r i i fii i ts Ti =: i F, ® i ¥ : § iz 3 F j ; | : i : £7 ek i i < i i ! 7 » : 4 ft | 7 i 4 E i Hi 2 5 F of : i it would be to collegiate to hav er as there were a smpson asked if it was true tion regarding hiv » depa Xe Mcintyre and Principal Ellis The report was adopted in full. School Property. The property committes od no action on the eph Gould and-Neil Met ou creases of salary, wh 05 30 { the heati 50 § torin and other ee | #d that the caretakers d to understand how to explana riure. knew ich was adopted. | not given him, the inecr stated aturney was asked about | that two years might teow before pn ventilation in Vie: | could complete the plans, and even He explain- | then he would have to neglect his of id not seenr | fice work to attend to the matter. the build: | was decided to agk No: to the Somnit ioe far definite information re- w ative t tv Oo conld be sav. neti. 7 a use | noer's report is held in abey 3 As to ventilation, Victoria ing the Clima . i beat. of condi: | which nels, the Spake spn was operated, al, fan and motor were re. local thy a, oh approval; vu mates of the cost will ported that it would able thing for the works' department vmmended that it be purchas- ed. During the four days it was oper: fol- | ated, the cost was $26.70. good results, Much fuel od if the 'caretakers w s SEzadassssis - Reports on Schools. Kidd presented sum regarding { for cn jo Februa 8=g2EssassRes Sesstianss 352 328882335; - t cases of truancy, 'but Ellis reported that du ati nstitate was 441; a gt - - - it Ef Collegiate Bapanditure : Other Business. y Mr, Melntyre and second. wily Jambuet . that ry insteuc to eorrespo the minister of education with terms, and report to the board. Car. In view of the visit of Prof. Robert. | Plant walks and crossings. M ght it would be well if tion of the board would int with regard to the quest $14,839 73 | cation was decided to a view Mr. Robertson. g = + Lambert a deputa- erview hip, grant of 3650 asked as {very large, in view of the fact that te Prof. John Mars very interesting, The committen rganized the lectures, and all tending, owe a of titude to Mr. Sliter, antorn slides, which esnre. | material] of Frontenao | readings. k and Fraser, of olleginte Institute be each increased | slides from September lst next; that in view al. the gg A in connection wi 'ol y on Aly the committee could not see | Winter, that ~ they its way clear to recommend any other | their Shakespears incroases salaries; that | Marshall, Victoria school, _ : Collegiate Tnstitute, aneht with the Lie permitted to write on examina | V Queen's in April, if they sup table substitutes during ue eur Vindar directors be it at convention in Toronto for | vited Rev. W. proper substitutes; - that A. nglish | Wood was pastor te al] avenue church, M da | 18M, to June, 1897. He entered to sue | ministry in 1890, Collegiate in 1804. He Gananoq y to the illumination of the The task was a difficult one especially in the "Hamlet » most admirable, The enthusiastic benefit from the course 4h the At the police court, this morning, = | two statute labor delinquents Ot tures, this | srdered to pay an tte dollar ¢ continuing their delay. Hudjed Majer rol. Thomas McLean, a former member Yan of "A" battery, was charged being Seva. He was, yesterday, dis i charged from the batt for his ray at. the college a temperate habits, but ofased to cept his discharge. He wads given suit of civilian clothes to exchangs for his uniform, but was so firmly at- ot church has in- | tached 10 the latter that he refused to Yue, make the change, and could not be tor Jorsunded to leave the battery until oe was assisted through. the bi tex of the Mount Royal | by some of hia comtadeninarme. PC. Craig, shortly after, gathered him in, on a charge of dramkennoss. This morning he was fined 83 and costs, or in teachers Messrs. Ettinger, of Is of the course, ---- Invited to Westmount. Westmount Method to be the pastor of the church conference of next June, Rev. Mr, . Paris, be tad The. Navas or he Institute ai » salary of $500. Donnelly drew attention to has been stationed ue for the last four years, ------ That Hacking Cough. be cured and your fr ry e the Moin timent ot Mine former having steel faunas and betta a hight and Ald. Sears thought it was per haps bet Pay a little re i another lady drach, | better article. wan sewed AT: Hi | vey favored giving it to the local ten derer. He moved Wat this he done, aud the committee agreed. fieinkiors will be ordered from James turney. plaining his position in ef, gav and water nsgins. in- | water works, and recom ter, economical show ring | thine had made would Justify at [board of warks in fecommending its ver | purchase, Ald, Riguey favored pur- oding number for | chasing the machine, as the engineer had advised that way. "On 'motion of Ald. Angrove, the coummittes to purchase the machine. asked for rough stone and sO Their Fault. at {one month in jail. "How the Bar-room des | a TR her bolish Twas t opic : of an address given at the Sailors' ther bad condition yet | Snug Harbor, fast ph by The engineer rend a statement ex with the preparation of pl ted that $225 would be required "for "1 help to be apportioned thus : R- ta of Jos | of works, Lv ht department, $50; «Hi mssistance the water works' the meantine ty engineer be a most valu blic | same work had done by L ie the cost would have ben $1 ia Th machine did better 'Work than that by hand. Ald. Sears shggostod that matter of purchase be left over till 3 . The chairman this. If that was done, the would just be delayed as it had been at- [in the past. Tt was time that Ki "There | ston took sown steps towards re no | its Stes in better condition in "win: No tion wap taken on. the . | munication rs. Cochrane re, the Sere: ing snow shovelling charges, The avi pincer was instructed 1o advise ablishment, of a ya r | Paul's church wardens as to the ac. on what | Hon to pursue in regard watering. Tenders webe orde Civic Finance Committee. The civie finance committee had fon of there | session that lasted almost till scheme of edu- | night Thursday. The chief question un. p Kingston. It {der discussion was the revising of the int Mr. Mclntyre, | salaries of the treasury department of- t to inter: | ficials, The changes must be made be. y fore the budget is presented , The board adjourned at 9.40 o'clock, | city council on the 22h. 1t ---- . i -------------- cided to refer the fixin, of th te he THE LECTURES ENDED. Wark collector's wey - the -- ------ : Works committer and that of Collector Prof. Marshall Completes Shakes | Moore to the light committee fo port. The finance committen will dos is | With those of the city treasurer hall Souicted Mona the tax collector, There shouldn't be Ahr on | any difficulty * it- arranging finishing with * his | Salaries. Last year's fire and committee dealt with the salary tion in & prompt manner, and w fobt afraid to make either reduction who made the | increases. --------e . POLICE COURT NEWS. Statute Labor Delinquents Up For ------------ Use it For School Luncheons. oo Devgan rea ah hin and system | put on te 3 t the same ting hy | children, W. Clark, manufacturer, 8 Syrup of Tar and | Montreal. . . Be. large bottle, ¥. A soon operat: | ered and secular, were dyspepsia, ' try For habitual constipation, dizziness, headache, i Of the Frontenac Conservative Association. JAMES McGLYNN conservative association of Frontenac that garden township. He has been a useful public man also, having filled the offices of dominion fishery inspee- been called to the three presidential posts of the conservative association by acclamation, and from his record will serve with the full approsal of his party. \ teers ANOTHER COMMUNICATION On the Question of Roughness in Our Sports. tor): "J.BW." in Tuesday's W brings up a matter of the utmost im which demands most energetic action on the part of the authorities, A more disgraceful exhibition than the match at Smith's Falls, between the local team and Marlboros, it would be diff dult to imagine, and yet as "J BW." points out, no action was taken by the authorities to prevent the recur rence of such affairs. Some years ago a somewhat similar difficulty confronted the Scottish rug- by football union. An Edinburgh tenm, after defeating the local team . of a der town in a championship match, received some severe treatment at the hands of a section of the Spex tators. The action of the S.R.F.U. was prompt and decisive, and the spec- tary of the offending club was noti fied that no rugby team would be al lowed to visit the town for two years, This punishment, though somewhat drastic, certainly had the. desired of fect, and since then no visiting team ot official has ever been assaulted at a rughy mateh in Scotland. then a large amount of money changes hands after every match, to say nothing of the effect of a win _ or loss on subsequent "gates," there js every inducement to a certain class of players and spectators to resort to unsportsmanlike methods, and de- cisive action on the part of the au thorities is urgently needed. As th. rules stand at present, or perhaps 1 should say, as interpreted by the re ferde, 'a player can resort to rough play to the advantage of his side, and only risk he takes is of being. "ruled off" for a few minutes. The number of times the offence js repeat ed in the same match, is in itself prool that the pebalty is inadequate and it is undoubtedly the duty of the governing body to increase its sever ity. Where there a minimum penalty of five minutes, with ten or fiftecn min utes. or even more, in case of flagrant rough play, it would become the worst policy for the interest of the side to play a rough game. In English foot ball a man resorting to rough play in ruled off for the rest of the mateh and reported to the union, who in Some cases suspend a mw matches, and the result has been to virtually stamp out rough play even in professional teams, Were rules in Canadian hockey and football amend ed in this direction, clubs he sible for the treatment of visiting teams and officials, and compelled to provide police protection if necessary, the games would derive the greatest possible benefit. W..J. wan for several Id respon A Wrestling Challenge. Montreal, March 9. (The sporting Editor) : "Kindly issue ao challenge through your paper-¥or. Eugene Trem- blay, the chamgion lightweight of the world to meet any one hundred and forty pound man in Ontario. If you have any heavier men, | have a man to meet them all, Tremblay will throw any three lightweight wrestlers in Kingston the same night. Let me know if you could 'arrange this fob me. Yours truly, GRORGE KEN. NEDY. Sporting Notes. The uégotiations to seeure Jack Dunn as manager for the Providence ball club, have been clinched. The latest Derby quotations found Lord Rosebery's Cicero and the French colt Jardy equal favorites at 4tol The clubs and the OHA. received $205 cach from Tuesday's senior championship game between the Marl boros and Smith's Falls at Peterboro. President Powers, of the eastern 1, has announced the appoint ment of Thomas Sullivan as an eastern league umpire, Sullivan's work here lust year was pretiy fair in com parison with those of some of the other indicator-handlers. . Capt. LeSuer, of the Smith's Falls team, admitted after the game on Tuesday night that the best team won, beyond doubt. "The Marlboras are a little bit faster all along the line than we are, althow the score should have been closer," said the easterner's ge oper, Billy Baird, of Ottawa. whi" plays with Pittsburg in the international , is out of the game for the rest of the season. While playing at Usn. adian Soo recently he had his jaw: bone fractured, likewise his collar bone, and three Singers on his left 3 ' The newly chosen president of "the was born. on Wolle Island, and has been one of the successful farmers of tor for dhe district, township assessor and auditer for several years. He has portance to Canadian sports, and one THE MEMBERS SOCIATION MET. x Over Sixty Members Enrolled Close Corporation to Raise Prices--Its Object. The members of the local branch of the Retail Merchants' Association of Canada juet, last night, at the coun cil chamber, to elect officers, and io become better soquainted with the aims and objects of the association. The local branch, which has been or jiged hy Organizer Eade, Toronto, fra enrolled over sixty members, of whom about twenty-five were present lust evening, i at The following officers were elected : Prevident, Fdward Steacy; first viee- president, A. Strachan; second vice president, W. Sawyer; secretary, W. A. Mitchell; treasurer, H. D. Bibby. Representatives from the - different lines of retail business were also chos- Mm to act with these officers in mak- ing up the executive of the associa- tion. The representatives chosen were Grocers, J. Gilbert. M. Corkey; dry- gwds, D. J. Laidlaw; boots and shoes, J, S. Sutherland; drugs; W. W. Gibson, and F. Hoag; clothing and tailoring, Edward 'Romey; jewellers, p Spangenberg; furniture, C. Taylor; hats and furs! W. Y. Mills: confec- tionery and fruits. A. J. Rees: arts and stationery, NM. Kirkpatrick and R.Uglaw. "The executive war Jeft to decide the time and place of the regu lar meetings of the association, President Steacy, in his inaugural association's desire is to disabuse the public mind of the belief that the as. sociation is a close corporation formed to - raise prices or any thing of like Kingston, March 9.--{To%ke SRdi J nature, but on the other hand its motto is "Let Kingston Flourish." The association will encourage huv. ing at home and will interest itself in obtaining such legislation as vitally afiects the interests of retail merch. ants, such as to make easier the onl lection of small debts. to make ofimin- al false advertising, and to enforce amend the law regarding peddlers' ;- censes, ------ SWEET LAVENDER. Terry the Redeeming Feature of the Play. Edward Terry, the famous English comedian. who is making his first tour of Canada and the United States played at the Grand Opera House, last night," the bill being "Sweet Lavender." in which old-time English play, the veteran comedian has an peared about four thousand times The*audience was a fair one, and Nr. Terry received a friendly reception which was continued throughout the performance. » The play. taken on its own merits, clever work of the talentdld™ coy n tided over the dull passages and kept his audience' in the best of humor. His portraval of Dick Phenyl, the erratic and bibulous old barrister, with several faults: and more yedecm- ing qualities is a remarkable piece of character acting. in which the come dian has created . his part and suits his creation. He proved himself a comedian 'of the hest class and the reason of his popularity with the English people is quite apparent. Beyond this, however, the produc tion bas no great merit, Mr. Terry himself being the one bright and shining star, Miss Beatrice Terry, in the title role, did fairly well, but displayed no striking ability." Mirs Laura Nicholls, as the unfortunate mother of Lavender, was very natural and looked and played her part feel ingly. A. Hylton Allen, as Sweet La vender's lover, has a manly appear ance and considerable ability as an actor. Tom Lovell, as the irrepres sible young American, had only one fart. his English accent. and this should be forgiven on the merit of his other work The display of scenery was notice able through its absence, but alto gether the performance thoroughly satisfied the andienco. Kingston's Opportunity. Toronto World The city of Kingston is now under going its usual experience of no street cars in winter. The company has seen fit to drop the service the same as it did last year. It is now in order for the city of Kingston to come to the legislatures of the province and ask that power be given them to run the road. And it is also within their pro- vince to ask the legislature to cancel the charter for non-performance of service. The people of Kingston should not hesitate to take over the road, provided they can get it at the actual value of the proposition, and the legislature should not hesitate a single moment to authorize the muni cipality to thus acquire it. -------- Up to Full Force. At the armovries, la night, the Hth Regiment held the first drill of the season for the recruit class, The drill was largely attended by both old and new members of the regiment and Capt. Hughes, adjutant, enrolled a large number of reoruits and the re- cruit class was given an opening drill by Uclor-Sergt. Sleeth: From the number who were at the armouries last night, the officers of the 14th are counting on having their regiment up to full force this coming season. © ---- A Guaranteed Cure For Piles, Itching, blind, bleeding or protrud- ing piles. Your druggist will refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure you in six to fourteen days. Sic, ------ W. SR Eiffe, MA. speaks at. a teachers" convention in Rrockville, on March 24th. en "Nature Study." Cares a Col inOve Day, 20s € Zon Tub butter 17. per Ib, at Mullins. NOTICE! OF MERCHANTS RETAIL AS- Election of Officers--Is Not . Dr. Hill's Prescription Sars Secon Cars Jot, 50 For this Dread Disease is , © madd Prepared and sold only at i}, advan BEST DRUG STORE Phone 59. Trial bottle, 25c¢. speech, emvhasized the fact that the in some brands. Shirts for busi ness or evening wear. A tempting array of the transient: traders' license law and Beautiful color combinations and many new styles. Specially at tractive stock of Pajamas and 'fixings' of all kinds to please the man of taste. ISAAC ZACKS Lace, Lace, Lace! At almost your own price on Saturday Yesterday we received 3.500 yards of Lace and Insertion d rect from Nottingham. Thi Tee is dull and uninteresting, but the " a lot we got hold of at a | reduction in price, and you get the benelit : Laces and Insertions, w Jetter grades, worth SEE DISPLAY IN WINDOW z ' 2 McFedridge's Choice Meals The Juiey, Steaming Roast th main attraction of a good dinner ) meat must be well cooked, hut fir must be well ent. At this mark will find the Choice of the 4 cut in any style, shape or form kn i to the art of meat Cutting SATURDAYS SPECIALS S000 bs. of Choice Western Beef 1000 Ibe. Prime Rib Roasts, 10. to 1000 Ibe. Choice Sirloin Roast ® Shoulder Roasts, Te. to . Necks of Good Western | to Go : e Farmers" Fed Pork, Sc. Three-quarter lump, $4. . Veal, well fod, 7c. to I 500 Is. Lamb, 6e. to 1 On" Saturday night at 7 will once again put on our fare bundles of Mixed Meat To r Only 25 bundles will be put wp come first served. No order taken hefore 7 o'clock, so as every one a fair chance PEOPLE'S MEAT MARKET, m, BACOT Ey GOR. JONNSTON. TELEPAONE 564. At Last A Cure for Dyspepsia Has Been Discovered. pduced Fares $46.30 to Pacific Co ch 0 4a 400, 1005. a ot : Trail, Robson, "Helena, Salt s Denver, Pueblo & " Los Angeles .. § ursd and Th ation of passe ¥i ot or Second Class ; poling bE Jest thereo S 10 Chiehso and Best minal chary be berths, which may be res Comfort Travel by the Gra frank Rallway System. J. P. HANLEY, Ax ' Qorser Joboston and Outario # N & PEMBROKE & CANA PACIFIC RAILWAYS, Colonist Special Trai Canadian Northw fers and their difects will §.10 a.m. every i» For 124 Princess St for Set Kisgston a nsday During March & 1 sufficie nt business offers Colonist Sleeper will be attacl won rom Renfrew. ; fu i Settlers Guide and Copy hay. De obtuined from ticwldrs way Agents : Pacific Coa ory 10% Facing a MEN'S FURNISHINGS Phir Sl duriog sur You can find every shape and size Apri. RoE PY in fine collars here. Quarter sizes Rll par. Ontario Street ¥ P. R. Ticket Oftice, I. A. FOLGER Gen F, CONWAY, * Gen, Pass Ant ~ NECKWEAR ay OF QUINTE RAILW New short line for Tweed, Ni ints. Deseronto, and all local poin Dior Hall Depot at 3:25 p. CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiags LIVERPOOL and ALLAN LINE "* Lobo Royal Mail Steam A St. John, from k , Sat. Mar, 11; on. Ba, at. Mar. 18 : Shoe ¥ Tapisian, Sat. Mar. 25: Mon. ' Parisian, Sat. April 1; Mon. RATES OF BASSAG BuFitsy 5 ds, according Q ! $0 ad upwards scoring ps I sod Londonderry, $37.5 $40, ascordiog to steamer extra; Third Class, accuiodation, Livarpe Glasgow, London. ut NEW YORK T0 GLASGOW 4. Mar. 16 , noo! Noah Cabin in, $10 and up--Secor fa $35-Third Class, $27.50. Por further particulars A t J, P. HANLEY, Agenty G.T.N Passenger Depot. oy Pe A SLEEVE, Clarence Street. IR WIN- ome, BERMU unknown, malaria im) From New York, 48 hours by new twin screw stemmship ** Berm Sailings 16th, and 25th March av Iv thereafter. A : FOR WINTER CRUISES GC - WEST INDIE 80 days trip. About 20 days in Sailings from New Yo te Windward and Leews isads, Barbados and Demerar: ws (10) days. For o1 ars apply to A. E. OUT 00, Agents, for Quehec NS. Broadway, New York ; de., He. and Ge. a vard Yours on Saturday 0c. a vard, Saturda go at THLTTTBLRL LTT TSTETAS EAE AEE RRR L LLC TUULI TTT RCT TTS EES DUR POLICIES COYER MO buildin, ' xs and cortents Shan y wman & Shaw ' Godin's Insurance Emperiu $ " Sqeare S33A33assstLN SAA lind ARCHITECTS. wu. NEWLANDS, ARCHITE second floor ever Maboo Store, corner Princess po Streets. Entrance on Bags Telephone 608. ARTHUR ELLIS. ARCHITE site of New Drill Hall, Ber of Queen and Montreal § nes smcssresiesemmerim-------- POWER & SON ARCHITEC thant's Bank Building, cor: and Wellington streets. "Ph BERRY p. swmrTH, ARC ~ Anchor Building, Rovere 'Phone 945 e00000004 $ Reynoldsville COAL Wine run, $4.25 tor 1000 Ibs. Rib Rolled, 1c