Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Mar 1905, p. 7

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"oated! atch + - | fuseles, just as a Cold pS. ~ hens them =o they Con- cls and Intestines hn q itestines, to its Finich, Castric Juice into the work the Food along, millions of little Suck. Nutrition out of Food, rawn, Brain and Fone, ®,--~harmices, pleasant, » Shooting. ox, carried in your Vest rotaction against the ~Slowe Walking ~Easy Chair Athletics ~And Lazy Liver, to Curc Constipation, ack. "REE before you buy, woklet, *' The Curse of inted on the subject. pany, 374 St.Paul St., Sra and Diseases the blood id healthy -- PARILLA ITES t. Have them tested. 3ROS .. ne 35 or 55. LOE DOOCOY | | ® YS, ETC. ards, Kan erlock ny Check- CREE EE Ae eee 1 S00 ling and Birth- 8. SESE Aa Eales | Ser! C ~ | &...... x I§c., 20¢€., anges, Bananas. ess St. REASON N° 18 WHY YOU SHOULD USE Red Rose | 7 Tea Because it is tested b skilled tea tasters. Tea tasting can well be called one of the fine arts. A man who can taste several hundred cups of tea a day» and, by his keen senses, detect the slightest difference and who, blindfolded, can tell where each and every tea was grown, not only the country, but the particular district, and often the very plantation -- such a man is the professional tea taster. between them, The head man in my tea room, Mr. W. R. Miles, is a master in his profession. in London, Eng., and is a tea poth his Father and Grandfather were tea tasters. It came natural to him and he is recognized as one of the pest judges of tea in America. He and his assistants do and superintend the blending. RED ROSE TEA is the result. T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N.B. BRANCHES : TORONTO, WINNIPEG. \ He learned the business taster by right of birth, as nothing but taste the teas, I p---- -- -- CS I ---- " MONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. ERPOO ONDON AND GLOBE : : v + E. W. Hoch of Kans; ongressman P. P. Camp- IVER Iasiraace Company. Available The Prices Offered at Various | Soverior Frio oth Ratisiy $3 Kongresss Sevies in np su Le 'policy holders have for Points. prosecution of the Standard Oil co.apany. security the limited _ liability of Montreal, March 6.-- About 800 head - en . ae v oll the wioskuoigrs. (harm or of butchers" cattle, 60 milch cows, 100 | = : WARN BLOC PIOPULY afore renew! old or giving | calves and 30 sheep and lambs were ward certain individuals, Jincluding RICH D. business get rates 8 e | offered for sale at the East End abat- | four men named Jules Cartier, Adolf 2 Suanee. Ageats. toir to-day. 'lhe butchers were pre Brezet, Cabral and Franklyn, formed » Seaits UR POLICIES COVER MQRM ON | ut in large numbers, but trade was | 8 provisional government, and when Absolutely Necessary to Health, Sallditgs and contests thas amy eth | slow as less meat is wanted on ac the territory was definitely assigned to | Strength and Comfort--Good of company eflers. Kxamine them ui | count of Wednesday being the begin Brazil, Adolf Brezet was elected chief Blood Banishes Disease. Yadulns 1ummreace Emporium, Mare. ning of Lent. Prime beeves sold at | of the government. This was in 1901, ARCHITECTS. Fi. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- fea, setond floor evar Mahood's druy store, corner Princess and Bagot re Rad on Bagot street ELLIS ARCHITECT, OM of Mew Drill Hall, néar cor oot of Ques and Montréal Streets POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MEN Bank Building, coruer Brock nd ington strests. 'Phone 313 @ENRY P. SMITH. ARCHITECT. fs, incor Building, Marker 'Phone 345% Appetite Was Poor. Dizzey Most of The Time. WW -- Could Not Sleep at Night. Many people are unaware of having anything wrong with their heart or nerves till some little 'excitement or overwork fakes them feel faint and dizzy, or per- bps simply going up or down stairs 4ndes dizziness and specks to float before the eyes. People troubled in this way $hoold heed the warning, and not fail to fake treatment before something more serious occurs, f For all kreart aud nerve troubles there is nothing to equal + Milburn's Heart and erve Pills. We do mot claim that they will ure chronic heart disease, but we do Claim that they will strengthen the wesk beat, and build up the shaky nerve nw is what Mrs. Sidney Hoffman, Hillside, Ont., says :-- J "Iwas troubled greatly with my heart, WAS 80 very nervous that the least little thing startled me. "My appetite was very poor ; I could 86k sleep at nights, and was dizzy most of the time. 1 took three boxes of Mil- a's Heart and Nerve Pills, and I am pleased to say that s wonderful lot of ob They 4 me Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are ® cents per box, or 3 for g1.98. Al , of mailed direct, T. MiLsuaw Co., Lar: { ToroNTO, ONT. = A Good Impression il Is always made with @ 5 | MACK'S PATENT Flexible Cushion RUBBER STAMP Prints on Uneven Surfaces. ST w TARNNTN Drowns Merseli in Wash Boiler. : on, March 7.~Luey Hannah Nebo. 8 widow, sixtygin. commit hy Shicide at her home at Chorley Sailor, UNE herself in the kitchen dang, At the inquest Mrs. Nelvon's Very - nd ber mother, who was a great d L slim woman, suffered a ~ Firom rheumatism. She miss- other pigs "CF from her bed. the Boney - ts and after searching the ing boilg™ her edilod up in the wash- shot Wm the kitchen. There was boiler. inches af water 'in the Lit 3 em t---- * an bilious attack take Cham-1 J. I's Stomach and Liver Tablets 44¢. to near He. per lb; pretty geod cattle, Bie. to near dic, and the common stock, 2jec. to 3fc. per lb. There were a number of superior large milch cows brought from Toronto. A Quebec buyer bought 11 of the best of these at X58 each, plus $5 on the lot, Common cows sold at $25 to $45 each. Mr. Richotte bought two su- perioe calves: for $26, and a choice spring lamb for 8%; small calves sold at £2.50 4 R85 each. Sheep sold at fe. to Se. per lb. and spring lambs al 85 ta $8. cach. Heavy,. fat hogs Sold dt about '86. per Ib; selects al 5c. to 6c. per lb, Chicago, March 6.--Cattle--Receipts --27,000: market strong; good ta prime steers, $5.50 to $6.30; poor to medium, $1 to 85; stockers and [eeders, $2.40 to $4.45; cows, $32.50 to $4.10; heifers, £2.40 10 $1.75; canners, 31.25 to $2.75; bulls, to $4; calves ¥3 to #7 Hoe eceipts, 37,000; market, Sc. higher; mixed butchers', $4.90 to 85 15; good to choice; heavy, $4.90 to $6.20; tongh, heavy, $1.80 to £5.05; light. $4.85 to $5.05; bulk of sales, 24.90 to 25.10. Sheep-- Receipts, 28,000; market stea- dy; good to choica wethers;, $56.25 to fair to choice mixed, 8550 to § native lambs, £7 to $7.80, Fast Buffalo, N.Y., March 6.--Cattle Receipts, 4,300 head; fairly active, steady; prime steers, $5.25 to £5.65; shipping, #165 to butchers, £1.35 to $4.90; heifers, $3.25, to ®1.75; cows, $2.75 to $4.15; bulls, 82.75 to £4.25; stockers and feeders, 83 to 84.25; stock heifers, $2 to $2.75; fresh cows and springers, steady; good to choice, $48 to R55; medium to good, R32 to $45; common, $23 to £30 Veals--Receipts, 1,100 head: steady; 24.50 to $8. Hogs--Receipts, 18,500 head: active, 5¢. to 10c. higher; pigs, 2%¢. to 30c higher: heavy, mixed, Yorkers and i 40 to $5.45; roughs, £4.60 to : stags, $3 to 5 Sheep and lambs--Receipte, head; active on good grades; medigms and common; native lambs, 26.50 to 28.60; western lambs, £7.75 to 88.20; vearlings, $6.73 to 87; wethers, 86 to $6.25: ewes, 8.75 to 86; sheep, mixed, $2.50 to $6 ® 18,000 slow on Toronto Street Market. Toronto, March 6.--Wheat, new, per barley, per bush., Sle. to 52. peas, per bush., 70c; hay, timothy, per ton, $10 to #12; hay, mixed, per ton, $8 to 29; straw, per ton, $11; seeds, Alsike, Nao. 1, per bush, £5 to 85.50; bush., $1.06 to £1.08; wheat, red, per bush., $1.06 to 81.08; wheat, spring, per bush, $1.02 to $1.03; fnheat, goose, per bush. N24 to 93el; oats per bush., 46; rye, per bush, Toe to T3.; buckwheat, per bush. 50c.; +), Korg ag THE DAILY WHIG, WERNESDA), MARCH 8. ------ a NEW REPUBLIC| FRENCH COLONISTS THREAT: Resembles Jameson Raid--Pro- visional Government Formed and a Large Army May be Raised Paris, March 6. ment is like a The tute an enquiry spiracy to situated The French govern- threatened with something lameson rad government is about to insti into a financial con- annex C'ounan , which is between Guiana and River Amazon, and is about three times the size of Ireland. The territory in question has been in dispute since the treaty of Utrecht, but by an arbitration in 1900, definitely assigned to Brazil While negotiations were going for it was ~ : Ba SLIPPING INTO SEA. faam---- ite of Sunderland, England, Delta of Landslide. A London, March T--Sunderland is EN TROUBLE. gradually slipping into the sea | : through a | subsidence. Surveys general of the levels of the town, covering a long period, reveal startling facts, and | confirm the theory of the o that "the site of Sunderland is thing more nor less than the delta a great landslide due to the ice age" omparisons between the level sur vovs of 1855 and 1805 show that in forty years the site of Sunderland 'has subsided to the extent in some places of more 'than six feet, and the subsid ence is still going on The ordnance pe, which has been investigating the matter, reports that several other places have had similar experiences. e-------- Henry Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering. Orders received at McAuley's book store, Princess street. He then made a proposition to a number of fmanciers to provide him with the funds for arming the native poputation and proclaiming the inde pendence of the territory. As soon as Brezet got wind proceedings being that were instituted from London, where he is supposed to he at the present moment. The Brazilian government have es pecially warned the French govern ment against the proceedings of this man. Some time ago he boasted to his financial backers that he would he able to put in the field an army great er than that which Brazil could bring against him. The Brazilian government have known for a long time that the con spiracy was going on, hut did not at tach great seriousness to it until the suecessful revolt in Panama They did not suppose that the econ spirators would he able to raise a quarter of a million sterling, but the success of Bunan Varilla, the leader of the Panama revolutionaries. in ob taining the sums necessary for his a serious to the with which Brezet amount ol financial svndi wae in treaty purposes gave encolragement cale MINERALS IN INDIA. Discovery of Iron and Aluminum in Quantities. March 7. iron ore and aluminum in the central provinces are officially confirmed, and Calcutta, I'he discovery of it seems likely that they will revola tionize industrial India. A rush has commenced to stake out aluminum claims, and a company with a capital of over a million sterling, backed by the wealéhy: Parsee Tata connection, is being formed to erect blast es and coking plant. Three million tons of the finest iron ore have already been proved to he in the new fields, with coal and limestone furnace within reach, and also enough easily worked alwninum ore to supply the present needs of the world, Coughs and colds are often aver looked A dontinuance for any length of time canses irritation of the lings or some chronie throat trouble Brown's Bronchial Troches invari dkly give immediate reliel. Sold only in hoaxes Perth has a coal famine ! against him he directed the conspiracy | People with rich, red blood do mat feel the cold of winter. When ~¥our fect are cold, your fingers numb and | your face blue and pinched, it is a certain sign that Your blood 4s thin and your circulation weak Your blood needs builditig up with Dr. Wil A BIGAMY CASE] MORMON WITH TWO WIVES TO BE PROSECUTED. Given the Option of Leaving the Country -- Rumor Charges Other Mormons With Practis ing Polygamy Raymond, .- Alberta, March @.--The Mounted Police have been lead to take action against an alleged polygamist by the fact that a wellknown re swdent of Magrath had brought to Canada two wives whom he mar ried in Utah, when such warciages were comsidebed legal, The Magrath man asserts that he maintains no re lations with one of his wives, Never: Sunlight Soa ; d free is guaranteed perfectly pure, genuine, and ives from s.dulteration--all dealers are authorized return purchase SiBHeY fo anyone finding cause : for complaint. trying Sunlight Soap and you will agree with millions of other women that the Sunlight way . is the only way to wash clothes. raz theless he bas been given the choice to leave the kountry or be prosecuted for bigamy. This is consistent with the action taken hy thé Mounted Police in former cases, For a long time rumor had been busy with the names of men who were charged with being polyga masts, hut it could not be proved that they had any but their legal wife in Canada. AN EASY WAY To Keep Well It is casy to keep well if we would only observe each day rules of health, The all important thing is to keep the stomach right, and to do this it iS NOt necessary to follow a set rule or bill of fare. Such pam pering simply makes a capricious ap- petite and a feeling that certain fa vorite articles of food must be avoid a few simple to diet or ed. Prof, Wiechold gives pretiy good ad vice on this. subject, he "1 am sixty-eight years old and have never had a serious illness, and at the same time my life has been largely au in door one, but 1 early discoverad that the way to keep healthy was to keep a healthy stomach, not by eating bran crackers or dieting of any sort; on the contrary | always eat what my appe tite craves, but daily for the past vight years I have made it a prabtice to take one or two of Staart's Dys pepsia Tablets after each moal and | attribute ny robust health for a man of my age to the regular daily use of Stuart's Tablets, My physician, first advised mo to use them, because he said they were per jectly harmless and were not a secret SAYS patent medicine, but contained only the natural digestion, peptones amd diastase, and after using them a few weeks | have never ceased to thank him for his advice, liams' Pink Pills They" make new I honestly believe the habit of tak ' blood; they stimilate the circulation. {ing Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets after { The new blood they make races | meals is the real health habit, because through vour vein¥ to very part of | their use brings health to the stok vour body from finger tips to toes, | and ailing and preserves health to the and makes you Warm, happy and | well and strong." healthy. Alphonse '* Lacoussieke, St. Men and women past fifty years of Leon, Que., sayd i "About a year ago | age need a safe digestive after meals my blood: became Jmpoverished and | [to insare a perfect digestion and to was badly 'dun dda. My hands and | ward off dicease, and the safest, hest feet were always cold and 1 could not | known and most widely wend i" stand the least exertion. My trouble | Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets was further aggravated by pains in They are found in every well regu my kidneys and bladder, and often 1 {lated household from Maine to Cali could not go asbodt without aid. | |jornia and in Creat Britain and Au consulted doctors, but they did not | stralia are rapidly pushing their way help me, and | was almost in despeir | into popular favor when | was advised to use Dr. Wil All druggists sell Stuart's Dyspepsia liams' Pink Pills. I' got six boxes and | Tablets, full sized packages at He before they were all gone | knew 1 had land for a weak stomach a fifty cent found a medicing to eure me. | took | package will oiten do fifty dollars the pills for about a month longer and | worth of good. every svmptom of my trouble was | gone, and | have since enjoyed the | ON EVE OF FAILURE best of health Dr. Williams' Pink Pills} cure after ee doctors and common medicines have | Chiireh Meeting May be Aband- failed because they actually make oned. new rich blood, and so strengthen all London. March 7.--~For the first the organs and. brace up the nerves time since its initiation forty-five That is the way they eure indiges | (oura ago, there is a possibility that tion, kidney and liver troubles, Then: | {he church congress will fall through inatism, nervousness, neuralgia, pal- | (his vear pitation of the heart, St. Viws' There is. indeed, a serious dead dance, partial paralysis and the lock; for it appears that up to the cret ailments that fll the lives of so present no bishop has been fowl many women with misery, Do not willing to have the congress held in take any pills without the full name, | hic diocese and to preside over the "Pr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale | week's deliberations Fifteen out of People," on the wrapper around each | (hes thirty-three bi hops have express hox. Sold by all medicine dealers, or | od their disinclination, more sent by mail at 50c.-a box or six | jgufinitely, and the general secretary boxes for $2.50 hy writing the Dr. Wil- | Archdeacon Emery, of Ely, is at hi liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont wits' end to solve the difficulty The venerable archdeacon virtually eT called the congress into being, und Baby a Miniatite Sandow now, after forty five vears of strenn Cape Town, March 7.<A baby boy ous work, v before him the possi belonging « Duteh family in Bel: | bility of its being abandoned for fast (No ro Transvaal), shows re | 1905 markable musenlar development He ; Last October the congress was held ix eleven muntl Jd, and has arms | in Liverpool, and wax marred by un and legs as those of an or | usual seene There were'eries of 'No dinary boy of ten years. He plays {popery" during a procession of the with weight oven and one-half | clergy, and at a mass meeting for pounds each. Although he cannot | men the bi hop of Stepney was vio walk, he can, while sitting on the | Jently "booed," and shouted down in floor, lift a heavy chair pite of appeals. It is believed that No. 2, per bush., $1 to $4.50; No. 3, per bush. '8350 to #4; red clover, $6.50 to 7. imnthy, $1 to £1.30; dressed hogs, £7 to $7.50; apples, per bbl. #2 to eggs, --new lai to MWe.; bayer, dairy, 8 30¢.: chickens, spring, per lb, 12. 13¢c.; ducks, per lb, 120. to Ide; tur keys, per lb, 17e. to 18%¢.: cabbage Maid To Queen Victoria. Geneva, March 7.--Elizabeth Mav who ton of Berne, i maid to Queen Vic years served as sixty four. She was a well-know figure in the entire Victoria, with a liberal pension Anderson per _doz., 25¢ Me. to Wes butter, creamery, Re. to per dor.. 35¢. to 50c; potatoes, per bug, Soc. to ce; cauliflower, per doz.. The. té6 R150; celery, "per doz., 300. to 40c.; 'onions, per bush. ¥2; beef, hindquarters, $7.50 to R50; beei, forequarters, 35 to 25.50; beef, choice, carcase, $7 to $7.25; beef. me- rer, of Bollingen, a village in the can- for twenty-nine toria, has. just died at the age of canton. She retired at her own wish on the death of Qyeen Quinn, and Miss May live st Snow Flake, dinm, carcase, 86 to $6.25. mutton, per ewt, 86.50 10 $7.50; veal, fee ewt.. %R to $9.50; lamb, per cwi., ¥10 : : 8) parilla! Think of that of people who have bee n For the hair. PECTORAL¥or cough. ATR 3 dake CUTE is certain. For sale week. in Man. Ty Butney were married in Brockville this Sixty years of experience with Ayer's Sarsa- If despondent, down-hearted, discouraged, and almost ready to give up, this splendid old family medicine will prove the silver lining to your dark and dismal cloud. Made by the J. C. Ayer Co.. Lowell, Mass. Alp manufacturers of ! Think of the millions n cured by this medicine! Ask your doctor. these disorderly scenes are largely the e of the reluctance of the hishap to invite the congvess to their di cau Teen At the end of the week in Liverpool Archdeacon Emery was able 10 en nounce invitations to hold the con gros at Great Yarmouth this: year The vicar of Yarmouth was anxious that the gathering hould be held there, and _bhe--fud the co-operation oi the mayor, corporation and towns people. The influx of three or fone thousand to a watering place at the end of its season is a desirable thing, quite apart from the religious interest evoked by the congriss eo Bishop of Norwich, however has definitely refused to sanction the meeting at Great Yarmouth and to preside over the week's deliberations His chief reason is that it won terfers with the succes musical festival n of the Norwich in the same month For An Impaired Appetite. Loss of appetite always results fiom faulty digestion. All that is needed ix a few doses of Chamberlain's Stom- ach and Liver Tablets. They will in vigorate the stomach, strengthen the digestion and give you an appetite tike a wolf. These Tablets also act as a geodle laxative. For sale by all druggists. Austin Provios, Deseronto, met with a serious and painful accident at Dal ton's factory. He had the fingers oi the leit land lacerated by a saw. The middle finger was so badly injured thet amputation was necessary. he mtie-- TT --~ FOR SPRING |! One of the 'many things dear to a woman's hecrt is to be It Dress ? IFFashion Reviews say: Mohair much worn, in fact one of the newest of the new. and as bright as a dollar. Everything that's new in Dress Goods we have it, heavy weight is desired. Mohairs, Brilliantines and Sicilians. Black and Colored Voiles and Foli ans, Wool Tweeds and Llama Clothe Crepe de Chene and Estamine, Armure and Canvas Suitings. Box, Broad amd Venetian Suitings Up-to-date Materials cash prices. CRUMLEY BROS ° John Labatt's ISA PRIME Wool and Silk Warp Norio Henri: elias, Cashmere, Serge and Satin Clothe, White, Cream and Black Shirt Waist dapanese Silks Klegant Shirt Waist Pin Strips and Checks and Trimmings at lowest Made from tested natural spring water, selected barley malt and a blend of the choicest growths of hops. Undoubtedly better for the & Sick and 'convalescent than any medicine. JAS. McPARL. AND, Agent. Ga FOR THE PROTECTION OFT ob at OmIOZCT MIMODOCXD / ' / In order that these may be distinguished from perfect goods they are PUNCHED as indicated in illustra- tion shown herewith. A hole PUNCHED in a Rubber indicates that it isa F. actory Imperfect or , Out of Style ~{-orin some way inferior Purchasers of Rubber Footwear should see that goods represent- ed to them as perfect, and up-to-date, are Not Punched. and liable to prove unsatisfactory. - PUNCHED | - . H, Doncaster, pr of House, Toronta, BUBBERS NEW DRESS SUITINGS at this season is : What to". buy for a New. Spring. is light in weight, firm, will not pull or drag at seams x whether light, medium or Sait Silks in ° . PORTER - on or

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