Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Feb 1905, p. 3

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Comes there's always 'a need for "Armeur's Extract of Beet. 1: keeps up vitality and prevents "excessive loss of flesh ang strength. It's rich beefy favor makes beef tea that is as appeti. 'slog asit is delicious ud stim. isting. Sold by off Grocery acd Dragpisty, ARMOUR LIMITED, TORONTG The "Best" Drug Store TWO BARGAIN WINDOWS NOOD TOOTH PICKS, the Thy brand, full count, 6c. a Box [OILET PAPER, silk regular 1oc., tissue, 4 for 25¢. L.. T. BES 1, 124 Princess Street. )uick delivery. "Phone 59, GRAND UNION HoTEL . OPPOSITE Gap CenthaL Snow Bhcoact To Aud Fon STon_Feee ROOMS Row *loo PER Day Up The Whitewear ale is Booming ! Farly . and late shion's moves = ht up-to-the-minute. Our displa lin Underwear has alread: purse-opener to very many © garments are all of finest ug trimmed and : le TO-MORROW Ve will show extra hig valnes i we watchir are as: to be made in Night Gowns at 5%. up Corset Covers at 19¢ up, White Skirts at 500. up, ar Drawers at 25¢. and up etter be on hand early. onan & Shaw PELOPE00 0000 Pea Coal A shovel full thrown on your farnace fire holds it over night and saves you money. Per Ton, $5.50 NES SWIFT & G0. Teleadene 135. : ; ® Ae THOS. HILTON Princess Street, Twe Doors Below Latarmey's Carriage Shop. - » 1 Poabke' retin. Loc vad fitted, ete. MODERATE. 90900000000 00000 0000 March 15t to May 15th, 1908. Second Class Colonist fares * from Ki to Seattle, « Victoria, Vaucouver, oor, isis. wt wort 356-30 osland il, Rolison, and Kon, or $48.50 Ausconds. Butte, Helena, Salt $45.30 * sas Francisco, mg Cars Tourist Sleep leave Kingston Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2.26 a.m. accommodation of | passengers en or Second Class! Tickets to Chicago West thereof as far as bast, nominal charge is in advance. For Comfort Travel by the Grand Trunk Rallway System, J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Comper Johnston and Outario streets. KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS, $46.30 Vancouver, From March 1st to Victoria lay 15th, 1905. J Tacoma SECOND CLASS Portland ' FROM KINGSTON. Very "low 'Rates to many other Western Points ~~ Full partienlars ot K. & P. and C. PR. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. P.CONWAY, FP. A. FOLGER, JR. Gen. Pass Agt. - Gen. Supt SAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY New short line for Tweed, Napanee. Deseronto, mad ail local points.- Trains leave City Hall Depot at 3:25 p.m. F. CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagston. I te ------------------------ ALLAN LINE VERO DERRY Royal Mail Steamers. From St. Jobn. From Halifax. Bitilian, Sat. Mar. 4; fon. Mar. 8. Bavarian, . Sat, Mar. 11; Mon. Mar. 13. lonlan, Sat" Mar. 18 ;" Mon. Mar. 20. Tunistan, Sat. Mar : Mon. Mar. 27. RATES of PASSAGE--First Cabin, $50 and upwards according to steamer ead accommodation; Second Cabin, Liv- fool and Londonderry, $87.50 and $40, according to steamer. London $2.50 extra; Third (lass, $27.50; superior feommodation, Liverpool, Derry, Bel- fast, Glasgow, London. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Lauwentian Thurs. Mar. 2, 10 a.m First Cabin, $40 and up---Second Cab I $5--Third Class, $27.50, For jurther Larticulars apply t . gar LEY. Amat, UITi City Sie é . Bt ' »-- GILDER-~ BERMUDA VOR THE win. TER GO TO unknown, m i From New York, 48 ers og = twin screw steamship ** Bermudian," bas 25th Feburary and Oth, and 35th March and weekly thereafter. FOR WINTER CRUISES GO TO ~WEST INDIES Saye trip. About 20 days in tropics. from ) New Nindward and Tantrk, re re (10) Sutos ad hemerura every : V8. or urther rticu< Br MpOlY to 'A. B. OUTERERIDS HCL Ly Kents, for Quebec NS. Co.. a9 HERN® S°% York: ARTHUR 3 P. HANLEY ao io J.P GILDER: SLEEVE, Ticket "Agents. 'Kingston ah PRUD ENT MEN Buy Sheir loth; hy Clothing of us, rey i ! rey, Ses almost, ta sas nm, that they get superior C ae ts and light weight Rain Coats Ta m abundanec fiue lot of Gogh ou tempting priced. Also and Vr Ne. Footwear, ' Trunks at rock bottom pri new brices. A225" poner St the old stand 271 AAC Zacks Try Myers' for Fine COOKED MEATS. Tratod y Three Doctors for a Severe Attack of Dyspepsia, : Got No Relief From * Medicines, But Found It At ~ Last In Burdock Blood Bitters. Mrs. Frank Hutt, Morrisburg, Ont., was one of those troubled with this most common of stomach troubles, She. writes: --"* After being treated by three doctors, and using many advertised medicines, for a severe attack of Dyspepsia, and receiving no benefit, I gave up all hope of ever being cured. Hearing Burdock Blood Bitters so highly spoken of, I decided to get a bottle, and give it a trial. Before I'had taken it I began to feel better, and by the time I had taken the second: one I was completely cured. I cannot recommend Bur- dock. Blood Bitters too highly, and would advise all sufferers from dyspepsia to give it a trial." GILLETTS ABSOLUTELY PURE. SOLD IN PACKAGES AND CANS. Same Price as the cheap adulterated kinds. E.W.GILLETT {lave TORONTO, ONT. MEN AND WOMEN. Ten Rig © for unnaturel discharg o.inflam mations, irrigation ot ulceration of muosous membrans:. ainloss, and not astria gent or poisonous. Sold by Draggivia, or sent in plain wre hy exprecs, prepsid, 81.00. or 8 bottles 92.75, Qlzeular st on requad, REAL ESTATE Have you Properties for sale? It will cost you nothing to list it with us, DO IT NOW! A. F. BOND, INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE, 63 CLARENCE ST., KINCSTON. MONEY AND BUSINESS. UVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE the policy ho huve for security the limited _ Hability of » . QOYER MOKE ON PO Seiidings and convents than any oth ARCHITECTS. NEWLANDS, CHITECT, OF- AR r evar Mahood's drug Princess t LIN ARCHITECT, Re. Le Drill Hall, near cor ner of Quoen and Montreal Streets. Po ent------------ A SON AROBITECT, houER Bank Building, corner Brock and' Wellington streets. 'Phons 213 ARCITTEOY, % Lo SMITH, HENRY } Marka he Anch Hui " Sauare. "Phone 2s BRITAIN WINS AFTER ALL RUSSIANS BADLY | BEATEN. Admiral Who Saw { Were Things That Not There Let Down Easy by Commissioners. Patis, Feb. 25 ~The decision of the |1aternational commission of inguiry | into the North Sea incident was pub { licly annoy ed at the closing session {of the commission this afternoon. 'The {deciion set forth at considerable {length the circumstances and incidents and gives the opinion of the admirals on the vaiious important points in | volved. The decision says the delay of the Russian transport Kamschatka follow- ing the break down of her machinery was perhaps the cause of the incident. The commander' of the Kamschatka | tignalled to Admiral Rojestvensky dur- {ing the evening that he had been at: tacked by torpedo. | The admiral therefore had reason to { believe he might be attacked and gave orders for strict vigilance against the possible approach of torpedo boats. The majority of the commission con- siders that Admiral Rojestvensky's or- ders were not excessive in time of war under the circumstances and he had every reason to consider the situation THE DAILY WHIG, 'MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27. - i bright and frosty, From the SUTKivts of St. Petersburg eame the wWorkingmen in units, tens, h 8; thousands, un amued and L ButTall the brig es and other avenues 5 the tity had been ocoupiedl over night by Cossacks, ards, soldiers of the line, policemen, ivonag fives bummed brightly in the snow-covered steeet®, rifles were stack ed, troops were dancing, playing, laughing. Artillery. was ostentationsly wheeled over to the, Basil Island. St. Petersburg, in. a, word, wore the as pect of a city taken. by a foreign in vader, But the werkingmen had no misgivings, God might still be in heay en, but the ear, 0 whom they had given due notice of thie peaceful in. tention, was now ne longer far away; be would surely come irom Tearskoe Selo te St. Petessbury, and hear the hoart's desive of these the least of his childeen! Had hes done so he would have sweceeded in accomplishing what neither Grahd Puke Vladimir, with anti: Nibilistie' League, nor Grand Duke Sergius, with his. 'Bova Workmen's Democratic: Association, had effected ; he would have carried the lower class es. with him ahhost to a wan and de prived the liberals of the support of both the peasantoy and of the work very alarming. | "The commissioners," the decision | says, 'recognize unanimously that the fishing fleet committed no hostile act and the majority of the commissioners are of the opinion that as there were not either @mofig the fishing boats or in theiy/ vicinity any torpedo hoats, the opening of fire by Admiral Rojest vensky was not justified." The decision further says, the Rus [sian commissioner did not share in the {latter opinion. "In any event." the decision contin i ues, "the commissioners are glad 10 { recognize unanimously that Admiral [ Rojestvensky personally did all he could from the commencement to the end to prevent the trawlers being the object of fire by the Russian squad {ron."" Concerning the squadron's ling, without assisting | trawlers the decision says : "The commissioners are unanimous | that under the circumstances preced ling and following + the incident that { there was such uncertainty concerning | the danger to the squadron as to war {rant Admiral Rojestvensky in con- | tioning his route. However, the ma jority regrets that the adwiral did neighboring maritime proceed- the damaged {not inform the powers of what had occurred." The decision concludes as follows: { "The 'commissioners declare that their | views as formulated are not of a na: | ture to cast any disrespect upon the | military valor uor upon the senti t ments of humanity of Admiral Rojest | vensky and the personnel of his squad- | ron. | At The British Foreign Office. | London, Feb. 27.-The foreign office {received the findings of the North Sea conumnissipn with apparent equanimity, but declimed to give out any official expression of opinion thereon. An of ficial said to the Associated Press: "The finding of the commission is final. We. therefore must be satisfied land it. would be bad taste for us to fexpress dissatisfaction.' { The Assocjated Press understands unofficially, however, that the foreign j office is well pleased with the findings. | The findings were received in Lon: | don with every sign of gratification, {which was all the more marked be- {cause of the premature reports that | the decisions of the admirals had been { of an anti-British character, The whole | report is regarded here as discrediting | the Russian case. Even the phrase that {the firing was not unduly prolonged, which seems to. afford a certain justi- | fication for opening the firing, is at { the same time taken as implying that | the Russians continued to fire after | they had discovered their wistake, The | definite findigg of the admirals that {no torpedo boats at the scene of the incident gives considerable sat } istaction and it is pointed out. that { the British contentions were further {upheld in the finding that the trawl fore Crane and Aurora were the. boats were | the Russians mistook for torpedo | boats i Press Agent Killed. { New York, Feb. 27.-The lifoless thady of Daniel Mills, Jr., aged | press agent for Keith's Theatre, in | this city, was found lying on the | tracks of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit { company in Brooklvn, It is believed he {fell from a car while rounding a curve, forty, A man gets to be a statesman after the public thinks he is too smart to be put in jail "Casting all vour care on him"' not include ur care for others, does The New Seale the material for case and finish, the "hs tone and strength of design 4 piano to Williams Piano Co. Write for copies of 'Hustrated booklets on the men, without whom no revolution { possible in Russia, It was a rare op: | portunity, worthy of a great or a { good monarch. Many of the extreme revolutioniste teetbled lest the czar would go, as Nicholas had pone, "to this rebellious subjoets fearlessly and { bravely. But he staved in the apart ments of his palace instead, He had put the Grand Duke Viadimir in com mand, and this personage is reported to 'have "explaimed, "1 am not Nich olas the Second, 1 shall Le a second Nicholas !"" And he was, He pave his orders to Prince Vassilchikofi, who carried them ont to the letter, A general staff was got together: the city of St, Petersburg was divided in to sections, of which each one was as signed to a body of the troops: officers gathered around a. green table on which lay an owtepread wap: adijut ants came and went continually; in a word, the game af war was being played elaborately. Then the "invad ing army' was attacked in sections and driven" back with: great dauehter individuals of © both sexes and all ages. The man who carried the czar's portrait was. shot-'dead: the liRenoss pierced: the priest Gapon, arraved in his vestments, was home down by his falling comrades; amen, women, child {ren. were shot, not like the Japanese, who are made prisoners if unarmed, but like wild beasts. Boys perched on the boughs of leafless trees, women clinging to «the ren railings of public » gardens, babies in their mothers' arms, is { Dussers-hy who vam into adiatent houses for shelter] wéiv dain deliber ately;' mercilessly. @leofully, 1 saw Cossacks grinning as they began their bloody work: "saw others joke when the dand were enrried past them: and 1 heard of others Whe boasted of in { human dreds «God was still in "heaven, hut the exar was far awav, Ave, further than he has since * Russia hoeame: an empire. An abyss now sevarates him from his people. And if the Grand Duke Viadi. mir was not Nicholag the Second. he was in many respects a second Nich olas, a even been The Pall of Rheumatic Pins. When a sufferer finds Permanent re lief in such a meritorious medicine as South American Rheumisitie Cure, how glad he is to tell it, C. W. Mayhew, of Thamesville, Ont., couldn't walk feed himseli for monthefour years ago three bottles of this great remedy cured him--not a pain sinte--isn't that encouragement for rheumatic sufferers? At Wade's Drug Store-£2. or ------------ At Chaffey's Locks. Chaflev's Locks, Feb, 24.7 party of fiftcen mon with ploughs and fou, teams of horses made roads to Elgin so they are quite passable now. Little Miss Ethel Fleming is on the gain after a serious illness" The party at J. Ko Regan's was enjoyed very much by the young people. of this vicinit, B. White intends moving ton farm near Philipseille, which he has rented George Ciford will move to the farm he: vacates, Miss Rove Simmons is vis ing at Newboro. Mr. and Mrs, E. Sip, mons have gone to Kiagstom. On a count of bad roads there has been no majl for a week, emp Colds Lead To Pneumeaia. Laxative Bromo Quinime, the world wide cold apd grip remedy, removes the cause. Call for the full name and look for signature of EB. W. Grove. 23 Fellows Bronchial © Plasters for coughs, 'colds and bronchitis, at Me Leod's Drug Store. Williams Piano is the result of care and amention given 10 each detail in the selection of choicest woods and vanih of the finest quality being used After vamishing every case is hand-ribed 1s the brightest finidh, which gives the brilliancy and durable 6c di which is only one of their chief characteristics Are ceminly very besirifil Dr. Edward Fisher, Musical Director of Taronts Conservatory of Music. il history and construction of emma 3 Ltd. Oshawa, Ont. ME 5 tions WEL Millions of people, of nine diferent nations. are constant asers of Ligui zone. Some are using it to get well; somes to keep well. Some to cme germ 3: como as a tonic No medicine was ever so widely employed. These teers are everywhere; your neighbors and friceds are among them, And hall the people you meei=-whors ever JOR are--know sgme-one whom Liguozone has cored. If you nsed delp, please as. somes of these users what Liguozons does. medicine cannot do, erms, Druga paver kill size bolitle vo try, We Paid $100,000 For the American rights to Liguos gone. We did this afier testing the product for two rough physi slans and hospi after proving. a thousands of diltercal cacer, that Liquozone destroys thy canse of any germ disease, Liquozone has, for more than 20 years, been the consani subject of gcisntifio and chemice] rescareh. It is pot mede by compounding drugs, nor with alcohol, Its virtues are derived solely from gar~largely otygen gas-- by a process reguirierg immense appa- ratua and 11 days' thne. The result ia 1 liquid that does what oxygen does, If 1s a nerve food and blood food----the DELICIOUS Pork:Beans A relish for young or old, and a most whole- some dish for all. Sold plain or with Chili or To. malo Bauce, in tims, wold vendy to serve. sand 10c. All Dealers. W. CLARK, Mir., Montreal 04 ¥ASHION'S FORM, sage green cloth, trimmed with fancy glk braid in black, The vest is of light tan, trimmed with small gold buttons, green and gold, About Fodder Cheese. Montreal Produce Merchants' As adopted the following resolution relating to. fodder choose The Montreal Produce Merchants' As sociation being solied tous pro mote the interests of tngaged in the dairy industry in Canada, ther. as producer merchant, desires to repeat and emphasize the objec tions expressed in former circulars, viz. : That the manufacture of fodder cheese is detrimental to the interests of all and should be discontinued, The experience of the past has shown that for the part made from fodder milk ix not of a quality good enough to enhaner the repufa tion of Canadian cheese or incrogse its consumption by the . British public Further, it has been found that on the average the quantity of clioese pro dueed during our grass season is about as mitch as can be consmed at pnices profitable to the producer The association appreciates the fact that the disposal of milk produced be fore the ofening und alter the dose of the scakon ix wn important question, bat in view of the improved methods introduced in the manufac ture of butter in recent years, and the wperior quality now produced from fodder milk with increased demand at remunerative prices, the association confidently recommends that whergeer possible, butter should be manufactured instend of cheese during the winter sea son. or. say from the 15th November t, the 1st of May. The sociation hax to all whe or nost cheese cheese Don't blindly tale medicine for what |i {ternally. Eve For your own sas, ask eboit | medicine is t quozone; then let us buy you a full} One Of The Latest Styles Just Out. Displaying a modish tailored gows of moet purity germ Rone, gorm the | 1 | ceoosececeecR@® His effects srs ex tle an ofier of $1,000 for is that rerms are vegetables; Liquosones~lika an excess of opygen---| is deadly 10 vegolal matter, i There Mes the great value of rerms {a the body without killing the ee, Any drug that kills germs Ha a oon; and It cannot be taken ine so are the known germ diseases. A. medicine can do for these troubles is to help Nature overcombd and. such Tect and uncertain, Liquozone attpc 16 germs, when the germs which canse a r aro destroyed, the disease must end, and forever. That ait! 400 CRUML combined. Moro "HAPPY THOUGHTS" are in use to-duy than of any other stove . . or range the conniry ever saw. Not one ueer of n "HAPPY THOUGHT" but is pleased with it beyond 1neasure. Now Use Liquozoae. Won't You Try t--Fr ee r : 2 ; x helott (hing in the world to you. Rex reason and You it t we that it cannot kill, The IL is the only way kuown to yulsian knows that if helpless in G D i cane a > rosulis are lad!- wherover t are. And is inevitable. | | Mydiaseis... i Eerararars Eee Cvesa bere Ensareney Apa dred iment Sn rn AFTI RRR REAR R EER A nib bitinausatdhoniass infusions Syd plainly. MONEY WITH WINGS ! On Tuesday, Feb. 28th, Wednesday, Thursday, | Friday, Saturday and Monday, March 6th, we hope to . tempt many a silver or paper dollar to fly from the pockets of our patrons to our cash till. We want money--so tempting offers are given to raise it. On. these days your choice of New Dress Goods, Gimps, Laces, Ribbons, Embroideries, ! it Gloves, Corsets, Shakers, Cottons, Sheetings, nels, Curtains, Carpets, English Floor Oilcloth, Shaker | and New Cotton and Muslin, Night Gowns, Skirts, Drawers, Corset Covers, Apions, Sateen and Sie Blouse Waists, Skirts and Jackets, all at ay i A ak i & a Voi yd 500 yards Wrapperette Flannel, worth 1 REDUCTION OF On same days we offer > yard. : for 7c. a yard. 25 Black Sateen Underskirts, worth $1.25, for each, and all Flannelette Ready-to-Wear Wrap- pers, sizes only 32, 34, 36, worth from $1 to $2 each, at 75c¢. each. ------ All : They're Coming! Within a short time we will place before You will find our stock will be replete with the finest products of the best Canadian and We never had a 8 to offer 'season. you our New Spring Shoes. American factories. finer assortment or greater valu than we will have for this sprip| ------ . 3 McDERMOTT'S SHOE "HAPPY THOUGHT" RANGE Four Significant Facts i aro wado every year than all others" More "HAPPY THOUGHTS" Not a single buyer of "HAPPY THOUGHT" Las choices, "Tis said "There is a best in everything In view claiming to» much in stating that the "HAPPY THOUGHT" We Sell This Wonderful Cook Stove. MCKELVEY & BIRCH best on earth ? 69 and 71 Brock Street. yards finer Cashmere Wrapperette; EY Bl fools Guaraniond An Reprotenios ou Manap Refunded. 0e9eE® , Ki : ADs 2a REY ey pa! : ih 08, evor regretted his i : of the above, are wo Rangé is the >}

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