i to Pacific Coast ok i5¢ to May 15th, 1905. Lg Clase Colonist fares from a to Denver, 'Pueblo $43.30 Los Angeles .. $48.05 Jeave Kingston Buri: at 2.26 a.m. ass Tickets far as nominal i is | re may be reserved | Travel by the Grand a J.P. HANLEY. Agent: Corner Johnston and Ou noi irsnitinn BNsTONS PEMBROKE & CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS. en PQ From March 1st to May 15th, 1905. a | SECOND CLASS Portland / FROM KINGSTON. Very low Bates to many other Wester Points Sg particolars ot EK. & FP. a ; 7.8. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. AWAY. F. A FOLGER.J FIONIAT. Ast. Gen. Supt ur QUNTE. RAILWAY: New shart line for Tweed. Napange, and all local points. Trains Jave City. Hall Depot at 2 2:28 pam. F. CONWAY, 'Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagslon. " ALLAK LINE ER DONDERRY Hoyal Mail Steamers. Sichlian, 4; Varian, t. Mar. 11; . Toa a gitar, 1: Mou. Mar. 20. SSAGE-First Cabin, 0 aad -- nt to steamer oa Live ot dondes 7.60 $40, gad Lon e 3 London $2.50 $27.50 ; superior Derry, Bel- Mar, 2, 10 am 0 and up--Second Cab- ) and weekly thereafter. ron WATE CRUISES GO To WEST INDIES -- trip. About = days in tropics. om New York to indward and Leeward Is- rbados and Demerara every particu- SRBRIDG & ---- ts. IR [EN MONEY AND BUSINESS, UY POOL. LONDON AND GLOBE Rot rates from xents. THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INV Dent Society. (kistablished 18¢ ) resident. The Right Hom. Sir R. J Srtwright. Money loaned on Uity Farm Proy ries, Municipal and County Debentures ortgages pur- hase received and inter- * C. McGill, Managing "fics, 97 Clarence Street, WR PoLICIES COVER MOKE ON baildings and contents than any eth offers, paramine bo. he CLLIS ARCHIT ew Dri en site CALA) Ha Gree Dae EOT, ME Jead a Wellin 2 g. corner Broc Aen . STORES, ES, OFFICES, Storage at McCann's - 51 Brock street. 'T. HOT WAT- improvements. Nn rooms. bath- month; pos- ay Ist. Apply 219 se THOS. §. HILTON ow s 16 Doers Below EL me ps It cured your hard cough. Tell him why you always keep it in the house, Tell him to