Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Mar 1905, p. 4

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| | is the kind 1 we sell, A a i Bip a whild hackamayvhe years--~this coal ay a " of 3 fow ousand Rel wan a warsh, Joud- EAL couko, and cooked wid at Cig 4 Virtue and storia host. the miners dug it Broken to onvoniot atin, aud shipped to ug by the al load how Lo be good | in Thad million years, Wo Win. your necds we ¥our coal wants ju { tion. | commotion: of teaffic? Or that it "dtu effects. Put he has to moall a circumstance upon which Mr. Craig dwelt at the last municipd | lection. He pointed out that the jmue {of greatest importance in Kingstob [wis cheap power. There was | no at would make its vse a great convidorn: At What cost can the power be pro- duced 7 It in the question bf the hour, |The machinery that js driven by sicam may never accomplish the dewired end. The waler falls can be harnessed, und the force that in going to waste may Le turned to good account. These folly aro wear to Kingston and though there has been much talk shout them they have never heen | valued by the city for the benefits A they may confer. hers is, however, another article, that, though wot as common as wa: : [ier in: chan anongh, and" vapabie: largo Mpplication in the way of pow Jer. The experiments in St. Louis should invite the attention of our aldermen, for if energy con be gener: kilowatt the miniviom of cost has ] J. The city bas an industrial commit tee and it is noxious to 'adveriije the Jeity. Tn what way! That it is a det sirable place to live in, quiet, pain fully 80, and free from the sicise amd » where power can' be got at a fei ERR J nos is heard on every hand, The 'in: | dustrial | committee should take up | and discase the power question. "WHERE THE MATTER STANDS. Sie Wiltrid Laurier has been pre: 'sented in sn arbitrary light by the ts who have noted hid re- plied to Mr. Borden on the autonomy bill. The leader of the opposition has | heen inquisitive for political reasons. He wanted to know what the premier | was doing so that he might shape hiy course accordingly. Sir Wilfrid hay boon wily when" questioned for, doubt: beon - quite candid with those who have been yoek ing the truth in order that it may set them free, phe It soems that he has been receiving muny letters from friendly sources, andl that he has feplied to them end: | stated bis position on | vario and Quebec. It the school question, To one, in 8t. Thomas, liberal of the George Brown kind, ke 'writes, going back tu the union of tho provinces, and giving tho com promise that was then reached re- secting the minority's schools/in One ey it was Amendel 'afterwards, and in veetion, ¥3 of the British 'North-Ameriga" Act. It pro. that. the legislatures shall desl exclusively with education, but that nothing in any law they may puss, shall prejudicinlly affect any privileges with respect to denuminatiopal schools which any class of 'persond have at the time of the union. Saskatchewan NorthWest Toeritorion are not co: 'losinstical sclibols; but practically vB | LY WHIG. J 10 pay operating expenses what does "The matter is only quoted in order erated from oil ut less than a cent. uf: Terouto dB H ing to the question of to-day be § sist 13 pe population double what it' is to-day; the proposition may be in. order, £1 J W------ : : What are the petifionérs for a pub-. lie weeting going 1o-discass on Friday evening ? Fhe puirchate: of the street cars by the «ity ¥ At what price ? By the way, if the. road cannot be the city want with it? ------ A Toronto lawyer - disapproves of Mr. Aylesworth's proposal, that the bars against the practice of law be removed. In other words let every man be his own lawyer.lt is contend. ed that this wonld 'lead to litigation. Against which. the profession should not protest ---- In Ottawa the demand of the civie officials for advanced salaries was de- clined, and the rate of taxation was fixed at fourteen mills on «the: dollar, In Kingston tht rate is twenty mills, and if the appropriations of the ebm Hitter. are not slaughtered the fate will be higher. Vo -- i Le Journal, of Montreal, in its Inst issue, before giving up the ghost, had this to say about the conservative party; "Since the defeat of 1900 and 1904 the conservative party of the Provinee of Quebec has been blindly going on in fatal disarray. Weakness above, i below, uncertainty of action and want of proper balance things with many, inability to remedy the til, such iv the condition of the jeonservative party." {iN 1} -------- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. -- 4 -, ~The Right Faith, feville © rio. Pont pry railed, gentlemen, This reparate school guestion will be settled to your satisfaction, ' ~ "Home Rule at Home. News, 5 louse. of .Comimons has often declared in favor of-homo rule for Ire 'Brantford Courier, ' . Moe. Osler ought to. come to Brant- ford and see. some of those sixty-year young boys: whooping it uptin the Lourling games, ' L * A Change of Heart. One Temi of the university. staff says he has not sworn at another inember "since last Uowherd Surely Sveryiiog may now be considered to be 'working smoothly. } A Discredited Theory. Toronto Telegram. Canada does not t Sir Mac- kentio Bowell's' theory that he was premier by divine right, and that i was an act of sacrilege for Hon. George E. Foster to spill bim out of the premiership. A Chicago Alderman Owes His Election to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "I can. heartily and conscismntiously reconmend Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy for affections of the ry -- lungs," - . John Shenick, 226 So. Pout he Shi . "Two years (8g0 during a tical c ign, | caught ce alter Being. orerbeated, fwhich irritated my throat and | way finally compelled Ao stop, as 1 could not speak alowd. In my extremity a frieod advised me to use Chanter. lain's Cough I teok two doses that afternoon and could not be. ring the Inflammation hod arrets moming the in ion o Sh uidet, » {ook sevienl doves - at Kept right on talking through th 1 thank this ties seat in the Council." f6r sale by all drug. -------- Minister Asked to 'Stay. + 'Willetsholme, March 7.--The patrons of Woodburn cheese Inctory their g 'meeting on Tuesday last, mak: ing but little change in the manage ment, A, Curtis, W. Bennett and D. A. 'were appointed: a committee, John Wilson, Wilstead, re-elected as the 2 bh & i 1 BT , ond. Mrs. James Reebner as "Arpastirer, As nearly every "at John Gillespie's, Wilson Shlertaiund a few of | recently, Mr. Eyre, pr rarely minister, to remain another t Pittsburg. y =i member, was everywhere, disgust for party men and , *P¢ial committee; ceremony was performed couple took "| given she stopped at Jogging, NX, i Miquidation was' sold subconumiblos of the cabinet has vinted. to deal with the sub- id to des clauses of the autonomy kills, Captain Arthur Armstrong, Lloyd: town, struck by a Toronto street car, died at the: General" Hospital, vester- day afternoon, © ° unlet throughout Ireland show a peduction of 64 per, $04. Tice are new 41,000 acres of untenanted land. Ince i at Danville, Ark., that Be was the murderer of his wife and threo children when confront ed with their dead bodies, The choice of adjutant of the Bisley teain liex between Paymaster John Grove, Guelgh: Paymaster W. D, King, Bowmanville, and Major W. H. David- son, Quechee, 1 3 ' "Winston Chiisrclall's motion on pre ferential trade was defeated in the British' Housé of Commons. The divi sion showing a government majority of forty-two, * The Canadian Board of Fire Under writers has desided to dispense with all provingial Bbosnds, and to admin: ister the affairs the association of from headquarters, A somewhat unusual incident hap: ned in the House of Commons, when D. Monk, M.P., an opposition elected chairman of a M. De Witte, president of the com- mittee of ministers, hax tendered his resignation ti, the emperor on the plea that the latter hassevinoed a lack of confidence in hi LL Surgeon-Cologel; C. €. Sewell has | resigned the positien of principal me: dical officer sof he «Webec garrison, nd has succeded by Lioug.-Col. a been J. D. Brosseau, ANC. Married at Lyndhurst. Long Point, Marth 7.-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hiram SHook, on February th, a daughter. On Tuesday after noon, Febraudy * 8th, Thomas -B. Bryan, a outh © 1 or, of cn for Saskatchewan and | ob bie, th Wk Mott: Con J ; ib. we oq + ied hv. 'the Hee. No Chloroform Candidates. Mr. Fitzgerald at; 3t. Luke's p y+ tery, Lyndhurst. They were attended by the groom's brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. W. Js Bryan. After the the bridal the train for Brockville and Carleton. After a few days' ill- ness, of preumonia, one of our oldest residents, William Warren, died on Monday. February 27th. He was = native of the county of Wexford, Ire land, was eighty-lonr years of nge and for upwards of sixty vears hss by his industry avd frugality, consid erable property. Since the death of his wife, nearly two years ago, he has been kindly eared for by his son, Wiliam, and family. He leaves four children. two sons. and two daugh: tors, all married, several granhchild dren and grest-grandchildren. His funeral took. place "on March Ist to St. Luke's church, Lyndhurst, the services being performed by the Rev. Mr. Fitzgerald, after which the body was placed in the vault. The attendance at our school ic small owing to so many of the children baving the measles. Dr. A. B. Chap: men and his wife, Reston, Man.. were visiting friends here last week. Jacob Bryan, C. Weeks and €. J. O'Connor were all in Gananoque on Friday last. James McDonald, Melcombe, spent Su. tarday ovening pt _C, J. O'Connor's: J, MeNpmbe snd sister Maggio, To- ledo, visited at F. Slack's on Wedpoes. day, March 1st: Mr: and Mrs. T. Me: Rea and children, of Lansdowne, visited at C. 0'Comor's on Sunday. E. McRiady, put in a ton of salt in his factory herp vesterday. W. J. Slack has resigned his position in the Brockville asylum, and is spending o few weeks at his home bere. Mrs. D. Townsend has recoversd from hor re cent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Guinford, Seeles's Bay, were calling on friends here on March 1st. i epee, A High Diver Hurt, New York, March, 9.~Mlle. Adelina Antonio, the high diver, narrowly es caped death when she leaped from the summit of the Lune Park tower at Coney Iuland yesterday and fell with a crash through a breaking net. Her condition "js eritical. The young wel man was scheduled in the last act of the rehearsal for the New York Hip- podromie to dive from the Spire of the i: | tower into a net 150 feet below. When the signal® for the jump was on a small platform 8 the top of the tower and a moment later was whirling fowand. the net, in which her death" whi rber, Meyer Antonio, met ithe 'woma Tanya if a Fs than Seton "a she Toft the platiorm. She fell into an emergency awning which had been placed under L the net, (ground. The two obstructions broke From she fell to the the fall aml may have saved her life, Se ra------ : . 25c. Roll Butter 20¢. - Rolls of butter, Be; 3 cans blue berries, We. ey -Money back if not satisfactory, "$7.50 to 89, which he will offer ler, who Disinfectant | and is gradually incressing in flesh than other and weight." A ------------ y Absence of Rigidity Puszales , : Medical Man. London, March 9A case a midical man was for dilous that death had taken place has occurred © at Crewe. When her mother went into her bedroon, at nid- t on Saturday, she found Annie Jinks looking out of the window. A moment afterwards she fell dead. A medical man was summoned. He wade an examination, but so lifelike was the rance of the body that be hb for a while whether death really 'claimed the woman. The doctor explained to the eoroner nnd the jury at the ingtiest yesterday that the of rigidity 'and other signs of dissolution caused his doubt. The coroner said it was most remarkable, and asked the doctor, in view of the many cases whero living people have been pronounced ded. whether Le was quite certain vow. He louger, said the medical wan, and he added that he believed a chill, which ilaced syncope, struck the woman when she got out of hed. After the Inquest the relatives asked for a fur. in which tie incre ther examination of the body, sud the two medical men who conducted it found incontestable proofs of death. -------- Dying With Cramps. The distress at times is so severs you almost think it means death, Ip ohe minute you can cure cramps with Nerviline. Ever try it? "I think Ner viline is the finest in the world for colic and cramps," writes W. B. Wilton, of Toledo, "When | take Nerviline 1 know its going to relieve quickly and for that reason I am never remedy without it. | have found Nerviline good far sick headache and stomach troubles and | recomend it for strength and supe " Doctors say that Poleon's Nerviline specialist" Sin" Stomach "and bawel di orders. Better koop a 2c, bottle of hand for emergeficies. 15 a regular To Lead the Kilties' Band St. Catharines, Ont, March 9.- Bandmaster William Peel, of the 191) St. Catharines Regiment, has cabled his acceptance of the offer to lead the Highlandérs' hand. now touring in the old eountry. He will join the band at Glasgow on March 20th, amd leaves here on Friday. Any Symptom Like This. Headaches, norvous despondency, loss of energy, failing memory, Don't despair. Wade's Iron Tonic Pills act- ing through the blood and on the herves reatore {to you the vivacity and health of youth. In hoxes 25c. Great Snap For One Week. Prevost, Brock street, has laid aside fifty all wool tweed suits, worth al 85 per suit. A great bargain. Mf. and Mrs. J. H. McGillivray, of Smith's Falls, have wuch sympathy in the loss of their seven-year-old daugh is dead from" an attack of paralysis, TA ! "Por run down and Wine, B0c. drug store. Polite Magistrate Deacon of Brook ville "is 'aged seventy-five, and ' has been on the bench gince 1871. Children Are Underfed The Result Is Weakness, Rickets, St. Vitus' Dance And Many Ills Of Childhood--The Cure Is Dr. Chase's Nerve Food "'Nine-tenths of children ave under fed," writes a great English scientist who made an exhavstive study of the subject, Children require double nourishment --{a enable them to grow az well as to repair the wear and tear consequent on living. : Active exervise of mind and body, together' with growth and physiologi ca changes, comsumes nerve force at a tremendous rate, exhaust the sup ply of rich blood and leave the body weak and liable to disease. Pallor and weaknkss, weak ey x, nervousness, skin diseases, rickets, St. Vitus' Dance and constant liabil ity 10 catch cold and to contract the disease of childhood are the result, 'Ax a means of restoring the vitality of wedk, puny children there is no pre paration so effective as Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Being mild and gentle in action and powerful as a creator of new, rich blood and nerve forve, this great food cure is admirably suited to the needs of childhood, soon adds new, firm flesh and tissue to the weak and ema- cinted body and restores the vigor of robust childhood, There is no means by which nour ishment is so directly supplied to the blood and nerves as by the use of Dr, Chase's Nerve Food, because this pre paration is. composed entirely of the eléments of natire which are required to build up and restore strength to the gvstem, Mrs, T. Daleell, 21 Charles street, Kingston, Onl. states: "One of wy children suffered very much with head- achy, caused no doubt from overstudy and a run-down condition of the ner vous system. These attacks of head: ache were very trying on her and | poticed that she was gradually grow- mg weaker and more nervous. About tvo months ago 1 got a box of Dr, Chase's Nerve Food and since she has been using this preparation we are more than pleased 'with the improve ment, which bas been made in her health. She looks one hundred per fries are steadier with headaches systems" Beef Fron Gibson's Red Cross Dr. Chase's Nerye Food, 50 cents a bax, at all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. The portrait every bx, signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, i book In all kinds ofhomes. By all kinds of people. ALA Known all over for absolute purity and" delicious flavor. Black, Mixed or Green, 'Sold only in se fead packets. 25c.,30c,, 40c., Sor peor ib. By all Groocefs. Highest Award St. Louis, 1904, En " - ---- ISS SSE ELEN LTR ML ge $ awe oe wig iE LA? { BIBBY'S BIBBY'S ren cle bn. | Sines se We Have Your Spring Overcoat Ready to hand over any time you come for it, and that time shouldbe pretty near at hand, unless you prefer to wor- ry along with a winter overcoat into the warm weather. Our Spring Overcoats show an individualify that raises them away above the average coats. 3 You can discern the B touches that you usually asso- ciate with custom work. > And yet you'd expect to pay more for such excellence than these prices, wouldn't you > SNAPPY TOPPERS, in Dark Grey, Fawns and Stripes, $7 50, 8.50, 10 and 12.50. % GROSVENOR ENGL!SH RAINPROOF WORSTEDS. Over. coat and Raincoat combined, newest shades, $10, 12, 12.50, 13.50 and 15. Watch our window for the NEW NECKWEAR. Wear a Purple. THE H. D. BIBBY CO. Clothiers -and- Haberdashers, Oak Hall, Kingston. «, 60g, 2 -Do-- © i 000+ 2ssrtsrssessssnssntesassssccsasas sa aangd Pee Reade te dh a a a PS THUR OTTVVTREBR ICON OORT RDE CBB ON I ., ® - Foot } Protection: 0908 ® ® @ ® Snow and ice one day and ® 'slush the next, followed by ® slippery pavements, will let no ® ® ® one forget that good stout shoes are needed. ® MEN'S heavy shoes in Box Calf, ® ® Velour: 'Calf and Enamel leathers, ® @ $3.50, $4.50 and $s. WOMEN'S different weight soles in Box Cll, Vici Kid and Patent Kid Shoes, mew styles, $2.50, $3, $3.50. BOYS' AND GIRLS' Box Calf Don- coc0@e9 00 gola Kid and heavy Oil Tanned S Boots, good durable soles, $1.25, ® $1.50 up to $2, according to size. ® vy 1 ne TT ® 8 J. H. Sutherland & Bro. ¢ - THE SHOERS. en SMOKE 1 We take pleasuré®in informing the public that we: have ' purchased, at considerable expense, one of the best Smoke-Testing Machines In the Dominion, and are prepared to test the plumbing work on public buildings and private residences with this machine at reasonable rates. The smoke test is modern, up-to-date "and effective, and is 'required bv govern- ments and all civil authorities where ea ' plumbing laws exist. No need to have any doubts ahey your plumbing fixtures not being perfect. Have them tested: ELLIOTT BROS - Plumbers and Steamfitters. "Phone 35 or 55. "ble and easily digested " ' Send for the ** Vital HREDDED W) CANADIAN SHREL Cte ¢ They =: matches y one's appt some, styl that you w « PRO in cloth. patterns a ed into p tallofs PROGRESS BRAND C * by C. Livin, em EPG 00000 SOFT GOAL Mins run, $4.25 ton. Three-quarter lump, $4.50 ton 1 dsville Li JES SWIFT & 00. Telephone 138. Our Stock of SILKS, TAPESTR VELOURS. latest Paris designs, for bolstbring Department. on 147 and get price om parlor sett or odd JAMES REI The Leading Undertaker, Princess Streot Kings | ----e--r-- ----------. SANITARY PLUMBI Of wre in need of plum) ¥ Pating work of « any kind, we You 'what you SIL you with wor - Fuaranteed 10 be = tharges 1, heating work Aabhing work tended 14 ant at prices fh kmanship and' n the very hest | r estimates on plum) " solicited snd pr A-& yy [ rc . AMIES ------ us. IANO TUITION NAY NEWNAN, 271 King St To hen cia care in | ; A 8 theory ang e Tbderg te Tetephone sab gh Rt " 4 and 1 wry eqn personally. he 51 OR Consult

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