row ! gains in Linens we 1,4. ave just been secured ang morrow morning at ached Linen Table Covers ches long by 66 inches ind very good designs, a borders, others have lers. The regular value $1.50 each. is. 99c¢. each. 10 e Bleached n Table Napkins quare, all good designs y for use. The regular $2 to $2.25 dozen. 1.49 Dozen. *n. Not less than half ash and no telephone or- special=. ng Coats -date women know the the New Spring Coats ours, or at least securing n have an early choice u want by selecting it to buy have it placed New Suits . Come and see them. spi So of Dresser, Stand Gold Oak Finished Dresser and* Stand, Fane Dresser and Stand, Fine. Quarts ved oak Iw R. J. REID, 222 Princas Street On Deposits cheap i Mills & Cunningham BANKERS, 79 Clarence Street. AUCTION SALES Furniture, Estate, etc hate already been booked JOHN H. MILLS, PEARL STICK PINS ~ FOR GENTLEMEN FW hives at prisent gacomplete show ing of these goods, small and dainty "Nomething re ally new are the G RAPE have pretty pins at all prices SMITH BROS. NE ZRAL SE Ry ANT Ba EEP EAF" Long Boots ve have proved them to be > wearer of ary Canadian retaining their appearance \F RUBBERS and you agents Wanted, to sell Over $2, 000 a year being 's made by agents. iis made up at Galloway's, , fit and price guarantied hot water heating and all modern im- parlor detached brick that commodious dwelling present occupied by t : sitiate on Albert St & Cunnipg- tee eee St ese ett orocery with large to "wr Coon RULING LOT, SOU TH SIDE Queen Strut, between oF | 1 Sold for sixty years. § > DAILY MEMORANDA, HOETOW Prof $3 aL Even the matrimomil Knot is apt Ww come untied Lig Eo Miss 1. VV. Greaza's Milsesy Open WE, LOSIOTTOW The sun rises Wednesday at 6 01 aw and sets at 6.14 pau Somerville Co Millinery Openir takes place to-morrow New ¥n wl Supper Queen street Methodist church, 6.30 pon 'This day in history Cranmer ourd yred Henvy Vo ecrowned, 1413 All invited Lo attend the Millinery Opening, Loe-morrow at The Samerville to tore BEAUTIFUL LAMPS! No trouble, all plain sailing no catching or getting stiff with a HB. and i Lamp. Satisfaction gnarantead with every one Wwe sell A large variety just opened, exquis design from the very rate ROBERTSON BROS.. SPRING Our First Display of English, French and American -- MODEL HATS -- Commencing ALL ARE INVITED. 228 PRINCESS STREET. T0 CONTRACTORS: Trade"s work required ir completion of a residen for Dr W. i. Aopglin tender not necessarily and specifications may be office Earl St POWER. & SON, Architects, Merchant Bank Chambers. tt lew +m MILLINERY ! M. AND E. JACKSON Y.W.C A. Rov. Eber Crummy TAKE NOTICE difleroncae. 398 Princess Street. PEARL YKES ACQUITTED Woman Has ght to Kill Be etreniium: lawly + and In occasional skirmishes seven willes worth dapapese are Newb ILO: Oyama's Assertion. AN OMINOUS THREAT FULLY BELIEVED IN ST PETERSBURG. sans are a i A despatol o the Asks to Serve Under patch to th Retreating Russian Pillage Im- perial Tombs--Japanese Not Harrassing Them. A Loan Concluded + residents of this city oicupied the city, TORTURED IN FLAMES. know not whither wo ¢ not overtaken the score of her citizen powerful force will. be ( 'wnpeilo Hintrie conte a hy, MILLINERY OPENING barmed to death of men and women who were unable tor extricate themselves f tangled wreckage rific upheaval in the holo room. Move than hali h hunde employees in (he Lu hanged head downward «all supplies gratis WEDNES'Y, MARCH 22| they veachnd safety The population of Bodun, A some from windows bean injured in the mad rush of panic to escape from the doomed factory, The five extend from the PEARSALL'S MILLINERY, TENDERS WILL BE HBCEIVED . and turned him over to | Mity and reduc ol Then to ashes, by the undersigned up to 6 pan, of FRIDAY the 24th, inst, for the several the erection and room were prac tie ally the boiler as it fl) high inta the air, occupants were seriously The total financial loss is estimated ollars, {woul phi alt Wy would then deal with the public - The monetary losses J of the gerviee could then be divided L or any . Plans n at ow , but were expelled The Japavese nwo sent out a second and large detachment, wounded who are ar | Wednesday, March 29th evacuated and employees of I'he number has 'heen estimated Ominous Message Received. Will show thelr Easter Millinery doubted whether have been accounted for, news from the front bee + hours is contained n To-night at 7:30 0'clock which POAT ihe belong to wt ol tn than those me nticned have alse BIBLE STUDY CLASS ovde PONT SELL YOUR STOVES, FUR- n niture, Carpets Gent Clothes and Boots to the first buyer that comes along. 'I'ry me, and you will find the & Number of those in J. TUK, THE SECOND-HAND DEALER, gone Bon "without reporting their in He thought that many of those not 100 in num- | 41, dina ter was "attande wl by man Kuropatkin Ia Roe, SHOT AT GOVERNOR Miasorodoff, Foe of Finns, Faropean Russia; vas based rather Colds Lead To Pnen Laxative Brome Quinine, the wo were unable to stop the I he Matt; their old favorite, the ------ St Loni Pearl Rvke wis acquitted i f mw dering her k wn Rau water, des i t tha al mitted she I shot him, and 1 Ii defense pl Ll ¢ administered a stinging rebuke to th juror Me « h | her a a tiled laying he i irl and Rainwater ' for a lor tim As i fir 4 1 the ~ | i th be 1ober ro attempted 1 leave s } foll him to on t him t change t t howe ar become he lS ' pistol in a handba Wi Rainwater told her th intend to marry her tol from her bag, an nd. Killed hi ved in Storkholm to vhich according to ' me, « approaching Kirin, threaten Changehun wide cold and grip remedy, remove the cause. Call for the fall name wok for signat of BE. W. Gray Kir Wilfrid Laurier, in the commons, on Monday, announced the amend ments to section 16 of the autonomy bills, ih toakl | pro- | Being An Anarchist. A dispatch to a Apply 49 Colborne street. ays th ZOVernor Hjatmar and that from Copenhagen sian saldiers on the pen Your heart beats 100,000 iw tari times each day! Put your finger on your pulse and feel the blood rushing by. Good blood or bad blood? Good health or bad health? You know. Your doctor will tell you his experience with Ayer's Sarsaparilla in these cases. ns: Another Bargain Week At Mullin's | the A neted nweventiully, English marshmellows, versts south of Tieling, Gibson's Red Cross drug store. = SHITcH In Regard To The Canada: Mexico Line: OPPOSE THE CALL PROPOSED TO BE MADE "AT CUBA. The Special Committee on the Telephone Froblem Has Set to Work -- Municipalities Could Provide Them at"Bare Cost. Ottawa, March 21. There is a hiteh in the negotiations for the extablish- ment of the Atlantic steamshi ser- Vice between Canada and exioo, Each country had agreed to pay halt the subsidy necessary for the est lishment of the service, Canada mad Ita condition that the hoats shonkl tall at Cuba, Mexico objected to this and has intimated that no Mexican money. will be contributed toward a service which calls at a port in a competing country, The Canadian au- thorities are not showing any dispo- sition to vield the point and abandon the proposed Cuban call, as it is believed a valuable trade could be worked up with that country, Sir William Mulock 'was chosen this morning to preside over the delibera tions of the commons special commit tee which was appointed last swook to tudy the working of the telaphone i in Canada and elsowhers, This committon will ascertain the comparative ad vantages of public and company con- trol, with a view to paving the way possibly for a nationalisation of the telephone in the dominion, After taking the chair' tha post. master-general outlined what he took to be the scope of the committee's work, "We should seek," he observed, means hy which telephonic communi: cation may he secured to every indi vidual throughont the country who wants the serviee.' Comtinning Sir Wiliam went on to outline a scheme of his own by which telephones should be brought within Two french of the public through mach ery to he established Ly the Joon) municipalities. 'There would he a practical diffioulty, he added, in the government virtuhlishing telephone ser vices, collecting the rates, making re- pairs, ete. The federal government through the nmiunioipalities. The cost among the telephone users and added : how | to their municipal tax bills like wat many pertons perished in the big foot Just Sir William explained that nn sys er rates, tem of automatic telephones has been devised hy which a dozen or so sub at leeribers can have communication with son said that Jone another and with their local mar o ket without the necessity of «un central exchange station. Such an idea would suit the requirements of sparsely set tled districts, PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All aon fq, en Over The World, heen Russia will jssue an internal loan for 200,000,000 roubles There is no truth in the report that Sir Wilfrid Laurier in going to Eng land | Dr Beattie Nesbitt and -R. R the [Ganey are deskinates in the legisla The premiership of Quebee goss to ad Hon. Lomer Gouin, who has already eloctad his cabinet President Roosevelt will eall an' ex tra session of congress to deal with railrond rate question Tohn DD. Rockefeller has given $25, 000 10 the women and children's free dispensary, Cleveland, Ohio Three hundred Chinese lost their lives in a fire on board a number of river boats at Hong Kong Heirs of the late 8, Howard, Egan Chosen | ville, contest the will which left $40, 008 in trust with the Birch company, a1. | Montreal The Balionr government had a ma jority of seventy four against a mo tion of Hon. Fdward Blake to re duce the civil vies estimats An announcemnt § made of the ' ale of the William Hengerer com md | pany department tore, Buffalo, NY, to William H. Hotchkiss, pre ry ident of J. N, Adam & Co William A. Cantlie charges his bro ther Uworge, with confining hid in an and defranding him of 250 th are prominent Montrealers nee is that William is pn dronk THE MAD MULLAH To Oceupy Nlig in Ttalian Soma. liland when Kome, Murch 20. In concluding re {peace with Great Dritain through the mediation of Ttaly, the Mad Mullah hus obtained permission definitely oceapy Wig, a village in ftalian So maliland, 160 wiles from Obbia, which wae the base of operations in the last campaign led by Gen, Manning, Const rights are granted the Mullah, quali fied by a prohibition of trade in arms aml «lave New C.P.R. Hotel. Winnipeg, March 21. The tender & Roy Barrett company, of Reptile, has been accepled for the tion of the tourist Hotel Victoria for the Canadian Pacife railway com t {par The price is just under $500,000, and the work on the building i» 16 he tarted at the beginning of April, by "r Lahich time the foundation will be completed Se Fresh Englisch marshmellows," 25e¢. box. Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Bowling Green, O, March 21. A re vival meeting is Hoytville hroke wp in great confusion on ascponnt of the conduct of Wesler Deremer. the meeting was | heated hitgell behind Mrs, | braced hor and mT a lan Kiss on her of grabbed Deremer, who da abo from a summary ven Dervmer a heen held to the grand: jury on the charge of assault. WITH A LAUGH The Bride Paid the Fine Imposed for Giggling in Church. Des Moines, March 21. giggled in church Mrs. James Raines, a beautiful young bride of but a few days, was arraigned in court at Pleasant and fined The young society woman, with her , went to a meeting of Believing her mirth was voked at the services several de caused hor Arrest, At first she protested, hut was pre vailed upon by legal counsel to plead aiilty to disturbing religions services She paid her fine with a HE WAS KILLED In Hate: to Reach His Wile's It in with somsidersible pleasure of pride that wa 8 tend yon a toudial invitation to | Spring Millinery Opening Which Takes Place Wednesday, March The collection of Parisian and can Novelties which will be p oye apimival, we think the we shall Te aa to have March .91.5In order to hasten hi. return of her husband Patrick Kinsella, wot him a false mes sage which resulted in his death, Kinsella received a telegram hia wife shupuncing he death of his time below he could t a passenger train cided to Board a freight train, train wax about (3 in pome unknown man tor Kinsella fell under the wheels and was ground to deeth, WELL DESERVED IT. -- The Mean Trick .of Several In. quisitive Youths Whig, March 21. -Two MoGill student have. eon nuspented and de- prived of a emdier of privileges dot ich committed at the ther me ime ago, a series of private theatricals exelnsive- ly for thair ows sex, dents rigged themselves out in femmle gh and attended. the, disciplining followed but the two stu- r arh, henee the desire for strict exclusiveness to their own sex. Reached poy, Marloapey arrived, this mornjog, their series of games with the Winni peg Hoxing "ab team. Much interest is blac hed to the visit of the Toronto noeount of their victory | 88 TOY over the Rat Portage team at y SA N Y N i With James T. this evening at the Winnipeg there. in bis oriiinal ad fore, IH. The Rowing Club will be assisted has not played this wepRon, will figure on the line up. the Rowing Club the same team played for the Stanley cup last Gr and Chorus of 56. Seats now on sale. Tha Winnipeg Victorias eanily defogt- -------- i hockey a | Saturday, March The Distinguished English Died In Burlington, Special to the Whig Ans id his superb orixingl "RAFFLES The The only Drama that remained. in York 200 nights last Prices--~Orchepter, hia morning, Dale's English ors Singers eer ee teeta. IN THE SPRINGTIME wm to be Jooking for "and you do not know just what something tempting and tizing, somthing bo Have you thought of TOMATO CATSUP. We have all Kinds and all ig, aged Biukty five years, sioner dotilor of settled in Darlington, lage of Hampton wore and other enterprises which very pucorswfully for giving the Poral "over Lo hi RODS office of treasurer . sn five children. in thn In Alberta. Ye ind a po bulletin, yestor. day, which indicates that, throughout Alberta, the work of weeding has al | Bonding hon progressed further in the south Shan in the north. In somé sections February 206h and needing and forty to fifty per cent. "ames Redden & € Importers of Fine Groceries. Jap Romance Ends N.Y.. Mareh 21.-Toki Kav. 1 noki and Basi Rivmsha, memabers of troupe of Japanese ncro- hats, plaving at Shea's theatre, Tor eek, wore marvied at St, Joseph' » cathedral, The bride was for years the playmate and companion of hushand in Jagan, having beet" altel in infancy hy his pasents, Faithfal Nurse Dead. New York, March a i the face of Sa. danger has cost the life of Mise sie Hlauvelt, aged twenty three years, Newburg, a purse in the Haclem Hos pital. Death was diw to cerebro-spinal which Mise Blanvelt con- tracted while nursing patients afilict- ed with the disease Essentials to be had in of SECURIT BS Of the Highest Class Onl comin. Gibson's