Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Mar 1905, p. 3

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» n Co The "Best" Drug Store Rough Skin Whea the skin gets ough of when the hands get chapped or Hew cracked, a few applications of of the following toilet preparations will quickly heal and leave the smooth and silky ;-- 1 ; Best's Cold Cream, Best's Glycerine and Roses Jelly, Best's Lettuce Cream, otc, TRY THEM, L 124 I. BE S T Quick Nhe ot ny Opeiian, oo. 10 UNCERTANTY Ji 1 Paine's Celery " Compound S Rn Getter : Sick People Well. There is nothing doubtful or tain about the working and eff Paine's Celery Compound. It siyng upreme as a spring system cleanser and health builder. Tt reaches without loss. of previous time the cause of ok. ness and disease in a way that 1. other remedy can do. Ms first and most important mission is : ation of the life stream, increy. in ts volume and quality. It then stir. all the organs that work sluggishly. It eStores strength, renews vitwhity, rulates the kidneys, liver and hows and makes people well and stron 'or these reasons Palie's Celery Con, ound as a spring medicine stands fa; hove all other prescriptions and. rn nedies that promise so much and au omplish so little. Mrs. BE. Coleman Burlington, Ont., gives her experienc, vith Paine's Celery Compound as fol OWS "I am now sixty. years of age, und ave been ill for nearly twenty ver. uring my long illness doctors and atent medicines failed to cure we. At he hospital I was told that I uffering from tumors; and often, 1, ratter how 1 tried to cheer myseli felt like putting an end to my lif heard of your Paine's Celery Coun ound and commenced to use it. and has done wonders for me. 1 fool better han ever hefore my Gif, and ny hard, the any "ncer- ts of the puriti a ends are surprised at the wopderiul hange in my health. Paine's telor, ompound is a grand medicine, and | ill always recommend it." Fuel Fuel Hard Coal (irate and Egg for your furnace tove, Chestnut and Pes for Soft Coal Sunny for your grate *lect. Lump for grates d engine mithing Slack. BY in Iso Cut & Uncut Wood NT. NEAR KING Rays Stove Polish Shines brighter and wears longer than \luminum Polish for stoves or pipes jold Pronze, In powder and Mau'd. let prices for above at STRACHAN'S HARDWARE -- . WALSH, sarzac Fitseze Corset A shipment of this rightl named and just popular Co to hand to-day, sizes 18 to in white or drab. This (« has all the marks of the higher priced makes and it is "built to wear." Regular 75c., [Uednesday, 59. SLSR LSTELTTLBTITEn Veilings Newest Creations in Veiling Just: received. AY the wanted styles and coloss are to be had here. . _ Some really exquisite design in Cluny Laces at prices much below the regular. Our store is filled with U newest goods in the market ewan & Shaw TATA TTTLTBBTRTAR TT LT RATS TTL TESS. ' ¢ crackers. 3 Send for the Vital | CANADIAN a RAILWAY ERE , wholesom 1905. fares Second Class Colonist n to ne Trail, Robson, a, Butte, a Srrinen Springs, a sen. Los Angeles .. $48.0 : Cars leave Kingstol gourist SETHE favs at 2.30 a.m. ys and Tooth! dation of passengers Fot the Accom" Second Class 'Tickets 6.30 to Pacific Coast "March 1st to- May 15th, from jc i couver, a yi _ Vancouver $10.80 Denver, Pueblo $43.30 5 n lamented whole-wheat wafer --tasty, Ss body-building, more mourishing than white flour Question Cook Book," postpaid. T CO., Limited, Niagara Fulls, Ont. Forcute Office, 33 Church BL. Gue: Lo ited top 2 top his your ! her | She age der T Foe | tra IT 1S TO THE ADVANTAGE OF BVERY HOUSEKEEPER IN CANADA TO USBY | ing SHER + « . «+ + ve Nagic Baking Powder. wit Giitett's Perfumed Lye. fmperial Baking Powder. Ie. QGiliett's Cream Tartar. anc Reyes! Yeast Cakes. que Qittett's Nammoth Blee. Magic Baking Soda. visi diliett's Washing Crystal. First or a ar ¢t thereof as far af leave, after supper, Kinghs sudden! oe ate Bart, noise} bo reserved MADE foA G¥ER 50 Yann. | flange wie rnd the irk week. : -. i . coining of fish in Mississquoi Bay, made fof perths, which may (e3TABLIGNED 1002 'Thosh present in the room thought Might Have Bath Negro in Eng- Lake Champlain, has failed, and an in advance. nd that he was going to kiss her; bat lish Peerage. wal till he to Presi 3 Comfo ravel by the Gra COMPANY tha € - appeal will now be made to President oe "en ay Suen: EW LGILLET LimiTeD] | instead they allege that he drew a London, March 7: Katherine, Coun} Rootevelt, asking him to nse his Fam Raltw HANLEY, Agent, TORONTO, ONT. {razor savagely across her throat, Then | tess of Stamford and Warrington, who | fluence towards prohibiting the in 3 at Outaria streets. before the horrified guests --and they | died last' work of Readpate Park, wen | portation of fish caught in the Inke Comer Johnsi(? © i included the gir's mother--ecould inter- | Judcester, Was aver eighty years of bith seines, N & PEMBROKE & CANADIAN fore, they say that Kingham ent his] age, and was the Seon wife of the dW. Connell, MPP. for Souris, . ILWAYS. own throat. seventh' Barl of "Stamford "and War {in the North West logislature, declares PACIFIC RAIL rington, whom' se "married in 1855, western Rowan Catholics do not want Colonist Special Trains --==T0 THE --= ganadian Northwest J their effects will leave For Settlers and Kingston at 8.10 a.m. eve ry foesds$ During March & April 1¥ sufficient husiness offer. gach train Trom Renirew. "oy of Settlers Full perticulars at K. & P PR. Ticket Office, Ontario Street # CONWAY, I. A. FOLGER JR « (el. Past Axt BAY OF QUITE RAILWAY CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagston -- - - LINE LIVERPOOL and Royal Mall Steamers. St. John, Sat. Mar. 11; Mar. $50 and upwards, end accommodation; wpool and Londonderry, Second Cabin, $37.50 Mongolian, Thurs. Mar First Cabin, $40 and up-- ln_Ja5 Thira Class, $27.50. ° 'or_further particulars apply tc J. P. HANLEY, , neon TOR WIN- G0 TO Frost unknown, malaria W thereaftor. ~WEST and Leeward lndward A Catone ae, SHA Guide and full par and ticulars may be obtained from Ticket Agents. . ey low rates to Pacific Coast and Kosa points during March April. and © Gen. Supt New short line for Tweed, Napanee, Deseronte, end all local points. Trains save ity Hall Depot at 3:25 p.m. F. LONDONDERRY From Halila Mon. Mar. 1 nothing more or less than the final result of a neglected cold. Don't give this |! terrible plague a chance to get a foot-hold on your'system. and $40, actording to stearher. Londen $2.50 > Agent, Tat, City Passenger Devon. ota P. ILDE BERMUDA impossible New York, 48 hours hy elegant twin screw stemmshin '* Bermudian." lings 15th, and 25th March and week WINTER CRUISES GO TO INDIES -- trip. About 20 days in tropics from New York to extra; Third Class, $47.50; superior accommodation, iverpoal, Derry, Bel- fast; Glasgow, London. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. R- 1s- los and Demerara every 0) days: For further particu- » ¥ to A. B. OUTERBRIDGE & 4 Agents, for Quebec SS. Co. 39 Broa idway, New York: ARTHUR J.P Reynoldsville SOFT GOAL Mine ran, $3.25 fon. Three-quarter lump, $4.50 ton . retary, Quebec, or SLE HANLEY, and to J. P. GILDER- EVE, Ticket Agents, Kingston. 000000090000 : Obstinate Coughs and , Colds. The Kind That Stick." sumption. is i Consumption is, in thousands of cases, & H you do, nothing will save you. Take hold of a cough or cold immediately By ** DR. wooD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP. The first dose will convince you that ic |« will cure you. Miss Hannah F. Fleming, tracted u cold that took such a hold on me that miy people thought I was going to die. Heating how good Dr. Weod's Norway Pine Syrup was, I procured two bottlesand they effected a plete cure." Price 25 cents per bottle. Do not accept substitutes for Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Be sure and insist on having ! genuine, | Tar T. MiLsvrN Co., LIMITED, i ToroxNTO, ONT. t| ; Our Stock of SIL.KS, TAPESTRYS, VELOURS. Latest Davis dvs ign for ane Up holstéving Department Call 4p. Pa pion on dol over vous) parlor adil "ehdirs hofore Spring rsh. | CITY STORAGE Wo have the best and cleanest build ing in Kingston Tor storagh purposes. Specialfy made of storing furniture, carriagvg, $i. "Phone of én} Jor terms (0 Ww. Ge FROST, Carriage Pater, Thone $36 200 Queen St. N.B.--We're feafly iow to paint that carriage Byers; you will want it soon. ; | MERRY-VAKERS | BY CRIME OF JEALOUSY. yesterday, to gare curiously a sordid night. The police found in a rdom on shia with blood flowing from a colin {| The | aged twenty-six, a laborer, now | guarded in St. Mary's hospital, and if { he recovers ge will be charged with the murder lived in lodgings in Netherwood road, posed to have married about a year | Gwendolen 1 duet to jealousy 1 widow named Allcock, i The girl wile was very good-looking { w light hair, and dressed very becoming: Merrvmaking took place during the words, and when the pracomaend Chamberlain's Congh Rem {edy for affections of Jungs," { tiave my sensed when 1 found the next moming the inflammation bad largely day, kept right on talking through the This remedy gitts, spend the summer with her daughter, the Duchess of Roxburghe, New Germany, N.S., writes: --*I con- condensed nutrition of selected wheat | Kidney - Liver Pills STARTLED) st Makes Feint to Kiss Wo- man, Draws Bazor Across Her Throat, and Then His Own. 1 don; March 7.-Maony poaple vis- Shouldham street, Edgware road, at' the floor windows of a house in which tragedy occurred 1 hursday the | floor a 'veung man lying on the throat, while on the floor lay a fig woman, also with a" wound in throat \ man, Frank Percy Kingham, lies of the girl, with whom he spherd's Bush, and whim he is sup- was Nellie was 'he . 'Her maiden Amsden, seventeen years of age, here were several witnesses of the gedy, which is said to be a erie The couple were pay- a day's visit to the girl's gat, a none and she h on slight, tall figure, a wealth of She was one to attract attention, 1 it is said that Kingham had fre mt outbursts of jeatowsy. it, but there were also some sngry couple rosé to Chicago' Alderman Owes His Election to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "I can "heartily and conscientiously the throat am says Hon. John Shenick, 226 ubeided. 1 took several doses that ampaign, and 1° thank this medicine hat I won my seat in the Council." is for sale by all drug- 'Swiss Food" The Use "Bwiss Food' and obtdin Real Wheat, the 15¢c. packages at all grocers. Sir Mackenzie Bowell has been elect ed president of the Belleville Old Boys" Association. You Must Look to the Liver If You Would Have Good Diges- tion And Good Heath--It Is Kept Active By Dr. Chase's -- Bile in the hlood is poison Bile in thé intestines is necessary to digestion, and the healthiul action «f the howels. Bile headache, jaundice, muddy complexion in the blood eauses hiliousness, and is the source of innumerable pains and aches, Ihe lack of bile in the intestines brings on nw tion, constipation, ki of systems and a clogging and excretory derangeme wo whole digestive The liver separates bile from the blood where it is poison, and pour it the intestines, where it inestimable worth For this reason the health of the hody is dependent on the health and activity of the liver By making the becomes torpid Kidney Liver of bile curs of into it of liver active, when it and sluggish, Iw Pills insure a into the intes all ailments "hile poison," indiges Chase s healthiul flow tine the arising from tion and constipation Set the liver right Chase's Kidney Liver will remove the and aches, of many toms, of irritable pressed spirits] There is no Jiver regulator so er nin of action, wo quick to, relieve, «0 lastingly beneficial, Mrs. Owen Cummings, Deséronto, Ont,, states : "'l wis - in Very poor health when I began to use Dr. Chase's Kidneviliver Pills. I hat been a great sofierer from constipa tion and stomach trouble and was wenk and ron down in strength, 1 was gradually growing worse every day. nnd finally decided that | would amd by using br Pills aud you ol many pains annoying symp temper and de case have to do something. Hearing of many being eared by Dr. Chase's Kid: Liver Pills, + began using them, wi soon noticed a 'marked change for the better. | continued this treat. fient until 1 was enred of constipa- tion and mv stomach was restored to a healthy condition. It only took about three boxes of pille to entirely core me." Pr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, 25 cents a hox, ot all dealers, or Ed. wansbn, Bates &' Co, Toronto. The portenit and signature of "Dr. A.W, Chase, the famous wesipt 'book an: MOONEYS PERFEC. TION CREAM SODAS Doubt the crackers al you wil But the first one of we are right and you are fit These goods niay 'Be had trom the follo . % derson, i Stullin, James Kelly and W; J. Driver. ------ BLACK BUT STILL A NOBLE Te em -- With his death in 1583 the Fuarldem oi Warrington no son, the. former title passed to a remote cousin, Wh' lived tn South Ai rica, where he Bid Married a colored woman named Marthiv Solomon, who, who 'ad Mes, Pler Picterse, still fur vives, Roig ; some way to secure fhe box at the opera immediately adjoining that of Queen Victoria, "oa covering the identity 'of her neighbor, queen might do ak stuck 40 her' oven holt], with: ther re complete impoverishment' of the title, Lady Stamford's sucedlBor in the title any moment wader thE findisputed title Of Dowie which | into oo Mooney's cabinet, is dead at his home in Paley . vine, Texas, " Perfection hows of Rov, Wiliam No. setined Cream Sodas § | "0 10 UHI The proof of Maéney quality irk is proposed to. establish a rifle as: ings w is in the crackers themselves. J. 8S. Hen- J. McCulla, in on octing spars Any lapsed, while, as he left the I - Sa. Peoria street, Chicago. Two years "7 . + i. i; \ x {ago during a political campaign, | a a anythetite. Spears vy Shame only, . i + : o er ol or The Kind That Turn To ] | Smught oid Mie a ing o¥sriinted. ry Cocks, Esq." She was "however, of A Medium Exposed. Bronchitis. | finally compelled to stop, as 1 conld quite. Bumble birth "and hefore her New York, March TA woman {not speak aloud. Tn my extremity a] Marriage she appeared 'on the variety] spiritualistioc mediam was drageed | friend advised me to use Chambery Sage, upon" Whigh*she enjoyed popu] front a cabinet and thrown into the The Kind That End In Cone |luin's Cough Remedy. 1 took two | larity under the samo ui Ritty { ocks. § centre of the circle of believers in doses that afternoon and could not be After her marriage EW Managed in| apivitaalism Aftending a seanes in hi night Her majesty, on dis declined to atteill the bpord again so | smashed, men kno ked down and glass long as Lady 'Stamifdrd btcupied the | broken = before sghe and her husband adjoining box, « ** wire fmally overcome, When gas = jets Lady Stamiord "protested that 'the | werd Yighted she was found gasping in dhe pleased, ond Tq Vist Duchess of Roxburghe. |} ,ul¢ ht the oper SW na mere "of | phorescent paint. A Niegimang . whos, Snectal 2 De hE » Mrs. Ogden royalty 'that seas6ff, ® mother, a resident. of thie city, has yoelet sailed' today tor Pagan to When Lord Stamford "dled, he left | spent thousands of dollars in invest . his widow all "Wik "property, to the | ments mate + through the advice ob the black but * contsly Martha Sole- | tended to prosecute eriminally and mon, had no son, or § might now] civilly the mediums im this eity ves be a negro reprosefitativé of the earl ponsible for his mother's loves dom in House of Lords. She hav a daughter, however, whe ix 'entitled to apply' for precenthtibn dt coort at his Tes cared * Hobert Uns: and hundreds of preparation that worth, Sharbot Lake, Died at His Post of Duty. Fredericton, NB. March 7. Andrew | in Lipsett, editor and proprietor of the Fredericton Fatmer, and Jor the past jew twenty-eight venr< cldef of the fire de partment,' fell at the post of duty, on Plaud's Jaxative iron pills, bottles of 100 pills, Ze Meleod's Drug Store : "ee thor, arc on every box. * 4 sank to the gronnd iy. V a NEWSY ITEMS FROM MANY] QUARTERS OF EARTH. sg Matters That Interest Everybody And Remembered. colufty Tn Motiéo and to vetire dn fae vor of his son. Terrorists forced more workmen &t St. Petersburg Mrs. Cassie Chadwick, when broaght' her trial was adjourned, The fitting American steamers, recently charlored by Russia, has boon stopped An' anarchist plot developed proma- turely at Barcelona, Spain, add a ntmber of arrests word made, Guiwral John H. Regan, the last surviving member somation it proposed team to compete at the Welsh meets ng. Baron Lambermant, secrelary-gener al of the Belgian forvign office, died'on Monday fallowing a siroke af paralys the haron had The attempt made wont to have Canada prohibit the number these have now dwi to nine, The question purely le The lands, to deal with. too. he save, helong 1& the peaple of the territoritd and to apartments in Lexington She fought most the centre of the seance room, clad in a mass of ganze, taindd at seances at this housg of the medium, stated last night that hein You are sure (6 save needless snl fering and you may save life by hav is dend, DISEASES 'OF WOMEN DUE TO and areidod to use them, five boxes for $1, ab all dealers, Everything Easily Read proposes 10 establish another ¥ to join the strike, & now general. urt, in Clevdland, fainted ai the out of Hamburg: of the confederate in Wales, and as its meet $s mpc tod of BOVRIL to every bint of home-made Soup and note the dif- pia ould not clash with Bisley, it to invite the Canadibn Saturday. For half a8 centhey much to do with dirs the foreign pwliey of Belgium, hy the state of because although they had a large {led down he says, in a uld he left ta ate schools, years ago al ane and sh weal government: Poor hops poll lew mike it dead; sour aud ciuse bitiousuesy' (0° the com: J ops used i Cur on ATK il chinoet I Hops used ling' s 4 Sd Cantingin hop experts fro ceftain Tocalicies where ohly the best haps grow. Are gathered &t the Kept in cold storage wt used. a { Ask for Carling's A fio other because : no other 1s quite so good.' 's Ale right time and Carling' avenue last , says the World against desperately, the treatment Furnituréd was coated with phos $ ¢7EASY TO USE, BRIGHTEST COLORS NEVER FADE IN SUN OR WASHING. Avoid Other Package Dyes which will Ruinand Destroy your G Ask For The "DIAMOND," ; b All Druggists and Dealers. * p An Emergency Physician. at hand a bottle of Sweith's White of Lady Mary Grov, The present Low | ing Stamford was a shoo] feather in the| Liniment. 1t ix of vital importance West Indies 'before he survedded 10 the] that pain or injuries be treated title, promptly, Here is a remedy that re lieves pain in an almost magical way, FASHION'S FORM. md cures strains bruises, lame backs, -------- ete. quicker than any other remedy One Of The Latest Styles Just |"¢ know of In 26c. bottles at Wade's Louis Rasendal, a coachman, was found murdered with a bullet through heart at Ridgewood, NJ, Two ar (4 "hinve heen made already Molsad's Emulsion of pure ood liver oil) for coughs, colds and general de bility, wd The, per bottle, Me Leod Drax Store Mr. 1. Tardy, a highly respertod Fronch- Canadian resident of Helle ville born in Quehes, seveniy- one years ago OFTEN OERANGED KIDNEYS When the Kidneys Are Weak It Is Impossible For Any Woman to be Happy or Healthy. 1H the girl and women who are flently suffering with what they sup pose is "lemale trouble," would look Herve §2 'a BALD Fath ulster of} their Kidieys (hex would soon find light-weight cra He, I 9 also he, oti of thoi m heulth, Wicd he neve are very closely { we a aneel ih: : ah ot Poh vith the female organ and if the spring With vitality of the Kitneys is in any way a3 impainad, great anflering is sure io ae -- iD aeons Be Free From Rheumatism. No better medicine is known for the Many people who have suffered more | kidneys than Dr. Hamilton's Pills of or less from this affection for years, Mandrake and buttermilk: they sti and whe Bave tried Brdfilinry reuvedies imadate and strengthen the Kidnéy without avail, are apt to. drift into J and thereby assist the other organs the idea thah {hey can't' be enred, Ag]to do matare's work, Tistant 'benefit a matter of fact many people who | and certain cure "are guarantesd in have hean crippled! ang almost helpless Jevery cane : . for years have b thoroughly and Sutferer, don't wail, begin treat permanently cyr~d with Dr. fall's | went with Dr. Haniilion's Pills at Rhedmatie Cure. Don't be content to J nee; they will eure you afd they did suffer. You tan bw eniirely freed from Mrs. A. B. Coburn, a well known re rheumatism and all its. complications | siden A the town of Portlind." Reid by the use of this remedy. This is the hor Skperience Por two venrs past 1 have heen e Lily und weak, Mv eolor wan dull others. Ta Boliles 0c. "nt Wade ¥ dra ard sallow, and Telit oxhnatad and store. weary, as if all my strength wus he : yn ing vates up with soe Kidden trou ee 7 ble, hears ot Dr. Hamilton's Pills The chanve a fow days was surprising. They regulated my kidooys and bowels nd reid all my suffering: today | am riectly well" Fyery woman can take Dr. Hamil with safety awd benefit Sunday. When he was at service in tons Pills the Methodist = chitreh, the alarm | Their occasional vse keeps the "sustem sounded for a fire. , He was soon on jin he althy, well regulmted order, No the of and took Shavge, Later he] medicine mare gentle or mere prompt complained of the ofiecte of winoke, Jin reais. Naw ds the time Ao get and died instant] Pe. Hamilton's Pills, 360, per box or We have two things we want to tell you about in one breath, : The first is our $3.50 Men's = Shoes and the second is our $3.50 Women's Shoes. If we dwell too long on one, we'll neglect the other--and both have equal merit. : These $3.50 Shoes Are the Best Shoes That the Money Can Buy Anywhere: One of the best Shoe Makers in the built them to order from the best of Valour Box Calf and Vici Kid. ' The shapes are the latest and there's nothing hen to enable you to distinguish {Het from a oe. ; Come, see these great $3.50 Shoes. Ca sco ocsOvee 0e Br rt J. H. Sutherland & Bro. ©8000999® » Brazing & To those interested it will be of benefit to know that we have lately put in Special Apparatus to do BRAZING and LEAD BURNING in all its branches." . No job too large for us, and none too small for prompt and careful attention.

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