elay-- Write To-day. is off. If you have any of these run the risk of Bright's Disease title. Write for a free sample of Hart yourself along the road to a say ta what pape 'you™ sew e to-day--now---¢s ' / nipeg, Man. fend) x penn] VIMO CX In Torder" that" these may be distinguished from perfect goods they are PUNCHED ; as indicated in illustra. tion shown herewith. . Purchasers of Rubber Footwear should see that goods represent- ed to them as perfect, and up-to-date, are Not Punched. bs-- CHED BERS 10000000000 0000000000000000¢ OND = WOOL, S----m-- COTTON n AND od hd SILK. RIGHTEST AND BEST. <1 DE IN SUN OR WASHING. ch will Ruin and Destroy your ( e "DIAMOND," rs. TAKE NO OTHERS. : 1000000000000000000000000009 ---- urch's ASTINE ng WALL-COATING, made twenty. tints and white. One | AGE: is ready for use by TER. and may be re-coated new the wall surface. SOLD IN BULK o one can rub it oft. tine and how to use it [t's free 0. Limited, Paris, Onl. ---- -- New Shirts we AND New Hats = FOR ~= Ghis Week ee AT &. P. Jenkins'. OUR FEATHER - LITE HAT AT $2 will be grate- fully received. It adjusts fo your head immediately. SEE IT. ~~ thd rrrrereenel Comfortable Eye=Glasses are devoting a great deal of our _ to Spectacle and Eye-Glass Fitting. We carefully examine your eyes, and sup- ply you with ANY STYLE mounting you may wish, at prices you will find mest moderate, We fully guarantee pur work in fitting, frames, and our lenses. Prescriptions for glasses carefully filled. SMITH BROS. JEWELERS OPTICIANS 350 KING COMPLETE SATISFACTION IN WEAR AND APPEARANCE. You have it in our $6 SHOES. Wear '""Allen's"' Military Bootmakers, 84 Brock &t. 8IGN OF GOLDEN BOOT. OR HOTEL, WINNIPEG, A great North Eod Hotel is still o and run hy FB. McKenty, a forwm- wohant of Bath, Ontario. It has beet all thoroughly renovated, , psiuted, and furnished with new carpets and furniture. 'This = Hotel and annex faces on Main aud King streets, fiom Main to King is 330 feet, can ac- fommodate 300 guests. The comtract is about to be given for 200 more rooms, 80 that it can accommodate 500 people This Hotel will then accommodate more than any other Hotel west of Lake Su- verior to British Columbia. It is close to C.P.R. Depot, Main Street. Rato--871 per day. THOS. HILTON 386 Princess Street, Two Doors Below Laturney's Carriage Shep. Trutks and Valisea made and repaired Basket 'Trunks re-willowed. Locks and Keys fitted, ato. PRICES MODERATE. TAKE NOTICE DON'F SELL YOUR STOVES, FUR- Biture, Carpets, Gent's Clothes and Boots to the first buyer that comes along. Try we, and you will find the differcnce, 4. TUsK, THE SECOND-HAND DEALER, 398 Princess Street. WANTED. ere re A GOOD PLAIN COOK. APPLY MRS Tandy, 86 Johnston St. eee seettt A GOOD MAL washing 'or ironing. versity Ave. PURCHASE, SMALL DOUBLE brick dwelling, in central location Box 10, Whig office GE SERVANT. NO Apply 138 Uni- A COOK HOUSEMAID FOR AND family of three No washing or ironing. References required. Apply at Nt John's Parsonage Port swouth GENTLEMEN, TO GET THEIR Spring Suite made up at Galloway's, 131 Brock street, next Bibbhy's t and price guaranteed pressing and repairing done livery. style, fi to please; promptly. --- BIG WAGES FOR AGENTS. MEN and women make handsome wages selling our household specialties ¥very family needs them. A thor aghly legitimate business that you rt in without a cent of capi- Se G. Marshall & Co. London, EE ---------- ry TO-LET. eT DAILY MEMORANDA. St Paul's contert, "Pretty Peggy." 8 pm Knights of Columbus "At Howe, am Monday, 15¢ » d Light* Plant Committee, 4 p.m., Tue: ay. Court Earl Robert's Dance, tonight The Court Bar! Roberts uuadville pact to-night, City hail. The sun + and sets at Kingston F day, Chalmers Rev. O « E in Evangelist Service, First Baptist Church, 8 p.m Keep vour at 6.28 a.m There is of wit aud tion This day in history orated 1834 : Phoenix park 1882 ; Massacre of Alamo 1826 a difference between a sha y guns on the Sha. S} FEACE MESSAGE 3) f A heavy engagement has been in pro- Lm < gress for several days on the Russian | pre Sh Friendship to Weak west fignk. The divigions have fought, Strong Alike unceasingly, for six days, until com: Washi A : op i » > " i OTRO ol Slarch OL resident To. ibe your table" took At peiled by the enveloping movement to LL nav Jour table Jock nrstty and withdraw north, leaving the Japanese Roosevelt, the course of his nau have, get one of our $il SETS are making a special price on th It will please you. We set. McFedridge's FOR == 120 Bagot St. Telephone 564. The Annual Meeting importance will be tra siness of Busip are requested to acted. All members Grand Opera House, coy nett | Fall In Six-day Fight Near 3 mouth shut today and vou won't have to square yoursell tomorrow a funny tombstone inscrip- Toronto incorp murders ROBERTSON BROS.. Specials Kingston Grand Meat Market, Kingston Reform Assocation| [100,000 MEX v The Sha. (LATEST NEWS IS THAT KUROPATKIN HAS ft BEEN ROLLED UP. Japanese Masters of Whole Hunho --Russians Amazed at Japa- nese Strategy--Oyama OCon- tinues Great Drive--Japanese Near Mukden. Special to the Whig London, March 6.--The Times St. Petersburg correspondent cabbles: "The latest news from the seat of war in dicates that Gen. Kuropatkin's right has been rolled up, and that the army is preparing to retreat, if it has not already withdrawn northward, af ter sustaining and inflicting terrific losses, of which the total to both sides js estimated at 100,000 men. It is feared that the Russians have aban- doned their heavy Mr. 'said: heen fully utics masters of the whole Hunho, south of Sukhuiahu, which is fourteen miles be low Mukden. The Russian right, which formerly stretched southwest to | us. is tions of have as hes responsibil wirth, ns a pressing the centre, There are persist ent reports, here, that the Japancse have stormed Shahaupu, and taken | re many thousand prisoners. On the other | tions, large = and hand, the Russian left has withstood | must be @ of all the attacks. The first intimation of | friendship, must the imminence of decisive events on | our words, the Sha was reported in the loss of | are earnes when shown not the strong, tible frenzied rushes of the Japan infantry, Russian critics are surprised at the boldness and skill of | frain from the Japanese strategy in timing: the be nb Toss onslaught to a suitable season when | wronged winter was over, hut the rivers were "We wish " still ice-bound. There is the greatest | peace of surprise at the sudden development of | ousness, the operations in the Lau Valley, | it is right not where the Russian cavalry were recent. | afraid. 1 a "" ly so prominent, for Gen. tions, Uneasiness prevails Kuropatkin's communica fear us, and no st Continues Great Drive. Tokio, March 6.--Field Marshal Oya- h ] ma is continuing his great drive FEES SSIES 4 bE Tuesday, March Tt On y around both flanks of the Russian } # + army. His front is now a huge bow, j 4 TERRIBLE DISASTER, "* 500 hs. of Round Steak at 10c, or] the base on the Shakhe river, the |* » three pounds for 25¢. right arm reaching a point east of | + Yokohama, Feb. 11, Via + Fushun, and the left arm extending to | San Franciso, Cal., March # 50 lbs. Shoulder Roasts, Te. to Seog point west of Mukden. Gen. Kuro- | 6.--The Osaka Shoshen + Wo lio handle all hinds of patkin is striving, desperately, to|#% Kaisha steamer Natoriwa, 4 ® aso handle 4) anes check the Japanese advance, contest- | 4% while entering Osaka Har » Smoked and Cooked Meats, ing the flank encroachments, and ham- | 4 bor, ran on a portion of the + mering the Japanese centre. The Jap-|4 breakwater under construc- # Poultry, Butter, Eggs. anese are making heavy gains of the |4 tion, owing to a dense fog, + : ground west of the railway, and have |4¢ and sank at once. Out of «+ Canned Goods, Vegetable: captured great quantities of stores | 4 the 123 passengers, and 4 Yo ant carried | and other spoils. There have heen|4: crew on board, only 16 » hing Fou eng shat 3 Sarid bloody fighting and heavy losses, and | 4 were saved. "+ get here, and at the Lowest Price these will be vastly increased, when? =, = = = @& = : the masses of infantry meet. SEP PL ELI PIFE PILI SIP Russians Burning Stores. TO TALK New Chwang, March 6.--Chinese re- port that the Russians are burning their stores at Mukden, in readiness to retreat. The Russian right wing is in a condition of panic, but their left is reported to be winning. Special to the Whig Kingsville, Ont. of tobacco in Kese here, to-morrow, « ability of uniting tobacco raisers Nothing Anthentic Yet. Petersburg, March 6.--Nothing authentic. can be learned of the pro ceedings of the council of war, held yesterday, but it is reported that the law to a uniform cents a pound, Du of the Association Will he aay of A wating Mukden Was ne of the largest tobacco crops ever realized Ww he counal, ere 18 81 row as raised in Fesex county and Take Piaooe in the general feeling that the official des os heeft & remedy sale for the 5 1 I patches issued do not reveal nearly product in eastern markets. WwW H 1 G H A the worst, and Gen. Kuropatkin's ad mission that the Japanese are within oN eight versts of Mukden is taken to A MURDER CASE. TUESDAY signify that the defence of the Russing \ right 'has. been crushed. One report {One Man Implicates a Post. EVENING, states that the council again discussed u master. the question of peace. Tt is said that Edmonton, NW.T., March 6. The At8 p.m. the czar opposed ending the hostili-} gory comes from Fort. Saskatchewan R. MH. TOYE, ties, and declared that he would con-| ght Lilgie, held there on a charge of Secretary. | tinue the war, even if it was necessary | purder, has confessed, to retreat across Lake Baikal, Holme, plice. Lilgie claims COKVERT TO ROME committed. The store of Lisle, the Korean Emperor Becomes A | murdered mab, was burned a few om AR MEETING OF CATARA- Cath-li weeks since, and the remsins of the ae 1s No. 10. 1.0.0.F.. TUESDAY i Ae, . owner were found in the ashes, Holme Yi the 7th inst. at ® pm Chicago, March 6A special to the i. v was arreseed, 5 | Daily News from Kobe, Japan, says : HE HAS RESIGNED fary For Ireland Has the House of Commons, Wyndham, the chief Changtan, is now extending north to | ties to. ou sand we can shirk Sukhudiapu, and guarding the line of neither. We ye hecome a great na the retreat against desperate assaults, tion, foreed f the fagy of its great At Sinmintin, a force of Japanese is | ness into Felons with the other na L Toward all other small, our attitude cordial and sincere at in our deeds, that we desirous of securing their the heights of Ertakan, which are | good will © i acting toward them in only a couple of miles cast of Sache: | a spirit of mid generous recogni tun, until recently Gen. Kuropatkin's | tion of all ir rights. headquarters, The Russian correspon- "But ju and generosity in a na dents expriss the greatest wonder at | tion, as if Andividaal, count most by the weak but hy ile ever careful to re nt that we are i: the peace it because we think No well jot that acts rightly and justly should ever have cause to ever he able to single us out as a sub ject for insolent aggression.' A Uniform License add A Uniform Duty. government for a change in the excise form duty on all tohateo of thirty-five the postmaster, as an accom store and that after this the deed was oa KINGSTON ONTARIO: MONDAY, MARCH - 6, 1905. WYNDHAM. | -- Premier Balfour given to us, and be expected from to others and du and we must be- people with such na- show not only in g others, we must not hit we wish the of righte because we are rong power should IT OVER. Growers March 6. x county will meet y discuss the advis with the Quebec in petitioning the license and a uni ring the past year implicating he stole from the I LATEST NEWS. Despatches From Near And Distant Places, EVENTS OF DAY GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST Pos. SIBLE FORM, Ry Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little Of Everything Easily Read And Remembered. . The trip of an All-Canadian rugby football team to the British Isles been postponed. 2, The "Soo" road has let contracts totalling $5,000,000 for extensions in Minnesota and North Dakota. Women ang men were beaten into in: seusibility= ry Sh Hustian police in Suppress ng the students riots. e Reynolds warns murder for them to go to C . In a wrock on the Northern Pacifico railway near Bear Mount, Montana, two persons were killed and two in. Jjured, There has been no raindall in Loo: choo Islands since March of last year and the inhabitants are suffering se verely. Right Rev. D. J. Scollard was ine stalled as bishop of the new Roman Catholic diocese of Sault Ste Marie, on Sunday. Chapman's jewellery store at Rainy River, Unt, has been destroysd by fire. The loss is placed at $4,000, cov- ered by insurance, Viscount Turnour, M.P., who is not vet twenty-one years old, made his maiden speech in the imperial House of Commons on Friday, Among the coriosities of Busaos Ayres is a. second-hand bookshop, where the wares principally legal and scholastic, are sold by weight. Ludwig Baudert, a wealthy Berlin merchant, has deserted the lady he married two years ago, and eloped with his previously divoreed wile, At a level crossing on the Pere Mar- quette, west of Kingsville, a trait struck Mr. Lockhart and his niece, smashing the sleigh, and badly injur- ing both oceupants. Fire last night at the coal landings in the north banks of the Tyne, at South Shields, Fng., caused damage to the amount of $1,000,000, y The Britivh steamer Skidly, Captain Parsons was wrecked on Sable 1s Tand. Wer captain and "crew were rescued by the Lady Laurier, Two children, aged eight and five were burned to a crisp, at Niagara Falls, Ont., while their mother, Mrs. Walter Phillips was out on business, Senator Templeman, British Colum: bia, will succeed Sifton as minister of the interior. It is said the depart ment"s work will be divided and a new pertiolio created. British liberals captured Buteshire in the hye-election, Norman Lamont getting thirty-four majority over Fd. ward Salwesen, unionist and solicitor: general for Scotland. Farl Cawdor has been selected {to succeed Lord Selborne as fist Jord of the admiralty following the latter's appointment as high commissioner in South Africa in succession to Lerd Milner The estate of the late Mrs. Medley, widow of Bishop Medley, Metropolitan of Canada, was sworn in probate at Fredericton, N.B., at £25000. Among the bequests were $2,000 to the Vie. torin hospital, Fredericton, and the seal of the Metropolitan to Prof. But ler, of Kingston, Alderman Watson, of Windsor, is urging the Roval Canadian' Human #0 ciety to grant their medal to Charles "Shiner" Jackson, a colored deck hand on the ferr® Victoria, who has persons. If given the medal he will be the first colored man to receive the decoration It ix charged that a democratic state senntor. representing the gas of New York, has paid to several republican members of the tate wnnte S500 each to influence them in joining with the forces that are working to prevent the passage of bills that might hurt the lighting monopoly in New York City rescued seven combine A LEGAL FIGHT. As Outcome of Anglican Church Troubles Montreal, March 6. Church circles, particularly Anglican church circles, and circles incidentally Methodist church are shocked at the news that two prominent Anglicans, well-known in Monfrems. are engaged in a legal battle which will shortly be aired in open court, and which is bound to creates no end of sensation. Although Special to the ing a evativ tack, Took Japanese Guns. St. bi gr Wm Kuro in telegraphe 1 various attacks of Japanese ve ree pulsed. Mention is made of capture of Japanese guns. ---- The Japanese are making gai ground a. the zellwuy nd have tu t quantities stores el other pile fy Ag vy » . . 5 vastly incressed when the 3), nia tr ta a re about six miles west of Mokion, where the bursti of shrapnel in plainly visible, SI ox, within three miles of the Estimates of Kuropatkin's force be: tween Shakbe and Tie Pass, give total of slightly over 400,000, 335,000 infantry, 33,000 cavalry and 35,000 ar- other garrisons, other employees, of Lake Baikal is estimated at 700, 000 men. 0 The attacks delivered by Gen. Nogi's soldiers were marvelous in view of the Jocend i which Ye had made x days, recalling records Stonewall Jackson's 'foot cavalry." They entered the battle with the greatest dash and fought day after day with vigor; but those of them who were taken prisoners dropped to the ground utterly exhausted and hardly able to 'wpsak, They had not 'waten for two days, which accounts in part for theif utter fatigue, NO DECISION DL -- As to Whether They Get Bail or Not. Special to the Whig, Montreal, March 6, --Mesurs, Gaynor and Green, who arrived here, Satur day evening from Quebec, after their arrest in the extradition proceedimgs instituted hy the United States gov ernment, appeared bofore Mr. Lafon- taine, extradition commissioner, this morning. A discussion followed as to whether bail would be accepted for the prisoners or whether they should be committed to jail, and as counsel could come to no satpdactory at rangements the case fas adjourned until the afternoon. Thy two prisoners have been in: the custody of Chief Car penter, at detective headquarters, since their arrival in the city, AT LOVE'S CALL. Death of Aged Man Recalls Ser- vant Girl Romance. Smee Foglish lord, died in this city, Bunday, aged to a Pinghuntion, N.Y, March 6.--Joseph thurst, who might have been an y-three years. He belonged family of Manchester and would have succeeded to the title had he not fallen in love with a servant beauties of weave and shading Never before have such been seen in Kingston. Pay visit to our WASH GOODS I PARTMENT and allow our sales people to show you the goods explain their merits to you, : Items that will interest you Embroidered Voile, erald Square and tres. - Prices $1, 7dc., Boc., BSc, 35¢, Seats now on me 3 THURSDAY, March 9 Eminent. London Comedian, EDWARD TERR id An hin Sompaiy ar Terry' Theatre, Loudon. Englan Tour under the direction of Lishler & Co. "Baward Terry ix Dick Phenyl . IN & "SWEET LAVENDE BY A.W, PINERO. frien, 2b. 0c, 75., 81. $1.50, ts now on sale. : March 13th, LORD CHI ours Maple Syrt Has that delicious, wholeso! true maple flavor, because it syrup made from the sap of maple tree. : Sold hy the guart or bottle. 25C. James Redden & Co. h Importers of Fine Groceries, THE 236 EARL STREET. WE HAVE ON HAND ALL KIND of Wood, cut split to sult custo also dry kindling. Prices right. give us a call. cand att 1 i irl, to whom his le objected. He | um B BARNEY J KO. 24% B 3 STREET. 4 According to the Osaha Mainichi's . action has been taken for some time, | B78, peop = 3 . 3 hot water heating a Tat 1 fin | Present. By Order Seoul correspondent-- the Korean em- To Have A Navy Yard the intimate friends and the legal re- | married the girl of bis choice, re Provements; possession May 1st. Ap- A. W. MCLEAN. peror has become a convert to Ro: | Snecial to He hy TN 6. Windsor ix | presentitives of «the warring parties nounced the title and came to this PY 249 Brock street Recording Secretary. |} ppp Catholicim and has requested Or have tried to keep the matter petfeet- | Gountry sixty yess ago. He lived as : -- the Seoul Catholic. misvion 10: receive | 10 have a miniature navy yard for the 1} it I have sucoseded fairly | n country gentleman until the death YUENISHED. FROM APRIL 30h. A BOARD. he Soomally into the cheek." | use of the government cruiser Vigi- | & fc: SC fll EEE ihe Lof his wile two years ago. He was sroom, double parlor detached hricl ay ART 1 OLA! : B e { sore : . wi ™ i. : : Tenor hot water furnace, electric | ROOMS TO LEE with oe WITHOUT! Heui-Yi, the Korean ruler, claims Jan. with a aot _e bartack, te | fight are Mrs. J. G, Macklin and Ben- | prominent in Masonic circles and was YE pu, choice Jocation. McCann's honed Front a Apply to 160 | fo be the descendant of 'a dynasty | the crow and iene Neyin the cree. | j8min Farrell, both of Chambly, but | wellknown to Masons throughout the MEATS : King St = that eame into power in 1312. Bis | B0vernnon BH CCl Roky and | the suit wax taken here for slander | otate. : stern iE wife, who is known as Empress Om, ton We 4 Vighant chrries a by Mix. Macklin, and she clin two i . . 4 y Re . y . i me || say SA] SOUTH. SINE | raid nb She Juaice hun mit | crow of fifty five and will make her hundred dollars demagel. harious BROUGHT HOME FOR BURIAL Died At Windsor. pe KEYS, O " try ween Montreal and y pe headquarters in Windsor . . " Whig. Tue 3 ; treet, between Montreal -- § 1 1 fence, , Farrell, amongst © other Special to the Whig. and the Oi Canons Erantenas = Ragot : Avoly 49 Collorns Sirest otpad -- Yor Karen or a hai things. Wi "that Thy brn composed Lady Succewmbs to Rigour of the Windsor, Ont, March 6. any Union St. Finder will ba | == TTT = . meaning chosen. 1t in also called 'the | Ever Used Clark's Lunch Tongue? | 4" jigtributed injurious doggerel : Klondyke. Rw i Ko gistar _ of 4 chet Whig i tried on leaving them at Fire At Actinolite. Land. of Morning Calny, It's delicious--so delicately seated poetry about hint, and that she Qe Susial 0 the Whie ' a ™ M; ph fifty-four d He vecial to the Whig wi = | y sk for | tanwd hi calling himy a "Metho- inddwor, + March 6.--The ve | dead, ' years. . A COLD MROACH. SET WITH BLUE he Ry ah "March 6.~Fire broke Chaek's rien or on me Aint This paturally has drawn the | mains of 'Mee. Alexander Stone, alter | born in Lanenster, FE land, Mone on Barrie street near Deacon | out in Robert Moore's store, at Ae Colds Lead To Pneumeaia. i Methodists into the controversy, and | bel t frony the folds of | with his parents, Hon v Stim, on Sunday morning. Young | oo oii. ghout eight o'clock this Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world A Buenos Ayres despatch annonnces | some of the Toes) Methodist ministers the , have just interred | in 1871, settling in Mervitton, ing RE yl, ook was sos Bick motning, completely destroying the | wide cold and grip remedy, removes the arrival of the Antarctic ship Le | have not hesitated * to express their | at Pues, this county. Six years ago | be followed his trade ' as mth 108 Barrie stra Pe ple building and contents, Loss covered | the cause, Call for the full name and coo 00 with the entire Charcot ex. opinion about that phase of the tse. | her | left for the gold fields, | ter. In 1877 he married by insurance look for signature of E. W. Grove. 25 | ition on board, at Puerto Madrin, | and" after two years waiting for his | Inge, vo or a | \ Rhoutndti ine." How often have | return Mra. Stone decided to join him, | sgo Te : rgentina, "Rhetimatiz pains, ow ' h A BLACK JADWR STOLEN. Mcleas eomditim. powders: bu "For Pale Sallow People" Bldid's | Saturday wax a good diy on the | you heard that ' Wa-Hoo Tonic cures | The bat bre. Bone ---- = pend. from 38 Durkan St. Any | fo horses, 2 packages 2c. MeLegd's iron tonic pile. "the genuine," 100 for * street railway. People worked out all | pehmmatisem, Ae. Gibson's Red Cross | %ae Ww to stand the severe cli- oo ile, oe NM iron notice wily seahaing . his after this Drug Store. ! 95¢. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. their tickets. ' Drug Stove, als mate of the northern country,