- = i - " d YORK STOCKS, AB i 200 ' ih tive & Retning r fides L & Ohio ; tr YR i i iy Nashville £ ¥ vi ar Common i 1 CP relerred | fan Me 1d i! ihe York enteul - 148 hited i = PR 98 He hiway oo. ' twas 4" Light 8 Hapid 'Fransit ' 5 ch Es Pum 3 4 . ik on A atte hi shares, MONTREAL STOCKS, i ey, du f pope 24 19, 70 NE as a Be a 87% NEW.YORK STOCK MARKETS, . 48 on vie al 4 wy 1 3 13% as. X $i = ' fii . 1084 108, i se3E EEEEissEs 28 = i. ig 2 SaisEss Tee ty i arec wire and 800 wilies of s © Canada ont ™ Briein 81.. Dusheln z r cant of tr ol I oo 18. Yealand : , butter wvallahle for the 1 Canadian i n ts from 1894 to 1904, hes ndard OH Soin has $348,000,000 in prety War Et he aia States. ®) OMeiils estimate that +35. x ohn n fos seventy-five nd chr are said be k n roads, and 50, rad poy west of Chicdgd. © © nesses penitentiary comm convl in con! 4 v satners for i nte he nal he © past two vi i say " 4 the state's hol § acres. a now and £2 «he manage of Queen's junior team is voring 16 arrange a it " Belleville before this lose of the season. Lieut. H. 8. Swaine, Kingston. at | the bachelors' hall in Swith's Falls, spent a few duye the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D.C. Healy, & | mise Whitney, Special 0 So Tp HARTER Toronto, Feb, 2. adopt --. withdrawn and resolu of thanks for EO substituted, ting of voters' league had not Proved a sucess; temperance mon should not be partisans. Me was glad of w ehunge of government so that the opposite. side might* have a ollince | to w what they could do. If Mr. Ross had earned out for- : in his letter to Rev. J. A. what he had a he would: have had his; Mr. 8 support and the kor be sare the would have been Seta 10 retain him, Br ashe Vo platform : wus brief hut compre: and could be made to mean en a mage to. init orn, deputatii shouki go to Mr. Whitney and ask for Le station in this divection. Hon. Mr. nckay and. Hon. Mr. Graham wore largely. responsible for. placing the re- form party jn iis recent position. | ths conservative party supported the temperance party it might enjoy a long tenure of office: The speakers ox- rove to see the abolition of the bar within the next four years. The report of the sgecutive, after reaflitming the need for the abolition of the har, recommended that a de pitation wait immediately upon Pre Gone To His Long Home. 8 0 the Whi. Winniner. Feb, WT homns Gilroy, ox r, and a publicspirited citiv ou, hax loft many footprints on the path of the city's road to great news, died Jant evening. Mr. Gilroy first took sick shout two monthé ago, and though a weak heart and through 4 weak heart heame anaemic. On several oceasions he showed signs of recovering, but he gradually sank and last evening, just ax six o'clock, wax striking, he breathed his last. Groom Smallpox... St, John, NH, Pah. 8 Sha Lewis, telographer, of Moh , Ald. was marrisd hore on New Year's Pay to a lady of this county: Proceeding vo, ie became ill in Massachusetts, and the somple returned to the bride's home © in. Lancaster, Today doctors dingnised the disease as smallpox, Had A Lively Time. 3 hig. 5 A a Renter's Warsaw on » t reports that strikers smashed the windows of five factories there, this morning, and forced the men 16 quit work. A company of n- fantry fired on the strikers, but no Casualties are seporiad, x 4 ig. Pin. Fels Bh late T. Burns, distriet. of Manitoulin, has heen ap: pointed clerk of the third division eonEt of Manitowaning, vice W, J. Tackar, hatgtiae, Mr. Tucker was the hberal candidate against RB. R. Camey Lin the recent gesieral Sections, Lost His Deposit. tne Ea The affial as a = 1 "clarat right county was lo sa oI fecal, has 172 ma- a jority, the figures being Devlin, 1,857; MeDaugal, conservative, 1,685: Cousin. fan, atogeadent, BS. The latter loses 'his deposit. It ix understood that "Gen. Lake, tall at militia nk bers, be gasctied as y | Ottawa, will geneeal in the nl army, and will in Canada for another four that "SHE" Mae: 3 Shaeewys pein. player, will ac- There wae a live. ly time at the openitg session, this Jrecaver. Tt was found that br. H morning, of the convention of the Do- | was od with éarcinomia; of the Minion Alliance, E. Fielding, a well- posterior Nead of the colon, known' liberal, ohjected to outta re -- lark he prefuent, wv arier, | PARLIAMENT. in in whi f. Marter at a -- tompitod to account for the dERT a The Civddiah Crew Arrested At the Ross wenmenl, There was a lot ¥ fo i i Field. Montevideo i withdrew tha resolution of thanks 6 the presidint that he had moved, » dealt with. members' qiestions and Mrs Thornley then moved Spar the canal avd public works Wstimmies. A Advan be Finally Rev. hr toa question ing the treatment of renewed, i be oul the crew! w Canadian vessel who advised the convention po MW. § wire. arrested at Montevideo drew a Nr. Fielding, he i R Bother statement from Hon. Mr. Prefontaine 10: the presides. Mr. Maxtor, in his address, said that the plan avant the Shakes With the result that tn press the adoption Ps in the country. The prevent «© tabes and plates of the North-West. sity of, ly was operated on on Ottawa, Feb. 32. The honss settled back into rdutine business today, and that the mattor was being carefully looked into, On the vote for main- taining the railway commission, Sir Wilirid Laurier stated that if the law dil not sequive the hoard to report to parliiment it would be amended this session to provide for that. The dimension of estimules for Toranto niblie brought ap anhounee- Tent Hg. C8 Hyman that the preseit Toronto armonries would ba practically doubled in sire by an extension eastward to actommaoda ie the new corps. This is evidently the ont of 'the promise made by Sir Fre nat the garrison banquet in Torohio a few 8 . Fstimates in all amounting to shout £2.000,000 were passed. TO BUY HORSES For General Use In The British : Army. . Neeclal to the Whig. Toronto, Feb, 93.-W. Stacey Spark, of Canterhiiry, land, is in Toron to. ax the agent of the British govern: ment to arrange for the purchase of 0. horses for use in the British ar my, Three humdred of the. animals will he mounted i6Tantry of the type used at Stanlev Barratks, and the remain. ing 200 will he somewhat heavier for the Millory heanch «of the service. Nr. Spark expressed the opinion that it would he advisghle for the provin- cial government 46 establish remount depots. In the event of war Great Britain would roquite 18,000 horses at once, and the establishment of such deporte wonld 'enable (6 locate that number quickly, erm ARE MANY STRIKERS. -------- Warsaw Is Feeling The Troubles Again. Seeclal to the Whig, arsaw, Feb. Ef<The employees of the. Lodz. Kolusska: railway have steitek, Lodz is entirely ent off from railway communication. No trains are tanning in either direction, to-day. on the Danish railway. The employees of the government aleohol monopoly, also walked out to-day. A general strike on the Vietuls. and St, Peters burg viilway is hourly sxpoeted, -------------- Removed To Cematery. The funeral of th Dive Myx. GO. H. Dickson took place; this morning, from the home of 'her father, Daniel Callaghan, Svdeaham street. The re maing reached Kingston from Rose land, B.C., venerday afternoon. Arch deacon Macmoring conducted a sor vice at the house after which a service was held inc St. Jamies charch by Archdeacon © Maemorine and Rev, Charles © Masters: The wenfains were placed in Cataraqui vault. The funeral (was private, only. the immediate rely tives heing present. ---- + Avenue, Ottawa, when Miss Flla, Gv ing Important To Arise. daughter of Capt. A. Sharp, King . on. to Hen ou may say | POR, was united in marriage to Nor hat nothing INBOR t is likely to f™un A. Ferrier, of Ottawa, formerly ange out of it." This, was Premier Whitney's reply when asked. this morn: ing, what action would follow the re. rt he had received from Provincial Petscrise Rogers. concerning the lat tet's enquiry into allegations regard: ing corfain jurors of the civil lists in Toronto. The premier's words dispose of some cugly rumors that have been cucrent. i omow = Fe The #olomn cere mony of blessing the remains 5dr Duke Sergius ¥. Londen: Bebe The. memoria' 'service for the Grand Duke was held, 'today, at the Roa church. tatives of King. Ed. ward nproscpintis of Wales wore present, * Today's thaw ' filled many side ae water. The people will have to rut gutters outside the walks a res to Brockville to: drainage, in-§ Mrs. Wiliam: th. Indian Head, ro am, Hate Mrs. Danie day after an illness ths. He was seveniy- . : at Welmar with » the to be completely ruin: Stratheonn is still confined (0 room, and bs physicians forbid 10 trmhsher any business what- hit they are very well satisfied a hill prohi: distribition of Pacific railway is now oo tin experimenting with a compound ea e ters on election boiler oil, which ir ic thought, Sil the formation of alkali sealex ngmes n H s provident of the Univer. Wednesday and. from a surgical stand. Point' wah a success. Ha is likes to day evening, dulged in throughout the evening, af fenjoyable time, and-Rome: the worse of ny a re, the thries defen pail into court within : the petition will be void, in court of appeal dobn Melutyre, KE, is Petitioner, outlined in the tion protests, act, regarding elec The v of bribery, corruption, 'intimidation, with his progress. Promising Positions, ete. The member The Quebice board of + will send ; is charged with being cognizant of a delegation to Oitawa A Nh Sth, | money being spent in bribery 5 He ind his agents are charged with hiring aod paying for cabs and placing hets on the election: by aiding and abet ting personation, of giving liguor fo day, ete. ete, alter reciting bond goneval wets of alleged carruption, prays. that it may be de termined that Mr, Pepse is ant diy elected, and that. in consequence of the alleged acts of corruption, he may he disqualified from holding any legislative or municipal office, : na subsequent statement tioner will he required to set forth the specific charges against the alee tion of the member, giving particulars in regard to all of them, Tr ------RL ANTI-CIGARETTE LEAGUE ---- Formed In Brockville--Miss gins' Address. The leetgre hall of § denham street church wh filled on id night to hoar" Miss Wiggins'. address. Rev, W.T. G. Brown presided, and Mec MeCallum,. president, of the local W, CPU. said a few words, Miss Wiggins' address, which was a convincing one, was listened to gt tentively. She referred to the W.C, T.U. as -an expression of the awaken. od conscience of Christian woman- hood, Many foes of the honie, aleohol being one, are attacked by these ar dent women. The habit of indulgence in strong drink js no respeoter of per sons--all ranks of life have fallen: vie: tims. The object. of the temperance | reform is. to bring about sobriety, bath by legal, and by moral suasion, She considers prohibition is founded on good ethics, as it lays its hand on a trafic which injures society. Saori: fices mukt Bo made to drive the liquor traffic from our land. By spocial request she repeated her story of the formation of the Bows' Anti-Cigarette League, in Brookville, with membership of fifty, which has since fricreased to 300, only two of that "number havibg broken i Pledge, and they repented, and signed again. The boys wear their leaf badge prowl, and have their distinctive "yell," Yah + Yah! Yah! ho are YOU? We are the hays "of the ACL What ia all the fuss ¥ No tohacoo 'for us. Brockville, Brock ville, Yah, Yah, Yah! The petitioner, red or more the peti Wig. ---------- MARLEORO DEFEATED. -- Quit In Final Mateh Por pionship. Smith's Falls, Fels. largest crowd ever assemblad in the local rink, the Marlboro team, of Tor onto, wefe defeated to-night in the fin al senior. 0. 'H. A. cham rionzhip mitch, by a score of A to 4, Early in the first half, Winchester, of the visit ors, was injured hy a bump on «the nose, and Farren, of the Jocal team, reticed with him. Later on Arm strong's lip was cut, and he failed to re-appear, when Cowan was laid off to even up. With five. men each the game proceeded, though the local men played the remaining time with aniy four men and at times with only three. The following penalties will show : May, Cowan and Fraser, 2: Servies, 3: and Smith, 4. 0 The Marlboros were simply outplay wl and were weakening every miniite, as the pace was much faster and the cheoking much closer than they had anticipated. Many times the locals played rings around the Marlhoros, and it was qiite evident #o the audi ence that the only way to save the round was to default, which they did, Smith's Falls appeared on the ice and alter waiting over thirty minutes for the visitors, and then it was that Re feree Rose decided that the game was ofi, and the 0, H, A. executive would decide the issue, Cham- 22.--Before the A ---- Wedded At Ottawa. A happy event took place on Tues: date for parlistnentary honors. The sum of one thousand dollars wast be fone days or The action is for Ontario, solicitor for The Petition makes all the charges . member-elect and his agents are charged with all types sale. 'Handkerchief§ There is in Belfast, Ireland, a maker of Fine Linen Handkerchiefs. at the head of his class. | His goods turn out so well and have such wearing qualities that they. are always sought after. Every Hand- kerchief turned out by this firm are so careful- ly examined by experts that the 'least uncven pess or a thick thread is considered a defect Many of discover, yet these Handkerchiefs are placed aside and sold as seconds, and of course the trade are always after them. We were fortunate enough to secure a lot at less than half regular prices and will offer them TO-MORROW MORNING st 9:30. 20 Gentlemen's Pure Linen Hem-stitched Handkerchiefs Your Choice To-morrow: Morning at 9:30. No telephone = orders accepted for this BUTTERICK PATTERNS for March Now Ready. MARCH DELINEATOR For Sale. HRI, TRIN Wn MRI. :Men's Fine Pure Linen Hem-stitched He is considered these you or I would never (All Seconds). 25¢., 30c. each. Regular values 20c, 10c. each. FASHION SHEETS FREE. JOHNLADLAWSSOH February 2st, at the residence of Harald Horsey, Fourth of this city, The bride, one of King Ston's most popular yenng ladies, was attired in a beautiful gown of white silk. She was given away by her jath- or, The happy couple will reside at A7 Kent Streol, Ottawa, Se ------------ A Straw Ride. Last evening about young people Toft Mrs, GG. son street, for a drive Bath road. Games and twenty-five Little's, Nol 10 Mrs, Keys, MUSIC wore in- tor whith light refreshments were served. A solo by A. Abel was render- ol with pleasing effect. The party ar rived hom# at an early hour, pext morning, after having had a very their roads. . experience... with the rough S---------------- Prigadier Archibald has retarned from Ottawa, where he interoeded with the minister of justice in behalf oF a saloredt Tad dying of tiberentosis in the penitentiary, brigadips # as smceessful and obtained an order Reeves, 106 Wellington street. i for his release and transicr 10 the Hospital in Kingston: There's a Flood. Coming! 3 = & THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE Rubber Boots Children must have RUBBER BOOTS or stay home from school. Ladies will need them if they Are 10 go to business or shopping. Business men must wear them or stand in wet feet all day. The mechanic or labourer surely requ them. They may save a long sick: ness and doctor's bill. Last Dissolt Sal 12d nilershirts worl 1, for 65 undershirts 74 doz worth $2, for #1 ayedy esd and print Choice lot Butter, roll Fresh Eggs Frosh and Salt Meats stock weial prices to-u Chote Fat Veale fr 124 Western Beef A F Meats, such a Si } ths. 25¢. ; wger Steak, 'ork Tenderloin: Will offer | Kinds of ( veers, Poult o 10 o'clock S t on 'Roast | to Ne. a | gol Stew) , oth at 5 aving of 20 per cent Anderson 'Phone 458. There Are Other ¢ But None Equal tc $6 FRENCH Made-to-Order Wear "All Military Beootm 84 Brock Si SIGN OF GOLDEN PIANO TUI" ws MAY NEWMAN, 271) Ch dren given special ca Advamed i theory Te INFORMATION W REGARDING THE wn of Mrs. Noble Fawcett (ne tone, of Greystone, frelan band, No Fawcett, die mouth, K ton, Ontario 1855 Name. of present Nn. Ss, Mrs, Jo} THERE IS A C Mater left, which I will 3 Sace for other stock wu ah TURK'S SECOND-HA 398 Princess Str WANTED. OOK OR GENERAL Apply -Mrs, - ---------- an ARE yor MARKING $2.15 It is being done with res) Mars) Work is pleasant, bermanent a. udon, Unt -- TO Gl roade up a treet, mext le, fit and pri ". pressing and + Sou} GOOD COLLIE ru CPBY hex TH Whie Goon uy ILDING Lor, 8 Nuren stront between N Rego Appl LOST. AND WHITE ( t me of Cp will d rewarded joy ey Ker we TERRIER I he of "Spot o TERRIER PUP Mh White Markin, TOURE © Sh oy