pm rr TTT Ue ILL LR STEM od Fares ay 15th, 1905. fares ES AND THINGS IN GENERAL $e R M see . : Coloniet 3 Class A Vancouver, from Vicinity--~Other Brief Items of Interest To The People. N & Shaw's "silk waists." Harry Jicdley 1s. to he tn. Bmilhis Falls next week. 5 . The roads to Cape Vincent are ina fair condition. Willam Swain, piano tuner. Orders recived at McAuley's book store. Laborers are levelling the banks of snow on the leading downtown Streets, : A vote of $30,000 for the Cape Vin- cent breakwater has been passed by the United States Congress, Mallogh's corner in Brantford has been purchased for bank pu Mr, Matlogh will likely sell He Jen Cape Vincent Masons will be over to-night to attend the function, the official visit of the grand master. There was a light fall of snow last night. The temperature this morning was a few degrees below the freezing point. Henry Johnson, Cape Viacent, N. avers he saw snakes sunning them 3 selves on a snow bank on Wednesday i bi, y morning. Strong medicine that man's man. \ - taking. Immediately after the concert, the | TERRY DENNISON Why worry and fret ? over cooking dance and continued ill four "Hearts of 2 Marlboro gume morning, here your cakes and pastry, when we can 5 ast wete . . statement twenty-five numbers n the terpsic- _ of hundreds of thousands of supply you with evervthing vou want : | h cheaper than vou can make it. Phone | "| horean programme. This portion of tittle omen fo bo found in American y f Sotaviany Baxter of the Swith's the affair wax thoroughly enjuyed by Club, total gate amounts to rain altir the are ; \ 41, W. J. Erothers, "Hearts of Oak," with , and all she more 4 , rth r chi. £XPrases admiral music ren, Mx smgers, an Hs wea ol twill site each club and | When the skin gots rough of when the hands git chapped $46.30 A a, rail, Holso $48.80 lige cracked, a few application of the will guickly heal and leave th. Yelena, Salt $43.90 gehlo $43.30 . $48.03 { ingston | yenver, ¥ Los Angeles eg Cars leave following toilet prepa a.m. passengers Tickets as far as charge is be reserved pr fravel by the Grand et way System. frank Rol HANLEY, Agent, 5 pein 5 and Ontario strests. u4 PEMBROKE & CANADIAN : PACIFIC RAILWAYS. 46.30 Om yer, From March 1st to "| May 15thiy1905 SECOND CLASS FROM .KINGSTON. Bates to many other smooth and silky : Best's Cold Cream, Best's Glycerine and Roses Je))y, Best's Lettuce Cream, otc, TRY THEM. L.T. BEST 124 Princess Street, Chemist and Opiician, Quick delivery. "Phone 59, MILBURN' Heart and Nerve Pills. y the orches- wood, Mr, enterinining acted as chair- $ s The Hamilton Times thinks in vie de he compuny of artists, ite chil. of all the demands of the bondholders 1 the played by Crosby & O'Connor's or- | realistic scenic effects, is to be pre + about chestra, which Rolds the palm of be- {sented at the Grand Saturday after- Ottaws Hockey Club must de | ; £ Low of the Kingston street railway, it might be the best way out of he dfs : agreeable postion to purchase the line. - he chat. | "Eth best ballroom mu noon and evening. Belleville is making ready for an up against { Ly ganization in Eastern Ontar old boys' renmion in the summer. team on Tues ny Ratrons sees were : Mes. J. Kingston will send up a big sonting- : h 7th and 9th, ent, 'and all" belong to William John game, if necessary, dn son's Sunday school. They'll be good. Saturday, the 11th. These he the A commercial traveller recently re a nally. fad a. de turned from the west remarked on the fending club endeavored to have the 94h, Tith, and if necessary, the 13th, named wonderfully rapid settlement which is being carried on there. Many people ates rus a Salt, il referee the Marlboro-Smith's : at ht. The night. who 18 this vicinity a few vears ago Pc and took up land in Alberta, are be » Ridpa » Birmin and oung. The latter's thumb in still in bad £ musical or- The Me { d C. > at XK, & P, 'an ot Ro. Ontario Street a y, F.A FOLGER, JE. Lh - Agt Gen. Supt WYO UATE ANLWAY Napanee, ne for Tweed, i hott, I", local point Frain 1 ie, Hall Depot at 2:25 p.m. y he Agent B. Q. RY. Kiageton. r d ALLAN LINE ERP DONDEREY Royst | Steamers. : Bp ae John. From Halifax, Sat. Mar. 4; Mon. "Pretty Peggy.' ~ "Pretty Poggy," the remarkable w York dramatic soccess, in which ne Corcorgn, supported hy Andrew large metropolitan com- | pan seen at the Grand served, ut. small tables from 10.30 ill Non ¥, March 6th, and promises to twa o'clock by Caterer T. H. Fergu [be one of the most notable attrac son. - The refreshment Servier was ad- | tions of the season. And the unusual- mirable and the viands delicate and ly great demand for seats betokens tasty. The committee in charge of that local theatre-goers are fully aware the whole afiair ave to be congratula of its merits. ted upon the success of the "At Home, AT THE POLICE COURT. {Up on Charge of Attempted i ay, es HF. Motealte, Mrs. JH Geoghepai, mm. W. Mew: A: Seadw. ott 'uxt important place was | ne n Ontario hall where refreshnsmis wer | Robson and y, will be C. 'Gordon end Are 8 specific for all heart and nerve troubles. Here are some of the symp- toms. Any one of them should be a warning for you to attend to it im. mediately. Don't delay, Serious break. the system may follow, if you do: Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Dizsi- ness, Palpitation of the Heart, Shortness of Breath, Rush of Blood to the Head, = ire iz F i =F able, tough and strong. Unlike other rubber gloves, the fingers do not be come putty-like or soft from contact --------------------------" GRAND OFERA HOUSE. | coming rich by reason of the increas and it was necessary for him 1 i i f ing land values. Grease proof rubber gloves are pli 10 wear o-cage-like contrivance for Charlton is confined to his year with zuel ) 5 will again go sonth on a similar er. in | Wrestlers Tom Jenkin and Jion Pare + | have boon matched to mect in » finish i contest, best twb out of three falls to | ronnt, enteh-as-cnteh-can style, at Buleer's Harle in River Casino, Now | , thin week, issued direct hullenge to Jimmy Britt, Corbett or Battling Nelson for at 130 po "ringside, or 136 at 4 pom. lo offers to post a of 85.000 to bind any match be made ward c. rihihe is mo, longer prexiden 1 etsy City Cl of the Eastern | . At the annual {election of officers" Mr. Grifithe ! elined re-elootion, because of pressute of private business. He was succeed. of by Henry W. Devitt. Eugene F. Montreal baseball teams, t | and later of Petroit, has gone to In. is, where be is to take charge ot. the Hoosiers this year. Burrow { signed a great batch of young- | wtors and besides. has secured some oi { heads to help things along. He be Hoven his team is going to finish near Keraronarie, once fagiod as an In dian athlete, is dead at the Canghna- Naga resorve, at the age of sixty-two fore. In his early days Keraronarie a # runner and had » notable Victory over the famous Deerfoot, the tate being contested in Montreal. Kuraronarie was lacrosse player and figured on the Indian team which tra: velled to Ki 4 In a lth over four weeks the play- of Baseball Club will practice, Man- on the ground on In a letter r. Harley states that he of last year's Players, te, who was report and M He has v alu ae for a capiain " T tc . "eo TH] sine ¥ gia]? i £ i i = iL fis 7 ; Hi by I it fl "The Sky Farm' Proved a De- lightful Rural Drama. "The Sky Farm," uced at" the Grand Opera House Inst night is charming rural play, the scene of which is laid in usetts, and the plot of which is perfectly natural. E about the piece breathes genuine rusticity, The farm yard scene and the village store with the post- office are v "fhe Sky Farm' stands ide "Way | Down East," us one of the most de- | lightfil rural dramas, and it is a pity | more did not witness the production jof wach a healthful. and enjoyable +P ts winging heartily encored. Decidedly clever were Géorge Ebner's imitations of a catfight and a German band. -------------- Nature of the Petition. The petition which John Gaskin js | ciroulating and which is being largely | | signed is as follows: I "To the Houorable, the Senate and ithe House of Commons of Canada, in parliament assembled: We, the under signed electors of the Kingston elec- i toral division do pray that in grant. | ing provincial autonomy to the North- { West Territories, the dominion parlia- | went will not by any enactment or {otherwise withhold from the newly created provinces full and: unrestricted freedom of action in all matters af fecting 'the established maintenance and administration of sehools.'" in. Rents Have Gone Up. _ House rents have taken a decided Jump and thow seeking new places of abode, after Muy lst, find that the ad vances are quite decided. No house of any site, with modern conveniences, hath and farmace can he tosched un. nly and on up to $25 per month, Smaller houses that vented at $10. 812 and $15, are all gdvanced from #1 to 82 per month, the landlords hav- ing notified tenants within the past month. Modern houses are in de- mand, ---------------- An Important s The Presbytery of Kingston holds its ReXt meeting at 930 aan. on Tuesday, March th. in Chalmers church, Kingston, This will be the most important meeting of the ir, and there will be ----" ---- Commissioners to assembly will be ap- pointed, arrangements made for Tioens- ing candidates for the ministry, ote, -------- Installation X Hon. F. R. Latohford was to have been here to instal the newly-cleetod officers of the Knights of Columbus Inst evening, but he found it impossi- ble to come.' The ins i Suicide. | At the police court this moming, a | charge of assault against Thomas Cut | cheson, was adjourned until to-mor- | row morning. George D. Lewis, the South African veteran, after a week's remand, wax {up for attempting to take his own i ice Consta- {life on February 24th. Polic f ble Page testified as to finding - the { man on the morning of February 24th, |}, between one and two o'clock, between West and Union streets, on King street. He at first thought the man was drunk, but noticed a dark stain about his wouth, which made him suspect something more serious. He worked with the man until he partial- ly regained consciousness, Lewis neked hive, why. he did not let his (Lewis) die, as he was no use living. Lewis admitted that he had taken landan- um, with the intention of committing suicide. The policeman then brought him into the station. De. A. RB. Williamson testified ne | to the man's condition when he exam- ined him at the police station, The prisoner was in a drowsy, stup on { dition and he aroused him. Leige told him that at eleven o'clock previ us wight, he drank twenty-five cents worth of laudanum. Lewis also told the doctor that he had been confined in the asylum, in Australia. for at { tempted suicitle, and he had repeated | the attempt the night before. The police magistrate adjourned the lease until three o'clock, this after noon, in order to have Lewis examin ed as to his mental condition. INTO THREE BRANCHES. i What Colonel Cotton Tell. Colonel Cotton, quartermaster-gener al, has made some very important an nRotmoements. Ho stated that he had { the authority of the minister of mili tia to announce the div ision of the artillery, to three branches, field rtillery, heavy artillery for field ger vice and garrison artillery, The heavy artillery was a new branch, and wo shortly be organized and the appoint ments made public. Following that would he the organization of an am munition cory The speaker was also able to announce that the field artil lery would shortly '< armed: with a modern weapon. The nine-pounder would be used no more except in vase of an emergoney, It had also heen de cided to allow four extra days drill Pay and to give an extra pay to spe cialists in the artillery, such as range takers, ote. This would give experienc ed men an induesment to remain in service. Cal, Cotton was also able to announce that the policy of the country self sustaining, as the supply' of military equipment was concerned, had been adopted as far as possible. Tf it could be made wholly 50 in these days of i armaments it woukl gratification. Has to To Close Saturday Wight. Superintendent Nickle, of the street railway stated to-day, that the cars would cemte yunming on Saturday night, when the employees woald be paid off, -- Great Snap For One Week, Prevost, Brock street, has laid asi BI all woul Vea" ap j0id aside A0 to 89, which he will offer at per suit. A great bargain, Th fice and "ght committer is to meet at four o'clock this afternoon. It my Jvorentber weet on the Friday owing the reguiar meeting of city council, all days in the following week being taken up by other commitives, In view of the taking over of the military at Halifax ami Esquimalt, the Military Gazette says "A fair percentage of R. M. ©. gra- . he x2 at good * who have hot tried our Aw: fried cokes, miss. Phone erican ts and don't know what they HL W, J. Crothers, with grease in dishwashing. Will not streak or smear the dishes in drying or tarnish the silver. All sizes, $l per pair. McLeod's drug store. Mrs. Lotto, Barriefield, says the wii- Desses in the ease at the police court did not sit in the lobbies; there were no chairs there. They sat ip the trea sury room and in the chief's office. Another thing she says the magistrate was mistaken in saying the families ad been disagreeing. There was no quarrel between them. -- Severe Weakness Following A Cold Can be prevented by taking Ma- thien's Svrup of Tar and Cod Live Oil. Tt will cure and strengthen, D. large bottle, oe ---------- . The sale of street car tickets vester-, J day and: today was very light, owing to the 5 that the ear service discontinue Saturday night. Er ------ VERY FEW PEOPLE understanding will Are Free From Some Form Of In- digestion. Very fow people are free from some fofm of indigestion, but scarcely two will have the same symptoms. Some suffer most directly after eat- ing, bloating from gas in stomach and bowels, others have heartburn or sour risings, still others have palpitation of heart, headaches, sleeplessness, pains in chest and under shoulder blades, some have extreme nervous ness, as in nervous dyspepsia. But whatever the mptoms may be, the cause in all cases of indigestion is the same, that is the stomach for some reason fails to properly and promptly digest what is eaten. This is the whole story of stomach troubles in a nutshell. The stomach must have rest and assistance, and Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets give it both by A nd those natural di gestives which every wemk stomach acks, owing to the failme of the peptic glands in the stomseh to se: crete sufficient acid and pepsin to thoroughly digest and assimilate the food eaten, One grain of the active principle in Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest 3,000 grains of meat, eggs, or other wholesome food, and this. claim has been proven by actual experiment, which anyone can perform for himself in the following manner : Cut a hard boiled oge into very small pices, as it would be if mas icated; place the gx and two or three of the tablets in u bottle or jar containing warm water heated to ninety eight degrees (the temperatire of the body) and keep it at this temperature for three and one-half hours, at the end of which time the egg will be as com tely digested as it would have buen : healthy stomach of a hungry The point of this experiment is that what Stumrt's Dyspepsia Tablets will do. to the egg in the bottle they will do to the agp or meat in the sto mach and nothing else will rest and mvigorate the stomach so safely and ketunlly. ven a little child ean take Stuart's Tablets with i benefit if jt digestion is D ablely and thousands of cures accomplished © hy their regular daily uve are ensily ox. plained when it is understood that they are composed of vegetable ws. Sences, aseptic, pepsin, diastase and golden seal, which mingle with the food and digest it thoroughly, giving the overworked stomach « chance to weuperate, Dieting never cures d i heithor do pills and cathartic" het ces, which simply irritate and in. Bane the intestines, on eshough fond is promptly digested thre will b a Sonstipatian, nor in fact will there be Misemee of any kind because i gestion means good health in ov organ. - The merit and Dyspepsia Tablets they the Smothering and Sinking Spells, Faint and Weak Is, Spasm or Pain through the Heart; Cold, Clammy Hands and Feet, There may be many minor symp. toms of Leart and merve trouble, but these are the chief ones. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will dispel all these symptoms from the price » 50 cents per box, or 8 for $1.25. WEAK SPELLS CURED. Mrs. L. Dorey, Hemford, N.S., writes us as follows :--*1 Nu roubled wit dizzin w spells and fluttering o the reed I > a box of Milburn's Heart and Pills, and they did me so much it I got two more boxes, and after g them I wascompletely I must say that I cannot recom. mend them too highly. Seasonable Saturday Suggestions : Black Sateen Underskirts fast black, made with « flounce, all | hs, 39 13, at ver al pric Cream Silk Blouse Waist made in latest style, $ Extra Special in Corse With frilled ele porters, well mad white or ' ¢ ' dollar New Rain Coats To hand thi Newman & Shaw : : : Reynoldsville SOFT COAL Mine run, £4.25 ton, Three-quarter lump, $4.50 ton f -------------- MES SWIFT & oO. Telephon: 135. : 6, E Bom, OR ; superiol Derry, Bel weommodation, ; , London. fas, GarOTORK. TO GLASGOW. 3 . y ar. ie 5 Ta bin, Biurs. Mas econd Cal to $eoThita Class. § For ip v [, Agent, J, X, AR Street. BERMUD# malaria impossible , 48 hours by elegan grew steamship ** Bermudian, Feburary and Gh, 106th and weekly thereafter, IR CRUISES GO TO 5T INDIES - 2 s in t cs ' ip. About 30 dave o° ropic or! LU ard and rd 8 end a.m o0 apply. te "Tex. City P. GILDER § for Quebec NS. Uo, New ¥ x ARTE fig Secretary, Quebec, « J.P. HARLEY, and to J. P. GILDE} SLEEVE, Ticket Age Kingston. 3] ile Just Arrivec Our Stock of SILKS, TAPESTRYS VELOURS. Latest Paris designs, for Department. Call up 147 anc Fe your parlor Bore Spring ruch, 1 price on doi or odd cha | JAMES RED i | ™e Leading Undertaker,