The "Best" Drug Store COLDS | Are cured by using _ DOVER'SE OLD BREAKERS ! For "One Day Oaly." Our advice is Break It Up Now. strong -- y 31d Tim : [wisted Ho L. T. BES Successor to Taylor Drug Co, S OWN Oo used by particular people Keeps the skin soft, clear P is just as Good. oa¢ AP CO., Kfrs. MONTREAL THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISHED 1863.) » Right Hon. Sir B. J. Cartwright. loaned on City aud osits received and interest allowed S. ©. McUILL, Managing Director, EE 000000000900000000¢ EIDERDOWN COMFORTERS Bargain in an Eiderdown Comforter ? est Eider filling, made he best quality of Satin | 1d French Sateen on the | orth $13.50 each. Your - 81.50 mae ttn emesis .McFaul Kingston Carpet Warehouse. 0000000000000 000000 Tee teeessssstseesesl - 'O-NIGHT ! Special Sale of Sw» Dollar Corsets % in white or drab n sale tonight for 75¢. a Pair. wman & Shaw ; i parasi erpicide sorrowful can't swallow," tases human Give thirty minutes. At Wade's drug store. ~15, In every man there is a disposition to do the whére women are "Flourfax" Fables The Honest Flour Barrel and the Farmer's Wife Once upon a time an honest flour bar- rel was sent out to a farmer's house, full of Rour--the wise wife looked the barrel over carefully and then said to her husband : "I don't think this is the. flour wanted--I don't see 'Royal Household' on it. "No: it aint' 'Royal Household' said the farmer, ~but it is just as good. ~for the grocer said so. 'when | asked for 'Royal House hold, he recommended th It was just as good, 4 # much, so I said I'd try it." good' our that is purified by believe it it we have got this, as well use jt," rel rolled into 1 up. "l ery "Madam arrel, eve about fl flour, pare it with, but if vou bak bake 'Royal You can see the difference, Now, the truth it is made of chea mill, hy is not highly stuff thet on of takin that's w nm &rocer and Flour was now the Honseholg Any reader may Honsdold™ recipes name of Tar and Cod Liver Oil, e the worst of to roure ua falle § Bronchitis and even ption will be prevented bY, use of this specific. Ne These tur {Wooden gifts for the popular hostess s-iavdiniere stools, card trays, knife 'fand card boxes, all pretty and useful --but ham and chicken; sdlad and bread and. butter, all the delicacies of 'the season in fact, which later adorned the supper-table, and later still, satis fied the hungry cravi of the sur- prisers. The Ren tai was' further enriched by its adorn ment of lovely flowers, which Mrs. I'e- 'trie, who was in the secret, had sent up from Montreal. After a little of the 'merriment over the presents and all the rest of it, had subsided a little, the guests sat down to bridge and euchre. The prizes for the latter were won by Mr. Dvlmage, who re- ceived a pretty wooden paper knife, and Mrs. Herald, who cut with Miss Edith Folger for second honors, a card tray. ' Among the guests wore Mr. 'and Mrs. Campbell Strange, Mr. and Mes. Fortt, Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Kirkpatrick, Dr. and Mrs. Herald, Mrs. A. 8. Oliver, Mrs. Higgins, Mrs. Irwin, Miss © Charlotte Moore, ~ Miss Hooper, Miss Edith Folger, Miss Emily Sears, Miss Lettice and* Miss Con. stance Tandy, 'Miss Ethelwyn Loucks, Miss Ethel Mudie, Mr. Bampficld, Mr. Prior, Mr. Lewis Shannon, Dr. 0'Con nor, Dr. George Dalton, Mr. Arthur Dalton, Mr. George Mudie, MW. 5 Hughes, and Mr: Delmage. The tale of + the jolly. panty: would he incomplete without the ' mention of Mrs. Yates, who, #¢ always, was a centre of pleas ant geniality, and spontancous kindli: ness. Needless to say, Mrs. Hooper's "wooden wedding surprise will not soon he forgotten by those present. - - - . L MATHIE Proprietors, Sherbrooke, cold is feverish, Nervine Powders, connection with | Syrup, will stop In your Mathieu's taken i Mathieu's the fever at omce. THE WRONG DIAGNOSIS, iS -- 3 Frompt The: Use Of Worthless Remedies, 'Even an experienced met gn ted and t is was ous t The a hich. event his entire treat may even be%iu- tvocates, of all other hair re- doratives save Herpicide have wrong. I diagnosed aul In fieure on a functional disease whereas it is now known and general- ly accepted that hair loss is due to a te. germ which Newbro's Herpi- ade destroys. : a. There is no substitute for Herpicide, t none | J & a leading druggists. Send J in stamps for ¢ > Co., Detroit, Mich. Partial Paralysis. Thiladeiohit Jen ho postmaster-general, tells a story about a small boy who was invited to a party given by one of hig little, friends. After eating cieam and cake three times somehody ofiered him some candy, but the little , chap shook his head tone ; 1 can chew, but Heart-Sick People. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart isa heart tonic, that never fails to eure - is swift in its effects--goes closer the "border land" and snatches from death's grip more sufferers than other remedy for any Iments in. the eategory of 1 wish you had done as I said.~1 don't thi way] want the y electricity for 1 1 suppose we might and she bad' the her- he pantry and opened aks pretty. good," she said to spoke up the Honest Flour n flour experts can't ur just by looking at it. Anv if there ix no other flour to com- looks white and nice © it into. bread and then about this flour is, p wheat, in a cheap process. Flour that purified wot aine a lot of ¥ pure flour costs' more. "Pure four is MOTE too, truth about flour and gey ¢ And the worth aif it eonts and Farmer's Wit, and nothing og ~and the P ¥ as good" on uuell the "just pn we Mills Co., Limited, Momyivie he surprise given Mr, Hooper, last night, their wooden wedding. the storm and the bluster--g Jmost unlikely night to look for visit- OFS --& Wefly COMPANY, some in A van, Jand some on foot, made their way to Mrs. Hooper's cosy home on Albert street, mysteriously smuggling in with 'es great and | small. out: to contain not only by the way, Edit h Ljand Mise Ida Cochrane, University avenue, are visiting friends in. Mon: treal. Ee * : "ake Sn By a 'miost wnkorgu te on ison left uncorrected in proof, a Sanity and Mrs. Snelling wore left out of the : list of guests at the dinner given hy | Mr. Fisher Guised by Mr. Monk Major and Mes. W. Ji B. White on i eau Wednesday. the guest of het aunt, Mrs. A. G. Flett, Colborne street. | more." J who bas been visiting Mrs. Perey Hewgill, left today for Toronto. ronto on Tuesday pital Training School for Nurses. - - . . widow of the late Judge Jellett,;: of Picton, will be interested in hearing. | body poses at fronton! fength than the member for J ues Cartier With treal, and will move there from To- | him every question' is WN Brief, svery ronto in May. Her two sons, . Mr. Jack and Mr. Robin Jellett, are inlaw at Laval alwaystdptaks ex-cathe Ira, i whi ar that she has taken a house in Mon- Montroal. hiz old country trip. to resign her position at Rockwood, and eventually leave Kingston, will St. John, N.B., and is the guest of a few days' vacation, and to give an Mes. Albree entertained / at another pleasant luncheon, this week, on Thurs day, when her flowers were again very beautiful. A large cut glass bowl, fill- ed with jonquils, was in the middle of the table, aud each guest found | at her place a large bunch of fragrant violets. The following were present ; Mrs. John Cartwright, Mrs. W.. JF Nickle, Miss Constance Hora, Miss Edith Folger, Miss Ethel and Miss : Margaret Mudie, Miss Ethel Waldron, |! Miss Katie Gordon, Miss Marion Cal. vin, - . * . One of the very brightest and plea santest of this 'season of enjoyable teas, was that given by Mrs. Adam Williamson, Gore street, on Thursday, from half-past four, to half-past seven. for girl friends of her daughter, Miss Florence Willismson. All the guests re. ceived a warm welcomio : from the hostess and her daughter, in the drawing-room, where there was a merry chat of half an hour or so, till all of the twenty-four guests had ar- riveds Presently there was a move to the wide dining-room, where quartetie tables awaited the seating of the guests. At one end of the long room was the diming-table, looking as deintily lovely as the refreshing sim plicity of green decorations could make it, the whole lighted by candles, Here were Mrs. A. R. B. Williamson, Miss Elsie Tandy, and Miss Swales ready, to assist in passing refresh ments. So pleasant was the afternoon, which had. been further brightened by the sweet music of stringed instru ments in the hallway, that it was well beyond the evening hour limitation be Jore the majority of the guests de parted. - - . ' The Rideau Euchre Club met at Mrs Jeremy Taylor's on Thursday, with a good tumout of members, nine tables, being in play. The club prize for the ladies went to' Miss Lettice Tandy. Dr. Waddell, Mr. WC. Kent, Mr. Givens, apd Mr. Anderson tying for the men's prize, which fell to Mr, «| Anderson, Mrs. Campbell Strange won the visitors' prize. The next meeting will be at Mrs. R. E. Kent's. - - . . Mrs. Snelling entertained at a very enjovable high tea, followed bv cards, on Thursday, in honor of Miss Jean Gordon, .of "Toronto, . - . . At Mrs. James Gikdersleeve's bridge party on Thursday. there were five tables in play, © and the prize--pretty china dishes for sweets--was won by Miss Eleasor Macdonell, . . . . One of the pleasantest bridge parties of the week was that given hy Mrs Ramsay Duff, when twelve ladies play ed. * . » . Miss Eleanor Maedonell, will give a bridge whist party on Tuesday after noon The "L. €." will meet at Miss Strange's on Monday Cards are. out for a tea at Mrs Laurence Henderson's on Wednesday next. ., 6 About twenty five of Miss Marjory Merrick's young friends will go over to the Kort bill, this evening, under the care of Miss Merrick and Miss Queenie Mewrick, and have a toboggan slide. AHerwards they will come back to Mrs. Merrick's for supper, ' - » -. Miss Minnie Gordon is suffering from an attack of measles. Miss Skinner was expected. home from Montreal to-day. She will find a rather bewildering amount of congra- tulation awaiting her, as her sister curlers and her skip, especially, have been telling broadcast of the large amount she contributed to the win of onr: "'gramites."' Mise Archer will arrive on Monday from Toronto, and will be the guest of Mrs. Buxton Smith. or Miss Frances Colley Foster, returned to Toronto on Tuesday, after a week's pleasant visit in town. Colonel Bachan and Captain Grant returned, vesterday, from Montreal, A where they spent the past few days. given in St. James' church on Mon day, Fehruary 20th, looks very attrac. of Mrs. Al R. B. Williamson, Mrs. 1 Mr. 'Kelso. There will be a quartette, | Miss Mary Kathleen Hamilton Cas- 'sels, of Toronto, will be married on Princess street, .s 8 " » the names of Mr. Miss Jean Gordon, of Toronto, - is' Mt." Heypvood, of Deseronto, has | afternoon on Th ng a day or 50 with his for had under "dius8ibn "Is consus rs. Heywood,. at "Avon-§ bill. It is proposedite det the wu - cleus of a stall alwys op band. We ~The." Unhappy '--Subject and Listener Were Exhausted. DOA Jus The House of Commuons had a light ¥ when Mr. Fish Mrs. Garrett, uf Niagura-on the-Lake | quote from the Torouto Star : The business of quizzing Mr. Fisher fell first into the hands oF Me Monk Mrs. Frank Strange went up to To- fF Mr. Monk's fader does "Hots shine with bonhommie. His het Ie honvy and Miss Gordon, superintendent of 'the impish. He has the WKappy Took of Kingston General Hospital, is on the fa wan who Yoking a list of contribntors to the "Cana- J pill before going Lo Beds thud © hopes dian Nurse," a quarterly journal to | to feel better + iM Monk fr be published by 'the Alumnae Asso- takes himself Cory' sBRondv. All the ciation of the Toronto General Hus: fmore wontier, then, Shut Se shined try to "searing" Me" Fisher: Moreover, Mr. Mouk a clint, verbosdty, even Friends in Kingston of Mrs. Jellett, | with facetiohs i it, 58 Very much Mr, W. Waldron _has returned. from The news that Mrs. Peirce intends he heard with regret by her very many friends here. Miss Jack arrived on Tuesday from her sister, Mrs. Roderick Mackenzie, at the Bank of Montreal Mr. Vietor Drury has come home for injured foot a chance to get well, . . The programme for the recital to be tive, containing as it does the names Botts, Mrs. Forneri, Miss Bates, Miss M. Macmorine, Miss B. Tandy, Miss Bailey, Mr. R. R. F. Harvey, Mr. C. B. S. Harvey, Mr. McKerracher, and unaccompanied," by Mrs. Retts, Miss Bates, Mr. R. Harvey and Mr, CC. Harvey. Lem. Miss Archer, home on furlough, from the Japan mission field, will speak to the Wonian's Auxiliary in St. Paul's schoolroom, on Monday at 8 p.m. . Wednesday. next, in Toronto, to Mr, Harry Duncan Lockhart Gordon, an ex-cadet. Colonel and Mrs, Irwin will go up from Ottawa for their niece's marriage, . * » » Mis. Notman, Durocher street, Mont real, entertained, informally, at tea, on Thursday afternoon, for Miss Dalton, of Kingston. ©. « = . The Misses Lafrgmboise, Nelson street, Mtawa, gave .q dance for young people in honor .of Migs Chartrand, of Kingston. . av 5.8... Mrs. J. H. McKeown, Dorchester street, Montreal, formerly of Kings: ton; edtertained at 4 largely attended and pleasant. girls' tea, vesterday af- termoon, in honor of her « daughter, Miss Amy McKeown, who is one of the season's debutantes. The hostess, who wag gowned in pale blue erepe de chene, was assisted in receiving by her daughter, who was in cream crepe de chene, ands by Miss Edna Fraser, of Napanee. The teg table, which was prettily arranged with a large basket of poppies with lace centre piece, was in charge of Mrs. Nelson, of North Bay. The frappe table was in charge of Miss Day, and: the young ladies as sisting' * were Miss Eva Emsley, of Napance, Miss McConnell, the Misses Meyers, Miss Mabel Caster, Miss Winn frid Seale, and Miss Ruby Ward. Mrs McKeown recrived again last evening, Mrs. J. Ward and Mrs. Griffith assist ed their hostess in the drawing-room and the refreshment-room was presid vd over hy Mrs. J. Reed, Mrs. ons and 4 number of young ladies Jur nz the evening a delightful musical i programme was given. % : . . Lady Sybil Grey is ill at Ridean i Hall with measles. (Continued on Page 5.) USED ROUND THE WORLD Water Baker & Gus (©coa = Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1780 IJORCHESTER, Mass. 4 5 HIGHEST AWARDS. IN EUROPE AND AMERICA || v Chocolate] fume in med with stitchery. and, buttons, A white fancy vest and Jace, chemisetts vollar. are worn, beneath, the 'frock' coat, ' of this remedy, its wompt and perm ft pues have Made st a org bP where, It is especially prized by mo thers of poall childrepy Juri. colds, croup and whooping cough, ax it al y ways affords quick relibl, ad me it con Branch House: 12 and 14 SL Joba SL, Neatraal, P.(. like the devil rébuking wih, for ne topic is a thes, amd "the (rofesor of pte Mr, Monks iskelta puth ion which would lead' Mr. Fisher' to recite the mein features 'of "Wie prifesed Hin, and; give Him some Soopd for discur sive reflecting 'on "ie collateral ux peotsy, Thes miMitter ' BF agriculture went through Me oohifenilsl tack with relish, 'He did mot suspedt Mr: Monk of 'quizzingy 'and ME Mork was ob liged to imeur 'the retribution that sometimes befalls. practical jokers Having asked a question he was sup posed to 'be iiteredtéd I idl the anger The stramed attitudeof uttention, which the member fig Facrjues Cartier was forced to wean few iif ees niinates must have heen extrem pminful. My Monk did he bk i j in five minutes bi Tustre. One momon dater he shifted his right leg across Ais Toft, Knee: two minutes after That " log across the right Knee: ten siinutes saw hiur 'grashing { chair; twel: n gazing abs fa eprry it off, but is, eve, began to lack Ahitied the left AE 2 frp of his 1s sand he was A {hs nine: thir eo) ¥ ed would not Yas teen miinntes] remain of the Tage 'OF The Sheaker: Gif teen mintites, and wa Abagut to be actually bored. Thi fH Bane Leen a gross breach of effghet\d for WM Fishor wa 'Sup: INélming him with * penny yr er of agriculture? did i t TEAL, Sintil he had exhausted 'the * wilijoct," and his listener. SHE bead Tua Then Mr. Tayloe 'ae6ed with what was intended' to! Be ® ideal Took in his eve: But Mei "Fayiit has not the voice fof Mily did «dips; and be fore he was nail TE apprtive) az if he might sob ghtright. nd My Taylor gets gay' 'a he 'should have his Voit tuned! Hoe a BEC: fat minor goes rather Ingubritylly with these | Ritténish "avnayed Mri Taviore question had 'stmethidle 8 do with the financial adpeck! Ff the race. Be ¢ Paher 'WHER OPH he bad explained ome milivh delat' worth but fie left! nidbthens dh ta ilteely - wh acésunted' fdr. This! was rbd" careless of Mr. Ficher; Cand ove! 'débt My Taylor Wilt mekd fisher inquiries about it some days wien he feels 'well and strong and plagfuals ~~ - Mr. Blain took wpathil oder am! put another artful question; -bmt levity even fin chsglise, does mest sit' well on athe: mémber for Peel. Ther house was obliged to infer thet he Wax toving with Mr. "Fish, nlthdugh Bis inanner did not uke it \akte elea¥,. " Th spite of all the ting y+ oven Mir Fisher's fesolution Wg will be introthiesd prtlentle. "oa Salads « FASHION'S PORN. sonnel. 1s One Of THe Latest' Styles' Just Ladies.' Shaving a very modish tniloged com Wuette, Venetian cloth, trim ---- yy Chamberlain's Cough. Remedy the Mother's Favorites The 'soothing and healing properties iF fste and pple every ains no opium or other harmful drug, t may be given, ne' confidently to a baby as to an adult. Fac sale by all fruggists, = 75 il 8 mene egeie Mechanics - Farniesd, Bportsmen ! | To heal and softeg the Sin and re ® move oll dor and i wins, paint , etc., use The 'Master Me. chanics" Tar. Soup. "38fbert * Toilet Boap Co., Manufasturers, Richard ES Rnire? "BSE Be hom for a few weeks yacation, from Bri tish Columbia, white He Mle been «ince last spring. . Have your furniture Hpaired and upholstered during the winder mgm the, Yon will save 20 per a y Reid's. Telephone 577, Lat'R J hoagh' the committed on' its alrite, Bd The Lill In 1860 Pr A W.Chase wasa practicing physician in Ann Arbor, Mich., but such was his reputation that private practice, and backed by the integrity. of character and honesty of pu has won. for them the confidence of the best people in land. and experimenting with reccipts and prescriptions and the result was the pu achieved as a physician. ney diseases and constipation. Here is a letter from a Canadian treatment from Dr. Chase personally in 1867. "i. Cured by Dr. Chase in 1867. "i Mr. G. W. Pagisu, Sturgeon Bay, Ont., writes :--"In the 1867 I was very bad with my kidneys. I could nok work on account of my back being lame, sore and painful all the time. Though I followed. the directions of our family doctor, he was unable to do . me much good. _ At this time Dr. Chase was becoming known as an especially saccessful ician, and on the adyice of my uncle, Charles Williams, I went to Dr. Chase, at Ann Arbor, Michigan, and he gave me a box of his pills for kidney disease, Ji You can scarcely imagine how much good they did me. They heiped me so much that I went back to the doctor and bought a dozen boxes, In my mind there is no medicine half so good as Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills for kidney trouble and headache. We always keep them in the house as a family medicine, and | would not think of using anyother." AE From the small beginning in AnnjArbor in the sixtiesfthe output of Dr. Ch: merits became known. Africa and Aden, Arabia. and to this principle is due, we believe, their phenomenal suc . and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous receipt book author, are on box of his medicines. 4 ¢ 000 Will be forfeited if the ms bove testimonial is not correct and y : on file at these offices. Engineering Students Testing Local Boilers Queen's University Journal declares that one of the most waportant and valuable services the Alumni Assqein tion can render the university Aa to special sense, church uni is held hy some that a post string work, during the summer Av attempt will ba made to bring them into touch with persons or corpora tions desiring their serviess The engineering students are being aflorded by Profs. Gill and Teague ex cellent opportunities of gaiving prac tical experiments in boiler tests. Al ready three tests have been made of different plants in the city, and a forty wight hour test of the city puinp: ing plant is now on the 'list. There vill be six eight-hour shifts arranged undertahe ot oned™to. plAisre le ve Two weeks more --and then the great should be overlooked Aut to clear out everything in the line of which, at present, is purely honorary the registrar's office for students de Among the New Things QUEEN'S NEWS . - y cord of all the graduate » Are wr general discounts end. Arrivals of 2 Now that Queen's has become inn course should be inaugnrated, leading WINTER GOODS in short order, with- It has been decided to establish am New conceits in Neckwear: Dainty Neck staunchest friends, and no on of Hey, for Spring only add to our determination to the degree of doctor of divinity employment bureau in connection with out regard to first cost. Frillings. Fancy Collars. SPENCE'S, ™ sia sua drug store Ex-Governor Odell Goes Abroad. | il romain abroad about Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans wit New Yeirk; Fob. Ieda-Governor | months. Lever's Dry Soap & powder. It will re<l (\ 101 of New York, was among the move the grease witn the greatest ease Now iv the Fhe" to take a Blood | 0 0 Gln accimpuniod by | or ready-made, New York Dress Iwitder and' 'there ix nothing better | or 0 (oH and their daughter, and | form, 4 shan Chown's Special Tonic Pills. could not confine his practice to Ann Arbor and vicinity or even to State of Michigan; for people heard of the remarkable cures that were being brought about and wrote for advice and treatment. : It was this demand from people at a distance which lead Dr. Chase to put up for public sale a few of the prescriptions which had proven so successful in his Dr. Chase these family medicines soon acquired a reputation for reliability which For some years previous, Dr. Chase had made a hobby of collecting, study ing tion of Dr. Chase's famous Receipt Book, which has had a world-wide circulation. This work, together with marked natural ability and hi h technical knowledge as a physician graduated from two of America's leading medical colleges, at Ann Arbor and Cincinnati, gave him undoubted qualifications for the extraordinary success he Take for example Dr. Chase's Kidoey- Liver Pills, which have become SO We 1 known as a family medicine to be depended on for the cure of liver disorders kid- who obtained ase's medicines increased at first slowly, but later by leaps and bounds wherever their While the advertising has been confined solely to Canada and the United States the reputation of there great family medicines spread abroad until it was. necessary to establish an office in London for the British Isles, while orders have been received at the Canadian offices from such far away points as Belgium, France, Australia, New Zealand, Dutch West Indies, British Guiana, Nyassaland, Central Nothing short of genuine merit can account for such enormous demand for Dr. Chases Medicines, every one of which was prepared by Dr. Chase on the prin- ciple of not merely relieving, but positively curing disease, by removing the cause, Dr. Chase's medicines are for sale by all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co, Toronto, Out, and the Dr. A. W. Chase Med. Co., Buffalo, N.Y. The portra The seven Sutherland Sisters' hair er ------------------------------ grower is sold at Gilson's Red Cross lo -. - passengers sailing for Eurape, to-day. Corsets, every description, ovderett