Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Mar 1905, p. 2

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{ 1 | E i Fis - ii ; f fl A clearly t none or all of thiwe com fi if Fm *F a7 iF iz i i Ez i 2 ¢ Jews it in fupasible to con- their ing "Thin 2g ¥ Ss of iF g f 3 i -F a2 st fa3 t li 5 5 grids g i 4 i gF £ is: 8 H E 5 2 g =z k f i er a = ¥ 2 2 | } - i B of i i g £ 1 5 g g 7 Hi % Es 5 - , subject to the Word of God. Instead mith upon the earth" He tolls us that "as of Noah so shall the Son of Man comes, ars not to expect or look for a 2 F ih ir i ie Noah, There' will be no ign of righteoneness until t importance of this ne, and its effect on cur cannot he overestimated. made the great mistake of howe promises in the elgeend to Ohrist's tit it : ii ® | roming in humiliation i anim 'hey strikes many quarters. The # Igiom. Many of hands ent off at the failed 10 an end when Jesus comes, comes, Rev, vi., 9, heaven are natural but that "obo thetd should be with onr house Hebrews x, 1213, we learn that bleased that glorious day. Even ami ing out the period of Satan's Red Hot Pincers. People who suffer from sciatica, neu- ralgin, and all ailments of a rheuma- tie nature, a oat if their muscles Pp the of irritant poisons in the blood. De. Hall's Rheumatic Cure re- lieves these affections romptly and cures them 'manently because it neutralizes the poisen from the system, It is & certain cure and relief is usually given by the first few doses. This is + tion that cured William Tait, street, and hundreds of others. In bottles, 50c., at |} Wade's Drug Store. ------ Serres Rhodes Scholarship, De. Parkin, OMG. has intimated that James Macdonnell, son of G. M. Macdoneell, K.C., Kingston, has suo Oxford, making a high percentage. He was the unanimous choice of 's setate for the ition, Mr. Maodon- nell leaves for Oxford next September, is a nephew of the late Rov. I. J. Macdonnell, Toronto. The young man Jlawmd full-back on Queen's cha, pionship rughy teany and point on the senior hookey teany, -------------- Cold Weather In Manitoba. A letter from Manitoba remarks : "Wo are having severely cold weather and it is impossible to sufficiently heat the houses. r winter's snow Hes all undisturbed yet, and it is amusing to read in the papers you send us that 'praivie flowers are in bloom'; 'the und all bare of snow'; 'wpring wea: er,' ote. 'all round Winnipeg.' It is true we had a few days of milder weather, hut frost and storm have made us pay wp for it since." ---- es s---- ter, a little 'child leading Po a wolf, snd lion, as it would a pet . Why have als become harmless? List: shall not burt nor destroy «+ + « for the earth shall be full of knowledge ol the Lord as the waters El A 1, Tess wion of poor t 4 a at the second coming of Christ. While it was trie that employers of labor were hot always to blame for man that have taken place, pr there can ho no donist ut what t on vails tip is related what the well-known missionary John €. Paton had told of the awful op- ression of government laborers in be these had their wrist Lecause bring up ax much' rubber as the authorities, in their lust for gold, demanded, James v., IL, 8, tells 'us oppression will have Ia Romans vili, 28, we see that the churoh--the living saints are waiting for the redemption of the body, and this will not take place until Jesus ells us that those who have passed away from earth to for Christjs re turn, To be "'unclothed" is not the the abnormal condition. Tre "10 be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord," but the longing of the Apostle Paul was not - unclothed, hut which is from heaven." 11 Cor, v., 2. To be true to the dear ones who have gone before we should do all in our power to hasten the coming of the Lord. In master is waiting--e ing t clang of arms and the deadly conflict voring to carry out the Lord's command and to preach the gospel to every oredture--are actually lengthen- power and are delaying the coming again of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." pires ~~ Warmly Thanked-- Brokers' Point Broke His At the covered rink, jmst night, was t out one of the most stebborn closely contested games of hockey ever witnessed on local jee. The Wolves the Brokers met to decide which of these two aggregations could claim the ted. city champion ship in. the Bovies class. So close was the 'score, however, and so even the play, that the desired result is still in doubt, and there are many among the e losing aggregation who claim, that with good hard ice and a 4 judge of play, the losers would without doubt, wrest the laurel wesath of victory from the perspiring brows of the blood thirsty on designated as the Wolves, game was by far the best exhibition. of (novice) hockey ever witnessed in the local arena and the immense crowd of eager spectators wers kept on the qui vive of excite ment from the moment of the starter's whistle until the last second of time olapred. The combination and indivi- dual play was, to say the least, spec. tacular and the final result was in doubt until the last "hunk" was scored, at which time it was discover. ed that the Wolves led by the narrow margin of one, or two, goals. A pa- thetic incident occurred during the last second of play which forcibly reminded the players of the awful strain under which they had heen Jaboring, Seeing that the captain of the Walves was on the verge of a mental' and physical collapse, the medica! adviser of the team deemed 'it wise to prepare 'for the emergency. He notified the rink management, wired. wu hurry call for an ambulance which arrived dur. ing the closing minute of play. The captain of the Wolves, whose name is not mentioned, but may be inferred, saw the Shitoaching stretcher and Posthoned 8 swoon until loving Is tendorly laid him upon the pad- ded touch. He wan solemnly escorted to the waiting ambulance by sorrowing comrades, The attend physician prescribed a short moon ight drive which when, completed, had fully re turned, to the injured Wolf, his "scat- tered faculties. Full particulars of the « , owing to the periods of - in * excitement which Pveiled, oven the visiting scribes being unable fo watch the ever-changing scene; of action. The winners secured their lead in the first half, when by some inexplie- shle stroke of fortune, several goals were allowed to ooze Brough the Stonewall defence of the rokers. Russia | In the bali, however, the A TR MC i a 1 which sone (or two) goals of the de ./| tision." The Brokers Torded (he play throughout and ocaused the Wolves orward ling to drop back and rein- 4 force their "defence. . The retirement of the Brokers' point player, caused hy injury to his shoes lace, broke the Brokers' defence which was then truly broken. The relative abilities of the two teams is still in doubt, ex fepting in the minds of the seven voracious Wolves, and the Brokers have signified their willingness to de ride (the supremacy in any other field of manly sport, The work of the referce was beyond reproach, excepting in two particulars regarding rough play and oli ference. side inter. . The two ladies who kindly act- | detection which they ed as goal umpires are hereby pub. licly thanked for the extreme CAR of displayed and the outspoken manner in which they registered their decisions. Space is not sufficient to go into the indivi. dual merits of the players; suffice it is 0 say, that "each did his est, angels could do no more," ) After the resultant cheering had sub- sided, the players with the referee and several guests, repaired to the new Club Hotel, where Host Teller had prepared an excellent 25 course bau- quet, which was provided by the OSerS as per agreement. A toast Jist was prepared and the different speak. ors of the evening excelled themselves along the hne of oratoricsl execu- Non, Shoedy before (or after} mid- night the happy gathering ispersed with the best of good feeling Prevail ing on all sides. The athletes who took part in the athletic and gas- tronomie performances were : Wolves --Breden, goal; Walkem, cover: G. Mudis, point; Dobbs, Betts, B. Mu die, Cunvingham, forwards, Rrokers--Bawden, pol: Fallon, point; Sills, cover; Swift, Oldrieve, Hansen and Mackinnon, forwards. ---------- Girls To Succeed At School. Need a good breakfast. "Swiss Food," the best wheat broakfast ce- real, builds bone, flesh and brain. ------------ The Students Vocal club is prepar- ing the "Messiah™ to be sung on April Hith, TEP GROWING UP There's something the mat- ter with the child that fails to grow up. A child that grows up too much, however, without proper filling out of flesh, is almost as badly off. Nothing will help these pale, thin "weedy" children like Scott's Emulsion. It supplies the rounding out of flesh and the rich inward nourishment of blood and-yital "organs which insures bapid growth a eu the Drevfus case is reaching its final draw up ite report. Tt is generally ox. petted that the final pletely rehabilitate Dreyfus. » the railways and delaying trains, AT THE GRAND \ ---- "San Toy" Will Have Good House on Thursday. "San Toy" Somes to the Grand on Thursday, and will be presented by John C. Fisher's company in a man wer that is expected 10 make it the best liked offering of the season in musical comedy. Its principal role will be played by James T. Powers, the comedian who was #6 long at the head of the comic department of the Augustin Daly Musical company, and who originated in this country the part he will play here, that 'of "Li" a Chinaman of advanced ideas and with a weakness for appropria- ting the belongings of others. - "Kyrie Bellew." No stronger ensemble will be seen here this year than when Kyrle Bel lew comes to the Grand on Saturday, March 25th, with the exciting and odd drama, "Raffles, The Amateur Cracksman." Thé famous English ma- tines idol has the support of another celebrated star, E. M, Holland, and his leading woman is Clara Blandick, the best Glory Quayle that ever ap- peared in "The Christian." ------------ TO CHANGE NAMES. Company Receives Permission From Government. On report of the minister of marine, the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation company has received permission to change the names of the undermen- tioned vessels, of the port of Mon: treal, as follows : Algerian, to Corn wall; Bohemian, to Prescott: Canada, to St. lrenee; Cultivateur, to Varen nes; Corsican, to Picton: Saguenay, to Chicoutimi; Virginia, to Tadousae: Spartan, to Belleville. The minister states that the vessel: are unencumbered and are certified by the government steamboat inspectors to be seaworthy, and the formal con- sent of the registered owners to the proposed change of names has been filed with the department of marine and fisheries. The minister, therefore, recommends, as 'there appears to be | no objection to the applicant's request I being complied with, that under the provisions of section 21 of chapter 72, of the revised statutes of Canada, per- mission be granted to change the names of the vessels in question as above set forth, ---- Another Curling Contest. At the curling rink last night a game between two five-men rinks, supposed 14° represent the players of the English and Scotch persuasion, was played resulting in a victory for the latter in a contest replete with brilliant plays by the men on both sides, The resulting score was : Seotch--J. M. Farrell, Prof. Kirk- pack, A. W. McLean, William Les ie, A, Strachan, skip.--11, English--W. 8. Sills, F. W. Albree, Capt. Donnelly, Col, Drury, W. B, Dal ton, skip.--9. The Scotch curlers have challenged the Irishmen to play a return game, the losers to present a barrel of oat. meal to' the ns' Home, The wearers of the thistle are confident that with such a worthy object in view they can turn their recent defeat into- a' victory, and the ly of the Irish is eagerly awaited, The curling ice is still in" good condition and several good .games may be played before the close of the season. New Telephones Installed. 637--Best, L. T., residence, 321 Uni- versity avenue, i 84--Club Hotel, lington street, 486--Canadian 0il Co., (H. J. Du: | pont), 463 Johnston street, | 237---Dickson, C, Pr. residence, 179 Alired street. | 390--Gibson, W. Ww, residence, 12 Clergy street west. 656--Hotel Beaupre, Princess street, &81--Hart, G, S., Princess street. 84--The Hall Hotel, (James Spence), | Brook street. Gll--Hunt Bros'. Hotel, King St, 527Osler, E. F. residence, 68 Bar- rie street, 358--Parisian Ladies Tailoring Co., (H. Sideman), Princess street. 339. --Whinton, J, M., plumber and steamfitter, Golden. Lion Block. ---- Danger In Whooping Cough. It's one of the post fatal diseases to (E. Beaupre}, | bill small by preventing ecalds, coughs, | ercup, and chest pains. Nearly hali ou | century ia use--and better liked every day. ------------ Items From Portsmouth. The Catholic Order of Poresters, of Portsmouth, have opened up an office ! on Main street and are having it | neatly furnished. Whon completed it will be a eredit to the village. The peaple out here would like to #e¢ a streel car. MN. J. Kennedy is improving slowly Mrs. Thomas Howard, in going to the rear of her house, slipped on some ice and sprained her ankle. She is confined to her room. -- The Waterworks Committee. A meeting of the waterworks' com- Mitte wus 10 have heen held vester- day afternoon, bit a quorum of mem- bers did not attend, Aldermen Sands (chairman) and Johnston being the only ones present. The chief business to be- considered was salary adjust- ment, which will now have to be dealt with by the finance committee, to report regarding plane of the waterworks mains and services, re quired by the city engineer. -- Dreyfus To Be Rehabilitated. Paris, March 21.--The revision of stage. The appellate court has ap pointed Maitre Maurice Jaffard to decision will com. Nine years ago Monday, March 2th, 1596, a terrific storm raged, blocking feat. Tie 3 AER ap has been bad weather before this , friend advised me to (W. Telfer), Wel | This remedy residence, 98 Earl t children. Most successful treatment is The number of Commercial travel: Nerviline rubbed on throat and chest lers in the city this morning: was ex- and. taken internally. This relieves | *Ptionally large and the merchants the coughing and spasms at one | wore Kept busy receiving. their drum- Swift relief and unfailing cure ig Mer visitors guaranteed. Never be without Pol- | son's Nerviline--it keeps the doctor! soon shake ha Ont., "because | can speak of my per- been all through the aching days and lv' in' reconsmending "Dr. remedy gave such relidl or did me so much good as Df. Hamilton's Pills. THE DAY'S EPISODES LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. Occurrences In The City And : Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest To The People. Newman & Shaw's "silk sale." William Swain, piano tuner. Ordecs received at McAuley's book store. George Vanhorne will spend two weeks at Westport before returning to Kingston. Seventeen cars were piled up in a run-off on the GTR. at Mallorytown. No one was hort, The lack of uniformity in cleaning the walks is now apparent. Walking over them is quite risky. Rev. G. R. Beamish, M.A., has been gazetted chaplain of the 15th regi ment, Belleville, with the honorary rank of capil, ~ Major H. E. Putman has been pro: moted to the command of the it Prince Edward Regiment with rank of lieutenant-colonel. The chief business of the rity offi cials is to draw salaries. What is the conservative element doing about the requested jucreases ? "Chaveer"" Elliott refereed the final me in the Trent Valley League on onday night at Lindsay, between Fenelon Falls and Cobourg. Miss Weir entertained about twenty of her friends at the home of her fa ther, James Weir, 130 Alired street, last night. Cards and other games passed a very pleasant evening. i. H. Godwin has gone down to Kemptville, 10 ascertain the causes of small fires in that section, involving losses to jnsurance companies. There has heen an epidemic of fires in that district,» McLeod's Compound Fxtraet Sar saparilla is conceded to be the most reliable medicine 'for the purification of the blood and for giving tone and strength to the whole system. 75¢. per bottle. McLeod's drug store. So far the city council has only re commended the appointment of an ac countant to. examine the street rail way books. The accountant has to be named, but it will most likely be Mr. Cross, who was the city's repre sentative in connection with the light, heat and power company's hooks. The adjourned case against two cab drivers who were charged, about two weeks ago, with soliciting fares 'on the K, & P. platform, was to have come up for trial at the police court this morning. On account, however, of the absence from the city of the coun- sel for the defence, the case was fur ther adjourned for one week. c---- A Chicago Alderman Owes His Election to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "lI van heartily and conscientiously recomm nd Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy for affections of the throat and lungs," says Hon. John Shenick, 226 So. Peotin street, Chicago. "Two years Q ing a litical campaign, 1 pi Boy cold i being arte which irritated my throat and I way finally compelled to stop, as 1 could not speak aloud. In my extremity a use Chamber- lain's Co Remedy. 1 took two doses that afternoon and could not be lieve my senses when I found the next morning the inflammation had largely subsi 2 took several doses that day, kept right on talking through the campaign, and I thank this medicine that I won my seat in the Coupeil." 1s for sale by all drug- gists, -------- Father Lawler Dead. J Rev. Father Edward B. Lawler, a well-known and honored priest, died in Toronto on Sunday, in his eighty- eighth year. Shortly after the deceas ed had been ordained as a priest in the Kingston cathedral he pointed a missionary townships of the Hastings, where he labored for fif- teen years. From thence he went to Toronto, where Le has since resided. was ap in the northern county of North ---- Don't Call In A Doctor If You Have A Cold. Use Mathieu's Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil your cold will ) disappear and you'll be in better health than before vou hiid it. 25. large bottles. - Rheumatism Lives in the Blood. Consequently it requires an internal treatment, one that will restore the blood, and thereby relieve the cause of the pain. After years of experiment Dr. Ham- ilton succeeded in producing a remedy that quickly cures rheumatism, gout, and all uric acid disorders. This marvellous cure has been given to the public as Dr. Hamilton's an- drake and Butternut Pills; in every case they cure quickly. : By toning the kidneys and liver. Dr. Hamilton's Pills ensure a clean, healthy body. The blood is restored to a normal healthy condition, renewed vigor is imparted to overworked or. gens, and thus the general health js built up, and no room is left for rheu- matism to creep in. nds for good with your old enemy. Here is substantial proof : "This is a glad day for me, writes James E. Brownfield, from Midland, manent cure of rheumatism. 1 have less nights, have spent my money Skeupdoss Nigh remedies, and consequent- Hamilton's Pills 1 feel sure of their merif. No Good Pure for Small Prices 209% 0ff---2 Days Only The "Best" Drug Store, | Do you catch cold easily ? Does the cold hang on ? Try Shiloh's Consumption Cure iw i It cures the most stubborn kind of coughs and colds. Jf j 't cure you, your money will be refunded. 2 Prices: 8. C. WeiLre & Co, nn Be. Sc. §1 LeRoy, N. 7. Toronto, Can 4 Auction Sale We are not having an au tom sul. but we are having a sale of Genuine Sealskin and Morocco Purses, Bill Folds, Wallets and Change Purses Tuesday and Wednesday This is a splendid chance to get a L. T. BEST. 124 Princess Street Phone 59 UTES. ong STANDARD RTICLES IT IS TO THE ADVANTAGE OF EVERY PER IN CANADA TO USE ee eee . a Nagic Baking Powder. Gillett's Perfumed Lye. Imperial Baking Powder, Gillett's Cream Tartar. Royal Yeast Cakes. QGillett's Washing Crystal. MADE FOR OVER 50 veans. od (csTamuisnco 1002) TTL TVTVOLVETTTTOS TEER RT AHBTETTRER TERROR TERN Discouraged sufferer, relief is at hand. Use Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and you will COMPANY E.W.GILLETT Soars TORONTO, ONT. aE FOR ! WEDNESDAY : : : We have arranged a big sill sale for WEDNESDAY, and a the ladies when down town viewing the latest creations ir millinery, to call and see the best silk bargain ever shown .in Kingston : 300 yards of fine quality Tam aline Silk, the correct thing for shirt waist suits, hlouse waists, ete; , cham pagne, sky, cadet grey, cream, cardinal, navy, ' ' L ' ¢ ' ' ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ' : brown, white, black: i ¢ silk is full 20 inches wide, will not eat and considered by the big departmental stores to be wonderful value at bH0¢ Our Wednesday price, 3c a yard SEE WINDOW DISPLAY { Newman & Shaw A LIMITED QUANTITY F "PEA COAL (Scranton) $5.35 Ton 200 Tons PELL 00 0000400000040 : : : QColorad Tourist Sleepng For the accommodation of . > $46.30 to Pacific Coa A 5. Ist to May 15th, 190. fart 1% Colonist fares fr en uver, victoria, Vanco Nelson, Trail, Robsoh, o pS s, Denver, P Spring Los Angeles ~. $48 Cars leave Kings t 2. a.m, days a Mrsers Class Tick Francisco, s and Thurs Second First or ereof a8 far Chiba and West. thofeal charge ta Chicago AUC 0a PO arth, 'which 'may be. reser ia advance. For Comfort Travel by the Grand k Rallway System, youn J. P. HANLEY, Agen Corser Johnston and Oatario etre PEMBROKE & CANAD PACIFIC RAILWAYS. Colonist Special Trair --T0 THE -- Ganadian Northwe For Settlers and their effects will le Kiggston at 8.10 a.m. every Tuesday During h & A) 1 mifficient busines: ' A Colonist Sleeper will be attache each train from Renirew. Copy of Settlers Guide and full ticslars may be obtained from Ti fic Coast tes to Pacific Coas! Ea points during March Avril. - i jculars at K.: & P. an rE "Office, Ontario Street. . Gouay. a A. FOLGER J) : -- BY OF QUINTE RAILWA' New. short line for Tweed, Nap Puserosto, and all local points. Ti Juve City Hall Depot at 8:26 p.m. CONWAY, Agent B. Q. BRy.. Kiageto A ---------------------------------- a LIVERPOOL and ALLAN LIN LONDONDI Royal Mail Steamers. From St. John. From Ha Tunisian, Sat. Mar. 25; Mon Mar Parisian, Sat. April. 1 ; Mon. Avr Victorian, Sat. Apr. 8 ; Mon. Apr Bavarian, Sat. Apr. 15; Mon. Apr RATES OF PASSAGiE--Pirst C $00 aud upwards, according to ste stommodation and season ; Cabin, Liverpool and Londond $7.50, '$10 and $42.50, accordiy Sieumer. London $2.50 extra; Cinss, 7.00, superior Accoimmod I sls Corinthian, Thurs. Mar: 80, noon . First Cabin, $45 and upwards--S Cabin. $33-/Third Class, $27.50, Further particulars or applicatio J. P. HANLEY, Agent, G.T.R. rage Depot. xr P. GIL E, Clarence Street. ee eee ent WIN. Hy BERMUI unknown, malaria impos from New York, 48 hours by el M% twin sorew steamship ** Rermud Sailings 15th, and 25th March and thereat N er. Olt WINTER CRUISES GO WEST INDIES . » trip. About 20 days in tr from New York Be indward and Leeward Barbados and Demerara = (10) days. For Sv apply te A. E. OUT retary, _ Quebec, HANLEY, J.P, GIL SERVE HAR, td Bl A -------------- «THE FRONTENAC LAN & INVESTMENT SOCIE * (EBTABLISNED 1868.) ir Richard Cs=tw } Money han City and Debentures nd Mortgages pur: RPosits received and interest 5.0. MeGILL, Man, Dire U8. 97 Clarencs Street, Kings Oeste Gog Cowra Sur csc 10 op Foom Suamon,_ Rous ran hn pe Dy READING THE TE) Means something they unrol| into perfect ot stale, much handle In sealeq packets, with Only one BES!

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