Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Feb 1905, p. 1

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-the eu: of undy ures. The rapid coo: 10t balanced by oo > congestion and inflame and bronchial membya,.. cold. As the slightest idual to attacks of the, character, the nece not be emphasized. c €Xpos. les, colg © Most ssity for Take overlain', Remedy} dication of the cold sults will be avoided, ld quickly but coup Id to result in pneumopi, lly proven during the epi- grip of the Past few years f these diseases having re. vhen this remedy w *d to the manuface which 'shows conclusively : best and quickest cure for preventive of that danger. § nia. E rin giving this remedy to NO opium or other harm- nt to take, arge Size, 50c¢. § So E WORTH KEEPING | Is a combination of It teracts 1g re- as used, urers or i H i + Paice of a few tools and 4 or; of ing we can furnish the ool Say, did you hear (hat this wok 8 have a special 20 per cont, di sale of all: Woodenwares, inde STEP-LADDERS, WASH 11 BAKE BOARDS, C101 HES, WRI J ERS, WASHING MAC HINES, These special prices ar { course, cash only. & BIRC Brock Street. States troops. mi 1 {irom Annapolis and Point. Fiftecn thousa mil be in the otl teen thousand will and eivie line organizat ' | oh Indians, re bands in plenty, ni n 4d them. . The i confi j Stated, will be by | 4 | | this inauguration 1} ou A : i inauguration of dent, Any Symptom Headaches, J . nervo loss of energy, | | despair, Wade's | | ing through the bl i 2 i nerves to | | J restore | ond health vouth ! Money back if not satisfactory. {Three application Salve will ene | ! 15¢., at Wade's drug Heaven will he there will Ix { about. folk; Always d the foot of the class Do not blame the boy for be: ing dull and 1 are the stupic one! use you never thought . There is where dl A sluggish liver makes A boy cannot study full of bile! y on the liver. They ae ed. Dose, just one years. Always keep if e house. e Co. Lowell, Mass. oturers of YER'S CHERRY PECTORAL Por T'S AGUS CURE For i ae § appears ra YEAR 72. NO. 48 -- Dissolution ale Fiftion dozen spring shirts, worth $l and 31.25 just came to-day, Tic. each, 40 doz. ties, worth 25e. and 50c., for fe. each. 12 doz. undershicts and drawers, werth 31, for 65. nndershirts and drawers, 73 dor for $1. worth 2, 10 undershirts and drawers, worth 65c., for qe. I "0 cits at hall price, { We want this week to be the hig gent of all g E. P. JENKINS Comfortable Eye-Glasses We are devoting a great deal of our time to Spectacle and Bye-Glass Fisting. We carcfully examine your eyes, and sup- buss iy with ANY STYLE mounting vou may wish, at you will find wost moderate . : We fully guarantee our work in fitting, ur frames, nnd our lenses. Prescripti us for glasses carefully filled. SMITH BROS. JEWELERS OPTICIANS 350 KING prices There Are Other Shoes, But None Equal to Our $6 FRENGH COLT Made-~to-Order Work. Wear "Allen's" SIGN OF GOLDEN BOOT, ~~{NFORMATION WANTED. REGARD ING. THE WHEREABOUTS of Noble Fawcett. (nee Miss Johns tou, of tone, Ireland). Her hus- band, Noble Fawrett, died at Ports mouth, Kingston, Ontario, about 1854 or 1855. Nama of present husband not known. elie Mra. John Cook, Gib tar, Out. THERE IS A CHANCE Ihave nimost pew stoves, in Cooks and heaters, left, which I will sell at big ba Gre; KAins, also furniture, as I want to get space other stock id spring. TURK'S SECOND-HAND SHOP, 398 Princess Street. WANTED. CLASS WAITRESSES Randolph TWO First Apply Hotel RAL rs. Goodwin, A COOK OR GENF SERVANT L ones Apply M Alice Street ee eee 56% PURCHASE, SMALL DOUBLE brick dwelling, in central location Box 10, Whig office. A COOK FOR PAMILY OF THREE, wash Tor ironing. housemaid Iv 250 King Street SMART BOY, FROM 14 TO ih years oid learn the woollen nd Gents Purnishing business. Liv- on Bros to FIRST OF MAY -- 10 RENT-RBY THE A ten or twelve roomed house with "rn conveniences. Address, stat- ing terms, R 134 Ear! street i pt-- YOU MAKING $2,150 A YEAR? t is being dome with our goods Work is pleasant, respectable and permanont. G. Marshall & Co. Londoa, Ont. ARE 1 THREE furnished BY OFFICERS, TO ATTEND Months course at R.M.C bath with or without amily, quiet vicin this office with I KINGSTON COLLEGIATE ie uw teacher to take History nl Junior atin. Salary, $800 A tt once to Jahn Macdonald, bs Crea Hoard of Education GENT ENBEN, TO GET THEIR Shring Suits made up at Galloway's Brock street, next to Bibby's livery: style, fit and price guaranteed to please; pressing and repairing done Promptly, -------------------------- TO-LET STORES, OFFICES, BWELLINGS Fe ' actories and Stora; at McCann's Heal state Office, 31 Brock street, -- copper---- Xo BROCK STREET, HOT WAT- heating modern improvements 05 Clergy street, seven rooms, bath- room. ete. Rent $18 per manth: pos- "wsgion of both May lst. Apply 249 Brock street LOST. Fi ny E AIRDALE TERRIER, BLACK in tan markings, Reward jor its CLD to 138 William St ox NE AND A $2 BRILL. ON FER 25th, bet ween Co. nnd Qu N Reward for its return to Neo, 3 Quebee Sy rt RSE OF MONEY, ON SATURDAY Read On Princess Senet hetween Pier KR siore and Vaughan Terrace BF Fill be rewarded by *revarn IE to Whig Office GOOD BUILDING heen street, I LOT, SOUTH SIDE ot. Tw én Montreal and 9 Colborne street 4 W. RK Field Hawa from Europe, HE DAIL DAILY NEMORANDA. City Cadneit 8 pm Reform Ward Nee Aden "The 815 pm The sun rises and sets 3.47 yen a good business woman makes poor silent partner Meetings this evening Cingulee Grand Opera Hous Tuesday p.m at 6.40 4 ue at A friend in weed can ed on to make, touch You can never tell what is in a man oy always he count a cigar until you try them Farmirs" Institate Moetings at Wolfe Island, L30 und 7.30 pom. Taesday This day in history ~Longiellow IROZ | Cronk and 4.000 Boers captured 1900 Po-morrew will he the last day of George Mills & Co's 20 por cont dist count sale of manuviactured fur To-Night's Treat. " "The Cingalee" made the best hit of the season at Montreal. The seen ery and haggage required thrée ears to transport. The ontfit is fine, the piece is great, and there will he a fall house, Te Oo taBla look pret{y and youp friends what good taste you kel one of our $l SETS We are making a special price on this set. It will please you. ROBERTSON BROS.. To make your show have, Kingston Reform Association SUB-DIVISION MEETINGS ---- Sub-divisious will meet for the clection of chairmen for the ensuing year, as fol- lows : Monday evening, at eight o'clock Nos and Lg rence 'ward, Nos. 7 and 8, Cataragui ward, and Nos. 16, 17, 18,19, 20 and 21 Rideau ward, at "the Reform Rooms, Golden Lion Block. ; Tuesday evening, Feb. 28th, at eight o'clock, Nos. 22, 23, 24 and 25, Vic- toria ward, at the Reform Rooms, den Lion Block Gol- R. H. _TOYE, Secretary. For the Balance of This Month Great clearing sale of Scotch Twesd Suitings, Winter Overcoats and Trouser- ings :-- Regular $18 to $23 Seotch Twead Suiting for $16. Regular $24 to $27 Scotch Twead Sullings for §18 Regular $28 to $32 Scotch Tweed Suitings for $20 20 per cent. discount om all Winter Overcoata. Don't fail to see my Trouserings at and $5 This is a boni fide sale, with fit and workmanship guarantecd, with first-class tgimmings A new and up-to-data shock to select from A. GC. WAGGONER, 188 WELLINGTON ST The Kingston, Portsmouth & Cataraqui Electric Railway Compaay. To Whom It May Concern «= HAVING BEEN REQUESTED DY the requisite number of the bond br rs ol h hove Company to tak of t oad and the oth th © any under tu we, on hehall of have according A pointed Hugh « iy sone for r arised taining pany ny are cancelled KR. VASHON ROGGE Mortgagee t for the I Februar Y.W.C. FANCY WORK CLASS TO=NIGHT ! Conducted by Miss Sutherland. Bank Burned Down Special to the. Whig Regina, N.W.T., Fels. 27. The Bank of Montreal, undoubtedly the finest building in Regina, was totally de sttoved by fire, yesterday morning Grim and blackened walls and a Mass of unsightly debris remain to mark the spot where the structure stood The building was valued at about [50,000 -------------- The identity of the "steamer caught in the ice north of the Island of Hok kaida has not been determined. Twg other vessels, while attempting to pass La Perouse Strait, off Cape Sova, the of Hokkaido, have 3 northernm nt also heen canght hy es warships an atching the v the seizure of all ix expecied when thev are freed The election of Charles Calder in South Omtario i« to be protested hy the liberals "Frosh seidlite powders" © in tin hoxes, Gibson's Red Cross drug store The work itself is the best wage. a -- KINGSTON, Of Stoessel In St. Peters burg Routes Critics, PORT ARTHUR WAS NOT IN EXTREMITIES WHEN HE CAPITULATED, Public Ovation to Him Counter- manded on' Aetount of Death of Sergius--Notes From the Seat of War. Special to the Whig ; St. Petersburg rh. 27,~On the eve of General Stoesse arrival here a seation of the press is attacking him Litterly. These papers have printed all the stories tending cto show that the garrison of Port Arthur was not at extremities when it capitulated. The Siovo even alleging mistreatment of the inhal itants of the city ity of the papers, The majors however, resent eniti cism in advance of the official investi gation unjust and unwar ranted, denouncing it as shameful and comparing it the persecution of Marshall Bazaine following the sur render Metz. On acegunt of the rand Duke Sergius al the public ovation for Staessel have heen countermand and the man who a few weeks ago extolled as the hero of the war re tarns to the Russian capital to-night almost lke a soldier in disgrace as being ww of plans for a big a od was Own Dead Petersburg, Feb. 27. Gen, Sak (Gen. .Kuropatkin's chief of staff) reports that when the Japanese atincked and captured Beresneff Hill, February 24th, after re fighting, they were in superior force 'and ad vanced literally over the bodies of their own men. The Japanese loss was very heavy, the dead lying in heaps The Russian losses have uot yet been ascertained, Over Their St haroff REV Anxious To Avoid Fight. Newehwang, Feb. 27. Seouts report that the Russian raiders originally started from Suffangtai and consisted of four squadrons of Cossacks ecom- mandi by a colonel They lost ome officer and a number of men in the en gagement at Hunghoizu. The 4 signs seemed to be disheartened anxions to avoid a fight. se---------- Abandon A Town Tokio, Feb: 27.-The Russians shell ed Litajentan and Chenchichpao, on Friday. On the same day they bummed and abandoned -Chiensunmupaotzu, near Waitaom Mountain, Collisions be tween scouts and reconncitering par ties Re ang . contmue Fight In Snowstorm. St. Petershurg, Feb. 27.--A despatch from Sachetun, Manchuria, dated ves terday, says that fighting is going on the Russian loft. The Japanese ad vaneed in two strong columns The column, marching towards Pass, turned the left flank of Eastern Singolin the Russians, at Tsin Khetehen, com pelling the latter to retire. The west ern column advanced from the north, on lantazan, and i= trying to turn the w defending Goutonlin Pass The is desperate, notwith a heavy snow storm, The Rus ians north of lantazan repulsed" the enemy last evening he advantage, thus far, i= on the ide of the Jap ancse, though at heavy cost The scene of the perations is fifty miles south-east of Makden bovond Pa Pa n important defile commanding the road to Fusan. Both armies oc cupy parently impregnable positions on the centres. Gen. Kuropatkin evi dently planned to inangurate widely sweeping operations both flanks, but the Japanese countered hard, on Gen. Nogi In Command. London, Fel, 27.--An unofficial des patch from the Russian headquarters, dated vesterday, save that the fight ing continues in front and west of Pieling. On the extreme east the Jap ane ive taken the ontlving Rue sian positions, and now threaten the main fone It is presumed, on account of the fiercons of the attack, that Gen. Nogi, with the artillery from Port Arthur, commands this force. Forty wounded arrived at Mak den yesterday, and four hundred ar expected to-day Other indications point to an upusual struggle being in progress. A Llustering snow storm raged all dav, and ended in a bitter wind. This change in the weather may modify the nature of the conflict No Russians On Sha. Tokio, 27. Press despatches from the «tate that, on Thurs day, the Russians opposite the Jap anvse right, abandoned their positions south of the Sha river. On Friday night the Japanese advanced in * twa detachments under cover of darkness, and occupied an important line on the helghts inflicting considerable loses on the enemy. The Japanese lost twelve wounded. It jo stated that no Russians now remain on the loft bank of the Sha river Many Were Killed. St. Petershurg, Feb, 27 Gen, Ka ropatkin, has telegraphed to the ém peror, under date of February 25th, as follows "At five o'clock, thi: morn ing. the enemy occupied Tain Khet chen. Exact reports of our yesterday's losses have not yet been received There are twelve officers and about 306 men wounded in hospital at San tuyn. The percentage of killed is very Inrge He instances many cases of close fighting and and conclude This morning » bat. talion of the enemy advanced in the ONT ------------ Dd iE ARRIVAL . MONDAY, FEBRUARY direstian of: Papin pass south a aveni nm pied hy ae?' X six themy 3 outposts ---- rps . PITH OF THE NEWS. Over The World. Alfred Givoux, Quechee, by an electrie cur fugi Raymond: a fellow Ttalian, i Toronto, Congress Will Le ochod President Roose [( 000 a year, and cut in two. salary the result of injuries er 'explosion, Frank Liddell, « cg from New York, wu ed at Cobourg. It is reported thousand Retna. grate {o Canada Maud Gonnby: the Irish Joan of Are, is seeking a divoros ivam her husband Major Meliride, The Earl of Morley of the House of 1rd in-law of the dead. from a _gunpowd that wo Stundists will emi and brother Countess of Grey, « THE SULTAN OF ZANZIBAR Who bas just arrived in Eagland on a visit to King Edward and also to re mew the friendships of bis college days at Oxford. Fifty thousand dollars worth of jewelry @nuggled Ly Mrs, Cassie L. Chadwick, has been recovered by the United States customs. The crew of twenty-eight aboard the British steamer Brangor, ashore near Norfolk, Va, declined © to leave the A syndicates, respresentod hy Hugh Sutherland, has offered to supply Win nipeg with water from the Winnipeg river, first sterilized by electricity at a cost no greater, and probably less, than the city pays now for its present supply' Thomas J. Bumney, aged forty-two, living in the rear of 96 Seaton street, Toronto, took © his own life with a bullet on Satusday afternoon. He was despondent He was a mill hand for Scholey Ontario until two weeks when he was laid off 1 rok, , ngre street, ANTI JEWISH RIOTS. Streets In Caucasian' Towns Glut- ted With Dead Speeial to the Whig. London, Feb. 27.--A despatch to a news agency, from Odessa, savy it report there that ten been ki and thirty - wounried sh riots at Odessa ia Jews have Under Martial Law. Petersburg, Feb, 27. All Russian railways, except the Central Asian, bave been placed under tial law Advices from Batoum say the prefect St. the mar of police and severnl leading merch ants of that city have been assassin ated 'and that numbers of Ottoman subjects have been murdersd by Cor gian strikers. Revolutionary manifes toes in favor of a republic ase being circulated broadeast at Batoum Private vengeances have glutied the streeté of Dakua, Batoum, and Tit with dewd Armuenians and Mussulman Street of the Huss have suspended account of an article al Moscow hom the imperial govern ment hia od resolut pal coun demand adopted bv the munici I provincial Zemstvo ral constitutional re tical str; Huge Cotton Combine. Srecial to the Whig 1 k 27. Industrial = com bines in. Encland are not so numerous as in America and as a consequence on of the Master Cot Federation with the Bal Spinners' Association been consummated i eal attention. The mer ger, ho in large enough to at tract not en in the United States In fact, i+ is declared to be the big pest combi of ite Find in the world Although ready controlling nearly 30,000,000 srindlen, it will shortly be materially strengthened hy the addi tiog of nearly 4000000 apindles many new mille being now in course tof erection. The aggregate capital the firms included in the combine | not far total close to $200,000, approaches \ wiles nd wot of Santunyu, and this CORN 80 approach the passes occu: The Very Latest Culled From All Was run over was fatally shot hy game of cards in LO increase ww $n Mrs, George Sin, Hanulton, is dead brakesman accidentally Kills hundred deputy speaker 8 life-saving crew reached |servists who hod been called in flatly its issue of Friday reciting condition in Russia and asking whether they in dicate the istence of a government ------ A Popular Prince. Mosc Feb, 20. The employees of the municipal conneil are threatening to strike rder to show their sym pathy with Prinee Galatzin, prefect of wel for having sanction! forms. The eaployees regard the prince as their al advocate, 1f the strike OBOeCHTS it be the first purely poli short of 8150000000, and in bayonet charges, (#0me quarters it is estimated that the 27, 1905 ° Want To Share The Land They Tiil. ARE AROUSED BY WILD TALES THAT "LITTLE FATHER' WILL AID, Edict That' Will Allot Them a Portion of the Soil Is Looked For on March 4th, and Argu- ments Fail to Make Them Dis- regard Their Dreams For the Cold Facts. St. Petersburg, The begin: nings of movement have been observed among the peasantry of some of the southern provinces, where revolutionary agitators are ecireulat ing reports that the emperor will on March 4th, a manifesto provid ing for a general division of lands, A now allotment has been the deenm Feb, a dangerous Issue of the Moujiks ever sinee emindips tion, and, according lo private re ports, the stories have spread like wildfire and are implicitly believed, In the government of Tula ou large proprietor. went to his estate last week add found the peasants at work measnring off and staking their shares, In to explanation they ing manifesto, Refusing ta listen to hi that the report was absurd, would only say "We have heard 'Little Father' has decided." When the proprietor asked what would become of him, they replied, "Oh, we will leave vou the buildings and forty acres." Once the peasantry becomes possess ed of the idea that the emperor has willed a division of land, it will be excondingly difficult to disabuse their minds, and agrarian troubles on a large scale are feared, The Mouiiks are likely to turn upon the proprietors as they did several years ago in the provinces of Baratoff and Poltava, when almost complete anarchy reigned for some time. Among the reservists agitators are hix demands for an told him of the com- response declaration they the spreading the story that the war is over ; e A case is cited which ocourred | fortnight ago at Riazan, where 200 re- [ told 'the offieer (hey did 'not intend" to {perve "The war is over," anid the leader. } "We know vou simply want to make money out of a contract for feeding us, We will not serve." Off they marched. An instance also is given of reservists who aetiially left a railway train after they had been tarted for the front. Private reports leave ho for doubt that the strikes in the whole re gion helow Mose are almost entire Iv politieal in che room OW The situation ge in the south of Russia ie becoming worde instend of better and econtaing many factors which aré causing the authorities the reat 1 The of the necessity for the dispatch of additional troops to the Caucasus is already being consid ered Another factor that jx cansing grave jeoncern is the aectoal difficulty of now pplies fof feed e front increasing orting army at difficul Passed Tp Rest At NOUJIKS Necessary. Stecial ta the Whi London, Fol, mon: with guns, passed vance of the Japanese, -- pan London is incorrect. a strong in favor of home construction | KOGORO TAKAMIVA. No Chance Of Peace. through her nied all reports that for peace or that any act of be so vonstraed. The minister that, "The peace talk of the days vou can surely heliove some other land, at lenst another year, SH -- Tokio, Feb. 27.The German Viadivostok with a cargo of coal, were mized, Very Tokio, Feb, ment ade, dart rs of the Cold Weather, 275 The only an to-day, a bombardmens Saterday and that it is showing? od four battleships in England correct, Tha German steamér Romulo for Viadivostok with a cargo Af sont was séized Saturday w Thamked For Address. Potershurg, Fob. 27. cow nobility has sont a resolu St heavy Joss of lives and treasu following reply to the 'feeling expressed. | they will always remain a firm these difficult times for Bombarding Muldden. Amhersthurg, N\ Ont, Special to the Whig A mhert s wv, Unt Feb, 27. -Simon Fraser, of th me sucessful residents of Fasex county, died, last wht tthe ag of sevenly vears | With his wife, deco] came to {Canada in 1557, locating in Chatham, where he was for several years const «f with the constraction department of the Great Weitorn railway For five vears kh onducted business at Belle River, and in 1872 he came to Amherstburg and engaged®in the lum her, grain, and conl basin from which he retired in 1500, being swe {ceoded by his son, John Fraser In 1505 he was mnvor of the town and was alia J.P. and Neepse commission or for many year He leaves one son and twa davghtor | Seeding Begun. Sp a] to the Wiig FE, Fb, ¢ alreg commenced in the Madicine Hat district, a farmer, iin ing within two miles of the town, hay ing pt forty geres of wheat in during lott week, 'The temperature moderated gradually until on Saturday the max | imum was forty-five and the minimum twenty. further out have matle 5 .start | within the get day or two, Killed At Hastings. ecial to the Whig Hastings, Ont, Feb. 27--While ad sting a belt on the slush wheel in the tannery, about mine o'clock, this morning, Wesley Karnrike became tangled in the belt and was instantly killed. Cne arm was broken off at the | elhow and both legs were severed. Mr Karnrike was a married man, shout fifty years of age, with a large family ending on h support He came here from Havelook shest two years tle ago Chicago Mayoralty. Chicago, Feb, 27 Judge Dunne, of the circuit to- nnanimously nominated by the democratic ity convention at candi date for mayor, court, wa dav Edwad F.! Now Chwang, Feb, 27 sin, Feb, 27)-- According to n who has just returned here fre German Ships Seized. The czar, declaring it impossible for Kia to aceopt peace nt the price of «» - EE ---------------------------------- " MANAGER OF MUKDEN BANK. Ordered To Be Ready To Close TH IA despatch to the Telegraph from Siwminting, says that the manager of the Russion Rank at Mukdén has been told to he ready to close the bank, There id much anxiety in Mukden, Forty thousand Japaness are reported to be at Salkwmen, hav. ing, marched ere through the hills on the Mungolian hovders Six thousang between Sin" wingting and | the Lino river Satwe day. This imbioatos a movetient want in co-operation with the eastward ad. To Build Her Own Ships. Tokio, Feb. 27.--The statement abl od to America from London, that Ja. has ordered four battleships in It ix poasible, that Japan, in future, will comstraot hér vessols at home. | She has equipped extensive yards, shops and min and armor foundries and there ig growing sentiment in the navy and among the people genorally Washington, D. C., Feb, 27.--Japan, minister at Washington, Kogoro Takahira, bas absolutely de- she was suing the mi- kado su representative hero possibly oan added last fow i not eréated in Japan, hut emanates from Japan, it wan declared; has made all arrangements to continue the war for steam: ers Romaine and Severus, hound for Cardiff nounce- from the head Japanese armies, Manchuria, was a brief statement the effect that the Russians continued and Sun- day, and thar the weather is very cold in to The statoment that Japan has order won hound of Car ight, Mos- iop to Rus re, and the humiliation of the czag, The: cgas endorsed the address and has sent the the nobles : heartily thank the Moscow nobility for am convineed strong hold of the throne, more epacially in the country," (Via Tien person mm the front, the Japanese are shelling Muk den with, eleven-inch mortars, The bombardment which was recently commenced, is further reported to have caused great damage for behind the Russian lines Advices from Chinese that a general mgagement gress all aloap the fighting | anese right in line and Gen. Kuroki to be sweeping far north, and SOUrces say in pro The heaviest reported to be on the Jap- in said threat- "ning to cripple the Russians back on the railway A special force is wl to he moving from the south east way Viadivostok, with War Tidings. report and with the intention of culling off the Russian communication, by rail Prince Frederick i of Prussia, TearskorSelo, has started at far other farmers living | Who recently visited Emperor Nicholas for the The third Russian Pacific squadron, ommanded by atoff, puased Dover, England, wistward, Renr- Admiral Nebog- heading It is ansimed that the Japanese are {aiming to occupy the town of Tieling of to cut the railways between that place and Mukden. Gen. Kotopathin'e brief reference to | the casnnltion at Boresnefl hill leads t.. the expectation of 5 story lat | desperate and bloody struggle, The force of Chinese ir will menacing the Russians region, The cannonade along er of a e Japanese, joined with brigands, west of Kunochialin, in that the Rus- "ian centre diminished jn intensity. According to 4 Viadivostok « the entrance to. that harbor lespatch in open, and the sgindron, which is seaworthy, in taking no risks, but is saving its strength for co-operation with = Viee- Admiral Rojestvensky's squadr on, Toadies' We are well inst, #L the Heart Now Fa of ingston, 639 dene, urday, Bagot 9 St. 26th, Glen, of the to 1905, Bishop & Co., fim, have a Jams for in any manner. The price of ty is w ) full woods have drug store. Inspector GQ. a vist to the At Everybody's wie: Spring Season, Gailoring and Dressmaking We are now booking orders this department which will open on or about March highest class of wor corfect style and perfect fit JOHNSON CASSIDY On ROUBS~In Kingston, on February 2 1906, Mary Robbe, years, Funeral private, from hor son's residence thert Street KING-In Kingston, 73 Lower 1 Bagot St., on Sat February 25th, aged Afty-four years. Funeral: from his late residence 72 Lowey o'clock to St, Friends and acquaintances invite to attend DUPUY«At Chambly Capton, on F at Myra Fulaise, ate Hilary Interment. at Chambly, Que. Currant standing to any person who can prove that thel or Jellies contain any substis fruit and sugar, or are adulters 25c. per pot. of Fine Groceries. THE BEST MUNICIPAL BOND: JOHN MACKAY & C0., Canedisn Bank 'of Commeres Building, Importers : Don't expect vous. friends stuck on your jokes if they are pe "See the window" of laxative mo quinine at Gibson's Red W. Dawson is | penit Prepared to give th We the burch of the Veork Oity, Mr. Goon of Chicago, to Sarah, daughter of the late Awdrow © Ontario. DIED. neod wixt ot his late res John King on Tuesday morning Ab hoderal, Mary's Cat tha residence of eldest daw Dupuy, of Angles. Calton offer of 1.000 of Los line of Bishop's pure' p ;

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