". 'OMEN ble to compare the p of our Skirts with ores generally we have ¢ result gill be. Wwe 15 respect and no gar. 1 our stack that is not perly and of the right ight Fancy Tweed, made ated design, with open » 399, 450, 4.99, s and materials tu na n lengths, Black Vege. rt made with panel effec finished with nicely fin. ferent qualities to select 0, 8.50, 8.95. made with panel effect, , nicely stitched points ith silk. Special value EA -------------- les' Suit 25 SUITS are now * you: to come 'and see ish to buy or not it rence, you are just as $, all the very latest de- at will surely interest ATS, Navy, Cheviot, with white cloth and rices $1.50, 1,75, 2.25, exceptional values, VERT COATS. from rices $2 49, 275, 3.50, At rk Classes this week. Remember ed by Miss Stewart, of society. This is an op- 18s. Svidently r Propbels ES d Shoes for Ladies. makes at more moderate Rubbers w as Good. i Valises Floor. ; SHOE STORE Ch a rainy day until they see the clouds SC gathering. 2 hy Remember the Linen Shower in aid SS = > enernl Hospital at Mrs. Calvin's dF xe eis El p, Ki 3 from four to six FURNITURE SPECIALS SIDEROARDS~ Regular 818, Golden Oak Finish Sidebonrd ......... $15.50 ry Quartercul Oak Sideboard, British Plate Mirror ......i.. £11.50 DS $2.50 up; all styles, IRON BE et ION TABLES-- Regular $7:50 Fatensign Fable i... rerreaees 20.00 Regular $23 Extension Table $20.00 R. J. REID, Princess St. Comfortable Eye=Glasses We are devoting a great deal of our toe to Spectacle and Eye-Glass Fitting. We carclally examing your eyes, and sup- ply you with ANY STYLE mounting you may wish, at prices you will find | en most moderate. i Pie fully guarantee Jur work ih fitting, | ov frames, and our lenses. op Prescriptions for glasses carefully filled. | ck SMITH BROS. JEWELERS OPTICIANS Comfort Fit Durability Style Essentials to be had in oir Shoes. Wear '"Allen's"' a Military Bootmakers, POR KINGSTON CONSUMPTIVES | forthcoming "fight at Tieling. The x 84 8t. LLL aa Saiacaion a lourse, to-day, showed a further de : LU . March 16th, wf . lise + : $IGN OF GOLDEN BOOT. ER reer addins. | cline owing | 10 rumors of. an ap a SELL YOUR STOVES, FUR- ni Carpets, Gent's Clothes and $0 ) the first buyer that comes Tey me, and you will find the 0 iD. DRALER, ! jase eat the Froueh Sud. other (A M. De Witte, president of the conmeil, federation of labor, has nati hot do 4 PRRRION. RMtERGeE 18 le i i 'an erible wr but in the concert field. Although. not at7: 3 rahur a. | said it. was impossible under such |b I gh Nouidy 24 7:30, Fascy Work. frat Surgeie i Petorshuts: Pha conditions for the ministers 10. mw | yet ont of her teens, Mise Gompers has Thesdey at 7:30, Rev, E. Crummy. | palace has been the scene in the pas : Hie : created most favorable impression, { y \ rin ste, The toon ofice, : bo : / Modaesdny a 3:30, Fancy Work. _ | of mun, foment niente | 000 opi, Von muy at oer viet, snd ve natural ad a . A ) nm ce (he death J when vou please." sweet and Sympathetic qualities, was WANTED. ny wel Se vy Kl hol hi The sequel - to the rout of Gen. developed "in "the public schools of I the te My \iemnaehe 11S . ap pan 1H ashi g t : INE SERVANT mL idow has Jeasead the palace, Tt was | Knronatkin's atmies isunknown here, | Washinglon, att by Be. <John W. A WERRRAL: SERVANT, NO WASH for? Reval eo Priven] The English correspondents at. Tokio choff, teacher. and ehoinmasier, of that fag or ironing. Enquire at 1256 King ipied for eral vears hy Prin ' a hn city Street. the Spanish ambassador, but for send nothing. It ie conjectured that . gees ------=_] OW YORPS 2 been unoccupied, the censor i restraining them, which Ath i JENERAL SERVA NT. SMALL bi possibly indicates that the Japanese PITH OF THE NEWS. mi eference required. Apply - - : 3 A leveloping.. to- at 201 Hrock St is Kill! More People Than | think the pursuit is de ¥ 3 i Colds Street Cars y wards the complete capture of the | The Very Latest Called From All GIRL TO LEARN SEWING Ee or ' Russian forces. How many of the Over The World. machine operating. Apply Oldrieve & | Mathieu's Syrup: of Tar and Cod} p coo 4 ove reached Tieling cannot Horn, Ontario St Youxg 3 WORK. ent suothes by OR Your sys that more than 140,000 could have ar w Preferred. | tem. 3%. for large bottle. rived thre. ig office ------------------ Rr Rar - lrigadier General P. Lake, C. B., Anbther Movement A GENERAL SBRVANT, NO WASH he ge ota : ing. High wages. Apply to Mrs. | has been selected as head of the gen St. Petersburg, - March 14,~A des Gordon, Queen's University grounds. | eral staff in the southern conmman teh th 'Novos Viemya. from Tieling under Sir lan Hamilton, This officer pa A 7 . » ------------------ A FURNISHED COTTAGE, SIX BED rooms, located on water front within threef miles fram City. nswer stat ing particulars te McCann's 01 Brock Street. REPRESENTATIVES FOR KINGS ton our Nigh grade vinegars and pure apple cidérs, best on the mar- ket. The W. Witson Company, Limited, Tillsogiburey - GENTLEMEN, TO GET THEIR Spring Suits made up at Galloway's 131 Brock street, mext to Bibby's livery: style, fit and price guaranteed to please; pressing and repairing done promptly. BIG WAGES FOR AGENTS MEN and women make handsome wages selling our hohsehold specialties Every . family. needs them. A thor oughly legitimate business that you can start in without a Sent of capi 0. tal.' G. Marshall & London NO. 247 ater heating and all ¥ hot provements; possession May 1st. ply 249 Brock street. Ap- et eet eae em FURNISHED, FROM: APRIL 20th, A Troon, double parlor detached brick dwelling, hot water furnace, electric tight, ju choice location. McCann's 151 Brock St. rm ear Re HOUSE, ALBERT ST.---FROM 1ST May next, that €ommodious dwelling house at present occupied hy W. St Pierre Hughes : situate on Albert St. south of Union St. Mills & Cunning- an. ecto ttre: THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT the! Corner of Queen and Ontario Street, lately occupied hy Mr. Hen- #I%on as gu erocery With large vard and outbuildings. Offers will he re- feived for plarchase, pply ww Nalkere & Walkew. solicithrs. King- n Coob BUILDING LOT, SOUTH SIDE {ueen street, between Montreal and « Bagot. Apply 49° Colborne street. tetas ot ts sores ett. FRAME DWELLING, NINE ROOMS, aterworks and Wana to suit purchaser. Apply at LOST. A GOLD LOOKET. SUKDAY NIGH Ward for its return to this office Ee CARR A BER POX RUFF. ON UNION, feturn Ao Sergeants' Sacred The per, sion, 1k it dor here. loeated on ig at pre Recital, ureh, 8 pon, in on sale Vaudeville March 21st, No ' trouble, ame 'called This will ba 10¢ St nt turn 1 a week leaving Joseph Brantford tor: ol prisons Instant one other own home--it We mail a relief, show sizexl gist tries as good, it is money on the until it You can go shall, Mich. in thit easy, Pivision ar Farl Sts "Finder please this office. DAILY MEMORANDA. ---- Dinner at Barracks, 8 p.m First sin rises Wednesday at 6.34 am and sets at 6.05 yom. This day ated by French, 1867 Seats Yohe history Wednesday, Company. Might muy not always make right, but Us mighty apt not Flattery sometimes acts like too many lumps of sugar in a cup of coffee. Queen St. Church, New England Sup- G.30 p.m. b Some people never start to save up for BEAUTIFUL LAMPS! all plain sailifg : no tching or getting sUff with a HB. and Lamp. Satisfaction guaranteed with ery ohe W A large variety just 1, exqu pSign from the very weapest to the most elaborate ROBERTSON BROS.. = HOCKEY Flanagan Trophy Champlonship Final Game ST. GEORGE'S B. vs. REGIOPOLIS FRIDAY, March 17th. at R pin a swift game A BENEFIT CONCERT LEASES NOTED PALACE American Ambassador to Occupy Imposing Residence Petersburg, Maveh 14 J." Meyer has Jeased the in Canada, temporarily - employed by jon government on tion. Brigadier General Lake is loss, safe and in Ker snicidd has been sent to secretary bv Dr. Bruce Smith, inspec Easy to Cure Piles at Home Piles ix g fearful disease, cafe if you go at it tion with the knife is dangerous, cruel apd humiliatingm annecessa sure way to the privacy of your Pyramid Pile Cure I right trial pac who write, That will give you instant you Joss nature of this great remedy and start you well on the way perfect ceive. The fou, can get @ hox from any and often one box ones, Ti the drag ta sell vou sow ix beeanse he makes more substitute, having what you eall for, c begins at ofice Ai continues rapidly 1 is complete and 'permanent. ahead with your work and he casy and confortable all the time. Tt ie well worth trying. Just aend vour name abd address to Pyrie wid Drag Co., S152 Main street, Mar- and' receive r turk mail the trial package in a plain wrapper. Thousands have i way, in the pow wf | knile (and its torts No doctor and Congregationul Mexico evacu for May be leit 0c. & 10c. Admission 15¢ Liver Oil will cure one cold and pre where he i the army to re two A report fixing the respons ibility for medy alone in th 1 long enough to commit Relief, Permanent Cure-- Trial Package Mailed Free to All, in Plain Wrapper. A 50-CENT BOX FREQUENTLY CURES, but eazy t right, An opera ry. There we curerd-- pai the harmless, pai "The free hy been the home. George') ol It is an imposing siructure the fashionable Sergeiefs- Domin sreorganiza the provincial « free to all wething just Insist cure cured and inexpénsive : Jai a i KINGSTON, ONTA id ------ Russia Is Determined Fight On. CZAR 1S ANGRY TOLD "HIS MINISTERS THEY COULD QUIT. To The Worst Has Not Yet Been Heard of the Disaster fa the Russian Forces--A , Turning Movement About Tieling is Very Much Dreaded. Special to the Whig. London, March "14. The Times - St. Petershurg correspondent cables : "The war council, to-day, decided to forthwith mohilize the Grenadier corps and two army corps. The Grenadier corps consists of three divisions, which are mostly stationed at: Moscow. The new anmy will probably be under the command of Gen, Grippenberg. "The question of Gen, Kuropatkin's successor was not definitely detided. "The fall extent of the disaster, at Mukden, is not yet established. Gen, K thin's despatches indicating the almost total extermination of two regiments, are apparently intend ed to prepare the public for | the worst, Other despatches not intended for publications induce fear in the highest circles that the afmy, now at Tiekng, will 'be unable to withstand the attack which 8 regarded as im minent. The : o, according to Gen. Kuropatkin, are only a gun shot behind the Russian rear guard, The 3th Infantry division, of the 4th army corps, is expected at Tieling within a week, "The advocates of peace are dis tinetly in a minority, General resent ment is felt over the peace campaign in the French press. Russia is over whelmed hy the disaster at Mukden, but ix doggedly determined to con tinne the war, refusing to entertain the possibility of an utter rout in. the proaching loan. The revolutionaries are preparing an anti-war demonstra tion for tomorrow, Officers are being constantly insulted on the streets." The 8t. Petersburg correspondent of the Chronicle ascribes to a court per: arene at orders, and Cen, Karopatkin's des patches, angrily accused the ministers of | concealing the situation from him. be: learned. but it is not supposed dated March 12th, says that the Rus. sian troops are regaining their dis cipline. The Japanese halted 25 or 30 versta from Tieling. There are con tinnous reports in the Russian camp that. thé Japanese are preparific an other turning movement. Reports from e " ht A other sources received in ST. Peters: burg, indicate that the latter move- ment is dreaded and creates the be- lief that Gen. Kuropatkin will not stop at Tieling. . Ready To Make Peace, Washington, March 14, The czar at his war council, to-day, was able to inform them that Japan will welcome peacs on reasonable terms, and that she will promptly name her conditions trustworthy as provided she receives will be seriously surances that they considered, This the emperor heard from friendly chanocelleries in Europe, asx wel! as the pergeal terms acceptable to Japan. Those, it is said, include the reten tion by Japan of Port Acthur, i Jap Koren and an anese protectorate over indemnity, is Were Much Distressed. n 81. Petersburg, March 14.--The As sociated Press has received from 'a correspondent with ~~ Gen. Reanen- kampfi's command descriptions of the Trinkhaichen operations, the difficult n toward a] retreat on Oubenepusa and the stub full | born defence of the positions there by druggist for B0c. | this hanly vanguard of the fired army. The following account, showing the reluctance with which the decimated remnant of the command abandoned the positions which it had maintained: at enormous coxt is dated "positions on the Hun river, March 10th." The dificult nature of the country through which the detachment was re- tiring is shown by the fact that it took a messenger three daye to reach the Tie Pass. The dispatel follows: "When of the evening of March th, the Oubenepusa' detachment received from the stafi of the first army the order to_retire to positions on the Hun. tiver cast of Fushun, the officers mn re bellt Erie one on { Sp at first refused to believe that the or der wae authentic. "Their doubt No te, Soe Write to-day lor was ineréased ar the Japanese {towards wwenine had begon to retire along the whole front, and | party, the vote totalling 144 (0 06. el Jdulin' Gompers, dadigh Gompers, president' of pointed + from Charles 20.000, is be dreds of pe and died thr enty-five duce and years, girld have from four SOME Che ters as wins for. the entire family, Findsay, (nt eipality' of lage of Haulibnrtian, local option, yesterday. which result temperance the pens fires WC rhe Six Heirs Under a Will of [teruative to & xeented in per 1904 Took Action te Set [rrevent their -- Cel March atel © the Japanese ttle of the Yalu, so the Chi New rat of % t Janterns, transparencies the guilds, and the wk wl The resignation of W. B. Russell, re sident railway, is to be ealled for, Farm laborers have struck in many engineer © places in Lubin, wages and nine work. Mason Mitchel, and consul at Zanzibar, hos been ap commercial on, N.B Powerful influences behalf of Maria Valentine, an woman under sentence of death Hackensack, N.J. William Gibbon, bound land, for Manitoba, died on the Lake pneumonia, the steamer reached port. All the strikers of tories belonging to navy reserve will be deafted to Man churia il they do mot resume work Dunwoody, dent of the Commereinl Exchange, and known grain merch ants in Philadelphia, of the best Monday Pisagne, Chili, with a population of ing abandoned by the in habitants owing to the fact that hin ple there have died of ba e he Organized Board Of Trade Special to the Whig, Morrishurg, Ont, March 14 <A soe resaful meeting for the organization of a hoard of trade wan held here, last evening. when 'officers and disc tors wore ted." A. A. Logan. pro Child-Wives Hicago, Marek heca bern to ter Local Opti ein] to the i in a defeat bitterly disappoint Privates were ask the night Hoes of fof the ontreneh: Bodies of their dk unbaiviod, behind mhandoned in the wn eastward, fell back Positions on the Hun oliorts of the stil Band Chinese are # hand in hand A SINGER Yet Out of Her cormnission the laws are lax, foreigners well their dangh i March 1M. -The muni Dysart, including the vil rm Te ? abandon the po- out two-thirds of t had fallen that J sobbing, knelt wl-stained earth ant unwillingly rte velire, and, getting no stare and provi troopers, Joaving alike felt the blow sobbed one. Yi die: in our posi ehrating. 11, Just as Chwang are ubilation, Mukiden display now of fire with merrymakers fighter of Samuel the American f the Temiscaming demanding higher houes for a day' of Syracuse, N.Y, agent at Campy work in Italian ai are at from Eng shortly befor the state the army fac and formerly presi died suddenly, bonic plague Charles Kinnear, a promvindut mem ber of St. John, NB. board of trade, was taken ill after attending a Brotherhood of Bt, Andrew meeting, mrs later, aged sev merchant, i president: W. Connolly, Merchants' Bank. vice president; H, +8. Hillard, barrister, secrelar¥-tregsnrer In Chicago. H.-In the last two al whder age. In married gixtoen vears grt passage money on Defeated. Duncan MUCH MONEY WAS INVOLVED IN THE ACTION ant case, involving property estimated tld out of court this morning. RE, ¥ 'Affair 'Has Settled. Been IN MONTREAL. Aside a Later Wilk--The Estate Divided in a Very Satisfactory Manner. Montreal, March 11.-A very import at well over a million dollars was set- In January, 1904, Miss Eliza Dun. ean, of Montreal, died, leaving an es orar's eountry residence in the viein: tate of over a million. By a will made Jit of Niejin, The aggregate in 1509, she loft this estate to be'| dons to the imperial estimates at §,: equally divided between six nieces and | 000,000, cousins, amongst whom were Mrs. F, 0. Lewis, of Montreal, and Mes. Helen McMahon, wife of ex-Mayor William English, of Petrolea, Ont, Ou the death of Miss Duncan, how ever, when she was well over seventy years old, a will was found made shortly hefore her death, by which Mise Duncan, after making certain bequests amounting to about $100, 000, left their entire residue of the es- tate 10 Mrs, F. O. Lewis, of Montreal, he previous will was still in exist ence, and the other relatives prompt. | ly took stepd to have the later tenta- ment set aside and the property div. ided ax originally devised by the tes- tatrix. In order to disover the validity of the last will a test case was en by Mrs, English, in the name of the six relatives against Mrs. lewis, In their elaim - the plaintiffs allbged that at the time of making the last will, Miss Duncan was very old, and too feeble mentally to make a proper dis position of her property, and that she had been unduly influenced in favor of her nines, Mrs. Lewis. The executors and Mre, Lewis took stops to defend the action, aml a nmimber of well khown counsel were engaged on the case, including Messrs, Lafleur, Maedongall, Maciarlane & Charles Archér, K.C., of Mdntreal, and G. 8, Stewart, KO, Quebeo, for the defendunts, while Messrs. Buchanan & White, of Montreal, and Wilson and Moncrieff, of Petrolea, nppeared for ; J AON the action had been Ted, however W. Wilson, of Petrolea, came to Mont: real, yesterday, and held 4 conference with the other counsel in the case, which resulted in a Settlement being arrived at, The terms of the Arrange went are not disclosed, but jt is un- derstood that the estate has been dic vided up in & manner satisfactory to all parties, and the costa of a very expensive and protracted Jawsiit averted, PARENTS OF WORTHY SONS. Father and Mother Celebrate. Winnipeg, March 14.-Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Bowd, Sr Carberry, on Sun- day, celebrated the sixty-fourth anni- versary of their wedding. Mes, Boyd, who ix eighty four years of age, per Nat Boyd's soually recoived her guests. Mr. Boyd, who is two vears his wife's senior, shows little signs of his ad- vanced vear Eight children are liv ing. The sons are: Messrs, Nat. wd, the wellknown ex MP, for Donald Hugh Boyd, Btewart land W. J, Boyd, all of Winni GREEN IS THE COLOR. Plan Styles to Capture Fancy of Man. London, March 14. Should the con- fident predictions of tailors be realis od, green will be the fashionabls color attire this summer green in ranging between the ag of the eat's oye and the abdued pallon of Brussels sprouts. The for men's all Rressivenes shades, shops alvemdy indicate. the change from the prevent sombre "black and brown, which even the smartest men affect. Mary Mannering Returns To Stage Special to the Whig New York, March 14.-After an ab petice from the stage of nearly =» vear, Mary Mamering has returned to the footfights and will give the initial presentation of her new play, "Nancy Stair," at the Criterion theatre to night. The play ix foundat on the no vel of the same name, which has heen Paul M. Potter. Mim Manmering's supporting company is hendod hy Daniel Frawley, the well: known San Francisco actor 'and man ager, dramatizivk hy To Gall For Resignations. Toronto, March 14.-The slatement i*« made in authoritative circles that the Ontario government will eall for the resignation of all justices of the peace, for the purpose of a reorganiza- tion of the magistrate system, This took sn vote on of the n "Swiss Food" packages. Y and ball Cross "Fresh Bovril" pounds Gibson's Red pounds, enchug, probably in reveige for share in suppressing the disorders Moscow MH Minsk, with "a revolver ~ ! HOV. Special to will be one of the matters for Hon, | {ion while under arrest there. J. J. Foy, ns attorney gorneal, in} * a conndetion with his law reform . ' o scheme. Gross abuse of magisterial Special an Of Smallpox. power for partisan and political por We : y 4 poses has prompied the action ries it 4. ravintia) RS ETI fied of al eases of small-pox in "Swiss Food" Health. South rrp, Prine Bdword You will be strong. healthy and | county. authorities have generally fit for your day's work alter breakiast, 15¢, Inge Drug leah; Shiot: of police "ab with attacked o : - armed -------------- SUCCESS ASSURED For fie New Peat Company at Newtonville. cial to the Whig. . BF owtonville, Ont, March 14.--An im: portant, Sransp tion in how be ee y y an agmt of b hy has been here for two weeks, he- ing the purchase of 400 pea land," ning the village, with a view to establishing of works, The different owners, in Toronto, and two resident farmers have been approached with offers of cash purchases, and the outlook for the sale of the whale Tot is favorable. There is an inexhaustible quantity of peat favorably situated, a spur Tine of the G, T, R., and in the near fu- ture, an electrio railway passing the property, #0 the wuceess of the com: pany is assured, A GREAT FIRE In Which Many Were Burned to Death: ow Sone ch 14.--At least a death, dia, and | ight. hurts in a destroyed a fivestorny lon ptveet, early to-day. : cuey ahd daring leapa for perilled tenan Of the badly injumd several die, as they ups in a terrible - ton from burns, The tenement house was occupied. principally by Hebrew Tamilion. AN APPEAL TAKEN Sel In the Tudeman t Against Mon- Bank. oronto; "March 14.~The Bask of Toronto, Montreal has entered an appeal in the remo Rr that, hy the t of Just , gh , the bank was held lable for 70,000 to. the Dominion government, BRO PR of Aa obtain hy frau 1 to ome ployee of the militia. de h THE MARQUIS DEAD And the [Estate Goes to Cousin, Special to the A Monte Carlo, Monaco, March 14, The Marquis of Anglesey died here, to- day. His wife arrived two days ago, and was reconciled with ber husband at his death bed. A cousin inherits the Anglesey estates which are exempt from the creditors of the late mar quis, Died In Boston. Special to the Whig ottistg, Ont., March 14.~Word was received, yesterday, from Boston atinouncing the sudden death of Mra. Kennedy, widow of the late H, ©, Kennedy, of thin towh, Mrs. Kennedy, in company with her daughter, went ta Boston, to spent the winfer with or son, H. A, Kennedy, at whose re sidence she died. The remains will be brought here for interment, Three daughters and threa wons survive her, + ~------------ Her Trial Has Begun. Special to the Whig. Woodstook, Ont, March 14.--The trial of Mes, Williams on the charge of murdering her hushaml, last Octo ber, opens this morning, the grand jury having, yesterday, retumed ao true bill in the case. A plea of "not guilty" was entered. The court ad journed until alternoon, pending the arrival of medical wittesses, One Sent To Pemitentary. Special to Toran, ng ont Kia wae, this morning, to geton for three years on a charge of for gary: Jo was sent to the Central Privon for two years, for sitting fire to a (Toronto police sin taken all precautions to deal with the cayeen. + x. Rs 11. ~Janws Conroy,' Vineland Grape Juice Contains everything in -the grape that is good for you. It is invigorating, strengthening, re: 1 reshing, : No need of a spring tonic if y take Vineland Grape Juice, _ Pint Bottles = = + « Quart Botiles + = clusivel ' thetnoted For n weialivt, declares that dandeull burrowed-up cuticle of the ed Try parasites dri GH . i Store,