ii cough and contract iloh's nsumptio re Thole ares consumption, b bi e it too long Pry it Sout ir ety back i it doesn't Weis & Co. a LeRoy. &: Y.. Toronto, Cay. St. P Patrick's bey thing nicer than « i » Best Chocolates Fresh and Delicious --ALSO- ers' and Goblerg ilk Chocolates --AT-- "Best" Drug Store, T. BEST Chemist and Optician, neess Street, Phane 59 essor to Taylor Drug Stor QUICK DELIVERY -------------- PRETTY FIGURE t possible with IH we manufactured ere on the premises we '® you a better article 'e are now offering Ti fitting and of excellent value: an ill-fitting ROMPTON'S, To: Dow A; &C, B.&IL, \DY, RUBY, \DY AILEEN, TSEZE, LITARY, sther first class $1.50 a pair make from l in TAPE GIRDLES at man & Shaw, PPL LPOG 000 LIMITED JANTITY RF PEA COAL (Scranton) 5.35 Ton 200 Tons New Chestnut Just Armived. IES SWIFT & C0. Tslephone 135. BUYING ing Real Estate is apt to srsome and unprofitable man who is unaccustomed yusiness. Our long experi- | careful study of the AL ESTATE puts us in a position to four property or to make archases for you in @& aly advantageous manner BOND, Clarence St. e whole wheat Seud Jor the VIL Ses . Rgrnel, cod sand drawn inte pf porous shreds, maliing it easy to digest. Office, 52 Ch Contains all the nutritive elements Cook Mook, WHEAT CO. med, Wiaanta Falls, Ont. RELL duced Fares 5 SREY $46.30 to Pacific Coast March 1st to May 15th, 1905. Second Class Colonist "fares from Kmgston to Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, wv, POrHANE em on mim 6.90 ov Rosland, Nelson Spokane - $43.80 FOR Anaconda, - Butte, dake Ha. and Gentlemen. Colorado Springs, ueblo $43.30 Ladies San Francisco, Los tly - $48.05 Tourist Sleepng Cars leave Kingston Tuesda: d Thursdays at 2.26 a.m. For the. "accommoda a of to Chicago and West thereol the Pacific Coast, as charge | made for berths, which may be reserved ia advance. For Comfort Travel by the Grand Trunk Rallway System, J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Joheston and Outaric streets rte KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS, Colonist Speeial Trains --TO THE -- Ganadian Northwest For Settlers and their effects will leav Kingston at 8.10 a.m. every Tuesday During March & April It siflicient business offer, A Colonist Sleeper will be attached to each train from Renfrew. y of Settlers -- may be obtained Agents. Neary low rates to Pacific Coast and Kopteiey points during March and Avril. Full particulars at K. & P. and C. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street F CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER JR., Gm. Pass Ags Gen. Supt. BAY OF QUINTE. RAILWAY New short line for Tweed, Napanee. Daarovto, and all local points. Trains lave City Hall Depot at 3:26 p.m. F. OCNWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagston. A S---------------------------------------- LIVERPOOL and ALLAN LIN Royal Mail Steamers. From St. John. From Halila lonian, Sat. Mar. 18; Mon. Mar. 2 Tunisian, Sat. Mar. 20; Mon Mar. 27 Parisian, Sat. April. : Mon. Avril Victorian (new), April 8 ; Mon. April 14 RATES 55 and upwards, accommodation Cabin, $37.50, steamer. Class, fast, Glasgow, London--Vieto NE w YORK TO GLAS Mongolian, Anus and Liverpool $40. and London SCASON | and 2 we Mar. 16, no First Cabin, $15 and upwards--Second CT. & adv, orsign Manager. 8 Cabin, $35--Third Class, $2 Recommended and sold by Further particulars or applic ation te Geo. W. Mabood, druggist, corner eof J. P. HANLEY, Agent. G.T.R City Bagot and Princess streets. Pakseager Depot. J. P. GILDEN- SLEEVE, Clarence Street. Frost unknown, malaria impossibl from New York, 48 hours by elegant steam Bermudian," Sailings 15th, and 25th March and week- ME twin screw io ** ly thereafter. POR WINTER 'INDI Go TO - WEST Sailings from New York Lo ne Windward and Leeward Is is, a (10) days. For ars ; x urther app a. OO: Anise A partic 8. Co. ARTHUR J. P. HA ANLE - BRET Ticket Agents, Kingston. in fine collars here. array of NECKWEAR the man of taste. passengers Second Class Tickets far as Guide and full par- from Ticket LONDONDERRY 3 Hair Grower a OF PASSAGE~First Cabin, according to steamer, Second Londonderry, according t Er BERMUDA ES -- W days trip. xT) N DI in tropics Barbados and Demerara every Quel . STLDE R- MEN'S FURNISHINGS You can find every shape and size Quarter sizes in some brands. SHirts for busi: Ness or evening wear. A tempting Beautiful color combinations and Many new. styles. Specially at- Sinetive stock of Pajamas and "of all kinds to please ISAAC Zacks FOR REAL ESTATE| The perfect cut cut and the excellence of material of | "Perrin" French Kid Gloves makes them keep their, shape and last longer than other makes. Leading dealers all sell PERRIN GLOVES, s Seven Sutheriand Sisters' Halr Grower GREW THIS HAIR * _ Onawa, Ont., April, Sezen Southerland Sisters EFL 1904. ¢ Ladies, 1 had lost all my hair, the top of nr Dae being entirely bald for three yehrs, Alter using your hair preparation for three weeks x my head was covered with a new growth of hair. ) Now my hair meastires about thirty-six inches in fength and ix improving all the time. 1 find the Bre dressing as well as a tonic ). } and can recommend it to all. Yours truly, go Cambridge St. MRS, G. B. NORTON For sale at all druggists, two sizes, 50¢. and o | $1.00 per bottle. SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS BOLE PROPRIETORS CanApian Orrice, 256 Yonos 8t., Tomonto a u- THIS WEEK! Display of Brass and Iron BEDSTEADS. Something and strong. The following to close out at a low price : bass and Iron, how end 2 Solid Brass, in Colonial patterns. { Brass and lron Children's Cots. Spring and Mattresses to fit these are limited at the BABY CARRIAGES NEXT WEEK, price. JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker, Kingston. Princess Street - - FANCY LESSON CLASSES Opened March. Sst at Miss Leader's, 105 Brock St, and continue every Wodnesdg v alterfioofh at three o'clock. Free lessons given in silk also Miss Leader, 105 Brock Street. I eine PIANO TUITION MISS MAY NEWMAN, 271 King St., West LL al cars in primary I nt thoroughly Advasced pupils Yo fn theory and practice. 'Terme modarat Telephone 638, or postal card nd 1 witl eall personally Great Snap For One Week. THE WINDY cir A BUDGET FROM OUR NEWSY CORRESPONDENT. Many Are to Come to the Cana- dian North<West--The Story of Two Boys--Scime in a Court. ; Whig's Spgeial Correspondence. Chicago," March 14.--The city will appeal from Judge Grosscip's pecent decision, holding that the legislatures extended some of the street railway franchises' for ninety-nine years. This matter has been before the courts, for some years and the decision of the learned judge has been a matter of great comment particularly because of the on which platform one of the candi dates for the mayoralty. Judge Dunne, is running, The franchises are valued at $200,000,000. A large number from this city will leave for the Canadian porth-west this season. Many emigrants from Nor way and Sweden have been induced by the Canadian agents here to . go in a body to Assinaboia instead of Dakota as they intended. The pros pects of 160 acres of land 'free is a great inducement, These Scandina- vians will make good Canadians in time and the North-West can get no better people. Besides the Sw many Welsh and former Canadians and not a few American born wll leave this spring for Mberta and Saskatchewan. The police had a running battle with had been caught in the act of entering a store in broad daylight. A financial 'crisis again threatens Zion City which is built and is oper ated by John Alexander Dowie and his believers. In the hope - of averting such a calamity as is feabed the om- ployees of the various establishments within the gates of Dowie's haven will be compelled to contribute a percent age of their wages until the dark clonds pass over. Dowie is in Mexico organizing a new Zion City, Fred, Crappman, a laborer, and out of work stole a loaf of bread for the needs of his family, a wife and six hungry children and for the violation he was sent to prison for one hundred and four days. Will J. Pavis, who owned the Iroquois theatre, walks the streets 'of Chicago, well fed, well groomed and a free man, while six hundred families clamour for justice to fall upon the head that in careless ness of human life and greed for gain brought about a terrible disaster. Tt is needless to say that the two per- sons named are in different classes and' that the scales of justice are not pro- perly balanced in the courts of this city. The last thing one could imagine that a thief would purioin would be | to steal crape from a door in a house 'where death had' Nikited: Hit eich has happened here." AUghst Barth wax fined ten dollars and costs for such an act. After stealing the crape he at once hied himself to a nearby pawn shop and was caught in the act of selling. Two small boys aged twelve and nine told a harrowing tale in the Har rison street police station one day this week experiences that would make many a strong man hesitate to under go. Without money or friends thew have traversed the. country irom Kl Paso, Texas, to Cheyenne, Wyoming and from there to Chicago in - search of their father. Side by side the little fellows have trudged over plains and mountains, risked stolen rides on freight trains, got short "lifts" from kind hearted conductors, slept where they could, and, like sworn knights of the Crusades, stood faithful to each other and their guest through all trials. "We never thought of bein afraid and were seldom discouraged," said Charles Randolph, the older one, as he threw the hair back from his sun-tanned forehead. The officials of the. court will try to find a home where the brothers can without separating them. Chicago faces another strike ery and funcral carriage drivers. If called it likely will be general. It will stop funerals, carriages for wed dings, all the cabs that stand on corners down town, and all other vehicles driven by employees of livery stable owners. The last strike of car riage drivers mgde Chicago notorious throughout the world. The interfer he adopted of liv ence with the burial of the depd caused expressions of disgust every. where. For the first time in -the history of the Chicago University, President Harper will be forced 10 be absent from the winter convocation next week. He recently underwent an op eration for a cancer and will spend some time in Southern Italy to recup- erate. This week in one of the courts was to be seen a spectacle that would bring tears to the eyes of the most flinty-hearted. Dragged from her hed, despite the pleadings of her frightened daughter, a woman of seventy -vears, sick and suffering, wes bundled by a constable into am am bulance and hurried away to jail, where it required. the attentions of a physician for several hours to revive her. The charge is that she had ac cepted a ring which bad been oa token of engagement between her daughter and an admirer. The. lover. had bought the ring on the instalment plan, making partial payment. When the engagement was broken the man refused further payment. During the recital of the tale the trial judge grew more and more indignant. and when the storv was finished he declared : "This is an outrage and drastic mes- sures should be taken to prevent a repetition of this kipd again. John Harlan. the republican candidate for mayor in a recent charged that the effort to elect Judge Dunne, the democratic candidate, was for the purpose of controlling the city for William Randolph Heart, whom says will be presidential candidate of the demoerats in 908, This is the striking langudge that Narlan uses © "The demoeratic party Preverst 4 wh street, has laid pide fy ll wo tweed ie ih $i io #9, which he will offer at $5 -- suit, A great barge, hae lowered helore the ayer of © (he people of Chicago a furtain on "vhich itation for municipal cownersBip} three robhers one day this week in These the vicinity of Forty-third street and brio -- ella, J. 5 Ban. Ashland avenue. The fight was kept Tallis, J. Me ny up bor several blocks and éhots were Jere «J. Driver. exchanged freely, The streets were soon free of people who ran pell mell | mediate municipal ownership. An in in every direction to get out of | visible chotus is * singing an uthem danger. One man wes captured. They | ang the recurring phrase is immediate oo may.' be -had from public o of street cars "But back af the Curtain o wild orgy political 'satwnhalia, is vaging. Through the ourtain' could be seen the flash of demeratical fire and above the voices , ol the Vvingers cam he of the de they shrick incantations, + weird And the the vential figure ol the orgy al the late William - Randolph Hearst.' It goes without saving that there will ho more general interest through out the country in the municipal cam ign: in © than ever lwiore The issue of municipal ownership of the street car lines is one which in terests not. only the people of Chi cago, 'but the many t ousands who annually visit' Chicago on business or leasure.. And the. example of . Chi cago will go.far toward pointing the way lor @ ties .in this matter. An med. Henry come to Chi five, days ago, but now he is. wiser' swhen . ho left the old sod. He attended a basketball match at Willard ball 'and in attempting to start up a spnversation with a young lady in the audience. was arrested for insolence. ¥. Henry paid his fine and vowed to leave the "'bloomin' town 'at Su. a am an °G the Boer on wa Chasey o Carter Judge Bates cord, "hut i did. not secure him, bis frendoi. was found guilty of manslau, ye by. a. jury and sen- tenced to ge penitentiary for a term of from one yegr to life imprisonment. The trial lasted only. seven hours. Carter was a riender and shot and killed illigm, Changes on November 17th, 1904. Carter, claim # to be in possession of a Vietoria Cross won at, Modder River, | He livpd for some time in Canada, The new Chicago and Alton newspa per train is making some record-break- ing trips between, Chi 0, Blooming ton, Peoria, Sprin ple nd other 11 linois cities, Af tiges : eighty miles an hour speed is reo ¢ on tons = of newspapers ate the disily load. Millions of dollars" will be expended during the' prawns yepe for improve ment upon' the PepnSylvania and Van derbilt lings. © dicectors of the Pennslyvenia road have announced their approval 'of an expenditure dur ing the present yéar Tor construction and equipment of more than $30,000, 000; The Vanderhilts will expend be tween $30,000,000 'and $40,000,000 on their tines west of Buffalo, Terminal improvements in and around Chicago are planned for the different lines and it ig estimated that the work will re quite an expenditure of $10,000,000, A tunnel under the Detroit river at De truil, as a possible substitute for the proposed International bridge, is men tioned in connection with the improve ments. Crossley. and : Hupter, the Canadian evangelivis, who resently were brought from Nova Scotia to Oak Park. the fashignable vest side. suburh of Chi cago, for a wries of meetings, ar having great sucoesy,. Over three hun dred conversions made in the first two weeks who a few _--_ Retin aged thy clubman, ftom wl wets to have a thorny road to travel. hres young wives have laid chapges Agayst her of alienating their hyshands' love, and she is now hankiu} pt 'and has been confined to th Woman's Home till her fathory who is Gen, Graves, of Buffalo, N.Y, os wealthy and highly connected vitiren, comes for her. The woman ems to Be a moral degener ate, faking advantage of great beauty and lavish coslgied a trusting hus- band gave her, 46 168d young married men to become edmirers of her and then enjoy their fall from' rectitude. Three subdued young wen and three downcast voung wollen appesréd be fore Justice Mayer 'on Monday. They were elopers und 'were clinrged with disorderly conduit." 'Marriage or the Bridewedl,* said the gtice in = "hanged by -the-nedk-antil-dead"" tone of voice: Ju charge of. p policeman: the three young men sought the marriage Ticense department aL the county build ings, W. HARRY SPEARS. ------ ; Where In The Hurt? A sented: any strain on bray rg e-ar tendon will be ered quickest by the tse of Smiths White Liniment. | tes detply into aston upd tissues and ban hs or inflammation. 1 you have muscular rheumatism, fumbago. ete. "try. this vemedy today. Wig bottles 2c. at Wade's. Thre ications afFterk's ' Uorn Salve will eure hard or soft corns. | SPORTIREV(EW| WHAT (5S OCCURRINGR IN Another MANY CIRCLES. For the Stan ley Cup--Britt to Meet White-- Amprior Won a Hockey Championship. There will be no senior lacrosse team in Brantford this year. The Montreal Club will train at Shes, Pa., where Toronto went last By Otto Wonderly will probably ride for the Seagram stable again don wants to put a team in the sehior serios of the Canadian Lacrosse Association, Pitcher Fairbanks, last vear . with Providence, will be with the ' Utica State League team this season. Torgal Noren, at the Rossland car nival made a Canadian record of tydour feet for jumping on skis, | this year. 'wo heavyweight fighters, Marvin Hart, white, and Jack Johnson, col ored, will probably meet in San Fran cisco this month, Young Corbett for a while will tey his luck in"sivround bouts at Phila- delphin. He expects ultimately to be matched with Terry MoGovern, Jack O'Brion i= out with a denial that he is matched 1 fight Tommy Ryan before a San Francisco club. He may meet Young Peter Jackson, The affairs of the Eastorm Baseball League are in good shape and a pros: porous season is expected, 'The same clubs as last year will comprise this year's league, A er son prominently oonfyoc ted with the Toronto Lacrosse Club "says that the cub will make a fight for admis sion to the semior series, and will lay' ite case hefore the C, 1. A, Jabez White apd Joe Bowker, English fighters, will be in New York next week. According to a despateh received by Tom O'Rourke, they sailed | from Liverpool on the Cedric. Jack Toft will be with Toronto the coming season, Fither. Raub or Fuller will be given in exchange, with the chances in favor of the former, whe plaved in Montreal during Dooley's the regime. Jimmy Britt, as Battling Ne had expected. has side-tracked Dane, and will ficht Jabez White, the English lightweight champion, . next month, before the Yosemite Athletic Club, of California, . Battling Nelson, in a letter to n friend. complains that Britt has net put up his forfeit monev for a match, Nelson is of opinion that Britt. may sidotrack him aftér all to take on Jabez White, 'who is now on his way here from Fneland, Gus dotiel, booked to play with To ronio this season. with the Philadelphia team he will probably join after play ing a weason in the torn League, "aii. Hockey Notes. Toronto, on Thursday night, Arprior the Upper Ottawa Valley League, de feating Renfrew by 4 goals to 2. Dey Bros., third. The remainder, is deducted, is divided between competing teams, The Dawson City team left yvestor day for = the west. games at Port Arthur, Fort William, and other western places, The Canadian Soo hockey about £1.500 to the bad, and the erican Soo is also behind. and Calumet are way. The figures for the cup games have been compiled, Tuesday, 2,353 saw the maich, Thursday, and The total receipts were $5,200, The Berlin hockey club has acceptec a challenge of the senior St. team Am on Friday night. The St. the establishment of a the Ottawa champs. if the Rats conic get them down on the big Arena rink The trimming they administered te the Wanderers certainly puts big sheet > he Marlboros to he played on ice with a strict ref should put in over the night in casy fashion. P. D. Rose, trustee of the were to concerning further games for Stanley cup by formally accepting th challenge of the Victorias, of Mont real, champions of the CAH L., anc allotting Thursday and Saturday, the present week, and Monday, deciding game be necessary, as dates for the series of matches. Victorias have ns vet decided th Th not New York trip, "Untmesl toilet powder" is sold a Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Picton library. board these officers: W, H. Williamgon, pre sidont; Major W. J. tary; D. M. Farmer, treasurer. started. Wednes lav American Leagne team for New. Orleans, where he 'will 'have the benefit of the spring training with the Athletics, and which Rat Portege will play Maslloros i in won the championship of owners of the rink get one after expenses the They will play Houghton ahead in a financial recent Stanley tn 3.119 2,650 on Saturday. Of this Georges of Toronto to play a watch in Berlin Georges are under guarantee to play the safine team they played against the Marl bores on Saturday night, The Montreal men, on the Calumet hockey team, are going to work for professional hoekey team in Montreal, and if they are successful, Montreal, will be in cluded in the Intemational League season... Une season wax enough for Pittsburg The result of Tuesday night's game in Montreal is taken by many ns « criterion of what would beappen to them far ahead of the Ottawas if the game of Rats Stanley cup. has finally disposed of all doubts the to accept the dates owing to a propose fo has wolocted Hamilton, secre t ( ( of o e 1 The jar, jar, jar of con- stant coughing | Hemmer blows, steadily sp- plied, break the hardest rock. Coughing, day after day, jars aad teats the throst and lungs until the healthy tissues give way. Doctors know why Ayer's Pectoral cures, Sold a Loa. i painted a beautiful and entrancing pict The picture is entitled im- 18¢c., at *Wade' s drug store; COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE' on the Government Stamp of each | bottle, =< McKELVEY & BIRCH, Franc GOODS, TOYS, ETC. if a A MOTHER wrote 'us recently that she had to keep Scott's. Emulsion under Jock and key-- het childven used to drink it whenever her back was turned. Strange that children should like: something. that is so good for them. It's usually the other way. Scott's Emuls makes children comfanable, makes them In and rosy-cheeked. Perhaps that's why they like: it 30 much--they know 'it. makes them feel good, . . "Older people, too, who are thin or delicate will find Scott's Emulsion a wonderful strength. giver and fleshibuilder. Woo SCOTT & BOWNE 122 Wellington Street, Wast ONTARIO i sui aly the ue pip wis va; Wel LL wn for ON, i nd i he nd on BLORDDYN fos i. i, HLORODYN me Always ask for "DR. J. COLLIS PROWNE'S CHLORODYNE," and beware spurious compounds or imitations. The genuine hears the words "DR. J, Rb Sold in battles at 1s, 1 wd. 28. od, and 4s. 6d. ach, (Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each bottle] Sole Manufacturers i=J. T. DAVENPORT, Limited, LONDON. Wholesale Agents, LYMAN BROS. & CO Umited, Toronts. + -------------- ----------------T WOMAN'S DELIGH H she has the usual house-ke inxtinet, is In a stoye which is & Imker, and will turn out a bre or dinner fit for the most partie bushand or guest, the "H ap ) Thoig Range Will do without trouble, and with' very little fuel too. 69 and 71 Brock St. % a TC Coen GAMES Cribbage Boards, Trix Cards, Kan U Katchy Flinch, Sherlock Holmes, Pitt, Chess Men, Check- ers, Dominoes. Fancy China, suitable for wedding and Birth day presents. Little Lady Oranges. White China for decorating. Fruits and Confectionery. ow Sle ge 0 80u)0) Siejeieafe a arele