Fine erchief§ | Ifast, Ireland, a maker of rchiefs. He is considered ss. His goods turn out ¢h wearing qualities that ight after. Every Hand. oy this firm are so careful. rts that the least uneven id is considered a defect. ou or I would never Handkerchiefs are placed conds, and of course the r them. ate enough to secure a lot ular prices and will offer V MORNING st 9:30. | nen's Pure Linen -stitched Handkerchiefs ). Regular values 20c, ch. 'O-morrow, 0. c. each. rders accepted for this vod. Coming! ubber oots dren must have RUBBER or stay home from school. és will need them if they 10 business or shopping. ness men must wear them in wet feet all day. The or labourer surely requir? hey may save a long sick- doctor's bill. [ SHOE STORE YEAR 72. NO. 46. Last Week --OF 182 SIT | = Dissolution Sale Fiitien dosen spring' &hir(s, worth gl and SLY just came today, The. each. nw -3 worth $2, for 81, 10 doz. uw worth 65c., for 50 suits at half price, We want this week to be the hig gest of WJ! E. P. JENKINS S! Choice lot reesiyed, extra fine Butter, rolls and prints; eréamery. Fresh F Fresh and Salt Meats, a complete stock, special prices to-morrow Choice Fat Veale from 5c. Ih. to Western Bee Meats, Sausage. 3 hs Hamburger Steak. Head Cheese, Brawn, Pork Tenderloins, Pure Leaf Lard Fresh Pork- Will offer 1,000 lhs. at Je. Ih. All kinds of Cooked Meats, Fish and tveters, Poultry, From 7 io 10 o'clock Saturday night we will put on "Roast Beef from 7 } hs. at 8¢. a lb, This is B Saviag of 20 per cent Anderson Bros. 'Phone 458, There Are Other Shoes, . ut None Equal to Cur $6 FRENCH COLT . Made-to-Order Work. AN 119 a? Wear "Allen's ! Military Beotmakers, 84 Brock St. SIGN OF GOLDEN B0OT. PIANO TUITION MISS MAY NEWMAN, 271 King St., West Children given special care in primary work Advamred pupils thorsughiy taught in theory and practice Terma moderate. Tawphone 64 ®, or send postal rsonally. INFORMATION WANTED, REGARDIN of Mrs. Nob Fawcett (nee Miss Johns- eystone, freland). Her hus card and T wal cal tone, of ( band, Noble Fawcett, died at Ports mouth, Kingston, Ontario, about 1854 or 1855. Name. of present husband not kgown. Address, Mrs, John Cook, Qib- raltar, Ont, THERE IS A CHANCE 1 have almost pew stoves, in cooks and heaters, left, which I will sell at big bar fans, also furniture, as 1 want to get Space for other stock in apring. TURK'S SECOND-HAND SHOP, 398 Princess Street. WANTED. Srtmy---- ! GENERAL SERVANT Apply Mrs. Goodwin, Alice St TO PURCHANS} SMALL, DOUBLE ! dwelling, in central location Box 10, Wh FOR PAMILY OF THRE Vehing y housemaid 5 offive A UOUK ow GIRL. ABOUT 17 TO AS ht house work. Apply of K in the Vengo 199 THE FIRST OF MAY T Iwalve roomed h with IY eniences Addre stat R 134 E - -------- ------ ARR YOU MAKING $2,150 A YEAR? 5 being done With our goods. man Pleasant, respectable and manent, G. Marshall & Co. 8. Unt -- SENT EMBN, qq GET THEIR He Suita made up at Galloway's, tor Brock street, mext to Bibby's Style, fit and price guaranteed Wo please Please; pressing and Tepairing done Promptly = FOR SALE. SOME GOOD ¢ OLLIE ABBY box FH, Wh PUPS, CHEAP Goon py ILDING Nuren street, LOT, SOUTH Sing between Montreal and Bagot Apply 49 Colborne street Ea LOST. Ay = ti 4 atk AND WHITE CoLLik pus will Name of "Paddy Find Centutey ir VArod by returning to -- A x MOTE ¥ TERRIER ANSWERING 4 of "Spot '; female: hlack as rer Nght ve 3 Rap 0 3 Kindly return the nam A RAT TR Rn # With White wu vod frets kindly PEPPY ON MON arking an thi ear ove Will flyer Wallington St he relirn to 3 KINGSTON, BS RULE. Awful Scenes In Trans- " - m---- DAILY MEMORANDA. MANY MURDERS DRAGGED FROM HOMES AND SLAIN, sometimes blisters Are All in the Hands of Mobs jes, worth 25. and He, for Christians--Dis- order From Strikes. rehirts and drawers, doz. undershivts and drawers, , capital of Russian the fighting is inves hirts aud drawers, ? Hundreds of armed Mussul train from the country ined their eo religionists against Many of the residents have Rabbery amd violence ure supreme, Order has been restored at Balukany a 4 tle thE question. of war or - 4d : Y- . , DINNER SE vour friendy what good taste you burned to death and the latter's We are waking a special price on this ROBERTSON BROS.. f. A dninty "lot of from their houses ch as our Specifil murdered in the streete from Constantinople that aucasia are under moh Fhe officials are helpless arson ave frequent ored that warships, Ih; gol Stewing Beef and office destroyed. from Constantinople to Batonm region the authorities ap pear for the moment to have regain. the upper Tiaid, but cities outside, the Caucasus euch . Kharhoff, Saratoff, Alexandervogk others are in a « McFEDRIDGE'S GRAND NEW MEAT MARKET wrtial disorder owing to independent force Petersbugg railway have strock KILLED AT HOCKEY Head Py Puck. Fredericton, N.B., Feb, 21. wovinees resulted from a friend a subnrh of Fredericton, Hanford Me « on Monday night and following evening in ® finich, complaiming of a Kingston Reform Association - SUB-DIVISION MEETINGS HAVE A RIVAL. Michigan Soo. Rapids near the It will expend $120 000 during | thousand horse power Mitention to ultimately use every Comfortable Eye-=-Glasses We are devoting a k ctacle and Eye-Glass Fitting horsepower or more, RAILWAY COMMISSION Session In Montreal Knotty Question. We fully guarantee our work in fitting i= in wession, m thi ( The material under considers S M I T H B RO S.. Henri, which the Grand Trunk compivte the yards which i z on the west boundaries recpisition of the lam is (He Says His Lite Will Be = Avenged Crown Point, ad, Feb M.~Felward Donahue of Onondaga county will pay penalty for the wurder of Dr. A. M Northrop of this city on the gallows After being an deliberation for over fourteen hours, (he jury returned an verdict of | ede in the first degree and under The state fay hanging musi follow, WB convicted murderer clares thalihis life will be avenged. Be of ly A. M. Northrop od October Sth, near Ho is body was not found for and at once the authori Lilt upon Donahue. Then opened & Sse tional man hunt. The fugitive wighld Git of the net thrown around Ri and Ly casy stages tra. vellad to New York. He-was captured at Amboy Beecher 211, His teial @penet Febraary 13th and its most PEBRrkall. featur was the absolute eaol nes of the respondent under force fire by the state, EE --cne. FERRER bree b PEPE + + % Caar's Late Acts, + + . * + Tonk . Feb. 24--~The + + St. Brsburg correspond- + 4 ent of "the Times says the + + czar | now decided to 4 convok® the Zensky Sobor + 4 and to leave the repréesent- + + atives Of the nation to set- + + % peace. + + : es $ FEEFP FERRITIN -- . NORTH SEA COMMISSION Concludes Work--Report Will Be out On Saturday, Srecial to the Wr ie Paris, "Fl 21. The international commissiofigmppoin ted to enquire into the North moident practically con cluded its whiek, last night, by finally agreeing to the report which will be publicly anfiounced on Saturday. It is stated, frail & moxi authoritative quarter, that when the text of the de. cision beoomi#® known, it will be found that the aflmiral: have sought 5 middle ground, and that the deci ion is not a pri nocd victory for either side, but is Stich a character as to presetve Bh sell respect, and at the same tUl# 0 give the British public much ground for :atislaction. I any thing, the d@8eision i< rather more fa varabile seat Britain than to Russia, se MRRS ASS - » oes SE RE SUSE 4 . * + A Bit, Army. + * se Rd + + Lo Feb. 24.-A des + patch to the Times irom + + Paris says that a fifth + + Japan army is concen- + 4 trating in Northern Korea. # + + PEPPEITPIIIECETTIT Eo ------------------ Offer Of Fence And Gate. Watertown, N.Y., Feb. 21.- Frederick S. Flower has made an offer to the Watertown Cemetery asxociation to erect a gate and fence at the foot of the hill leading from Watertown (en tre to the Brookside cemetery. The gate is to be a memorial 10 his father, the late Gprorge W. Flower, and as do signed will cost about $10,000. It is to be of stone, ornanentod with wrought iron work of 'a very artistic design, The offer will undoubtedly be accepted hy the association, a the L gate is a wooden stracture, of antique design and the fence is in a vers dilapidated condition he grounds surronading the gate are be regraded and beantifind -------- Saw Murder Done In a Drean: London, Feb. 2.<An axtraordinary circumstance ooenrred in connection with the alleged nimrder of Fedward Hayward, of Mundhaw, Sussex, by Thomas King, near Edmonton. o few weeks ago. His hrother, Harry Hav ward, came down ta breakfast looking perturbed, and said to his sister, "1 have had n bad dream: 1 saw Tod shot.' Pwo dave after he roccived a com mimication from the Canadian police telling him that his brother had been mordered, and asking him to come and identi hime He pro » bo Edmonton with a vivid picture in hi mind of the mam seen in the dream He Issued Bogus Cheques Linda tnt, Fel 24. County Magistrate Deacon sont up for trial a young man named © Harold Pamphil hon, wh ring the last few week had bees ing bogus cheques in Orillia, Fernvlon® Palle, Babeaygeon and Peter Pamphillion wa in troubl in Toronte for a similar of fence in 1902 He wae arrested ut Cavanville bv Constable Brock, of Fenelon Fa who, shortly after Pamphilli ruek this district. had a warrani f Orillia for his arrest! and ha lw trailing him ever wines Public Lands In Territories. Ottawa, Veh. 26<A return brought down in the simmons gives the total area of public lands til} wndisposed of in the North-West Territories as O35, 88€ 210 acres, made up as follows Alberta, 2 0.964 acre Assiniboia, Saskatchewan, 51, Athabasca, 155,622,704 lin, 320000000 acres Macken 10556420 acre 7 Gen. Lew Wallace's Will Crawfordsville, Ind., Feb, 24. The wilt of Gen | Wallace, which has been prol 1 bequeath tev his widow, Svcan E. Wallace, aud her heire, without restriction, an estate of over half a million dollars Destroyed A Bridge. « completion of the rail Srecial to the Whig. raiding party completely devtroy ed the bridge south of Haicheng, about ten miles cast of New Chwang, on Febriiary 21a : ee , FEBRUARY 24, LATEST NEWS: Mukden, Fob. 20.A daring Russian | Despatches From Near And Distant Places. GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM, --Notes From All Over--Little Of Everything Easily Read And Remembered. The Ontario legislature has heen call ed 10 meet on Wednesday, March nd. A movement is on foot in Westinore- land county, NB. te topeal the Seatt act H. W. Davig, a member of 'the New York Consolidated Steck Exchange, has assigned : naval expenditure in order to kevp pace with Germany A Blizzard is raging in Newfound land and the harbor of St. John's: is blocked by ice floes, THE Landon Street railway com: pany has voluntarily increased the pay of their motormen and con ductors, Twenty-one buildings in the heart of Cape May Court House, the county seat of Cape May county, Maine, wore destroyed hy fire early on Thursday. The le Penn, at Reading; Pa. was danlaged by fire carly on Thurs day morning to the extent of £50,000, The cighty guests had a nrraw es cape ' The Jdapanes¢ govertient nxpeotd to complete within a year her new fleet of torpedo boat destroyers, each of 330 tons displacement, and capable of 'making twenty nine knots an hour. On Saturday Justice Maclennan will hear Dudley Holmex' uppeal from the West Huron recount, which resulted in M. G. Cameron's olection "to the legislature hy a majority of two. Seven ballots are in dispute. SAFELY PASSED. Thought Satisfactory Settlement Has Been Reached. Montreal, Fob. 24. The diffienlties between Premier Parent and Hon, Lo mer Gouin, tis said, have, «been smoothed over, and the meeting of the Ingistature next week will not witness the anticipated trial of strength bee tween the two leaders. Hon, Lower Gouin admitted that peace was in the air. Once again "the liberal party of Quebec province will present a united front. Apparently the present under standing is based upon the recogni tion of Premier Parant that Hon. Lo mer Uounin commands a majority in the legislature, Matters will remain in tatu quo until the legislature as sembles, Premier Parest making no effort to replace Mesars, Gouin, Tar geon and Weir in his cabinet. On the question of appointing a speaker, Pre mier Parent will accept Mr. Gonin's nominee, who will be cleetod without any unnecessary debate. Then the business of the legislature will be pr ceeded with in the ordinary way, no factions opposition being raised by the Gowin wing. It i= understood that then under the terms of the agreement Mr Parent will resign, NINE MORSES BURNED. A Fire In Winnipeg Caused Much Loss. Special to the Whig. : . Winnipeg, Feb, 24. Fire, in which nine horses lost their lives, oeenrred, last wight, in Samuel Berger's stab Ie Mr. Borgor is an stosk dealer and while sone of the horses wore rescued from the burning building nine perish ed in the smoke, They were valued it 360 to S100 cach. The fire started in the rool and ix supposed to have been caused by tramps, who have been known to sleep in the loft --iton ROOF FELL IN And A Fireman Killed At Coati- cooke. the Whig ue, Fels. 24. The vopers house was deatroved Coat by fire carly this morning. In fighting the fire Fireman John Corless was killed by the roof falling on him, and Fireman John Chesley had a leg hroken in two places Fatally Injured. "lal ts the Whig Toronto, Fob. 24. Joseph McCann was probably fatally injured, vester day, by a fall from the joy roof of a shed at the Don Valley brickworks, at Todmorden, hin back being broken McCann, who i= now in St, Michael's hospital, is about thirtyseven years old and lives on Wickson avenue Came A Long Distance. Yesterday a Young man came twelve miles to secure wu handsome fur-lined coat at George Mills & Co's twenty rer cent. discovnt sale Clean Case For "Swiss Food." Iron ploughs clear the streets Swiss Food' clears and warms your The polit court resumed business this morning after several dave rest and two cases of inter were heard before the magistrate I think we have what will please vou, it & new goods with the old name, old fashioned molgsses ginger bread," old by the pound. Please order carly Phone, 111; W, J. Crothers Mrs, Caroline Musgrove, of Hamil ton, diad on Thursday, aged eighty five years, She lived in Kingston for STRUGGLE FOR LIFE. La -- Climber Hangs Five Ho ch, M.-Bort Laniske, a Austealin, narrowly escaped being killed while oliff-olimb- ing in Alderney yesterday. precipitous oliff, and, clinging ta every sheub and tuft of grass on the steep' incline, to slide to the bottom, After a terrible straggle ke sanesed: od in reaching a small which hung midway bet wil and the rocks a hundred feet be For five hours he clus support, getting file wont on a EVENTS OF DAY no help appeared t, when Lantrke w fainting with weariness and tion, a local doctor hastening inland n who came with Matters That Interest Everybody | saw his signals, topes to hig rescue, Uno of the party wis at one lows ered down the precipios, and. tieing's man was hauled to the summit, ------------------------ SUES SURGEON FOR $25,000. rn Patient Charges? Negligence In France will have to inereako her" , New Haven, Conn., Feb, 21. Loren once, A. Burnes, a di We 'Have now for your inspee New Silks, New Dress Fabrics, ainst De. William H. Carmalt, vsician of this city, to recover $25 - arisen from an operation for citi, performed by So Property of Dr, Carmalt at 57 Elm street, and the city bank were attached, defendant "so negligently, unskilfull and ecarelosaly condusted or pad, of cloth, com- monly called gaure, and fastened the d within the wound or abdomen of the plain: NOTE--Our Miss Bolton is just visiting America's Greatest | sh Centre, New York City, and with or return, March 1st, our Dressmak and Tailoring Department will reog STEACY'S WAS CONSECRATED. An Event In Peterboro's Roman Catholic Church. Peterboro, Oni Feb. 24.<Phs oon. secration of Rev, Father Beol lard, as bishop of the new diocese of Sault Ste. Marie took Peter's cathedral, ceremony was attended 'number of dignitaries of the oh i as well as thembers parts of Canada. of the new bishap, ] Bishop MaEvay, London, ries in Other church di » Preasut dh Duhamel, Ottawa; cluded Archbishop bishops from the province of ARMORIES IN SMALL PLACES -------- Sir Frederick Borden Outlines His Ottawa, Fob. 2L-A varisty of rou rahe Austin tine matters engaged the house, Dur- ; a Fitzpatrick's hill providing for a seth for the chainoan of the ana' an or reduced under Ang as sanal direction' of Geo. Fdwardm. and stands for third reading, rt ". Maclean presented some amendments, which ware bowled on a point of order, insisted upon by of his fellow-op- Daley's Theatre, London with Hallyn Mostyn, Melville rd , #8 Dey Finlay, Carolyn Williams, M Jatin Millard abd 60 others. ¥ y by outlined his policy respecting the orec- tion of armouries, and said he hoped than they now are i ------------ No Truce, Says Japan. London, Feb. 94. respondent of the Times cables cussing the peice rumors, loading Jap anese journals strong! arrasgement in the nature of a trace which would compel a rivalry of arma Everybody is Welcome to the Free Demonstra y deprecate any Royal Dutch Cocoa In our store all this week On account of its do strength only hall the quanti of ordinary Cocoas is necessary to he used. sast to a long period of un quiet, They declare it to be far better to continue the present struggle Japan can secury terms permanent tranquility Young Boxer Died. Yinger, twenly years old, a local box er, died yesterday another young local boxer, bfore the Lancaster Athletic Club, last Friday Yinger hind the better of Hie powsrs seony ed to fail hig, then, ahd in the fourth and fifth rounds RANDOM [TEM Ora sper, dozen... Lemons, slightly frost-hitten, per dozen .. i . young lady of Stratford, was attack. ed on the street by an unknown wo- acid, burning the side of hor face ours Pre Extracts, 2 Ihe. Hypophosphites," the bracer for after offects. of Gibwon's Red Cross | Cooking eggs, 20¢. Roll butter, 2c, Famois "Cross leigns; try a tin, Peach, ("wrrant, Strawberry, ] ty Jam, Tb. paile and in' SPECIAL MERTT 0 2.0 in the Lodge Hoom on A ING, February 24th, at 8 p A.W. McLEAN, Recordin THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISHED 1863.) Richard Cartwright many vears, Office, 97 Clarence Street, Kingston. New Suitings, New Laces, ; New Embroideries, New Wash Gdods, New Neckwear, Ete. ou BN) D HE GINGALEE® Country the York cast, including William N. Vira. yO A artha Capine, © # he. $1, $1.50. se OF ee Importers of Fine Groceries, red From a Hundred Others. and p Fish" Sal