00d. ecause of their direct he liver, s looked upon the liver n of the body, and it ind that Dr. Chase per- led family medicine-- or Pills, led is now evident to nted with Dr. Chase's 1 knows how quickly ouble and remove the 1d bowel disorders, e test when your liver torpid and you suffer ness or constipation. d to find how prompt- r to activity, cleanse ing and excretory sys- | digestion and "good Liver Pills are invalu- e, because they posi- ommon and frequent 2 b selory treatment for every and Nerve Energy 0 "Win Out" r of Mind and 'rozone, Like "one honest remedy for nervous e. No one. can imagine what | red, with my nerves, and 1 some wonder at the number of useless riptions and medicines I took Ferrozone acted differently from le rest. It built up my system and lly the irritability left my nerves I got well. Ferrozone cured me "moving the cause of my troubles, giving me enough additional gth to overthrow the attack of usness.. I can recommend Ferro- strongly." y Ferrozone. It completely rebuilds hervous system and establishes a y condition throughout the entire 't let any greedy dealer make yo there is anything so good as Fer e. It alone can cure permanently on having nothing but Ferre Price 50c. per box, or six boxes at all druggists, or by-mail N. C. Polson & Co. Hartford, , US.A, or Kingston, Ont i ------------ et 1 0 s, Sick Headache iousness Pills gripe. Never d most reli- cine known. WAYS GIVES YOU L'S etable Pills he Cook A IT" RANGE EARTS ERS. : BIRCH, ck St. they T he New Way tomake Bread Send for the "Royal Household" Reci cost mothing--and- may mean oP ter pread--better pastry--better baking gen erally for the rest of your life--think of what that would mean to your family. If you have never used the new Royal Household Flour, there is a delightful surprise for you in the first batch of bread you bake with it-- just send a postal card for the recipes. - twent-Gve Flow is the 1 Bread or Pastry, (Signed) Naviamo, B.C., Nov, asth, » 1 have been makin, oo bread have ir neark 1 Household d for either " MRS. ROBT. ADAM. THE OGILVIE FLOUR MILLS COMPANY, LTD. MONTREAL. THE DA " - . ca ON THE STAGE Tbsen--De Wolt Hopper to Ap- pear in a New Opera Entitled "*Elysia."' "Fatinitss" is to be revived by Frit- zi Scheffi at the Broadway Theatre, New York. De Woli Hopper is to appear next season in a new opera, "Elysian," by Reginald De Koven. "Monte Cristo" and "The Three Guardsmen' are to be revived next season by James O'Neill, Mme. Sara Bernhardt has produced with success Victor Hugo's Lve-act Padoue," drama, 'Angelo, Tyran de Wet Weather Shoes Good heavy soled ones--the kind that don't leak. We have a full Ime in Men's," Wom- e's and Children's Shoes that protect {ho feet from wet and cold. The prices are sure to please you. i, JEXNINGS, King St, CITY STORAGE We axe the best and cleanest build ing in Kingston for storage purposes. Speci alty made of storing. furniture, carriages, etc. "Phone or call for terms to W. G. FROST, Carriage Painter, "Phone 5% 209 Queen St N.B.~We're ready now to paint that age of yours; you will want it toon. Bargains In Cutters! Paving a few Cutters left, in or- der to clean out the stock, will mll at cost. If you are in need of & good cutter now is the time to buy and save money. JAMES LATURNEY, 390 PRINCESS STREET. NOTICE. WE HAVE BOUGHT THE STOCK ol trade of the :ate Joseph Jamieson, umber and steam-fitter, and purpose to ery on the business as usual at 42 ohsston street. By giving ovr personal Wpervision to any work intgsted to us, Suhied With low prices, we hope to Te- Ye a share of your patronage. Any Wombing or heating work you have to » Kive us a chance, we will give vou Wtsfaction in workmanship and prices. ALEXANDER JAMIESON, JOHN JAMIESON. Phone 287. FOR REAL ESTATE OR INSURANCE Consult with Geo. buying at 95 Clarence street. Cliff before H Scven Sutherland Sisters' air Grower © GREW THIS HAIR J Geo. W. Bagot and Recalls Special to New try, will r father, Ost The lack's ter the dee H vou « Dear Ladies, YOUNG ENGLISH ACTOR Stage York, March 4 a young E made his first appearance in this coun a place for \ stage, although he never suceseded in filing the place of Montague His son, Nelles Corners, Ont., April 16th, 1904. be Seven Sutherland Sisters, Toronto :- 1 had dandruff and falling hair and through a friend | was perauad Hair Coa or TE air and giv ours respectfully, MES. E. BOND. For sale at all druggists, two sizes, 500, and $1.00 per bottle. SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS SOLE PROPRIETORS CANADIAN OFFICE, 256 Yonge St. Tomonto . M. Barrer, Forsign Manager. 13 Rrecomxmsorn axn Soin »v Mahood, druggist, corner Princess streets. Idol of Years Ago. the Whig. tuglish actor, who has ecall to many persons matinee idol of twenty vears ago. His nund Tearle, came to W first regular leading man of that organization, af- atre as the ath of Henry Montague, was handsome snd popular, and made American himself on the lon't see what yom this world you can ask for it, but the chances are that you won't get it. -- Teach the rising generation to discriminate between Mr. Ibsen sever 1 succsed in, of Sunlight Soap and others that just look like purity and cleansing injured clothes. he clothes the worry of experim Sunlight well with hard or soft water. Your money back for any cause of complaint. power. ent an it but lack its It will save them d the expense of Soap washes » had my photos * T wn for you showing m you the right to use it, also my lette Twenty Conway Tearle, just want in MISS ELLIS JEFFREYS Maxim Gorky's bitter satire on crat. It is tages," The incidental music for Viola Al len's production of "A Winter's Tale" was composed by York Sheffield of the Queen's Theatre, Manchester, "Claresse," with William Gillette in the stellar role, will be given its first production in London. The scenes of this play are laid in the south. Charles Frohman will continue Fran cis Wilson's season at the New York Criterion theatre, until March 11th, when he will go on a brief tour. "Charley's Aunt" has been revived in London at the Comedy theatre, the initial performance being the 121,560th of this marvelously successful play. Adele Ritchie has been engaged to sing Lady Holyrood in the revival of "Florodora."" Henry V. Donnelly will be the Gilfain and Elsa Ryan Angela. George Edwardes, the eminent Lon- don manager and producer of count- less musical comedies, believes that sort of entertainment is declining. Herbert Kelcey and Effie Shannon have left the legitimate stage. In their initial vaudeville appearance théy of fer a one-act comedy, entitled **Jour- nev's End in Lovers' Meeting." The oldest living actor is said to Edward Miles, of Wisbeach, Eng- land. He was born March 11th, IS15. He knew Grimaldi and saw Edmund Kean and Charles Kemble act. Mrs. Fiske has refused all offers for the English rights of "Leah Klesch- wa," and will probably appear in London herself in this piece. A very large offer is said to have come from Mrs. Patrick Campbell. Chicago accepts "Parsifal"' as the prime event of importance in theatri- cals this season. Before the doors were thrown open for the first performance over $20,000 worth of tickets had been old for the two weeks' engagement. Miss Eleanor Robson gave a benefit in Baltimore last week for Maxim Gor kv, the Russian author. Miss Robson ot | appeared in "Merely Mary Amn." hy Israel Zangwill, the author, who has done a great deal for the Russian Hebrews. The New York engagement of Forbes Robertson in "Love and the Man" op enced at the Knickerbocker Theatre last The Herald was very enthusias tic over the play, and the other papers were non-committal. Al agreed on the power of the third act. For the firat time in fifteen vears "A Winter's Tale al- | Chicago, with Kathryn Kidder follows newest the namexk play is a Russian aristo "Summer Cot week, a Warde and Mise Kidder Frederick as stars, fiv1by Mary Anderson. and plays hoth Hermione and Perdita. Miss Ellis Jefirevs, the celebrated will begin her first English actress, the New Amster American season at who has just begun his career here, is dam theatre, New York, on March much named after his mother, Mintfie Con 6th. Miss Jeffreys stage carcer be wav, an American actress who died gan Sy ith Sir ¥ hurls yidbata a - the riterion catre, sonagon. She several vears ago. a ow , vera] are. go --- became leading woman at Terry's USED ROUND THE WORLD A Safe Cough Medicine For Chil- | theatre, and at the Garrick she was associated with John Hare. For the 9 1 gen, 1 : hil last three vears she has been leading BI a BI S Wi uy Ee ex gh mecueine for Sher woman at the Haymarket theatre, o dein iver he afraid to buy Chamibx London ; Jain's Cough!' Remedy. There ix ho William Winter writes the following danger from it and relict Ni alway | iim of Ibsen, in the New York sure to follow, Tt is i ae valu Tribune : Ibsen's fundamental in able for colds, eroup and looping firmity as a dramatist (aside from cough. For sale by all druggists, his infatuated devotion to the mono- tonous doctrine of heredity) is tha tor; that he is forever that it is a "cursed spite that eve he was horn to set it right.' be dull ¥ sick. and his pedantic ones make they sleepy. "Ghosts'" ix a type of § former class. "An Enemy of People' ix a type of the latter Mrs. Fiske, who the most succes ent of lbsen heroines in therefore subject, savs 'Hedda Gabler" who on the produee cupy three vears tion. Theen's plave have proved fo ares in some instances because devote managers will not time to their eon stands alone. The viave of Aden and a great majority plaverights, for instance. such prevaration. Such plavs bear t ! to Ibsen that 1 ame relation Ane tricate parposefnl sirmle melodies POTTER underetand that the 5 us. OPINION OF FORBE'S ROBERT- London, "4. ~The City of Lon- SON'S PLAY. dou's own pent--the only one which on watch trough She oitys irs . streets wi x yonets--the 1st William Winters Critigism. of Royal Fusiliers--bas arrived home af land with the battalion returned with i ix being produced in the precedent then established he has set himself forth as a regula- vociferating that "the world is out of joint," and r ti s will succeed in set & = ceed on the stage until he ceases to His nasty plays make people he the has proven hersel ul and artistic expon: America, and writes with authority "Properly to requires at study. It would not Jeast two vears be extravagant to say that a play Jike. Thaen's 'Rosmersholm.' should oc ctudv and prepara- stage sufficient study and preparation, Tn thie demand upon the producer Th- Sar of modern reaiire no tuneful bear to the in. of Wagner, The nroducer of the Theen play must drama presented ie hint one vhaee ol the whole story ILY WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH -------------------------- . ter twenty-one. rs' foreign Service, Not one of wen who left Eng t. The battalion, which mustered four teen officers and 381 men, under the command of Col. Cooper, was greeted on its arrival at Southampton on board the transport Soudan by the following telegram from the Prince of Wales. "My heartiest 'welcome to officers, non-commissioned officers and wen of the lst Battalion Roval Fusiliers, on their arrival home--George, Colonel in-chief, Royal Fusiliers." The men were delighted when their colonel read out to them the roval welcome home from the snows of Thi- bet, where the battalion formed Col Vounghusband's escort. They were no less pleased when they received a tele graphic welcome from the lord mayor of London. MR. HILL HAS PROVED IT. Toronto Man Explains How He Gained Thirty Pounds In a Few Weeks, Remarkable Statement. At 89 Fuller street, Toronto, lives a man who claims te have proven be vond the shadow of a doubt that Dr, Leonhardt's Anti-Pill is the most won- derful remedy ever introduced: Mis name is W. A. Hill, and he makes the following statement : "I was very much run down, and had a constant pain in my side, whith made life a drag to me. 1 fully be- | lieved my days. Were numbered, but. 1 was induced to try a treatment of Dr Leonhardt's Anti-Pill, and the results were marvellous. "After a short time 1 fouivd myself restored to perfect. health and strength which I am thankful to say I have enjoyed ever since. "1 have gained thirty pounds in weight since I ¢ommenced to use Anti Pill." Mr. Hill's statement is only one of many. No ome has ever used Dr. Leonhardt's Anti-Pill without benefit Price 0c, All druggists, or The Wilson-Fyle Co, Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. Sole agents for Canada. THE SECRET SOLD. -- Monks Make Product Inferior to That at Grenoble. Paris, March 3.--Since the expulsion of the Carthusian fathers from Gre noble there have been lawsuits be tween the monks and the official re ceiver appointed to wind up their property as to the ownership of the trademark of the famous Chartreus liqueur. The monks adopted a new trade mark, but though they sucecssfully preserved the seéret of manufacture the new brand was regarded as infer jor to the old in quality, owing to the impossibility of obtaining the tin est sorte of old brandy in Spain whither the monks transferred their monastery The deadlock is now at an end, the monks having sold the secret to an English syndicate, which will earry on the manufacture of the liqueur at the old factory and under the old condi tions. The price paid is not {ar from £3.000,000. The monks have accepted shares in the concern in lieu of a large proportion of this amount, an: they will therefore remain the princi pal proprietors of the liqueur, How To Avoid Catching old. Allow yourself to 'rim down" and vou catch cold from the first germ that voies vour way. Wade's Iron Tonie Pills make vou cold-proof hy iving you rich, healthy blood, the fina that kills all disease germs In boxes 250. . at Wade's drug store Money back if pot satisfactory. -------------- When men talk together, it is of prices at which things can Ke sold Women talk of prices at which thing can be bought No matter small a girl's feet are, vou can flatter her by making her think vou think they are smaller than they are. Some men seem to think it is a good deal worse to drink too little than too how t and m * HOME FROM THIRET. - City of London's Own Regiment 4. selves A delicid 'Always ready toothsome. Just a little beter Easy to carry --take up little space MOONRY BISCUIT & CANDY CO, Lawman, "These goods may be had from the following yours : J, S. Henderson, E. W. Mullin, J. McCulla, mes Kelly and W. J. Driver. Going Hunting ? Don't forget to take a goodly supply of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas. They're breakfas, dinner and supper in them- addition to every meal the table---crisp, inviting, other crackers you ever tasted. Specially packed for hunting or camping parties in moisture-proof, dust-proof 3 tb. tins. ~ handier in every way than paper bags or pasteboard boxes. Your grocer has MOONEY'S PERFECTION CREAM SODAS also in 3 pound and | pound canons. Remember to. order "Mooney's." than any STRATFORD, Cavana oz equal, Corticelli Silk runs smoothly in the needle ; it is always cven in size and a dealer for * Corticelli,"' and refuse all substitutes. SPOOL SILK»3- "or dressmaking and famil sewing Corticelli SilK is the best sil made. For hand or machine use it has no lways full length and full strength. Ask your G2 keeps each shade separate, and automatics needleful. Recommended as the only proper way to'put up filo znd floss silks, and used by art societies everywhere. Bd Wash SilKs..... are put up in patent holders, which prevents waste by tangles or soiling; ly measures a correct = ' SKIRT PROTECTOR .ontilh soiled, a sponge or brush makes it clean again, and no damage done. qualitics and perfectly straight sclvage. is of firm and even texture. When It has peculiar wearing For sale everywhere. PROHIBITION A FARCE, Doutney, Veteran Tem- perance Lecturer. Montrenl Gazette So Says Wherever prohibition ix pon the statute books, it ix 4 lamentable fail ure. In fact, it iv a colossal farce and gigantic humbug It is all politics] there is no real temperance in it. Pub lic sentiment is against i Prohibi tionists deny this, beean they know nothing of the fact This is the opinion of Thoma Doutney, the wellkpown temperance lecturer Mr. Doutm avs that his experience of such laws and 'of the ho tel and =aloon busin makes him take strong grounds against prohibi tion Further," he declares that it hypocrisy. The lighor question come under the law of supply and demand he points out, and remarks th if thre was no demand for the goods, no om: would be in the busi Fan cation, ix the rule to follow in the matter of temperance He favors the canteen Tor the soldier Mr. Doutney, who has Been in hi chosen field of labor for over twenty vears,and occupies a position in the front rank in that work. is not known in Montreal. He has not le {ured here for a pumber of years, wo in all the oth though he has done er legding cities in the dominion. from Halifax to Winnipeg He ix a Cana dian by birth, Laprairie being his native village, where his father, th late Thomax L. BDoutnev, taught a French school, being siutbroquently iden tified with English and French news papers in Montreal. is mother lives in Kingston Dispels Aches And Pains. ii: LOOK FOR THIS TRADEMARK Grand Prize] WorldsFae ne || Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Eetablished 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. HIGHEST AWARDS IN 4S EUROPE AND AMERICA | will drive awav aches, pains and sore | ness #0 fcanch flowse: 12 sad 14 SL. Joba SL, Nentreat, P.O. the final, the denonement." There ix nothing else to be had that quickly and keep them away | so surely as Smith's White Liniment { It is one remedy that never fails to | eure sprains, swelling, inflammation, neuralgia, rhenmatism, lumbago and We take pleasure in informing the public that we have purchased, at considerable expense, one of the best Smoke-Testing Machines In the Dominion, and are prepared to test the plumbing work on public buildings and private residences with this machine at reasonable rates. The smoke test is modern, up-to-date and effective, and is required by goverr-? ments and all civil authoritics where SS : plumbing laws exist. No need to have any doubts about your plambing fixtures not being perfect. - Have them tested. . ELLIOTT BROS .. Plumbers and Steamfitters. "Phone 35 or 55. K K&K K 7 A PRISONER "TEOUSANDS of men are prisogers as they wore confined behind the bars. have {orged own chains by the vices of curly ire to contagions disease, of the excesses of Siankosd. They foul they are not the men they ought to be or used 10 "The vim, vigor, aud vitality of manhood are lacking. Are! Aespondent? tired in the morning ? have f ARE K 0 fores y th hr the day's work 7 have you Jie tition and energy? "e You lritzhis 3d excitable? eves BS avin, il PROT! 3 & " a dreds and losses at 2 7 dr brain fa 7 have you weak back wit BT 7 SEponit in wile? weak sexually 7=-7om BAYS Nervous Dehility aad Seminal Weakness. LJ Orr NEW METROD TREATMENT Js guprauttad ure or No Pay. 20 years io Bewars of anak gm Consult aid establie: ly rity. 2 relate Sheslcinms. - tanoeitation se » 3 Free, ¥reite for Quention Blank for Bom: Treatment. po 81 4 M Ors. Kennedy & Kergam, [| 44d QHTLDT STREET. DBTROM, MICE. = EE ER A ELS | all deep seated aches and pains. Big | bottles only 25e., at Wade's. ------------ For any case of nervousness Pe » weak stomach, indigestion { dvspepsin. try Carter's Little Nerve | Pill Relief is sure. The only nerve mod sine for the price in market } Ment men wonld die in deepair to | dav if it weren't for: tomorrow's ex