Just the thing" or a "bite ar bed-time," t could be better than a of milk and Mooney"s Perfection ream Sodas anada's finest crackers, goods may be had from wing grocers : ying folly and W. J. Driver ckey atch ting HOCKEY "H of the season at DRUG Princess FRIDAY, March . BEST E," 12 [. BEST, rincess Street, Chemist and Optician, Ivery. we immer ess terials that our way Summer Materials are Leis t after by the ladies with taste, shows that th ight in every way--styl y, price. lt is not to red at when the displ a, end then you know every inch of Summer we show you is NEW SPRING--no "leit over St season to he ibbons Ribbon stock is com nce more, Yesterday wi Ian' import order :, and it certainly cor a brilliant assortment the New Shot Ribhons w. man & Shaw sasecececsessesen FOUNDATION curity is Real Estate s that you cannot do rn to | I YOUR MONEY We have several choice ale at present. Renting ring property a special IND, Clarence St. i re Emulsion of pure cod | vor ghs, colds and general UF and THe. per bottle, Store, ! J. S. Hen- Mullin, J. McCulla, 'Phone 59, SILLA IATL LLIIALIII IIIs attests sates tsa erases al | lag Hille -- * i for making SOUPS. Just ful of BOVRIL to every % of home-made: Soup and note the dif- asses. The noupishment, strength and flavour is enhanced in a marked degree. BONRIL is the one perfect -ready- "NOTHING QUITE SO GOOD." RAILWAY SE Reduced Fares $46.30 to Pacific Coast March Ist to May 15th, 1905, Second Class Colonist fares from Kingston to . a isons, - Yagcuyer, $46.30 is fhe STANDARD article Resiaad, Nolson. T E Ryton Sioa ASF FOR USE. "matonda. Butte, Helena, Salk $13.50 IN ANY QUANTITY. Colorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo $43.30 Sap Francisco, Los Angeles ... $48.05 » Tourist Sleepnr Cars leave Kinzston Tuesdays and Thursdays al 2.26 a.m Vor the accommodation of passengers pelding First or Second Class Tickets to Chicago and West thercof as {Rr as the Pacific Coast, nominal cha¥Fge is made for herths, Which way be reserved in advance For Comfort Travel by the Grand Trunk Raliway System. J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Coreer Johnston and Ontario streets KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS, a Colonist Special Trains ~e=TO THE == Canadian Northwest For Settlers and their effects will leave Kingston at 8.10 a.m. every Tuesday During March & April I suflicient business offer. Formafing soap, softening water, removing oid paint, disinfecting sinks, closets, dral and for many other purposes. A can squales 20 pounds SAL SODA. SOLD EVERYWHERE. EW.GILLETT £iaitee TORONTO, ONY. Have You One of Those Can't Taste, A Colonist Sleeper will be attached to J each train from Renfrew. * Copy of Settlers immediately. 1f you 'don't, that terrible and disgusting malady, Catarrh, is sure, Guide and full par ticulars may be obtained from Ticket | to, take hold of you and make yom Agents, miserable; and an object of repugnance Very low rates to Pacific Coast and | po your friends. The best and quickest Kootenay points during March and . April. cure for your cold is DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP, 1t contairis all the virtues of the Norway Pine Tree, combined with Wild Cherry Bark and the soothing and expectorant properties of other excellent herbs and barks. Mr. Harry Mosher, Mosher's Island, N.S., writes :--** We have used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup in our family for the past six years, and have always found it a reliable remedy for the cure of coughs and colds.' K. & P. and C Ontario Street Full particulars at P. R. Ticket Office, F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER JR Gen. Pass Act Gen. Supt BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY New short line for Tweed, Napanee Deseronto, and all local points. 'rains leave City Hall Depot at 2:25 pm. ¥F CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagston ALLAN LINE "Y= O25 norrry Royal Mail Bteamers. Many cases of substitution have been From St. John. From Halilax Bavarian, Sat. Mar. 11: Mon. Mar. 13 brought to our notice. Do not' be hum- olan, Sat. Mar. 18 ; Mon. Mar. 30. | pugged into taking any other pine syrup Tunisian, Sat. M 25 ; Mon. Mar : 1.3 Parisian, Sat. Avril 1 : Mon April 3 | which unscrupulous dealers say is just as pb OF PASSAGE--First Cabin, | good: 50 and upwards, according to steamer : en 80d accommodation; Second Cabin, Liv- Dr. Wood's is the original, putupine yellow wrapper ; three pine trees the trade mark, and the price 25 cents. «pool and Londonderry, $37.50 $40, according to steamer. London $2 #xtra ; Third Class, $27.50; su zommodation, Liverpool, Derry, ast, Glasgow, London. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Taz T. MiLsurN Co, Liuirep, Mongolian, 'Thurs, Mar. 16 , noon Toronto, ONT. First Cabin, $40 and up--Second Cab ann in $85--Third Class, $27.50. ~~ For further particulars apply to THE DOCTORS AGREE, J. P. HANLEY, Agent, U.I'KR. City ws P P. GILDER- Two, Physicians Both Agree on the New Scientific Dandruff Treat- YO! - He BERMUDA ment Frost unknown, malari = \ | . a impossible i X N Powell, of Spokane From New York, 48 hours by elegant wl , i y . iven or Lwin screw steamship ** Bermudian," | Wat 4 Rrprace ab Sailings 15th, and 25th March and week- | rood satisfaction in my family for I¥ thereafter landrufi FOR WINTER CRUISES GO TO nan Go Al | ; SES © Dr. W.. Ge Alban, of Walla Walla, «WEST INDIES -- | voi "il "il Wpicide ai 80 day trip. About 20 days in tropics. | that is claimed for it as< a dandrufi Sailings . k ' i nds, Barbados and Demerara every | & germ disease and you can't cure it Jeo. (10) days. For further particu- | unless vod kill the dandruff germ; and 00, Aono A. E. OUTERBRIDGE & | yy cant do that unless you use New cuduny, Naw JUME, B85. Lo. 39 lhro's Herpicide, the only preparation SULRN Secretary, Quebec, or | in the world that destroys the para SLE MANLEY, and to J. P. GILDER- | ic. A delightful hair dressing al et Agents. Kingston lars itching instanth makes hair Ai glossy. and soit as silk. It is a sure NOTICE. dandrafi. destraver. Sold by leading WILLIAM ACNE a a » Send Ic. in stam] or - ¥ CW. OF MONTREAL druggists ene ' hereby gives t notice that he will not be . ample to the Herpicide Co., Detroit, tponsible for any debts contracted | b Gi. W. Mahood, special agent he name of i 0 his sor 5 Shout in write ANE Augustus, with March 8th, 190%. The Worki 's T orkingman's Tea Should be Rich, Strong and Full Flavored. More than food or medicine is a hot steaming cup of Fragrant bh Roll butler, 25¢. Crawford 5 he is collected together inc large aum- Can't Smell Colds? If you haye you had better get vid of it | agreod upon the desirability of it, in GIVENS' 7 ------ ALK , (Loutipusl. frog, = £{- Where battle, but jh a garricon town Lers he is uot a moral gain to the community: at least that has hedn the experience of most places. Indeed any large body of wen without = the ties of. home and family will hardly be on the same level in regard to morals 4 cannot ail be m » as citizens who have, as Bacon says, De sole truth in it. x Por of 1 given hostages to fortune in the shape a. ELLs of wives and children. TARE y inh There are just a few more su 1 1 Ne. 3 4 N.¥. Toroate, Can. J Iv EE ET ET, tions I wish to make under this ' : of my talk. As reverence is really the ures incident to-p pity linances-a . sum all too small for those varigus foundation stone of morals and re ) ligion, 1 thiuk it would be well if our purposes ik. is useless to look to school. children were taught to have § 30" 0ey aa financial aid. greater respect for their elders and ior those in authority ovér them. The fippancy of the youth of the present day is very noticeable, and it is a very serious fault for it leads to others far more serious. t is to our churches, however, that we look more especially for moral and religious traiving and we can safely say that in Kingston they are in suf- fictent number and sufficiently strong to do what is required of them. Cannot Increase Taxes. An increase in the rate of taxation is ui of the question; it would. not receive an instapbs coptideration, no should it, for pur taxes are already i property is assessed al most, it guile, to its full valwe. What then is Jo be. dong ? Appeal To Public Spirit. There . must be an appeal wade to our public spirited citizens to help in t vemends wyquiring funds to carly out, and | believe we have among us some men who are willing aud able to help, men "with hearts to pity and with . Se day 10 ting chgrity,! We had such. a man in ante ohn Carruthers, to whose kindness and libérality no appeal was ever made in. (vain; we had such a | mah in Princ Grant, though he was 80 WI up in Queen's Univer sity that he could give little attention to other calls upon his time and energy. 1 feel sure we have such men still among us, and those are the men 0 whom, an appeal must be made for the needed assistance, What is Electoral Corruption. The Citizens' League has given some attention to the question of the prevention of bribery and corruption at elections. Laws, stringent enough in their character, have ben passed by both dominion and local houses on this subject, but to very little effect if we may judge by recent election contes Public opinion seems not to be trained up to the mark required fo bring offenders to justice. The offence of bribery is looked upon too lightly by the average citizen and it will be by 'a general toning 'up of public opin ion that this will be effectively sip- pressed. No Canvassing And Compulsory Voting, , Theie are two things which, how ever, if carried out would have mark ed effect in preventing ~ bribery and corruption" "dt elections: ome is to who will throw his. heart and soul in to the work of civic improvement nl ive it hais thought, his time and his Ta. 1 such @ van can be found, there will be no difficulty in getting the, necessary hands I. | make it an offence to canvess a voter {To hp continued). personally, the other, to make voting JE -------- | compulsory. An election enmpaign SHE MADE A CHANGE. could surely be carried on without re quiring the candidate or any ome for him to canvass the electors. Instead of this, public meetings could be held, iy and the voters addressed by the can- Children. - didates. : A mother Ning in Charleston, Mass, the happy possessor of four children writes * "Every fall and wint- | er L have aid #6 & 3totk of cough veme: | dies, croup mixtures ahd 'throat me | dicines" for my "#hildrdn, for somehow | or other they never seth 10 be free ! 'from colds, ¢GMRE 'or kore throat. This fall I mad change in the fis A Charleston Mother Did so With Advantage to' Hersell and The system of compulsory voting at first blush seems impracticable, but the results obtained in Belgium where it has been actually put into opera tion and has worked most successfully show the contrary. A writer in a re cent number of the Canadian Law Re view, Alfred Nerinex, LL.D., professor constitutional law, University of Lon | ual prograuime. had mysell been | vain, Belgium, says: "Those reforms, cured of an: obstinite 'datarrh, from | : { which I had @ifféred 'for years, ' by | Stusrt's Catarrh Pablete, and as they | were pleasant' take 1 determined to | try them with 'my thildreén. Our family physician told' ie be 'kmew than to however, considerable they are in themselves, would not amount to much if the Belgian law" had not, by a remarkable, bold departure from the accepted ideas, made voting a com: pulsory duty. bé Ponty wale and nothing better 1 'said that 'the institution of com. could be used fordutatrh, coughs and pulsory voting was 'a 'bold stroke of | colds. iy wy CAUS , poling: nce, Wiious uioat, yg have continued #60 do so ever sinve, whenever there i "ihe 'denst Wign of eroup oF sore dat "Had 1 rio longér dread the approach of cold weather as I once-did. v Stuart's Catardh <Sablets not only cured me of chrdbiormasel and throat theory; vet,' before that practical bx- periment, afmost ovéry body eqially believed that it 'was' impossible in practice. Just a little.common sense proved enough to overcome that un- reasonable fear. The failure to vote as an individual may be a slight thing in itself, but it is a bad example, and it is positively fatal as soon, as 'it bepomes general, The problem then was to find a pens alty for it that should not be esces- an anvious night with. my hKttle ones, The children dike the taste of them and it is really wondetfal how quickly they will break dp a eroupy cold or an obstinate, deep sweated cough." will be agreeably surprised at the re sults following the use of a pleasant, convenient, internal remedy in tablet to small punishments ranking from a form. Pru gists everywhere admit that reprimand up to a fine of five dollars | Stuart's Catarrh Tablets which , «oll for the first three offences; at the | for 50e full sized fourth time within a space of fifteen | Safest. most effective and popular of vears, the inagistrate imposes the catarrh medicines, small penalties with a suspension of electoral rights for the next ten years, and the suspended voter suffers more- over a vind of political capitis de minutio and is deprived during the same period of the jus honorum: i.e. he can no more receive official titles, promotions or nominations of any kind whatever. The merest knowledge of human nature will satisfy the stu dent about the efficiency of sanction. As a fact the result looked for by the Belgian legislature has been fully reached; we have to<lay no more than five per cent. of absentee voters am a total of one and one-ball million voters. And after deducting from the small proportion of five per cent. of and simple ob application. Failure to vote was made by statute a petty offence, liable before the magistrates ---- May Create New Pertiolio. Ottawa. March ®-The report las been published herd that the govern ment intended to 'create §' new port fo, to which would be assignid of the duties which have hither to Been performed by the minister of the interior. It is reasonable to sup pose that Mr. Siftop.. wha months felt the burden of his depart ment, had urged wore 'than once that be should be relictpd 'of a part of the work devolving upon him, but it is not clear' that The" @oVeriiment over decided upon suv such policy. Should they do so it would pei of further recognition for Mon. William Templ place in the cabinet for such a man and a absentee voters the deceased voters on | Mr. Scott wits bm the register and those who afford a hp IB valid excuse . for staying away, such A Safe Rhe tic Cure. as illness or absence out of the coun try, recent statistics show that the wilful and guilty abstainers really amount to about three per thou sand to the total voting force. Compulsory voting, as it works in Belgium, is really the keystone of the newest electoral organization. To its efficiency is mainly due the efficiency of plural sufirage and the proportion- al representation. Good in themselves as are those two reforms, they cannot but remain merely theoretical achieve ments, as long as you cannot bring to the polls the bulk of the best citizens, those precisely without whose opinion no political verdict can fairly he pro- nounced a completely sincers and truly representative demonstration of public opinion." In the effort to fing would cure rheumatic something that alfsétions, harsh used. This is totally "Unnecessary, as Dr. Fall's Rhoumatio: Cure, which is a safe and harmless vemedy. It cures because it docs precinsly what is re- qltived to cure in the most natural way, (It assists the kideeys and liver to perform their funétiond properly. in 'the blood and rxpels thom system. Years of ile merits, This is the that cured Almond daslin, olfe Js land, and hundreds of others. In bottles, B0c., ai Wade's drug store, Roberts preparation Evay speak for six days, and has shut him self up, cancelling all cpgagements, Ro} butter ». Crawford. Where Will The Money Come From? But a very serious difficulty at once presents itself--a difficulty which | have no doubt has already ocurred to most of vou--when we turn from a review of what civic improvements aré necessary to consider the means by which 'those shall be carried 'out. Where shall we get the funds to pay Consumption can cer tainly be cured x TEA For sale at all live grocers. Bi Nearly sil Cases in the early stages. Many even whea lar ad- vanced. ' Fresh sir stands first, Good food next. Thea a medi- cine to quiet the cough and con- trol the inflammation --Ayer's Chetry Pectoral. Ask your dogtor sbout this. _ LSdrily for all these improvements? "Ay {there's the rub." We all know the fpresent condition of civic finances. In round numbers the civic debt is 000 to which must be added $182) for the light plant. The uncontrollable expenditure is $100,000. The controll. (able expenditure i« $60,000, And from } this last named sum we have to pro vide for schools, strects, light, water, parks, fire department, city property, salaries and "Be many other expendi whi = [ROASTED ALIVE] A nts JILL TREATMENT. OF NATIVES | Rising of the Bakuba's--Upper* chant sations of atrociots ill treatment © alive ih an oven. the accusations, that the woman who had been veady dead of and that the body oven As a means of cremation. husband had himself given M the whale story. massacre of four' Europe Gentil, the vdumissioner denied having occurred. rising of the Bakuba people in th Kassai district of the Upper Conga, and the destruction by them of the needed move than money is some one [and {is now probably in ashes i wae due to So | gave thal tt the children and 1 catarrh but they have saved me many |. sive--because that would have killed People who lave assed wprays, in the reform on the spot---and that would halers, salves: op: washes for catarrh | still be. efficient in its moderation, | and have found. 'how. useless they are, | package, ix the | of recent | and harmful remedies have often been | has been proved hy the results from | It neutralizes the poisonous elements | from the | puccens has proved | esr---- ! the Welsh revivalist, | says the Spirit hae forbidden him to | we x T IN TRENCH CONGO. Congo Tribe Reported to Have Destroyed Ametican Mission Paris, March 5M. Dubois, the me from the French Congo, wik ins in interviews confirmed the accu patives made against the civil official n those og husse, insists that one offi inl roasted Bn young negro wollen His friends had declared, in reply to laced in the oven was al a contagious 'diseadh, was placed in the This M. Dubois denies; the woman's Dubois 3 . : M. Dubdis also gives details of the , which M. eneral, had Details have been received of the American wission station at Ihanj. A letter received from Luebo hy this week's Congo mail states that po news had reached there of the expedi tion which had been despatched by the Congo Free State authorities against Lukeunga, the Bakuba king, and adds that the situation is again becoming wuiet, In carlier letters from the Kassab the missionaries, in giving the fisst news of the revolt, say -- "Everything in' the Kassai is {opsy-- turvy. The mighty and numerous Bas kuba peaple have planned and success fully executed a general revolution, fighting, attended hy nameless atrocities and éannibalism, is going on at every post. in Kakuba territony, The state has at last sont all its spare forces to subdue the king, but toe late to save the Kassai post and our veluable mission at Thani. Everything The missionaries add that the rising Lukenga having heen in sulted by the officials From the Woodbine. Woodbine, March 7.--This little ham lot is situated about five miles west of hingston, near the old well-known "Five-Mile House,"" For neighboring places it has the villages of Wesw brooke, Collinge Bay and Cataragui. The old school house which has been standing well-nigh hall a century, is picturesquely situated among ever green trees, The school is now under the management of Miss KE, Smith with an attendance of about twenty pupils. Another old landmark is the toll-gate, now kept by Nelson Walker, formerly. by Alexander Howie, whe has moved to the house owned by Mrs. Ashurst, The. road. from West brooke to the city, which was almost impassable last week, has been slight. lv improved by County Engineer Smith and, staff of men. W. Sproule bas sald his: farm at Cataragui, to Mr. Gordon, Inverary, Oliver Fair buble, Sunnyside, has porchised, thé | farm formerly owned by Mrs. MeCam- | mon, and will henceforth re#ide there, | Mr. and Mrs. James A, Sproule enter: | tained a few friends recently, also Mr. { snd Mrs, P, M. Grasse. Miss Nellie Ew Ling, ill for so long, is slightly im | proved. Visitors: Miss F. Ewing, a | teacher in Sydenham High School, at {her father's, James Ewing, Miss M, | Baker, Millhaven, at Harry Smith's; | Harry Burnett, Havelock, at his' mo: | ther's, i Kidney Losses Stopped, | The escape of albumen from the dys. tem is most dangerous. The trouble | is vou may not know it. Gét 1o the | root of the disease--the kidneys-- by | using Peek's Kidney Pills. In boxes 25c., at Wade's. Money back if not satisfactory. Mrs. Thomas Gavhart, Hornellsville, badly burned, while resening | her three children burning | Pa., was from her | house, The baby may die | Why Smith's Triple Cure Cures Dyspepsia and Gatarrh, Mo treatment in the world curesdy: and | eatarrh sotuoroughly and compirtely as Smith's | Triple Cure. 'Jud reason for such wonderful | results is simple and obvious because this grand triple cure system fully removes the usual esuse of drspepria--the eatarrh of the stomach, Smith's Lriple Cure by its com- | bined action. on the blood, nerves and mncons | membranes cures catarrh wherever located, | It drives the poison out of the system snd | cleans the mucous membranes so eomyplotely that eatarrh ennnot exist or find lodgment. Dyspepsia may start with 8 megiceted eold | in the "head or 8 sore throat extending down | into the stomach and setting up éatarrh of the stomach. The catarrhal process may result from t00 rapid eating, overloading the stomach, | neing bad! food, snd indulging | freely in ios drinks and stimulsots. Smith's nip ise the fact that dy is usally | enused by estarrh of the , you can underbtand why Smith's Tn Care is lava riably sucesssiul in cui ¥ ! Peupia who eat 100 ant much, and too "Wy An Ems fiver ofl is agreeable to the taste, while . the plain ofl is repulsive. = Because 4 "1. Scott's Emulsion is ¥ % stomach. these particulars. oil could ba. while' the plain oil is not. Because Scott's Emulsion enters the system quickly and without effort, while the plain oil is a burden and a tax on the Because Scott's Emulsion remains sweet after entering the system, while the plain oil is likely to ferment because of its slow action. Because SCOTT'S EMULSION ) contains not only the best of the pure oll but ofher valuable propertias, whils a +4 the plain oil offers nothing but the crude | 3 or of the raw oil. Because 1 N Scott's Emulsion Is always the same in | i purity, strength and composition, while ; 3 the plain oil is apt to vary inall three of Emulsion is a hundred times more beneficial and desirable than any plain " SCOTT & BOWNE, easily digested, > Becauss Scott's : tr. wld 123 Wellington Sf. West (THE ORIGINAL AND COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" on bottle, Sole Manufacturers = ep ---------------- DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE in admitted the profession to he hg rR TAR pe Rdg : edy ever discovered. acts like a charm tn IMARRROEA, « & and in the only ifie in CHOLERA, | and DYSENTERY, in the best COLDS, 0 D | forbes affect ta short all 0 D 1 A E Ty rr ATTA, TION and SPASMS. in, the only palliative in NEURALGIA, | \ \ i RHEUMATIS aouT [ i | 0 q 0 TOOTHACHE, MENINGITIS, eto. Always ask for "DR. J. COLLIS PROWNE'S CHLORODYNE," and of spurious compounds or imitations. "1 Sold in bottles at 15, 14d., 25, gd., and 4s. 6d. each. (Overwhelming Medical Testimony agoompanies each bottle] . T. DAVENPORT, Limited, LONDON, Wholesale Agents, LYMAN BROS. & CO., Limited, Toronto, & ONLY GENUINE). J Known tor COUGHE 588 CONSURITIUY, BRONGR veh TISM, CANCER, a he genuine bears the words "DR. J, > the Government Stamp of each The New Ate Here and Issue a fo Kiegston Women fo ommend them. Every worth of every garment we soll lar M that will impress you most strongly He Apart: from New Style, the first the foe quality of the cloth protty tints and éoloring ship is so fine the finest kind of tailoring Styles, too, mre cepted modes, dited, that add that desiderat um so an-exclamveness mort attractive Our Raincoats have something more than their new styles to ree woman expects that just now, wherever she ' goes. Any store making the slighiee date' will have new styles of ome Kind in English vainproof cloths, tailor-trimmed is the llets, falling full and loose in front and belted at back, call for but there are chaoming style diffegonces, eleverly exe Raincoats Pressing Invitation Gall. i t pretension to being upto to offer. I's the intrinsie in excess of the price asked 5 feature to attract you will be crovenettes, wd all the newest § Then the workman proper word, - Theséd mannish No rudical deviation from ae: dear to the heart ofsuvery wom SPENCE'S, ™ Leds wry The Days Are Getting Longer ! You will not require 6 burn as much as on month ago, bat much op little why not have the best? H you use : OUR BEST You have the adsuranpe that there ix none hettér to be had anywhere, no matter what. price you pay. Try some, Bpecinl price op five-gallon lof McKELVEY & BIRCH 69 and 71 Brock Street.