- SE Sia $5 2% - it SEER a £33 - sE88izniE 2 & = = 2 -- -- w - - bd g a £ i: 2 r 1904. payable on ropresenied the level gains are shown. The 1 t of the GTR, repor! six months end _ Dee oien practically od only the. ee ber SHOW charges . The 19032, 927.500 ; 1004 Died in Bowmanville. In Bowmanville, last Tuesday, the jdoath occurred of Susan P. Maynard, wife of Thomes Spry, and youngest daughter of John Maynard, Kingston, Deceased was botn here, but lived in Fowmanville for the past fouruen years. teart failure after a long ill- ness, caused death. One child, ten rn of , survives, besides her usband, Te alo leaves a brother and ; Juhu Maynard, Cape Vin Jeent, NY., and Nre. W, J. ¥oore, Blaze op a Stecwer. depart t received a tole: y The, pi at N2.20 o'clock toduy to The clk engineer's department is were frozen over and some times would have to be dug out four and five times in winter. Only where it is absolutely necessary are cuttings being parde to drain the streets, When the real spring thaw comes, the water tables will be given attention. Sale of Music. aaah until March 11th, we will make iy offer in sheet music at Se, per copy, for standard, classic, and popular vocal. instrumental and seer od music, MeDermott Bros,, 260 Prin: tous street, J A Guaranteed Cure For Piles, Itching, blind, bleeding or protrud- ing piles. Your druggist will refund money if Paso Ointment fails to cure you in six to fourteen days, 0c, Butter 25¢. Eggs 20c. Prints or rolls butter 25¢, Cooking eggs 200. Crawford, Five ls California raisins 25¢. Three -- good lemons, 98¢. Three pounds mixed cookies, = han nds gin snaps, ree a wid sugar, 2c, Four tims peas, He, at Mullin's, "Buy" tooth brushes and tooth fists at Gibson's Red Cross Drug tore, Butter 25c. Eggs 206, Crawford, OOOO O0000 0 ess and Newness @baraeterize Our Stock common the arch, 1905. transfer to pay the war "in Montreal so far this are the largest in the citys baking lory. The Ggures for antary nid hruary Rorig largely in sxsans. uf 2 rrespondi 0190 and 1003. The clearings for the - j Inter your e February's cloacings were 620.000 compared with Pebreary for two years $70.000, and executive official of the allway says the operating costs on sce count. of suowstorms have been fully 800 per cent. lower this winter than they were last. ln addition to this the com- hanies have lowt comparatively little be having to refuse freight on sccount of luckhdes The mojority of thew have not lasted for more an a couple of days. ) on t and the alarm 'was sent in. firemon located the fire as boing in the frame of the t 'below deck eviaontly eaught acting minister of public works with. out securing the endorsation of bis constituents. Sir Willrid Laurier, in a dignified reply, rebuked Mr, for the growing babit he had formed of moving the adjournment on trivial matters. He denied having recvived Mr. Sutherland's resignation, and in- timated, amid government cheers, that if the resignation had been tend. ered on account of ill-health he would have requested its withdrawal, Had he done 50, the premier was assured that with a single exception his action w have been endorsed by both sides of the house. Mr, Maclean hav. ing failed to respond to the challenge to give the authority for his assertion that Mr. Sutherland had resigned, the premier suggested that it had its ori. %in in the fertile imagination of the member for South York. In supply the estimates for the Intercolonial rail way wore considered, and the time. worn eriticisms regarding the method of 'keeping the accounts and the pur- nso of steel rails. axle grease and other supplies, and the sale of old rails, were repeated, ---- W.C.T.U', MF ETING. Short Talk on Last Sunday's Rit'e Tessen, The regular monthly meoting of the W.C.T.U. was held Thursday afternoon in the OM Collegiate building. The at- tendance was smaller than usual, Mrs. Macallum occupied the chair, and conducted the usual devotional exereis- os. After singing and prayer a brief talk was given on the Sunday school of last Sunday, "Jesus the Bread of Life," emphasizing the part in which the boy with the loaves and fishes, and the disciples were permit- tod to help. To be co-workers with Jesus in however humble a capacity ought to be the desire of every true Christin, Bo we realize our privi- nthe absence of the recording sec retary, Mrs, H. Lyon, through seri- ous illness, Miss F. Chown read the minutes of last meeting which were approved. The superintendent of the department of work among railroad employees in her circular letter, urged very wirongly that this branch of work en up by the union. Mrs, L. R. Brown, president of the depart- ment of parlor meetings, advocated the desirability of holding these often and gave some valuable suggestions for making them interesting and help- ful, which were freely discussed. As the season is approaching when comfort are sent to the lumber camps, sll the members and as manv of their friends who desired were asked to get thes ready. It was thought that os Miss Sproule and Mr. Leckie, our last year's missionaries, appreciate! them #0 much, that even a greater offort should be made this vear, as Miss Sproule is to be alone. Comfort bays pan be sent often. where personal vis. Hx cannot be made because of the im mense distance to travel, The work being done in connection with the anti-cigaroble pledges in the Sunday schools, of the city, is progressing fav- orably. Noarly all, if not all, are do ing what they can to make the effort a success, Two new members were add: ed to the roll. The meeting closed with prayer. : Plevna Happenings. Plevaa, March 1.-The mails are keeping good time, though having very had roads to navigate on. Two deaths deaths ocourred at Ardoch, from pneu monia, John Mitchel and T. White duck, old residents. We very much regret the removal of Rev. 7 Stanton, the esteomed rector, to Newboro dio. tose. Hubert Elkington is here again, A medicine troupe held forth at the town hall for a week. When leaving they presented the village school with a pair of beautiful sleighs, made and ironed off hy the local blacksmith, Otto Spoor. A. Beckwith and William Godkin have returned from the lumber camps. The Denby mail carrier has bis beautiful span of ponies. Melville Card has purchased a new horse, a trotter that eclipses any horse in Plevna. Stanfield Playfair has traded his horse for a racer. Visitors : Mrs, Molville Card, at T. Douglas'; W. T. Douglas, at his father's, John Dougles: rs. (Dr.) FElkington, at rs. Douglas'; Thomas Cousins, at J. Douglas', Carpenters Seek Increase. The carpenters' union has made a request of the contractors for an in crease of twenty-five cents a dav. ras ing the wages from $2.25 to $2.30, The Cohiractors are not disposed to grant, the incronse, and may be met with a fofusel, to work; on the part of the in wi t here for coming season, the pew barracks mav be com- Death of a Lady. The doth occurced ou March. 1st, of rs. Adnirem Hart, at Cawghde. noy, N.Y. She was formerly Miss Sarah Kennedy, 'of this. city, and, a sister of Mrs. Charles Riley, Camden Rast. Mrs. Joseph Hipson, Division shrvet, is a cousin of the deceased. MWe. Jin or voll butter, Crawfond At St, Louis, Mo.. on January 17th, iss Beatrice Lewis, late of Smith's » Was married to Herman MoE "i i ---- dl not axes" frosh seidlitz pow dors. was ooeu, an equivoral 8% acting minister of ie works, expressed the ief that Hon Jann Sutheriand:« a Ai, only y t i scat, wa vectotel in the poset tthe Niekiis hold $67, *treet ruilway bonds. ness trip, on the street to day. . Butter Ze. Egge 20c, Crawiond, full would be paid to-morrow Richt. utter 2e, igs Me. Crawford, ¥ 1 ensie King. MA. ox Peeted to Jecture at Queen's this af ternoon, was unavoidably detained wt Cross Drug Store, fresh there, the Merritt Pritchard Biograph com- street railway codld be inetalled the company's barns for $10.000, and that generators would not be requir. ed, A similar plant has been success ful elsewhere, -------- COLLEGE RESULTS. They Were Posted at the Medical School. These results of Queen's medical ox amination in mental diseases were Posted vesterdgv: 1. D Macgillivray and E. W. Sproule, equal; H. JJ. Wil. Hamson: A, Hunt and J. F Sparks, equal; R. J. Reid: A. C. Spooner and M. E. Grimshaw, equal; W. A. Smith; M. Locke; J. MN. Hourigan; C. cock and J. J. Robb, equal; Tennant and G. Randall, equal: W, M. Robb: A. E. Mahood and F RW Warren, equal; A. E. Gaudet, .J. 1. Hogan and C. RB. Moxley, equal; G, D. Gordon and D. I. Mackinnon, equal; J, Chant; J. ¥ Ferguson; M, Leswes and W. R. Mikaera, equal; P, A. Melntosh and J, W. Warren, equal; B.A. Smith; 8. J. Keves and A. J. Maclachlan, equal; A, W. Girvin; M. F. Revnolds and J. Turnbull, equal; E, C. Consett, J. H. Code: W. H. Dudley and C. M. Wagar, equal. : ) Salem Affairs. Spl, March 1. The roads are be coming passable agaw after the very stormy weather. A pumber of the young people attended the party at the howe of James O'Hara. Charkos and Miss Lizzie' Jones spent Sunday at Westport. Clarence. Sanders npent Sunday at the home of William Blair, Centreville, One of our most enter prising young men, P. Breen, is to be married to-morrow to Miss Sarah Lennon, of Godfrey. A number of the young people are invited to the recep tion at Godfrey to-morrow eveaing. The wedding ceremony will be per- formed in Sacred Heart schurch, ied ford. A number of young people spent Monday evening at' the home of Mrs Bateman. Messrs. A, Taggart and W Cameron, Syracuse, are spending the winter here. School is progressing fa vorably under the wmonagement of Miss Scanlan, "as teacher. Some of the farmers are' harvesting their ice Mrs. WT. Ewing's little boy bas quite recovered frome his illness. James Mulvil, ill for the kast fow months, re mains about the same. Ernest As selstine drove to Jones' Falls on Su turday last. Visitors : Wiss Morris Portland; W. Taggart and B Hy at James Sanders; Harold Rice, at his uncle's, J. Jones: Mrs A Storms and son Lorne at Mrs, Bate man's; A. McCue at P. Tobin's; J. Mulvil at T. Secanlan's. Two Presentations Made. A very pleasant and very unique so cial gathering was held Just evening in the lecture room in Brock street MetRudist church when a large num ber of the congregation in response to the invitation of the official hoard gathered to spend a social evening to gether. Refreshments were served and all present enjoyed the evening fully. In the course of the evening the past or, Rev. Eber Crummy in the name of the official board and congregation read agdresses to two who have re cently terminated long periods of offi cial service in the church, Mrs. T. R. Carnovsky and Chavles Howarth, pre senting to Mrs. Carnovsky with the address, a pendant set with diamonds and pearls, and to Mr. Howarth a Morris chair. Besides the addresses presented several members of the con gregation in short and appropriate speeches, expressed their appreciation of the services which were brought to an end by Mrs, Carnovsky's resigna tion as organist and choir leader and Mr. Howarth's as sexton. Sheep With Heavy Tails. A species of sheep common in Sy- ria ix so incumbent by the weight of it« tail that the shepherds fix a piece of thin board to the under part, where it is not covered with thick wool, to prevent it keing torn by the bushes, ete. Some have small wheels affixed to facilitate the dragging of these boards after them, The tail of a common sheep of this sort usually weighs if teen pounds or upward. while that of a larger species, after heing well fat- tened, will weigh fifty pounds, Be. prints or roll butter. Crawford. An inheritance amowmting to shout §5.000,000 has been formally hands over to Miss = Kennie Adeline Crocker, daughter of the late Charles F Crocker, of the "Bonanza Kings." of California, Miss Crocker having reach od the age of sighteen years. Batter 2c. Eggs Me. Crawford, Nathaniel Bartholomew, Strasburg, Ont, fell off a load of coal and broke his neck, und the body lay on the road for twelve hours and was frozen stiff. On Monday, Rev. Mr. Sykes, Smith's Falls, performed the interesting cere mony that united in marriage, George A. Miskelly and Miss Mismic I. Cour } ibeon's Red Cross Deng Store. Butter 25. Crawford, ier, formerly of Kemptville, Butter. 23¢, Crawford, Lockett went down to Mon and Quebec today on a busi William Aubin, of the strict failway "taf, found string of black Leads i n Pros. have oply a small interost in the street rabiway, two bonds, They are ansious to se employees of the street railway Were sot paid to-day as usual bat a hotice was posted that their wages ia Ottawa. The lecture was postponed. ly blood purifiers at Gibson's Red r Somerby leaves (o-morrow for St. Thomas, where he will join pany, as the singer of the illustrated . i prints or roll butter, Crawford, An expert save that a modern clec. tric plant to supply power to the in News From Various Sections of of the late James Pake, died very sud denly, early Sunday morning, at the Collins house, where she had been em ployed for several years as cook. Ie consed was aged sixty eight vears and leaves several sons and daughters to survive hor, i death of Addie A. Ostrander, thirty-five years, wifo of Lewis Min aker, of that village. A family vive . purchased the Robert May lot in Mil ford, for 8900, on which will he erect the long-talked of canning factory. the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. O- trander, Point Traverse, of a quiet hut pretty wedding, when Rev. 1 trander and Hilton Whattam, South Bay. The bride wore a pretty white eighteen years old was seized with an attack of "nimble-fingers"" Tuesday, and made a way with $5.50 from the There were choruses Ss members of the school were presente past year. The school is in Ceylon ta the hospital for sick chil- church, treated and offensively addressed in collecting taxes and light ing unpopular. Any by law asking for capital or expansion of civic control '1the hands of the electors. of new spring and summer hats. for MR. MONT LL ---- It Asked For Increased Nuuiber cf Inspectors With Larger Powers For the Head Man. Siecial 6 the Whig, Toronto, March 23.1. Derby hire n 8 deputation, from the Eastern Dairyinen's Association, which waited upon Hom. N. Monteith, this mora ing. The deputation -abked that an Inereased ninber of inspectors he ap Pointed, that larger salarics he paid, end that greater freedom and pow.r be Ziven to Mr. Publow, the chief "pector iu the east. Mr. Publow, i was thought, should be able 1o de cide any questions off-hand which ho "aE now forced to submit 10 the de- partment." Mr. Monteith said the work was a very important one, and there was not any doubt that the government would weet the wishes of the deputation to Some extent any- way, Andrew Hall. Gare Bay, has beun appointed clerk of the first division court of Manitoulin, vice S. p Jack son, resigned. The latter was the socialist candidyte ageinst RR. R Gamey in the recent elections Rev. Ir. Moore, Ottawa, uf the Canadian Prevention of Srey Assaciation for the Tuberculosis, had! o conference, this morming. with ioe vincipl Secretary Hanns in regard to the work of the ao aciation and we assured of that gentleman's he rlicst impathy. The annual woeling of the association will he held, in © tawa, on Murch 15th Hop. Nelson Monteith, minister of agriculture, toll Staley Shark. the Englishwan. who is here to make ar tangements for the purchase of cavalr, horses for the British armw, that if the. Domimion government did take any action in establishing mount stations in Canada the pro vincial government certainly would do something in the direction of plac- ing the horse breeders of Ontario in a position to supply the necessary re mounts for the war office, not re ---- PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY. the District. Picton, March 2. Mrs, Pake, widow On Monday, at Milford, occurred the aged sur Richard Church, Cherry Valley, has On Tuesday evening, February 21st, was the scene + Snell married Miss Eda Os silk, trimmed with fine valenciennes lace and ribbon, Charles Smith and Frederick Slaven have returned from New York. J. R. Brown and P. C. Maence, barristers, are, this week, in Toronto on business D. Rosenburg, a young man about till of Richard Cowan, butcher. When found in the pool rooms he * fesend up," but had "played" fifteen cents It being his first offence he was but twenty days, The people of Wellington will ver v much regret the departure of one of their prominent villagers and his wife, Mr. 'and Mrs. N, Searles, who in fu. ture will residé in Port Perry. Mre W. G. McClellan is visiting in Lind "ay. A. W, Hepburn, is in town from New York. Miss Louise Owens is visiting in Toronto. Francis Owens, who has bern in Burlington has returned home. Mr H. Pearce and Miss Pearce, for the past eight months the guests of Mr and Mrs. T. Owens, Bloomfield, leit Wednesday for New York, sailing next week for England. A, H. Baker, man ager of the Old Homestead Lanning factory, has returncd from Denver. J €. Wilson, Glenora, is seriously ill at his rodms in the Royal hotel given --. A Pleasant Gathering. Evervbody enjoyed themselves at the annual tea-meeting and concert of Bethel church Sunday school, last ov ening. The contributors to the pro gramme, with only two exceptions, were members of the Sunday school. ly the primary department; vocal anc instrumental solos and duets by F. Comor. Elsie Stanshury, Ethro Perey. 8. Lipman, 'red, Trencer. Marion Morden, Miss M. Knapp and B. Filt2: recitations hy Hazel Young. Clarence Steen. Willie Calls, Hazel Lake, Howard Kennedy, Edna MeRaddnev. Ernest Kennedy, Noel Knapp, Willic Trender and Miss Moxley: and dialogue by M. Me. Cartney and R. Patterson. Seventeen with diplomas for having secured 100 marks every S[unday throughout the in a prosper ous condition, and. last vear contri buted of its means to mission wark dren jn Toronto. to the Congregation al college in Montreal, and to the home and foreign missions of - the City Management. The public are being so arbitrarily ' charges, that mihicipal management is becom would just now meet a hard fate at A-------- New Spring Hats. George Mills & Co's, importations coming in rapidly. 23 cases have al the way, the wholesale and retail trade, are ready arrived and WARY MOre are on A DEPUTATION WAITS ON 1TH, Four Magmficent Advance Showing Of Ladies' and Children's Spring Jackets - and Suits Just received and ready for your To-morrow our first lot of Spring Jackets and Suits. Never mind about being 'prepared to 3 Come and see these New. Coats and S You can form a better idea of what worn for spring, and we will be delighted to } you pass your opinion as te value and style. a Sn Advance Styles of SPRING DRESS GOODS 'Panama Cloths, Crepe de Chene, Moh Sicilians, Light Weight Scoich lines, Chiffon Broadeloths, light weight with finish ; Covert Cloth Suitings, and many other terials in limited quantities that you will not find later in the season. New Wash Goods Are arriving daily and we have been quite selling them as they come in. realize the early choice is always satisfactory. We carclull ply you you may Ww iS go ng to be Suitings, Crepo. Quick witted women Corsets, Ribbons, Embroideries, Are all wanted now and things in each. Soon the singing of the birds will co ne an sweet-voiced bullfrog will be heard in the land Are You Thinking of Your New Spring Footwear ? . : * Ln nck frei It is coming in from the east, from tic we | the north, from the south, and will be as perfec a8 lection as the heart of a lady or gentleman could wi TRUNKS AND VALISES, TOO, 25e, peiints or roll butter, Crawford, THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE Re p-- TEAR 72 FR MARC Bed Suites 2h British plate ritish plate 5 B ju 3 pl $ Iron Beds All new styles. spring Mattresses Music Cabinets Cabinets, ref an for {1 and £0.50 and 36 ROBT. J. REIL Undertaker, 222 Princess Stree house, 'Telephone! The Leading doors above opera -- Comfortable Eye=-Glasses ow great deal es Fi ith « sur work inf Somes Carefully SMITH BRO SWELERS geri COMPLETE SATISFACTION IN WEAR AND APPEARANCE. You have it in our $6 SHOES. Wear "Allen Military Bootmakers 84 Brock St. SIGN OF GOLDEN BOC Y.W.C.A. SATURDAY EVENING, Mare A Social Evening ment Orchestra Te I nts, : talk. Ade « we. All young invited THOS. HILTO! 386 Princess Street, Two Door: Laturney's Carriage Shy made and ey Bouse and Vatines- " Pesket Trunks re-willowed. Lo Key fitted, etc. PRICES MODERATE. "TAKE NOTIC DON'T ELL YOUR STOVE niture, Clot! Buots to slong. 'Ir 1.TONK, THE SECOND-HAND 398 Princess Street. ir y tha! me, and you will WANTED. BOY, APPLY A A GENERAL SERVANT Al Street S---- THO Fins Apu 1 ------e. A GOOD PLAIN COOK. APP Tan i Johnston St A GOOD GENERAL SERV w GF irons A piv SMALL lin in central Box 10, Whig office TWO APPRENTICES FoR . LW apprentice aking. St & Steacy A Cons AND HOUSEM f of hire No N i 1 rec 1 Pi REF i FOR k ler I t b NH Wi TO aET ts made up at |! t, next t and price pressing and rey WAGES FOR AGEN and women make hands selline © our * household Every family needs the oughly legitimate husine tan start in without a « tal G. Marshall & C Ont mess TO-LET. HO BROC K w tnd all © session M reet FROM Manon ol: M Ad A i ing § 1 te 106 1 stra rr rege PERSONAL LADIES: WHEN IN N for free trial of our remedy Relief quic Paris Chemical Co... Mi Butter Crawford.