worth $2, for $1 10 doz. undershiris ai vorth 65c., for 3T4c 450 suits at half price, We want thi week to gest of all E. P. JENE Comfortal Eye=Glass We are devoling a4 great tine to Spectacle and Kye-G) We carciully examine your ey ply you with ANY STYLF v wish, at prices $y derate uarantee our worl , and our lenses, Prescriptions for glaspes ca SMITH BR JEWELERS OP] 350 KING ST. There Are Other Sh But None Equal to © $6 FRENCH Made-to-Ordor Ww Wear "Alle Military Bosotmak 84 Brock St. SIGN OF GOLDEN J E IS A CE l hive mlmost new stoves, ii Jhedters, left; which I will sel ®uins, ulso furniture, as 1 .w Epace for other stock in mprit TURK'S SECUND-HANI 398 Princess Stree WANTED, TE A GENERAL' SERVANT, | to! Mrs, 'M TO PURCHASE, SMALL brick dwelling, in centrs Hox 10, Whig office AN ASSISTANT COOK AT eral Hospital. Apply to M ral Hospital, -------------------------- A GENERAL SERVANT, dry work References \ Mrs James Mi Bagot S t A El QOMED HOUS ivenienves, cen 1 nee 1 i Pr Street NSTHMLMENT COLLECT Chandise accounts iy od expenses PO. Box 102% CANVASSING v and addres L Apply through BE TO DRES! Ap King removed from 1 : ] MAKING $2,150 It is being done with « Work is pleasant, respec ART permanent G. Marshal London, Ont. GENTLEMY N, TO aET Spring Suits made up at | 191 Brock street, next t fit and price pressing and rep A GARNET WARM A Hare in good condition an Mahood Hros GOLD BUILDING LOT, SOU Kueen street, between Mor Ragol. Apply 49 Colborn YERAL HRICK HOUSE €ulral © Lets ewsy. : Lh Falk from post office. A H Powell, 108 Raglan Joseph Lenton, grocer. M ---------------------- NUERS WILL BR REECE! he following Property to 20th, 1905 Nos. 204, 4 Stree nnd Nos. 109, 111 h Street 230 4 42, 234 Sydenham © Clergy street. heated | these properties have FmEnts. can be ho or otherwise. on easy ot north-west corner -of My bert streets, opposite Viet ' ult lot on Ordnance i * Frontenac Park. A 44, Whig J ee ------ A RUN( H OF KEYS ™ INE. Finder Kindly leave a hee. and receive reward A TAN CHATELAINE BAG Waay: evening, 'on King & Mining $4.40, and som inder will he rewarded, Lo Md Simeos Street Hamilton conservatives : Carceallen, M pp. wit headed cane and an address,