@ O MOWAT le, WN mill pil dos; hair MOWAIRE, plain gon pin oer Bog =i ' Be, The. 006. yard, itches wide, worth 00. yard, for The yard 9 v "while, wie, ANG CHRVIONS. 1a plain and TA rma. chooks, hie K black, navy, royal Lo Tematiful pvey ining weaves, Bol ton wned Will mo Ahopperds' plaids, all colors, at 7] i Ii} it : Ron F LAF § id Eh } ¥, i T $ iif i Ta pi ie jon in ae dhetricts have &: increase of pay, which wax she The anthoritios are instrasting the military in polis duty in order to be rod Jor further distarbanees, and mont of the poli ' by MADE LOVE TO PRINCESS. London Citizen Corresponded Wich Princess Victoria, London, Feb. 3. Pectiuse of love letters which he has written to Prin own Vietorla, daughter of King Fd ward, and tof she hag replied v Naylor has been placed in the ad are 8 a week, They have Her letters ad i a > - iE: 198 ol Ba m Momiay boy } i irl ie ht ae i far Hal lh i | i§! tr the threstonad action of New: kmmdland in regard tr the bait gues Miss Mary Catherine Mulvell, 5 Chi he irene, war murdered cn ; del Herinn, a polies man whom love she hel refused k i thE v { wae Sade. He wind to werk ior Wasapede anvil came wi Hually From Philadelpbin. It ie aimed that thomsaids of dollers worth of medics made from the alowed atoden Podendae bas been placed upon the market Frask Peeyuu, Lyn arraigned far the robbery of ©. MN. Taylor's shop in that village, was discharged. George Mosliier got one year in Ceniral for the ofience. On Saterday at Peferborn, Mr. sind Mes. AC. Duslop, evichrated the six- ey =" a J. Stewart of Douro township. George Rogers, New Boyne, died bares. His body was not found till the following worming. He was thirty years old, an Anglican, and mark re spweted Miss Jean Wallace, muresin-thining, Moutt Sinai Hospiral, New York sue cambed to the ofiects of a wantoid ab vein, The remains will he brought - 10 inte home, in Pembroke, Out. for interment, The marriage of William Chrysdale, formerly of Northport, bet mow of Vaneouver, B'., to Mes. Alice Als rams, formerly of Napanee, now of Vaseouver, took © plate on February 1 20nd. Mew. Abrams isn wieeecof Mrs, wxinting, and did not figure upon the car servide being re: duced. With she full number of cars in ation theanghout the vear, the ty call hgve made u profit with the work ago for Svie Bight plant commit Lo a rid of the street railway was ha princi upon the as sumption that the plant fn its neekent conditions, without the expenditure of of a large amolint of money, could Bot carey the railway any longer, of it was to give good light and power 0 the citlions. | An Old Councillor Dead. Odesan, - Feb. 2.<loste ¥. vies worth, who lives - dear Odessa, was suddenly wivieken down this morning hy apoplexy. He wax out attending to his horpes i N Atlesworth went out to the stables to Sstertain. the case of his delay when found. him lying on the flode breathing his last. The decehsed was a member of the township council al most continually since 1871, three vomrs by i was freasurer of the A. F. & A. M. for over thirty wears; sad a stoumh con servative, He bad just pasesd hie sev entviourth year in age. The funeral le fonducted from Kis late home on Ty A . The township council of Fraesttowns met in regular session in the town a tesolution of con the family, in report to the their late colleague, 1. F the empty » leather gilder by trade, : in passed gut of Axistenee, to-day, when the Rantevillh office of 4 ing in Botting, Napanee, U.K Latimer, late of x han started Tor Gaspe, where be goes as manager of that branch of the Bank of Toronto. Mrs. Latimer will remiin in Cananogue with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Boyd, until the opening of navigation. Silney Solmes, who died Runday work, at Wanpoos, was buried on Tues day. He had been a life-long resident of the township. He was an honorary memabér of the Cansditn Onder of Chosen friends, and for -a pomler of yours steward in the church. William Craig, Lanark, aged weven- ty-fonr years, died suddenly on Thurs day. He wént to bed in his usal good health, and was found jo the morning lying pedeclally on his bed as though asleep. We was born in La ! nark, where he* Ras spent his whole life with the exception of a few years at Rosetta. He was a man of excel lent paris. A. Oeil Bargess, barn fiity-cae | Years ago at Baltimore, Ont ond for twelve years an invalid, died at the coftage home of his hrother, W 8. Burgess. at Indian Bay, Fiddler's Elbow, on the St. Lawrence. He was well-known throughout Canada; his howe of late vears has been at Carle ton Place. We was a prominent Mason, Oddiellow and Workman | ------ Are In The Pimals. The return game in the Queen's in ter year series betwen the' sophomore and freshmen teams was played to day, and resullid in a tie, 4 to 1. The fame was betier than on the last oe casiom these two teams met, and was characterized by close checking and some roughness. The resal( puts the reshmen in the finals with the Junior year's team for the championship, as they had a lead of five goals from their last game. "Marty" Walsh was referve. The teams were : Freshanen--Swift, goal; Raker. point; Carson, cover. Sargent, Sweezic, Nich ol and Roberts, forwards. Rophomores--Sutherland, goal; Fras er; point; Gleason, cover; Filis, Gag non, (Oswald and Easton, forwards, ------------ Heard At the Inquest. Special to the Whig. Barford,' Ont., Feh. 98. This morn ing» sitting of the Doyle inquest was given over to the examination of wit nesser who had called at the home of tor the body was discovensd, The okt lady's will was spoken af in it, and je mentions] as the sole beneficiary. The son ix sad to have declared, after the murder, that he intended 10 sell ov erything and pay Wie debits and go away. (ne or twa Withers dec lared Felix ar a man whose intellectual qualities were not bright. and ane who Was an easy prey to implement ag vats. The inquest adjowrned at 12.90 for an hour, ------------ South Leeds Fair. The annual nieeting of the Prock- ville fair was the largest in the his tory of the association, Reporte of the 1904 exhibition Showed revenue of £5. 608 with expenditore of $0.32 Jeg. officers oN. Beccher, % Lb Telly, Row, Brockville: + Field, Brockville: RB. Davis, Addison: directors Wool, Bissell: DJ. Ports; Ww. H. Com. sock, F. FL Ritchie, J. A Petvival, Joshua Gilvov. ©. A Gileoy, ¢. J. A. Wright, * y ~ b hd No woman who sees this showing of dair 'White ing so modestly priced would think of taking time and trouble tc mak. them at home It does not need special experience to appreciate the values. In every way thi collection is exeeptional and different from any other in Kingston. If Not Prepared to Buy It makes no difference. Come and se what we are offering and should you so desire you can select any garment or number of gar. ments and have them placed aside until re. quired. Drawers. 15c., 20c., 25¢., 39¢, 43c., 45c. 49¢, 63c., 75¢ , 8gc., $1, $1 25, $1.40. Corset Covers, from 1oc. right up to $1.75 Nightgowns, 39¢c. right up to $4. White Petticoats. from sc. right up to gs EMBROIDERIES ! We are selling more Embroidéries this year than ever before and the reason is quite plain, We have the dainty designs and from the nar- rowest up to the widest widths. They are pric- ed for quick selling : Narrow Patterns, 4c., 5c., 6¢., 7¢.. 8c, gc., 100 I2¥;¢., 14C., 15C. Medium Patterns, s¢., right up through a long list to 4oc. oy Wide Patterns, 15¢. up to 65c. and 75c¢. Flouncing Embroideries, Skirting Embroideries, All-over Embroideries. Special Values in Corset Cover Embroideries Widths and designs, made expres:ly for Corset Covers, 15c., 19¢., 20c., 25c., 28c., 30¢, ! 45¢., 49¢,, 63c., 75¢. (JoLABLAWE SH) "March will come in like a lion, but go out like a lamb." Crows have already been seen. Robins have sent a wireless to cay they coming. Have already arrived and there's more to fol From now till dog days "everything will be "Hus THE LOCKETT SHOE STOM hm a gement by which 0 run the "cars } necessary to stop the oth. March x. 3 Mortgages for BW Febraary, 1905. TION WANTED. G THF WHEREABOUTS Fawcett (nee Miss Johns. . of tone, Ireland). Her hus. Noble Fawcett, died at Ports. j Kingston, Ontario, about 1854 or Name titer, Gut. RS, nd Holders of present. husband not known. Address Mrs. John Cook, Gib ~ TAKE NOTICE DON'T SHELL YOUR STOVES, FUR- = rpets, Gent's | Clothes and Th Bouts to the first buyer thate comes slong. Try me, and you will find the 4. TOK, THE SECOND-HAND DEALER, 398 Princess Street, WANTED, A LAUNDRESS APPLY ROCK- y Hospital THO. FIRST CLASS WAITRESSES, Apply Hotel Randolph . AT ONCE A FIRST CLASS COOK Shambermaid. Apply at Iroguois tel. 0 PURCHASE, SMALL DOUBLE fr dwelling central location Hox 10, Whig office. -- A B00D SMART NO m years old, to Gents Furnishing business igston Hiro BE OFEICRS, To AT Mon hi course at RM BOWE with bath, with Board, in private family, Apply Box 3, this o sts GENTLEMEN, 10 amr A : WE Suits made up at Galloway .. A8 Brock street, mext to Bibby's Yi style, fit and price guaranteed Please: pressing and repairing done promptly B80 WAGES YOR AGENTS. MEN | Women make Dahdsume a i our. househo! spec K¥ery family needs. them. A thor- O8ghly legitimate business that you an t in without a cent of capi G. Marshall & Co., don, TOR Ad OFFICES, rage at ann Mice, 51 Brock street. "80.3: WRaCK STREET, HOT WAT- 3 heating, modern fmprovements Clergy street, seven rooms, bath OW, ete. Rent EIA per month; pos- SESion. of both May Ist. Apply 249 trent LOST, PUBSE or MONEY, ON SATURDAY Last Princess Street between Rlore and Vaughon Terrace, Hi fe rewarded by return- Whig Office, . oop BUILDING LOT, SOUTH SIpR Freel, between Montreal aad , Apply 49 Colborne street. lin h She rently Visited t-dhat 4 was great' is here for skilled artians.