; capitalists on the report of wEpirts have taken 'up sliver wining pro- 3 tions in the T Pm i 90,500,000 bushels, us auningt or x B1.B00,000 Lushely last year The yield of cider in in France, it was average product for ihe last ten yesrs. The Barirtirame Compuny. a fi Rowan us the Mauifoiding COmBany. Weak of shout Be. in the price of whont for July delivery occurred in Chi- Sago. Uther options wulfered alinost se sharply. Excellent growing weather Ah the winter wheat section of States was the cause, . tis officially desied that the Cans- dian Pacific is directly or indirectly in. terested | iW the lines that werd recently tupsolidited as the New York-Canadian Pacific. It ix added that the present ew York connections of the Canading Paclic gre entirely tatisfacto: -------------- YMCA Notes. During the winter Rev. CG. A Lowes has given xomé moet practical wd dresses before our 1.15 o'clock men's meeting. A large number of men have always wend when hr wan adver: tied to spenk, and definite Dleswings have followed hin appropriate mes sages. For the next two Sunday af ternoons Mr. Lowes will speak, and a strong gospel address may be looked for on each ocension. Noxt Sunday Mr. Lowes will give a ten-minute ad- drow on "Why I Gave Up Plaving Billiards," and a quiet talk on "How a Young Man Gains Complete Mastery Over Both Mind and Body." A large gathering of men is anticipated, site recently there was hung in our hallway a watercolor sketch of the Awociation building. This was a pres. ent from the artist, Arthur Ellis. Such ts which beautily our rooms are Righty appreciated. Steam Yacht to be Built. The steamyacht Nokomis, belongin to William Nichols of New York, will be rebuilt at the Thurston boat yard, Alexandria Bay, this spring at sn es- timated expenditure of 85,000, The improvements include the placing on the boat. of steel ribs and rivets. and oew planking. Melood's condition powders, best for horses, 2 packages 250. McLeod's rug Store. Mexico 66 dozen (780 in all) Under- skirts at a price which would not pay for the ma. terial alone, to say nothing about the making and finishing. Usual price, $I. cial Sale, 53c. ~The material is a fine quality Fast Black Mereer- ized Sateen, equal in color and texture to the very best. The making is of the very best tailored style, thorough- ly sewn and finished. < The style is one of the 1905 ideas, full circular flounce, 12 inches deep, made up of four separate ruf- fles. ~Each skirt is finished with a separate dust frill, Every size in this assortment, 36, 38, 40, 42 1904 was the} ations, which is double the well. wa Toronto corporation, will estab. 1 ACOTY shortly in Mexico City, to ql To Pick . Britain. YOUNGHUSBAND'S LATE RAID MADE AN EXCUSE. England's Advantage Unfair--De- claration Made on High Rys- sian Authority That She Has Underhandedly Entrenched Hersell During War. Special to the Whig. St. Potersbu steadily re-enforcing her military brig bond both in men and guns, in the tion of the Indian frontier. Sensational rumors of the dispatch of ro-enforcements for Rusian tan were current two months ago but they were then denied, The Associated Press is now in a authority of a traveller of unimpeach- able veracity, who has just arrived from Tashkend, and who wav a per- sonal witness of military activity on the recently completed Orenbury: Tash end other strategic railroads thiuugh Merv 10 Keasnovodsk. Troops, guns and munitions of war have been moving southward for two = ths, Between the middle of January and the middle of February fifty-six mili- tary trains, mostly carrying artillery, artived at Tashkend. he guns were mostly sent from Merv, from whence a purely military railway line goes to Kursk. The travel in question was in formed, although he had no personal kawledge on the point, that Russisn trou ad crossed Pamirs through Terek Pass and garrisoned Kashgar, The Orenburg-Tashkend railroad was 80 srowded that the traveller was foreed to return by way of Krasno- voduk, The Associated states that the served, Travellers, who are rare, must bo provided with special permits from the minister of war, and are kept under closest surveillance. The } age of this traveller was twice seized and searched, although his sapers were regular, It is most significant that local of- have been ordered not to per- mit Englishmen to travel in Russian Turkestan, and steamship captains on the Caspian Sea have been orbidden to allow English to land on the vast. ern shore, At Krasnovodsk Press' informant greatest secrecy is ob. the informant of the Assodisted Prows was told that iwo English officers who were travel. ling in disguise were languishing in prison Speaking generally, The Associated "informant said that the great: ont uility prevailed in the Turke- stan region, At Bokhara there were only vague rumors that a war was in progress, and absolutely nothing was known re rding political developments in uropean Russia. The only explanation of the renewal of Russia's military activity there is that it probably is a demonstration to impress Afghanistan, The Associated Press is unable here to obtain any official admission ' that an unusual military move is in pro. gross, the statement being made that i guns were going 'south it was sim. a6 ordinary operation in the way of shifting troops, but a Russian of high position made the following statement : "Russia has not any designs on In dis, as England is so fond of alleg- "Il Great Britain would only let us alone we would not trouble her, but we are not blind to the manner in which Groat Britain has seized the occasion of the present war to but tress all her interests in Central Asia, where we have as vital interests as she. "Nor ean we Russians get over the idea that soomer or later a conflict with our traditional enemy is inevita ble, and we realize that our only path to. victory lies in the direction of In di in. "Without going back to Lord Cur zon's bombastic proclamation or any thing prior to the war and omitting considerable of the manner in which she has sought to embarrass and dis crit us in its prosecution, we recall what Great Britain has done in Asia, singe the onthweak of hostilities, and ask whether Russia would not be jus- tified in making a counter move to Younghushand's expedition to Thibet, which wae not in direct violation of Great Britain's solemn assurances to LL A "Younghusband you will remember, negotiated a treaty which so closely approached a protectorate over Thi het that the British government was 'obliged to administer a public rebuke to him, . "Then Lord Kitchener's scheme for the reorganization of the Indian army blossomed, and a so-called commercial expedition was sent to Persia. "The son of the Ameer of 'Afghani: stan was next brought to Bombay. "Then pressure wae put upon Tur key to settle the Aden interland ques: tion, and now there ix the project of autonomous Arabia. « "Great Britain has been hay while the sun shone. "But Russia cannot hold her hand and see Thibet and Afghanistan con: verted nto Bhutans or Nepales nor Persia placed completely under British influence," waking Charge Against Insurance Men. Ogdensburg, N.Y., March 10. Hiram 6G. Owen. insurance inspector, State Umtlerwriters' Association, was ar- restod here on complaint of the Mor chants' National Bank of Syracuse. Tt is alleged that Owen borrowed £193 on a SC Lawrence county bond for . which he had extracted from the sale of a forme employer, A Fight With MENACE THEM , March 10. Russia is Turkes- position to affiem their truth on the rus DAILY WHI. FRIDAY. MACH fo. "Lord Chundey." a comedy that was originally written for FE. H. Sothern, will be {festa ted at the Grand on Monday by Cecil De Mille; won of the author, "Lod Chumley" is one of the best plays of its kind and it is said that the company supporting Nr. De Mille in a good one, so that thea. tregoers ean look forward to a very pleasing performance INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. James Swift has returned from Mon- treal "For invalids," bee! extracts at Gihson's Red Cross Drug Store, Sale Saturday of tape girdle corsets for 33¢. New York Dress Reform. Angus McDonald and Thomas Daw- son, Renfrew, are at the Windsor. G. W. Woodland, Toronto, and C. H."Fiokle, Bath, were in town to day, Corporation. employees were busy to day opening the water tables on Broek street, Only 50. a wine at Store, Capt. Charles Chambers is endeay- oring to purchase the schooner John McGee, bottle, beef, iron Gibson's Red and Cross Drug Mrs, Albert Clack, Kingston, is spending a month with her * sister, Mrs. Willie A. Stoughton, at Barry- vale, Today was street cleaning day in the business portion of the city and much ice was removed fron the pave- ments. Sheriff Dawson went to Harrowsmith yesterday, and today went on to Ar doch, to serve summonses for witnesses in the ballot-box trial at Belleville. The two, big song hits of the season "Billy," and "In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree." Special on Saturday only, at 19%. a copy. MeDermott Bros. Joseph Theobald, of Watertown, .Y., suffering from blood poisoning following an injury through an upset, is improving nicely "now. John M. Theobald spent several days with him this week. The chances of the proposed ice races being run off here, this spring, are from present appearances, very slight. The snow on the ice is too deep to remove aud by the time it melts, the jee will be gone. Miss May Hinckley has been remov- ed to the General Hospital with a serious illness, Last Sunday morning she sang very sweetly in street church, Her bright and winsome ways have won her many friends, who hope for her speedy recovery, Bay Blauwd's Jron Tonic Pills, "the genuine" at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, 100 for 25¢. there. A special meeting of the Trades and Labor Council was held in the new hall, over the Crown hank, last night, to arrange special business, Arrange ments were made to attend the funeral, this afternoon, of the late Peter Mon eriefl, a formor president of the coun- vil, Miss Sadie (. MeConnell, Odessa. a clever graduate of Kingston Business College, has secured ou position of trust and responsibility in Toronto. She is accompanied by her sister, Mics Frankie McConnell, who will take a course in Dominion Business College These popular youog ladies will both be very much missed. Some of the strost railway bond holders will be present at the public meeting in the City hall this even- ing, and will be in a position to give the citizens all "information they want. In view of the good reports to the government two vears ago, about profits and dividends some pertinent questions are linblé to be asked. James Willig, Drvweimond, was oper- ated upon at the Kingston General Hospital. Twelve venrs ago, while en- gaged in a logging camp. on the Mis. sissippi river, Mr. Willis had his foot frozen, which caused a disease of the bone, and it was to have this part re. moved that the, operation became ne- cessary, A W. W. Gibson, of the Red Cross Drug Store has secured the agency for Kingston of MeUConkey's of Toronto, high class candies. These candies are the finest quality made in Canada. He ako carries "Hugler's of New York, which are the highest class of goods made in the United States, Nothing but the finest quality is sold at the Red Cross Drug Store. -------------- In Parliament. : Ottawa, March 10.-R. L. Borden made an upkucoessful attempt to draw out Sir Wilirid Laurier on the autonomy hills by © questioning the constitubionality of their introdue tion. In reply to Ralph Smith, the premier showed what steps the gov- cenment had taken to counteract the schemes of Graeme Honter among the British artizans. In supply $7,100, 000 was voted for the ErOOTeu: and the Prince Edward Island rail ways, New Hats. The correct, styles at Campbell Bros. Seven pounds of new prunes, Bo. four tins of peas, We: four Ibs. of lanch biscuit Bo; three Ihe, of maple sugar, We: Wo quarts. of mixed pikes, Mel at Mullins, The Windsor Board of Trade will for 35¢, New York Dress ------------ Bale. Saturday. of tape girdle corsets Reform, banquet Hon, J. 0. Reatime on the CONSTANCE ADA WITH "Lon | of Lake Huron, 4,343 225 pounds of CHUMLEY lish being taken there. Lake Erie % ---- THE FIs INCREASE. Largest Producing Water Channel of Lake Huron -- Election Cross-Petitions Filed. Special 10 the Whig. Toronto, March 10.--Deputy Com- missioner of Fisheries Bastedo, to-day, gave oul an interesting statement re gonding the commercial fisheries of the past' year. The total yield of ali kinds of tish was 24,009,970 pounds, an increase of 3,030,297 over 1903, the estimated value being $1,793,220, | here was a decrease ii the catches of sturgeon, catfish and tullibe of 9,000, 141,000 and 16,150 pounds respective: ly. The catch of herring increased 1.- 164,430 pounds; white fish, 841,530; luke trout, 488,120, and pike, 236,375 pounds. The largest producing water was the most productive of herring. The revenue of * the fisheries depart- ment from all sources was about £50, 000, and the expenses, £33,315. . Hugh Kennedy, M.P.P., for Port Arthur and Rainy river, will enter a cross-petition against his opponent, I. A. Preston. KE, J. B. Pense, MI". Mor Kingston, also will fight his election petition, and will file a cross petition against DD, M, Mcintyre Pr HITS AT HOME RULE Dual Government Never to be At- tempted in Safety. Special to the Whig. London, March 10. The question of home rule for Ireland was the princi pal feature of the speech of Lord Rosebery before the City of London Liberal Club, fast night. His lord- ship said that while the liberal party sympathized with Ireland and was illing to proceed along lines of ad- ministrative reform, "there is one thing to which no wise statesman cover will expose the country, namely, the curse of a dual government. We have suflicient warnings in the example of Norway and Sweden and Austria and Hungary to avoid the peril of having the vulture gnawing at vitals." Lord Rosebery said that after Brit ish ships had been ordered from Port Arthur by Russia, and sent to Vene zucla at the behest of Germany, Bri: tons had little further humiliation to expect at the hands of a liberal gov- ernment. If a liberal government were called upon to renew the Anglo-Ja panese alliance he had little doubt that it would sign gladly. our very ------ ALL SAVE ONE. -- Mr. Folger's Resignatioff Not Yet Received. Special to the Whig, Toronto, March resigha tions of all the members of the Temis caming railway commission, with the exception of that of B. W. Folger, of Kingston, have heen handed in to the government. It is not yet known whe ther or not the government has decid- od to abolish the commission, aml to place the railway in charge of the public works department. This latter cannot be done unless the act relating to the railway is amended by the legislature, and there is a feeling around the parliament buildings that this change is intended. 10.--~The ee Public Meeting This Evening. The public meeting in the city hall this evening to discuss the street rail way situation promises to be a late one. Without a hig representation of all classes of citizens, little could he done The whole question lies in the supply of power. If the people show W no unecrtoin voice that they ape in favor of giving the railway cheap power, the city council will, no doubt, take action hy submitting a by-law to that eficet. That is the question for this evening's gathering to give an expression. of opinion upon. Evangelistic Meeting. The evangelistic meeting of last evening in the First Baptist church, was one of the best during the week There was a good attendance and a deep interest was manifested, Me Elliott spoke with much power on "The Unrest of the Wicked." Many- took part in the after meeting and some professed faith in Christ. It was announced by the pastor that this evening's meeting would close the series, and that much been enjoyed. blessing ha -- Appointed Secretary-Treasurer, Archibald McNaughton has been ap pointed seoretary-treasurer of the Kingston and Pembroke Railway com pany, in succession to John White bread. He has rocently heen auditor, For vears previous he was local pas senger agent, -------- To be Crown Prosecutor John Melntyre, K.C., has heen ap pointed crown prosecutor at the ge sizes which open in Cobourg on Mon. day. ---------- Renfrew council will pay ninety per cont: of wages due workmen in the defunct Cummings company. In thirty days a new company will be in charge when work jor full complement of old hands and many more will be given Wages owing employees when factory was ordered to close down amount to $1,480. With the passing away of Finlay Me ren, aged seventy-one, and brother of Senator McLaren, a well-known figuro has felt Perth. He was for years connected with lumbering inter ests, A widow and two children sur vive, Mrs. David Gordon, Carleton Place, died at her son's te sidence. Toronto. Deceased was if her eightieth vear, 1 Sarak Ann Pearson, arrested in Mon treal and tried in Ireland for the Poi. oning of her mother-in-law, was sen. tenced (0 death. There will be a state dinner at Gov- ercwent House. Toronto, on the 29nd inst. on. 'which . date ihe legistature will be opened. James Wirannd, Stamlord, was killed hy a trolley car at Thorold, formerly of evening of Easter Monday, HERIES| TOTAL YIELD SHOWS GOOD in the province was the north channel - There is no need to wonder an the new styles are going to be, They are here, ang with them comes a breath of newness that is wey | worth coming to see. | Never mind about being prepared to buy, Come and see these Spri Coats and Skirts If there is anything that atiracts your fancy have j; placed aside uatil required. Ladies' Spring Suits, Ladies' Spring Coats, Ladies' Spring Skirts. y longer what TABLE LINENS, TOWELS AND TOWELING Pure Bleached Table Linen, 45¢, §oc., 65, 75¢. es 1. Pure Bleached Table Linen, 9s¢c., $1.25. : Half Bleached Table Linens, 25C., 30¢., 8s¢c., goc., gic, 33¢, 35¢. . Half Bleached Table Linens, 45¢., 55¢., 63¢., 75¢. Huckaback Towels, roc, 12%c., 15¢c., 18c Huckaback Towels, zoc., 23c., 25¢., 3oc. Huckaback Towels, 28c., 33¢., 35¢. Roller Toweling, 10 different makes, from sc. to 2¢c. yard. on casts rd Do Not Forget The Art Needlework Classes, conducted by Miss Stewart. These Classes Are Free And all expense is borne by the Corticalli Silk Company. Classes 10 to 12 a.m, 4o¢., 49¢., Classes 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. y Special Announcement for Tc- morrow Night ! Don't Miss It ! ------------ aD JOHNLALAW ESN You Keep Up-to-Date-- We Will Help You. This cut represents onc of ' many pretty shoes in style tls season for ladies' wear. We wi heep them in all a widths, in Tan, Chocolate, Blac Kid, Patent Colt and White Cordovan. Prices From $2 to $3.75. sizes Dr. T. A. Allen, Brockville, has left for Porto Rico. ' THE LOCKETT. SHOE STORE COE YRIGHT a FURNITURE SPI SINEBUARDS Regular § "Oak Finish Sideboard . Quarter-cut Oak £13 t British Plate Mirror IRON BEDS $2.50 up; sizes, ete. EXTENSION TABLES-R Extension T sees Regular $23 Extension R. J]. REID, Pri Comfortal Eye=-Glass devoting a great hid 10 Spectacle and Bye-G We carcfully examine your$ ply you with STYL you may wish, at prices WOS oderate. ee fally guarantee our wo pur frames, and our lenses, Prescriptions for glasses c SMITH BI © "JEWELERS oF 350 KING ST. Comfort Durability Essentials to be | our Shoes. Wear "All Military Bootmie 84 Brock St SIGN OF GOLDEN "TAKE NO1 PON'T SELL YOUR SI gture, Udrpets, Gent's Toots to the first buyer slgng. 'I'ry me, and you difference. Y.W.C. Saturday Eveni Orchestra, Refres Lantern Tal Admission, 5¢. Young W mess T---------- WANTED. TT TWO Goob TRONG |} Lean 's Outario A GENERAL SERVAN or ironing. Enquir t A YOUNG ¢ machine Hors YOUNG MAN FOR Ol sige of shorthe rey YOUNG position Wy not ne r, Box X.Y.Z A FURNISHED COTTA root located on wat miles from City particulars to Street ENF Tig WORKE distribute ei GENTLEM » Spring Suits made up 131 Brock street, ne' livery; style, fit and j to please; pressing ant promptly. BIG WAGES FOR AC and women make h selling our househo Fivery family needs oughly legitimate bu can start in without tal G. Marshall | it. 5 = mes HOUSE, NO. 247. BR( h water heating an OnLS: POSSESS 9 Brock street FURNISHED, FROM oom, double pario dwelling. "hot water Leb, in choice jos 15) Brock St ALBERT N HOUSY May t south of Union St ham ------------------------ THAT DESIRABLY | the Corser of Que Street, lately occuy SON 88 SPOCETY nd outbuildiogs. © ceived © for plireh Walken & Walken Tn ---------- FOR SA Emre GOOD BUILDING LOT Queen street, betwee Hagot. Apply 49 ( TFRAME PWELLING, Waterworks and Tith or without balance ta suit pu Whig office PERSON LADIES: WHEN IN for free trial of «¢ remedy Hetie Paris Chemical Co. Sale Saterday of te for 35¢. New York D