fo ™ recognize and continue F 3 § g i : Choquette would appear i was all forthcoming, committee proceeded without tors, thay £ :: £ i the accusations, TT inistration of Hon. Mr. Parent had ays been marked with integrity and honesty, and that no act of favor or impartiality had ever bein com- and, in due time,' re. itt and Moro ronrarkable pease of conducting campnigny, [i is being met ont hy the common purty fund. What do the people think ng at the aot vy. bill, ns it exists, snother party, operating in Montrenl, in deipinding that it be passed, ? will, ix the ------------ EDITORIAL NOTES, Rumour is again busy with the name of Hon. Mr, Fitzpatrick, the minister of justice, It is said that he is going to retire. It is a false alae, of tory political origin, Sms Insanity is again playing a large | part in determining liability for crime, for life insurdiie, etc. on the cases where there is reason to doubt ite existence ? The Weekly Sun is dissatisfied with the manner in which the railvay com: mission is doing its work. The farm- ers are not being attended to, and if ingrease ? Or js it alleged mb fore the committee ho would with: | they are neglected much longer, it iw draw the civil soits, and secopt the | intimated, something will happen, logishitive aoa finality, $: | What? The Russian council of war has de cided that the Manchurian campaign must' go on, far if the grand dukes, who are now in hiding, were sent to the front, or il the members of the aforesaid coun- cil were ordered to the trenches, Sir William Macdonald, with the aid It would not go ve ; flat Prof. | Bokiertson, is leading the Vindication boing complete Mr. fog ioniste of the day in peculiar Sl in now expected to leave office, §yomn. He can do what the educa- and roceive the relied which comes with Jost, His health is not good, and it be better until_he lays down the work he has had on had. READY FOR 17, 3 3 to 'Soat 1 ¥ L made a sue vows of the post office deparoment, He 8 the first head of it that besides un king great reforms equalized the he A mh ry ouse delivery, by mail, ll vehicle and mon through v Would be a very ously { y and one dor which 'the pey- plo use not at alt prepared. The sug sets in ib uw compensating advantage: | =the coneaicnce of the many, whose fd udthe is worth much, at feast in cee. tain seasons, at the expense of thy one, But the machinery of thy rural § mail delivery, and the enormous cost ol providing and operating it, enough to make a careful nan oir Witham Mulook hesitate, Of course ho can luy the fobts in do. tail before the house. The experionce of the Unithlh States is at his disposal and such od the roports ws he has col] fevted of a public character, Surprise has bom expressed because any of the is like i told him sone things that Would not have been written except with the understanding "that they would not be publicly used! mail delivery is a pice thing, the condition of advanced tion. It is that whigh, (in addi- to the tolephone), puts the coun in poswssion- of vomdorts that hitherto besn enjoyed in only populous centres. It is a luxury, Very very expensive one; and the country is not yet ready for it, S------------ ih if E AT THEIR TRICKS AGAIN, The true value, or want of value, J of the average petition bas been ex. | eoplified in the House of Commons. There Dr. Sproule has managed the campaign against the autonomy hill, 4 | the plan being . iis vpinion is running largely against white These themselves, and become stubborn chronic when neglected. importance that an effective remedy Dr, be Hall's It is easy to buy, easy to take, and | ompt and certain ' dia will save time, needless expense who have used tion that cured Thomas Promers others. In bottles drug store. Shown here is selected. tion departments cannot do--because he is fees to do as he likes. He is not, hindered by officialdom and red tape. Is Dr. Sproule the artful dodger of the Commons ? It ie sald that he is doing great exeention with petitions Tova t the delivery, weokitig to ¢ompromise members by ad- ic. | dressing them and getting them inpo- cently to assume the responsibility of bis handiwork. ' The Hamilton knows), wesures the people that when the' Jegivlatubs Metts © Mr. Whitney Will pass 'a' law "which will remdve license commissioners from political and party influences." It counsels the rebellious wait | y 'bill, but he i Spectator (and i ----------l FASHION'S FORM. One Of The Latest Styles Just Out, a dainty bodice ring-net over white china silk, Soft white lace figures at yoke, col- lar, on sleeves, and about the hips, The bodice closes invisibly behind, Who Has Rheumatism ? Those who have rheumatism in, any form should not delay in curing i. troubles never get bettor of It is of vital Most romedies fail, Rhoumatic Cure always cures. in results. Suf- sufferi aod securing ro 1 nr ko all it. Thie is . hundreds of 50, 'at' Wade's at once. Mills; and Horrible Tales Of Cruelty. Pagis, March atrocities committed on the tives by French 16. Reports of the Congo na- increase in number, and each tale is more horrible all. "| than its predocessor, i Dralion wh wed and o practice with his swo one' Native after Tati im, separate Is as they already exist. in the North-West. The tory party is, thers fore, divided upom the subject, while one party, in Ottawa, is ham und ex: Is insanity and inspectors ones* to of and aes wy | WF. SMITHCO, 0, nt of GRAND PUKE VLADMIR. Rorlin, ~ Murelh™ 15.-To anyone fa miliar with conditions in Russia, jt is y | perfectly Juin why Grand Duke Vindi- mir stands ready 6 defend autocracy, even "at the rigk of 'his life, and even against the czar Kimsel. 'No man in Russia holds so many and so many profitablo offices as Vladimir. : A constitutional government would moan finneial ruin (0 him, as jt would do away not only with the sal aries which he reecives, but, what is far more important, with the chances of graft, which sre now his, No constitutional government, pecially in an impo hed conntry like "Russia, would allow the grand dukes to absorb so much of the na- tion's money. By imperial dicres the grand dukes, as relatives of the czar, are allowed an income of from the treasury of 60,000,000 roubles, or about two millions for cach, if the money was equally divided. Of these sixty millibns Vladimir gets six. His private ploperty, consisting of mines, timber lagd und agricul tues! ands, give him an! sanual inoanie of about four illionsmore, und besides he draws the following salaries : As' commander-in-ehief of the army, 60,000. roubles; as dhiel- of the con beription departments of St. Peters: burg, 130,000; as member of the in perial counail, 110000, . and as wen ber of the commitiee, of ministers, 60,000. With. these. enormous revenues oie might think that he would be a very wealthy man, but his two sons, Cyril and Boris, who wont to the front to fight for their country, came back, having incurred a amounting | to 3.000.000 robles Hi Mabchuria, and according to a sta¥ément of one of his baukers, thereidd wu deficit of 15,000,000 in his owit secon, « und this in site: of the Fact that Le ap propriated 40 his own use the 40,000, 000 danated by loyid Russians for Mie ervetion of uw chard in memory of his father Alexander I1., and despite of his thefts of money intended for shoes and clothing for the soldiers of Gen. Kuroputkin's army, To the ezar, who has always heen a man of simple tastes und feugnl hal, its, it would mean very little if a con stitutionnl government ent down his infome to an amoent ' €ivtilar to the one allowed the kaiker, but to Wadi wir it would mean bankruptey, Viadimir nesds the money, and he Gs going to light for his rights to thefy and graft. Y Some fime ago, while M, Witte was in power, he tried to put a stop to the disgracelal stealing hy high officials ite., the grand dukes--hy preparing 'a law for the signature of the czar t which would make évery Russian of: ficial redhonsible for Kix actions and amendable to the punishments of the Russian criminal * éade. The hill came up For digenssion in the imperial council, of which Viadi mir and a number of his ilk, heaven knows for what reasons, are members. \ The old Count Paplen, former min ister of justice and distiller of a kum- fi known all over the world as a , reactionary but strictly honest man, arose wo speak, | "This law," be said, "even if signed ) by the cear, would never have any value unless it was also stipulated in SMITHS BLADDER wm | Sd . they hat Rey gists and N. C. A NICE LOT OF Fence Posts, S. ANGLIN & C0, mish mate conuections - should Without this the be a farce," Vladimir, who well knew that ( "out Wot protect him, whole thing - would Puhlen was hin at the many crimes committed by him, which would long ago have sent' him to the peni- tentiary for life had he been un ordin- ary mortal, tarned livid "with rage, jumped from his seat and banging the table with his fist, roared : "Never as lovg as 1 hold a seat in thix council will 1 allow insinuations of fin Sit Zine members of the imperial family," and sweeping papers and ink. from the fably. Ea his sword, he. rushed out, slomming the door behind hin. And thus the law which was to have made Russian officials responsi ble for their actions came to an ab rupt end. and they may go on stealing and robbing the people to their heart's content, beesuse the czars uncle is. a thief and a murderer, : -------- UNNA DEFINES A CAUSE. European Skin Specialist Says Dandruff is Caused by Parasites. ~ Upon that theory, proved beyond a dotibt, a cure for dandruff, was sought after, Scientists, chemists, denggists and physicians all "took a hand' and the successful issue in the present pro- duct known as "Newbro's Hewpicide.' This remedy actually kills sie para- sites that infest the hair bulb, does its work most effective and contains not an atom of substance injurious to anything else than the germ alone, Herpidide causes the hair to grow as nature intended it should, soft and abundant, Sold 'hy leading druggists, Send 10e, in stamps for sample to Tha Herpicide Co., Petroit, Mich, G. W. Mahood, special agent, FINDS GRAVE AT DOOR. Forcible Reminder of His Pro- Dublin, March 16.--A newly appoint ed s:hool teacher at Arigna, near Ros. common, woke up one morning last week to find an unmistakable grave dug outside. his front door. Conse quently 4 number of police have been drafted in from Boyne to gnard the schoolhouse and its teacher, The trouble has arisen through the local district councillors appointing the son of the former teacher in preference to the nominee of the parish priest. For this they hate been exeommunicated by Dr. Hoare. the Roman Catholic Bishop of Ardagh, People Dally, With Catarrh, It strikes one like a thunderclap de- velops with a rapidity that no other disease does. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder is the radical, quick, safe and pleasant cure that the disease de: mands. Use the means, prevent its deep seating and vears of distress. Don't dally with Catarch. Tod Many Agnew's gives" relief in ten minutes, 50." At Wade's Drug Store, --97, Joseph Crees, stewnd at Ridean Hall, during Bord. and Lady Minto's Tit that no bow auguit Birth fan Wicial etarhis. von ot family bable Fate. 4 § A Barrington English Hat, $2. i Biack, Mixed or Green unrivalled as a "Pick-me.y, » being absolutely pure, A 28c., 30c,, 40c., 50c., 60c, per Ib. By all Grocers. Sold diy in sealed lead packets. Highest Award St. Louis, 1904, ee -- $ : BIBBY Ss ds ? The Fashionable Man Need Not Forever be An Extravagant Maa. Wherever you go you will see our Clothes on bankers, lawyers, physicians, businessmey_ men who have learned how to spend money .in a business-like way, and know the asset value of good clothes; you will probably be unable to distinguish those we clothe from those who still go to higher priced tailors. It means, when a man buys here: more clothes per year for the same expenditure, or as many clothes for much bless :-- A Spring Suit, $6.50 to $17.50, 1 A Spring Top Coat, $7 to $18.50. A Pair of Spring Trousers, $2 to $5. -- -- New Neckwear, New Gloves, And Spring Toggery of all sorts, at prices , that bave never yet caused a feeling of disap pointment. THE H. D. BIBBY CO, term, and who returned to England | § 3 berd: Oak : with their "excellencies, is dead from s, Clothiers and Ha ashers, Hall, Kingston. puetmonia, a . ~~ Lever's Y-% (Wise Head) Disinfectant | 80@ > Senses fl Soap Powder is better than other | == -- F---- powders, as it is both soap and disin- = BEAU ; IFUL N EW Instant Cure For Colds; Coughs, Catarrh and Throat Trouble. Simply inhale the medi 8 cated air at the mouth THE RAINCOAT, once the most dreary and hapeless of or nostrils. It spreads en's garments, has had a wonderful change for the bettn through every air cell years, and passage of the breathing organs, clears Not content with being useful, it has become ornamental away discharges, 'heals sore spots, and relibyey There is no longer a mackintoshy look or smell.' Now the congestion Tt is pleas touches of color and style; where formerly was nothing but ant, simple and effective ORDINARY COLDS last just ten niinutes when Catarrhozone is breathed deeply into the Inngs wie exhaled through the nostrils, COLD ON THE CHEST fs cured with ab solute certainty in half a day if Catarrhozone is inhaled ten minute ery hour, ey and sombre fabric, now there anid effects in the way of stitching are' tucks pleats, and tail We dre now showing the new models, three-quarter lengths. "The long coats thi popular than the thiee quarter, dress materiale moking a long both in full lengtl year will be the continued reign of licht over garment a necessary featur every well-dressed. woman's . wardrobe, Prices range from $6 to $20. Moen and Mantle Store. ASTHMA AND BRON S; PENCE'S, ™ Leading Millinery CHITIS relieved right away, and cured to stay cured by Catarrhozone, CATARRH AND DEAFNESS are instant ly relieved and thorough ly eradicated by inhaling Catarrhozone A GUARANTEE is given with every complete Catarrhozone outfit to give satisfactory results and costs $1 trial will convince the most sceptical. Sample size 25¢. Sold by all drug Polson & Co, Kings ton, Ont., and Hartford. Conn. U.S.A. If D Good Cedar as You'll Not he Lonesome you go about the right way of joining good company. rop in here and note the character of the people who 7 Ras . wos iia" come to this store for their Shoes for the Whole Family. They are just the kind you like to mingle and be seen with. Intelligent, keen eyed buyers who want the best Footwear at-a reasonable price and come here to do their buying in that line. . Uniform sizes. Right prices. FOOT OF WELLINGTON ST. Abernethy's Dependable Shoes STUDENTS who term: will be ready for position «Fall, . As a Business School © business all the time. Our Cala * Ww Spring ' explains, Write for it now. Add Term T. N. STOCKDALI From 1 i register for April 3rd iogsoe, nt | Al "seve soy . BIBBY'S 4 {] Old and young use of BOVRIL, a put exceedingly Bovril : Blood For informal dinners, and all functions where evening dress. There's a richness : grace and smartness- RESS " Brand Tuxe them 'universally worn men Soft worsteds, lined the newest London styles, and faultless fit Dealers have separs and Vests, as well a suits, MF] Sold by lead 9 throughou PROGRESS BRAND by C. Livi SEALED TENDERS ADDRE oa undersigned, and endorsed der for Stable Royal Military hy , One.' will--be received oni Wednesday, March 29 inclusively, for the rection of & stable at the Royal Military ( Kingston, Ont A aeciiica tiod can he se forms of tender obtained at the o Mr. Arthur Ellis, Architect; Ki Ont, and at this Department. Persons tendering are notified th ders will not be considered unless on the printed form supplied, and with their actual signatures Fath tender must be accompan an accepted cheque on a chartered made payable to the order of th ourable the Minister of Public equal to ten per cent. (10 p.c.) amount of the tender, which will felted if the party tendering dec ter into a contract when calle 10 do so, or if he fail to compl Work contracted for. Ii the tender accepted the cheque will be retur The department does not bind i accept the lowest or any tender By order, FRED. GELINAS, Secr Department of Public Works, Ottawa, March 11 Newspapers loserting this ad Meat. without authority from partment, will not /he pald for it 19¢ RAKES YOUR CAKES LiaHT. RAKES YOUR BISCUITS Lia! MAKES YOUR BUNS LIGHT. BAKES YOUR LABOR wLianT. MAKES YOUR EXPENSES 1 Order from your Groce: EW.GILLETT 202 TORONTO.ONT. ' TE -------- A Saie Cough Medicine Fo dren, In buying a cough medicine | 0 fever be afraid to buy O ns Cough Remedy, There danger it and relief is croup and -w It is especial sale by all druggi from able for colds, Hare to follow For : rongh Tea is suggestive delicious fragrance | the plantation in lea LABEL. For sale a