Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Mar 1905, p. 5

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1 unrivalled as a "Pick-me.yp » 3: Oc, per ib. By all Grocers thest Award 8t. Louis, 1904, flan Need Not Forever he avagant Man. £0 you will see our Clothes physicians, businessmen -- d how to spend money in a nd know the asset value of will probably be unable to e clothe from those who ed tailors. It means, when ore clothes per year for the as many clothes for much , $6.50 to $17.50, Coat, $7 to $18.50. ing Trousers, $2 to $5. English Hat, $2. adit ar, New Gloves, ggery of all sorts, at prices caused a feeling of disap . BIBBY CO, ashers, Oak Hall, Kingston. FTV VDVOTVVVRRTCVVRS nea ---- UL NEW \TS most dreary and shapeless of derful change for the bette l, it has become ornamental a tushy logk or smell.' Now the A we formerly was nothing but a pla we bucks and" pleats, and 1 w models; both in full lengt] | coats this year will be even mor the continued reign of licht col ver garment a meces drobe, rom $6 to $20. ary feats The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store. ome ay of joining good company. character of the people who Whole Family. you like to mingle and be in eyed buyers who want the nable price and come herc t0 pendable Shoes '"ODENTS who rm: will be ready for position il, . As a Business Sch ; giness all the time. Our Catalog plains, Write for it nc Addr T. N. STOCKDAL} Principal register for th w A Kingston, Ont. WTR Sol diy ! evening dress. RESS " men. the styles, and faultless fitting. sults, ---------------------------------- HALE AND HEARTY. Old and young alike are benefited by the ase of BOVRIL, as it is not only palatable but exceedingly nutritious. Bovril Makes Young Blood in Old Vein: "PROGRESS" Tuxedo Suits For informal dinners, *' stag "' evenls, and all functions where ladies are not There's a richness and elegance--a grace and smartness--to * PROG- Brand Tuxedos that make them universally worn by well-dressed Soft worsteds, lined with silk, cut In newest London and New York Dealers have separate Tuxedo Coats and Vests, as well as the complete Sold by leading clothiers throughout Canada, -- There is a quality in Boveri that pro- motes digestion and makes the delicate person === PROGR ESS BRAND CLOTHING is sold in Kin gstcn, by C. Livingston & Bro. only. ] SEALED TENDERS ADDRE to the undersigned, and endorsed der for Stable Royal Military College Kingston, Ont.' willbe received at tnis ofice wath Wednesday, March 29, 1905 inclusively, for the erection of a hrick stable: at the Royal Military College, Kingston, Ont and specification canbe seen and forms of tender obtained at the office of Mr. Arthur Ellis, Architect, Kingston, Oot, aad at this Department. Persons tendering ure notified that ten- ders will not be considered unless made on the Printed form supplied, and signed with their actual signatures Each tender must be accompanied by &n acogpled cheque on a chartered bank, made payable Lo the order of the Hon- ourable the Minister of Public Wo equal to ten per cent. (10 p.c.) of the amount of the tender, which will be for- felted if the party tendering decline to ler into a contract when called upon 16 do so, or il he fail to complete the work contracted for. Ii the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned The department does not bind itself to tooept the lowest or any tender. By order, FRED. GELINAS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, March 11, 1905 Newspapers loserting this advertise eat. without authority from the De- partment, will not /he paid for it RAKES YOUR CAKES LIGHT. BAKES YOUR BISCUITS LIGHT. | MAKES YOUR BUNS LanT. MAKES YOUR LABOR LIGHT. BAKES YOUR EXPENSES LIGHT . Order from your Grocer. EW.GILLETT oouramy TORONTO. ONT. ' I A Safe Cough Medicine For Chil- : dren. In buying o cough medicine for chil- fever he afraid to buy Chamber- 's Cough Remedy. There is no hy wearing one of Carters Smart *r from it and relief is always Weed) and Belladonna Backahe Plas- able for colds, croup and whooping ters. Price 25c, Try them. : Hare' to follow, It js especially valu-| One gallon tin of pampkin, regular ough: For sale hy all druggists. price 95¢., for 15c., at Mullins. That Hacking Cough ! Keeps You Awake at Night ? LL ---- Then Get Rid Of It. Stop snd consider that neglected coughs aud colds, if not cured imme- diately, are followed by Bronchitis, Poeu- monia, Catarrh, and Consumption. Better cure your cold now with a few doses of DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP. Itis a pleasant, safe, and effectual medi- cine that may be confidently relied upon. Mrs. Brenton Smith, Pembroke, N.S, writes :--** Some time ago Iwas troubled with a bad cough, and thought I would try your valuable cough mixture, Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, I purchased a bottle, and as soon gs I began taking it I could tell it was helping me. I kept on, and in a short time my cough was cured. I would advise anyone suffering with a cough to get a bottle, for it will soothe, heal and care." Price 25 cents, Get Dr. Wood's. Refuse substitutes. Tan T. Mirsyax Co., LIMITED, Tomowro, ONT. Roosevelt Favors South. Washington, TLC., March 16.--Presi dent Roosevelt is said to be about show his good will toward the south by offering to Mrs. John B. Gordon, widow of the famous confederate | to er, the office of postmistress of At lanta 4 Mrs. Longstreet, widow of. Gen Longstreet, was recently appointed postmistress at Gainesville, The presi dent fecls eordial toward Geargin, a Georgia especially his mother being woman All cases of weak or lame back, backache, rheumatism, will find relief The Rich, i Clear Color oO Blue Hiller Tea is suggestive of its purity and strength. It's delicious fragrance is still more enticing. Fresh from the plantation in lead sealed packets. Try the RED LABEL. For sale at all live grocers. ---------- damn SP ---------- Gr rss sncscsasasasese {Bold in the Provan ston General Hospital, for which Mrs. house, was a far greater success than were received by Mrs, J. C, president of ciation, and by Miss Gordon, the sup- and i Buwilight ---" The "linen shower" for the King- Hiram Calvin very Kindly gave her its promoters expected, or even hoped for. Quantities of supplies of all kinds poured in during the afternoon, and Connell, the Woman's Aid Asso- erintendent. The nawes of the scribers were taken by X sub Mrs, George Chown, A good business in cakes sweets was done by Mrs. Gar rett, wha had as aids Miss Louise Kirkpatrick and Miss Lorraine Dal: ton, and this added to the revenue, In the tea-room were Mrs, D. MN. Gordon, and Mrs. A. 8S. Oliver, over the coffee and tea, and their assistants were Mrs, Francis King, Miss Marion Lew: is, Miss Gertrude Strange, Miss Katie Gordon, Miss Beatrviee Tandy, Miss Etta Sparks, Miss Alice Hague, and Miss Mildred Jones, The committee are deeply grateful to Mrs. Calvin for her kind thought, the result of which will be such a boon to our needy hos- pital. The Woman's Aid Society return thanks for the following articles: Thi: ty-nine dozen towels; twelve and one half dozen pillowslips; eight and one- half dozen tray cloths; six and one- half dozen table napkins; one dozen doylies; nine dozen sWeets; a dozen and one-hali dresser covers; three pairs of blankets; thirteen pairs of blanket sheets; four nightgowns; one dozen angl nine night-jackets; twelve yards canton flannel, * The Skating Club meet, last night, was very jollv, most of the skaters present. The hours were set from nine to eleven, to allow church- goers to attend both their religions duties and their pleasures, '1f the cold being weather continues there will he yet another meet, on Saturday night. There were: no refreshments at last night's meet, but this did not inter fere with the enjoyment. . . The Sketching Club, 'which has real y 2 kept alive here by the enthusi interest of its secretary, Mrs. is wondering how in the world it is going tg get on without her, she has ever heen such an inspiration. As one member said: "Ome often went o meetings when one didn't feel able o, first because Mrs. Nash expected one." And this inciting to persever- ance was just the best help the secre tary could give her club, and its re sult is seen in the good work done by the members. Mrs. Nash's latest wat er-color, an extremely pretty summer bit, and which has just heen complet ed, is being greatly admired by her friends, t t Mrs. David Laidlaw gave a small evening party on Tuesday, in honor of Mise Bessie Dowsley, who is stay- ing with Miss Rigney. Mrs. John Macgillivray gave a small tea on Saturday, for a few of Miss Margaret MeKellar's old friends, when the guest of honor gave an in- teresting talk on her missionary work in India. Mrs. W. J. B. White asked a few people to high tea last night. - eo There was the usual Badminton meet yesterday. An election will take place next week, eee Dr. Margaret MoKellar went up on Tuesday to Madoc, and will go on to Almonte on Friday. Miss McKellar has been given a number of very beau- tiful jewels by grateful patients in In- dia, among them a large cross of gold set with amethysts, Miss Margaret King has so far re covered from her sdrious illmess that she was at a little tea, yesterday, where she almost divided honors with the hostess, as everyone wanted to take the opportunity of saying how nice it was to see her about again. Mrs. Buxton Smith left yesterday, for Sherbrooke, Que, Mrs. Cappon and the Mis have gone to New York. . . . . re Macnee Miss Ross, who has been visiting in Quebec, is now staying with Miss Me Limont, in Montreal. Mrs. Peirce left, yesterday, with her daughter, Mrs. Dunstan for Torento, and with her going Kingston loses and old among her friends. Miss Gertrude Wilkingon is up from Montreal General Hospital for a short visit, Mr. Burton Horsey is now much better, and has been able to sit up for a short time for the past few days. Miss May Hinckley is home from the hospital and will be able to be ont in a few days - . * . Nr. E. A. Booth returned from the west on Tuesday Miss Beanpre, of Albanv, N.Y. is the guest of Mrs. Bajus, Rideau street, Friends in town of Mrs. Ben. Tett, of Bedford Mills, will be sorry to hear that she and her two bove are laid up with measles, and that Mrs. Tett has been quite ill. Mize Pet Deacon, of Brockville, staying with Mre, Bajus, Mise Fdna Mitchell went up, vester day to visit her brother in Toronto. is has rented a house in Admiral road Toronto. is vis ting her uncle, 2 Lancing, grata in Toronto, and so very well known : in Mon daughter of Mr. B. G. Scott, John ston street, this ety, to Mr. (3. H ton Swith, of Montreal. The wedding the late Mr, 'treal. one who was sincerely loved by young jen Etches left, yesterday, for | there were smaller vases with carna Orillia. tions. Too much praise cannot be . . . : x given the young men for their kind Lady Strathcona is wintering at | thonghtfulness. Cannes on the iviera, with her daughter. She is in fairly good health. Mrs. Edward Rathbun, of Deseronto, Miss. Otterley. Fellowes, of Toronto, Mr. Ashworth, Ontario, is a partienlarly happy «ne. he and his wife (formerly Wise Daisy of Niagara), being persona or winter, af will be these a of Miss Margaret Seott, Hil will take place in September - - - . The engagement. i% announced of Miss Grace Leshie, third daughter of J, BH. Leshie, and Mr. inald B. Gilmour, only son of the Reg Nr. James X: Gilmour, of Mon- * . . . An English wodding that will inter ost a good many people who met the bride daring - the ¥isit of the Prine and Princess of Wales to Canada, is that of Lady Mary Lygon, sister of Loved -Peanchamp, to Major Trefusis, of the Seats Guapds. The manage will probably the princess of tha services of a bed-chamber woran, v " government from / difficulty, he said. which Slice Lady Mary has held for Prolonged debates delayed business ONLY PARTLY TRUE. a---- Popular Ideas Regarding Catarrh. It is the common beliel that what is arly known as eatarrb is simply Dre cold im the head. This is true as far 88 i€ , but as a mat ter of » Vis By no means confined to the nasal passages, but extends wherever © the mucous mem- brane extends, which means nearly 'AS AD ICTATOR Sos hen snowed | INTRODUCES CLOSURE IN Asquith Raises Seandal four introduced the "closure" in the of the estimates before March 31st, ceedings on clared that it was necessary in order the house and not HOUSE OF COMMONS. Crym- Premier Pleads Necessity in Order to Secure Timely Sanec- tion of Estimates on Public Supplies, London, March 16. Premier Bal House of Commons yesterday, with the object of securing the sanctioning In moving the closure of the pro supply the premier de to secure the requisite votes before the clase of the financial year. The step taken was for the eredit of to extricate the and closure was more in consonanee with the dignity of the house than the suspension of the twelve o'clock rule, the vision of bedragged mem. bers of parliamént going home at ten in the moring not being calculated to raise the reputation of the House of Commons, Mr. Asquith, liberal, in a few caus: tic sentences moved the adjournment. Ho declared Mr. Baliour's motion was a parliamentary scandal, the greatest outrage ever offered by a "nominally" every part of the body. The mucous membrame is the inside skin of the body and is nearly as ex- tensive as the outside skin, snd any inflammation of this membrane cans ing an extra secretion of fluid is really catarch, Catarrh is, therefore, an old enemy disguised by many confusing names, for instance : tis is nasal ca- tarrh; * laryngitis and pharyngitis throat catarrh; gestritis, stomach ca- tarrh; oystitis amd nephritis, catarrh of the bladder and Kidneys. Therefore, although the location of the trouble gives it varions names, in reality the sum total is catarrh und nothing else, vo not make the mistake of thinking vou have no eatarrh because the head and nose appear to be clear. If there is a tough, tickling in the throat and hoarseness you have throat catarrh, if there is no appetite, but nausea, gag: ging and disgust for food especially in the morning, you have catarrh of the stomach' The surest treatment for every form of catarrh is an external remedy which acts especially on the blood and mu cous membranes; such a remedy is the new preparation sold everywhere by druggists under the name of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, a medicine in pleas- ant tablet formi and containing all the best and latest specifies for ca tarrh, : Stuart's ¢Catarrh Tablets contain in highly concentrated form, bloodroot, red gam of the Egpealyntus tree and many others equally valuable curative elements, and no ome who suffers from any form of catarrh and has seen the jnefliciency of donchexy sprays and powders will ever go back to them after once trving. 80 pleasant a vre paration ss Stuaet's Catarrh Tahlets and one which gives so much relief in so chort a time, All druggists sdll Rtuart's Catarrh Tablets at be, for full sized package and the regular, daily use of them will effectually enre this troublesome and dangerous disease, WINDOW SMASHERS. Youths Have Been [Throwing Snowballs. Thé police authorities have, for some time past, been receiving com- plaints frony property owners in the have been operating and, much to the satisfaction of the complainants, he suceeded in rounding up the entire party. Walking w the streets be Pp one of met a couple of youths, who, hen they saw the policeman endeavored to side-step and get out of sight. 'his sign of guilt was all that the officer required and be followed the boys to their homes, where, after a short in terview, the youngsters lost their nerve and confessed all, naming their confederates. The Policeman informed the boys' parents and then lined up a squad of five frightened youths who marched in front of him to police headvpuarters. After hearing the par tienlars the bove were allowed to go home after assurance had been given, by their parents that the damage would be made 0 ge Who Gave The Supper. The delicious supper given those who took part in the concert which closed the celebration of the fifty «sixth year of the existence of the Congregational church, was the idea of 8. Lilley, and entirely carried ont by bim with the assistance of George Driver and Fred. Painter. The long table, laid in the Jecture room of the church, was lovely, with its centre of a large bunch of pink carnations in a vase which stood on a raised mirror. Pink crepes paper was arranged to the corners, where it was knotted artistically, and where Cammercial colleges in Toronto, Hamilton, London, Brantford, Galt, Guelph, Berlin, St. Catharines, and Sarnia have been smalgamated. It ix expected that by the first of July all vicinity of Gore, Earl and King | her late residence, Wellington street, to streets, that panes of glass 'in their | St. Mary's cathedral, thence to Si houses and outbuildings have hoon | Mary's cemetery for interment, used for targets by boys practising a -- the gentle art of snowballing. 'The Champion Liniment For Rheuma- complaints have been numerous and tism more than fifty panes of window ylass 5 ; i have been reported broken by the Charles Drake, a mail carrier at youthful *'smashers." Yesterday af- | bapinville, Conn., says : Chamber- ternoon FP. C. Grahany visited the | 18in # Pain Balm is the champion of portion of the city where the Loys all liniments he past year |, was resy minister tg a "nominally" deliberative assembly. He aconsed the government of gross mismanagement and the premier of encroaching on the powers and privileges of the house and said fhe motion marked an epoch in the degradation of the House of Commons from a deliberativéi to a dependent body and transformed it into a mete automatic machine 10 re- gister the will of the executive, The motion to adjourn was defeated by 266 votes to 206. Mr. Redmond moved an amendment that the house decline to sanction any proposals for further curtailing discussion of supply. The amendment was debated up to 0 o'clock, when Nr. Balfour moved closure, which was carried, M9 to 21%. Mr. Redmond's amendment was then defeatid hy a majority of 40, : PERSONAL MENTION, Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing, Fred Geoghegan returned to-day North Bay. Fred. Davies has fully recovered from his recent illness, A. M. Chisholm another trip west, J. J. Harpell, BA., Toronto, spending a few days in the city, W. Y. Boyd, Gananoque, ix the guest his daughter, Mrs, C', W, Lane, jore street. Mrs. W, A. Marshall, Bufialo, N.Y., is visiting her mother, Mrs, Rharp, Barrie street, z Martin Dufiy, bas returned from is of ( Stratford, died on Monday, aged ninety, He lived in Kingston in the fifties, Luke Whalen will go down to Smith's Falle on Monday to instal a new. ongine in Capt. Foster's steamer, Capt. J, N, Carlidle, of the 20th Separate Company, Watertown, N.Y, hae resigned after ten years' service, Thomas Bonner organized a sur prise party on Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Brown, Markland wtfeet Cards and dancing passed away a very pleasant evening, The recruit classes of the 14th Regi ment are filling up rapidly, and indi. cate a prosperqus season for the regi ment; The regular company drills will be comtienced in April. The funeral of the late Mrs. William Lawler took place, this morning, from troubled a great deal with rheuma- tism in my shoulder. After trying roveral cures the storekeeper here re commended this remedy and it com pletely cured me There is no nse of anyone suffering from that painful ail: ment when this liniment can be ob- tained for a small sum. One applica tion gives prompt relief and its con tinued use for a short time will pro. duce 5 permanent cure. For sale by all druggists. Death Of A Farmer. Special to the Whig London, Ont. March 16. Squire Harry Lockwood, of Delaware, died, yesterday, after a short illness cansed by his ruptaring a blood vessel while getting on his farm, He wan ahout sixty years of age and was born in the He was twice married and leaves widow and cevesal children out timber township of Caradoc n A Lieutenant Shot. Vancom er Barracks, Wash., March 16. Lieut. Francis Boone, whoie con vietion by court martial wax made public yesterday, made a desperate at tempt from the harracks and was by the sept-ies. Two serious wounds were inflictid to escape shot -------------------- B. Shaw, speaking last night before the Textile Society of Leads Universi ty, declared that, after a careful stinly of gonditions in the United States and Canada, he believed the mother country had really nothing to learn in the textile industry from the Fnited States, and less from Canada. How's This ? We for any cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. offer One. Hundred Dollars Reward case of Catarrh that cannot he manager of the Bank of Montreal in| the leading business colleges in (m ¥. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Deseronto. tario will join the federation. We, thé undersigned, have known ¥. J « 0 Major Duncan M. Stewart, of the] Chesey for (the last 18 years. and be i . 3 3 iy . eve hi rfectly honorable in & ticks The appointment of Capt. James | 13th Seottish Light Dragoons, Nam have I ont Buancially able. to Fraser Macdonald as the official sec- | real, and general manager of the) ty out any obligations made by his retary of the lieutenant-governor of | Sovervign Bank, was Tuesday, the germ guest at luncheon of Lord and Lady Roberts, Frank Matthews, Oakville, a -| manufacturer, shot himeell and wil die, We drank heavily. Hon. J. P. Whitney will not take sh . Horse and cattle POP | gaily, acting directly upon the blood snd tone, 8 lm, for Welding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- surfaces of the system. Testis sent free. Price 75 cents per Sold by all Drugeists, Hall's Family Pills for const 1 | mucous momals hottie - NEW SILK BLOUSE SUI Elegance and character, combined with a lair measure of simplicity, are embodied in our offerings of new Shirt Waist Suits for Spring. They are "the latest New York styles and offer a sufficient variety, one, we think, to embrace every idea likely to be ex: pressed. We try to tell you about a few; but to a an idea of what they + are you ought to see them ro 'SILK RLOUSE SUITS-made of French taffeta silk, 18 gored skirt, full pleated, blouse and skirt trim- med with silk gimp and French knots, in colors brown amd navy, special price i ot es SIB00 BLOUSE BUITS- Made of "Best 1 yous Dye," taffeta silk, full pleat: ed skirt, blouse and skirt trimmed with piping and French knots, very i i ia 0 819,50 handsome, price BLOUSE SUITR-0f white Japanese wilk, cirenlar skirt, with founos, beautifully made with hewstitohed tucks an © tion, price Ne sure and see our special line of SILK PETTICOATS, in navy brown and black, at 0 A Steacy"s---~Everybody's Store a COMMS CANADA'S HAIR KING (Representative) WYNN TREGWIN Will be at Randolph Hotel, Kingston, on FRIDAY AND SATURDAY March 31st and April 1st Don't fail to see the exhibition of hair goods of every deseription that will he on view ; including the Iatest master piece as applied to Toupees, Wigs Bangs nnd Waves, viz "A NATURAL SCALP PARTING. So natural in appearance that you for- got It in artificial. 'This description apt. ly upplies to all Hair Goods from this ¢ @ the opportunity of purchasing on date. The selection placed hefore will he complete in every respect und the prices an Jow as in our Stord Switches of Straight and Wavy air from $3 to $15. Poampadour Bones from $4.50 upwards, Inspection cordially ine vited. Will call at restdence if you leave message at Hotel, Shall not be here again for three months W. T. PEMBER, Canada's Hair King, 127-129 Yonge St,, Toronto. SPRING | Will soon be here and we are ready to supply your SHOE WANTS With the most up- to-date shoe styles LADIES GENTLEMEN Our QUEEN QUALITY SHOES for PACKARD SHOES af $3.50 and $4.50, Spring are newer and more up-to-date and always on the Taghont for somes thing new. Wo have added the cele New styles in Viel Kid and Chocolate brated W. 1. DOUGLAS $3.50 and £1.50 SHOE for Men. than ever before, Kid, Ideal Patent Vici Kid, sd 5 and $4, | We are confident that we can please yoy with \ these goods. . J. H. Sutherland & Bro. THE LEADING SHOE STORE. Tuke up his permaneut residence in Toron- 20e. Gibwon's Red Cross drug store. pation.

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