vho sees this showing of dain thing so modestly priced would me and trouble to make them perience e values. In every way thig Ss not need special ex ptional and, different from an n, y repared to Buy 0 difference. Come ang see ring and should you so desire Y garment or number of gar, them placed aside until re. 30C., 25¢C., 30 , 43C, 45c., 4c, 3, $1, $1 25, $1.40. , from roc. right up to $1.75. 39¢. right up to $4. ats, from gsc. right up to $6. FINE .. OIDERIES ! Ig more Embroideries this year ind the reason is quite plain, ity designs and from the nar- widest widths. They are pric- Ig : : 4¢., 5¢., 6c. yc. 8c, gc. 100, §C. 5C., right up through a long C. up to 65c. and 75c. broideries, 2 Embroideries, All-over Embroideries. 'alues in Corset Embroideries designs, made expres:1; for IQC., 20¢., 25c, 28c, joc, SEIT ITNT AIDLAW ESO) ome in like a lion, but lamb." ly been seen. nt a wireless to say they > SHOES ved and there's more to f0 ays everything will be "hustél TT SHOE STOR RON BEDS § Ion Bed how 24:50 Iron Bed now S0thers at £3.25, ete. 'Sideboards, Extension Tables, Comfortable Eye-Glaisses We ure devoting a great deal of our tacle and Kye Glass Fitting. We carefully examine your eyes, and sup- ply vou With "ANY STYLE you hay Wish, at. prices We fully gudrantee our work in + pur frames, sand our lenses. Prescriptiont Tor glasses carefully filled. SMITH BR.OS. : "350 KING ST. . There Are Other Shoes, But None Equal to Our $6, FIENCH cout Wear '"Allen's" Military Bootmakers, TH ERE IS A CHANCE 1 have almost new stoves, in cooks and heaters, Toft, 'which I will sell at big bar- gains, also furniture, as I want to get space for other stock i TURK'S SECON Apply Hotel Randolph Box 10, Whig office. Apply 250 King Street to learn the woollen Gents Furnishing business ms liberal commission the requisite num i YOU MAKING $2,150 A YEAR? ! being done with our goods. ee ee ttt esa eesti: BY OFFICERS, TO ATTEND THREE EE ------------------------------------------ a teacher to taka History once to John Macdonald, » Board of Education. M Spring Suits made up at Galloway's, \U livery; style, fit and price guaranteed lo please; pressing and repairing done 3 . STORES, OFF Factories and Storage at McCann's Iteal Kastate Office, 51 Brock street. -~ « Tre -- DAILY NEMORANDA. ---- Portsmouth Council, 8 pan. Plumber: Sinith, 1900, man on the move. rest on his laurels, and séts at 5.48 pan. cheap Mattresses, to-day. Black, Hyening. Silver collection Wednesday evening at 7 o'ole at 8 o'clock. Admi n " DINNER SETS have, get one of our $l SETS set. Iv will. please you. Winnipeg Loan Co's. Stock For Sale at Par. {Incorporated 1580) cent. per annum, 6 per cent guaran { CUE 4 "dt the asnual t dends paid uring pas i i J cont. gu " " 45.00 " 1,000 "« «9000 ¢ This Company having its Head Of fice on the ground, have a great ad cach, per share, statement address STOCK AND SHARE BROKERS. 61 VICTORIA STREET TORONTO The Kingston, Porismouth & Cataraqui Electric Railway Compaiy. To Whom It May Concern == TAVING BE the above Cony the Road and th Company under me, on behalf of have accordingly done so, and have ap orised to represent me in matters per taining to the mamagement of the Com are cancelled R. VASHON ROGERS Mortgagee for the bond holders o 18% 27th February 1905 NEW AT ALL PRICES learn how reasonable ar our whole sale prices a Cor. Colborne and Chatham Sts. 7 BROCK STREET, HOT WAT- Ulergy street, seven rooms, bath AIRDALE TERRIER, BLACK return to. 133 Wil ™o RINGS, ONE CONTAINING OF MONEY, ON SATURF store and Vaughan Terrace, rewarded by return ing to Whig Office. Good BUILDING ror, 8 SIDE Q . ais T. SOUTH SINE Great Snap For One Week. street, has laid aside Electric Railway Company ae HE BOND HOLDERS BEING UN ahie to ma they might continue tho cars Farining ou the 6th. March . 4 1. VASHON ROGERS, Dated 28th February, 1905 A OENTURY OLD. Hamilton. A 10.89, which he A gregt bargain. Cable, snl aah TUESDAY, POPT RESOLUTION. Readjustnient: Of Union Alter sll a castle in the air peeds wo This duy in history Reifel, of Lady- » BU, Feb, 28 The legisla nanitmons vote have adopted The question of rent keeps many a The lazy man. is always willing to of Mritish Columbia have from ime made representations ent. of Candi urging wp The sun rises Wednesday at 6.48 am 5 The New Mattress' factory udvertise Victoria = Ward . Meetings of Reformers S8uch readjustment has not, this evening, "8 o'clock, Cobden lion ps tml IN THREE LIN ig oar THE JAPANESE ADVANCE ON THE RUSSIANS. Rewomir: © ov De. Mebbiizal in ys and whereas the claims of Sydenham St, © Church, on Wednesday Hethel ' Church Ampual Tea Meeting and entitle this provinee, as Concert hed from other provinces, to to be. Among the Hills--Turning Russian Flanks Repulsed -- The Sha River Has Been Orossed-- Checked by the Russian Forces. Special to the Whig. resolved, that in the opinion se the proviace is entitled Dominion of Canada, based in the province, the WM made hy the province to ion hy way of customs duty hetun says: that rw ise, and the exceptionally in three columns h 4 3 i + devel mis and that an ohstinate fight is > Fe irvelopments. of sour ---------------- using considerable forces also on the FHHEELILII EIT centre and left of sans report that the Japag- A Warm Denial. W possession of Ta Pass wnt also the "poss between Ta Pass Pass threatens Fushamw, Tie Pass and! Ta Pass is regarded as of the sane consequence i operations against | Mukden, as was Maotien Pass in rela- tion to Liao Yang, t an alleged inten- To make your table look pretty and to chastise Manitoba show your friends what good taste you pls and the suggestion We 'are minking & special price on this ROBERTSON BROS.. $00,000 Bee elicited from fl Laurier an emphatic the Japauese have began "to caning E434 4443364055444 4 spateh fro: Glen, February 26th, say 3 OF THE NEWS. and has turned bath fs flanks Japanese have also advancisd Kantie' Pass, tnriibg bat all' his 'attacks on 1 Biediling have Been 14 Latest Culled From Al piondi, who was shot in a wards, died in Toronto hos EMPIRE LOAN COMPANY paudze has also beotl | some' position our riflemen Horsky wad severely won According toa Mukdon de . Joseph's, North Sydney, Head Office - - Winnipeg. This stock earns . from 8 to 10 per owing to the defeat of the erossing was eli bill. teed, payable half yearly; profits in f The advanes was unt Heing eredited to were Killad and injured by thé eol Episcopal church in Brook- ing Is continmng on $ 100 invested yields § 900 yearly 500 demonstration against govemor of Massachusetis, and believe their positions | secretary. of the United States treas ury, died on Monday, aged cighty-sev A Severe Blizzard, The Manitoba government may, as a result of the refusal of its houndary demands, present a bill of rights the Ottawa government and take a vantage over those doing Business at a distanee Wo have this limited block of stock which we offer for sale in lots of one share or more. Shares may be paid for in full or in four equal quarterly payments at 325 considerably, rendering an action im evere blizzard prevailed | ss ----e HELLER ASS SADA Had To Retire. We Are Told So. For particulars and copy of annual despatch' to the Parisien, states that have been received county applicant the liquor licenses torship was told that Mr, Whitney purposed removing all inspectors and giving license commissioners control, dividing the pay. Each riding will be divided and will be unxler the con- duct of ome gommissioner, creating a rivalry as to which shall conduct his private despatches PARKER & CO. from Tsinkhetchen in the face of the of the Japanese darts Linedviteh's army made IN MEQUESTED ny To Cut Of Vladivostok. This plan will mot apply to burg correspondent of the Times says PE YE A OI FEFIFTIFFIFSIFTIFI 93 given to idholders, 1 sians Will withdraw across the Taling Mountain range, owing to the relative weakness: of Gen A despatch go the pointed Hugh CC. Nickle fo ianajre the same for. me ; no other person is auth- So far nwo credence whatever is given to the reported likelihood of thi Hon. Clifford Sifton's resignation from the cabinet over the separate school claus es in the swtonomy hill, Morning Leader, ny All passes issued hy the Company ! ey on force has left Japan in transports, It y is bound for Pos the object of cutting » secretary of the Canadian wing of the s-- Waters' Commission Another Year Of War, MATTRESSES will at once enter upon its duties Zephirin Paquet, founder of Paquet departmental store, of Quel Katsura declared fied on Sunday, commenced Call and see these fine goods and goods business at a salary of o of the war was immense ) * Retall prices, $12.50 ; ours $8.00. Retail prices, $4.50 ; ours $2.80. MATTRESS FACTORY zeck this, but nevertheless, Russian point of view, it would untimely for Russia vet to seek peace Count Katsura asserted that Japan's resolution to prosecute the campaign with the utmost vigor and confidence for the opening of the house, . until Mr. Ross' retum, will will naturally fall to him Wyly Grier, who has been G. W. RICHARDSON, Proprietor, The Kingston, Portsmouth & Cataraqui untiring energy in demonstrating her staving powers be + the eves of other nations Witness Disappears. Died At Windsor. ' 4 rine sy Which t : ADE. afrAugeIment iy: Which principal witnesses at the West Hast ings ballot box trial in this city, has skipped out, Moore without le fined it necessary to stop «retary Areasurer of the Gir ix the man who seventy-five miles to obtain o receipt from his sister for Bron Lott. It was suspected that trip, sunk the bogus ballot boxes Mortgaree for Bond Holders wpoplexy while. preparing to at on Sumtlay night and died at seven o'clock this morning, He was r from Brantford some A Canadian Born Woman Dies In | 10 vide which Moore, in the witness hox knowledge of the boxes at all When you buy Hamilton, Feb. 2% Mrs, William Cable, mothvr of George Wair, the well-known grain bayer, died yester: day. She was undoubtedly. the oldest woman in these parts and one of the oldest native-born Canadian women in the dominion. She was horn in Nova Scotia. January Sh, 185, apd was thus over ne hundred vears old. Her Arrivals Of Vessels. heavy weather. The Allan line steam ship Carthaginian, from Glasgow, for TI FEBRUARY 28, 1905°* ------------ Said To Have Murdered His Mother. A CART WHEEL PART OF IT WAS THE 'WEAR The Son is Said to' be Irresponsi- ble--He Hid the Weapon, Dug it up and Put it in Pig Shed =The Inquest Begun. Special to the Whig. 5 Burford, Ont, Fein 98.~The inquest in the Doyle murder casé of at the court house, last night, Some im: portant developments wero made, Felix Doyle, the wpurdersd woman's son, who wax in the box for three hours, admits he was not telling the truth when he stated he found his mother in the woodshed, He now says he found his mother lying on her bed, but he still sticks to his story about heaving noises and, that, on getting up, he found his. mother lying on her hed with cuts in her head. An oak club. was produced in court, which' Doyle clainis he found, Tt hind blood on it. Doyle apparently was unable to give a cloge account of this clib, The inquest adjourned at 10:30 o'clock to meet again, this morning, al ten o'clock Detective Greer, yesterday afternoon, wrthed the weapon with which Dayle was mordoped, Ju dso part of a cart wheel, and was found in a pig shed. There ave unmistakable traces of blood on it. Doyle admits that he buried the weapon after the crime, but dug it up on Friday, and concealed it in the shed. A warrant is alremdy ont for the "on's arvest and he will be taken in to custody in the near future; Greer Says: "It is my opinion that the man is somewhat demented in his mind and is not responsible for his actions." Doyle claimed that robbers . Killed his mother in the woodshed where he subsequéntly found her. The robbery theory is exploded and it'is shown by the: great quantity of blood in the bed room that the crime was, com- mitted there, Hinee the entire story of Doyle iu diserddifed! UTTER TNROTENOY. Task. Special to the Whig, . St. Petersburg, Feb. 25.--The utter impotency of the police in the face of the" terrorist organization, is shown by the increasing boldness. of the latter all over St. Petersburg. . Even on the steps of the publie buildings notices of Grand Duke. Sergius' death were fount], and they were neatly printed, a thing unknown in the days of the late Minister Von Plehve, Today, Grand Duke Viadimir reecived a letter from one. group which had previously waen- ol him, saying his sentence was tem porarily suspended, Maxim Gorky, . released from the fortress, vesterday, on bail, war ban- ished to Riga, after he had been in formed of the decision of Governor Geperal Trepoffl that he could not re side in St. Petersburg, FIRE IN TORONTO. rin A Serious Loss From Smoke And Water. Spatial to the Whig. Foronto, Feb, M.~The premises of Hobhberlin from, Co. tailors, 153 Yonge street, were badly damaged by fire carly, this morning: The firemen had a difficult time handling the fire, which apparently was cdused by an over-heated furnace, "The Hobberling carried £30,000 to £40,000 worth of stock, the loss. on which will be heavy, chiefly from smoke and water, Two domestics, asleep in the upper portion of the New Carleton hotel, adjoining, were almost. suffocated hy smoke and had to be carried out by the firemen. The Hobberling carried 11,000 insurance SUDDEN DEATH GAME. The Marlboros. Are Ready To Play Smith's Palls. Special to the Whig Toronto, Feb, 2W-The Marlboros, although of the opinion that the O H.A. treated them rither' shabbily in connection with the Smith's Falls embroglio, have decided to meet the casterners in «sudden death game, for the championship, at Peterboro, on Tuesday, March 7th, the date selected by the association. They will ask for the appointewnt. of two um pires for the game, s---------- Ice Bridge Broken. Morrisburg, Ont; Feb. 18. The ice bridge is now a thing of the past. "I he increasing warinth of Old Sol and the rushing, irresistible water of the Bt. Lawrence, have done their work, and the intornationdl ice' span - between here and the American shore is now a matter of history, The Canadian chan nel in front of herd is entirely free fran ice for a considerable distance ont, At one time it looked as if a large number of boat houses aml pos. sibly the water works house would be destroyed, but these buildings are now freed from their joy' surroundings, and undamaged, excopt two boathouses, which wees partly destroyed. Cut Of Two Licenses. Soecinl to the Whig, Philadelphia, arfived uf first hushand, Timothy Pomefol, was murdered here in 1829 while attempts ing to arrest o prisoner. In 1531 che married Joseph Weir. He died: shortly after, and in 1540 she wedded William Bor the purest, For Coughs and colds, that money can Bay. [ionsd horvhound candy gives instant wlief. Gibeon's Red Cross iis going into the hands of a receiver, grocer has it. Fs Brampton, Ont., Feb, 28% The town council, at a special session, last t night, redaced the number of hotel licenses in {his town from sic to for, The 81. Lawrence Park Association |OFSCRNE from The . Police Quite Ungiial To The | or ow. Special to the Whig, " Arter ther operations, The morming was cloudy, and afternoon brought a driving storm of wind and snow, which was almost a | 'blizzard, : } Tonight the weather is clear und cold, with she wind subsiding. Two Conflicts May End War. to: make and. that Mr, Hay has instruct A Ambassador McCormick to | convey the intimation to the Russian vernment has caused much interest , following rumors current that Russia is to eid the war sub stantially upon the same terms as fb those attributed to Japan, { The foreign , however, declares that no such intimation has been re. cvived and farthershore professes itself a+ extremely skeptionl reliability of this, report. wait. the owtoams of. the tion on the Shakhe Rive ble engagement belween the fleets of Rojestvensky and Togo. Will Return Officers. Washington, Feb, 298. The announce ment that the Russian government hag directed the three nav whi broke their parole and esos the Jena at San Fransisco return to that ship was received "with gratification at the navy principally. beeatine Adm; MeCalla will be, relieved from the necessity of abridging the . show leaves of 'the Lena's officers and crew in the fatire. The state departuient is relieved from apologizing 0 Japan, fo a breach of neutrality. Are Very Moagre. St. Petersburg, i 28.~The frag- mentary official and press: reports of the frosh reverse sustained by Gen." Kuropatkin are inadequate to draw a conclusion of the. magnitude of Gen, Kuroki's success against the Russian loft. bat tho public, is, as uwmal, 16 Id Kuroki lieve the, worst, ross. the in Puss awaited with war, The Losses Sustained. Tokio, Feb, 38.Iv in reported that when the Japanese attacked and feated the Russians, on February 20rd at Trinkbntohen, forty-five miles north of Simachi, on the extreme Sg : right, the Russiste numbered 17,000, The lokses are sstimated at 2,000. The Japanese losses wero slight. w------------ TURKS ARE. DESERTING, Forces . Of - Insurgents Constantly Constantinople, "Feb. 28 The in surrection" in the provinces of Yemen, Arahia, is asstming alarming propor- tions, Almost the whole sonth of Sanan ix in revolt, and towns of Kataba ahd Tais have fallen into' the hands of the insurgent Afibs whose forces wre comstantly oreasing, Defective transport the dispatch of Turkish ments most difficult. Great numbers of camels are perishing on while hirge numbers of troops are de sorting, dats STRUCK IT RICH. A Company Has Made A Big Strike. Special to the Whig, Detroit, Mich., Feb. 28. dian Klondyks Placer pany, in which several prominent De- troiters are interested, ix reported to have made a rich strike in ite Klon tyke property, but mation is given out. The prospect is located about twenty-five miles from Dawson City, and on the river, said tenth have shown £100 to the ton and the Detroit men are said to have "struck it rich." Five Clubs Tied, Carleton Place, Ont.; Feb, 28. -The last match in the Lanark Curling League was played at Smith's Falls, between Lanark and the F, and resulted in a win for the latter, This makes all the clubs in the league a tie now, at four wins and four loss ex each, The clubs are Almonte, Carle ton Place, Lanark Falls, How the decided is now being coi execntive, The. result is very unusual. I --------------. The Soo Team Dedeated. Special to the Whi Sg "Salt Ste. Marl. Ont, Rob, 38. The Sanlt Ste, Marie team was defeat- ed. at Calumet, Tast night, in the In- ternational Hock a score of ix fo three, was wpirited throughout and fu sensational plays, though was lacking, remarkahl local goals, ----eies Dutch Lines Intercepted. London, Feb, 28. A despatch from The Hague to the Daily Telegraph re ports that Japanese cruisers intercept. || al two Dutch liners near Formosa on |i the allegation that they were earry: ing contraband of war, The Weather Is: Unfavorable Just of General Fah. ~The Japanese army holds a front extending from river to several miles cant of Taites, The weather took a sudden change today, becoming unfavorable for fur At Everybod Store ' 3 he foreign office also repeats the assurance that Rissin's position is un- changed, intimating the purpose Spring Seasoil, Dressmaki this department which Wil open on or about March We aré well prepared to g highest class. of 'work correct style and perfect anxie thing ik a" douith Japanese ing like & decisive tory now probably A "SKY FAR KE Kidder, Authér 6 Months In Boston, i Heats now on sale. Bishop & Co., of Los or Jellies contain any for fruit and sugef, or are 25¢. per pot. . have full : fine of Bishop's James Redden & Importers of Fine Groceries. no definite infor. W. G. FR Carriage Painter, N.B.---We're read carriage of your THE BEST HN MACKAY & ly now to paint: #; you will 'wa Perth and championsh tthe Calumets ployed fast and shot five of the |i Corpets, every . description, ordered ready made. New York Drews Ro: