ys my | got strong, * hottie + SAY IT-- ONE BOX OF DOAN'S KIDNEY 1.548 bel 2 5 of New York's fiduciary mis to a remarkable degree, Accord ing to the quarterly report of the commisgioners of accounts, the Nati onal City Bank has received almost designated as repositories for city quarter ending December 31st, shows at the total deposits of the city all depositories was $11,486,870, Of thin total the Rockefeller institution got 85,687,830, ¢ Loshes Stopped. The escape of albumen from the system is most dangerous. The trouble is you may not know it, Get to the root of the disease--the kidneys--by us: ing Pebks Kidney Pills. In boxes, 25¢. a Wade's. Money back if not satis The more a man the less 3 pulls freight he hauls, Barrie, Ont, May 2th. 1901 when 1 tried Piyehine, ond im] on than fT aychine _-- two thousand dollars YGHINE invtitution, the "City the confidence and hall of the total city deposits. It is onecol 121 banks and trust companies . The report, which wae for the suns v TIDINGS FROM BENDS OF THE : EARTH. 3 -- The Spread of the Word--~A Big Revival Costs Money--An Old Non-Conformist Church in Landon Rev, Mr. Mihell, pastor of . Baptist church in Montreal, has resigned. Rev, Dr. Chown will preach in Meth- odivs churches in this city on March 19th, Rev, W. Harris Wallace has accepted the eall to Beverley BSireet Baptist The oo ation of Smith's Falls Methodist church, raised $1,700 at it: . Btobe, Port Dover, has wen called to Mount Forest Baptist church. He has cepted the call, Sunday last Wesley Methodist church, Vancouver, wumseribed over to missionary expenses, falter Nichol," B.A, 6f Knox Col- lege, has accepted: the position of as kk with 8 ter church, Torento, your Colt t and Oxomulsion. sistant pastor at Knox church at Woodstock. Rev. M, C. McLennan, Kippen, has received and accepted a call from the Southampton Preshyterian con gregation. Bi Thomas. B. Neely, of the Methodist' Episcopal church, is plan' ning for the brection of g Protestant church in Panama, The Rev. Dr. Horton will become president of the National Council of Evangelical Free Churches at Man cheater this month, Rev, B. A, Mackenzie, of St. Mat- thew's Presbyterian church, Montreal, ix to receive go call from Knox church, St. Thomax. Hix was the only. .name mentioned, In membry of the late Hugh Price Hughes a window has just heen placed in -Wesley's chapel, London. The win dow contains a representation of the last supper, March 24th. Scores of churches are al ready planning to honor her by set- ting apart Sunday, March 26th, as Fanny Croshy Day. The Wesley Deaconess Institute, Tk- ley, England, has sent eleven _leacon- estes into fore]; missionary work. The fields include Cevion, New Zea: land, Cape Colony, and West Africa. The Methodist church in Germany has thirteen homes and two large hos- pitals under deaconess management. There are 310 deaconesses, including probationers. The property is valued at £40,000 Rev, George KE. Hartwell, Methodist missionary at Chentu, China, states, in aletter to the Methodist mission rooms, that he baptized thirty-one amothering converts in gq recent tour of forty-two days' duration. Rev. Mr, McLaughlin, Presbyterian minister at Harrington, announced to his congregation Sunday that he had decided to withdraw from the ministry for the time being, and devote his at tention to {an y Rev, D. J, Mclean, pastor of St. Andrew's church, of Arnprior, has re signed. Commissioners have heen ap- pointed to confer with representatives and and | of St. Androw's congregation in re gard to a retiring allowance for Mr. MelLean, The parish church of Coxwold, York- shire, has just heen opened after com- lete restoration, Lawrence Sterre was incumbent of this church for several years, and it was while at Coxwold that "Yorick" wrote his two famous books, "Tristram Shandy' and 'A any trouble with it since. Sentimental Journey." Price 80 cents. per box, or 8 for $1.95. It is estimated that the great Lon- don revival now being conducted at Tan Doan Rionxy Pry, Co,, the: Royal Albert hall by the Ameri: One, can ovangelist, Dr. Torrey and Mr. Alexander, will cost $835,000, about three-fourths of which was contributed before the mectings began. The revival in to last five months, It is raid of the late Charles Hack ley, Jumberman and philanthropist, of Muskegon,' Mich.,, who from a poor man became worth 815,000,000 and gave 1o Muskegon over $2,000,000 {much of it to churches--every one in the city), that he never attended a church or theatrical performance. Dr. Munro Gibson, the representa tive Canadian in the religious life of London, has retired from the secre- taryship of the Free Church Council, which has held for the past isx years. He still remains a member of the executive, and will devote much of his time to the council's work, Among the old established Non-con- formist churches in London must be reckoned Devonshire Square Baptist church, The church was founded in the Year 1638, and for the first twelve Years was under the guidance of church elders, In 1680, William Kiffin hepame the pastor, a position he held for fifteen years. Mr, Kiffin was | a wealthy man, and was on intimate terms with the royal family, and es- pecially) with Charles 11. The issues from the presses of the Bible society last year totalled 1,067, 154 Bibles, 1,440,808 testaments and 3,190,300 portions, a total of 5,607, 361 books. The number of complete Bibles is about 60,000 ghove that of the previous year. Never before has the society sent out a million Bibles in a single year. The total issues of the society since its foundation in 1804 have reached the magnificent pro- portions of 156,680,101 copies of the scriptures, Bishop Potter tells the following story on his distinguished friend, Phil- lips Brooks: Some years ago Bishop Brooks was recovering from an illness and was denying himself to all visit- ors, when Robert Ingersoll called. The bishop received him at once. "I ap- inte this very much," said Mr. enol. "but why do you see me A deny vourself to other ?" "It is this way," said the Biskioh, "I feel confident of seeing mv friends in the next world, but this may be my last chance of seing you." Lord Charles Beresford opened a new block of buildings which Miss Agnes w to her Sailors Home at Devonport, at a cost of £20,000 as a memorial of Queen Vie tori, Miss Weston spoke. of the growth of the work since she and Miss Wintz entered upon it thirty years ago, In the new building are cabins endowed hy Queen Victoria and the Lord Beres- "HN Jking and queen. Charles the moral status of sailors improved, and dronkenness were no longer ord said, {had much Fanny Croshy will be eighty-five on ly in all forms of skin disease as this remedy." cium Walers, a far safer, more pals- cti Tho Great Source ' tostines, whore the most difficult gestion, and the digestive organs are fil wind, rising of %our taste in smothering Sensations in the and dizziness, cine ns Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver quickens the pace of the food stores good digestion sud the reg the bowels. 5 Stomach medicines are of no Chase's Kiduey-Liver Pills bring One pill a dose, 23 conte » box, at a'l for fashion, and this was largely due wl the good done by Miss Weston's homes, A revival is still going on in the Methodist church, Yarker, and, al though the roads have been almost impassible, large congregations: have been in attendance, and the interest in the meetings seems ta be increasing. This is the twelith week of the meéet- ings held in Colebrook and Yarker. During that time about one hundred and forty have presented themselves at the altar as seekers of salvation and among these many heads of fami lies, The success has been due to the united efforts of pastor and people, who, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, poured out their hearts to God in prayer for the conversion of souls, and God heard and answered their prayers, to whom we give all glory and praise. Com. The sentiment seems to be always in favor of abusing the man who objects to cost when it comes to funerals or weddings. What Sulphur Does For The Human Body In Health And Disease. The mention of sulphur will recall to many of us the early days when our mothers: and grandmothers gave us our daily dose of sulphur and mo- lasses every spring and fall. It was the universal spri and fall "blood purifier," tonic and ouro- all, and mind you, this ald-fashioned remedy was not without merit. The idea was good, but the remedy SATURDAY, MARCH 4. Slow passage of the food through the in tion takes place, is the usual cause of indi As a result of this delay the food ferments giving rise to such symptoms as belching of about the heart, heart palpitation, headache To overcome these distressing symptoms of intestinal indigestion the liver awakened to action by the use of such amedi- Once the liver is active there is a good flow of bile, which, as nature's own eathartie, intestines, removes the foal impurities and res the most serious form of indigestion. Dr, prompt relief ® ctive Liver Prevents Fermentation of Food. of Indigestion, Scour Etomach, Flatulency, Headache, Vertigo, Constipation, Despondency and Bad Temper. part of diges- led with £221 Sour Stomach. the mouth, chest, pains must be Oppression. Pills. the Chest. through the Blade. ular action of avail in this, fters, or E11 ans, § i of steidor Shin di vase, serieng IS THE NOMINEE Of Republicans For Mayor of Chicago. JOIN M Special to the Whig. Chicago, March 4.--John Maynard Harland is the republican nominee for mayor of Chicago, to succeed Carter Harrison. Mr. Harlan, 'who is & lawyer, is a son of John M. Harlan, associate justice of the supreme court of the United States, and i= a brothe: of President Richard D. Harlan, of Lake Forest University HARLAN Rheumatisin Can Be Cured. The fact that a disease has been difficult to cure is not proof that it cannot be readily cured. All discases were hard to cure until the right remedies were found. Rheoumatism-- was orude and unpalatable, and a large quantity had to be taken to! get any effect, | Nowadays we get all the beneficial | efigets of sulphur in a palatable, con- centrated form, so that a single grain is far more elfective than a table spoonful of the crude sulphur. In recent years, research and ex- periment have proven that the best sulphur for .modicinal use is that ob- tained from calcium (calcium Sulp- hide) and sold in drug stores under the name of Stuart's Calcium Wafers. They are small chocolate-coated pel- lets and contain the active medicinal principle of sulphur in a highly con- contrated, effective form, Few people are aware of the value of this form of sulphur in restgri maintaining bodily vigor pr health; sulphur acts directly on the liver, and excretory organs and puri- fies and enriches the blood by the prompt elimination of waste material. Our grandmothers knew this when they dosed us with sulphur 'and me: lasses every spring and fall, but the crudity amd impurity of ordinary flowers of sulphur were often worse than the disease, and cannot compare with the modern concentrated pre- parations of sulphur, of which Stuart's Calcium Wafers is undoubt- edly te best and most widely used. sy are the natural antidote for liver and kidney troubles and cure constipation and purify the blood in a way that shin surprises patient Tan Ke, De. RB. M. Wilkins while experiment- ing with sulphur remedies soon found that the sulphur from Calcium was superior to any other form, He says: "For iver, id and blood trou- bles, especially when resulting from constipation or malaria, 1 have been surprised at the results obtained from Stuart's Calcium Wafers. In patients » i boils and pi ead even deep-seatod i I bave repeatedly seen them dry up and die appear in four or five days, leaving the skin clear and smooth. Although Stuart's Saldum Nofers .n a » prietary article, sold by druggists and for that reason tabooed by many plieie} ans, yet I know of nothing so and reliable for comstipation, liver and kidney troubles and especial At any rate people who are tired o! pills, cathartics and so-called purifiers," will find in Stuart's Cal the | table and effective preparation. ed about here, secure canners have refused to raise the pric considering the formation of a jolnt stock company, with $20,000 capital Known in a few days whether anything will be done. A surprise party to the number of eighty visited the home of William Gerow and eohjoved themselves dancing until the following morning. from Picton furnished the music, Mrs, Pearce and Miss Pearce left this week's for their home in Birmingham, Eng. Mre. T. Owens, accompanied them us} far as New York. ; Salve will eure hard"or soft corns be ahead of some other girl. all kinds--can he cured with Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure. The remedy has been tested for years. It has cured hundreds of cases that nothing else would even relieve. No sufferer is fair to himself until he tries this remedy. This is the preparation that cured John J. Peters, Sharbot Lake, and hundreds of others. In bottles, 50¢., at Wade's drug store. News From Bloomfield. Bloomfield, March 2.--After being cut off from railroad communication from February 13th to 21st, by a blockade of snow, traffic has commenced again. The mails were driven by sleighs from Trenton and were five or six days in getting here. W, EH, Degrofi and wife have gone on a vist to friends mm Min- nesota, The Farmers' Institute held meetings here two weeks ago. but ow ing to the stormy weather there was a small attendance. The speakers re tarned again on Tuesday. Mr. Sheer ington, an apple dealer, gave an in- teresting talk on the co-operative sys tem of packing and shipping of fruit, thus making a uniform package of all grades, This system is being practised in several places in western Ontario, and is giving satisfactory results, 'A society along these lines is being talk- . Messrs. Clarence Mal lory, Webster Talcott and Rev. Houck attended the temperance convention in Toronto last week, . A tomato grower's association has been formed here with a membership of seventy, the object of which is to better prices for all produce furnished the canning factories. The es this season, so the association is stock. Over half the stock has been subscribed already and it will be on Tuesday evening, An orchestra Three applications of Peck's Corn 18. at Wade's drue store. Symptoms": Coated Tongue. Headache and Indigestion Muddy Complexion. Wind in the Stomach. Feelings of Weight and Smothering Sensationsin Pains Under Left Shoulder] Drowsiness After Megs. Despondency, Bad Temper | able as a family medicine, because they posi- re Bonontay De It orasinm and cure thoroughly because of their direct and specific action on the liver, Doctors have always looked upon the liver as the controlling organ of the body, and it was with this idea in mind that Dr. Chase per- feeted his now celebrated family medicine-- Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, How well he succeeded is now evident to every one who is acquainted with Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, and knows how quickly they go to the root of trouble and remove the cause of liver, kidney and bowel disorders, Put these pills to the test when your liver becomes sluggish and torpid and you suffer from indigestion, biliousness or constipation. You will be surprised to find how prompt- ly they awaken the liver to activity, cleanse and invigorate the filtering and excretory sys- i fais ang restore good digestion and good eq 1 Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills are invalu- { tively cure the most common and frequent Biliousness, Constipation. | ills of life. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills » PETS Ointina kis the most satisinclory treatment for every lithiains ete, IIA Success in Life Depends on Brain and Nerve Energy hoirtmr's veh, rn" HRI Nothing Assists a Man to "Win Out' Like Keeping Up the Vigor of Mind and Body With Ferrozone. The brain and nerves as much as any tissues of the body require daily re- cruiting. The hurry and worry of mo- dern life means a tremendous expendi- ture of brain matter which often is not prescriptions and medicines 1 took made good. Hasty meals, no pcriod of But Ferrozone acted differently from rest for digestion, society engagements all the rest. It built up my system and or renewed business activity at night gradually the irritability left my nerves soon drain away that reserve of nerve and I got well. Ferrozone cured me force that distinguishes between health by removing the cause of my troubles, and debility. by giving me enough additional Vhat are you doing to preserve your strength to overthrow the attack of nerve vitality? A little assistance with nervousness. | can recommend Ferro Ferrozone will prove an enormous zone strongly." benefit, because the component parts of Try Ferrozone It completely rebuilds this great tonic supply just what the the nervous system and establishes a exhausted nerve cells lack. Ferrozone heaithy condition throughout the entire not only stimulates the nerves, but body. builds them up by furnishing an ample - Don't let any greedy dealer make you supply of nutrition. The ideal medi- think there is anything so good as Fer cine for nervous, overstrained, hard- rozone. It alone can cure permanently working peonle is Ferrozone. By its Insist on having nothing but Ferre tise hosts * of well-known people have zone. Price Soc per box, or six boxes been, restored to hedlth like Mrs, E. D., for $2.50, at all druggists, or hy---mail Emmerson, of Centreville, who says' from N. C. Polson & Co. Hartford "1 am glad to think that there is at Conn, U.S Ay or Kingston, Ont least one ' honest remedy for nervous people. No ome can imagine what | suffered with my nerves, and T some times wonder at the number of useless For Torpid Liver, Dizziness, Sick Headache Constipation, Biliousness TAKE Bristol's Pills Safe and quick. Do not gripe. Never Fail. The safest and most reli- able Household Medicine known. I nr. ---- SEE THAT YOUR DRUGGIST ALWAYS GIVES YOU BRISTOL'S Sugar-Coated Vegetable Pills Don't Scold the Cook BUT BY A "HAPPY THOUGHT' RANGE IT MAKES CLAD HEARTS AND SWEET TEMPERS. WE SELL IT! McKELVEY & BIRCH, Half the time a girl gets engaged to 69 and 71 Brock St. * The 1 toma Ee Send for the "R they cost nothin pread--better ps erally for the res that would mear have never used . Flour, there is a the first batch o just send a postal Wet Weather Sh Good heavy soled ones--the that don't leak. We have a full Ime in Men's, en's and Children's Shoes that | {he feet from wet and cold. The are sure to please you. , JENNINGS, King CITY STORA We have the best and cleancs ing in Kingston for storage pu Specialty made of storing. fw i , ete. "Phone or call for terms to W. G. FRO? Carriage Painter, "Phone 526 200 Qu N.B.--We're ready now to pai carriage of yours; you will toon, Bargair In Cutters! Paving a few Cutters left, fer to clean out the stoc sell at cost. If you are in & good cutter now is the t buy and save money. JAMES LATURI 390 PRINCESS STREET NOTICE. RE HAVE BOUGHT THE trade of the :ate Joseph J plumber and steam-fitter, and pi Ty on the business as usual Johnston street. By giving ovr Wpervision to any work inte st toupled with low prices, we hop tive a share of your patrona Plumbing or heating work you %, give us a chance, we will | Wtisfaction in workmanship an ALEXANDER JAMIE JOHN JAMIESON. Phone 287. FOR REAL EST OR INSURANC Consult with Geo. Clif buying at 95 Clarence stre Teach the rising & Sunlj and others tha burity and Elea e worry of e injured cloth equally well w Your money be