Lit i s £ if £ § I . # i 5 of King- E . in the de. , and the they ov Jane, goods hey g. 31 spent in Kingston town wonder at its to play any three other players, sep- on suctessive nights, Some idtiny may change hands on the re sult, : 1 i pf i ¥ i : lid i £ ------ to and Montreal Verona Horse Races. home. The following are the results of the ice races bold at Verona : race i F i gf = f £ i 8 E 5 i i i son's Billy B., 1.1.1; Fi £7 is Es $ I i : } 2 ¢ 5 & : 5 # ¥ i i | ~ - F g & £ Three minute elass~Little Maud, (8. Asselstine), 1.1.1.; Busy Voy (J, War- Little Doll ¥ Fitzger- 3 (T. ) BD. (C. D. Godirey), 5.5.5. } mportant thing. 1 merchant "ably here as a it : 35 g : remember an Fnglish master | legiate Institute, or ara in writing composi- also -- The Final Game, game in the Junior City thankful - to him fo: a Yoffice file hl i £ i F F published by the Whig eels ago upon tuber hack 'at the general =< P- { culosis and the 8 | hospital were ti preciated by a large number upon the public that tal ite early stages can be cured. he methods to pursue ed that tubercul - - £53 classes will also when in camps for per day and one waggons, limbers and vehicles being painted a lor, a greenish drab, have of by the militia coun- ar patients can live as well as in that of hemeaclves properly to it he open and sleeping abounds. The gemoral treat: mple that almost every- wit aloe a Hastor's in- the people are ean. losis can be wiped will become interested in y of living, and a hari. be the result. 4W, -- egian Cod Liver Oil, bot- .eod's Drug Store. Per bot- : Whea Kidaeys Fai, Health Declines Dal, Meine Bak ui, Sean Headaches and, Insomnia In. dicate Diseased Kidneys. i iE; i i i v if £ solute specific for weak pills of mandrake and permanently, - 3 FE Hi i pi i i i fi 5 ii i } i i H if 2 i £ fi { t 'York Dress Reform. The ing crowd fills the church to its utmost y. men's mis sion will con all next week. Meleod's witch dream, A citizen, who has been on a spree for several days past, returned to his home recently and was met with ao vigorous reception from his wife, who took decided exception to his bad con- If you are nervous and d tie try Carter's Little Nerve Pills, Dyspepsia makes you nervous, and Bervousness makes you dyspeptic; eit one ren- ders oo i , and these little pills cure both, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Free Of All Business. Kingston, March 16.--(To the Edit- or): The question of appointing any man to public office who presumes to egntinue in business, especially the insurance business, is now before the people. Let me ask you to print the attached letter from the Toronto World. It has a certain application to the situation in Kingston.=Yours, CITIZEN. A Case In Point. I was very much impressed with your editorial this morning dealing with the question of license commis- sioners, and it is to be sincerely hop- ed that Premier Whitney will sce to it that in. selecting the board of li: cense commissioners for Toronto no persons will be chosen from the in: surance ranks. It is a well known fact that during the last few years a son of one of the license inspectors went into the insurance business, and in a very short time, indeed, .sitcoeed- ed in scooping 'a large percentage of the insurance of those connected with the liquor trade, although some of us had been intimately acquainted vith the hotel-keepers for years, and had control of their insurance business. The license holders, for reasons which can be guessed, felt duty bound to give their insurance to the relation of the inspector, although under or- dinary conditions they would have proferred to have left it with = ihe agents who always had it. 1 peak from personal experience as an insur: ance agent who lost considerable busi- ness in this way, and I know many other agents could give you the same experience. --~ INSURANCE AGENT. KNOWN TO POLICE. They Kept Quiet in Hope of Mak- ing Arrest. The fact that Norman Stewart and the late Proctor Tynan were implicat- ed in the robbery of Jenkins' and Lockett's stores, about six weeks ago, bas been known to the local police since a few days after the perpetra: tion of the crime, but the young men m ed to from the city, be- fore the authorities could secure them. two were under suspicion from the first, owing to their previous record, and when their homes were visited by the police, it was found out that the young men had not returned home since the might of the robhery. A few days later, in the attic of Lockett's store, the two suits of clothes which had been exchanged for Jenkins' new ones, were found and handed over to the police. The clothes were later identified by relatives of the young men 8s having been worn by 'them. This story has hitherto heen kept quiet 80 as not to interfere with the police in making the arrest of the guilty par- ties. It is said Stewart is on his way back to Kingston. Had A Good Time. The Victoria ward conservatives held a very successful smoking concert in their rooms over the Y.W.CA. rooms last evening. The chair was oc. eupied hy Ward Chairman John Hew: ton, and speeches were made by D. M. Melnwyre, Dr. Ryan, Ald, Angrove, and Dr. R, T. Walkem, Capt. Don- nelly gave a clever recitation, and ical numbers were given by Jo- se) Saunders, Edward Koen and William Massie. Plenty of pipes and other smoking materials helped to make the evening most epioyable. More Money To Hand. Canon Starr to gratefully ac- knowledge the following amounts to- wards the fund for artificial limbs for John Martin, the young man whose feet were 1rozen and afterwards am- putated. The total cost of the limbs will be ne io aveied: Previously . 23; Miss Jane Robertson $2; Mrs. Aird, 31; James MeCulla, $1; Friend, 25¢c.; 1. P., #1; Victoria Circle of King's Daughters, per Miss Dalton, #2. To. tal, $87.50. ' od ; : h Store. Money back if not satisfactory I --------------. Womans Bals. few dozen only, wom A fresh lot of the genuine Blaud's Red Cross rug Sos. | Building and J day afternoon. As previously stated, is- | cotapany, of Toronto, has received the tuner | *tockholders to sell out. Accordingly, body is not deriving proper nourish- ment from the food, and some other method of obtaining strength mmst he employed. effective storing elements of nature are con- tainined in condensed form, so as to |' be easily taken into the blood. that the appetite is sharpened, di tion improved, and the vitality of mind and body greatly increased. The of Ki ado. an takes time to thoroughly cure proves that kidney trou] toms, but you bles creep on unsuspected, fittle symp each dose of Dr, Chase's Nerve Food is 4 "J of some benefit to you, and that ihe wife will be complete and lasting. te i . 43 lumbago, diabetes, Bright's dis- | street, Kingston, Ont., staten rd more . Be wise. Try them | subject to severe attacks headache. . Im icin hy at. Wade's Drug Beating Dr. Chase's Neve Food high- A en's balbrig-| gone and my digestion very much im- gan undervests worth 50c., sale price proved. I can speak very highl: of - | while they last, 2lc. each. Crumley] this medicine for the above x Bros, } Becatis it has proven wonderfully | angie your property or dig * Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, S0c. a box, Your . purchases for Jou manner iron tonic pills, 100 for 2c. Gibson's Jat all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & | thoroughly advantageous u Co., Toronto. Portrait and signature [WARM MEETING] 5 CEM TE SAVINGS SOCIETY, -- fa Justice Britton Protests Against Toronto Men = Participating -- The Latter Got Control and the Directors--What the Outcome May be. There was quite a warm time af the annual meeting of the Ontario i Savings Society yester. the Imperial and Colonial Investment major portion of the stock by private hase through its representative, r. Campbell, who has been in Kings- ton for some weeks canvassing the there was a representation of Toront gentlemen at the meeting, and they naturally elected their own men to the places vacated by the four retir- ng directors. Thus they secured the control of the t. In attendance at the meeting were the following : Judge Price, presi dent); Justice Britton, R. Waldron, C. Lemmon, J. M. Farrell, R. F. Elliott and H. Hitchens, of Kingston; George H. am, Arthur J. Jackson, J, H. Mitchell, A. G. Macdonell and KE. A. Badenock, of Toronto. The wtate- ment of the past year showed a di vidend of five per cent., and the affairs of the society to be in good condi tion. Justice Britton, the largest remain ing stockholder, entered strong oh jections in writing to the Toronto men participating in the proceedings. He claimed that the stock had heen pur- chased by them in a questionable manner. Another of the local stock- holders attacked the Toronto- con- cern for the way it had gone about the purchase of the stock. fe is pro bable that proceedings may be insti- tuted to test the legality of the whole affair. Judge Price, who presided, would not give a ruling on the ques tion raised as to the right of 'the To- ronto men to vote, The election of dirgetors resulted in the following being chosen : G » H. Gooderham, James H. Mitchell, Arthur J. Jackson and A. G. Mac. donell. At a subsequent meeting of the directors, Mr. G am was elected president and Mr. Mitchell vice president. Business here will he con tinned as usual for some time at least. There is not very good feeling on the part of some of the old directors towards one or two of their number who sold out after thé recent special meeting of the stockholders had de. cid against so doing. It is said that had 'one director = in particular refused to sell when od, the Toronto concern could never have got control. It is because this disector failed to stand by them, that the others are feeling somewhat incensed. Justice Britton, Judge Price and R. Waldronlare the three largest remain ing stockholders, the former having nearly a thousand shares, The Government Of Québec Are Dr. Mackoy's S SE ee LY ay H icine for the Cure of the bet abit has had a marvellous success with 'the worst cases brought before the Recorder's Courts at Quebec and Montreal. Write to the Leeming, Miles Co., Ltd. 288 St. James St., Montreal, for full par- ticulars, All communications private. ---- Bee Iron and Wine For Anaemia, exhaustion and gener- al debility, 16 oz. bottles 50c, Mo Leod's Drug Store, ------ The Smith's Falls News says that not in many years have so many logs been brought to Smith's Falls to he sawed into lumber, Drowsiness After Meals A Persistent Symptom Of Nervous Dyspepsia--Cure Is By Use Of Dr, Chase's Nerve Food. Many a sufferer from chronic dys- psia dates his ailment from the time e began to feel "drowsiness after meals." The blood is weak, and there is vot sufficient nerve force to carry oh the work of digestion and supply the vital force required for mental and physical activity. } Headache, dizzy spells, defective memory, inability to. concentrate the mind, brain fag, irritability of temper, nervousness and sleeplessness are the resulting symptoms, Owing to defective digestion the In Dr. Chase's Nerve Food the most blood-building and nerve-re Under this treatment you soon find yspepsia and its accompanying symp- can be certain that rs. Jobn Liston, Corsets 2e., 40c.,' 500. and up. Newgof Dr. A. W. Chase, the famons receipt book author, are on every hox. Obtained | be bothersome and rails recommended 1 began to the man who is unaccustomes wi ! a: fea t | to the business. Our long experi: my nerves are im jo-y hat ence careful study of the my nerves are steadier, oa and gs cough and contract Shiloh's Consumptio Cure Tim cures comsumption, but dog's leave it t00 Jong. Try it poy. Your money back if it q , benefit you. asus Prices: 8. C. Wents & « B¢ 3.81 LeRoy, N.Y. Toronty ion' For St. Patrick's Day Nothing nicer than 4 } . Gbe Best Chocuiates Fresh and Deliciou --ALSO- Peters and Gobler, Milk Chocolates --AT-- The "Best" Drug Store, L. T. BEST Chemist and Optician, 121 Princess Street i: Pha Successor to Taylor Drug Stor QUICK DELIVERY A PRETTY FIGURE Is not possible with' an ill-fitting Corset. If we manufactured ( right here on the premises we could not give you a better article thang what we are now offering They are perfect fitting and of excellent CROMPTON'S, RYT. D&A, B.&C., B.&1, LADY, RUBY, LADY AILEEN, FITSEZE, MILITARY, And other first class makes, irom 30c. to $1.50 a pair Special in TAPE GIRDLES at Newman & Shaw. ALIMITED QUANTITY "PEA COAL (Scranton) : $5.35 Ton : 200 Tons New Chestnut : Just Arrived. * $ PRPVLPPPO LRP 0000000000 : : BUYING tion, ease, Peck's Pills cure all have been troubled t deal with : the thete. troubles, Bina prevent these | indigestion or Bervous" dys i rd And selling Real Estate is apt to m now unprofitable REAL ESTATE ments | Business puts us in a position to A. F. BOND, Clarence St. a LEAS AR SYSTE ~ Reduced Fares $46.30 to Pacific Coa March 1st to May 15th, 1905, Second Class Colonist "fares In 2 ama 1 .. $43 "Springs, Denver, Pueblo $43 Colorado Springs, San Francisco, Los Angeles < $e Sleepnz Cars leave Kings! a and FE hursds 8 at 2.26 a.m. For the accommodation of passeng iding First or Second Class Tick ™ Chicago and West thereof wus far the Pacific Coast, nominal charge made for berths, which may be reser . Conlon Travel by the Grand Trunk Rallway System, J. P. HANLEY, Agen Corner Johmston and Outario stre iste bot AE bd KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANAD! PACIFIC RAILWAYS, Colonist Special Train --TO THE -- anadian Northwe: For Settlers and their effects will le Kingston at 8.10 a.m. 'every Tuesday During March & Aj I siflicient business offer, A Colonist Sleeper will be attached each train from Renfrew. Ut f Settlers Guide and full ---- Hay be obtained from "Fi Agents. jow rates to Tacific Coast A points during March April. F's articulars at K. & P. anc oy Ticket Office, Outario Street INWAY, F. A. FOLGER JF R pod Pass Agt Gen. 8 ---- BAY OF QUINTE. RAILWA New short line for Tweed, Naps Dmarovto, and all local points. Tt ave City Hall Depot at 3:25 p.m. OCNWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagsto oo ---------------------- ALLAN LINE ""™6ibonna Royal Mail Steamers. From St. John. From Ha Ionian, Sat. Mar. 18; Mon. Mar Tunisian, Sat. Mar. 25; Mon Mar Parisian, Sat. April. 1: Mon. Avri Victorian (new), April 8; Mon. Ap RATES OF PASSAGE~First GC $55 and upwards, according to stea accommodation and SEASON | Cabin, Liverpool and Londond: $37.50, $40 and $42.50, accordin steamer. London $2.50 extra: Class 50, to Liverpool, Derry, fast, Glasgow, London--Victoria¥a NEW YORK TO GLASGOW Mongolian, Thurs. Mar. 1¢ First Cabin, $45 and uy Cabin, $33--Third Class, $2 Rurther particulars or appl . P HANLEY, Agent, G. Passenger Depot. " P. SLEEVE, Clarence Street. YOR THE WIN. Teneo ro BERMUL Frost unknown, malaria impos from New York, 48 hours by el Mw twin screw steamship " Bermud Sailings 15th, and 25th March and ly thereafter. FOR WINTER CRUISES GO 1 + WEST INDIES W dayn trip. About 20 days in tre Sailings from New _ York Windward and Leeward lands, Barbados and Demerara a (10) days. For further pa lars apply to A. E. OUTERBRIDU C0, Agents, for Quebec SS. Co. Rrosdway, New York R ART SRN, Secretary, usbec, J. P. HANLEY, and to J. P. GIL SLEEVE, Ticket Agents, Kingstor TTI re MEN'S FURNISHI} You can find every shape and in flue collars here. Quarter in some brands. Siirts for Ress or evening wear. A tem] array of NECKWEAR Beautiful color combinations Many new styles. Specially tractive stock of Pajamas " of all kinds to p the man of taste. OR INSURANCE ' with Geo, CHE 1 buyisg af 95 Clarence strest,