hoast of. ------------ Invited To New York, Want Ty Kichardson and £ , Kioen whey avited by a New York elubh to visit Yi and play in an exhibition t necton nest week, A gama dayer avited. The New Yo snred the 'Swen twat of treatment, but disinclined to spare the time and will not afeept, but two others may po. McLeod's Condition Powder. § have an he i even du thay gain fMeah and init, You enn diston- tinue itn use without any bud effects. It eatnot be equalled for building up broken down horses that are out of sorts. 2 large packages, 25. Mo » drug store, uw - Reduction After July 1st. Alderman King, chairman of the i plant committer, draws atten tion (0 the fact that the reductions in rates do not take place in the July quarter, but after July 1st. Until the latter the rates will he the same wx at p t «Some citizens thought the uetion would be in the July quarter, This is not the case ---------------- "rd potatoes at Glover's, 'phone 417. . spender can afford to ignore the rices we are now quoting. Dainty Gndermusting. | 20 Per Cent, Discount Off our Regular ] Low ~ { Cover . ; Prices. } | ns whieh are unapproachadle in value and in price. NANTS--BLEACHED AND UNBLEACH. D TABLE LINENS--Richardson's celebrated ~ Lengths 2, 23, 2,2), 3, 3%, 3% yards long, at Ne off the regular prices. CLOTHS --Beautiful Satin Damask Pure Linen, slightly imperfect (so small is the imperfec- tion that it is almost impossible to detect), at prices - much less than the actual mill cost, Sizes 2x24, | 2X3, 2x34, 24x24, 2% x3 yards, EMNANTS OF KITCHEN TOWELLINGS AND GLASS LINENS at special prices. } ISH LINEN FOR SHIRT WAISTS ITS--New weaves for spring at start- 36 inches wide,coarse and fine weaves, at 25¢,35¢., 40c, 45¢, soc. yard. and' trenstirer, "Marty" team, have boon vm Montreal has also hem kavkaz railway. at Satatofl and Sechun ------ Caucasus In Revolt. Norlin, Fe. 22. The Vorwaerts prints a al despatch without in dicating the place from which it was sent, saving : "The whale Caucasus region is in revolt. Armenians, Pros sians and Cireassians have formed a coalition against the Emperor of Rus- sia and seized arms and even cannon from Russian soldiery. They hold the governor of the district pe a prison er. The wevolutionists are orsaniving camps outside thy cities." ---- Situation At Warsaw. Warsaw, Feb. 22. Railroad officials here fear that traffic will soon e- como disorganiged. Tneoming trains are almost empty, while the outgoing are crowded, Disturbances "are repirted in othe neighborhood wehools. The police have 'arrested many pupils. The night of February 20th. strikers killed un Jowikh leather merchant nam od Swichel. Other attempts have heen made to mirder fmployers here and at Lode, where three students fired at a manwlactirer named Stograt, The manufacturer wax not hit, bat his wile was wonnded slightly, : While the city is generally 'quiet, un easiness is manifested everywhere, The great strike continues in the Dombria aml Sosvonice districts, where there ix meh lawlessness, such as robbery of persons and plundering of "houses ned shops, Uncertain At Lodz. Lode, Feb. 25 Tho factories hers have commenced taking on new hands to replace strikers, The situation is extremely uncertain, Trouble At Baku. St. Petersburg, Feb. 22 -Telogramsa from Baku report that the disturban- cen there are increasing, that fighting has ocourred, that shops have heen houses hurnod, and that Sovious distorbances are also ported at Balakhany, eight miles north of Haku, and troops have been suramoned thither, Discountenance Revolution. Warsaw, Feb. 22.-The Polish na tional democratic party has issued a tion. There are no arms, says the do- oument, no money and no leaders, and no sid can be expected from other countries. Austria is weak. France is Russia's ally, and England is always practical, therefore, a revolution would only result in useless blood- shed. Better continue the work quietly and peacefully and attain our ends. All the schools in the city are now closed except the elementary schools for young children, LOSES HIS MONEY. Strikes of workmen have broken ut the inhabitants are panic stricken. { the rate at' which 'the council decided re manifesto discouatenancing a revolu- § tension of exproskion" 'the the said date. to. tha provisions of » il in continugnee of the Principle } ) Aantal Ju NWF. net, jt is roacted that the legislature. of the naj! provisce og pax all necessar Wa in respect of education, and hat it «hall thercin always be provided (a) that 8 major ity of the rat pers of any distriet or portion of sn province or of any less portion or Su-digirion thereof, by whatever name the same is known. may cutablish such schools therein as they think fit, and make the necessary asseaxments and collection of rates therefor; and (h) that the minority the ratepayers therein, whether Pro testant or Remap Catholic, may «x tablish separate schools therein, and make the ey assessment and collection of tates ~ therefor; and (c) that in such case the ratepayers es tablishing wach Protestant or Bowen Catholic separate schools shall be liable only * to assessment af such rates as they impose upon themselves in rps thereof. i (2) In the appropriation of public moneys hy the Mesislature in aid of education, und in the distribution of nay moneys paid to the government of the provinee arising from the sehool fund establishad by the Pomin- ion Lands' Act, there shall he no dis crimination batwean the public schools and the separate schools, and such moneys shall he applicd to the sup- port of public' and separate schools in equitable shares or proportion,' MEETING QF BONDHOLDERS To Discuss Matters Relative To The Street Railway. A meeting of the bondholdérs of the street rullway vompany was called for this afternoon to 'Wiscuss matters re lating to the road. W. F. Nickle was wdiod what #eps were likely to be taken in regard te power supply, in view of the faet that tha agreement with the city for supply at the present low rate expires in two wieks, He ve plied that he eonld not say what the result would he, A weeting of the city conneil's special committer and re- presontatives i iT company had heen called several weeks ago, but there was no civie quorum, although the company's representatives were on band, ready to discuss the question. A conference would have to be held to arrive at some condlusion. Of course to supply power to' the company after March 6th, still stands, though it has been refused by the company. I some arranrement i« not made hy that date, only one thing can occur, that the vity will supply no more power to the ears, It i vy be haped, however, that the mati ill be arranged. © An ex: ime may hie allowed. STRUCK BY TRAIN. Wife Of Former U. S. Senator Killed. St, Johnsbury, Vi., 'Feb. 22. --~While Jonathan Ross, former United States senator, and former chief justice of the supreme court of Vermont, was driv- ing with his wife yesterday, 'the sleigh waz struck by a train on the St. Johnsbury & Lake Champlain branch of the Boston & Maine railway, and -- Millionaire Platt's Suit Against | Negress . | Now York, Feb. 22.<The suit of | John RB. Platt, the octogenarian mil lionaire, to compel Hannah Elias, a nrgress, to return to him $680,000, which he alleges he gave her during a period extending over twenty-five years, to-day was dismissed by Jos tice O'Gorman in the supreme court. Justice O'Gorman said; the case was absolutely - without evidence to sus- tain Flatt's allegation that the money | was obtained from him by means of threats of hodily harm and exposure of their relations. On the other hand, the court syvs, the plaintiff asserted that the alleged threats never affected him, and he ex- pressly adinitted that he was moved alone hy sentiments of affection for the woman in giving the money in question. Justice O'Corman finds wo allegation or suggestion in the com} plaint that Platt was an incompetent or of impaired mental capacity, nor that the money was obtained hy the exorcise of wndue influences. He, therefore, dismisses the complaint, but without cosis, Eighty Cent Gas For New York. Albany, N.Y. Feb. 22. Governor Higwing, lost night, said that the pro- pogition to pass a law providieg eighty cont gas for New York Uity was only mentioned in an incidental way at the conference of republican party leaders in Now York City on Fridoy night. "It was: mentioned among many other matters," he said, "hut that is a questions which will Rave to be threshed out in the legis Iatore" Fr. Gopon Has Been Unirocked. St. Pelerdivrg, Fah. 92- The eon- sixtory has officially announced that Father Gopon, the priest who Jed the strikers in their recent attempts te obtain convssions © from the anthori- 'tied and whose whervabouts are at present unknown, bas been unfrocked. ---------- The Student Outbreak Spreading. Special to the Whig. St. Petersburg, Feb. 22--The strike among the students is spreading it the proviaces. Numerous wean schoolboys and the police are' reported. ; ; { ing of the Dominion Mrs. Ross was killed <fr--~Ross was severely injured. I] MEETING OF LEGISLATURE. Will Probably Be Fixed To-Mor- row, Special. to the Whig. Toronto, Feh, W<Hon, J. 1. Foy was the only ywinister around the pur lament buoildings, this morning, = is expected that Premier Whitney will arrive to-night, and a meeting of the cabinet will be held to-morrow, at which, in all probbbility, the date of the meeting of the legislature will be fixed. WHOLESALE GROCERS' GUILD About Filty Delegates At Annu al Meeting. Special to the Whig. Toronto, Feb. 20. The annual meet- Wholesale Gro- cers' Guild opened, this morning, in the Board of Trade, with about fifty dele gates present from all 'parts of the dominion. The morning session was almost entirely confined to a discus sion regarding canned goods, and this afternoon the guild will hold 'a con ference with Yeading Canadian can- wers, Officers will be elected tmor row, MRS. WILLIAM CLARK -- Wife Of Rev. Prof. Clark, Is Dead. Special to the as the White re. Emilie Mary Clark, wile of Prof. Willian Clark; of Tr nity University, died yosterday. She had heen in poor health for many years, and the end was not vn expected. She leaves one son, Colin Campbell. Under Heavy Strain. Neecial to the Whig. London, Feb, 2. --According to the Baily Telegraph despatches the Siber ian railway is giving way, wider the tremendous strajn, to which recently it has heen subjected, Japan Orders Destroyers. Special to the Whig. Tokio, Feh. 22.<The government has schools : y of section U3, cuhall apply to the tion being taken §-ardson Committed -- Threatened With Death if he Told of it. Rochester, N.Y., Feb, 22 "One of the vhocking otis "a the iste y of men and a woman entered the room and while one man covered him with a brace of revolvers, the other threw a package into the fire pot wa th: red hot conls. The woman uttered a shriek as he did so, and one of the men threatened her Jife also. McCalf- = says he heard the scream of a hahy as the package struck the fire. the men waited several minutes, and then the furnace door again and raked (he bundle about on the coals. Before leaving the men threat- ened to kill McCaffery if he over re vealed a word of the matter. MeCal- fery kept silent unti) it preyed on his conscience to sich an extent that he could keep quiet no longer, He Says he his heen unable to eat or sleep, und he ie apparently in J very nervous state. All three of th party were so disgiisod that he coul not give a geod description of them INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Ronnds, Get your long rubber boots ready Miss Carrie Keeler and Jamies Me can, Maitland, were married on Mon day. Miss Mary Boyd, oi this city, was a sister-in-law of the "late Roberi 'ward. John Bremner is selling out the Baneroft Reporter and intends to go to the North-Wesi. y High Rose, of Toronto, will referee the final game between Marlboros and Smith's Falls, at Smith's Falls to- night, r. A. W, Winnett and George Rich- have returned from a two works trip to Denver, Colorado, where they combined business with pleasure The New York World copie an article from Queen's Quarterly on "Hair," by Prof. A. P. Knight. The suggestions as 0 the care of the hair are most valuahle, The polica were on. the look-out this afternoon for: three hattervmen who were seen™o throw a dead dog into the water at Anglin's slip. If the guilty parties are discovered a police court action may follow, Last evening at five o'clock the in mates of the House of Industry were treated to a special supper and con cert by the E.LCE., of Sydenham street Methodist church. Plenty of good things to eat were provided for the fifty-three inmates of the instfiu tion and their appreciation was quite apparent. Rev. W. T. GG. Brown gave a short, bright address and further programme was provided by the dif fcrent members of the leagne. ilor- i MORRISRURG INDUSTRY. New York Capitalist To Estab- lish Work. William J. Allison, who has became wealthy in New York, is about to lodafe a steel and plate works at Morrisburg, Ont. He stands at the head of a strong company, looking for a Canadian market. Mr. Allison purehased Dry Island, at the foot of the Galoup Rapids, amd is having a summer home built thereon. The com- pany asks the people to raise $80,000 to put in the electric plant to gene rate power for the works. Thirty thousand dollars goes to the Domin jon government for enlarging the in let at the head of the canal and building "the flume, the government having agreed to do the work and to give the corporation 1,200 horse pow er at $2 per horse power. The hal ance of the $80,000 is the estimated cost of putting in the electric works and paying for sixteen acres of land. The corporation is to extend free water, light, and' taxes, exelugive of school taxes. Myr. Allison agrees to have erected ready to rum stoel buildings to gost £300,000. A forfeit has been posted. The corporation will ask legislation to have the debt consolidated - and debentures issued covering a period of sixty years within one year Marine Items. . The steamer Chigg has been bought from the Anchor hind at Buffalo by the Jaques interests of Montreal ayd will be placed on the rote betwen Montrea:r ar Fort Willian, if you have 'hought Hosiery from us ang know all about our Cashmere Hosiery, its good wearing qualities and moderate prices, DON'T WASTE ANY TIME WADING THROUGH THIS LIST. You will come to us when yo, want Hosiery in any case. ai If you have never bought Hosiery from us we have some interesting claims to make and can back them up with hundreds of satisfied customers, who make it a point to come here first when they want Stockings. Women's Cashmere Stockings, ; special makes, at 25¢., 35¢C., 45¢, These 3 males we imported from one of the most reliable makers of Hosie- ry of Nottingham, England, and in sufficiently large quantities to secure an extra discoun| that enables us to sell a better grade of Stock- ing than usually offered at these prices. » Women's Plain or Ribbed English Cashmere Stockings, from 25¢. up to goc. pair. Girls' Plain or Ribbed Cashmere Stockings, s qualities to select from and in all sizes. Boys' Ribbed Cashmere St ry 4 qualities, ockings both fine and heavy ribbed, double knees and heels. Boys' English Yarn Knit Stockings. Boys' Scoth Yarn Knit Stockings. All sizes in these two well known makes. Prices from 20¢. up to 49c;, according to size. Boys' Heavy Wool Knit Stockings. Prices from 15C. up to 25¢. Mens' Wool Babies' White Cashmere Sox and uarter Stockings, also in Black, Tan, Cardinal. Girls' Cashmere Stockings, in Tan, White aud Cardinal, all sizes in 'each color. Men's Cashmere Sox, 25¢. to soc. 5 different makes. Sox, 124c., 150, 20C., 25C., 35C., 49C. (JoriFLALWES Efiorts will be made at once to raite the [steambharse Iron Duke, which sank at Charlotte harbor in January. It will take a week to raise the boat. A stock dam will he built and a eanvase bag placed around the vessel. Two big pumps will he used to pump it ont To Hold Classes. F.°6G. Lockett has commenced series of classes for young men on the sithject, "The Bible, How to Study and Use Tt." The first class was held at the YM.CLA, last evening, with a 'wood attendance. The classes will he held each week oo Tuesday evening Declined The Offer. Two years ago J, B. Walkem was offered a place in a large legal firy, in New York at a substantial salary. This week the affer has been repeated to him. Mr. Walkem has again de ciined it, as he would pot care to lave Kingston" after so many vears of pleasant residence, -------------- London Hog Prices. The Canadian Packing company of London, Ont, report the following | prices for live hogs: for Thursday morping next, delivered at the factory in Pottershurg © 5.00, 168 0 20 the: M55, lighter and heavier hogs. \ wayside erncifix, the frst erected in Ireland, has been placed by Sir Henry Belingha the entry of the ordered the immediate construction of twenty-five torpedo boat destroyers, , at village of Castle Bellingham, County Louth. x Rubber Boots OF A THAW ! Ladies', Boys' heavy weight, $: For All Feet Gents $4 heavy, only $2.50. Boys' Girls', Childs', weight light small gents sizes, 6, 7 sizes 2} to 7, light weight, $2.50 sizes 11 to 2, $2 sizes 6 to 10, 3 GET READY FOR THE SPRING FLOOD. THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE DON'T BE AFRAID or February ee (FF me il Lr SWEEPERS, reg oA six lefts they are ha NAT RACK, with seat «lig only : : SIDEBOARD, regular price : Jy used, for x or MATTRESSES, shop Ba sone. 8, $1.00, $3.50 I, ROBT. J. RI leading Undertaker, ie . 222 Princess doors above opera house. Teley --meer------------ There Are Other Shox But None Equal to Ok $6 FRENCH | * Made-to-Order Wo Wear "Alle: ©mintary Beotmake 84 Brock St. SIGN OF GOLDEN B a DR. KNAPP, | '+ Dentist 19 Mentreal Street, Princess Street. INFORMATION WAN ARDING THE WHERI By Noble Fawcett ( Mi 1nd, of Oreystone, Ireland). pend, Noble Fawcett, died a» mouth, Kingston, Ontario, aba , «Namie of present hus oe Address, Mrs. John € raltar; Out. AMLE' Readings by Prof. J. | With Lime Light lllastrat "¢ONVOCATION F THURSDAY, 8 Singie admission, 2%. THERE 18 A CH Ehave almost néw stoves, in heaters, Joft, which | will sell a alps, also furniture, as 1 wa for other stock in spring TORK'S SECOND-HAND 398 Princess Street. WANTED. STRON{ APPLY A Office Boy T0 PURCHASE, SMALL brick dwelling, in central Box 10, Whig office A cod t FAMILY OF ironing 07. this « GIRL ABOUT 17° A YOUNG sist in house work "ler 6 o'clock in the eveni University Ave -------- eee TO RENT-BY THE FIRST ( A te we roomed ho ARE YOU MAKING $2,150 A it is being done with o Work is pleasant, permanent a. London, Ont. ssc ------------------ GENTLEMEN, TO GET Spring Suits made up at G 181 Brock street, next to livery: style, fit and price § to please; pressing and reps promptly FOR SALE ' COLLIE PUPS, Lil, Whig offic LOT, Sow Goon BUTLDING treet, between Mond Queen: Bagot. Apply 49 Colborne LOST. er ee A BLACK AND WHITE Cot ANSR Ey MO name i "'Padd rewarded hy re Bros TERRIER AN! : Spotl'; fe ght exe street 4 A STUDENT KILL) C. Montgomery, Bishop's Struck By Tra Sherhrook y in ue, Feh, 23 Romery, a student ut Bishop' Conoxville, and who bel j2kshire, was killed vest he Megantic joeal at the Ie ing fanosville, The dees observe the approac mtd if was yo g ------ © Box Has False Bott Pittsburg Pa, Fel, 23. A tion m the fonirth district 3 ienth ward 4 TOW beg lin e fon apening the pol ee 0 allot hax stufling ly Sal that! a false ha ound in the hoy and Kon ie. Th rst Se A ied and while hein, _ Sate ox Danied Dh wi -- ers, dropped dead | + aggravated hy the ¢ ------ Harrison « rae OV ns sale has Tow CR mest Tuesd, at their meyer sony nt i