lected barley malt he ---- Eh What Is Going On In the Business World--The Markets, Contracin Tor 120.000 vinx of stool alls have heen placed hy Hoek fsland, Narthera Seourltios, and dthars. Grand Trunk Huilway SYSLOG earnings from Vebrunry 15th, to #ist. 1905, Had ao Mme period; 1904, $008,860. Erbin, A Ville Maric = Bank depositors clamour foe a fourth dividend and two conta on he tar "yoay he a in, defunct linnk 5 out ob 4 to ob "ireutntion notox. and $200, 408 to of credits, Tho Lr tie deparithents of the Cana: facific, Railway show their wi- his for the Week olin Febtunry 2int, 10 4 AL (0 for the fanw we Jet gt el O00, an inersise for 3 of 3.2 x s FORESTALLING BY-LAW, -------------- ® [Hope That Ald. Johnson Wil 3 - Nut Get Helpers. | Kingston, Feb, 27.--(Ts the Editor): , me venture to express the hop that whim Ald. Johnston attempts to the forestalling by-law no other oy con ue Sound in odr couneil will asus in #0 great an v.10 onr ---- It ir he OWI. Lo pviry citizen that only to of our 1 rate i the bylaw from being vies ol sey market diy. As a proof of f how will some of our merchante. study the citivens! interests, fot me state : le bunching in wu vestawrant same 200 ile Tren the city during ? 'histones wok, Lhe prior ine J lormed me that he hdl ont received Jone ton of turkeys from Kingston, No J one could abject to this it the purchas- [ing was done under the terms of the the | by-law, bit I am afraid the by-law is Jolton Broken whi fowl is searos.-- Yours tenly, THOMAS DONNELLY, ------------ In The Finals. In the Queen's intervear hockey game to-day, the junioe year teleatixl the seniors by 7 ta 2. This game puts Juniors in the fuale: for. the inger. Your chawipionship, with the winner between the freshmen and sophomare Year, James Macdounoll was referee, The teams wore : duniors-Splers, goal; Crag, point; McKonvie, cover; « Thorton, Temple: toh, Shorey and Richardson forwards, Seniors + Penman, goal; Baker, point; Bateman, cover; Curtin, Mal eolm, Dunlop and Mahood, forwanls. te ein: A Busy Day. Saturdey was a busy day in George Mills & Co's. hig fur store, Their twenty per cent. discount ale of J madilactoved furs, attracted many A and 'War a great' stiveess, Fo marrow will be the last day of the sale, -------------- Put Up The Cash. The 81,000 to accompany the Kings. ton protest has been deposited in the Bank of. Osmmeree; Toronto, to the eredit of the high court of appeal ace firm parent punishes Coo ateadicting him bee | countant, ihe ohio right. -- nt i ption, ordered | "Laxative Bromo... Quinine'. for York Dress Ro- * evippe is sold at Gibson's Hed (ross drag stow, DOTOOOTOODOOOO0IOO0 DOOD OOOO of the choicest growths of - Undoubtedly better for the | is sad 4 d convalescent * than any A\RL AND, Agent. Fa Apo $ 'a Wy mn pponed | no : a action, only fomation + ' eer : jon the subject was contained in an al. | 5 . : leged cablogram, which, it was hing. > Another Change. 3 pring on oe jo pa erie ion of a 3 The Kington | Stroot railway & and a strong, independent seat of learning as. Jute the hands + ay ed Beuchont a Bourget. Uni: + conducied hy them. r vood, + varsity, is strong, in some quarters, it is said, was bonded for $900, 4 ty of 16 be upheld by the fuoul- "000, the. tnjority ot of onl » : : Te del By 1 Vieklor, Hugh & ri Mokiotue President Bi the Vie. + Nickle will A ineral nee toria Hockey Chi, will go to Ottawa, * of the Tor. * to-morrow; to with the offi. * 3 vials of the Ottawa Hockew Club, amd : challenge which will he the trustocs will Cla precedonce other cha evn Ottawa will play one match on Areh, ite and that the gate will be divided ------------ MASTERY OF MIND. Freaident Harper 1s To Demon. strate It. Chisago, Fab, 27. President Willian R. Harper, of the cago, in said to have Made - a deter- mination that in his case the X-rav troftment will be given the fullest and most complete test that it has ever hears put 16 an. a enre for cancer and a give 2% " friends believe that his force of mind and mastery of will power will help onward the desirad result, Ug. Harper is possessed of a. mgr vellous power of concentration, and it is hie plon to, demonstrate at Jonst the partinl mastery of mind over hadily ills, It is pointed ont that the late Conil Rhodes caved himself of deadly affic- tion alter he had heen given up by physicigns. ker Dr. Harper, it is said, will follow the South African's example hy using utmost will foree in conjunetipn with the X-ray to shake off the dis anke, As soon as possible Dr. Harper in farmunnce of this plan; will gn all is vitality and resolutely go back to his work at the university. TO AGREE ON A CODE. ---- For Use on Great Lakes--To Have Commission. Special to Whig. Detroit, Mick, Fb. 27. An agita: tion recently Inaugurated to make the marine "rules of the road" more uni- form will result in the appointment of commissions by the. American and Canadian governments to investigate and ogres on a code of signals for use on the great lakes. The signals in ust hy Canadian vessols differ in de tail from those observed by American boats, and it is to make the rules simpler and provide for penalties - for their non-observance that will take np the time of the commission. A Detrojt- er may be appointed a momber of the American board, rn BACK ON ACTIVE LIST, A Kingston Officer To Be Re- Gazetted. ! Special to the Whig. Ottawa, Fob. 27.<1t is stated here that Lieut.:Col. De la Cherois Irwin, CMG, ADC, and Lieut. -Col. H, R. Smith, ADC, will shortly he re garevted licutenant-colonels on the active list. A vear ago these officers wera removed from the militia under itenetions from Smith; then military scervtary. At this timo the military secretary. was charged with the duty of retirements, promotions, military honors, and re warty. ished and its dutivs transferred to the adjutant-general, ------------------ Movements Of Vessels. Suicial to the Whig, ) ontreal, Feb. 27. --~The Allan line SS. Pometanian sailed from Boston for Glasgow, at 3.20 pm. Saturday, The Allan line NS. Neavilian, from Glasgow, arrived at Portland at 9.50 ain, yestesday, The 'Allan line RMS, Parisian, sailed from Si Jom, N.B.. via Hal fax, NS; for Liverpool, at 6 a.m. yesterday. The ©. P.. R. Erde, sailed Saturday, Atlauthe. SR, Lake from Liverpool, 3 paw. for St. John, NR. -------------- Count Elopes With Shop Girl, Bolin, Feb. 97.-A sensation Has in caused at Schwerin by the elope: ment with a shop girl of Lieut. Count von Handissin, son of Admiral von Dawdissin. who went to America with Prince Teney of Prussia, It is believed that the pair have pon abroad. D. J. O'Donoghue Hurt. Ottawa, Feb 27D, J. O'Donoghue, fair wage officer, is nursing his right arm: Me O'Donoghue; while on a busi Ress visit to Peterhore, fell down a one-hindrod-foot incline near the hig HE Jook, amd reecived a sevore shaking up. His arm has been twice operated upon, dnb ---- Died In The Hospital. Special to the Whip. : oronto, | Fob, 27 --Amold Simon, n watthmaker, who. : shot him: Liven to "eollege from the Quebec in i tion, Kk, perty taine, and P, | tended. the. eeting, | "ences, the traciess of the Stanley "op, a resented on hrhall of , Um Vietoria Chay for the Stanly cup. Tt is smderstoond that the Victoria Over a number of I Agen which. have already presented. It iv plea stated that 3 University of Chi. destroyer of cancerous growth in the Livut.-Col.. Howry Recently this office was abol- } Brunswick 0, five, had Burned out hy made a clean sweep of and sheds from Loulsi- to Napoleon avenue. The ruins will burn for a day or two, The fire is supposed 10 have originated from spontaneous combs «dn addition to the railway pro destroyed the Crescent plant, many wmall large mumber of snl! in the fire ores and a FAEPISECD SEE Shes = 2 eaten PETITIONS RECEIVED. Two Protests Have Reached The Registrar, Srecial to the Whie, Taranto, Fel, 27. ceived notice, to-day. that William A. Preston, Fort Francis, has petitioned against the retum of Hugh Kennedy, the liberal menher-oloct for Port Arth- ur and Rainy River. The petition pro. ably will arrive in thie dourse, pelition against the return of BE. 4B. Perse, who carried Kingston for the liberals, is now in the hands of the registrar. The usial charges of treating, bribery, and all forms of corruption are matls hy the petitioner, Doninld Mentyie, who asks that his opponent he unseated and disqualified, -------------- POLICE FOROE STRIKE More Than Half Join the Work. men. Special to the Whip. arsaw, Beh, 27. -Sixty per ot. of the police force of Warsaw, to-day, went on strike, openly mingling with strike workers, Fights hetwoen tho strikers und troopers occurred; A force of the sieikers and rebel policemen parmded the suburbs, felling the tele- Jeraph poles. In o fight, in Novelplki street, one soklice and one policeman were killod and ten police wounded, The registrar re »> ¥ * Sabbath Laws. "> + > & Ottawa, Feb. 9. The su 4 + pram court, this morning, gave # & its decision in the reference on ol = Sabhath observance laws, find- 4 + ing that the obligation to a # such laws nods with the Do- 9 minion parliament. and not # with the provincial legislatures. 4 * + } KILLED AT TELEPHONE. ---- { A Foreman Electrocuted At De- troit. Betroit, Mich., Feb. 27. Charles Holton, aged twenty-eight, night fore- man at Woodward avonue car house of the Detroit United railway, was ole trocuted while using the railway com- pany's private telephone line. 14 was evident that the 'phone ewrrent had become crossed with the current used for operating the cars, The telephone burned for three minites after Holton had Maggered away to fall dead. Recovered Damages. Special to the Whi oronte. Fob. 27.- The Waited coun ties of Northumberland and Durham have effected a sottlement with Mrs, Jessie Nadoo, allowing her $800. for the death of her hushand, who foll through the railing of a bridge at Camphellford. The woman has three small children to ecard for. -- Granted Privilege. Special to the Whig. Ottawa, Feb. 27,--The supreme const (18 hearing an appeal from a New court, awarding damages for a steamboat collision in Boston harbor. An American lawyer, Mr, Lodge, of Boston, was privileged to present argument. British Princess To Wed. London, Feb. 23.+"The. betrathal is announced of Princess Victoria of Con. nanght to Prince Osear, eldest son of the Crown Prince of Sweden and Nor- way. The anno incement states that the engngoment has the entire sanction and approved of King Kdwand, ------------ Massacred Russians. Spécial ta the Whig. : St. Petersburg, Feb, 27.-At Raju, to-day, armed Armeniens invaded Maclkoll's factory and massacred for ty-two Russian workmen, who refused to participate in' the revolutionary movements, The Story Denied. Svecial to the Whig. . Ottawa, * Feb. 27.-W. H: Rowley. sedretady, denies that a sendieate is being forded to take over the FE. B. Edely works, --------------------" Wrecked And Orew Lost. Special to the Tokio, Feb, Whis. he British steamer Gibson's Red Cross drag stove, All Fresh. there, The man who feankly admits that he is lazy manages to aveid a lot of hard work, Lowell Runes shot and killed himscli outstanding eral manager of the road, way. representatives and the city coun cil's official committee was called for arrangement could be relieved of some burdens. The city council will likely dead with the question at its meeting to night. To See Ii More People Cannot Be Seecial to the Whig. superintendent of the institute for the blind, at Brantionl. and R. Mathison, superintendent of the deaf ad domb institute, at Belleville, are undertak ing a joint campaign with a view to ascertaming the names of all persons s ine the province, under thirty years Dee has boon wrecked on Posseseion 1s of age, who could be benefited hy land, Tt js believed all on board were courses at their respective institutes lost. While the institutes Rave reached and benefited a large' proportion of the Tt pays to buy infants' foods at blind and deaf and dumb. it ie felt that there are many more who could be helped if they know of the advant | at ages offered, at Gibson's Red Cross drag stom Ba Matters That Interest Everybody Everything Easily 'Read or im- Pere Marquette switchman, was killed at Bt. Thomas. (Bt. George's ted Varsity, in Taranto, on Saturday sight; score, 12 0 3, * The Grand Frank carried 30,000 peo in and out of the Muskoke regions ast year, Lood Siratheona has given $1,000 10 the Roval Jubilee Hospital at Rat Portage, Alderman T. J. Barry, Walifas, heard & roof of snow fell off and died of injuries. David Linton Lockerby, one of Mon- teas oldist merchants, died, on Sun- day morning, aged sixty-nine years. Samuel Sieghert,, a. of New York firm of cotton dealers, jumped 0 death from a sixth-storey window. The king has personally sided with Bir Antony Macdonell, the undersoere. tary for Irelund, in his policy of eon ciliation, Federal cabinet will not interior in death sentence of Martin, the Toronto child murderer. We will bie Mairh Mich. Richard Croker has loft Now Yark for his country estate near Dublin, Tre land, He intends 10 close out all his English interests, The Prince and Princes: of Wales will visit India in November, nid stay un- Gl March, making o tour of the prin cipal cities and native states In the trial of Jdickling, the return: ing officer in the Macdonald election, Mr. Walters, liberal eonnsel, protested hanged on against Magistrate MceMickim, nas un- fair. Grand Duchess Elizabeth will, in memory of her hushand, Grand Duke Sergiuw, provide dinners for forty: days for the poor of Moscow, who number 45,000, Col. Samuel Hughes, MP. inter viewed at Toronto, says there will be rebollion in the North-West, if separate schools go through. Everybody will fight, he thinks, Baldwin Marr, a white farmer. liv ing near Jacksonville, Fla., was shot and instantly killed, and his daughter, Mrs, Brittie, was seriously wounded by Clarence Mason, a negro. sen. Stosksel regehed Mosoow on Saturday and was well received. Te will fo to' Si. Petersburg bn Wednesday and subsequently' he willl return to Moscow for 4 prolonged stay. Hon. 8. EK. Reid, Te new liberal minister of agriculture in ihe fourth district of Prince, Prince Edward Is land, was ro-eleoted. on Friday by 350 majority over Mr. Delaney, conserva tive, The great Simplon tunnel through the Alps has been pierced, the two horing parties meeting in the centre, It is twelve miles long, and cost 15% 000.000, and has heen Seven years in construction. At Lagos, Mexico, as a result of the arrest. and imprisonment of Fathet Gregorio Retolaza, parish priest of that place, a mob stormed the jail, partially wrecked the building and res cud the priest, . At Wileoe, W.Va, as a result of an explosion in shaft No. I, of the United States Coal and Coke Ce.,, twenty- three miners are supposed to' have fost their lives, and it is possible that the number will execed thirty. Col. Samuel Edward Wood, of the Highlanders, Sir Colin Campbell's "thin red line," ig dead at Dumfries, Private Green, whose life he saved by a daring act before Lucknow,' in the Indian mutiny, was at bedside when he, died. It is said that Hon. Mr. Sifton can not stand fon the fastening of separate schools on the new Provinces, and ii is said that his resignation will be in the hands of the first minister in the course of a few days, unless Sir Wil frid decides to substantially his proposals, hy ------ THE STREET RAILWAY. the colonel's modify Passes Into the Hands Bondholders, The street railway is about to pass into the bands of the bondholders whe hold a mortgage amounting to about #200,000. As to the amount that the stockholders will lose, nothing de finite ean yét be said. The situation is simply this, in the words of one of those interested : "Owing to the mix up with the city and the fact that the of The interest was not paid last Janunry, the hondholders appointed a trastee, in the person . of Dr. RV, Roger K.C., who will assume control for the present until matters are wound up.' The road has not been paying, and heniea the interest could not he met. It is understood that there are als many debts, Hugh CC. Nickle, the present superintendent, will Le gen. Another confarence between (he vail three o'clock this aftersoon to for ther discuss the general gitnation of the road, and try to come to some whereby the company A JOINT CAMPAIGN, Helped, Torouto, Feb, 20.-F. H. Gardiner, ---------------- "Pericetdy fresh" the infants foods Sl through the head, last night. at i rdingr-house 3» Alive street, the hospital this morning. va at the Chivage Opera Rouse during a le performance, i 4 tion. New York Dress Ref Rargaing in corsets, every deserip- orm, From now till dog days everything will be "husté No woman who sees this showing of dain White Underclothing so modestly priced would think of taking time and trouble to make them athome It does not need special experience to appreciate the values. In every way thig collection is exeeptional and, different from any other in Kingston, If Not Prepared to Buy It makes no difference. Come and ge what we are offering and should you so desire you can select any garment or number of gar. ments and have them placed aside until re. quired, Drawers, 15¢., 20c., 25¢., 30¢ , 43c, 63c., 75¢ , 8gc, $1, $1 25, $1.40. Corset Covers, from roc. right up to $1.75. Nightgowns, 39c. right up to $4. White Petticoats, from 7sc. right up to $6. FINE .. EMBROIDERIES ! We are selling more Embroideries this year than 'ever before and the reason is quite plain, We have the dainty designs and from the nar- rowest up to the widest widths. They are pric- ed for quick selling : : 45¢., 49¢, Narrow Patterns, 4¢c., sc., 6c., yc.. 8c, gc., oc, I2}4c., 14C., I5C. Medium Petterns, 5C., right up through a long I list to 4oc. Wide Patterns, 15¢. up to 65c. and 75c. Flouncing Embroideries, Skirting Embroideries, All-over Embroideries. Special Values in Corset Cover Embroideries | Widths and designs, Corset Covers, 15c., 19c., 45¢., 49¢., 63c,, 75c¢. made expres:ly for 20¢., 25c, 28c, joc, | JOHN LAIDLAW SH] e-- "March will come in like a lion, but go out like a lamb." Crows have already been seen. Robins have sent a wireless to say they coming. SPRING SHOES Have already arrived and there's more to follow THE LOCKETT SHOE STOREY hi Wo Conti now 814.50 Couch now 4 gph Bed Couch [RON BED Sw Ivén Bed ho) 24:50 Iron Bed mn H0thers at £3.25, « Sideboards, Exte all Redu ROBT: J. The Leading. pinderaks 2 doors above opera hots Comfort Eye= Gla We are devoting a g time to Spectacle he le carefully examine yi ~ you with "ANY 8 you may Wish, at. pri most moderate We fully guurantee ou + pur frames, sand our let ; Prescriptions for glas: SMITH | 1 have almost new sto heaters, eft, 'which I wi gains, slso furniture, a pace for other stock i TURK'S SECOND- 398 Princess TWO FIRST CLASS Apply Hotel Randol TO PURCHASE, S) brick dwelling, in Box 10, Whig office A COOK FOR FAMI no washing or i kept Apply 250 Ki ee ---------- A GOOD SMART BO 1 ¥ old, to i ents Furnishi ingston Hros TO RENT--RBY THE F A ten or twelve ro modern convenience: i terms, R., 134 ARE YOU MAKING § It is being done Work is pleasant, Permanent. a. London, Ont. BY OFFICERS TO A Months course at r 8 with bath hoard, in private fa Apply Box 3, er s---- FOR THE KINGSTO Institute a teacher and Junior Lati Apply at once to Secy -Treas., Board CENTLEMEN, TO Spring Suits made 131 Hroek street, livery: style, fit and to please; pressing 1 promptly. DWELLINGS, STOR Factories and Stor lteal Estate Office, 2 BROCK STR er heating moder 105 Clergy street, room, ete. Rent $1 "gion of both. Ma Brock streot. LOST RE SE FEMALES AIRDALE T With tan winrking return to 133 Willi -------- TWO RINGS, ONE (0 Opals the other 4 wn Princess, Bagot, Reward © for Sedenhan Sp OF MONEY, 3 on Princess ledden's store and Finder will he rf ing to Whig Office. FOR SJ Goon wuiLnING Lo een street, betw. Ot Apply 49 Great Snap Fo Prevost, Brock atre ity all wool twee STO 10789, which * PEE suit. A great