my drugpis ent box, and used it a by mid' 1 was entirely cured in after I began to nse the F inflammation was gone. | ty easy all the time, i}. scharge stopped at once. became easy and gentle unable to get my ows fir, four months, and hall 1). 1 could walk at all 1 14 f bent. 1 used many pile salves and ointments, all until 1 used one. fifty Ee cent 'yramid Pile Cure and w, oo | pat he afflicted as I wy ® ago for the best farm of Arkansas. I ean give reference of the wonderf,) | who are afflicted as | was, lish my letter that I uy e afflicted." W. E. Wall. k., Box 2a rience of Mr. Wallis is that ds of others who sufier the most painful forms Is, or piles, and after tn hing they hear of, give up f a cure and look for tem ief only. To all such a litle ished by Pyramid Drug Co., Mich., brings glad tidings, all abotit the cause and our, nd is sent free for the asl Best" Drug Store oke | moke !! Smoke !!! gentlemen for friends we announce that we have stock, a line of the Pop- ds of CIGARS which ays be found Properly and in a Smokable A . -- « BEST Incess Street, Chemist and Optician, ery. 'Phone 59, D UNION HOTEL Tt GRAND CENTRAL Symon To AD Feom Svmon_Feee. #S RON "Joo PER Day Up PTT. y | nesday vials \ Bleached Sheeting, fine nd thread, cotton, regu 30c., for angle. h Unbleached Sheeting d quality cloth, reg a yard, on sale Inesday ched Table es wide, Linen, neat pattern » linen, 30c. quality, a acest. yd d Damask, full 72 inch y best quality clot) Wy pattern, price £1 |x l; Wednesday spec a 00¢ nan & Shaw Er A eet te et ATT TTR RR TET TTT TATTLE TETES TTVTVTTLT TTT ROS oldsville OFT 0AL ¢ run, $4.25 ton. jarter lump, $4.50 toa SWIFT & C0. elephone 138. . 0300000000000 060200000¢ the tite 1 had used 1, atsins more hment Tr a ove easily 4 Vital Question Cook 3 « Unlike white flour it con- nutriment in the whole wheat. "Book," postpaid. ed Nisgnra Falls, Ont. : Reduced Fares March 1st to May 15th, 1905, Kingston Victoria, Vancouver, d Amtonda, Butte, "Helens, Saft LAKE o.oo shins vee : Colorado Springs, Denver, Sef Francisco, - Los Angeles ws and Thursdays at 2.26 a.m CERES FN BEREAN $4630 to Pacific. Coast Class Colonist fares from to BA cre rs mies ee anssaraks 2346.80 Trail, Robson, na weer Poses AB.80 sersnsnrse $48.30 Pueblo $48.30 + $48.05 pliant Sleepng Cars leave Kingston MOST PERFECT MADE. YN NEXT dation of + First or Second Class Tickets to o and West thereof as far as the Pacific Coast, nominal charge is made for berths, which may be reserved in advance. For Comfort Travel by the Grand Trunk Raliway System, ¥ J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Qorner Johnston and Outaric streets. KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANADIAN .. PACIFIC RAILWAYS. $46.30 sion ni Vancouver, From March 1s Victoria | pay 15th,:1905. Tacoma SECOND CLASS Portland / t to Very low Rates to many' other Western Points Full particvlars at KX. & P. and PR. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F.CONWAY. F.A, FOLGER, JR. Gm, Pass Agt. Mew. ort "Vine "Tor 'Tweed, Napa jetonto, and all local points. Hall Depot at 3:25 p.m. ALLAN Li LIVERPOOL LO! Royal Mail Steamers. From St. John. From Hali . Mar, 4; M . 11; Mon. Mar. Mar. 18 ; Mon. Mar. , Sat. Mar. 25; Mon. Mar, BATES OF PASSAGE--First Cal $50 and upwards, according to stea sad accommodation; «pool and Londonderry, $37.50 extra; Third Class, $27.50; accommodation, fast, Glasgow, London. NEW YORK 40 GLASGOW. Laurentian Thurs. Mar. 2," 10 + Agent B, Q. Ry., Kiagston. C. Gen. Supt TUINTE RAILWAY a nee, Trains P. NDERRY fax. on bin, mer Second Cabin, Liv- and $40, according to steamer. London $2.50 superior: Liverpool, Jerry, Bel- Am First Cabin, $40 and up--Second Cab- in 885---Third Class, $27.50 For further particulars apply to HANLEY, Agent, 2 IR. City Passenger Depor. J. . ' SLEEVE, Clatence Shon. SIDES "EY BERMUDA Frost unknown, malaria impossible m New York, 48 hours by elegant Rew twin screw steamship Sailings 25th Feburary and 6th, and 25th March and weekly thereafte FOR WINTER CRUISES GO TO * Bermudian," 15th, =~ WEST INDIES -- 30 day trip, Sailings p, About 20 days in tropics 4 from ew York to e Windward and Leeward Is- lands, Barbados and Demorara every ten (10) days. For further particu tare apply to A. E. OUTERBRIDGE & ~-p04 Agents, for Quebec SS. Broadway, New York ; AHERN, Secretary, Quel HANLEY, and to J. P. J.P ol) SLEEVE, Lh Ticket Agents. Kingston. Our Stock of SILKS, TAPRSTRYS VELOURS. Eatet Paris idioms bolstering Depuirthict. fue: ou tires Call wp 147 ang get price on de Y ¥our parlor set r'Q ptt r | Spring : or odd ch Co., 89 ARTHUR or ER- A Up- ning airs 'phlegm. ligooTH & co. Wood sna Coal AND EVERYWHERE. | es ¥VWe LIMITED eee TORONTO OE Severe Chest Colds And Painful Coughs | Demand Prompt and Active Treatment. The great danger in troubles of this class is "delay." Don'tneg- but one result. It leaves the throat or lungs, or both, affected -- Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Catarrh and Consumption will surely follow the neglect to cure. The first dose of DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP will 'case the. cough, soothe the inflamed throat and loosen the Mrs. Joseph Paradis, Blackwell, Ont., writes :--I had such a bad cold I could hardly breathe. 1 noticed Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Sytup advertised, so had my, husband: get me two bottles--I had only used one before 1 was cured. I recommended it to a friend, and two bottles cured her | pare, lect a Cough or Cold, it can have | Y COUNCIL] -- CIT OF LIGHT RA IES. The Matter Held Over For a Fort- night--Dispute as' to . What Committee is Responsible For Keeping Hydrants Clear of | Snow... ; At the city council meeting last, night there were present and Alds. Angrove, Carsom, Givens, Harkness, Hoag, Johnson, King, Mal: len, McCann, Meek, Ross, Sands, Sears, Toye and Walkem. These com- munications were read and referred to the committees interested : -------- Communications. C. R. Webster, applying for a refund of $6.62 taxes paid twice. John Tetlock, applying for the posi- tion of boardwalk patcher. Thomas Donnelly, asking for an ex tension of the fire limits. G. F. Joy, applying for a réfund of $5.10 overpaid by St, Paul's charch for streét watering, A. W. Campbell, commissicier of highways, asking for information in connection with roads, highways, ete. D. Henery, applying for the posi- tion of boardwalk patcher. W. F. Simmons, resigning his posi- tion ad superintendent of distribution of the light, heat and power plant. Harry Breck, applying for the posi- tion vacated by the resignation of W. F. Simmons. * " 0. R. Perry, asking for a refund of $10 on his taxes for 1904, John Grey, asking for an oppor- tunity fo tender for the construction of granolithic walks. Sisters of Charity, applying for « grant for the House of Providence, Union of Canadian municipalities enclosing an account for membership. L. W. Shannen, city clerk, applying for permission to employ a grapher and typewriter. 0. V. Bartels, reporting £3,100 taxes of 1904 uncollected and asking for an extension of time pf one mouth for the return of the rolls, Granted. City Engineer Craig, making sug- gestions in regard to the preparation of the proposed plans of the sewer, gas and water mains and dervices which he has betn instructed to pre- steho- From J. G. Evans; asking that the city buildings' flags be flown on St. David's day. Granted on motion of Alds. King and Meek. J. H. Wright, Petrolea, applying for W. F. Simmons' position. Mrs, Carey applying for use of city hall "on April 27th and 28th. W. Nicholls, V.S., applying for the veterinary work of the fire depart ment, Catharine Brown, asking for mission of taxes on account of cancy. All. McCann presented a petition fram James Sowards. and others for a drain on Montreal street between North street and Raglan Road. SE Finance Report. The following réport of the fmance committee was adopted : On the communication of Rev, G, A. Lowes, for 810 towards the funeral expenses of Samuel Clark, no action. What Is re va- after other remedies had failed--we both keep it in the house now and would not be without it. It is the best cough medicine I have ever taken," Price 25 cents per bottle, OPTI on Te TAKE A LOOK AT OUR STOCK If you want gunything in the Hardware line. We can meet every wish in this di rection, our stock is so com- plete... Don't about prices--we give best value "for" your money. W. A. MITCHELL'S HARDWARE BEST IN CANADA ! A Modern and Progressive School The old reliable Kingston Business College Worry the Bimited, Jigad of Queen street, Kings- ton, Ont. 'Phone 410 : Spacious Apartoents, Complete Equip- men?®, Excellent Results, 'Thereugh and individual instruction 'hy competent and fenced. fonchers in every depagtment. traduatled sought after 'as comfvercial teachers in 'Canada an the United § tes . ee oun free: No vacation. Enter at . Day and evening classes. TUB. MCKAY. . ¥. METCALFE," President. Principal. Wood and Coal 'We have om hand the different ay aristies of Wood and Coal, RE) TLE "Phone 133. Fort of West St. | | | A Question Of Interest To Thou- Paralysis ? sands Who Have Not Learned The Curative Power Of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Paralysis is loss of power of tion. Movement is tion of muscle. Muscles. cannot contract of them selves, but are entirely controlled . by the nerves, x As a result paralysis is almost ways due to lack of nerve force, Increase the nerve foree in the body by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, Revitalize the wasted and depleted nerve cells, Restore vigor to the weak nervous system and paralysis must disappear. But it is not on theory that Pr. Chase's Nerve Food is recommended gs a cure and preventative for paralysis, It has established a surprising re cord of cures, and the cured omnes are willing and anxious that other suffer- ers should know about it, mo the result of contrac al- ened But do not wait for helplessness to overtake you before beginning treat- ment. If you sufier from weakness, sleop- lessness, irritability, headache, twitch- ing of nerves and muscles, trembling of A limbs, loss of memory and of power to concentrate the mind, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food will prove of incalculable worth 16 you. Put it to the fest. Mrs. Barbara Bush., Dixon, Stor mont, County, Ont., writes : "I guf- fered a great deal from dizziness in the head and numbness of the whole system, more especially the arms and hands, feet and legs, When I tried to walk my legs seemed to want to cross ! each other ahd I would be afraid of falling and grasp for a chair or table, I also had distressing nervous feelings' at times and suffered from a gnawing sensation in my stomach, "1 am pleased to say | have derived a great deal of benefit from using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. It has built wp my nervous system and removed the miserable feelings from which 1 suffer- ed. 1 am very grateful that | ever heard of this great medicine for it has done wonders for me. As | am seven. ty-three years old my system wax run down and this treatment seemed to be exactly what 1 needed. 1 hope others will benefit by my experience." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 30c. a box, at all dealers, or Edmansén, Bates & Ca., Toronto, Portrait aml DISCUSSION ON REDUCING! its course the mayor [are not only very poisony that are always present influonza, coughs and colds, drop into tion Shy poisonous. extep=ion the lungs are af- focted ami -@omsumption, pneumonia es DO NOT TAMPER y WITH INFLUENZA " 'and Pneumonia, A SAFE" ¥D CERTAIN CURE N ALL. ; © S---- + You ase takibg desperate and. need- chances every day vou permit m- to continue to ran od. These ailments disagreeable, but they load on 4® others that are den: gerous and often fatal. The catarchal in throat and are swallowed, especi- ally during y thereby causing in- y of the bronchial tubes or the same process of or ploarisv=all very dangerous diseas- ; established. The only safe way to avoid this danger and suffer ing, Is to remiove the cause thorough: ly from the system, Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are the one safe and care for influenta, coughs. and colds. Their great and un: paralleled success in curing these dis- cases in 1 and America, has made them the yecognized remedy for t and 'colds 'among all Christina Cochrane, objecting to English ng people. These deep snow shovelling on Alfred street, sented vdisenses. cannot be cured by loedl applications. tréatment is required. Stuart's Catarel Tablets go to the root and expel 'from the system all A constitutional poisonous % whith are the cause of these a #8. The blood is purifi- , the ges cease, the coughing is stopped, the head becomes clear, the kidneys are tegtilated and assist great ly. in Yemov from the svetem all sources and Sos of the trouble. The diseanetl and wasted tienes are built up and the silferer is thoroughly re- novaled. and. renewed and feels like a different person altogether. Complete ant perfect th is restored and re sulting comfort and happiness ensue. Stuart's Catarrh 'Tablets are for sale by all druggists at 50c. a box and one box<if it does not cure Vou will help yon so much that you will be convinced _of a sale and certain cure. No druggist of rood standing is without themt and no druggist will nn- dertake 10 sellE¥on a substitute for them. People want them and insist on having them and no one afllicted ith influenza or a wough or cold will con sent to be hmmbugged into buying anything télse, when he calls for Stoart's Catasrh Tablets, That clatise:8'0f repvrt No. 10, pass ed a; the last meeting of this council, be amended toiread as follows: "That the sum of $5.40 be repaid to Edwin Askley in full Settlement of his claim for alleged i distress for street watering rates, On the coliutiioation of M. Dolan, for t mission of taxes on sccownt of VErney in Bo action, the mat: ter being entirely within the jurisdie- tion of the cough of revision of 1904, On the communication of Mrs, Or lando Dunn, St, Catharines, asking for a contribution to the Laura Sec- ord National Monument, no action. On the communication of D. C. Pat- terson, remission 'of his statute labor tax for 1904, ho action. That a copy of the last consolidated by-laws of the gity of Toronto be pur chased for, the use @f the police magi strate, That the following persons - having produced certificates of military "ser vice, their statute labor taxes for 1904 be struck off the collector's rolls: 8. Eraser, W, J, Burke, F. Jones, A, H. Wood, W, F. Reid, 8. McCullough, 8. Wilder, and 8. Angrove. On the commumigation of CO, R Webster, solicitor for, T. C. Wilson, asking for the return of taxes paid under pressure for which he holds a prior veceipt, that... Mr. Wilson, be paid, 812.30 interest paid by him ow ing 'to. delay in payment of his taxes caused by his inability to procure a correct statbment of his Eden totmens. On the communication of Fred. Payne, asking for . remission of his statute labor tax fog 1904, no action. On. the communication of James Mc llroy, ny for remission of his dog tax for 19M, no aclion, That the tender of OG, 8. Kirkpatrick agent of the United States Fidelity aud Guarantee © , for bonding the officials of the treasury depart ment at a rate of twentywight cents per $100 per annum, be accepted, and that a contract be entered into with the company at this gate for a period of three years with the eption of ox tending the terms to five years. That the following sceounts be pail Light, Heat and Power--Labor pay list, ending Decefpber 28th, 1901, 8503.41. Board of Works. --8. Anglin & Co, lumber, $95.66; Canadian Express com pany, 80c.: labor pay list, ending Feb ruary 22nd, ¥1 288.00, Water Works Labor pay list, end ing February 6th, $40.50; labor pay ligt, ending February 20th, $50.95; British Whig © iblishing Co., 82.10; GG. . Wright, repairs to pump, $5.05, Fire and Light-Extea Kelp at Gar. dinet eompany fire, $7.50; extra 'help, sick list, 817.50 Light Department <R, Walker, 35. 10; 'empress and duty, 89e.: The Rob ert Mitchell Co, M8.25; MecCort Oil Co.,: 8113.86; Canadian Westinghouse company, $211.50; F, Tracey, $4.95; Fort Wayne Electric Works, 82.96: lab- re pay list to February 29m, #1. i Police Department iW, F, Gourdier, $77; W. M. Baillie, 811.82, MigcoHancous Col. Clark, elerk of the legislative acdmbly, 8100; A, E, Smythe, collecting street watering rates, $20.34: J. Jemieson estate, $24.02: W. Newlands, 85: W, J, Chap- man, $15.50; 7. MeMahon & Co., $36; W. J. Chapman. $30.50. ---- |W | The Light Rates. When the clause in the report of the light plant committed recommending the reduction "of "ttek on Jaly Ist, was read, Ald. Meck, agked why there was such a difference in the proposed gos nnd wlegtric reductions, The form- or was twenty-five per cent, and the Infter only fiftem per eet, i gnatare of Dr. A.W. Chase, the a- mous receipt book author, are on every box, Al. 'King said that the gas rates were extraordinary, and it was ad sable (0 make -aslarger,. reduetion TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28. vice of the expert, Mr. Cam had been adopted. Ald. King dealt at some length with' the proposed hy-law' for the raising of $150,000 to extend' the plant. He was opposed to it for various reasons, It was vet impossic ble to say if the cobsumers would be increased to such an extent as to war : rant such, expenditure, . Ald. Meek wanted a statement inde tail of all information concerning the carnings and expenditure of the plant, Without it before him for peru- sal, he could not give an intelligent vote upon the proposal to lower the gates. The by-law should be brought before council in some form and dis posed of, and not have it hanging over. He, himeell, was opposad to the expenditure of $150,000 on the plant. As there was no hurry in regard to passing the clause referring to the lower rates, which would pot go into effect until July lst. Ald. Meek sug. gested that it be held over till next meeting, Ald. King was quite agreeable this, and withdrew the clause, for the time being. Ald. Tove defended portions of the proposed by-law, showing that the ex: penditure of $10,000 on the street lighting would save the city $800 a voar, That, he thought, was a good investment. The bylaw was not so bad as painted. How can the council furnish the people with light, he ask- ed, unless the plant is extended. Many people want electricity and gas, but how can this he supplied, since the plant is now being worked to its ute most, an_in, electricity. In this matter, the: N-- Other Business. Ald. Sears urged that steps be takes to abate the smoke nuisance of hig concerns, This matter will receive the eve brightens, the: howels, liver and pattention of the waterworks and light ' plant committee. The clause in ihe fire and Tight xe: port asking the waterworks' depart: ment to keop the snow shovelled from the hydrants throughout the winter was withdrawn, on the request of Ald, Sunds, who held that the water works department was not responsible, It had been clearing away the snow, but the duty did not belong to it, The citv solicitor said it was not re sponsible. Rather should the fire and light committee attend to this work, as the hydrants were for its benefit. Id, Carson claimed that the firemen could easilv do the work. The matter will be adjusted by the committee in terested, Rev, C. E. Cartwright and Rev, My, Macallum were present to ask for a continuance of the grant to the Child ren's Aid Society, and promise of serious consideration was made, Ald. Meek wanted to know what the board of works intended to do about the Climax road machine. AM, Hoag replied that the board had wo report to make. Tt wanted to consider the matter carefully and find out if it was advisable for the eity to purch- ase the machine, Joseph Donaldson, market lessee, addressed the council, complaining that butchers weighed their own wont thereby depriving him of his rightful toll. He was asked to send his com plaint in writing, and it would receive consideration, ------------ For A Good Complexion. Toilet aids are wpyecowsary where the blood is as it should he. ~ Wade's fron Tonic Pills give a richness to the. blood and a clearness to the skin that no cosmetic can give. In boxes 25c., at Wade's drug store Money back if not satisfactory. Evangelist Hunter In A Row, Acadian Orchardist, The evangelist, Mr. Hunter, speaking at Truro, N.8,, denounced the social dance in sweeping tones, Thereupon the Halifax Chronicle denounced Mr, Hunter, charging him with using in decent and suggestive language and advising the moral folk of Truro to stay away from his meetings, unless they could have assurance that he would not commit further offences. Next the Presbyterian minister in whose church the dance was attacked retorted upon the Chronicle, accusing that journal of slander and falsehood and inviting the congregation to re sent the There ix probably more to follow, Chronicle's course, "Seidlitz powders," in fresh, at Gibson's Red Store, Filth of Catarrh tin boxe, Cross Drug is Disgusting Cast This Awful Disease From Your Systein--Become Clean, Healthy and Well ! In the first place catarrh is inflam mation. It causes a sickening dis charge which sufferers must cither swallow or spit out If swallowed, this putrid matter ruins the stomach upsets digestion, poisons the blood and causes a physical breakdown The cffiect of Caterrhozone ix in stant. It heals the inflamed surfaces and thereby stops the discharge. It goes at once to the source of the trouble and cures catarrh by quickly removing its cause. Nose Was Stuffed Up. R. IL. MURPHY, wellknown in West Medford, Mass, writes: "Ca. tarrhozone cured my catarrh, alter a score of doctors failed. 1 used to hawk and spit, my nose was continu: ally stuffed up, and often 1 was sick ol my stomach, Catarrhozone has re: moved every trace of catarth from my system." Catarrhogone Cured Quickly. MISR EMMA PETERS, Highland Grove, NB, writes: "I am more than pleased with the results from Catarrhozone. It cored me of the worst kind of nose and throat ca- tarth. Other friends using Catarrh- ozone are greatly pleased with it and agree that it is the only sure remedy for catarrh they ever used." YOU RUN NO RISK. HU Catarrh ozone fails your money will he cheer fully refunded. Complete outfit lasts two months and conte $1.00; anmple are 200. at all dealers or hy mail from N. C, Polson & Co., Hartford, Coon', U.S.A, and Kingston, Ont, wi ure to low temperatures. ie rap the surface, when not balanced action, produces the congestion and r tion of the nasal and bronchial men commonly called a cold. As the predisposes the individual to attac severe and dangerous ch: its quick cure need not be as soon as the first indication of the cold appears and all dangerous results will be avoided. Tt not only cures a cold quickly but counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia. This fact has been fully proven during the epi- demics of colds and grip of the past few years. No case of either of these diseases having re- sulted in pneumonia when this remedy was used, has ever been reported to the manufacturers or come to their notice, which shows conclusively that it is not only the best and quickest cure for a cold, but a certain preventive of that danger- ous disease--pneumonia, : ; ~ There is no danger in giving this remedy to children as it contains no opium or other harm- ful drug. It is pleasant to take. Price 5c, Lards Site, 805. "HAPPY THOUGHT" RAN AM sing Jd bined, : Go iy THOUGHTS" aro in uss 0-day than of suy other More HAPEY THOUS 'or range the coun! v aba ih lg nA oy Not one uter of "HAPPY THOUGHT" but is lensed "wilh it beh measure. . 5 vs Not a single buyer of "HAPPY THOUGHT" las ever reg choice. = BM "Tin nid "There is» best in everything." In view fhe thos; claim ioe much in statiog that the re THOUGHT" | best on earth ? We Sell This Wonderful Cook Stove. FO MoKELVEY, & BIRCH. ---- five tSaaSR § FANCY GOODS, TOYS, ETC. | GAMES ® Cribbag Boards, Trix Cards, Kan © W tch, Fluech, Sherlock Holmes, Pitt, Chess Men, Check-~ @ ers, Dominoes. v T Fancy China, suitable for wedding and Bisth-' day presents. © White China for decorating. (s) § *) is) & . J. HISCOCK. Fruits and Confectionery. SEIRCECOECRIEPE ERNE © PAINTER CUT PORTRAIT. List b.. sic. fouling... 1 will. taht THE -------- « portrait, but at a reduced price." : Fit Of Pique He Slashed It tran, coolly took ont his eX Out of Frame. pocket nike Opened the lnrge. blade \ ' ¥ " and, w, n, ow, toward the ¥ New York, Fob. 28.<The Herald} out shod it in intern, which he publishes the following : M. Theobald Chartran, a well-known French por tenit painter, figured prior to his de parture for his home in Paris in an ipeidint recalling the now famous Meissonier affair, according to a story that has just come out, other portrait be painted, but Among other commissions for por- fout result. traits which M, Chartran received und v executed during his stay this winter Horn was one for a full-length standing por- They Had Rheumatism. Hail A the wile of well devarw find They are now cured. What they 'say wealthy business man w came here : & . i a few years ago from the west, The about Jie rusiady is of far mare Am business man is not as a portance than what we say. R connoisseur, to those in this locality who The picture having been completed, been, cured at rhenmatioa by for a sum said to have heen $5,000, call s Rhu ae ure . and which had been agreed pon at {SET & pe -. wd Is - well- the «tart, the husband, who had not at re I seen the canvas, ealled at the artist's 8 studio ta examine dt. Afters critical Rheutintic 1 Sute - 3 lannleas, , petion hats said: 10 have remark; theumatie (rGubles when other n "The picture ix a beautiful one, but , dies fail. Te beeti #0 thoro it in ag thal of my Wife" tested that doubt as to its "Of whom is it?' asked the painter, § ble merits can no longer exist. Aben tore out of the frame and threw on the floor, He then wished the vis itor a good afternoon. and, f all protests, showed him the Tt was said that letters of followed, and even gu reqlicst that § 1 business man said, "1 do not know," was the retort, t tion that cured "hut ib i not my wife," | Rock 15 Lower ) hundreds of others. Tn ade's Drug Store, There was wu wilenes, and then the