Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Mar 1905, p. 5

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/ the MARKET, it must bet t the fault of the YEA 4 he fay S you AD ALWAYS WIL Ty TERR VRARCRB BSR R RRA, -. E STRING UR FIDDLE n our fiddle that we ar days is our Suit String, teeping step to our music, at the suits at a lively > i ed buyer tells his friends, and g yur Suits spreads. until everybods ur J d Clothes. re to us, too, because we like tg lothes that it's a pleasure to talk € §C raping ase us exceedingly to hav >. new SPRING SUIT BEAU. e what $6.50, 7.50, 8.50, 10, 12, will do here in the way of Suit be agreeably surprised. Well - D. BIBBY CO, Haberdashers, Oak Hall, Kingston. cat BVBWttTAtIVLItTLBLTBTTLII ductions in Winter Coats! pats--$2.98 and $3.98. ned that not a single Winter ried over--whatever the loss imply MUST go, and ¢o in- Il remairing Coats, w rth $6, ), $11.50 and $12, have been » groups, and will be sold on 8 and $3.98. s new, up-to-date, and 1 =) The Leading Millinery ot. vd y and Mantle Store. A a -- ---- ESS | ne o. |Bnd of Week Special se Unless : Underly- AT VANLUVEN'S v Hing hair Eetip . ap xz ! which a th : r, is like | going and Lipt fined | otean to Onion ud Be atisk Choice Olives, | satistac § Sliced Pine A} right wn- | Goodwilli Lor I tal causes served Plum this Le Ns . Nh ¥ o do that ! i p 3 1, the hair y \ H w healthy Chet 3 emove the » UVEN F. W. VANL 518 Send 246 PRINCESS ST to he he GG. W. 'Phore 417. i k. digd in | 9900000000000 0000090 I appoint: | & 2 atee Com- | & E b i gd: w'Con | 3 = 111 DO SS INS f a large} Q i » Norfolk | © OF -- 3 er the de 4 Crests and Designs on Pap* J n assembly 2 er and Envelopes: 2 empire. g ENGRAVING of Letter Heads ; ania rail- | © a Carts 2 | and twen- | © am . ¢ one 1 9 $ sechangers | 3 THE BRITISH WHIGS five cents | © Kingston. 3 OO Crawford FO0TOO0000N o HT BY TH P2000 0 0000809880008 00000000404 {int } bi " we Pe cflicacy of Peruna injw GRIPPE is epidemic catarrh, It]sclves as to i} A A no class or pationalty., The cases of la grippe or its after effects. | cultured snd the ignorant, tho aristocrat | After Effects of La Crip rodicated | | snd the pauper, the masses and they Ee x be ry \Westerlo, classes are slike subject to la grippe. 'None are exempt--all are liable. jortm to do 50 8 new word has been coined that exactly describes the case. As if some hideous giant with awful Grip had | clutched us in its fatal clasp. Men, women, children, whole towns and cities srecsught in the baneful grip of a ter- ible monster. : The following letters speak for them | Neb, * Have you the grip? Or, rather, has | the grip gob you? Grip is well named. 14 ! The original French term, la grippe, strated cond! has been shortened by the busy Ameri- | other attack of wick v ean toread "grip." Without intending | worse. Thad tried oud physician | but al} in vain. + Peruna 2 trial. | 1 In a short time [ wa ames R. Gulki of Omalia. it es T. Guill i8 vue of the |v st esteemed men of Omaha, Las dome E GRIP. . RELEASED BY PE-RU-NA | what it is, serving on public boards a number of times. He endorses Parvns "1 ain 68 years old, am hale and hearty, using your medicine. Four years ago I began tlhe use of Peruna, since which time I have not been troubled with that disease, have -ru-na Not Only Cured La Grippe but Miss Alice M, Dressler, 1313 N, Bryant Av | very severe spell of grippe, which left cure, g betler and | factory resul Mrs, | yy | full statement of your case and he will much to make it! The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. v { he following words: raham Lineoln. He writes: I had la grippe five times before of 1 can now do as much work at as I ever could in my lite, I od more than ten pounds in --S. 8. Lincoln, ih licnefited the Whele System. Af inneapolis, Minn., writes: za us well as ever,"'--Jean Cowgill, A Southern Judge Cured. Judge lloratio J. Goss, Hartwell, G rites: be "3omo five or six years ago | had a ! ou oye with Canon Starr, sident, and popular manager. he health of the hero of who has done such splendid | posed evening, work for his team, and Mr. Dunbar re plied on his behalf. The heal genial drunk, and The ladies | Gold in the Buwiligh {Continued from Page Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crawford, Rar the team were present, Mr. Canon and hostess w speches full of host patronized, and much merriment sulted over the winning of the prizes. | pretty Japanese | prize, a n-hon dikh, was won by ag, while Mr, George H ved the gentlemen's prize, a walk y, with systemic catarrh. A friend harp with the motto, "i sed me to try your Peruna which 1 play cards, perhaps you end was immediately benefited and | this," fell to Miss Valleau The third bottle completed the | onto. Mr. J. Hughes won '--11. J. Goss, 1f you do not derive prompt snd satis- e honorary pre Dunbar, the team's Rtarr pro numbers - 3) nation was placed at each plate upon | the supper table and miniature pucks and hockey sticks completed the sug gestion of the game. All the members together the th of the | ax gratitude | also | pd hp > pd We ra p4 pd * ; iv kindne de. Ti «Last spring I suffered from la gri for their kindnoss made The rvemung | : pring I suffe| m la grippe M4! ond wos partially cured but the bad | 28° * thoroughly a mst ae and | P4| after effects remained through the sum the guests were Jon k to break up 4 | me 3 J : : . = ¥ and solicholy ¥au ao get rong The bridge party given by the Misses bi oro. One of my college | iy von Thursday night, was a very | b4 friends who was visiting me asked mo | 1 fair and most enjoyable be to try Perunaand I did so and found | here were six tables in play and the | * it all and more than I had expected. It | jayers were made up of the city's | 34 | nt only cured me of the catarrh bas | fest "hridgers." The prizes were very {| restored me to perféct health, built up | elaborate, and were won by Mrs | the entire system and brought a happy | Hemming and Mrs. James Gilder 34] feeling of buoyancy which I had not | sleeve. The first prize was a silver | 34 known for years."--Alice M. Dressler. jowel-case, silk-lined, the second al + be . heart-shaped silver frame. The affair W + = An Actress' Testimonial. was brightened. still more. at supper + * Miss Jean Cowgill, Griswold Opera | ime, as several men dropped in, 1 wThe world of M4 | House, Troy, N. Y., is the leading lady | among them being Professor Mae + has ® | with the Aubrey Stock Co. She writes naughton, Mr, Roderick Mackenzie, ; medicine recognizes {tho following: Mr. Francis Macnee, Mr. P. G. Camp- | "During the past winter of 1901, I | hell, and Mr. Anderson. The supper 2 . h4 5 pas r : | Grip as epidemic l, ered for several weeks from severe table was a glow of yellow jouquils in ¢ S catarrh "_ * ack of grippe, which left a serious lavish abundance, and yellow shaded W | catarrhiul condition of the throat and | candles striking he colour note, H ical Talk. | head. Es : : : les | Some one suggested Peruna. As a The cosy home of Mrs. Hilliaw | ar- | N 3q | 1ast resort, after wasting much time roll, Ali rE ner: on | IY ST XXTYITITIXXIITITIIIXLITYIXILLIILIIIALLIIN| 424 money on physicians, 1 tried the At ne Tot pe appy forty. of Yet { XXXXX {remedy faithfully, and in a few weeks | (2 4. The euchre tables were well | Mrs. Frank | anson stick. The ladies' booby prize, a little vou don't can play , of Deser- | the gentle men's booby prize, a little shoe brash, bearing the words, "IH you can't thine with your were ts from the use of Peruna, with your head yon can ' SV OT 3 1 rite at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a |! Several musical given during the evening, and refresh »% pleased to give you his valuable ad ice gratis. Address Dr. NM Jlartman, President of w COMMERCIAL. ments served later. a part of the evening's cutertainment Dancin v. and Mrs. Carroll make ere delightid with the « high ¢ was also on axdmirg ble host and hostess, and their friends forts put forth for their entertainment. . - Terry, the young lady of quite classic beanty, in Mr, Terry's cotapany is a niece of the beloved Ellen Torey, . - and js staving with Mrs, ' A Lin town [ have taken the house on Barrie street, | lately occupied by Mre, J ! Mende Mrs. came to town, to-day, Walkem, at? Farrell Queensecote.' Mr. and Mrs, the end J. Osler are expected of next week, They's B. Murphy. {and Pcruna has helped ttain it. ie street, | ight Jave olly Fo i pe me a re street, ast ni x ¥ a jolly a a; Last shi i Jeeasion in i CHa : 3 Th w Wi Mr. Burtén Horse ' A night was a banner « | Two years ago I had la grippe--my life | banquet in honour » both of the vic ory --. : rin er 4 a n Yel : \ VOI iocal Masonic circles, An emergent | was despaired of. Peruna saved me | loriouss St. Gec 8 "BY team, and | that by ul ~ We we Spo : id weeting of the three eity dodges, St oar : their = \ e is slowly, b sare recs . : * Nb Jv, Guill, of the, birthday a - a # Yul ling. ONCE | John's, Cataragui and Minden, and M . ae i ie A Relative of Abraham Linceln. pon The ie was el with be | Mr. Boak, who, with Mrs, Boak, was other lodges from Frontenae district Air. Silas S. Lincoln, who resides at | and white carnations, a delicate tri | visiting his daughter, Mrs. Dodge. last was held im the. Masonic Hall, Wel: 912 1. Street, No W., Washington, D Cy | bute to the team whose colon are | week, sailed, on Monday, by the Pani Rugtom Strects to Soeleame, Beajantin he C. . ¥ a] hf: 3 . : ny z . ow { sian, for England Allen, grand master © @ Grand has the Lonor of being third cousin to | white and scarlet. A red or white car . . . Lodge of Canada on his official visit, MISS ELSIE Paris, March 3 of Miss Elsie Porter, daughter American ambassador, to Dr, Zurich, Switzerland, this at thé town hall of the municipality of the Passy quarter, Only members of the families PORTER Fhe civil marriage of the Edwin of was performed evening and intimate friends were | ent, 'The mayor conducted the mar cere mony A SEA OF FIRE As Described By An English Banker. Scattered throughout the dark, sun. WAS GIVEN 10 THE GRAND instruction, and the exemplifieation of the the military jourment served, number present it was impossible to and a second MASTER. Banner Occasion {x Masonic Circles--There 'Was a Fine Gathering--A Happy Time at the Banquet. The engagement « is announced of The attendance was very large, those | Miss Margaret Lovise Wright of Lon present numbering well over two hun: don, Ont., to Mr. Stanford, A, Ivey dred, The opening and closing exervis- | of Toronto ex of the meeting were divided be- -- tween the officers of tila threo city A CIVIL MARRIAGE. Todges, The attendance of members from outside lodges was also large, | i on and included contingents from Cape An TRtng uny n Vincent, Napanee, Tamworth, Deser- di onto, Gananogue, . Bath and other places, After the opening exercises, he lodge took the form of a lodge of performed by of the lodges, Aftor the closing exercises an ad: was made to the British American Hotel, where a banauet was The tables were artistically lecorated and the sérvice and onigine the best possible, Owing to the large degree was brethren third seat all the guests at the first table, sitting was necessary. After all wants had been supplied, the toast list and speeches were begun, James A. Minnes, D.D.GM,, was chair: tion L for varian, uterine and womb ture a woman So. past few years a formala has been perfected which, taken in time, will do what no remed when too long delay absolutely and permanently cure these diseases and forever Fepave the fear of the surgeon's e. = sae Nc: long ago a surgical oncras sas regarded #3 imperative SEI 83. "Te -day it is urinccessary to tors Dusiag the can do {hat is, man, and the toasts -- projed No wom n therefore who has any by the chaipnan, Robert Hendry, John | ration uble, 3 OF I ohn Nicolle and William | Dysarmption of the wim or ovarics Metenlfe, Specches in response were § Rf. '8s remecy. A stitch in Benjamin Allen, G. Gananoque; William Shaw, and W, made hy Messrs, M.: R. Graham, Renton, Abraham Murch, K Rev, Mr. Tyndall, Cape Vin Herrington, KiC., (Na: panes; Northmore, Bath: G. A. Aviles: worth, Newburgh; Comett, Ganano ane; (. Creeggan, A. E, Frape, and Gardiner, Kingston, Vocal selections Craig and Dr, A, W, alan much enjoved, sung by Arthur Richardszon were SOLUTION SUGGESTED As to Power For the Street Rail way Company. It is understood that at the eivio finance committee meeting this after noon, a propositiom like this will he suggested as advisable on the part of the city in regard to the street rail way crisis ¢ That power at the present rate be given the railway until No vember 1st mest, on condition that those in charge of the road allow the city's mnditor to examine the books; further that the city be allowed a voice in the management to the tent of having a full eversight what i4 transpiring, or that the ppoint a person for the next ax of oity to nix of be permitted to the manage roa months: that a monthly statement ime saves nine. 1 neglected what I considered a slight menstruation trouble, It developed into the whites, and then into inflammation of the woinb, 1 tried various remedi physician, failing to bi ed an operation. Through a friend who had been cured by tiem I learned of Dr. Hugo's Hexlth Tab- Jets for Women, 1 took five bcies and am 8 well wotnaa. I am telling all my friends about your wonders ful remedy and you are free to use this letter if it will spread the geod news, that at last there is a remedy for women that really cures, MRS, ADAM BLLLC, Craigs Falls, Cus, te soo, nt dealers, or by mall post onld, B. N. ROBINSON & CO, Conlin, (ue, REECE PET TR GTR er i ------------------ Dr.Mackay's SPECIFIC For the Treatment of Alcoholism Used in Connection With the Province of Qu'bec Probmien System With Mrs, James Richardson, Stuart St. : oid ; X gave a quiet little luncheon on Wed less recesses of the great deep are | horipla and reventie We propared amd Unvarylng Success, , STOCK MARKETS. Re las. in honor of Mrs. Rlanchar. | count) varieties of ving organisms, that if the profits of the road be : Telegtaphed apecisliy re thy Wiis by Mrs Murray Mr George Richards - some minute, some large and powerful grester than the profits during the The City Commedd of Montreal hat on: r uly td . Y's ny p Re i : rr " R - » » v ty \C di o Rory BNO, Manager BarishCte | and' Mrs. Harry Richardson being the | Which, compensated by nature for the | sam ical of Inst year, the city Te dorved this marvelloons discovery. The { ARE THEE NEW Kk kxchuuxs, A061 SL. James Stel. duly other pA sternal night in which they dwell, have | be 8 owed a certain percentage of § Finance Committes of Montreal recent: 4 Vontreal. I aie the power of emitting suflicient Hight | those "xin profits, in comsideration of by voted gd to defray the expense of : e-- of 2 | to enable them to discern their , prey, | RIVIBE choap pow. | uch an arrange | placing the medidine in each of t NEW YORK STOCKS. Sh aml Yeu Ads Shortt ate to soe their matesgund ¢ a] and | ment, it is considered, would be quite | city Police: Stations, as prompt appli- y be ained "se p r . 12.80 pa Natit dt at' a pleasant dimmer last night, | C0 ol cl heir. sombrons hating | 0 and would make "a satisfactory | cation of the treatment to bad cases at which it was intended that Mr ng ith i Amalgamated Copper 1 Mackenzie: King should} \ . grounds. It ig true onr knowledge of temporary settlement will prevent the fatalities continually Locoinetive ii oF ae ; 3 . 4 se the guest { A dwellers of the sremoter depths of An important thing in connection | occurring in the cells, Smelting & Re fining : onor, nlor nal y government | Lo ooh is necessarily limited, and with the running of the street rallway No Sanitarinm iv required, The ugar I : A prevented his coming to} CL Cinlly in reference to the | Kingston is to get the people to Treatment can be taken at home, Na It is really impossible to try and de : A . . larger . denizens of ghose profound utilire the care more, To make the | spec inl dict required. The desire to re metibe the beauty of the White and Miss Florenfe Hentiz, Prineuss stroot chambers. of the abysmal deep yoy | cars pay in the late fall, the winter | form is simply necessary and spirits Fancy ( Cat Fal entertained At brid hi ' notwithstanding the tremendous weight and the early spring, there must be | avoided for q fow days. " atton nhrics for . ta nes t bridge whist ons Thurs over prowsing dow: upon: thoy iyi) increasod patronage During half the This medicine is now within the reach Siping, ~~ : Tal "\ Ww in plates to more than two tons to hours of the day few people are to hefof all; the price having heen reduced. Nashville Au o a Olivia nde hag sent the square inch, some of the ever-glow con on the cars, The times they are The wonderful results obtained with \ ash dut cards of invitation for a Shrove. A 4 at 1 f seven nN the worst class of drunkards coming an Securities | ing creatures which roar hout the | M© an are rom seven {ill mine » ot § » Tuesds a . g¢ \ roam, about in . p . A 1905 an Street Ry en Av party for a number of her perpetual night cof those dark and | 0 clock: 11:20 till 1:30 o'clock and 4 hefore the Judges of the Reeowders Paul & SSM ittle friends, who are asked for the | fo 00000 Gol re both graceful 1 in 7 o'clock Courts in Quebee and Montreal war Pach hours betdoen five and nine-thirty Sisal THA ire hoth graceiul - and 2 n ' + | rants the statement that the disease of se i | Deautiful Dr. Rogers, K.C., trastes, and W. F. | ra statement that the disease 0 The Finest Wool Voiles ar 1 Toe lied: wvemt or the gay set be G0" weird spectacle must be pre Nickie will veprasent the street rail: | Drunkenmes can be cured--readily and faa thread ir white So 3 ui pt, will be the dance st the | Rh TR a othe Tt an way bondholders at the civie finance surely-amder ordinary smstances . wh Royal ' Military College on Shrov. he ving eaatiite is om | Committee meeting this afternoon and with the reasonable desire upon onda with beautifu : | pala wobahle, every living creature iso meeting § " . s grounds with beautiful half t Tuesday. | } prose ng creature in em [O00 any stuted this morning | the part of an incite, Qesizns. hens \ Shirt W . . . . . dowed with Juminosit Now a shoal ] ¥ 1} satin 2 Iv the Ii ENS heavier makes for hirt War q 2 : of Gh 'darting past dike a Hight of that he would not favor gFarting any has treatment is simply the medi Suits re enting all kinds of Tweed he L. ( will meet on Monday, fiery arrows, amidst those floating | concessions to the railway until tha fine of the metlical profession the only diets, Boucle Cloths, ete, To-day at Mrs, loss, Allred trey; balls of fire, the moduse, the glitte ha Charm ern: throw] mere Ia. an ty ite administration. . 29 . * . W y +» the me ¥ ww ghitenng t " t De, Mackav's discovery is the result give a few names of these exquisit 0 On Friday, M Mabel Dal | faments of the beautiful sea-lace, op J oPen to the city. Then if it was groven | os cons of practice wsialist ndusive mat | : - i : Mr . ion ~ Da Jo Won | ihe sparkling petals of actinia Or | that the rond wos not paying, he op xpert N pra - at " ; ye give materia . reveE " " AT rom Mrs awson, in the curling sir . FER bhi 1 hol ; " and expe ¢ 15 an member of ha NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS Rom |, perhap we of those little [would hold up both hands for the eit , ; 3 . L " ale: . . . ow, npr, © » 08 College of Physicians and Sorgeons of Open. Close gles, In the rink match for the medal, : or ting " . Olack and 'urgeons of Grecian Voile, Upen_ Clone, | £88 Lorraine. Lesthe's vink, on which { 70" Monsters of te rent. does flash granting it some aid, the Province of Quehee . 3 RI A ta t like a blazing meteor--for sure The Government of Quechee th h are playing Miss Lettice Tandy, Miss na ' Wer Hehe rough Marzeline Silk, Carrie Waldron and. Miss Aileen Rog ly all th wv enizen Ti eternal dark A Lively Time. tha Judges ordered over 500 boxes of Ho " T 2° pews are gifted with illuminating pow / the medicine for prisoners i i ¢ rs, 18 ° I's 2 ax horse att wl of +» B n I On 0 arimg in Knickor Suitings, cif eh, In the win ¥ 1 Wa morning i 8 grein a moment scattering into the oo a Jo, one of the | nd the Courts in 1904 Official i wraine Dalton we e successful one ¢ - ey City de ry . ' : : i Crone Loutru! lin in the contest. for Miss Carrie. Wal ahs rity of night all those many hii afternoon, near. the corner, of Princess tablish 80 per cent, of cures with these » & Nashville TR 3 Wire illant water-sprites ' ase Ano. Po & dron's prize, There will be a mix Si ' oy ih oh ey Poe a h | and Wellington streets, The runaway [P85 Il 1 offeinl end " ' ] : " wave been darting to and fro all aglow i 2 { . p ih wo public and offal endorse. Slik Dot Zephyr Pact match at the tea on Tuesday, play |) 3 } 1 collided with a Dominion expr 3 IPE arly Luntral, starting about half-past three, ii fuhled Jttaes in the sparkling river | 1 ioh and the Bradley sleigh wa tions andl th rece de - resi publish mavivania of fairyland . rb is Innecesag Oo waste money Jasquards, etc ek Istand rs ar RIP ATY budly smashed, A man canght the | © 1 : o , . ; ' ' : But not in the profounder chamber experitoenting further. All communion Reading Phe curling tea will be a very plea horse, which fell and deagged the man o an in pl of the deep alone are to be found H tions private, = Basis inspection will convince vou J sant social event for Tuesday aftes- | (1 ce luminons creations: for oft time down with it ua foe "tn the ma i » . 1 wn ' er w oree "i t ' at Everyhody's Stare is Your Stor n City yi Ji | millions dispdet themuelves upon . they eriously injured : The Leeming Miles Co, Limited or . } i urface, the most familiar of all being 5 S. Ste Mrs, ank Dobbs has bee e ill i d B ¥ ; -------- S 14 Steel, pH ior r Frau { 1 h 4 al ag quite ill | 0 animated little globe of fire which ------ Montreal. When! 115% 1152 4 i hii with the all-pre- | "0 prodigions swarms illuminate Rev, Dr. Potts, last year, during the | Sole Agents fof ¥ oh, dL] aming cok « -- Na) oR U9 Miss Wilgn ho in home on. the sea for many miles around, light. | Sunday wel excursion to the Holy DR. MACKAY'S SPECIFIC FOR SA ress, whn me on lur Ww i v ne | Land, climbed to Mars Hill and = mm ater tre be i oy ing it up ax thongh a brilliant moon . an DRL INK ENN BEST 1 PAID A VISIT TO HEAVEN. May pi at laughs, ir "tier ia lant work in | wero shining in the zenith. And as the | pre shed. He thonght of Panl and ESS 1 jk Fully oa } he < aoe 2 : ucke Ze. Hoar, Taig | vessel ploughs her way throngh the | his wt tirred within him fichier al ! a sist Says 5id | ---------- - spe * last few da) r ru " a ton ww in rey a oth iv going tg do hed ter a A Modern and Progressive School [New Jersey Athei t ays he Dic IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. Crisp, on her way up from Montreal ry ' th i A " The v " iP f m her a RE h --~ Mare abrir The old reliable 3 > | So ne She deft for To » to-day WE A OO Tie every [Rin I ble 1 taka ' Iron glittering with the soft: and | Hix emotions may only be imagined T . | Kuglwood, Mar John Dalla, 8) wows of The District om Both Mics Smith. of Windsor, Ont., 8 vis | Caig | ; ¢ The at " : - K . | : : ' ' vivid brightness of the moon: while we attempt to boost the president's in n Busi { tailor Life lon Sides of The Line. iting her aunt, Mi Hoag, Alfred salary to $75,000, and the viespresi-|In th M the torrent flowing from the paddl » on We VIR prest he atter of the Estate of | that ert to} Bont , street, { . 4 . } A Willis Sharpe, one of Prescott s : heals ' wr cnstade of molte Wwe to 15.000 per anni, failed in iy Tjioue 440. Cambie 3 | vias Wt « at (he age of cighty-two years. | some time in the city, returned to De. | Goo So al in fo flash an} Lpresentatives of a "strenuons fife' will Township of Olden in. the bus. wnts, Complete Fquip- | . x da ay, two Trai Font : olinte ske of the . ) ; ". : g Tent, Excellent Results. Thorough and | =) i a} ital nn Iroquois conn il has broken off nego- | seronto to ad . . . long after she has passed through the have to labour on and practice econo County of Frontenac, Widow, Operpar lustruction by competent and | tReEn Se vl visit to heaven | tiations with the Toronto shoe firm Miss Elleda Ell iq eront shoal of these fireflies of the sa, | ™ Deceased. . rachers in every department wa Ha ¥ isk ' v ' « to n the Ci iggs Elleda Elliott, of 'ataraqui, | g . . 'Russin in the mw eo X a a SRE Sts Uraduates ought after as commereini | and conversion to Christianity, Hint made overtures to run the 008 spent a day yo this week rr bg Within every breathing wave isa fiery § . mn . he oni cOuRiry the NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN IN dnachiery in Canada and the United ! cnm-------- factory 1 fol Misses Macmorin . cataract, every wisp of wind swent alvation Any is no permitted to Pirie jo Fee An of Shap, 4 RA 4 Catalogue free. No vacati F | Secure Good Position Ihe death Ono - gs ot Rec Fre nt "Hi mas. Tachute: Que | foam a lustrous meteor, and the wide thier, said Gen. Booth, speaking at] oil the Rony Frid sad : dane any time. Duy and lo a <n in the new Fron: 100 Saturday, Februney <SUL S01 ot bi En with } Bm + § expanse. of the heaving oeewn a throb] Bellast, Uhut we are determined to | Johnston, widow, deseased, who died on +B. MeKAY. H. ¥. METCALFE, he 2 pe Rd I rrer artis Katherine Finnigan, in her eighty be in the city st ying ith the Misses oo tmoil of ligaid wild-fire carry the flag into that forbidden [or about the 7th day of Fehruary 1903, iden p a tena in " ; fourth year . ¢ . i ; : anil, even thongh we may ' piired to sent hy post prepaid, o President Privein lege. corm ¢ i } ack on University avenue sed 4 tani ¥ } may have t | are required 1 d hy post prepaid, or rincipal ODE . " : X% aid a | But a time will come when we too ¥ y ha 0 go i i pal. } td Clergy streets, is broad in scope § Cay pe Marcus Johnson, of Napa-| The Messrs. Twitchell will spend Sun- : in' a Aving machine. delivfr Lo our Seliwitor. John Mudie, 89 MOTHER BENDY od a tial in churacter. It i he i 4 ha W : Met) div. with Napanee friends shall shine ax the brightness of the : 4 a ¥ Clarice street, Kingston, on or before \ : OIN pri in n | quantity and nee, boil BLAOD A ol ASH . Mi Met ww has returned | firmament, and as the stars for ever here are many forma ol nervous de. | the first day of April 1905, their christs oe nent in quality, que ane o 4 Sian Mis Ai outra sre + ' v of tee. d + d 11 EO y a%, Iman pre-eminent in ality, quantity, 0 | dist church Napa, Soe A re he Shison that | Diy in men that vield do the wee of Lite 200 Set Av Mu ame. sd PRICE, 25 CENTS. to priines Ah Morden Midhortice oftreh. op PVE i has bought Mra, [we hey the behests of ov rort. and | Carter's Tron Pills, Those who ars | tie nature of the securities (if ang) : WILL CURE Burns, Frozen Limbs . finished busin 3 mney br Fall ¥ NM Nash's 2 " 4 Stunrt street, that the Saviour of the world having troubled with nervous weakness, night] by thon duly verified by Statutory des Cuts, A h he, | ora ay A Sat 4 held at Smith's Falls on Nay house on : te } uk Li - . SRE € ve sweats, ete, should claration Chitgre nt, Rboum, Broken Breasts. | Cali, write or 'phon G0 for partien |B with Dr. Crombie's $v awe atoned for ux, the neeuser can, in con Then anplioatic we 3 els And take notice that after the said o T's Sore Heads. Boils Blood Pois | |, | reduesd rate TN. Stock f his entering the minis- pe 0: | sequence, bring nothing ageinst We at fo 1 i ations of Peck'n Corn | gest dav of April 1005, we the hier: and Besling Fingers. fin ! yoru anniversary : his " gh The Bishop of Ontario while in Win the judgment of the great day. But ip ve wil Ln. hard or soft corns. | siened execators will proceed to distri so dal py Cape try of the recbyvtierian churen nipeg was the recipient of bound | Oo a hase tre tors 10 He, at ade's drag a bute the assets of the said dees LD BY DRUGGISTS. Mise Amelia Hannah, only daughter wag Litic eon for those who refuse to come to Him 2 store, Wiens Lhe parties entitled thereto, Navs - f Mr. and Mrs. William Welch, Broek ital) as 3 , din 1g salvation, there remaineth, alas, ing regard only to the claims of which bo ro A m « ners, receptions, «ic, The Sisiting pre- | je the darkness, we shall then have sotice and that we ville, and born ampton, | jae wae presented hy the ladi of | will' not be Hable for said assets or any 0) Fr twenty in dead I \ ------------------ ' part thereof to sny person of yp of hg. twe q a . = - wreof t ' . " 3 4 @ of Pearl Street e St. Luke's church th a wokl-} The first a Wo f oY whose claim petite shall not have been Ike was organist of Pea » Wil {| The first time a irl arg a low E . thodist Sunday school ol Which Iw hs Mfweurre be. eek dr he feels like a man whe Tndurancs: Stl. Heal Fitale Rin, SoNSiLee ck ho # . wy Aah a oldu tes Kon rder, 1 nee ™ she p i » ps \ : i the time of such disteibution. dentist rt nd er actor, han heen | Eos swimming and has hin clothe Fight Companies at Lowest Mate. |* '° U domi FENN, Sit. 9 Mor rea hug store The establishment of an agricultural Re voi married, and ia aévom: | stolen A ae Real Fytate. BET raatam Grove PO nt. ' drag in r The establishment of an agricuil quite recently marred, and 1s accom . . 4 loth ount rove ¥.U; Street, Cormer| jj. old Smitl cchool at Renfrew iz advocated. fpanied on his tour by his wife, form- | Batter 26c, Eggs Me, Crawiord, 151 Wellington Street.! pia ard Marsh 1905, :

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